Esempio n. 1
        public RegionSyncListener(RegionSyncListenerInfo listenerInfo, RegionSyncModule regionSyncModule)
            m_listenerInfo     = listenerInfo;
            m_regionSyncModule = regionSyncModule;

            m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
        public RegionSyncListener(RegionSyncListenerInfo listenerInfo, RegionSyncModule regionSyncModule)
            m_listenerInfo = listenerInfo;
            m_regionSyncModule = regionSyncModule;

            m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// The constructor that will be called when a SyncConnector is created passively: a remote SyncConnector has initiated the connection.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="connectorNum"></param>
 /// <param name="tcpclient"></param>
 public SyncConnector(int connectorNum, TcpClient tcpclient, RegionSyncModule syncModule)
     m_tcpConnection    = tcpclient;
     m_connectorNum     = connectorNum;
     m_regionSyncModule = syncModule;
     lastStatTime       = DateTime.Now;
     m_syncState        = SyncConnectorState.Initialization;
     m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// The constructor that will be called when a SyncConnector is created actively: it is created to send connection request to a remote listener
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="connectorNum"></param>
 /// <param name="listenerInfo"></param>
 public SyncConnector(int connectorNum, RegionSyncListenerInfo listenerInfo, RegionSyncModule syncModule)
     m_remoteListenerInfo = listenerInfo;
     m_connectorNum       = connectorNum;
     m_regionSyncModule   = syncModule;
     lastStatTime         = DateTime.Now;
     m_syncState          = SyncConnectorState.Initialization;
     m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// For each property in updatedProperties, (1) if the value in local sop/sp's
        /// data is different than that in SyncInfo, and what's in SyncInfo
        /// has an older timestamp, then update that property's value and syncInfo
        /// in SyncInfo; (2) otherwise, skip the property and do nothing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="part"></param>
        /// <param name="updatedProperties"></param>
        /// <returns>The list properties among updatedProperties whose value have been copied over to SyncInfo.</returns>
        public HashSet <SyncableProperties.Type> UpdateSyncInfoByLocal(UUID uuid, HashSet <SyncableProperties.Type> updatedProperties)
            SyncInfoBase thisSyncInfo = null;
            bool         found        = false;

            lock (m_syncLock){
                found = m_syncedUUIDs.TryGetValue(uuid, out thisSyncInfo);
            if (found)
                // DebugLog.WarnFormat("[SYNC INFO MANAGER] UpdateSyncInfoByLocal SyncInfo for {0} FOUND.", uuid);
                return(thisSyncInfo.UpdatePropertiesByLocal(uuid, updatedProperties, RegionSyncModule.NowTicks(), m_regionSyncModule.SyncID));
            // DebugLog.WarnFormat("[SYNC INFO MANAGER] UpdateSyncInfoByLocal SyncInfo for {0} NOT FOUND.", uuid);
            return(new HashSet <SyncableProperties.Type>());
Esempio n. 6
 public override bool ConvertIn(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext)
     bool ret = false;
     if (base.ConvertIn(pRegionContext))
     AgentID = DataMap["agentID"].AsUUID();
     ItemID = DataMap["itemID"].AsUUID();
     PrimID = DataMap["primID"].AsUUID();
     IsRunning = DataMap["running"].AsBoolean();
     AssetID = DataMap["assetID"].AsUUID();
     ret = true;
     return ret;
Esempio n. 7
 public override bool HandleIn(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext)
     bool ret = false;
     if (base.HandleIn(pRegionContext))
     m_log.DebugFormat("{0} SyncMsgChatFromClient: {1} : {2}", LogHeader, ChatMessage.From, ChatMessage.Message);
     if (ChatMessage.Sender is RegionSyncAvatar)
     ret = true;
     return ret;
Esempio n. 8
        public override bool HandleIn(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext)
            if (base.HandleIn(pRegionContext))
            if (SyncedProperties != null && SyncedProperties.Count > 0)
                // Update local sync info and scene object/presence
                HashSet<SyncableProperties.Type> propertiesUpdated = pRegionContext.InfoManager.UpdateSyncInfoBySync(Uuid, SyncedProperties);
                if (propertiesUpdated.Contains(RegionSync.SyncableProperties.Type.AvatarAppearance))
                    m_log.DebugFormat("{0} SyncMsgUpdatedProperties:HandleIn AvatarAppearance for uuid {1}", LogHeader, Uuid);

