Esempio n. 1
        public string AdvancedInfo()
            Layout layout = new Layout();
            string items  = $"\n │ {name,-41} | {genre,-25} │ {developer,-25} │ {ReleaseDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"),-23} |";

            return(layout.connector + items);
        public async Task OnGetAsync()
            _logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, TitleFilter);

            var games = from g in _context.Game select g;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TitleFilter))
                games = games.Where(g => g.Title.ToLower().Contains(TitleFilter.ToLower()));

            _logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, ReleaseDate.ToString());

            games = games.Where(m => Before ?
                                m.ReleaseDate <= ReleaseDate :
                                m.ReleaseDate >= ReleaseDate);

            games = games.Where(m =>
                                Before ?
                                m.ReleaseDate <= ReleaseDate
                : // else
                                m.ReleaseDate >= ReleaseDate


            Game = await games.ToListAsync();
Esempio n. 3
 public override string ToString()
     return(PrivateName.ToString() + FamilyName.ToString() + MailAddress.ToString() + Status.ToString() +
            RegistrationDate.ToString() + EntryDate.ToString() + ReleaseDate.ToString() + Area.ToString() +
            Type.ToString() + Adults.ToString() + Children.ToString() + Pool.ToString() + Jacuzzi.ToString()
            + Garden.ToString() + ChildrensAttractions.ToString());
Esempio n. 4
    public override string ToString()
        var sb = new StringBuilder("Album(");

        sb.Append(", IdAlbum: ");
        if (Title != null && __isset.title)
            sb.Append(", Title: ");
        if (CoverPath != null && __isset.coverPath)
            sb.Append(", CoverPath: ");
        if (ReleaseDate != null && __isset.releaseDate)
            sb.Append(", ReleaseDate: ");
            sb.Append(ReleaseDate == null ? "<null>" : ReleaseDate.ToString());
        if (__isset.gender)
            sb.Append(", Gender: ");
        if (__isset.isSingle)
            sb.Append(", IsSingle: ");
Esempio n. 5
 public override string ToString()
     return("Title: " + Title + '\n'
            + "Price: " + Price.ToString() + '\n'
            + "Release Date: " + ReleaseDate.ToString() + '\n'
            + "Genre: " + Genre + '\n'
            + "Rating: " + Rating.ToString() + '\n');
Esempio n. 6
 public override string ToString()
     return("ID: " + ID + Environment.NewLine +
            "Tytuł: " + Title + Environment.NewLine +
            "Premiera: " + ReleaseDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + Environment.NewLine +
            "Długość: " + Length + " minut" + Environment.NewLine +
            "Reżyser: " + Director + Environment.NewLine +
            "Sugerowany wiek: " + ViewerAge + Environment.NewLine +
            "Język: " + Language + Environment.NewLine);
Esempio n. 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates the properties value for this node.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public virtual Dictionary <string, object> GetPropertyMap()
     return(new Dictionary <string, object>
         { "id", Id.ToString() },
         { "commonName", CommonName },
         { "othernames", OtherNames },
         { "releaseDate", ReleaseDate?.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") },
         { "deathDate", DeathDate?.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") }
Esempio n. 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Display all movie information to string.
 /// </summary>
 public void Show()
     Console.WriteLine("\nTitle: {0}", Title);
     Console.WriteLine("Release date: {0}", ReleaseDate.ToString());
     Console.WriteLine("Directed by: {0}", Director);
     Console.WriteLine("Starring: {0}", Actors);
     Console.WriteLine("Genre: {0}", Genre);
     Console.WriteLine("Classification: {0}", Classification.ToString());
     Console.WriteLine("Duration: {0} minutes", Duration);
     Console.WriteLine("DVDs available: {0}", TotalDvds);
     Console.WriteLine("Times borrowed: {0}", TotalBorrowed);
Esempio n. 9
        public string ToSearchString()
            var searchString = string.Empty;

            searchString += Title;
            searchString += NumberEuropa;
            searchString += ReleaseDate.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy");
            searchString += Interpreter;
            searchString += Description;
            searchString += Author;

            foreach (var role in Roles)
                searchString += role.ToSearchString();

