private void NotifyViaMail(RegistrationJournal regJournal) { if (mailing != null) { string message = $"<p><a href=\"{regJournal.RegistrationId}/3\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener\">{regJournal.RegistrationId}</a> is enterfering with stations listed below</p>"; message += "<table><tbody>"; message += "<tr><td> Id </td><td> name </td ><td> owned </td><td> type </td></tr> "; foreach (var item in regJournal.CollisionStations) { message += $"<tr><td> {item.Id} </td><td><a href = \"{item.Id}/3\" target = \"_blank\" rel = \"noopener\" > {item.Name} </a></td><td> {item.Owned} </td><td> {item.Type} </td>"; } message += "</tr></tbody></table> "; mailing.Send("collision detected", message); } }
public void AddRegistrationEntryAsync(RegistrationJournal entry) { _context.RegistrationJournal.Add(entry); }
private async Task DoWork(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { logger.LogInformation($"Launching CTU60G, current version: {Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version}"); SourceDataType sourceDataType = default; mailing = CheckEmailOptionValues(); if (await CheckWorkerOptionValues(cancellationToken, sourceDataType)) { logger.LogInformation($"Synchronization type set to: {workerOptions.Synchronization }"); string msg = $"Run type set to: {workerOptions.Run}"; msg += (workerOptions.Run == RunTypeEnum.InSpecifedTime.ToString()) ? $", app will run every day in {workerOptions.RunTimeSpecification.Hours}:{workerOptions.RunTimeSpecification.Minutes}":""; msg += (workerOptions.Run == RunTypeEnum.AfterSpecifedTime.ToString()) ? $", app will run always after {workerOptions.RunTimeSpecification}":""; logger.LogInformation(msg); do { //Loading source data from file or url logger.LogInformation("Loading data"); string loadedData = default; try { loadedData = await LoadData(sourceDataType); } catch (Exception e) { logger.LogError("Could not obtain source data, exception message:\n {0}.", e.Message); TaskCompletionSource.SetResult(false); appLifetime.StopApplication(); return; } //parsing loaded source data logger.LogInformation("parsing loaded data"); List <WirelessSite> parsedSites = await ParseData(cancellationToken, loadedData); cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); try { logger.LogInformation("LoggingIn"); using (CTUClient client = new CTUClient(workerOptions.CTULogin, workerOptions.CTUPass, workerOptions.SignalIsolationConsentIfMyOwn)) { logger.LogInformation("LoggedIn"); OnSiteData ctuMetaData = new OnSiteData(await client.GetMyStationsAsync()); foreach (var site in parsedSites) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); if ((DateTime.Now - ctuMetaData.LasTimeRefreshed).TotalSeconds > 10) { ctuMetaData.Refresh(await client.GetMyStationsAsync()); } if (site.Infos.SiteType == "ptp") { List <P2PSite> pairs = (ProcessWUnitCreation(site) as List <P2PSite>); if (pairs != null) { foreach (var pair in pairs) { RegistrationJournal regJournal = default; if (pair.StationB.CTUId > 0) // update already existing site { ProcessRegistrationJournal(regJournal = await client.UpdatePTPConnectionAsync(pair), site); } else // create new site { ProcessRegistrationJournal(regJournal = await client.AddPTPSiteAsync(pair), site); if (regJournal.Phase == RegistrationJournalPhaseEnum.Published && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(workerOptions.ResponseWithCTUID)) { HttpClient cl = new HttpClient(); HttpResponseMessage rm = await cl.GetAsync(workerOptions.ResponseWithCTUID + $"&id={pair.StationA.OwnerId}&ctuId={regJournal.RegistrationId}"); HttpResponseMessage rm2 = await cl.GetAsync(workerOptions.ResponseWithCTUID + $"&id={pair.StationB.OwnerId}&ctuId={regJournal.RegistrationId}"); } } } } } else if (site.Infos.SiteType == "ptmp") { WigigPTMPUnitInfo wigig = (ProcessWUnitCreation(site) as WigigPTMPUnitInfo); if (wigig != null) { ProcessRegistrationJournal(await client.AddWIGIG_PTP_PTMPConnectionAsync(wigig), site); } } else if (site.Infos.SiteType == "delete" && workerOptions.Synchronization == SynchronizationTypeEnum.Manual.ToString()) { ProcessDeletion(site, client); } else { logger.LogWarning($"{site.Infos.Ssid} site type is missing or has unrecognizable value, dont know where to publish:\n" + $"original source:\n" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(site, Formatting.Indented)); } } } } catch (InvalidMailOrPasswordException) { logger.LogError("Invalid login credentials"); TaskCompletionSource.SetResult(false); appLifetime.StopApplication(); return; } catch (WebServerException e) { logger.LogError($"Web server exception occured during comunication with ctu\n{e.Message} {e.Status.ToString()}\n {e.StackTrace}"); TaskCompletionSource.SetResult(false); appLifetime.StopApplication(); return; } catch (OperationCanceledException e) { logger.LogError($"Task was stopped as respond to system signal\n{e.Message}"); TaskCompletionSource.SetResult(false); appLifetime.StopApplication(); return; } catch (Exception e) { logger.LogError($"unknown exception occured during login\n{e.Message}\n {e.StackTrace}"); logger.LogInformation(e.Message); logger.LogWarning("Shuting service down"); TaskCompletionSource.SetResult(false); appLifetime.StopApplication(); return; } if (workerOptions.Run == RunTypeEnum.AfterSpecifedTime.ToString()) { Log.Information($"task goes to sleep, will resume at {DateTime.Now + workerOptions.RunTimeSpecification}"); await