Esempio n. 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds a parameter.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="name">The name of the parameter.</param>
    /// <param name="value">The value of the parameter.</param>
    public void Add(string name, object?value)
        var nextIndex = _frames[0].ElementSubtreeLengthField++;

        _frames[nextIndex] = RenderTreeFrame.Attribute(0, name, value);
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles click events by invoking <paramref name="handler"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="handler">The handler to be invoked when the event occurs.</param>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="RenderTreeFrame"/> that represents the event handler.</returns>
 protected RenderTreeFrame onclick(Action handler)
 // Note that the 'sequence' value is updated later when inserted into the tree
 => RenderTreeFrame.Attribute(0, "onclick", _ => handler());
Esempio n. 3
 public static void Component <T>(RenderTreeFrame frame, int?subtreeLength = null, int?sequence = null) where T : IComponent
     Component(frame, typeof(T).FullName, subtreeLength, sequence);
Esempio n. 4
 public static void ComponentWithInstance <T>(RenderTreeFrame frame, int componentId, int?subtreeLength = null, int?sequence = null) where T : IComponent
     AssertFrame.Component <T>(frame, subtreeLength, sequence);
     Assert.IsType <T>(frame.Component);
     Assert.Equal(componentId, frame.ComponentId);
 private void Test(/*MM*/ RenderTreeFrame frame)
Esempio n. 6
 public static void Attribute(RenderTreeFrame frame, string attributeName, Action <object> attributeValidator, int?sequence = null)
     AssertFrame.Attribute(frame, attributeName, sequence);
Esempio n. 7
        private bool TryApplySpecialProperty(RenderBatch batch, ElementNode element, string attributeName, RenderTreeFrame attributeFrame)
            switch (attributeName)
            case "value":
                return(TryApplyValueProperty(element, attributeFrame));

            case "checked":
                return(TryApplyCheckedProperty(element, attributeFrame));

Esempio n. 8
 public static void ComponentReferenceCapture(RenderTreeFrame frame, Action <object> action, int?sequence = null)
     Assert.Equal(RenderTreeFrameType.ComponentReferenceCapture, frame.FrameType);
     Assert.Same(action, frame.ComponentReferenceCaptureAction);
     AssertFrame.Sequence(frame, sequence);
Esempio n. 9
        private int InsertFrame(RenderBatch batch, ContainerNode parent, int childIndex, ArraySegment <RenderTreeFrame> frames, RenderTreeFrame frame, int frameIndex)
            switch (frame.FrameType)
            case RenderTreeFrameType.Element:
                InsertElement(batch, parent, childIndex, frames, frame, frameIndex);

            case RenderTreeFrameType.Text:
                InsertText(parent, childIndex, frame);

            case RenderTreeFrameType.Attribute:
                throw new Exception("Attribute frames should only be present as leading children of element frames.");

            case RenderTreeFrameType.Component:
                InsertComponent(parent, childIndex, frame);

            case RenderTreeFrameType.Region:
                return(InsertFrameRange(batch, parent, childIndex, frames, frameIndex + 1, frameIndex + frame.RegionSubtreeLength));

            case RenderTreeFrameType.ElementReferenceCapture:
                if (parent is ElementNode)
                    return(0);        // A "capture" is a child in the diff, but has no node in the DOM
                    throw new Exception("Reference capture frames can only be children of element frames.");

            case RenderTreeFrameType.Markup:
                InsertMarkup(parent, childIndex, frame);

            throw new Exception($"Unknown frame type: {frame.FrameType}");
Esempio n. 10
        private void InsertElement(RenderBatch batch, ContainerNode parent, int childIndex, ArraySegment <RenderTreeFrame> frames, RenderTreeFrame frame, int frameIndex)
            // Note: we don't handle SVG here
            var newElement = new ElementNode(frame.ElementName);

            var inserted = false;

            // Apply attributes
            for (var i = frameIndex + 1; i < frameIndex + frame.ElementSubtreeLength; i++)
                var descendantFrame = batch.ReferenceFrames.Array[i];
                if (descendantFrame.FrameType == RenderTreeFrameType.Attribute)
                    ApplyAttribute(batch, newElement, descendantFrame);
                    parent.InsertLogicalChild(newElement, childIndex);
                    inserted = true;

                    // As soon as we see a non-attribute child, all the subsequent child frames are
                    // not attributes, so bail out and insert the remnants recursively
                    InsertFrameRange(batch, newElement, 0, frames, i, frameIndex + frame.ElementSubtreeLength);

            // this element did not have any children, so it's not inserted yet.
            if (!inserted)
                parent.InsertLogicalChild(newElement, childIndex);
Esempio n. 11
 public static void Attribute(RenderTreeFrame frame, string attributeName, Type valueType, int?sequence = null)
     AssertFrame.Attribute(frame, attributeName, sequence);
     Assert.IsType(valueType, frame.AttributeValue);
Esempio n. 12
 public static void Attribute(RenderTreeFrame frame, string attributeName, Action <UIEventArgs> attributeEventHandlerValue, int?sequence = null)
     AssertFrame.Attribute(frame, attributeName, sequence);
     Assert.Equal(attributeEventHandlerValue, frame.AttributeValue);
Esempio n. 13
        private int InsertFrame(RenderBatch batch, ContainerNode parent, int childIndex, ArraySegment <RenderTreeFrame> frames, RenderTreeFrame frame, int frameIndex)
            switch (frame.FrameType)
            case RenderTreeFrameType.Element:
                InsertElement(batch, parent, childIndex, frames, frame, frameIndex);

            case RenderTreeFrameType.Text:
                InsertText(parent, childIndex, frame);

            case RenderTreeFrameType.Attribute:
                throw new Exception("Attribute frames should only be present as leading children of element frames.");

            case RenderTreeFrameType.Component:
                InsertComponent(parent, childIndex, frame);

            case RenderTreeFrameType.Region:
                return(InsertFrameRange(batch, parent, childIndex, frames, frameIndex + 1, frameIndex + CountDescendantFrames(frame)));

            case RenderTreeFrameType.ElementReferenceCapture:
                // No action for reference captures.

