Esempio n. 1
        RecursiveRendererParameters PrepareRecursiveRendererParameters(HDCamera hdCamera, RecursiveRendering recursiveRendering)
            RecursiveRendererParameters rrParams = new RecursiveRendererParameters();

            // Camera parameters
            rrParams.texWidth  = hdCamera.actualWidth;
            rrParams.texHeight = hdCamera.actualHeight;
            rrParams.viewCount = hdCamera.viewCount;

            // Effect parameters
            rrParams.rayLength     = recursiveRendering.rayLength.value;
            rrParams.maxDepth      = recursiveRendering.maxDepth.value;
            rrParams.minSmoothness = recursiveRendering.minSmoothness.value;

            // Other data
            rrParams.accelerationStructure       = RequestAccelerationStructure();
            rrParams.lightCluster                = RequestLightCluster();
            rrParams.recursiveRenderingRT        = m_Asset.renderPipelineRayTracingResources.forwardRaytracing;
            rrParams.skyTexture                  = m_SkyManager.GetSkyReflection(hdCamera);
            rrParams.shaderVariablesRayTracingCB = m_ShaderVariablesRayTracingCB;
            BlueNoise blueNoise = GetBlueNoiseManager();

            rrParams.ditheredTextureSet = blueNoise.DitheredTextureSet8SPP();

Esempio n. 2
        TextureHandle RaytracingRecursiveRender(RenderGraph renderGraph, HDCamera hdCamera, TextureHandle colorBuffer, TextureHandle depthPyramid, TextureHandle flagMask, TextureHandle rayCountTexture)
            // If ray tracing is disabled in the frame settings or the effect is not enabled
            RecursiveRendering recursiveSettings = hdCamera.volumeStack.GetComponent <RecursiveRendering>();

            if (!hdCamera.frameSettings.IsEnabled(FrameSettingsField.RayTracing) || !recursiveSettings.enable.value)

            // Build the parameter structure
            RecursiveRendererParameters rrParams = PrepareRecursiveRendererParameters(hdCamera, recursiveSettings);

            using (var builder = renderGraph.AddRenderPass <RecursiveRenderingPassData>("Recursive Rendering Evaluation", out var passData, ProfilingSampler.Get(HDProfileId.RayTracingRecursiveRendering)))

                passData.parameters         = rrParams;
                passData.depthStencilBuffer = builder.ReadTexture(depthPyramid);
                passData.flagMask           = builder.ReadTexture(flagMask);
                passData.rayCountTexture    = builder.ReadWriteTexture(rayCountTexture);
                passData.outputBuffer       = builder.ReadWriteTexture(colorBuffer);
                // Right now the debug buffer is written to independently of what is happening. This must be changed
                // TODO RENDERGRAPH
                passData.debugBuffer = builder.WriteTexture(renderGraph.CreateTexture(new TextureDesc(, true, true)
                    colorFormat = GraphicsFormat.R16G16B16A16_SFloat, enableRandomWrite = true, name = "Recursive Rendering Debug Texture"

                    (RecursiveRenderingPassData data, RenderGraphContext ctx) =>
                    RecursiveRendererResources rrResources = new RecursiveRendererResources();
                    rrResources.depthStencilBuffer         = data.depthStencilBuffer;
                    rrResources.flagMask        = data.flagMask;
                    rrResources.debugBuffer     = data.debugBuffer;
                    rrResources.rayCountTexture = data.rayCountTexture;
                    rrResources.outputBuffer    = data.outputBuffer;
                    ExecuteRecursiveRendering(ctx.cmd, data.parameters, rrResources);

                PushFullScreenDebugTexture(m_RenderGraph, passData.debugBuffer, FullScreenDebugMode.RecursiveRayTracing);

