Esempio n. 1
        public RenderCommand(RenderCommandType t, Position p)
            this.type     = t;
            this.position = p;

            color = Color.White;
            value = 0;
Esempio n. 2
        public void Add(RenderCommandType type, ulong stage, ulong surface, ulong camera, ulong texture0, ulong texture1, ulong spareId0, ulong spareId1, RgbaFloat colour)
            if (type == RenderCommandType.GpuToCpuSurfaceCopy)
                if (CallbackQueueSize > 0)
                    var copyStageContainedAlready = false;
                    for (var n = 0; n < CallbackQueueSize; n++)
                        if (_surfaceCopyStageCallbackPool[n] == stage)
                            copyStageContainedAlready = true;

                    if (copyStageContainedAlready)
                        throw new Yak2DException(string.Concat("Gpu to Cpu Surface Copy Stage (id: ", stage, " , is already queued. You should only queue specific queue once per render as a stage only contains a single data storage array that would be overwritten a second time"));

                if (CallbackQueueSize >= _surfaceCopyStageCallbackPool.Length)
                    _surfaceCopyStageCallbackPool = Utility.ArrayFunctions.DoubleArraySizeAndKeepContents <ulong>(_surfaceCopyStageCallbackPool);

                _surfaceCopyStageCallbackPool[CallbackQueueSize] = stage;


            if (CommandQueueSize >= _pool.Length)
                _pool = Utility.ArrayFunctions.DoubleArraySizeAndKeepContents <RenderCommandQueueItem>(_pool);

            _pool[CommandQueueSize].Type     = type;
            _pool[CommandQueueSize].Stage    = stage;
            _pool[CommandQueueSize].Surface  = surface;
            _pool[CommandQueueSize].Camera   = camera;
            _pool[CommandQueueSize].Texture0 = texture0;
            _pool[CommandQueueSize].Texture1 = texture1;
            _pool[CommandQueueSize].SpareId0 = spareId0;
            _pool[CommandQueueSize].SpareId1 = spareId1;
            _pool[CommandQueueSize].Colour   = colour;

Esempio n. 3
        public RenderPathCommand(RenderCommandType type)
            BlendMode  = BlendMode.Replace;
            Enabled    = 1;
            UseLitBase = 1;
            Type       = type;

            //default values:
            Tag                 = default(UrhoString);
            SortMode            = RenderCommandSortMode.Fronttoback;
            Pass                = default(UrhoString);
            PassIndex           = 0;
            Metadata            = default(UrhoString);
            PixelShaderName     = default(UrhoString);
            VertexShaderName    = default(UrhoString);
            PixelShaderDefines  = default(UrhoString);
            VertexShaderDefines = default(UrhoString);
            TextureName0        = default(UrhoString);
            TextureName1        = default(UrhoString);
            TextureName2        = default(UrhoString);
            TextureName3        = default(UrhoString);
            TextureName4        = default(UrhoString);
            TextureName5        = default(UrhoString);
            TextureName6        = default(UrhoString);
            TextureName7        = default(UrhoString);
#if !IOS && !ANDROID
            TextureName8  = default(UrhoString);
            TextureName9  = default(UrhoString);
            TextureName10 = default(UrhoString);
            TextureName11 = default(UrhoString);
            TextureName12 = default(UrhoString);
            TextureName13 = default(UrhoString);
            TextureName14 = default(UrhoString);
            TextureName15 = default(UrhoString);
            ShaderParameters = default(HashBase);
            Outputs          = default(VectorBase);
            DepthStencilName = default(UrhoString);
            ClearFlags       = 0;
            ClearColor       = default(Color);
            ClearDepth       = 0;
            ClearStencil     = 0;
            UseFogColor      = 0;
            MarkToStencil    = 0;
            VertexLights     = 0;
            EventName        = default(UrhoString);
Esempio n. 4
        private T GetRenderCommand <T>(RenderCommandType type) where T : RenderCommand, new()
            T command;

            if (_commandPool.ContainsKey(type))
                if (_commandPool[type].Count > 0)
                    command = (T)_commandPool[type].Pop();
                    command = new T();
                    _logger.Warn("Created new render command");
                command = new T();
                _logger.Warn("Created new render command");

