Esempio n. 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Draws the main log panel
    /// </summary>
    public void DrawLogList(float height)
        var oldColor = GUI.backgroundColor;

        float buttonY = 0;

        System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex filterRegex = null;

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(FilterRegex))
            filterRegex = new Regex(FilterRegex);

        var collapseBadgeStyle = EditorStyles.miniButton;
        var logLineStyle       = EntryStyleBackEven;

        // If we've been marked dirty, we need to recalculate the elements to be displayed
        if (Dirty)
            LogListMaxWidth       = 0;
            LogListLineHeight     = 0;
            CollapseBadgeMaxWidth = 0;

            //When collapsed, count up the unique elements and use those to display
            if (Collapse)
                var collapsedLines     = new Dictionary <string, CountedLog>();
                var collapsedLinesList = new List <CountedLog>();

                foreach (var log in CurrentLogList)
                    if (ShouldShowLog(filterRegex, log))
                        var matchString = log.Message + "!$" + log.Severity + "!$" + log.Channel;

                        CountedLog countedLog;
                        if (collapsedLines.TryGetValue(matchString, out countedLog))
                            countedLog = new CountedLog(log, 1);
                            collapsedLines.Add(matchString, countedLog);

                foreach (var countedLog in collapsedLinesList)
                    var content = GetLogLineGUIContent(countedLog.Log, ShowTimes);
                    var logLineSize = logLineStyle.CalcSize(content);
                    LogListMaxWidth   = Mathf.Max(LogListMaxWidth, logLineSize.x);
                    LogListLineHeight = Mathf.Max(LogListLineHeight, logLineSize.y);

                    var collapseBadgeContent = new GUIContent(countedLog.Count.ToString());
                    var collapseBadgeSize    = collapseBadgeStyle.CalcSize(collapseBadgeContent);
                    CollapseBadgeMaxWidth = Mathf.Max(CollapseBadgeMaxWidth, collapseBadgeSize.x);
            //If we're not collapsed, display everything in order
                foreach (var log in CurrentLogList)
                    if (ShouldShowLog(filterRegex, log))
                        var content = GetLogLineGUIContent(log, ShowTimes);
                        RenderLogs.Add(new CountedLog(log, 1));
                        var logLineSize = logLineStyle.CalcSize(content);
                        LogListMaxWidth   = Mathf.Max(LogListMaxWidth, logLineSize.x);
                        LogListLineHeight = Mathf.Max(LogListLineHeight, logLineSize.y);

            LogListMaxWidth += CollapseBadgeMaxWidth;

        var   scrollRect = new Rect(DrawPos, new Vector2(position.width, height));
        float lineWidth  = Mathf.Max(LogListMaxWidth, scrollRect.width);

        var     contentRect        = new Rect(0, 0, lineWidth, RenderLogs.Count * LogListLineHeight);
        Vector2 lastScrollPosition = LogListScrollPosition;

        LogListScrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(scrollRect, LogListScrollPosition, contentRect);

        //If we're following the messages but the user has moved, cancel following
        if (ScrollFollowMessages)
            if (lastScrollPosition.y - LogListScrollPosition.y > LogListLineHeight)
                UberDebug.UnityLog(String.Format("{0} {1}", lastScrollPosition.y, LogListScrollPosition.y));
                ScrollFollowMessages = false;

        float logLineX = CollapseBadgeMaxWidth;

        //Render all the elements
        int firstRenderLogIndex = (int)(LogListScrollPosition.y / LogListLineHeight);
        int lastRenderLogIndex  = firstRenderLogIndex + (int)(height / LogListLineHeight);

        firstRenderLogIndex = Mathf.Clamp(firstRenderLogIndex, 0, RenderLogs.Count);
        lastRenderLogIndex  = Mathf.Clamp(lastRenderLogIndex, 0, RenderLogs.Count);
        buttonY             = firstRenderLogIndex * LogListLineHeight;

        for (int renderLogIndex = firstRenderLogIndex; renderLogIndex < lastRenderLogIndex; renderLogIndex++)
            var countedLog = RenderLogs[renderLogIndex];
            var log        = countedLog.Log;
            logLineStyle = (renderLogIndex % 2 == 0) ? EntryStyleBackEven : EntryStyleBackOdd;
            if (renderLogIndex == SelectedRenderLog)
                GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 1);
                GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white;