                // Do our own detail logging after we know which properties are actually updated (in propertiesUpdated)
                pRegionContext.DetailedUpdateLogging(Uuid, propertiesUpdated, "RecUpdateN", ConnectorContext.otherSideActorID, DataLength);

                // Relay the update properties
                if (pRegionContext.IsSyncRelay)
                    pRegionContext.EnqueueUpdatedProperty(Uuid, propertiesUpdated);
            return true;
Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 /// The constructor that will be called when a SyncConnector is created actively: it is created to send connection request to a remote listener
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="connectorNum"></param>
 /// <param name="listenerInfo"></param>
 public SyncConnector(int connectorNum, RegionSyncListenerInfo listenerInfo, RegionSyncModule syncModule)
     m_remoteListenerInfo = listenerInfo;
     m_connectorNum = connectorNum;
     m_regionSyncModule = syncModule;
     lastStatTime = DateTime.Now;
     m_syncState = SyncConnectorState.Initialization;
     m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
Esempio n. 10
 public SyncMsgDelinkObject(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext, List<UUID> pDelinkPrimIDs, List<UUID> pBeforeDlinkGroupIDs, List<SceneObjectGroup> pAfterDelinkGroups)
     : base(MsgType.DelinkObject, pRegionContext)
     DelinkPrimIDs = pDelinkPrimIDs;
     BeforeDelinkGroupIDs = pBeforeDlinkGroupIDs;
     AfterDelinkGroups = pAfterDelinkGroups;
Esempio n. 11
        public override bool ConvertOut(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext)
            lock (m_dataLock)
            if (Dir == Direction.Out && DataMap == null)
                OSDMap data = new OSDMap();
                data["partCount"] = OSD.FromInteger(DelinkPrimIDs.Count);
                int partNum = 0;
                foreach (UUID partUUID in DelinkPrimIDs)
                    string partTempID = "part" + partNum;
                    data[partTempID] = OSD.FromUUID(partUUID);
                //We also include the IDs of beforeDelinkGroups, for now it is more for sanity checking at the receiving end, so that the receiver
                //could make sure its delink starts with the same linking state of the groups/prims.
                data["beforeGroupsCount"] = OSD.FromInteger(BeforeDelinkGroupIDs.Count);
                int groupNum = 0;
                foreach (UUID affectedGroupUUID in BeforeDelinkGroupIDs)
                    string groupTempID = "beforeGroup" + groupNum;
                    data[groupTempID] = OSD.FromUUID(affectedGroupUUID);