Esempio n. 10
 public override string ToString()
     return("Guest Request Key: " + GuestRequestKey.ToString() + "\n" +
            "First Name: " + FirstName + "\n" +
            "LastName: " + LastName + "\n" +
            "MailAddress: " + MailAddress + "\n" +
            "Status: " + Status.ToString() + "\n" +
            "RegistrationDate: " + RegistrationDate.ToString() + "\n" +
            "EntryDate: " + EntryDate.ToString() + "\n" +
            "ReleaseDate: " + ReleaseDate.ToString() + "\n" +
            "Area: " + Area.ToString() + "\n" +
            "SubArea: " + SubArea + "\n" +
            "Type of unit: " + Type.ToString() + "\n" +
            "number of adoults: " + Adults.ToString() + "\n" +
            "number of children: " + Children.ToString() + "\n" +
            "want swimming pool? " + Pool.ToString() + "\n" +
            "want jacuzzi? " + Jacuzzi.ToString() + "\n" +
            "want a garden? " + Garden.ToString() + "\n" +
            "want children attractions? " + ChildrensAttractions.ToString() + "\n");
        public override string ToString()
            string ret = "בקשה מספר: " + GuestRequestKey
                         + "\nשם פרטי: " + PrivateName
                         + "\t\tשם משפחה: " + FamilyName
                         + "\nמייל: " + MailAddress
                         + "\tמספר מבוגרים: " + Adults
                         + "\nמספר ילדים: " + Children
                         + "\t\tתאריך רישום: " + RegistrationDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")
                         + "\nתאריך כניסה: " + EntryDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")
                         + "\tתאריך יציאה: " + ReleaseDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")
                         + "\nסטטוס: " + HebrewEnum.GuestReqStatus(Status)
                         + "\t\tאיזור: " + HebrewEnum.Area(Area)
                         + "\nסוג: " + HebrewEnum.GuestReqType(Type)
                         + "\t\tבריכה: " + HebrewEnum.options(Pool)
                         + "\nג'קוז: " + HebrewEnum.options(Jacuzzi)
                         + "\t\tגינה: " + HebrewEnum.options(Garden)
                         + "\nאטרקציות לילדים: " + HebrewEnum.options(ChildrensAttractions);

Esempio n. 12
 public override string ToString()
     return("Guest Request Key: " + GuestRequestKey.ToString() + "\n"
            + "Private Name: " + PrivateName.ToString() + "\n"
            + "Family Name: " + FamilyName.ToString() + "\n"
            + "Mail Address: " + MailAddress.ToString() + "\n"
            + "Request's status: " + Status.ToString() + "\n"
            + "Registration Date: " + RegistrationDate.ToString() + "\n"
            + "Entry Date: " + EntryDate.ToString() + "\n"
            + "Release Date: " + ReleaseDate.ToString() + "\n"
            + "Request Area: " + Area.ToString() + "\n"
            + "Request Type: " + Type.ToString() + "\n"
            + "Adults: " + Adults.ToString() + "\n"
            + "Children: " + Children.ToString() + "\n"
            + "Pool: " + Pool.ToString() + "\n"
            + "Jacuzzi " + Jacuzzi.ToString() + "\n"
            + "Garden: " + Garden.ToString() + "\n"
            + "Beach: " + Beach.ToString() + "\n"
            + "Attractions: " + ChildrenAttractions.ToString() + "\n"
            + "Minimum price: " + minPrice.ToString() + "\n"
            + "Maximum price: " + maxPrice.ToString() + "\n");
        /// <summary>
        /// The function returns the GuestRequest information in a string type
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The GuestRequest information in string type</returns>
        ///<seealso cref="Object.ToString()"/>
        public override string ToString()
            string res = "";

