Esempio n. 1
        private string CleanBoilerPlate(string report)
            var clean = Redaction.TestCleanBoilerPlate(report);

            _output?.WriteLine("CLEANED TEXT:\n---\n{0}\n---", clean);
Esempio n. 2
        private string Redact(string report)
            var redacted = Redaction.Redact(report, "");

            _output?.WriteLine("REDACTED TEXT:\n---\n{0}\n---", redacted);
Esempio n. 3
 public void TestRedaction()
     Assert.Equal("Hello my name is [REDACTED] [REDACTED]. [REDACTED]",
                  Redaction.Redact("Hello my name is John Smith. 77 Broadway Ave., Oxford, OX12 9GE", "John,Smith"));
     Assert.Equal("Hello my name is [REDACTED] [REDACTED]. I have an appointment with a doctor. [REDACTED]",
                  Redaction.Redact("Hello my name is John Smith. I have an appointment with a doctor. 77 Broadway Ave., Oxford, OX12 9GE",
Esempio n. 4
        private string WipeoutReports(string report)
            var clean = Redaction.TestWipeoutReportsMatchingRemovalMarkers(report);

            if (clean != null)
                _output?.WriteLine("FAILED TEXT:\n---\n{0}\n---", clean);
Esempio n. 5
        public JsonResult GetNewRedaction(Rectangle Rectangle = null)
            ExceptionsML bizEx     = null;
            var          redaction = new Redaction();

            if (Rectangle != null)
                redaction = new Redaction(Rectangle);
            return(Result(redaction, bizEx, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns RedactionsXML string and object collection for redactions.
        /// Somewhere herein, real values are rounded to integers as necessary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jsRedactions">stringified redaction objects</param>
        private object SetRedactions(string jsRedactions, ref ExceptionsML bizEx)
            string           redactionsXML = null;
            List <Redaction> redactions    = new List <Redaction>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsRedactions))
                    redactions    = Redaction.JsonDeserializeList(jsRedactions);
                    redactionsXML = XmlSerializerExtension.XmlSerialize <List <Redaction> >(redactions);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    bizEx = ExceptionsML.GetExceptionML(ex);
            var result = new { redactionsXML, redactions };

Esempio n. 7
 public void TestNhsNumberRedaction()
     Assert.Equal("[REDACTED]  [REDACTED]  [REDACTED]",
                  Redaction.Redact("1234567891 123 456 7891 123-456-7891", ""));
 private static string Wipeout(string report)
Esempio n. 9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Redactions Sample:");

            // ReSharper disable once UnusedVariable
            using (Library lib = new Library())
                Console.WriteLine("Initialized the library.");
                String sInput   = Library.ResourceDirectory + "Sample_Input/sample.pdf";
                String sOutput1 = "Redactions-out.pdf";
                String sOutput2 = "Redactions-out-applied.pdf";

                if (args.Length > 0)
                    sInput = args[0];

                Console.WriteLine("Input file: " + sInput);

                Document doc = new Document(sInput);

                Page docpage = doc.GetPage(0);
                // Redact occurrences of the word "rain" on the page.
                // Redact occurrences of the word "cloudy" on the page, changing the display details.
                // For a more in-depth example of using the WordFinder, see the TextExtract sample.
                // The TextExtract sample is described here.

                List <Quad> cloudyQuads = new List <Quad>();

                List <Quad> rainQuads = new List <Quad>();

                WordFinderConfig wordConfig = new WordFinderConfig();
                WordFinder       wf         = new WordFinder(doc, WordFinderVersion.Latest, wordConfig);

                IList <Word> words = wf.GetWordList(docpage.PageNumber);

                foreach (Word w in words)
                    Console.WriteLine(" " + w.Text.ToLower());
                    // Store the Quads of all "Cloudy" words in a list for later use in
                    // creating the redaction object.
                    if (w.Text.ToLower().Equals("cloudy") ||
                        ((w.Attributes & WordAttributeFlags.HasTrailingPunctuation) ==
                         WordAttributeFlags.HasTrailingPunctuation &&

                    // Store the Quads of all "Rain" words
                    if (w.Text.ToLower().Equals("rain") ||
                        ((w.Attributes & WordAttributeFlags.HasTrailingPunctuation) ==
                         WordAttributeFlags.HasTrailingPunctuation &&

                Console.WriteLine("Found Cloudy instances: " + cloudyQuads.Count);
                Color red   = new Color(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
                Color white = new Color(1.0);

                Redaction not_cloudy = new Redaction(docpage, cloudyQuads, red);

                /* fill the "normal" appearance with 20% red */
                not_cloudy.FillNormal = true;
                not_cloudy.SetFillColor(red, 0.25);

                Console.WriteLine("Found rain instances: " + rainQuads.Count);
                Redaction no_rain = new Redaction(docpage, rainQuads);
                no_rain.InternalColor = new Color(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);

                /* Fill the redaction with the word "rain", drawn in white */
                no_rain.OverlayText = "rain";
                no_rain.Repeat      = true;
                no_rain.ScaleToFit  = true;
                no_rain.TextColor   = white;
                no_rain.FontFace    = "CourierStd";
                no_rain.FontSize    = 8.0;

                doc.Save(SaveFlags.Full, sOutput1);

                Console.WriteLine("Wrote a pdf doc with unapplied redactions.");

                // actually all the redactions in the document

                doc.Save(SaveFlags.Full, sOutput2);

