private void SpawnRandomGroup() { if (pendingSpawns.Count == 0) { Debug.Assert(false, "Ran out of spawns"); return; } int iPick = Random.Range(0, pendingSpawns.Count); MinionTemplate template = pendingSpawns [iPick]; pendingSpawns.RemoveAt(iPick); Vector3 spawnPos = GetBestSpawnPoint(); { // Create new game object GameObject go = new GameObject("EnemyMinion_" +; // Create a minion and attach it to the actor's game object. Enemy minions are less permanent data structures than player ones, so they can just be chucked into the battlefield MinionTemplateManager mtm = Core.GetMinionTemplateManager(); Minion minion = mtm.CreateMinion(template); minion.transform.SetParent(go.transform); minion.transform.localPosition =; // Fill it with actor components Actor_Enemy actor = go.AddComponent <Actor_Enemy>(); actor.InitFromMinion(minion); actor.iWave = iCurrentWave; aiNumSpawnedPerWave [iCurrentWave]++; Vector2 randomOffset = Random.insideUnitCircle * Random.Range(0.0f, 0.5f); actor.transform.position = spawnPos + new Vector3(randomOffset.x, 0.0f, randomOffset.y); // Push the next member of the group back a bit spawnPos = new Vector3(spawnPos.x + 1.0f, spawnPos.y, spawnPos.z); // Add renderer to actor RenderActor render = Instantiate <RenderActor>(template.render); render.transform.SetParent(actor.transform); render.transform.localPosition =; render.Init(actor); actor.render = render; // Add audio sources actor.soundEffect = go.AddComponent <AudioSource>(); actor.soundEffect.clip = minion.template.soundEffect; actor.soundEffect.playOnAwake = false; actor.soundEffect.outputAudioMixerGroup = Core.GetAudioManager().soundEffectGroup; // Add healthbar Healthbar healthbar = Instantiate <Healthbar>(mtm.healthbarPrefab); healthbar.transform.SetParent(actor.transform); healthbar.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0.0f, template.fHeight - 1.0f, 0.0f); actor.healthbar = healthbar; actor.CalculateMyAggregateBuffs(); // Store a reference for later enemyActors.Add(actor); } }
public void UpdatePreview() { foreach (RenderActor ra in renderers) { Destroy(ra.gameObject); } renderers.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < (int)MinionSlot.NUM_MINION_SLOTS; i++) { RenderActor renderActor = Instantiate <RenderActor>(roster.minions [i].template.render); renderActor.transform.SetParent(playerSpawnPoints [i]); renderActor.transform.localPosition =; renderActor.transform.localScale = new Vector3(-10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f); renderActor.SetAnimState(AnimState.IDLE, true); renderers.Add(renderActor); } }
public void StartLevel(TeamRoster selectedRoster) { // This oddly named object points to all sorts of useful things that exist in all levels instance = FindObjectOfType <PlayerRig>(); if (instance == null) { instance = Instantiate <PlayerRig>(Core.theCore.playerRigPrefab); instance.transform.position =; } GameObject sunObject = GameObject.Find("Directional Light"); if (sunObject != null) { sun = sunObject.GetComponent <Light>(); originalSunPos = sun.transform.rotation; } instance.gameObject.SetActive(true); Range[] ranges = new Range[2] { Range.WIDE, Range.WIDE }; bool bAgainstElement = false; fMeleeZoneSize = 1.0f; Core.theCore.fEnemyTimescale = 1.0f; Core.theCore.fPlayerTimescale = 1.0f; // Spawn the player's minions immediately. Then give a countdown to start the game roster = selectedRoster; for (int i = 0; i < (int)MinionSlot.NUM_MINION_SLOTS; i++) { Transform spawnPoint = instance.playerSpawnPoints [i]; Minion minion = roster.minions [i]; if (spawnPoint != null && minion != null) { // Create new game object GameObject go = new GameObject("PlayerMinion_" + i + "_" +; // Fill it with actor components Actor_Player actor = go.AddComponent <Actor_Player>(); actor.InitFromMinion(minion); actor.transform.position = spawnPoint.position; // Add renderer to actor RenderActor render = Instantiate <RenderActor>(minion.template.render); render.transform.SetParent(actor.transform); render.transform.localPosition =; render.transform.localScale = new Vector3(-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); render.Init(actor); actor.render = render; // Add audio sources actor.soundEffect = go.AddComponent <AudioSource>(); actor.soundEffect.clip = minion.template.soundEffect; actor.soundEffect.playOnAwake = false; actor.soundEffect.outputAudioMixerGroup = Core.GetAudioManager().soundEffectGroup; // And combo numbers if ((minion.template.canCombo || minion.template.bDeathtoll || minion.template.bRelentless) && minion.template.comboNumbers != null) { ComboNumbers combo = Instantiate <ComboNumbers>(minion.template.comboNumbers); combo.transform.SetParent(actor.transform); combo.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-0.17f, 0.215f, -0.13f); actor.comboNumbers = combo; } // Save a reference for later playerActors [i] = actor; // if (((MinionSlot)i).GetSlotType() == MinionSlotType.RANGED && (minion.template is Minion_Ranged)) { ranges [i == (int)MinionSlot.RANGED_1 ? 0 : 1] = ((Minion_Ranged)minion.template).range; } if (minion.template is Minion_Support && ((Minion_Support)(minion.template)).bWalls) { bWalls = true; } foreach (Resurrection res in minion.template.resurrectionTriggers) { singleUseResurrections.Add(new Resurrection(res)); } if (minion.template.element.GetDamageMultiplier(location.element) < 1.0f && ((MinionSlot)i).GetSlotType() != MinionSlotType.SUPPORT) { bAgainstElement = true; } Core.theCore.fEnemyTimescale += minion.GetBuff(Stat.ENEMY_TIMESCALE); Core.theCore.fPlayerTimescale += minion.GetBuff(Stat.PLAYER_TIMESCALE); fMeleeZoneSize += minion.GetBuff(Stat.MELEEZONE_SIZE); } } roster.bHasThreeResurrectsAvailable = singleUseResurrections.Count == 6; roster.bHasActiveCollector = false; // After ALL player minions are created, then calculate their passive buffs and store them off. for (int i = 0; i < (int)MinionSlot.NUM_MINION_SLOTS; i++) { if (playerActors [i] != null) { playerActors [i].CalculateMyAggregateBuffs(); playerActors [i].SetMaxHealthFromBuffs(); playerActors [i].minion.ResetTemporaryData(); } } roster.RecalculateHealths(); fRangedZoneMin = Ranges.GetMinRangeForPair(ranges [0], ranges [1]); fRangedZoneMax = Ranges.GetMaxRangeForPair(ranges [0], ranges [1]); fLaneWidth = bWalls ? 4.0f : 6.0f; InitZones(bWalls); aiNumKilledPerWave = new int[location.numWaves]; aiNumSpawnedPerWave = new int[location.numWaves]; abNewlyUnlocked = new bool[location.numWaves]; iCurrentWave = -1; AdvanceWave(); fGracePeriodDuration = location.gracePeriodDuration; instance.elementalHint.enabled = bAgainstElement; if (bAgainstElement) { instance.elementalHint.text = LocalizationManager.GetLoc(location.element.GetHintText()); } Core.GetAudioManager().SetLevelMusic(; RequestState(LevelState.PLAYING); }