            //Make all messages single line
            var content  = GetLogLineGUIContent(log, ShowTimes);
            var drawRect = new Rect(logLineX, buttonY, contentRect.width, LogListLineHeight);
            if (GUI.Button(drawRect, content, logLineStyle))
                //Select a message, or jump to source if it's double-clicked
                if (renderLogIndex == SelectedRenderLog)
                    if (EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup - LastMessageClickTime < DoubleClickInterval)
                        LastMessageClickTime = 0;
                        // Attempt to display source code associated with messages. Search through all stackframes,
                        //   until we find a stackframe that can be displayed in source code view
                        for (int frame = 0; frame < log.Callstack.Count; frame++)
                            if (JumpToSource(log.Callstack[frame]))
                        LastMessageClickTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup;
                    SelectedRenderLog      = renderLogIndex;
                    SelectedCallstackFrame = -1;
                    LastMessageClickTime   = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup;

                //Always select the game object that is the source of this message
                var go = log.Source as GameObject;
                if (go != null)
                    Selection.activeGameObject = go;

            if (Collapse)
                var collapseBadgeContent = new GUIContent(countedLog.Count.ToString());
                var collapseBadgeSize    = collapseBadgeStyle.CalcSize(collapseBadgeContent);
                var collapseBadgeRect    = new Rect(0, buttonY, collapseBadgeSize.x, collapseBadgeSize.y);
                GUI.Button(collapseBadgeRect, collapseBadgeContent, collapseBadgeStyle);
            buttonY += LogListLineHeight;

        //If we're following the log, move to the end
        if (ScrollFollowMessages && RenderLogs.Count > 0)
            LogListScrollPosition.y = ((RenderLogs.Count + 1) * LogListLineHeight) - scrollRect.height;

        DrawPos.y          += height;
        DrawPos.x           = 0;
        GUI.backgroundColor = oldColor;
    /// <summary>
    /// Draws the main log panel
    /// </summary>
    public void DrawLogList(float height)
        var oldColor = GUI.backgroundColor;


        float buttonY = 0;

        System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex filterRegex = null;

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(FilterRegex))
            filterRegex = new Regex(FilterRegex);

        var collapseBadgeStyle = EditorStyles.miniButton;
        var logLineStyle       = EntryStyleBackEven;

        // If we've been marked dirty, we need to recalculate the elements to be displayed
        if (Dirty)
            if (FilterChanged)
                CollapseBadgeMaxWidth = 0;
                MaxCollapseCount      = 0;
                NextIndexToAdd = 0;


            //When collapsed, count up the unique elements and use those to display
            if (Collapse)
                for (var i = NextIndexToAdd; i < CurrentLogList.Count; i++)
                    var log = CurrentLogList[i];
                    if (ShouldShowLog(filterRegex, log))
                        var matchString = log.Message + "!$" + log.Severity + "!$" + log.Channel;

                        CountedLog countedLog;
                        if (CollapsedLines.TryGetValue(matchString, out countedLog))
                            countedLog = new CountedLog(log, 1);
                            CollapsedLines.Add(matchString, countedLog);

                        if (MaxCollapseCount < countedLog.Count)
                            MaxCollapseCount = countedLog.Count;

                var collapseBadgeContent = new GUIContent(MaxCollapseCount.ToString());
                var collapseBadgeSize    = collapseBadgeStyle.CalcSize(collapseBadgeContent);
                CollapseBadgeMaxWidth = Mathf.Max(CollapseBadgeMaxWidth, collapseBadgeSize.x);
            //If we're not collapsed, display everything in order
                for (var i = NextIndexToAdd; i < CurrentLogList.Count; i++)
                    var log = CurrentLogList[i];
                    if (ShouldShowLog(filterRegex, log))
                        RenderLogs.Add(new CountedLog(log, 1));

        var scrollRect = new Rect(DrawPos, new Vector2(position.width, height));

        var contentRect = new Rect(0, 0, scrollRect.width, RenderLogs.Count * LogListLineHeight);
        var viewRect    = contentRect;

        viewRect.width -= 50;
        Vector2 lastScrollPosition = LogListScrollPosition;

        LogListScrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(scrollRect, LogListScrollPosition, viewRect, GUIStyle.none,;