Esempio n. 5
        internal override void Read(System.IO.BinaryReader reader, BinaryReadInfo readInfo)
            uint length = reader.ReadUInt32();

            ID = reader.ReadUInt32();
            uint numSections = reader.ReadUInt32();

            string componentName = null;
            bool   canResize     = false;
            bool   canFlip       = false;
            double minSize       = ComponentHelper.GridSize;
            List <ComponentProperty>          properties          = new List <ComponentProperty>();
            List <ConnectionGroup>            connections         = new List <ConnectionGroup>();
            List <RenderDescription>          renderDescriptions  = new List <RenderDescription>();
            List <Conditional <FlagOptions> > flagOptions         = new List <Conditional <FlagOptions> >();
            ComponentDescriptionMetadata      descriptionMetadata = new ComponentDescriptionMetadata();
            uint?iconResourceId = null;

            for (uint sectionCounter = 0; sectionCounter < numSections; sectionCounter++)
                ushort sectionType   = reader.ReadUInt16();
                uint   sectionLength = reader.ReadUInt32();

                #region Metadata
                if (sectionType == (uint)BinaryConstants.ComponentSectionType.Metadata)
                    componentName              = reader.ReadString();
                    canResize                  = reader.ReadBoolean();
                    canFlip                    = reader.ReadBoolean();
                    minSize                    = reader.ReadDouble();
                    descriptionMetadata.Type   = String.Format("Binary r{0} (*.cdcom)", readInfo.FormatVersion);
                    descriptionMetadata.GUID   = new Guid(reader.ReadBytes(16));
                    descriptionMetadata.Author = reader.ReadString();
                    if (readInfo.IsSignatureValid && readInfo.Certificate != null && readInfo.IsCertificateTrusted)
                        descriptionMetadata.Author = readInfo.Certificate.GetNameInfo(X509NameType.EmailName, false);
                    descriptionMetadata.Version = new Version(reader.ReadUInt16(), reader.ReadUInt16());
                    descriptionMetadata.AdditionalInformation          = reader.ReadString();
                    descriptionMetadata.ImplementSet                   = reader.ReadString();
                    descriptionMetadata.ImplementItem                  = reader.ReadString();
                    descriptionMetadata.Signature.IsHashValid          = readInfo.IsSignatureValid;
                    descriptionMetadata.Signature.Certificate          = readInfo.Certificate;
                    descriptionMetadata.Signature.IsCertificateTrusted = readInfo.IsCertificateTrusted;
                    int iconResource = reader.ReadInt32();
                    if (iconResource != -1)
                        iconResourceId = (uint)iconResource;
                    long created = reader.ReadInt64();
                #region Flags
                else if (sectionType == (uint)BinaryConstants.ComponentSectionType.Flags)
                    uint numFlagGroups = reader.ReadUInt32();
                    for (uint j = 0; j < numFlagGroups; j++)
                        IConditionTreeItem conditions;
                        if (readInfo.FormatVersion > 1)
                            conditions = reader.ReadConditionTree();
                            conditions = reader.ReadConditionCollection();

                        FlagOptions value = (FlagOptions)reader.ReadUInt32();
                        flagOptions.Add(new Conditional <FlagOptions>(value, conditions));
                #region Properties
                else if (sectionType == (uint)BinaryConstants.ComponentSectionType.Properties)
                    uint numProperties = reader.ReadUInt32();
                    for (uint j = 0; j < numProperties; j++)
                        string        propertyName   = reader.ReadString();
                        string        serializedName = reader.ReadString();
                        string        displayName    = reader.ReadString();
                        BinaryType    propType;
                        object        rawDefaultValue = reader.ReadType(out propType);
                        PropertyUnion defaultValue    = propType.ToPropertyUnion(rawDefaultValue);
                        string[]      enumOptions     = null;
                        if (propType == BinaryType.Enum)
                            enumOptions = new string[reader.ReadInt32()];
                            for (int k = 0; k < enumOptions.Length; k++)
                                enumOptions[k] = reader.ReadString();

