Esempio n. 1
        private async void OnButtonSubmit(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var Query = txtQuery.Text;

            if (Query == "")
                await DisplayAlert("Validation Error", "Please enter your query", "Re-try");


            dsMaster = new F4HApp.dataservice.DSMaster();
            string result = await dsMaster.SupportQuery(App.MemberID, txtQuery.Text);

            RegistrationResponseObject m = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RegistrationResponseObject>(result.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", ""));
            string Status = m.Status.ToString();
            string Msg    = m.Msg;

            if (Status == "Success")
                await DisplayAlert("Food4Health", "Your query has been successfuly submitted. You will be able to check our response in the Support Forum section. Thank you", "Done");

                txtQuery.Text = "";
                await DisplayAlert("Food4Health Error", Msg, "Re-try");
Esempio n. 2
        private async void OnbtnChangePassword(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var ExistingPassword = txtExistingPassword.Text;
            var NewPassword      = txtNewPassword.Text;
            var ConfirmPassword  = txtConfirmPassword.Text;

            string Status = "Fail";
            string Msg    = "Technical Error";

            if (ExistingPassword == "")
                await DisplayAlert("Validation Error", "Existing Password cannot be blank", "Re-try");


            if (NewPassword == "")
                await DisplayAlert("Validation Error", "New Password cannot be blank", "Re-try");


            if (ConfirmPassword == "")
                await DisplayAlert("Validation Error", "Confirm Password cannot be blank", "Re-try");


            if (ConfirmPassword != NewPassword)
                await DisplayAlert("Validation Error", "Confirm password and New password doesnot match", "Re-try");


            dsLogin = new F4HApp.dataservice.DSLogin();
            string result = await dsLogin.UpdateMemberPassword(App.MemberID, ExistingPassword, NewPassword);

            RegistrationResponseObject m = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RegistrationResponseObject>(result.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", ""));

            Status = m.Status.ToString();
            Msg    = m.Msg;

            if (Status == "Success")
                await DisplayAlert("Food4Health", "Password Changed", "Done");

                txtExistingPassword.Text = "";
                txtNewPassword.Text      = "";
                txtConfirmPassword.Text  = "";
                await DisplayAlert("Food4Health Error", Msg, "Re-try");
Esempio n. 3
        private async void OnbtnSendCode(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var MobileNo = string.Empty;

            MobileNo = txtMobileNo.Text;
            string ValidationMsg = "";
            bool   IsValid       = true;

            if (MobileNo == null)
                ValidationMsg += "Enter Mobile\n";
                IsValid        = false;
                if (!CheckValidMobile(MobileNo))
                    ValidationMsg += "Enter 9 digit mobile no.\n";
                    IsValid        = false;

            if (IsValid)
                dsLogin = new F4HApp.dataservice.DSLogin();
                string result = await dsLogin.ChkMobileExists(MobileNo);

                RegistrationResponseObject m = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RegistrationResponseObject>(result.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", ""));
                string Status = m.Status.ToString();
                string Msg    = m.Msg;

                if (Status == "Success")
                    IntRandom = RandomNumber(1, 9999);
                    string Message = @"Your OTP is " + IntRandom.ToString();

                    string SMSResult = await dsLogin.SendSms(MobileNo, Message);

                    SMSResponceObject S = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SMSResponceObject>(SMSResult.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", ""));

                    string SmsStatusAlert = S.Status.ToString();
                    await DisplayAlert("Food4Health - OTP ", IntRandom.ToString(), "Done");

                    StackMobileNo.IsVisible = false;
                    StackReset.IsVisible    = false;
                    StackOTP.IsVisible      = true;
                    await DisplayAlert("Validation Error", "Mobile number not found", "Re-try");
                await DisplayAlert("Validation Error", ValidationMsg, "Re-try");
Esempio n. 4
        private async void OnbtnChangeAddress(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var AddLine1  = txtAddress1.Text;
            var AddLine2  = txtAddress2.Text;
            var CityTown  = txtCityTown.Text;
            var StateArea = txtStateArea.Text;
            var PostCode  = txtPostcode.Text;
            var Country   = ddlCountry.Items[ddlCountry.SelectedIndex];

            string Status = "Fail";
            string Msg    = "Technical Error";

            if (AddLine1 == "")
                await DisplayAlert("Validation Error", "Address Line 1 cannot be blank", "Re-try");


            if (CityTown == "")
                await DisplayAlert("Validation Error", "City / Town cannot be blank", "Re-try");


            //if (Country == "")
            //    await DisplayAlert("Validation Error", "Country cannot be blank", "Re-try");
            //    return;

            dsLogin = new F4HApp.dataservice.DSLogin();
            string result = await dsLogin.UpdateMemberDetails(App.MemberID, AddLine1, AddLine2, "", CityTown, StateArea, PostCode, Country);

            RegistrationResponseObject m = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RegistrationResponseObject>(result.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", ""));

            Status = m.Status.ToString();
            Msg    = m.Msg;

            if (Status == "Success")
                await DisplayAlert("Food4Health", "Contact Address updated successfully", "Done");

                txtAddress1.Text         = "";
                txtAddress2.Text         = "";
                txtCityTown.Text         = "";
                txtStateArea.Text        = "";
                txtPostcode.Text         = "";
                ddlCountry.SelectedIndex = ddlCountry.Items.IndexOf("KENYA");
                await DisplayAlert("Food4Health Error", "Technical Error", "Re-try");
Esempio n. 5
        private async void OnbtnResetPassword(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var Pass = string.Empty;

