public void AddManager <THub, THubActions>(Action <NotificationOptions> settings)
            where THub : Hub <THubActions>
            where THubActions : class
            if (!subscribersManagers.ContainsKey(typeof(THubActions)))
                NotificationOptions options = new NotificationOptions(new NotificationRoutesTable(), new NotificationControllersTable());

                if (options.KeyBuilderBuilderType is null)
                    throw new Exception("You must define a key builder in the extension settings");
                NotificationKeyBuilder keyBuilder = (NotificationKeyBuilder)ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance(ServiceProvider, options.KeyBuilderBuilderType);

                NotificationEvents notificationEvents = new NoopNotificationEvents();
                if (!(options.NotificationEventsType is null))
                    notificationEvents = (NotificationEvents)ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance(ServiceProvider, options.NotificationEventsType);

                RedisConnection        connection        = ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IRedisSettingsProvider>().GetConnectionSettings();
                RedisConnectionManager connectionManager = new RedisConnectionManager(connection, notificationEvents);
                RedisManager           redisManager      = new RedisManager(connectionManager, notificationEvents);

                NotificationPubSubManager <THub, THubActions> subManager = new NotificationPubSubManager <THub, THubActions>(ServiceProvider, keyBuilder, redisManager, options);

                subscribersManagers.Add(typeof(THubActions), subManager);
            // do not throw exception. This method must be idemponent (no gains in throwing an exception)
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// redis cluster中重置连接事件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ipPort"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private RedisConnection _redisDataBase_OnRedirect(string ipPort)
            var cnn = RedisConnectionManager.Get(ipPort);

            if (cnn != null)
                this.IsConnected = false;
                this.RedisConfig = new RedisConfig(ipPort, this.RedisConfig.Passwords, this.RedisConfig.ActionTimeOut);

                if (_debugModel)
                    _cnn = new RedisConnectionDebug(RedisConfig.GetIPPort(), this.RedisConfig.ActionTimeOut);
                    _cnn = new RedisConnection(RedisConfig.GetIPPort(), this.RedisConfig.ActionTimeOut);

                _cnn.OnRedirect     += _redisConnection_OnRedirect;
                _cnn.OnDisconnected += _cnn_OnDisconnected;
                RedisConnectionManager.Set(ipPort, _cnn);
Esempio n. 3
        public void Ctor_Configuration__Succeeds()
            var redis  = new RedisConnectionManager("localhost");
            var config = NewCacheConfiguration(redis);

            config.RootNameSpace            = "_TestRootNamespace";
            config.Serializer               = new BinarySerializationProvider();
            config.RedisClientConfiguration = new RedisClientConfiguration(config.RedisClientConfiguration.RedisConnectionManagerConnectionManager)
                Host = _redisHost,
                DbNo = _redisDB,
                TimeoutMilliseconds = 50

            var cache = new RedisCacheProvider(config);

            cache.Logger = new TestRedisLogger();
            string   key     = "TagCacheTests:Add";
            String   value   = "Hello World!";
            DateTime expires = new DateTime(2099, 12, 11);

            cache.Set(key, value, expires);

            // no exception
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 建立redis cluster 本地映射
        /// </summary>
        private void GetClusterMap()
            var clusterNodes = ClusterNodes;

            if (clusterNodes != null && clusterNodes.Any())
                foreach (var item in clusterNodes)
                    if (!RedisConnectionManager.Exsits(item.IPPort))
                        var cnn = new RedisConnection(item.IPPort);
                        cnn.OnRedirect     += _redisConnection_OnRedirect;
                        cnn.OnDisconnected += _cnn_OnDisconnected;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RedisConfig.Passwords))
                        var isMaster = item.IsMaster;
                        cnn.RedisServerType = isMaster ? RedisServerType.ClusterMaster : RedisServerType.ClusterSlave;
                        RedisConnectionManager.Set(item.IPPort, isMaster, cnn);
 protected override CacheConfiguration NewCacheConfiguration(RedisConnectionManager connection)
     return(new CacheConfiguration(connection)
         Serializer = new MessagePackSerializationProvider()
Esempio n. 6
        public void CleanupExpiredKeys_RemovesOldItems()
            var redis    = new RedisConnectionManager(_redisHost);
            var client   = newRedisClient(redis);
            var provider = new RedisCacheProvider(redis);