            res += "Guest Request Key: " + GuestRequestKey + "\n";
            res += "Private Name: " + PrivateName + "\n";
            res += "Family Name: " + FamilyName + "\n";
            res += "Mail Address: " + MailAddress + "\n";
            res += "Status: " + Status + "\n";
            res += "Registration Date: " + RegistrationDate.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy") + "\n";
            res += "Entry Date: " + EntryDate.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy") + "\n";
            res += "Release Date: " + ReleaseDate.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy") + "\n";
            res += "Area: " + Area + "\n";
            res += "Type: " + Type + "\n";
            res += "Adults: " + Adults + "\n";
            res += "Children: " + Children + "\n";
            res += "Pool: " + Pool + "\n";
            res += "Jacuzzi: " + Jacuzzi + "\n";
            res += "Garden" + Garden + "\n";
            res += "Childrens Attractions: " + ChildrensAttractions + "\n";
Esempio n. 14
        public override string ToString()
            return("Guest Request Key: " + GuestRequestKey.ToString() + "\n"
                   + "PrivateName: " + PrivateName.ToString() + "\n"
                   + "FamilyName: " + FamilyName.ToString() + "\n"
                   + "Area: " + Area.ToString() + "\n"
                   + "Sub Area: " + SubArea.ToString() + "\n"
                   + "Type: " + Type.ToString() + "\n"
                   + "Adults: " + Adults.ToString() + "\n"
                   + "Children: " + Children.ToString() + "\n"
                   + "Pool: " + Pool.ToString() + "\n"
                   + "Jacuzzi " + Jacuzzi.ToString() + "\n"
                   + "Garden: " + Garden.ToString() + "\n"
                   + "Status: " + Status.ToString() + "\n"
                   + "Mail Address: " + MailAddress.ToString() + "\n"
                   + "Registration Date:  " + RegistrationDate.ToString() + "\n"
                   + "EntryDate: " + EntryDate.ToString() + "\n"
                   + "ReleaseDate: " + ReleaseDate.ToString() + "\n"

                   + "Synagogue: " + Synagogue.ToString() + "\n"
                   + "Childrens Attractions:  " + ChildrensAttractions.ToString() + "\n"
Esempio n. 15
        public override string ToString()
            string value = $"{Symbol} {ReleaseDate.ToString()} {Open} {High} {Low} {Close}";

Esempio n. 16
 public override string ToString()
     return(String.Join(" - ", Title, ReleaseDate.ToString("yyyy"), Genre, Price));
Esempio n. 17
        public override string ToString()
            string Answer = "Last Name: " + LastName + ", \nFirst Name: " + FirstName + ", \nEmail Address: " + Email + ", \nOrder Number: " + GuestRequestKey + ", \nRegistration Date: " + RegistrationDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ", \nEntry Date: " + EntryDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + ", \nRelease Date: " + ReleaseDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") +
                            ", \nHosting Unit Type: " + HostingUnitType + ", \nArea: " + Area + ", \nClient Requirement Status: " + RequirementStatus + ",\nNum Of Adults: " + NumOfAdults + ", \nNum Of Kids: " + NumOfKids +
                            ", \nPool: " + Pool + ", \nJacuzzi: " + Jacuzzi + ", \nPorch: " + Porch + ", \nAttractions: " + ChildrenAttractions + ", \nFood: " + Food + "\n";

Esempio n. 18
 public override string ToString()
     return(base.ToString() + string.Format(", {0}, {1}, {2}, Table={3}, Key={4}", Number, ProductType, ReleaseDate.ToString(), GetTableName(), GetKeyName()));
Esempio n. 19
 public override string ToString()
     return($"Firmware v{ReleaseVersion.Major}.{ReleaseVersion.Minor:D3}.{ReleaseVersion.Build:D4} ({ReleaseDate.ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy")})");
 public override string ToString()
     return($"Id: {Id}, Name: {Name}, ReleaseDate: {ReleaseDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")}, Location: {Location}, Genre: {Genre}, Rating: {Rating}");
Esempio n. 21
        public override string ToString()
            string isSubArea = SubArea != default(Enum_s.SubArea) ? " Specific Area: " + SubArea.ToString("g") : "";

