public MainWindowViewModel() { ScallParam = new ObservableCollection <string>(); ScallParam.Add("1:1"); ScallParam.Add("1:100"); ScallParam.Add("1:500"); ScallParam.Add("1:1000"); ScallParam.Add("1:2000"); ScallParam.Add("1:5000"); ScallParam.Add("1:10000"); ScallParam.Add("1:25000"); ScallParam.Add("1:50000"); ScallParam.Add("1:100000"); ScallParam.Add("1:200000"); ScallParam.Add("1:300000"); ScallParam.Add("1:500000"); ScallParam.Add("1:1000000"); this.Translate = new Translate(); ScaleCanvasParam = new ScaleCanvasParam(); Scale = new Scale(); GetUIElement = new RelayCommands <UIElementCollection>((obj) => CanvasChildren = obj, (obj) => true); OpenFile = new RelayCommands(ParseXmlFile); enlargeCommands = new RelayCommands <Object>((obj) => Scale.Enlarge(1.3), (obj) => true); decreaseCommands = new RelayCommands <Object>((obj) => Scale.Decrease(1.3), (obj) => true); }
public MainViewModel(IDialogService dialogService, XmlComputerReader sourceReader, XmlComputerWriter sourceWriter) { _dialogService = dialogService; _xmlComputerReader = sourceReader; _xmlComputerWriter = sourceWriter; Computers = new ObservableCollection <Computer>(); if (File.Exists(@"serwis.xml")) { var fileName = @"serwis.xml"; // zaladowanie domyslnej bazy przy starcie programu if (fileName != null) { List <Computer> ComputerList = _xmlComputerReader.ReadBooks(fileName); foreach (var computer in ComputerList) { Computers.Add(computer); } } } else { File.Create(@"serwis.xml"); } NewComp = new Computer(); AddComputer = new RelayCommands(p => AddNewComputer(), null); OpenFile = new RelayCommands(p => LoadFile(), null); SaveFile = new RelayCommands(p => SaveToFile(), null); }
/// <summary> /// Remove a command from the command map /// </summary> /// <param name="commandName">The name of the command</param> internal void RemoveCommand(string commandName) { if (RelayCommands.ContainsKey(commandName)) { RelayCommands[commandName].Dispose(); RelayCommands.Remove(commandName); } }
/// <summary> /// Add a named command to the command map /// </summary> /// <param name="commandName">The name of the command</param> /// <param name="executeMethod">The method to execute</param> /// <param name="canExecuteMethod">The method to execute to check if the command can be executed</param> internal void AddCommand(string commandName, Action <object> executeMethod, Predicate <object> canExecuteMethod, bool isVisible) { if (RelayCommands.ContainsKey(commandName)) { RelayCommands[commandName].Dispose(); } RelayCommands[commandName] = new RelayCommand(executeMethod, canExecuteMethod, isVisible); }
public ProductViewModel() { objProdService = new ProductService(); LoadData(); CurrentProduct = new Product(); _saveCommand = new RelayCommands(Save); _updateCommand = new RelayCommands(Update); _deleteCommand = new RelayCommands(Delete); }
public ManagerViewModel() { objManagerService = new ManagerService(); LoadData(); CurrentManager = new Manager(); _saveCommand = new RelayCommands(Save); _updateCommand = new RelayCommands(Update); _deleteCommand = new RelayCommands(Delete); _showCommand = new RelayCommands(ShowClients); }
public FavouritesViewModel(FavouritesView favouritesView, StateContext stateContext, MovieRepository movieRepository) { CurrentStateControl = favouritesView; MovieRepository = movieRepository; CurrentStateControl = new FavouritesView(); CurrentStateControl.DataContext = this; StateContext = stateContext; GoToSearch = new RelayCommands(GoToSearchUserControl); DeleteFavouriteItem = new RelayCommands <int>(DeleteFavourite); FavouriteMovie = StateContext.FavouritesMovies; }
public ClientViewModel() { objClientService = new ClientService(); objManagerService = new ManagerService(); LoadData(); CurrentClient = new Client(); _saveCommand = new RelayCommands(Save); _updateCommand = new RelayCommands(Update); _deleteCommand = new RelayCommands(Delete); _showCommand = new RelayCommands(ShowProducts); }