            client.Remove(new RedisExpiryManager(new CacheConfiguration(redis))._setKey);

            var expiryManager = new RedisExpiryManager(new CacheConfiguration(redis));
            var key1          = "my.expiringkey.1";
            var key2          = "my.expiringkey.2";
            var key3          = "my.expiringkey.3";

            expiryManager.SetKeyExpiry(client, key1, new DateTime(2012, 1, 1, 12, 1, 1));
            expiryManager.SetKeyExpiry(client, key2, new DateTime(2015, 1, 1, 12, 1, 2));
            expiryManager.SetKeyExpiry(client, key3, new DateTime(2020, 1, 1, 12, 1, 3));

            var result = expiryManager.GetExpiredKeys(client, new DateTime(2020, 1, 1, 12, 1, 5));

            Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains(key1), "key 1 should exist");
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains(key2), "key 2 should exist");
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains(key3), "key 3 should exist");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Count());

            expiryManager.RemoveKeyExpiry(client, result);

            result = expiryManager.GetExpiredKeys(client, new DateTime(2020, 1, 1, 12, 1, 5));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Count());
        public void Redis_UseExistingConnection()
            var conConfig = new ConfigurationOptions()
                ConnectTimeout     = 10000,
                AbortOnConnectFail = false,
                ConnectRetry       = 10


            var multiplexer = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(conConfig);

            var cfg = ConfigurationBuilder.BuildConfiguration(
                s => s
                .WithRedisConfiguration("redisKey", multiplexer)


            using (multiplexer)
                using (var cache = new BaseCacheManager <long>(cfg))
                    cache.Add(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), 12345);
Esempio n. 8
        [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "CA2000")]// It's disposed by the IServiceCollection
        public static IServiceCollection AddRedisCache(this IServiceCollection services, Action <CacheConfig> configAction)
            if (configAction == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configAction), "Cannot add the Redis Cache if no Configuration specified");

            var cacheConfig = new CacheConfig();


            if (services.BuildServiceProvider().GetService <IRedisCacheProvider>() == null)
                var connectionManager = new RedisConnectionManager(
                services.AddSingleton <IRedisCacheProvider>(_ => new RedisCacheProvider(connectionManager));

            services.TryAddSingleton(typeof(ICache), typeof(RedisCache));

            if (cacheConfig.ManuallyProcessExpiredKeys)
                services.AddHostedService <RedisExpiryManager>();

        public void ItemExpires_RemovedFromCache()
            var redis = new RedisConnectionManager();
            // this is just testing the built in expiry
            var config = new CacheConfiguration(redis);

            var cache = new RedisCacheProvider(config); 
            cache.Logger = new TestRedisLogger();

            string key = "TagCacheTests:ItemExpires_RemovedFromCache";
            String value = "Hello World!";
            DateTime expires = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(3);

            string tag1 = "tag1";
            string tag2 = "tag2";

            cache.Set(key, value, expires, new List<string> { tag1, tag2 });
            var result = cache.Get<String>(key);

            Assert.AreEqual(value, result);

            result = cache.Get<String>(key);

            Assert.AreEqual(value, result);


            result = cache.Get<String>(key);

        public void AddManager(string publisherName, Action <NotificationPublisherOptions> settings)
            if (this.publisherManagers.ContainsKey(publisherName))

            publisherManagers.Add(publisherName, () =>
                NotificationPublisherOptions options = new NotificationPublisherOptions(new NotificationRoutesTable());
                RedisConnection connection = ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IRedisSettingsProvider>().GetConnectionSettings();

                NotificationEvents notificationEvents = new NoopNotificationEvents();

                if (!(options.NotificationEventsType is null))
                    notificationEvents = (NotificationEvents)ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance(ServiceProvider, options.NotificationEventsType);

                RedisConnectionManager connectionManager = new RedisConnectionManager(connection, notificationEvents);
                RedisManager redisManager = new RedisManager(connectionManager, notificationEvents);

                if (options.KeyBuilderBuilderType is null)
                    throw new Exception("You must define a key builder in the extension settings");