            return("Guest Request ID: " + GuestRequestKey.ToString() + "   Name: "
                   + FirstName + ' ' + LastName + "   Mail Address: " + MailAddress +
                   "\nOrder Status: " + Status.ToString("g") + " Application Date: " + RegistrationDate.ToString("d") +
                   " Check In Date: " + EntryDate.ToString("d") + " Check Out Date: " + ReleaseDate.ToString("d") +
                   "\nArea: " + Area.ToString("g") + isSubArea + " Hosting Unit Type: " + Type + "\nYour Group: Adults- " +
                   Adults.ToString() + " Children- " + Children.ToString() + " Special Additions: Pool- " + Pool.ToString("g") +
                   " Jucuzzi- " + Jacuzzi.ToString("g") + " Garden- " + Garden.ToString("g") + " Attractions For Children- " +
                   ChildrenAttractions.ToString("g") + '\n');
Esempio n. 22
 public override string ToString()
     return(string.Format($"Id: '{Id}', Title: '{Title}', Release Date: '{ReleaseDate.ToString()}', Genre: '{Genre}', Price: '{Price.ToString()}'"));
 public override string ToString()
     return("private name: " + PrivateName + "\nfamily name: " + FamilyName + "\nemail address: " + MailAddress +
            "\nentry date: " + EntryDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "    release date: " + ReleaseDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "\ntype: " + Type + "\narea: " + Area + "   subArea: " + SubArea +
            "\nadults: " + Adults + "   children: " + Children + "\npet: " + Pet + "\netc...");
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// this function describing the guest request
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// returns a string with the details
        /// </returns>
        public override string ToString()
            //string result = " מספר הבקשה לאירוח:  " + GuestRequestKey + '\n' + "שם הלקוח: " + PrivateName + '\n' + ' ' + FamilyName + '\n' + "מייל: " + MailAddress + '\n' + " סטטוס הבקשה: " + Status + '\n' +
            //    "תאריך רישום למערכת: " + (RegistrationDate.ToString()).Remove(10) + '\n' + "תאריך רצוי לתחילת הנופש: " + (EntryDate.ToString()).Remove(10) + '\n' + "תאריך רצוי לסיום הנופש: " + (ReleaseDate.ToString()).Remove(10) + '\n' +
            //    "אזור הנופש הרצוי בארץ: " + Area + '\n' + "סוג יחידת האירוח הרצוי: " + Type + '\n' + "מספר המבוגרים: " + Adults + '\n' + "מספר ילדים: " + Children + '\n' +
            //    "בריכה: " + Pool + '\n' + "ג'קוזי: " + Jacuzzi + '\n' + " גינה: " + Garden + '\n';
            string result = "Guest Request Key:  " + GuestRequestKey + '\n' + "Name: " + PrivateName + ' ' + FamilyName + '\n' + "Mail Address: " + MailAddress + '\n' + " Status: " + Status + '\n' +
                            "Registration Date: " + (RegistrationDate.ToString()).Remove(10) + '\n' + "Entry Date: " + (EntryDate.ToString()).Remove(10) + '\n' + "Release Date: " + (ReleaseDate.ToString()).Remove(10) + '\n' +
                            "Area: " + Area + '\n' + "Type of Hosting Unit: " + Type + '\n' + "Adults: " + Adults + '\n' + " Children: " + Children + '\n' +
                            " Pool: " + Pool + '\n' + "Jacuzzi: " + Jacuzzi + '\n' + "Garden: " + Garden + '\n';

Esempio n. 25
        //----------------------------------GuestRequest   Methodes----------------------------------//

        public override string ToString()
            string infoToPrint = "";

            infoToPrint += "Request key: " + GuestRequestKey + "\n";
            infoToPrint += "Request status: " + Status + "\n";
            infoToPrint += "Guest name: " + Guest.LastName + " " + Guest.FirstName + "\n";
            infoToPrint += "Guest mail: " + Guest.MailAddress + "\n";
            infoToPrint += "Vacation dates: from " + EntryDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + " to " + ReleaseDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") + "\n";
            infoToPrint += "Vacation properties: " + VacationProperties.ToString();

Esempio n. 26
        public string Info()
            string Info = $"{Name},{Developer},{Genre},{ReleaseDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")},{ID}";
