internal static ReferenceAssemblyType GetPathToReferenceAssembly(Assembly a, out string path, ICollection <BuildErrorEventArgs> errors, ICollection <BuildWarningEventArgs> warnings, bool checkDependencies)
            lock (s_lock)
                if (AssemblyLocations.TryGetValue(a, out path))
            if ((TargetFrameworkReferenceAssemblyPaths == null) || (TargetFrameworkReferenceAssemblyPaths.Count == 0))
                path = Util.GetAssemblyCodeBase(a);
            AssemblyResolutionResult result = null;
            ReferenceAssemblyType    nonFrameworkAssembly = ReferenceAssemblyType.NonFrameworkAssembly;

            if (BuildResultCompiledAssemblyBase.AssemblyIsInCodegenDir(a))
                path = Util.GetAssemblyCodeBase(a);
                nonFrameworkAssembly = GetPathToReferenceAssembly(a, out path, errors, warnings, checkDependencies, true, out result);
            StoreResults(a, path, result, nonFrameworkAssembly);
        /// <summary>
        /// Check whether an assembly has dependencies to a framework assembly of a higher version,
        /// report the issue as a warning or error.
        /// </summary>
        private static void CheckOutOfRangeDependencies(string assemblyName)
            string       dependencies = null;
            Assembly     assembly     = Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
            AssemblyName aName        = new AssemblyName(assemblyName);

            // If the loaded assembly has a different version than the specified assembly,
            // then it is likely that there was unification or binding redirect in place.
            // If that is the case, then GetReferenceAssemblies won't be accurate for
            // finding the references of the actual assembly, so we skip checking its references.
            if (assembly.GetName().Version != aName.Version)

            foreach (AssemblyName name in assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies())
                try {
                    Assembly referenceAssembly = CompilationSection.LoadAndRecordAssembly(name);
                    string   path;
                    ReferenceAssemblyType referenceAssemblyType =
                        GetPathToReferenceAssembly(referenceAssembly, out path, null, null, false /*checkDependencies*/);

                    // We need to check the following 2 conditions:
                    // 1. If the assembly is available in the target framework, we also need to
                    // verify that the version being referenced is no higher than what we have
                    // in the target framework.
                    // 2. If the assembly is only available in a higher version framework.
                    Version resolvedAssemblyVersion = GetAssemblyVersion(path);
                    if (resolvedAssemblyVersion == null)

                    if ((referenceAssemblyType == ReferenceAssemblyType.FrameworkAssembly && resolvedAssemblyVersion < name.Version) ||
                        referenceAssemblyType == ReferenceAssemblyType.FrameworkAssemblyOnlyPresentInHigherVersion)
                        if (dependencies == null)
                            dependencies = name.FullName;
                            dependencies += "; " + name.FullName;
                catch {
                    // Ignore dependencies that are not found, as we are primarily concerned
                    // with framework assemblies that are on the machine.

            if (dependencies != null)
                string message = SR.GetString(SR.Higher_dependencies, assemblyName, dependencies);
Esempio n. 3
        private static bool IsFrameworkType(Type type)
            // We need to make sure a type is a framework type, before we try to use s_cbmTdpBridge on it.
            // Also, isFrameworkType should only be called in this specific scenario, when we are trying
            // to use s_cbmTdpBridge.
            Debug.Assert(s_cbmTdpBridge != null, "s_cbmTdpBridge should not be null in IsFrameworkType");
            bool result;

            if (!s_isFrameworkType.TryGetValue(type, out result))
                Assembly a = type.Assembly;
                string   path;
                ReferenceAssemblyType referenceAssemblyType = AssemblyResolver.GetPathToReferenceAssembly(a, out path);
                result = (referenceAssemblyType != ReferenceAssemblyType.NonFrameworkAssembly);
                s_isFrameworkType.TryAdd(type, result);
        private static void CheckOutOfRangeDependencies(string assemblyName)
            string       fullName = null;
            Assembly     assembly = Assembly.Load(assemblyName);
            AssemblyName name     = new AssemblyName(assemblyName);

            if (assembly.GetName().Version == name.Version)
                foreach (AssemblyName name2 in assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies())
                        string str2;
                        ReferenceAssemblyType type = GetPathToReferenceAssembly(CompilationSection.LoadAndRecordAssembly(name2), out str2, null, null, false);
                        Version assemblyVersion    = GetAssemblyVersion(str2);
                        if ((assemblyVersion != null) && (((type == ReferenceAssemblyType.FrameworkAssembly) && (assemblyVersion < name2.Version)) || (type == ReferenceAssemblyType.FrameworkAssemblyOnlyPresentInHigherVersion)))
                            if (fullName == null)
                                fullName = name2.FullName;
                                fullName = fullName + "; " + name2.FullName;
                if (fullName != null)
                    ReportWarningOrError(System.Web.SR.GetString("Higher_dependencies", new object[] { assemblyName, fullName }));
        internal static ReferenceAssemblyType GetPathToReferenceAssembly(Assembly a, out string path,
                                                                         ICollection <BuildErrorEventArgs> errors, ICollection <BuildWarningEventArgs> warnings,
                                                                         bool checkDependencies)
            lock (s_lock) {
                if (AssemblyLocations.TryGetValue(a, out path))

            // If there are no reference assemblies available, just use the path to the loaded assembly.
            if (TargetFrameworkReferenceAssemblyPaths == null || TargetFrameworkReferenceAssemblyPaths.Count == 0)
                path = System.Web.UI.Util.GetAssemblyCodeBase(a);

            AssemblyResolutionResult result = null;
            ReferenceAssemblyType    referenceAssemblyType = ReferenceAssemblyType.NonFrameworkAssembly;

            // If the assembly is generated by us, it is a non framework assembly and does not need to be resolved.
            if (BuildResultCompiledAssemblyBase.AssemblyIsInCodegenDir(a))
                path = System.Web.UI.Util.GetAssemblyCodeBase(a);
                // Try using the assembly full name.
                referenceAssemblyType = GetPathToReferenceAssembly(a, out path, errors, warnings,
                                                                   checkDependencies, true /*useFullName*/, out result);

            StoreResults(a, path, result, referenceAssemblyType);
 private static void StoreResults(Assembly a, string path, AssemblyResolutionResult result, ReferenceAssemblyType assemblyType)
     lock (s_lock)
         if (!AssemblyLocations.ContainsKey(a))
             AssemblyLocations.Add(a, path);
             AssemblyResolutionResults.Add(a, result);
             ReferenceAssemblyTypes.Add(a, assemblyType);
 private static void StoreResults(Assembly a, string path, AssemblyResolutionResult result, ReferenceAssemblyType assemblyType) {
     lock (s_lock) {
         if (!AssemblyLocations.ContainsKey(a)) {
             AssemblyLocations.Add(a, path);
             AssemblyResolutionResults.Add(a, result);
             ReferenceAssemblyTypes.Add(a, assemblyType);