                NotificationKeyBuilder keyBuilder = (NotificationKeyBuilder)ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance(ServiceProvider, options.KeyBuilderBuilderType);

                return(new NotificationPublisherClient(keyBuilder, redisManager, options));
Esempio n. 11
 protected override CacheConfiguration NewCacheConfiguration(RedisConnectionManager connection)
     return(new ProtoBuf.CacheConfiguration(connection)
         CacheItemFactory = new ProtobufRedisCacheItemFactory()
Esempio n. 12
        public void RemoveByTag_ManyItemSingleTag_ReturnsNoValues()
            var redis = new RedisConnectionManager();
            var cache = new RedisCacheProvider(redis);

            cache.Logger = new TestRedisLogger();
            string   key1    = "TagCacheTests:Add1";
            string   key2    = "TagCacheTests:Add2";
            string   key3    = "TagCacheTests:Add3";
            String   value1  = "Hello World!";
            String   value3  = "Two";
            String   value2  = "Three";
            DateTime expires = new DateTime(2099, 12, 11);
            var      tags    = new List <string> {
                "another tag"

            cache.Set(key1, value1, expires, tags);
            cache.Set(key2, value2, expires, tags);
            cache.Set(key3, value3, expires, tags);

            var results = cache.GetByTag <String>(tags[0]);

            Assert.AreEqual(results.Count, 3);

            results = cache.GetByTag <String>(tags[0]);

Esempio n. 13
        public void Get_AddedObject_ReturnsValue()
            var redis = new RedisConnectionManager();

            var configuration = GetCacheConfiguration(redis);
            var cache         = new RedisCacheProvider(configuration);

            cache.Logger = new TestRedisLogger();
            string key   = "TagCacheTests:Add";
            var    value = new TestObject()
                Foo   = "Hello",
                Bar   = "World",
                Score = 11
            DateTime expires = new DateTime(2099, 12, 11);

            cache.Set(key, value, expires);
            var result = cache.Get <TestObject>(key);

            Assert.AreEqual(value.Foo, result.Foo);
            Assert.AreEqual(value.Bar, result.Bar);
            Assert.AreEqual(value.Score, result.Score);
 protected override CacheConfiguration NewCacheConfiguration(RedisConnectionManager connection)
     return new ProtoBuf.CacheConfiguration(connection)
         CacheItemFactory = new ProtobufRedisCacheItemFactory()
 protected override CacheConfiguration NewCacheConfiguration(RedisConnectionManager connection)
     return new CacheConfiguration(connection)
         Serializer = new BinarySerializationProvider()
        public void Set_String_Succeeds()
            var redis = new RedisConnectionManager();
            var cache = new RedisCacheProvider(redis);
            string key = "TagCacheTests:Add";
            String value = "Hello World!";
            DateTime expires = new DateTime(2099, 12, 11);
            cache.Set(key, value, expires);

            // no exception
Esempio n. 17
        public void Get_MissingKey_ReturnsNull()
            var redis = new RedisConnectionManager();
            var cache = new RedisCacheProvider(redis);

            cache.Logger = new TestRedisLogger();
            string key = "TagCacheTests:NoValueHere." + DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            var result = cache.Get <String>(key);

Esempio n. 18
        public void Set_String_Succeeds()
            var      redis   = new RedisConnectionManager();
            var      cache   = new RedisCacheProvider(redis);
            string   key     = "TagCacheTests:Add";
            String   value   = "Hello World!";
            DateTime expires = new DateTime(2099, 12, 11);

            cache.Set(key, value, expires);

            // no exception
Esempio n. 19
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var redis = new RedisConnectionManager();
            var cache = new RedisCacheProvider(redis);

            cache.Logger = new ConsoleLogger();

            while (true)
Esempio n. 20
        public void SetKeyExpiry_SetsValue()
            var redis  = new RedisConnectionManager(_redisHost);
            var client = newRedisClient(redis);

            client.Remove(new RedisExpiryManager(new CacheConfiguration(redis))._setKey);

            var expiryManager = new RedisExpiryManager(new CacheConfiguration(redis));
            var key           = "my.expiringkey.1";

            expiryManager.SetKeyExpiry(client, key, new DateTime(2012, 1, 1, 12, 1, 1));
Esempio n. 21
        public static RedisTarget CreateRedisTarget(IConnectionMultiplexer connectionMultiplexer, int db)
            var redisConnectionManager = new RedisConnectionManager(connectionMultiplexer, db);

            var exceptionLayout = new JsonLayout
                Attributes =
                    new JsonAttribute("type",       "${exception:format=Type}"),
                    new JsonAttribute("message",    "${exception:format=Message}"),
                    new JsonAttribute("method",     "${exception:format=Method}"),
                    new JsonAttribute("stackTrace", "${exception:format=StackTrace}"),
                    new JsonAttribute("data",       "${exception:format=Data}")