                Console.WriteLine("Wrote a redacted pdf doc.");
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("AddRegexRedaction Sample:");

            using (Library lib = new Library())
                Console.WriteLine("Initialized the library.");

                String sInput   = Library.ResourceDirectory + "Sample_Input/AddRegexRedaction.pdf";
                String sOutput1 = "AddRegexRedaction-out.pdf";
                String sOutput2 = "AddRegexRedaction-out-applied.pdf";

                // Highlight and redact occurrences of the phrases that match this regular expression.
                // Uncomment only the one you are interested in seeing displayed redacted.
                // Phone numbers
                String sRegex = "((1-)?(\\()?\\d{3}(\\))?(\\s)?(-)?\\d{3}-\\d{4})";
                // Email addresses
                //String sRegex = "(\\b[\\w.!#$%&'*+\\/=?^`{|}~-]+@[\\w-]+(?:\\.[\\w-]+)*\\b)";
                // URLs
                //String sRegex = "((https?:\\/\\/(?:www\\.|(?!www))[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]+[a-zA-Z0-9]\\.[^\\s]{2,}|www\\.[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]+[a-zA-Z0-9]\\.[^\\s]{2,}|https?:\\/\\/(?:www\\.|(?!www))[a-zA-Z0-9]+\\.[^\\s]{2,}|www\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+\\.[^\\s]{2,}))";

                if (args.Length > 0)
                    sInput = args[0];

                using (Document doc = new Document(sInput))
                    int nPages = doc.NumPages;

                    Console.WriteLine("Input file:  " + sInput);

                    // Create a WordFinder configuration
                    WordFinderConfig wordConfig = new WordFinderConfig();

                    // Need to set this to true so phrases will be concatenated properly
                    wordConfig.NoHyphenDetection = true;

                    // Create a DocTextFinder with the default wordfinder parameters
                    using (DocTextFinder docTextFinder =
                               new DocTextFinder(doc, wordConfig))
                        // Retrieve the phrases and words matching a regular expression
                        IList <DocTextFinderMatch> docMatches =
                            docTextFinder.GetMatchList(0, nPages - 1, sRegex);

                        // Redaction color will be red
                        Color red = new Color(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);

                        foreach (DocTextFinderMatch wInfo in docMatches)
                            // Show the matching phrase

                            // Get the quads
                            IList <DocTextFinderQuadInfo> QuadInfo = wInfo.QuadInfo;

                            // Iterate through the quad info and create highlights
                            foreach (DocTextFinderQuadInfo qInfo in QuadInfo)
                                Page docpage = doc.GetPage(qInfo.PageNum);

                                Redaction red_fill = new Redaction(docpage, qInfo.Quads, red);

                                /* fill the "normal" appearance with 25% red */
                                red_fill.FillNormal = true;
                                red_fill.SetFillColor(red, 0.25);
                    // Save the document with the highlighted matched strings
                    doc.Save(SaveFlags.Full, sOutput1);

                    Console.WriteLine("Wrote a PDF document with unapplied redactions.");

                    // Apply all the redactions in the document

                    // Save the document with the redacted matched strings
                    doc.Save(SaveFlags.Full, sOutput2);

                    Console.WriteLine("Wrote a redacted PDF document.");
        private static string GeneratePDF(UserDataJsonModel model, bool applyRedaction)
            Library.Initialize(serialNo, key);

                // Create a new PDF with a blank page.
                using PDFDoc doc   = new PDFDoc();
                using Form form    = new Form(doc);
                using PDFPage page = doc.InsertPage(0, PDFPage.Size.e_SizeLetter);

                // Create a text field for each property of the user data json model.
                int iteration = 0;
                foreach (var prop in model.GetType().GetProperties())
                    int offset = iteration * 60;
                    using Control control = form.AddControl(page, prop.Name, Field.Type.e_TypeTextField,
                                                            new RectF(50f, 600f - offset, 400f, 640f - offset));
                    using Field field = control.GetField();
                    var propValue = prop.GetValue(model);
                    field.SetValue($"{prop.Name}: {propValue}");

                // Convert fillable form fields into readonly text labels.
                page.Flatten(true, (int)PDFPage.FlattenOptions.e_FlattenAll);

                if (applyRedaction)
                    // Configure our text search to look at the first (and only) page in our PDF.
                    using var redaction = new Redaction(doc);
                    page.StartParse((int)foxit.pdf.PDFPage.ParseFlags.e_ParsePageNormal, null, false);
                    using TextPage textPage = new TextPage(page,
                    using TextSearch search = new TextSearch(textPage);
                    RectFArray rectArray = new RectFArray();

                    // Mark text starting with the pattern "SIN:" to be redacted.
                    while (search.FindNext())
                        using var searchSentence = new TextSearch(textPage);
                        var sentence = search.GetMatchSentence();

                        while (searchSentence.FindNext())
                            RectFArray itemArray = searchSentence.GetMatchRects();
                            rectArray.InsertAt(rectArray.GetSize(), itemArray);

                    // If we had matches to redact, then apply the redaction.
                    if (rectArray.GetSize() > 0)
                        using Redact redact = redaction.MarkRedactAnnot(page, rectArray);

                // Save the file locally and return the file's location to the caller.
                string fileOutput = "./Output.pdf";
                doc.SaveAs(fileOutput, (int)PDFDoc.SaveFlags.e_SaveFlagNoOriginal);