            Pass = txtResetPassword.Text;

            if (Pass == null)
                await DisplayAlert("Validation Error", "Enter new password", "Re-try");


            dsLogin = new F4HApp.dataservice.DSLogin();
            string result = await dsLogin.ResetMemberPassword(txtMobileNo.Text, Pass);

            RegistrationResponseObject m = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RegistrationResponseObject>(result.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", ""));
            string Status = m.Status.ToString();
            string Msg    = m.Msg;

            txtResetPassword.Text = "";

            await DisplayAlert("Food4Health", Msg, "Done");
Esempio n. 6
        private async void OnbtnRegister(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var    Title         = string.Empty;
            var    FirstName     = string.Empty;
            var    LastName      = string.Empty;
            var    MobileNo      = string.Empty;
            var    EmailID       = string.Empty;
            var    DOB           = string.Empty;
            var    Password      = string.Empty;
            string ValidationMsg = "";
            bool   IsValid       = true;

            FirstName = txtFirstName.Text;
            LastName  = txtLastName.Text;
            MobileNo  = txtMobileNo.Text;
            EmailID   = txtEmailID.Text;
            DOB       = txtDOB.Text;
            Password  = txtPassword.Text;

            if (ddlTitle.SelectedIndex > -1)
                Title = ddlTitle.Items[ddlTitle.SelectedIndex];

            if (Title == "")
                ValidationMsg += "Title\n";
                IsValid        = false;

            if (FirstName == null)
                ValidationMsg += "First Name\n";
                IsValid        = false;

            if (LastName == null)
                ValidationMsg += "Last Name\n";
                IsValid        = false;

            if (MobileNo == null)
                ValidationMsg += "Mobile\n";
                IsValid        = false;
                if (!CheckValidMobile(MobileNo))
                    ValidationMsg += "Enter 9 digit mobile no.\n";
                    IsValid        = false;

            if (EmailID == null)
                ValidationMsg += "Email address\n";
                IsValid        = false;
                if (!CheckValidEmail(EmailID))
                    ValidationMsg += "Invalid email address\n";
                    IsValid        = false;

            if (DOB == null)
                ValidationMsg += "Date of birth\n";
                IsValid        = false;
                if (!CheckValidDOB(DOB))
                    ValidationMsg += "Invalid date of birth format\n";
                    IsValid        = false;

            if (Password == null)
                ValidationMsg += "Password\n";
                IsValid        = false;

            if (IsValid)
                string Status = "Fail";
                string Msg    = "Technical Error";

                dsLogin = new F4HApp.dataservice.DSLogin();
                string result = await dsLogin.Registration(Title, FirstName, LastName, DOB, MobileNo, EmailID, Password);

                    RegistrationResponseObject m = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RegistrationResponseObject>(result.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", ""));
                    Status = m.Status.ToString();
                    Msg    = m.Msg;

                if (Status == "Success")
                    string Message = @"Welcome to F4H, your gateway to earn loyalty points.

                                        Login credentials - 

                                        Mobile No.: " + MobileNo + @"

                                        Password:"******"[", "").Replace("]", ""));

                    string SmsStatusAlert = S.Status.ToString();
                    await DisplayAlert("Congratulations " + SmsStatusAlert, "Your registration was successful", "Login");

                    await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new F4HApp.views.Home());
                    await DisplayAlert("Food4Health", Msg, "Re-Try");
                await DisplayAlert("Validation Error", ValidationMsg, "Re-try");
            //await Navigation.PushModalAsync(new F4HApp.MP());
Esempio n. 7
        private async void OnbtnAdd(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var FName    = txtFName.Text;
            var LName    = txtLName.Text;
            var MobileNo = txtMobileNo.Text;

            string Status = "Fail";
            string Msg    = "Technical Error";

            if (FName == null)
                await DisplayAlert("Validation Error", "First name cannot be blank", "Re-try");


            if (LName == null)
                await DisplayAlert("Validation Error", "Last name cannot be blank", "Re-try");


            if (MobileNo == null)
                await DisplayAlert("Validation Error", "Mobile No cannot be blank", "Re-try");

            if (ddlCategory.SelectedIndex == -1)
                await DisplayAlert("Validation Error", "Category cannot be blank", "Re-try");


            var FFCategory = ddlCategory.Items[ddlCategory.SelectedIndex];

            dsLogin = new F4HApp.dataservice.DSLogin();
            string result = await dsLogin.MemberFF(App.MemberID, FName, LName, MobileNo, FFCategory);

            RegistrationResponseObject m = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RegistrationResponseObject>(result.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", ""));

            Status = m.Status.ToString();
            Msg    = m.Msg;

            if (Status == "Success")
                await DisplayAlert("Food4Health", "Member added to your list", "Done");

                string Response = await FamilyList();

                Response = await FriendList();

                txtFName.Text    = "";
                txtLName.Text    = "";
                txtMobileNo.Text = "";
                await DisplayAlert("Food4Health Error", Msg, "Re-try");