                        // Format rules
                        List <ComponentPropertyFormat> formatRules = new List <ComponentPropertyFormat>();
                        uint numFormatRules = reader.ReadUInt32();
                        for (uint k = 0; k < numFormatRules; k++)
                            IConditionTreeItem conditions;
                            if (readInfo.FormatVersion > 1)
                                conditions = reader.ReadConditionTree();
                                conditions = reader.ReadConditionCollection();
                            string formatRule = reader.ReadString();
                            formatRules.Add(new ComponentPropertyFormat(formatRule, conditions));

                        // Other conditions
                        uint numOtherConditions = reader.ReadUInt32();
                        Dictionary <PropertyOtherConditionType, IConditionTreeItem> otherConditions = new Dictionary <PropertyOtherConditionType, IConditionTreeItem>((int)numOtherConditions);
                        for (uint k = 0; k < numOtherConditions; k++)
                            uint uintConditionType = reader.ReadUInt32();
                            IConditionTreeItem conditions;
                            if (readInfo.FormatVersion > 1)
                                conditions = reader.ReadConditionTree();
                                conditions = reader.ReadConditionCollection();
                            PropertyOtherConditionType conditionType = (PropertyOtherConditionType)uintConditionType;
                            otherConditions.Add(conditionType, conditions);

                        properties.Add(new ComponentProperty(propertyName, serializedName, displayName, BinaryIOExtentions.BinaryTypeToPropertyType(propType), defaultValue, formatRules.ToArray(), otherConditions, enumOptions));
                #region Configurations
                else if (sectionType == (uint)BinaryConstants.ComponentSectionType.Configurations)
                    uint numConfigurations = reader.ReadUInt32();
                    for (int j = 0; j < numConfigurations; j++)
                        string configurationName  = reader.ReadString();
                        string implementationName = reader.ReadString();

                        int numSetters = reader.ReadInt32();
                        var setters    = new Dictionary <string, PropertyUnion>(numSetters);
                        for (int k = 0; k < numSetters; k++)
                            BinaryType tempType;
                            string     name        = reader.ReadString();
                            var        setterValue = reader.ReadType(out tempType);
                            setters.Add(name, tempType.ToPropertyUnion(setterValue));

                        int iconID = reader.ReadInt32();

                        var configuration = new ComponentConfiguration(implementationName, configurationName, setters);

                        if (iconID != -1)
                            iconResources.Add(configuration, (uint)iconID);
                #region Connections
                else if (sectionType == (uint)BinaryConstants.ComponentSectionType.Connections)
                    uint numConnectionGroups = reader.ReadUInt32();
                    List <ConnectionGroup> connectionGroups = new List <ConnectionGroup>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < numConnectionGroups; j++)
                        IConditionTreeItem conditions;
                        if (readInfo.FormatVersion > 1)
                            conditions = reader.ReadConditionTree();
                            conditions = reader.ReadConditionCollection();

                        List <ConnectionDescription> tConnections = new List <ConnectionDescription>();
                        uint numConnections = reader.ReadUInt32();
                        for (uint k = 0; k < numConnections; k++)
                            tConnections.Add(new ConnectionDescription(reader.ReadComponentPoint(), reader.ReadComponentPoint(), (ConnectionEdge)reader.ReadInt32(), reader.ReadString()));

                        connections.Add(new ConnectionGroup(conditions, tConnections.ToArray()));
                #region Render
                else if (sectionType == (uint)BinaryConstants.ComponentSectionType.Render)
                    uint numRenderGroups = reader.ReadUInt32();
                    for (uint j = 0; j < numRenderGroups; j++)
                        IConditionTreeItem conditions;
                        if (readInfo.FormatVersion > 1)
                            conditions = reader.ReadConditionTree();
                            conditions = reader.ReadConditionCollection();