            var requestLayout = new JsonLayout
                Attributes =
                    new JsonAttribute("httpUrl",       "${aspnet-request:HTTP_URL}"),
                    new JsonAttribute("httpHost",      "${aspnet-request:HTTP_HOST}"),
                    new JsonAttribute("serverName",    "${aspnet-request:SERVER_NAME}"),
                    new JsonAttribute("httpUserAgent", "${aspnet-request:HTTP_USER_AGENT}"),
                    new JsonAttribute("httpVersion",   "${aspnet-request:HTTP_VERSION}"),
                    new JsonAttribute("https",         "${aspnet-request:HTTPS}"),
                    new JsonAttribute("httpMethod",    "${aspnet-request:HTTP_METHOD}"),
                    new JsonAttribute("queryString",   "${aspnet-request:QUERY_STRING}"),
                    new JsonAttribute("remoteAddress", "${aspnet-request:REMOTE_ADDR}"),
                    new JsonAttribute("user",          "${aspnet-user-identity}")

            var layout = new JsonLayout
                Attributes =
                    new JsonAttribute("time",      "${date:universalTime=true:format=yyyy-MM-ddTHH\\:mm\\:ss.fff}"),
                    new JsonAttribute("level",     "${uppercase:${level}}"),
                    new JsonAttribute("message",   "${message}"),
                    new JsonAttribute("exception", exceptionLayout,                                                 false),
                    new JsonAttribute("request",   requestLayout,                                                   false)

            return(new RedisTarget(redisConnectionManager)
                Name = "redis",
                DataType = "list",
                Layout = layout,
                Key = "log",
        public void SetKeyExpiry_SetsValue()
            var redis = new RedisConnectionManager(_redisHost);
            var client = newRedisClient(redis);
            client.Remove(new RedisExpiryManager(new CacheConfiguration(redis))._setKey);

            var expiryManager = new RedisExpiryManager(new CacheConfiguration(redis));
            var key = "my.expiringkey.1";

            expiryManager.SetKeyExpiry(client, key, new DateTime(2012, 1, 1, 12, 1, 1));

        public static ConfigurationBuilderCachePart WithRedisConfiguration(this ConfigurationBuilderCachePart part, string configurationKey, IConnectionMultiplexer redisClient, int database = 0)
            NotNullOrWhiteSpace(configurationKey, nameof(configurationKey));

            NotNull(redisClient, nameof(redisClient));

            var connectionString = redisClient.Configuration;

            part.WithRedisConfiguration(configurationKey, connectionString, database);

            RedisConnectionManager.AddConnection(connectionString, redisClient);

 public static ParallelQueueProducerOptions <TEntity> UseRedis <TEntity>(
     this ParallelQueueProducerOptions <TEntity> options,
     Action <RedisOptions> redisOptions)
     options.SetProducer((sp, name) =>
         RedisOptions ro = new RedisOptions();
         ILogger <QueueProducer <TEntity> > logger = sp.GetRequiredService <ILogger <QueueProducer <TEntity> > >();
         RedisConnectionManager connManager        = sp.GetRequiredService <RedisConnectionManager>();
         return(new QueueProducer <TEntity>(name, ro, connManager, logger));
Esempio n. 25
        /// <summary>
        /// 使用密码连接到RedisServer
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string Connect()
            lock (_syncLocker)
                if (!IsConnected)

                    IsConnected = _cnn.IsConnected;

                    var infoMsg = Info();

                    if (infoMsg.Contains(RedisConst.NOAuth))
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(RedisConfig.Passwords))

                        var authMsg = Auth(RedisConfig.Passwords);

                        if (string.Compare(authMsg, OK, true) != 0)
                _cnn.OnRedirect += _redisConnection_OnRedirect;
                _cnn.KeepAlived(() => this.KeepAlive());
                var ipPort = RedisConfig.GetIPPort();

                var isMaster  = this.IsMaster;
                var isCluster = this.IsCluster;

                if (isCluster)
                    _cnn.RedisServerType = isMaster ? RedisServerType.ClusterMaster : RedisServerType.ClusterSlave;
                    _cnn.RedisServerType = isMaster ? RedisServerType.Master : RedisServerType.Slave;
                    RedisConnectionManager.Set(ipPort, _cnn);
Esempio n. 26
        public void Get_ExpiredDate_RemovesFromCache()
            var redis = new RedisConnectionManager();
            var cache = new RedisCacheProvider(redis);

            cache.Logger = new TestRedisLogger();
            string   key     = "TagCacheTests:Add";
            String   value   = "Hello World!";
            DateTime expires = new DateTime(2000, 12, 11);

            cache.Set(key, value, expires);
            var result = cache.Get <String>(key);

