Esempio n. 1
        // Constructors

        internal Session(Domain domain, SessionConfiguration configuration, bool activate)
            : base(domain)
            Guid = Guid.NewGuid();
            IsDebugEventLoggingEnabled = OrmLog.IsLogged(LogLevel.Debug); // Just to cache this value

            // Both Domain and Configuration are valid references here;
            // Configuration is already locked
            Configuration  = configuration;
            Name           = configuration.Name;
            identifier     = Interlocked.Increment(ref lastUsedIdentifier);
            CommandTimeout = configuration.DefaultCommandTimeout;
            allowSwitching = configuration.Supports(SessionOptions.AllowSwitching);

            // Handlers
            Handlers = domain.Handlers;
            Handler  = CreateSessionHandler();

            // Caches, registry
            EntityStateCache               = CreateSessionCache(configuration);
            EntityChangeRegistry           = new EntityChangeRegistry(this);
            EntitySetChangeRegistry        = new EntitySetChangeRegistry(this);
            ReferenceFieldsChangesRegistry = new ReferenceFieldsChangesRegistry(this);
            entitySetsWithInvalidState     = new HashSet <EntitySetBase>();

            // Events
            EntityEvents = new EntityEventBroker();
            Events       = new SessionEventAccessor(this, false);
            SystemEvents = new SessionEventAccessor(this, true);

            // Etc.
            PairSyncManager                 = new SyncManager(this);
            RemovalProcessor                = new RemovalProcessor(this);
            pinner                          = new Pinner(this);
            Operations                      = new OperationRegistry(this);
            NonPairedReferencesRegistry     = new NonPairedReferenceChangesRegistry(this);
            CommandProcessorContextProvider = new CommandProcessorContextProvider(this);

            // Validation context
            ValidationContext = Configuration.Supports(SessionOptions.ValidateEntities)
        ? (ValidationContext) new RealValidationContext()
        : new VoidValidationContext();

            // Creating Services
            Services = CreateServices();

            disposableSet = new DisposableSet();
            remapper      = new KeyRemapper(this);

            disableAutoSaveChanges = !configuration.Supports(SessionOptions.AutoSaveChanges);

            // Perform activation
            if (activate)

            // Query endpoint
            SystemQuery = Query = new QueryEndpoint(new QueryProvider(this));
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes the specified set of entities.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">Entity type.</typeparam>
 /// <param name="entities">The entities.</param>
 /// <exception cref="ReferentialIntegrityException">
 /// Entity is associated with another entity with <see cref="OnRemoveAction.Deny"/> on-remove action.
 /// </exception>
 public void Remove <T>([InstantHandle] IEnumerable <T> entities)
     where T : IEntity
     using (var tx = OpenAutoTransaction()) {
         RemovalProcessor.Remove(entities.Cast <Entity>().ToList(), EntityRemoveReason.User);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes changes
        /// </summary>
        private void ProcessChanges(bool inPlayMode)
            /* Calculating the single step change */
            _stepDelta = HierarchyComparer.Compare(

            if (DebugMode)

             * 2. Handle additions
             * a) Instantiate component
             * b) Record transform addition
             * */

            if (inPlayMode)
                 * 1. PLAY mode
                 * Leaving the processing to persistence logic
                 * */

                 * In play mode we need a full delta, so we will be able to re-apply it
                 * after the play mode is stopped
                 * Tracking full delta with each change, because we don't know when
                 * will be the last chance to track it before stopping the play mode
                 * */
                _fullDelta = HierarchyComparer.Compare(

                 * IMPORTANT:
                 * This was the source of the quite performance killing recursive bug
                 * If this processing take place in play mode, OnHierarchyChange fires in each consequent frame, without ever stopping
                 * TODO: do a special logic for reordering items in play mode
                 * */
                AdditionProcessor.Process(_stepDelta.TopLevelAdditions, _stepDelta.Additions);

                 * Accumulate delta
                 * */
                PersistenceManager.Instance.Delta = _fullDelta; //.Reset(); // TEMP -> create a direct Delta setter
                 * 2. EDIT mode
                 * In edit mode, so handling the ordering information immediatelly
                 * Note: the ordering information is all that has to be processed when adding a new component
                 * or a prefab in Edit mode - other things (parent-child relationship etc.) is handled by Unity
                 * */


            // save the current hierarchy
            _oldHierarchy = _newHierarchy;

            EditorState.Instance.Adapter = ComponentRegistry.Instance.Get(EditorState.Instance.AdapterId, true) as ComponentAdapter;