                //include the property values of each object after delinking, for synchronizing the values
                data["afterGroupsCount"] = OSD.FromInteger(AfterDelinkGroups.Count);
                groupNum = 0;
                foreach (SceneObjectGroup afterGroup in AfterDelinkGroups)
                    string groupTempID = "afterGroup" + groupNum;
                    //string sogxml = SceneObjectSerializer.ToXml2Format(afterGroup);
                    //data[groupTempID] = OSD.FromString(sogxml);
                    OSDMap encodedSOG = EncodeSceneObject(afterGroup, pRegionContext);
                    data[groupTempID] = encodedSOG;
                DataMap = data;
            return base.ConvertOut(pRegionContext);
Esempio n. 12
 public SyncMsgAttach(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext, UUID pPrimID, UUID pItemID, UUID pAvatarID)
     : base(MsgType.Attach, pRegionContext)
     PrimID = pPrimID;
     ItemID = pItemID;
     AvatarID = pAvatarID;
Esempio n. 13
 public override bool ConvertOut(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext)
     lock (m_dataLock)
     if (Dir == Direction.Out && DataMap == null)
         DataMap = PrepareChatArgs(ChatMessage);
     return base.ConvertOut(pRegionContext);
Esempio n. 14
 public override bool ConvertOut(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext)
     lock (m_dataLock)
     if (Dir == Direction.Out && DataMap == null)
         OSDMap data = new OSDMap();
         data["actorID"] = ActorID;
         DataMap = data;
     return base.ConvertOut(pRegionContext);
Esempio n. 15
 public override bool HandleIn(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext)
     if (base.HandleIn(pRegionContext))
     ConnectorContext.otherSideActorID = ActorID;
     if (pRegionContext.IsSyncRelay)
         SyncMsgActorID msg = new SyncMsgActorID(pRegionContext, pRegionContext.ActorID);
     return true;
Esempio n. 16
 public override bool ConvertIn(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext)
     bool ret = false;
     if (base.ConvertIn(pRegionContext))
     ActorID = DataMap["actorID"];
     ret = true;
     ActorID = "UNKNOWN";
     return ret;
Esempio n. 17
        public override bool HandleIn(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext)
            if (base.HandleIn(pRegionContext))
            ArrayList errors = new ArrayList();
            if (PrimID != UUID.Zero)
                SceneObjectPart sop = pRegionContext.Scene.GetSceneObjectPart(PrimID);
                if (sop != null)
                    TaskInventoryItem taskItem = sop.Inventory.GetInventoryItem(ItemID);
                    taskItem.AssetID = AssetID;
                    if (IsRunning)
                        // Scripts are recreated when edited so replace the new script inventory item
                        sop.Inventory.RemoveScriptInstance(ItemID, false);
                        sop.Inventory.CreateScriptInstance(ItemID, 0, false, pRegionContext.Scene.DefaultScriptEngine, 0);
                        errors = sop.Inventory.GetScriptErrors(ItemID);
                    if (errors.Count > 0)
                        m_log.ErrorFormat("{0} Script errors detected. TODO: Send errors back to actor that created script", LogHeader);

                    //trigger the event in the local scene
                    pRegionContext.RememberLocallyGeneratedEvent(MsgType.UpdateScript, AgentID, ItemID, PrimID, IsRunning, AssetID);
                    pRegionContext.Scene.EventManager.TriggerUpdateScript(AgentID, ItemID, PrimID, IsRunning, AssetID);
            return true;
Esempio n. 18
 public override bool ConvertOut(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext)
     lock (m_dataLock)
     if (Dir == Direction.Out && DataMap == null)
         OSDMap data = new OSDMap(5 + 2);
         data["agentID"] = OSD.FromUUID(AgentID);
         data["itemID"] = OSD.FromUUID(ItemID);
         data["primID"] = OSD.FromUUID(PrimID);
         data["running"] = OSD.FromBoolean(IsRunning);
         data["assetID"] = OSD.FromUUID(AssetID);
         DataMap = data;
     return base.ConvertOut(pRegionContext);
Esempio n. 19
 public SyncMsgChatFromWorld(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext, OSChatMessage pChatMessage)
     : base(MsgType.ChatFromWorld, pRegionContext)
     ChatMessage = pChatMessage;
Esempio n. 20
 public override bool ConvertIn(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext)
     bool ret = false;
     if (base.ConvertIn(pRegionContext))
     PrimID = DataMap["primID"].AsUUID();
     ItemID = DataMap["itemID"].AsUUID();
     AvatarID = DataMap["avatarID"].AsUUID();
     ret = true;
     return ret;
Esempio n. 21
 public override bool ConvertIn(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext)
     bool ret = false;
     if (base.ConvertIn(pRegionContext))
     ChatMessage = PrepareOnChatArgs(DataMap, pRegionContext);
     ret = true;
     return ret;
Esempio n. 22
 public override bool ConvertOut(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext)
     lock (m_dataLock)
     if (Dir == Direction.Out && DataMap == null)
         OSDMap data = new OSDMap(3 + 2);
         data["primID"] = OSD.FromUUID(PrimID);
         data["itemID"] = OSD.FromUUID(ItemID);
         data["avatarID"] = OSD.FromUUID(AvatarID);
         DataMap = data;
     return base.ConvertOut(pRegionContext);
Esempio n. 23
 public override bool HandleIn(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext)
     if (base.HandleIn(pRegionContext))
     m_log.DebugFormat("{0} SyncMsgChatFromWorld: {1} : {2}", LogHeader, ChatMessage.From, ChatMessage.Message);
     pRegionContext.RememberLocallyGeneratedEvent(MsgType.ChatFromWorld, ChatMessage);
     // Let ChatModule get the event and deliver it to avatars
     pRegionContext.Scene.EventManager.TriggerOnChatFromWorld(ChatMessage.SenderObject, ChatMessage);
     return true;
Esempio n. 24
        public override bool HandleIn(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext)
            if (base.HandleIn(pRegionContext))
            SceneObjectPart part = pRegionContext.Scene.GetSceneObjectPart(PrimID);
            if (part == null)
                m_log.WarnFormat("{0} HandleRemoteEvent_OnAttach: no part with UUID {1} found", LogHeader, PrimID);
                return false;