Esempio n. 27
        public void Get_AddedKey_ReturnsValue()
            var redis = new RedisConnectionManager();
            var cache = new RedisCacheProvider(redis);

            cache.Logger = new TestRedisLogger();
            string   key     = "TagCacheTests:Add";
            String   value   = "Hello World!";
            DateTime expires = new DateTime(2099, 12, 11);

            cache.Set(key, value, expires);
            var result = cache.Get <String>(key);

            Assert.AreEqual(value, result);
Esempio n. 28
        /// <summary>
        /// 建立redis cluster 本地映射
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ipPort"></param>
        private void GetClusterMap(string ipPort)
            var clusterNodes = ClusterNodes;


            foreach (var item in clusterNodes)
                if (!RedisConnectionManager.Exsits(item.IPPort))
                    var cnn = new RedisConnection(item.IPPort);
                    cnn.RedisServerType = item.IsMaster ? RedisServerType.ClusterMaster : RedisServerType.ClusterSlave;
                    RedisConnectionManager.Set(item.IPPort, cnn);
        public async Task Redis_ValidateVersion_AddPutGetUpdate()
            var configKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var multi     = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("localhost");
            var cache     = CacheFactory.Build <Poco>(
                s => s
                .WithRedisConfiguration(configKey, multi)

            // don't keep it and also dispose it later (seems appveyor doesn't like too many open connections)

            // act/assert
            using (multi)
                using (cache)
                    var key   = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    var value = new Poco()
                        Id = 23, Something = "§asdad"
                    cache.Add(key, value);
                    await Task.Delay(10);

                    var version = (int)multi.GetDatabase(0).HashGet(key, "version");

                    cache.Put(key, value);
                    await Task.Delay(10);

                    version = (int)multi.GetDatabase(0).HashGet(key, "version");

                    cache.Update(key, r => { r.Something = "new text"; return(r); });
                    await Task.Delay(10);

                    version = (int)multi.GetDatabase(0).HashGet(key, "version");
                    cache.Get(key).Something.Should().Be("new text");
        public void Ctor_Configuration__Fails()
            var redis = new RedisConnectionManager("localhost");
            var config = NewCacheConfiguration(redis);

            config.RedisClientConfiguration = new RedisClientConfiguration(redis)
                                                    Host = "nohost",
                                                    TimeoutMilliseconds = 500

            var cache = new RedisCacheProvider(config);
            cache.Logger = new TestRedisLogger();
            string key = "TagCacheTests:Add";
            String value = "Hello World!";
            DateTime expires = new DateTime(2099, 12, 11);
            cache.Set(key, value, expires);

            Assert.Fail("Exception should be thrown with bad connections");
Esempio n. 31
        public void GetByTag_SingleItemManyTags_ReturnsSingleValue()
            var redis = new RedisConnectionManager();
            var cache = new RedisCacheProvider(redis);

            cache.Logger = new TestRedisLogger();
            string   key     = "TagCacheTests:Add";
            String   value   = "Hello World!";
            DateTime expires = new DateTime(2099, 12, 11);
            var      tags    = new List <string> {
                "tag1", "tag2", "tag3"

            cache.Set(key, value, expires, tags);

            var results = cache.GetByTag <String>("tag2");

            Assert.IsTrue(results.Count > 0);
Esempio n. 32
        public void Get_ExpiredDate_RemovesTags()
            var redis  = new RedisConnectionManager();
            var cache  = new RedisCacheProvider(redis);
            var config = NewCacheConfiguration(redis);

            cache.Logger = new TestRedisLogger();
            string   key     = "TagCacheTests:Add";
            String   value   = "Hello World!";
            var      tag     = "remove tag";
            DateTime expires = new DateTime(2000, 12, 11);

            cache.Set(key, value, expires, tag);
            var test = cache.Get <String>(key);

            var tagManager = new RedisTagManager(config.CacheItemFactory);

            var result = tagManager.GetKeysForTag(newRedisClient(), tag);