        //If we're following the messages but the user has moved, cancel following
        if (ScrollFollowMessages)
            if (lastScrollPosition.y - LogListScrollPosition.y > LogListLineHeight)
                ScrollFollowMessages = false;

        EntryStyleBackEven.padding.left = (int)(CollapseBadgeMaxWidth + LogListLineHeight + 4);
        EntryStyleBackOdd.padding.left  = EntryStyleBackEven.padding.left;

        //Render all the elements
        int firstRenderLogIndex = (int)(LogListScrollPosition.y / LogListLineHeight);
        int lastRenderLogIndex  = firstRenderLogIndex + (int)(height / LogListLineHeight);

        firstRenderLogIndex = Mathf.Clamp(firstRenderLogIndex, 0, RenderLogs.Count);
        lastRenderLogIndex  = Mathf.Clamp(lastRenderLogIndex, 0, RenderLogs.Count);
        buttonY             = firstRenderLogIndex * LogListLineHeight;
        for (int renderLogIndex = firstRenderLogIndex; renderLogIndex < lastRenderLogIndex; renderLogIndex++)
            var countedLog = RenderLogs[renderLogIndex];
            var log        = countedLog.Log;
            logLineStyle = (renderLogIndex % 2 == 0) ? EntryStyleBackEven : EntryStyleBackOdd;
            if (renderLogIndex == SelectedRenderLog)
                GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 1);
                GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white;

            //Make all messages single line
            var content  = GetLogLineGUIContent(log, ShowTimes, ShowChannels);
            var drawRect = new Rect(0, buttonY, contentRect.width, LogListLineHeight);

            if (GUI.Button(drawRect, content, logLineStyle))
                //Select a message, or jump to source if it's double-clicked
                if (renderLogIndex == SelectedRenderLog)
                    if (EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup - LastMessageClickTime < DoubleClickInterval)
                        LastMessageClickTime = 0;
                        // Attempt to display source code associated with messages. Search through all stackframes,
                        //   until we find a stackframe that can be displayed in source code view
                        for (int frame = 0; frame < log.Callstack.Count; frame++)
                            if (JumpToSource(log.Callstack[frame]))
                        LastMessageClickTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup;
                    SelectedRenderLog      = renderLogIndex;
                    SelectedCallstackFrame = -1;
                    LastMessageClickTime   = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup;

                //Always select the game object that is the source of this message
                var go = log.Source as GameObject;
                if (go != null)
                    Selection.activeGameObject = go;

            var iconRect = drawRect;
            iconRect.x     = CollapseBadgeMaxWidth + 2;
            iconRect.width = LogListLineHeight;

            GUI.DrawTexture(iconRect, GetIconForLog(log), ScaleMode.ScaleAndCrop);

            if (Collapse)
                GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white;
                var collapseBadgeContent = new GUIContent(countedLog.Count.ToString());
                var collapseBadgeRect    = new Rect(0, buttonY, CollapseBadgeMaxWidth, LogListLineHeight);
                GUI.Button(collapseBadgeRect, collapseBadgeContent, collapseBadgeStyle);
            buttonY += LogListLineHeight;

        //If we're following the log, move to the end
        if (ScrollFollowMessages && RenderLogs.Count > 0)
            LogListScrollPosition.y = ((RenderLogs.Count + 1) * LogListLineHeight) - scrollRect.height;

        NextIndexToAdd = CurrentLogList.Count;

        DrawPos.y          += height;
        DrawPos.x           = 0;
        GUI.backgroundColor = oldColor;
Esempio n. 3
        public void DrawLogList(float height)
            var oldColor = GUI.backgroundColor;

            float buttonY = 0;

            System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex filterRegex = null;

            //if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(FilterRegex)) {
            //	filterRegex = new Regex(FilterRegex);

            var collapseBadgeStyle = EditorStyles.miniButton;
            var logLineStyle       = EntryStyleBackEven;

            // If we've been marked dirty, we need to recalculate the elements to be displayed
            if (Dirty)
                LogListMaxWidth       = 0;
                LogListLineHeight     = 0;
                CollapseBadgeMaxWidth = 0;

                //When collapsed, count up the unique elements and use those to display
                if (Collapse)
                    var collapsedLines     = new Dictionary <string, CountedLog>();
                    var collapsedLinesList = new List <CountedLog>();

                    foreach (var log in CurrentLogList)
                        if (ShouldShowLog(filterRegex, log))
                            var matchString = log.Message + "!$" + log.Severity + "!$" + log.Channel;