            case RenderTreeFrameType.Markup:
                InsertMarkup(parent, childIndex, frame);

            throw new Exception($"Unknown frame type: {frame.FrameType}");
Esempio n. 14
 public static void Region(RenderTreeFrame frame, int subtreeLength, int?sequence = null)
     Assert.Equal(RenderTreeFrameType.Region, frame.FrameType);
     Assert.Equal(subtreeLength, frame.RegionSubtreeLength);
     AssertFrame.Sequence(frame, sequence);
 public static void Attribute(RenderTreeFrame frame, string attributeName, int?sequence = null)
     Assert.AreEqual(RenderTreeFrameType.Attribute, frame.FrameType);
     Assert.AreEqual(attributeName, frame.AttributeName);
     AssertFrame.Sequence(frame, sequence);
Esempio n. 16
 public static void TextWhitespace(RenderTreeFrame frame, int?sequence = null)
     Assert.Equal(RenderTreeFrameType.Text, frame.FrameType);
     AssertFrame.Sequence(frame, sequence);
Esempio n. 17
        private static ArrayRange <RenderTreeFrame> ReadReferenceFrames(ReadOnlySpan <byte> data, string[] strings)
            var result = new RenderTreeFrame[data.Length / 16];

            for (var i = 0; i < data.Length; i += 16)
                var frameData = data.Slice(i, 16);

                var type = (RenderTreeFrameType)BitConverter.ToInt32(frameData.Slice(0, 4));

                // We want each frame to take up the same number of bytes, so that the
                // recipient can index into the array directly instead of having to
                // walk through it.
                // Since we can fit every frame type into 3 ints, use that as the
                // common size. For smaller frames, we add padding to expand it to
                // 12 bytes (i.e., 3 x 4-byte ints).
                // The total size then for each frame is 16 bytes (frame type, then
                // 3 other ints).
                switch (type)
                case RenderTreeFrameType.Attribute:
                    var attributeName           = ReadString(frameData.Slice(4, 4), strings);
                    var attributeValue          = ReadString(frameData.Slice(8, 4), strings);
                    var attributeEventHandlerId = BitConverter.ToInt32(frameData.Slice(12, 4));
                    result[i / 16] = RenderTreeFrame.Attribute(0, attributeName, attributeValue).WithAttributeEventHandlerId(attributeEventHandlerId);

                case RenderTreeFrameType.Component:
                    var componentSubtreeLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(frameData.Slice(4, 4));
                    var componentId            = BitConverter.ToInt32(frameData.Slice(8, 4)); // Nowhere to put this without creating a ComponentState
                    result[i / 16] = RenderTreeFrame.ChildComponent(0, componentType: null)
                                     .WithComponent(new ComponentState(Renderer, componentId, new FakeComponent(), null));

                case RenderTreeFrameType.ComponentReferenceCapture:
                    // Client doesn't process these, skip.
                    result[i / 16] = RenderTreeFrame.ComponentReferenceCapture(0, null, 0);

                case RenderTreeFrameType.Element:
                    var elementSubtreeLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(frameData.Slice(4, 4));
                    var elementName          = ReadString(frameData.Slice(8, 4), strings);
                    result[i / 16] = RenderTreeFrame.Element(0, elementName).WithElementSubtreeLength(elementSubtreeLength);

                case RenderTreeFrameType.ElementReferenceCapture:
                    var referenceCaptureId = ReadString(frameData.Slice(4, 4), strings);
                    result[i / 16] = RenderTreeFrame.ElementReferenceCapture(0, null)

                case RenderTreeFrameType.Region:
                    var regionSubtreeLength = BitConverter.ToInt32(frameData.Slice(4, 4));
                    result[i / 16] = RenderTreeFrame.Region(0).WithRegionSubtreeLength(regionSubtreeLength);

                case RenderTreeFrameType.Text:
                    var text = ReadString(frameData.Slice(4, 4), strings);
                    result[i / 16] = RenderTreeFrame.Text(0, text);

                case RenderTreeFrameType.Markup:
                    var markup = ReadString(frameData.Slice(4, 4), strings);
                    result[i / 16] = RenderTreeFrame.Markup(0, markup);

                    throw new ArgumentException($"Unsupported frame type: {type}");

            return(new ArrayRange <RenderTreeFrame>(result, result.Length));
Esempio n. 18
 public static void Attribute(RenderTreeFrame frame, string attributeName, string attributeValue, int?sequence = null)
     AssertFrame.Attribute(frame, attributeName, sequence);
     Assert.Equal(attributeValue, frame.AttributeValue);
Esempio n. 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Handles change events by invoking <paramref name="handler"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="handler">The handler to be invoked when the event occurs. The handler will receive the new value as a parameter.</param>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="RenderTreeFrame"/> that represents the event handler.</returns>
 protected RenderTreeFrame onchange(Action <object> handler)
 // Note that the 'sequence' value is updated later when inserted into the tree
 => RenderTreeFrame.Attribute(0, "onchange", args => handler(((UIChangeEventArgs)args).Value));