Esempio n. 1
        void SkinnedEndPoint_SkinPage(object sender, EndPointEventArgs e)
            //Setup needed objects
            SkinnedEndPoint ep  = (SkinnedEndPoint)sender;
            BASEApplication app = (BASEApplication)HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance;
            //Used to indicate if the default region for a page has been merged yet.
            bool defaultAdded = false;
            //Get template chunks for sites template.

            //Find the Region panel.

            //TODO: Add in more comprehensive checking for valid sites, default system site, etc.
            SiteVirtualInfoEntity site = BASE.Data.Helpers.SiteVirtualInfoDataHelper.SelectSingle(app.BASERequest.SiteUID);

            if (site == null)
                throw new PageSkinningException("A Default site is required to skin a page with a template");

            //TODO: Add in checks for a valid TemplateGUid
            EntityCollection <TemplateChunksEntity> chunks = TemplateChunkDataHelper.Select(site.TemplateGUID.Value, true);

            List <HtmlChunk> htmlchunks = new HtmlParser().ParseToChunks(chunks, "bml");

            Control[] controls = new HtmlParser().ParseToControls(ep, htmlchunks, "bml");

            foreach (RegionPanel reg in ep.RegionPanels.Values)

            foreach (Control c in controls)
                if (c is RegionPlaceHolder)
                    RegionPlaceHolder plc = (RegionPlaceHolder)c;
                    foreach (RegionPanel reg in ep.RegionPanels.Values)
                        //Make sure that we have a matching ID for proper merging of regions.
                        if (reg.RegionID == plc.RegionID)
                    //TODO We need to figure a way to Log any regions that are orphaned and never merge.
        public Control[] CreateControls(Page page, List <HtmlChunk> chunks)
            List <System.Web.UI.Control> controls = new List <System.Web.UI.Control>();

            foreach (HtmlChunk chunk in chunks)
                switch (chunk.ChunkType)
                case HtmlChunkType.Tag:
                    //This is a tag for a custom control
                    controls.Add(TagParser.ParseTag(page, (HtmlTag)chunk));
                    //TODO: Change Tag System!!!

                case HtmlChunkType.Region:
                    //make sure its a base:Region!
                    //TODO: Make sure we pass the attributes somehow so that we can merge properly
                    BmlRegion         region = (BmlRegion)chunk;
                    RegionPlaceHolder plc    = new RegionPlaceHolder();
                    //Set the Region ID for any merging that may take place at a later stage
                    plc.RegionID = region.Id;
                    //optionally add innertext if any
                    if (region.IsSelfClosing)
                        //TODO: Add content if any
                    //This is a tag for a custom control

                case HtmlChunkType.Literal:
                    System.Web.UI.WebControls.Literal lit = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Literal();
                    lit.Text = chunk.Value;

                    throw new BASEGenericException("Invalid Chunk");