                            CountedLog countedLog;
                            if (collapsedLines.TryGetValue(matchString, out countedLog))
                                countedLog = new CountedLog(log, 1);
                                collapsedLines.Add(matchString, countedLog);

                    foreach (var countedLog in collapsedLinesList)
                        var content = GetLogLineGUIContent(countedLog.Log, ShowTimes, ShowChannels);
                        var logLineSize = logLineStyle.CalcSize(content);
                        LogListMaxWidth   = Mathf.Max(LogListMaxWidth, logLineSize.x);
                        LogListLineHeight = Mathf.Max(LogListLineHeight, logLineSize.y);

                        var collapseBadgeContent = new GUIContent(countedLog.Count.ToString());
                        var collapseBadgeSize    = collapseBadgeStyle.CalcSize(collapseBadgeContent);
                        CollapseBadgeMaxWidth = Mathf.Max(CollapseBadgeMaxWidth, collapseBadgeSize.x);
                //If we're not collapsed, display everything in order
                    foreach (var log in CurrentLogList)
                        if (ShouldShowLog(filterRegex, log))
                            var content = GetLogLineGUIContent(log, ShowTimes, ShowChannels);
                            RenderLogs.Add(new CountedLog(log, 1));
                            var logLineSize = logLineStyle.CalcSize(content);
                            LogListMaxWidth   = Mathf.Max(LogListMaxWidth, logLineSize.x);
                            LogListLineHeight = Mathf.Max(LogListLineHeight, logLineSize.y);

                LogListMaxWidth += CollapseBadgeMaxWidth;

            var   scrollRect = new Rect(DrawPos, new Vector2(position.width, height));
            float lineWidth  = Mathf.Max(LogListMaxWidth, scrollRect.width);

            var contentRect = new Rect(0, 0, lineWidth, RenderLogs.Count * LogListLineHeight);

            LogListScrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(scrollRect, LogListScrollPosition, contentRect);

            float logLineX = CollapseBadgeMaxWidth;

            //Render all the elements
            int firstRenderLogIndex = (int)(LogListScrollPosition.y / LogListLineHeight);
            int lastRenderLogIndex  = firstRenderLogIndex + (int)(height / LogListLineHeight);

            firstRenderLogIndex = Mathf.Clamp(firstRenderLogIndex, 0, RenderLogs.Count);
            lastRenderLogIndex  = Mathf.Clamp(lastRenderLogIndex, 0, RenderLogs.Count);
            buttonY             = firstRenderLogIndex * LogListLineHeight;

            for (int renderLogIndex = firstRenderLogIndex; renderLogIndex < lastRenderLogIndex; renderLogIndex++)
                var countedLog = RenderLogs[renderLogIndex];
                var log        = countedLog.Log;
                logLineStyle = (renderLogIndex % 2 == 0) ? EntryStyleBackEven : EntryStyleBackOdd;
                if (renderLogIndex == SelectedRenderLog)
                    GUI.backgroundColor = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 1);
                    GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white;