                        int numRenderCommands = (int)reader.ReadUInt32();
                        List <IRenderCommand> renderCommands = new List <IRenderCommand>(numRenderCommands);
                        for (int k = 0; k < numRenderCommands; k++)
                            RenderCommandType commandType = (RenderCommandType)reader.ReadUInt32();
                            switch (commandType)
                            case RenderCommandType.Line:
                                ComponentPoint start     = reader.ReadComponentPoint();
                                ComponentPoint end       = reader.ReadComponentPoint();
                                double         thickness = reader.ReadDouble();
                                renderCommands.Add(new Line(start, end, thickness));

                            case RenderCommandType.Rect:
                                ComponentPoint location  = reader.ReadComponentPoint();
                                double         width     = reader.ReadDouble();
                                double         height    = reader.ReadDouble();
                                double         thickness = reader.ReadDouble();
                                bool           fill      = (reader.ReadUInt32() == 0 ? false : true);
                                renderCommands.Add(new Rectangle(location, width, height, thickness, fill));

                            case RenderCommandType.Ellipse:
                                ComponentPoint centre    = reader.ReadComponentPoint();
                                double         radiusX   = reader.ReadDouble();
                                double         radiusY   = reader.ReadDouble();
                                double         thickness = reader.ReadDouble();
                                bool           fill      = (reader.ReadUInt32() == 0 ? false : true);
                                renderCommands.Add(new Ellipse(centre, radiusX, radiusY, thickness, fill));

                            case RenderCommandType.Path:
                                ComponentPoint start     = reader.ReadComponentPoint();
                                double         thickness = reader.ReadDouble();
                                bool           fill      = (reader.ReadUInt32() == 0 ? false : true);

                                int numCommands = reader.ReadInt32();
                                List <IPathCommand> pathCommands = new List <IPathCommand>(numCommands);
                                for (int l = 0; l < numCommands; l++)
                                    CommandType  pType      = (CommandType)reader.ReadInt32();
                                    IPathCommand theCommand = null;
                                    switch (pType)
                                    case CommandType.MoveTo:
                                        theCommand = new MoveTo();

                                    case CommandType.LineTo:
                                        theCommand = new LineTo();

                                    case CommandType.CurveTo:
                                        theCommand = new CurveTo();

                                    case CommandType.EllipticalArcTo:
                                        theCommand = new EllipticalArcTo();

                                    case CommandType.QuadraticBeizerCurveTo:
                                        theCommand = new QuadraticBeizerCurveTo();

                                    case CommandType.SmoothCurveTo:
                                        theCommand = new SmoothCurveTo();

                                    case CommandType.SmoothQuadraticBeizerCurveTo:
                                        theCommand = new SmoothQuadraticBeizerCurveTo();

                                        theCommand = new ClosePath();

                                renderCommands.Add(new RenderPath(start, thickness, fill, pathCommands));

                            case RenderCommandType.Text:
                                byte           formattedTextVersion = reader.ReadByte();
                                ComponentPoint location             = reader.ReadComponentPoint();
                                TextAlignment  alignment            = (TextAlignment)reader.ReadUInt32();

                                uint           numTextRuns = reader.ReadUInt32();
                                List <TextRun> textRuns    = new List <TextRun>((int)numTextRuns);
                                for (uint l = 0; l < numTextRuns; l++)
                                    TextRunFormattingType formattingType = (TextRunFormattingType)reader.ReadUInt32();
                                    double runSize = reader.ReadDouble();
                                    string runText = reader.ReadString();
                                    textRuns.Add(new TextRun(runText, new TextRunFormatting(formattingType, runSize)));

                                renderCommands.Add(new Text(location, alignment, textRuns));

                        renderDescriptions.Add(new RenderDescription(conditions, renderCommands.ToArray()));
                #region Skip
                    // Unknown type - skip
                    reader.BaseStream.Seek(sectionLength, SeekOrigin.Current);

            ComponentDescription = new ComponentDescription(ID.ToString(), componentName, canResize, canFlip, minSize, properties.ToArray(), connections.ToArray(), renderDescriptions.ToArray(), flagOptions.ToArray(), descriptionMetadata);

            if (iconResourceId.HasValue)
                mainIconResource = iconResourceId.Value;