            uint localID = part.LocalId;
            pRegionContext.RememberLocallyGeneratedEvent(MsgType.Attach, localID, ItemID, AvatarID);
            pRegionContext.Scene.EventManager.TriggerOnAttach(localID, ItemID, AvatarID);
            return true;
Esempio n. 25
        public override bool ConvertIn(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext)
            bool ret = false;
            if (base.ConvertIn(pRegionContext))

            //LocalPrims = new List<SceneObjectPart>();
            DelinkPrimIDs = new List<UUID>();
            BeforeDelinkGroupIDs = new List<UUID>();
            AfterDelinkGroups = new List<SceneObjectGroup>();
            PrimSyncInfo = new List<Dictionary<UUID, SyncInfoBase>>();

            int partCount = DataMap["partCount"].AsInteger();
            for (int i = 0; i < partCount; i++)
                string partTempID = "part" + i;
                UUID primID = DataMap[partTempID].AsUUID();
                //SceneObjectPart localPart = Scene.GetSceneObjectPart(primID);

            int beforeGroupCount = DataMap["beforeGroupsCount"].AsInteger();
            for (int i = 0; i < beforeGroupCount; i++)
                string groupTempID = "beforeGroup" + i;
                UUID beforeGroupID = DataMap[groupTempID].AsUUID();

            int afterGroupsCount = DataMap["afterGroupsCount"].AsInteger();
            for (int i = 0; i < afterGroupsCount; i++)
                string groupTempID = "afterGroup" + i;
                //string sogxml = data[groupTempID].AsString();
                SceneObjectGroup afterGroup;
                OSDMap encodedSOG = (OSDMap)DataMap[groupTempID];
                Dictionary<UUID, SyncInfoBase> groupSyncInfo;
                if (!DecodeSceneObject(encodedSOG, out afterGroup, out groupSyncInfo, pRegionContext.Scene))
                    m_log.WarnFormat("{0}: Failed to decode scene object in HandleSyncDelinkObject", LogHeader);
                    return false;

            ret = true;
            return ret;
Esempio n. 26
 public SyncInfoManager(RegionSyncModule syncModule, long ageOutTh)
     m_syncedUUIDs      = new Dictionary <UUID, SyncInfoBase>();
     m_regionSyncModule = syncModule;
     m_ageOutThreshold  = ageOutTh;
Esempio n. 27
 public override void LogReception(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext, SyncConnector pConnectorContext)
     // This override is here so the reception will not be default logged and the actual logging can occur
     //     after the properties have been processed.
Esempio n. 28
 public SyncMsgUpdateScript(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext, UUID pAgentID, UUID pItemID, UUID pPrimID, bool pIsRunning, UUID pAssetID)
     : base(MsgType.UpdateScript, pRegionContext)
     AgentID = pAgentID;
     ItemID = pItemID;
     PrimID = pPrimID;
     IsRunning = pIsRunning;
     AssetID = pAssetID;
Esempio n. 29
 /// <summary>
 /// The constructor that will be called when a SyncConnector is created passively: a remote SyncConnector has initiated the connection.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="connectorNum"></param>
 /// <param name="tcpclient"></param>
 public SyncConnector(int connectorNum, TcpClient tcpclient, RegionSyncModule syncModule)
     m_tcpConnection = tcpclient;
     m_connectorNum = connectorNum;
     m_regionSyncModule = syncModule;
     lastStatTime = DateTime.Now;
     m_syncState = SyncConnectorState.Initialization;
     m_log = LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
Esempio n. 30
 public override bool ConvertOut(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext)
     lock (m_dataLock)
     if (Dir == Direction.Out && DataMap == null)
         DataMap = pRegionContext.InfoManager.EncodeProperties(Uuid, SyncableProperties);
         if (DataMap == null)
             return false;
         // m_log.DebugFormat("{0} SyncMsgUpdatedProperties.ConvertOut, syncProp={1}, DataMap={2}", LogHeader, SyncableProperties, DataMap);
     return base.ConvertOut(pRegionContext);
Esempio n. 31
 public override void LogReception(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext, SyncConnector pConnectorContext)
     if (RegionContext != null)
     RegionContext.DetailedUpdateWrite(DetailLogTagRcv, AvatarID, 0, ZeroUUID, pConnectorContext.otherSideActorID, DataLength);
Esempio n. 32
 public SyncMsgActorID(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext, string pActorID)
     : base(MsgType.ActorID, pRegionContext)
     ActorID = pActorID;
Esempio n. 33
        //TODO: might return status such as Updated, Unchanged, etc to caller
        public HashSet <SyncableProperties.Type> UpdatePropertiesBySync(UUID uuid, HashSet <SyncedProperty> syncedProperties)
            long recvTS = RegionSyncModule.NowTicks();
            HashSet <SyncableProperties.Type> propertiesUpdated       = new HashSet <SyncableProperties.Type>();
            List <SyncedProperty>             updatedSyncedProperties = new List <SyncedProperty>();