                //Make all messages single line
                var content  = GetLogLineGUIContent(log, ShowTimes, ShowChannels);
                var drawRect = new Rect(logLineX, buttonY, contentRect.width, LogListLineHeight);
                if (contextMenu != null && (Event.current.type == EventType.Layout || Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint))
                    contextMenu = null;
                if (GUI.Button(drawRect, content, logLineStyle))
                    if (Event.current.button == 1)
                        contextMenu = new GenericMenu();
                        if (log.Source != null)
                            if (log.Source as NodeComponent)
                                contextMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent("HighlightNode"), false, () => {
                                    uNodeEditor.HighlightNode(log.Source as NodeComponent);
                            if (log.Source as NodeComponent || log.Source as RootObject)
                                contextMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Open uNode"), false, () => {
                                    uNodeEditor.ChangeMainSelection(log.Source as Component, true);
                            contextMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Find Object"), false, () => {
                                if (log.Source as NodeComponent)
                                    var owner = (log.Source as NodeComponent).owner;
                                    if (owner != null)
                                else if (log.Source as RootObject)
                                    var owner = (log.Source as RootObject).owner;
                                    if (owner != null)
                            contextMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Select Object"), false, () => {
                                if (log.Source as NodeComponent)
                                    var owner = (log.Source as NodeComponent).owner;
                                    if (owner != null)
                                        Selection.activeObject = owner;
                                else if (log.Source as RootObject)
                                    var owner = (log.Source as RootObject).owner;
                                    if (owner != null)
                                        Selection.activeObject = owner;
                                    Selection.activeObject = log.Source;
                        contextMenu.AddItem(new GUIContent("JumpToSource"), false, () => {
                            // Attempt to display source code associated with messages. Search through all stackframes,
                            //   until we find a stackframe that can be displayed in source code view
                            for (int frame = 0; frame < log.Callstack.Count; frame++)
                                if (JumpToSource(log.Callstack[frame]))
                        SelectedRenderLog      = renderLogIndex;
                        SelectedCallstackFrame = -1;
                        LastMessageClickTime   = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup;
                        //Select a message, or jump to source if it's double-clicked
                        if (renderLogIndex == SelectedRenderLog)
                            if (EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup - LastMessageClickTime < DoubleClickInterval)
                                LastMessageClickTime = 0;
                                if (log.Source as NodeComponent)
                                    uNodeEditor.HighlightNode(log.Source as NodeComponent);
                                else if (log.Source as RootObject)
                                    uNodeEditor.ChangeMainSelection(log.Source as RootObject, true);
                                    // Attempt to display source code associated with messages. Search through all stackframes,
                                    //   until we find a stackframe that can be displayed in source code view
                                    for (int frame = 0; frame < log.Callstack.Count; frame++)
                                        if (JumpToSource(log.Callstack[frame]))
                                LastMessageClickTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup;
                            SelectedRenderLog      = renderLogIndex;
                            SelectedCallstackFrame = -1;
                            LastMessageClickTime   = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup;

                        //Always select the game object that is the source of this message
                        if (log.Source != null)
                            if (log.Source as NodeComponent)
                                var owner = (log.Source as NodeComponent).owner;
                                if (owner != null)
                            else if (log.Source as RootObject)
                                var owner = (log.Source as RootObject).owner;
                                if (owner != null)
                                //Selection.activeObject = log.Source;

                if (Collapse)
                    var collapseBadgeContent = new GUIContent(countedLog.Count.ToString());
                    var collapseBadgeSize    = collapseBadgeStyle.CalcSize(collapseBadgeContent);
                    var collapseBadgeRect    = new Rect(0, buttonY, collapseBadgeSize.x, collapseBadgeSize.y);
                    GUI.Button(collapseBadgeRect, collapseBadgeContent, collapseBadgeStyle);
                buttonY += LogListLineHeight;

            //If we're following the log, move to the end
            if (ScrollFollowMessages && RenderLogs.Count > 0)
                LogListScrollPosition.y = ((RenderLogs.Count + 1) * LogListLineHeight) - scrollRect.height;

            DrawPos.y          += height;
            DrawPos.x           = 0;
            GUI.backgroundColor = oldColor;
Esempio n. 4
    void OnGUILogList(float height)
        var   oldColor    = GUI.backgroundColor;
        float buttonY     = 0;
        Regex filterRegex = null;

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FilterRegex))
            filterRegex = new Regex(FilterRegex);
        var collapseBadgeStyle = EditorStyles.miniButton;
        var logLineStyle       = LogLineStyleOne;

        if (DirtyLog)
            LogListMaxWidth       = 0;
            LogListLineHeight     = 0;
            CollapseBadgeMaxWidth = 0;
            if (Collapse)
                var collapsedLines     = new Dictionary <string, MarkedLog>();
                var collapsedLinesList = new List <MarkedLog>();
                foreach (var log in CurrentLogList)
                    if (ShouldShowLog(filterRegex, log))
                        var matchString = log.Message + "!$" + log.LogLevel + "!$" + log.Channel;