            Assert.AreEqual(result.Count(x => x == tag), 0);
        public void Redis_Extensions_WithClientWithDb()
            var configKey = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var client    = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("localhost");
            var cache     = CacheFactory.Build <string>(
                s => s
                .WithRedisConfiguration(configKey, client, 23)

            var handle = cache.CacheHandles.OfType <RedisCacheHandle <string> >().First();
            var cfg    = RedisConfigurations.GetConfiguration(configKey);

            Assert.Equal(handle.Configuration.Name, configKey);
            Assert.Equal(23, cfg.Database);
            Assert.Equal("localhost:6379", cfg.ConnectionString);

            // cleanup
Esempio n. 34
        public void Ctor_Configuration__Fails()
            var redis  = new RedisConnectionManager("localhost");
            var config = NewCacheConfiguration(redis);

            config.RedisClientConfiguration = new RedisClientConfiguration(redis)
                Host = "nohost",
                TimeoutMilliseconds = 500

            var cache = new RedisCacheProvider(config);

            cache.Logger = new TestRedisLogger();
            string   key     = "TagCacheTests:Add";
            String   value   = "Hello World!";
            DateTime expires = new DateTime(2099, 12, 11);

            cache.Set(key, value, expires);

            Assert.Fail("Exception should be thrown with bad connections");
Esempio n. 35
        /// <summary>
        /// 建立redis cluster 本地映射
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ipPort"></param>
        private void GetClusterMap(string ipPort)
            var clusterNodes = ClusterNodes;


            foreach (var item in clusterNodes)
                if (!RedisConnectionManager.Exsits(item.IPPort))
                    TaskHelper.Start(() =>
                        var cnn             = new RedisConnection(item.IPPort);
                        cnn.OnRedirect     += _redisConnection_OnRedirect;
                        cnn.OnDisconnected += _cnn_OnDisconnected;
                        cnn.RedisServerType = item.IsMaster ? RedisServerType.ClusterMaster : RedisServerType.ClusterSlave;
                        RedisConnectionManager.Set(item.IPPort, cnn);
Esempio n. 36
        public void GetExpiredKeys_DateMin_ReturnsNone()
            var redis  = new RedisConnectionManager(_redisHost);
            var client = newRedisClient(redis);

            client.Remove(new RedisExpiryManager(new CacheConfiguration(redis))._setKey);

            var expiryManager = new RedisExpiryManager(new CacheConfiguration(redis));
            var key1          = "my.expiringkey.1";
            var key2          = "my.expiringkey.2";
            var key3          = "my.expiringkey.3";

            expiryManager.SetKeyExpiry(client, key1, new DateTime(2012, 1, 1, 12, 1, 1));
            expiryManager.SetKeyExpiry(client, key2, new DateTime(2012, 1, 1, 12, 1, 2));
            expiryManager.SetKeyExpiry(client, key3, new DateTime(2012, 1, 1, 12, 1, 3));

            var result = expiryManager.GetExpiredKeys(client, new DateTime(2012, 1, 1, 12, 1, 0));


            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Count());
        public void Ctor_Configuration__Succeeds()
            var redis = new RedisConnectionManager("localhost");
            var config = NewCacheConfiguration(redis);

            config.RootNameSpace = "_TestRootNamespace";
            config.Serializer = new BinarySerializationProvider();
            config.RedisClientConfiguration = new RedisClientConfiguration(config.RedisClientConfiguration.RedisConnectionManagerConnectionManager)
                                                    Host = _redisHost,
                                                    DbNo = _redisDB,
                                                    TimeoutMilliseconds = 50

            var cache = new RedisCacheProvider(config);
            cache.Logger = new TestRedisLogger();
            string key = "TagCacheTests:Add";
            String value = "Hello World!";
            DateTime expires = new DateTime(2099, 12, 11);
            cache.Set(key, value, expires);