        // Recursive rendering works as follow:
        // - Shader have a _RayTracing property
        // When this property is setup to true, a RayTracingPrepass pass on the material is enabled (otherwise it is disabled)
        // - Before prepass we render all object with a RayTracingPrepass pass enabled into the depth buffer for performance saving.
        // Note that we will exclude from the rendering of DepthPrepass, GBuffer and Forward pass the raytraced objects but not from
        // motion vector pass, so we can still benefit from motion vector. This is handled in VertMesh.hlsl (see below).
        // However currently when rendering motion vector this will tag the stencil for deferred lighting, and thus could produce overshading.
        // - After Transparent Depth pass we render all object with a RayTracingPrepass pass enabled into output a mask buffer (need to depth test but not to write depth)
        // Note: we render two times: one to save performance and the other to write the mask, otherwise if we write the mask in the first pass it
        // will not take into account the objects which could render on top of the raytracing one (If we want to do that we need to perform the pass after that
        // the depth buffer is ready, which is after the Gbuffer pass, so we can't save performance).
        // - During RaytracingRecursiveRender we perform a RayTracingRendering.raytrace call on all pixel tag in the mask
        // It is require to exclude mesh from regular pass to save performance (for opaque) and get correct result (for transparent)
        // For this we cull the mesh by setuping their position to NaN if _RayTracing is true and _EnableRecursiveRayTracing true.
        // We use this method to avoid to have to deal with RenderQueue and it allow to dynamically disabled Recursive rendering
        // and fallback to classic rasterize transparent this way. The code for the culling is in VertMesh()
        // If raytracing is disable _EnableRecursiveRayTracing is set to false and no culling happen.
        // Objects are still render in shadow and motion vector pass to keep their properties.
        // We render Recursive render object before transparent, so transparent object can be overlayed on top
        // like lens flare on top of headlight. We write the depth, so it correctly z-test object behind as recursive rendering
        // re-render everything (Mean we should also support fog and sky into it).
        void RaytracingRecursiveRender(HDCamera hdCamera, CommandBuffer cmd)
            // If ray tracing is disabled in the frame settings or the effect is not enabled
            RecursiveRendering recursiveSettings = hdCamera.volumeStack.GetComponent<RecursiveRendering>();
            if (!hdCamera.frameSettings.IsEnabled(FrameSettingsField.RayTracing) || !recursiveSettings.enable.value)

            using (new ProfilingScope(cmd, ProfilingSampler.Get(HDProfileId.RayTracingRecursiveRendering)))
                RTHandle debugBuffer = GetRayTracingBuffer(InternalRayTracingBuffers.RGBA0);

                RecursiveRendererParameters rrParams = PrepareRecursiveRendererParameters(hdCamera, recursiveSettings);
                RecursiveRendererResources rrResources = PrepareRecursiveRendererResources(debugBuffer);
                ExecuteRecursiveRendering(cmd, rrParams, rrResources);
                PushFullScreenDebugTexture(hdCamera, cmd, debugBuffer, FullScreenDebugMode.RecursiveRayTracing);
Esempio n. 4
        void RaytracingRecursiveRender(HDCamera hdCamera, CommandBuffer cmd, ScriptableRenderContext renderContext, CullingResults cull)
            // If ray tracing is disabled in the frame settings or the effect is not enabled
            RecursiveRendering recursiveSettings = hdCamera.volumeStack.GetComponent <RecursiveRendering>();

            if (!hdCamera.frameSettings.IsEnabled(FrameSettingsField.RayTracing) || !recursiveSettings.enable.value)

            // Recursive rendering works as follow:
            // - Shader have a _RayTracing property
            // When this property is setup to true, a RayTracingPrepass pass on the material is enabled (otherwise it is disabled)
            // - Before prepass we render all object with a RayTracingPrepass pass enabled into the depth buffer for performance saving.
            // Note that we will exclude from the rendering of DepthPrepass, GBuffer and Forward pass the raytraced objects but not from
            // motion vector pass, so we can still benefit from motion vector. This is handled in VertMesh.hlsl (see below).
            // However currently when rendering motion vector this will tag the stencil for deferred lighting, and thus could produce overshading.
            // - After Transparent Depth pass we render all object with a RayTracingPrepass pass enabled into output a mask buffer (need to depth test but not to write depth)
            // Note: we render two times: one to save performance and the other to write the mask, otherwise if we write the mask in the first pass it
            // will not take into account the objects which could render on top of the raytracing one (If we want to do that we need to perform the pass after that
            // the depth buffer is ready, which is after the Gbuffer pass, so we can't save performance).
            // - During RaytracingRecursiveRender we perform a RayTracingRendering.raytrace call on all pixel tag in the mask
            // It is require to exclude mesh from regular pass to save performance (for opaque) and get correct result (for transparent)
            // For this we cull the mesh by setuping their position to NaN if _RayTracing is true and _EnableRecursiveRayTracing true.
            // We use this method to avoid to have to deal with RenderQueue and it allow to dynamically disabled Recursive rendering
            // and fallback to classic rasterize transparent this way. The code for the culling is in VertMesh()
            // If raytracing is disable _EnableRecursiveRayTracing is set to false and no culling happen.
            // Objects are still render in shadow and motion vector pass to keep their properties.