public SearchViewModel(ApiService apiService, MovieRepository movieRepository, StateContext stateContext, SearchView searchView) { CurrentStateControl = searchView; CurrentStateControl.DataContext = this; MoviesRepository = movieRepository; _apiService = apiService; GoToFavouriteCommand = new RelayCommands(GoToFavourite); SearchCommand = new RelayCommands(Search); AddToFavouriteCommand = new RelayCommands(AddToFavourite); StateContext = stateContext; var t = MoviesRepository.GetMovies(); t.ToList().ForEach(e => StateContext.Movies.Add(e)); }
public MainWindowViewModel(Window window) { _window = window; //fire of all events of properties affected on window state change _window.StateChanged += (sender, e) => { OnPropertyChanged(nameof(CornerRadius)); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(ResizeBorderThickness)); }; //fire of commands Minimize = new RelayCommands(() => _window.WindowState = WindowState.Minimized); Maximize = new RelayCommands(() => _window.WindowState ^= WindowState.Maximized); Close = new RelayCommands(() => _window.Close()); }
public MainWindowViewModel(SearchViewModel searchViewModel, FavouritesViewModel favouritesViewModel) { CurrentState = searchViewModel; GetChildrenCommand = new RelayCommands <UIElementCollection>(child => { Scen = child; Scen?.Clear(); Scen.Add(CurrentState.CurrentStateControl); }); ChangeState = SetNewScen; searchViewModel.ChangeState = ChangeState; favouritesViewModel.ChangeState = ChangeState; searchViewModel.FavouritesViewModel = favouritesViewModel; favouritesViewModel.SearchViewModel = searchViewModel; }
public MainWindowViewModel() { MessageHeader = "Message Header"; MessageBody = "Message Body"; MessagTypeTextBlock = "Message type:"; LoadXMLText = "Load File"; GenerateReportButtonText = "Generate Report"; _MessageHeaderTextBox = string.Empty; _MessageBodyTextBox = string.Empty; _Subject = string.Empty; _Sender = string.Empty; LoadXMLCommand = new RelayCommands(LoadXMLClick); GenerateReportCommand = new RelayCommands(GenerateReportClick); AddNewCommand = new RelayCommands(AddNew); AddNewSirCommand = new RelayCommands(AddNewSir); SaveToJsonCommand = new RelayCommands(SaveToJson); p = new MessageProcessor(); p.loadAbbreviations(); }
private void InitializeViewsModel() { _displayContent = "Please Enter your Number"; ButtonNumberCommand = new RelayCommands(new Action <object>(UpdateOperandString)); ButtonOperationCommand = new RelayCommands(new Action <object>(SetOperation)); }
public MainViewModel() { _openManager = new RelayCommands(OpenManagerWindow); _openProducts = new RelayCommands(OpenProdWindow); _openClients = new RelayCommands(OpenClientWindow); }
static RelayCommandAttribute GetCommand(RelayCommands cmd) { switch (cmd) { case RelayCommands.Create: return CreateCommand; case RelayCommands.Search: return SearchCommand; case RelayCommands.Copy: return CopyCommand; case RelayCommands.Edit: return EditCommand; case RelayCommands.Delete: return DeleteCommand; case RelayCommands.DeleteSelected: return DeleteSelectedCommand; case RelayCommands.Save: return SaveCommand; case RelayCommands.Export: return ExportCommand; case RelayCommands.Import: return ImportCommand; case RelayCommands.Approve: return ApproveCommand; case RelayCommands.Disapprove: return DisapproveCommand; case RelayCommands.Undo: return UndoCommand; case RelayCommands.Redo: return RedoCommand; case RelayCommands.ResetFilter: return ResetFilterCommand; case RelayCommands.OpenSearch: return OpenSearchCommand; case RelayCommands.BrowseBack: return BrowseBackCommand; case RelayCommands.BrowseForward: return BrowseForwardCommand; case RelayCommands.FirstPage: return FirstPageCommand; case RelayCommands.LastPage: return LastPageCommand; case RelayCommands.NextPage: return NextPageCommand; case RelayCommands.PreviousPage: return PreviousPageCommand; case RelayCommands.GoToPage: return GoToPageCommand; case RelayCommands.Refresh: return RefreshCommand; case RelayCommands.Print: return PrintCommand; case RelayCommands.PrintPreview: return PrintPreviewCommand; } return null; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="baseOn">命令原型</param> public RelayCommandAttribute(RelayCommands baseOn) : this(GetCommand(baseOn)) { }