            // no exception
        public void GetExpiredKeys_DateMax_ReturnsKeysLessThanDate()
            var redis = new RedisConnectionManager(_redisHost);
            var client = newRedisClient(redis);
            client.Remove(new RedisExpiryManager(new CacheConfiguration(redis))._setKey);

            var expiryManager = new RedisExpiryManager(new CacheConfiguration(redis));
            var key1 = "my.expiringkey.1";
            var key2 = "my.expiringkey.2";
            var key3 = "my.expiringkey.3";

            expiryManager.SetKeyExpiry(client, key1, new DateTime(2012, 1, 1, 12, 1, 1));
            expiryManager.SetKeyExpiry(client, key2, new DateTime(2015, 1, 1, 12, 1, 2));
            expiryManager.SetKeyExpiry(client, key3, new DateTime(2020, 1, 1, 12, 1, 3));

            var result = expiryManager.GetExpiredKeys(client, new DateTime(2020, 1, 1, 12, 1, 5));
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains(key1), "key 1 should exist");
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains(key2), "key 2 should exist");
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Contains(key3), "key 3 should exist");
            Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Count());

 protected abstract CacheConfiguration NewCacheConfiguration(RedisConnectionManager connection);
        public void GetByTag_SingleItemManyTags_ReturnsSingleValue()
            var redis = new RedisConnectionManager();
            var cache = new RedisCacheProvider(redis);
            cache.Logger = new TestRedisLogger();
            string key = "TagCacheTests:Add";
            String value = "Hello World!";
            DateTime expires = new DateTime(2099, 12, 11);
            var tags = new List<string> { "tag1", "tag2", "tag3" };

            cache.Set(key, value, expires, tags);

            var results = cache.GetByTag<String>("tag2");

            Assert.IsTrue(results.Count > 0);
        public void RemoveByTag_ManyItemSingleTag_ReturnsNoValues()
            var redis = new RedisConnectionManager();
            var cache = new RedisCacheProvider(redis);
            cache.Logger = new TestRedisLogger();
            string key1 = "TagCacheTests:Add1";
            string key2 = "TagCacheTests:Add2";
            string key3 = "TagCacheTests:Add3";
            String value1 = "Hello World!";
            String value3 = "Two";
            String value2 = "Three";
            DateTime expires = new DateTime(2099, 12, 11);
            var tags = new List<string> { "another tag" };

            cache.Set(key1, value1, expires, tags);
            cache.Set(key2, value2, expires, tags);
            cache.Set(key3, value3, expires, tags);

            var results = cache.GetByTag<String>(tags[0]);

            Assert.AreEqual(results.Count, 3);

            results = cache.GetByTag<String>(tags[0]);

 private RedisClient newRedisClient(RedisConnectionManager redis)
     return new RedisClient(redis, _redisDB, 5000);
        public void Get_MissingKey_ReturnsNull()
            var redis = new RedisConnectionManager();
            var cache = new RedisCacheProvider(redis);
            cache.Logger = new TestRedisLogger();
            string key = "TagCacheTests:NoValueHere." + DateTime.Now.Ticks;

            var result = cache.Get<String>(key);

        public void Get_AddedKey_ReturnsValue()
            var redis = new RedisConnectionManager();
            var cache = new RedisCacheProvider(redis);
            cache.Logger = new TestRedisLogger();
            string key = "TagCacheTests:Add";
            String value = "Hello World!";
            DateTime expires = new DateTime(2099, 12, 11);

            cache.Set(key, value, expires);
            var result = cache.Get<String>(key);

            Assert.AreEqual(value, result);
        public void Get_ExpiredDate_RemovesTags()
            var redis = new RedisConnectionManager();
            var cache = new RedisCacheProvider(redis);
            var config = NewCacheConfiguration(redis);
            cache.Logger = new TestRedisLogger();
            string key = "TagCacheTests:Add";
            String value = "Hello World!";
            var tag = "remove tag";
            DateTime expires = new DateTime(2000, 12, 11);

            cache.Set(key, value, expires, tag);
            var test = cache.Get<String>(key);

            var tagManager = new RedisTagManager(config.CacheItemFactory);

            var result = tagManager.GetKeysForTag(newRedisClient(), tag);

            Assert.AreEqual(result.Count(x => x == tag), 0);
Esempio n. 46
        public void ItemExpires_Tag_RemovedFromCache()
            // this is testing that when expiry happens, the events kick in and remove the tags
            // see RedisExpireHandler

            var redis = new RedisConnectionManager();
            var config = new CacheConfiguration(redis);

            var cache = new RedisCacheProvider(config);
            var client = newRedisClient(config.RedisClientConfiguration);

            cache.Logger = new TestRedisLogger();
            Console.WriteLine("Start Logger");

            string key = "TagCacheTests:ItemExpires_Tag_RemovedFromCache";
            String value = "Hello World!";
            DateTime expires = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(3);
            string tag1 = "tag1001";
            string tag2 = "tag1002";

            cache.Set(key, value, expires, new List<string>{tag1, tag2});