            // We render Recursive render object before transparent, so transparent object can be overlayed on top
            // like lens flare on top of headlight. We write the depth, so it correctly z-test object behind as recursive rendering
            // re-render everything (Mean we should also support fog and sky into it).

            using (new ProfilingScope(cmd, ProfilingSampler.Get(HDProfileId.RayTracingRecursiveRendering)))
                RTHandle debugBuffer = GetRayTracingBuffer(InternalRayTracingBuffers.RGBA0);

                RecursiveRendererParameters rrParams    = PrepareRecursiveRendererParameters(hdCamera, recursiveSettings);
                RecursiveRendererResources  rrResources = PrepareRecursiveRendererResources(debugBuffer);
                ExecuteRecursiveRendering(cmd, rrParams, rrResources);
                PushFullScreenDebugTexture(hdCamera, cmd, debugBuffer, FullScreenDebugMode.RecursiveRayTracing);
Esempio n. 5
        static void ExecuteRecursiveRendering(CommandBuffer cmd, RecursiveRendererParameters rrParams, RecursiveRendererResources rrResources)
            // Define the shader pass to use for the reflection pass
            cmd.SetRayTracingShaderPass(rrParams.recursiveRenderingRT, "ForwardDXR");

            // Set the acceleration structure for the pass
            cmd.SetRayTracingAccelerationStructure(rrParams.recursiveRenderingRT, HDShaderIDs._RaytracingAccelerationStructureName, rrParams.accelerationStructure);

            // Inject the ray-tracing sampling data
            BlueNoise.BindDitheredTextureSet(cmd, rrParams.ditheredTextureSet);

            // Update Global Constant Buffer.
            rrParams.shaderVariablesRayTracingCB._RaytracingRayMaxLength            = rrParams.rayLength;
            rrParams.shaderVariablesRayTracingCB._RaytracingMaxRecursion            = rrParams.maxDepth;
            rrParams.shaderVariablesRayTracingCB._RaytracingReflectionMinSmoothness = rrParams.minSmoothness;
            ConstantBuffer.PushGlobal(cmd, rrParams.shaderVariablesRayTracingCB, HDShaderIDs._ShaderVariablesRaytracing);

            // Fecth the temporary buffers we shall be using
            cmd.SetRayTracingTextureParam(rrParams.recursiveRenderingRT, HDShaderIDs._RaytracingFlagMask, rrResources.flagMask);
            cmd.SetRayTracingTextureParam(rrParams.recursiveRenderingRT, HDShaderIDs._DepthTexture, rrResources.depthStencilBuffer);
            cmd.SetRayTracingTextureParam(rrParams.recursiveRenderingRT, HDShaderIDs._CameraColorTextureRW, rrResources.outputBuffer);

            // Set ray count texture
            cmd.SetRayTracingTextureParam(rrParams.recursiveRenderingRT, HDShaderIDs._RayCountTexture, rrResources.rayCountTexture);

            // LightLoop data

            // Note: Just in case, we rebind the directional light data (in case they were not)
            cmd.SetGlobalBuffer(HDShaderIDs._DirectionalLightDatas, rrResources.directionalLightData);

            // Set the data for the ray miss
            cmd.SetRayTracingTextureParam(rrParams.recursiveRenderingRT, HDShaderIDs._SkyTexture, rrParams.skyTexture);

            // If this is the right debug mode and we have at least one light, write the first shadow to the de-noised texture
            cmd.SetRayTracingTextureParam(rrParams.recursiveRenderingRT, HDShaderIDs._RaytracingPrimaryDebug, rrResources.debugBuffer);

            // Run the computation
            cmd.DispatchRays(rrParams.recursiveRenderingRT, m_RayGenShaderName, (uint)rrParams.texWidth, (uint)rrParams.texHeight, (uint)rrParams.viewCount);