            lock (m_syncLock)
                foreach (SyncedProperty syncedProperty in syncedProperties)
                    bool updated = false;

                    SyncableProperties.Type property = syncedProperty.Property;
                    //Compare if the value of the property in this SyncInfo is different than the value in local scene

                    SyncedProperty currentlySyncedProperty;
                    CurrentlySyncedProperties.TryGetValue(property, out currentlySyncedProperty);

                    // If synced property is not in cache, add it now.
                    if (currentlySyncedProperty == null)
                        //could happen if PhysActor is just created (object stops being phantom)
                        if (SyncableProperties.PhysActorProperties.Contains(property))
                            CurrentlySyncedProperties.Add(property, syncedProperty);
                            DebugLog.WarnFormat("{0}: UpdatePropertiesBySync: No record of property {1} for uuid {2}", LogHeader, property, uuid);
                            //Compare timestamp and update SyncInfo if necessary
                            updated = currentlySyncedProperty.CompareAndUpdateSyncInfoBySync(syncedProperty, recvTS);
                            //If updated, update the property value in scene object/presence
                            if (updated)
                        catch (Exception e)
                            DebugLog.ErrorFormat("{0}: UpdatePropertiesBySync: Error in updating property {1}: {2}", LogHeader, property, e.Message);

            //Now we only need to read from the SyncInfo, so moving the SetPropertyValue out of lock, to avoid potential deadlocks
            //which might happen due to side effects of "set" functions of a SOp or SP property
            foreach (SyncedProperty updatedProperty in updatedSyncedProperties)


Esempio n. 34
 public SyncMsgChatBroadcast(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext, OSChatMessage pChatMessage)
     : base(MsgType.ChatBroadcast, pRegionContext)
     ChatMessage = pChatMessage;
Esempio n. 35
 public override bool HandleIn(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext)
     if (base.HandleIn(pRegionContext))
     m_log.DebugFormat("{0} SyncMsgChatBroadcast: {1} : {2}", LogHeader, ChatMessage.From, ChatMessage.Message);
     pRegionContext.RememberLocallyGeneratedEvent(MsgType.ChatBroadcast, ChatMessage);
     pRegionContext.Scene.EventManager.TriggerOnChatBroadcast(ChatMessage.SenderObject, ChatMessage);
     return true;
Esempio n. 36
 public override bool ConvertIn(RegionSyncModule pRegionContext)
     bool ret = false;
     if (base.ConvertIn(pRegionContext))
     ret = true;
     // Decode synced properties from the message. never null.
     SyncedProperties = SyncInfoBase.DecodeSyncedProperties(DataMap);
     Uuid = DataMap["uuid"].AsUUID();
     m_log.ErrorFormat("{0} UpdatedProperties.ConvertIn failed to convert input data", LogHeader);
     ret = false;
     return ret;