            // first check everything has been set
            var result = cache.Get<String>(key);

            Assert.AreEqual(value, result);

            var keysForTag1 = client.GetKeysForTag(tag1);
            Assert.IsTrue(keysForTag1.Any(x => x == key));

            var tagsForKey = client.GetTagsForKey(key);
            Assert.IsTrue(tagsForKey.Any(x => x == tag1));
            Assert.IsTrue(tagsForKey.Any(x => x == tag2));

            // wait a while

            // check it has not expired yet
            result = cache.Get<String>(key);

            Assert.AreEqual(value, result);

            keysForTag1 = client.GetKeysForTag(tag1);
            Assert.IsTrue(keysForTag1.Any(x => x == key));

            tagsForKey = client.GetTagsForKey(key);
            Assert.IsTrue(tagsForKey.Any(x => x == tag1));
            Assert.IsTrue(tagsForKey.Any(x => x == tag2));

            // now wait until it should have been removed
            // now check its all been removed
            result = cache.Get<String>(key);

            keysForTag1 = client.GetKeysForTag(tag1);
            Assert.IsFalse(keysForTag1.Any(x => x == key));

            tagsForKey = client.GetTagsForKey(key);
            Assert.IsFalse(tagsForKey.Any(x => x == tag1));
            Assert.IsFalse(tagsForKey.Any(x => x == tag2));

 protected override CacheConfiguration NewCacheConfiguration(RedisConnectionManager connection)
     return new CacheConfiguration(connection);
 public CacheConfiguration(RedisConnectionManager connectionManager)
     : base(connectionManager)
     this.Serializer = new JsonSerializationProvider();
        public void GetExpiredKeys_DateMin_ReturnsNone()
            var redis = new RedisConnectionManager(_redisHost);
            var client = newRedisClient(redis);
            client.Remove(new RedisExpiryManager(new CacheConfiguration(redis))._setKey);

            var expiryManager = new RedisExpiryManager(new CacheConfiguration(redis));
            var key1 = "my.expiringkey.1";
            var key2 = "my.expiringkey.2";
            var key3 = "my.expiringkey.3";

            expiryManager.SetKeyExpiry(client, key1, new DateTime(2012, 1, 1, 12, 1, 1));
            expiryManager.SetKeyExpiry(client, key2, new DateTime(2012, 1, 1, 12, 1, 2));
            expiryManager.SetKeyExpiry(client, key3, new DateTime(2012, 1, 1, 12, 1, 3));

            var result = expiryManager.GetExpiredKeys(client, new DateTime(2012, 1, 1, 12, 1, 0));

            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Count());

 public CacheConfiguration(RedisConnectionManager connectionManager) : base(connectionManager)
     Serializer = new MessagePackSerializationProvider(); 
 public CacheConfiguration(RedisConnectionManager connectionManager) : base(connectionManager)
     Serializer = new ProtoBufSerializationProvider(new ProtobufSerializationConfiguration());
     CacheItemFactory = new ProtobufRedisCacheItemFactory();
        public void Get_AddedObject_ReturnsValue()
            var redis = new RedisConnectionManager();
            var cache = new RedisCacheProvider(redis);
            cache.Logger = new TestRedisLogger();
            string key = "TagCacheTests:Add";
            var value = new TestObject()
                               Foo = "Hello",
                               Bar = "World",
                               Score = 11
            DateTime expires = new DateTime(2099, 12, 11);

            cache.Set(key, value, expires);
            var result = cache.Get<TestObject>(key);

            Assert.AreEqual(value.Foo, result.Foo);
            Assert.AreEqual(value.Bar, result.Bar);
            Assert.AreEqual(value.Score, result.Score);
        public void Get_ExpiredDate_RemovesFromCache()
            var redis = new RedisConnectionManager();
            var cache = new RedisCacheProvider(redis);
            cache.Logger = new TestRedisLogger();
            string key = "TagCacheTests:Add";
            String value = "Hello World!";
            DateTime expires = new DateTime(2000, 12, 11);

            cache.Set(key, value, expires);
            var result = cache.Get<String>(key);