                        MarkedLog markedLog;
                        if (collapsedLines.TryGetValue(matchString, out markedLog))
                            markedLog = new MarkedLog(log, 1);
                            collapsedLines.Add(matchString, markedLog);

                foreach (var markedLog in collapsedLinesList)
                    var content = GetLogLineGUIContent(markedLog.Log, ShowTimes);
                    var logLineSize = logLineStyle.CalcSize(content);
                    LogListMaxWidth   = Mathf.Max(LogListMaxWidth, logLineSize.x);
                    LogListLineHeight = Mathf.Max(LogListLineHeight, logLineSize.y);

                    var collapseBadgeContent = new GUIContent(markedLog.Marked.ToString());
                    var collapseBadgeSize    = collapseBadgeStyle.CalcSize(collapseBadgeContent);
                    CollapseBadgeMaxWidth = Mathf.Max(CollapseBadgeMaxWidth, collapseBadgeSize.x);
                foreach (var log in CurrentLogList)
                    if (ShouldShowLog(filterRegex, log))
                        var content = GetLogLineGUIContent(log, ShowTimes);
                        RenderLogs.Add(new MarkedLog(log, 1));
                        var logLineSize = logLineStyle.CalcSize(content);
                        LogListMaxWidth   = Mathf.Max(LogListMaxWidth, logLineSize.x);
                        LogListLineHeight = Mathf.Max(LogListLineHeight, logLineSize.y);
            LogListMaxWidth += CollapseBadgeMaxWidth;

        var   scrollRect = new Rect(DrawPos, new Vector2(position.width, height));
        float lineWidth  = Mathf.Max(LogListMaxWidth, scrollRect.width);

        var     contentRect        = new Rect(0, 0, lineWidth, RenderLogs.Count * LogListLineHeight);
        Vector2 lastScrollPosition = LogListScrollPosition;

        LogListScrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(scrollRect, LogListScrollPosition, contentRect);
        if (ScrowDown)
            if (lastScrollPosition.y - LogListScrollPosition.y > LogListLineHeight)
                ScrowDown = false;
        float logLineX            = CollapseBadgeMaxWidth;
        int   firstRenderLogIndex = (int)(LogListScrollPosition.y / LogListLineHeight);
        int   lastRenderLogIndex  = firstRenderLogIndex + (int)(height / LogListLineHeight);

        firstRenderLogIndex = Mathf.Clamp(firstRenderLogIndex, 0, RenderLogs.Count);
        lastRenderLogIndex  = Mathf.Clamp(lastRenderLogIndex, 0, RenderLogs.Count);
        buttonY             = firstRenderLogIndex * LogListLineHeight;
        for (int renderLogIndex = firstRenderLogIndex; renderLogIndex < lastRenderLogIndex; renderLogIndex++)
            var markedLog = RenderLogs[renderLogIndex];
            var log       = markedLog.Log;

            logLineStyle = (renderLogIndex % 2 == 0) ? LogLineStyleOne : LogLineStyleTwo;

            if (renderLogIndex == SelectedRenderLog)
                GUI.backgroundColor = Color.yellow;
                GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white;
            var content  = GetLogLineGUIContent(log, ShowTimes);
            var drawRect = new Rect(logLineX, buttonY, contentRect.width, LogListLineHeight);
            if (GUI.Button(drawRect, content, logLineStyle))
                if (renderLogIndex == SelectedRenderLog)
                    if (EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup - LastMessageClickTime <
                        LastMessageClickTime = 0;
                        for (int frame = 0; frame < log.StackFrameList.Count; frame++)
                            if (JumpToSource(log.StackFrameList[frame]))
                        LastMessageClickTime = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup;
                    SelectedRenderLog      = renderLogIndex;
                    SelectedCallstackFrame = -1;
                    LastMessageClickTime   = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup;
                var go = log.OriginObject as GameObject;
                if (go != null)
                    Selection.activeGameObject = go;

            if (Collapse)
                var collapseBadgeContent = new GUIContent(markedLog.Marked.ToString());
                var collapseBadgeSize    = collapseBadgeStyle.CalcSize(collapseBadgeContent);
                var collapseBadgeRect    = new Rect(0, buttonY, collapseBadgeSize.x, collapseBadgeSize.y);
                GUI.Button(collapseBadgeRect, collapseBadgeContent, collapseBadgeStyle);
            buttonY += LogListLineHeight;
        if (ScrowDown && RenderLogs.Count > 0)
            LogListScrollPosition.y = ((RenderLogs.Count + 1) * LogListLineHeight) - scrollRect.height;

        DrawPos.y          += height;
        DrawPos.x           = 0;
        GUI.backgroundColor = oldColor;