Task.Delay(workerOptions.RunTimeSpecification, cancellationToken); } if (workerOptions.Run == RunTypeEnum.InSpecifedTime.ToString()) { TimeSpan timeToWait = DateTime.Today + workerOptions.RunTimeSpecification - DateTime.Now; if (timeToWait < TimeSpan.Zero) { timeToWait += new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0); } Log.Information($"task goes to sleep, will resume at {DateTime.Now + timeToWait}"); await Task.Delay(timeToWait, cancellationToken); } }while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested && (RunTypeEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(RunTypeEnum), workerOptions.Run) != RunTypeEnum.Once); logger.LogInformation("allDone"); } void ProcessRegistrationJournal(RegistrationJournal regJournal, WirelessSite site) { using (LogContext.PushProperty("phase", regJournal.Phase.ToString())) using (LogContext.PushProperty("type", regJournal.Type.ToString())) using (LogContext.PushProperty("id", regJournal.RegistrationId)) { switch (regJournal.Phase) { case RegistrationJournalPhaseEnum.InputValidation: { logger.LogWarning("{phase}\nid:{id}\n{type}\nwas not possible due to Invalid values\n" + "No records were created/updated"); } break; case RegistrationJournalPhaseEnum.Localization: { if (regJournal.ThrownException.GetType() == typeof(WebServerException)) { logger.LogWarning("{phase}\nid:{id}\n{type}\nwas not possible due to unexpected web behaviour\n" + $"No record were created"); } else { logger.LogWarning("{phase}\nid:{id}\n{type}\nwas not possible due to unexpected behaviour\n" + $"No record were created"); } } break; case RegistrationJournalPhaseEnum.TechnicalSpecification: { using (LogContext.PushProperty("record", "Draft")) { if (regJournal.ThrownException.GetType() == typeof(WebServerException)) { logger.LogWarning("{phase}\nid:{id}\n{type}\nwas not possible due to unexpected web behaviour\n" + "Record is now in state {record}"); } else { logger.LogWarning("{phase}\nid:{id}\n{type}\nwas not possible due to unexpected behaviour\n" + "Record is now in state {record}"); } } } break; case RegistrationJournalPhaseEnum.CollissionSummary: { using (LogContext.PushProperty("record", "WAITING")) { if (regJournal.ThrownException.GetType() == typeof(WebServerException)) { logger.LogWarning("{phase}\nid:{id}\n{type}\nwas not possible due to unexpected web behaviour\n" + "Record is now in state {record}"); } else if (regJournal.ThrownException.GetType() == typeof(CollisionDetectedException)) { logger.LogWarning("{phase}\nid:{id}\n{type}\nwas not possible due to possible collision with another connection\n" + "Record is now in state {record}"); NotifyViaMail(regJournal); } else { logger.LogWarning("{phase}\nid:{id}\n{type}\nwas not possible due to unexpected behaviour\n" + "Record is now in state {record}"); } } } break; case RegistrationJournalPhaseEnum.Published: { using (LogContext.PushProperty("record", "PUBLISHED")) { logger.LogInformation("{phase}\nid:{id}\n{type}\nwas successfully published\n" + "Record is now in state {record}"); } } break; default: break; } } } async Task ZeroDatabase(List <WirelessSite> sites) { foreach (var site in sites) { HttpClient cl = new HttpClient(); if (site.Ap != null) { foreach (var item in site?.Ap) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(workerOptions.ResponseOnDelete)) { HttpResponseMessage rm2 = await cl.GetAsync(workerOptions.ResponseOnDelete + $"&id={item.Id}"); if (await rm2.Content.ReadAsStringAsync() != "ok") { } } } } if (site.Stations != null) { foreach (var item in site?.Stations) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(workerOptions.ResponseOnDelete)) { HttpResponseMessage rm2 = await cl.GetAsync(workerOptions.ResponseOnDelete + $"&id={item.Id}"); if (await rm2.Content.ReadAsStringAsync() != "ok") { } } } } } } object ProcessWUnitCreation(WirelessSite site) { try { if (site.Infos.SiteType == "ptp") { return(WirellesUnitFactory.CreatePTP(site)); } else if (site.Infos.SiteType == "ptmp") { return(WirellesUnitFactory.CreateWigigPTMP(site)); } } catch (MissingParameterException e) { using (LogContext.PushProperty("ci", "missing critical information")) { logger.LogWarning($"{site.Infos.Ssid} will not be possible to publish, because of" + "{ci}:\n" + $"{e.Message}\n" + $"original source:\n" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(site, Formatting.Indented)); } } catch (InvalidPropertyValueException e) { using (LogContext.PushProperty("ci", "invalid critical information")) { logger.LogWarning($"{site.Infos.Ssid} will not be possible to publish, because of" + "{ci} :\n" + $"Expected value: {e.ExpectedVauleInfo}\n" + $"Current value: {e.CurrentValue}\n" + $"original source:\n" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(site, Formatting.Indented)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } return(null); } void ProcessDeletion(WirelessSite site, CTUClient client) { try { if (site.Stations.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in site.Stations) { List <CtuWirelessUnit> stations = default; stations = client.GetStationByIdAsync(item.CtuReported).Result; } } else { List <CtuWirelessUnit> stations = default; stations = client.GetStationByIdAsync(site.Ap.FirstOrDefault()?.CtuReported).Result; if (stations.Count > 0) { client.DeleteConnectionAsync(site.Ap.FirstOrDefault()?.CtuReported); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } } TaskCompletionSource.SetResult(true); appLifetime.StopApplication(); return; }