Esempio n. 1
    public static void Build(DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh _mesh, BuildrData _data)
//        timestart = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
        data     = _data;
        mesh     = _mesh;
        textures = data.textures.ToArray();
        BuildrPlan plan = data.plan;

        int facadeIndex = 0;

        numberOfFacades = 0;
        int numberOfVolumes = data.plan.numberOfVolumes;


        //define rectangles that represent the facades
        for (int v = 0; v < numberOfVolumes; v++)
            BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[v];
            int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;

            for (int f = 0; f < numberOfVolumePoints; f++)
                if (!volume.renderFacade[f])
                int      indexA = f;
                int      indexB = (f < numberOfVolumePoints - 1) ? f + 1 : 0;
                Vector2z p0     = plan.points[volume.points[indexA]];
                Vector2z p1     = plan.points[volume.points[indexB]];

                float facadeWidth = Vector2z.Distance(p0, p1) * PIXELS_PER_METER;
                int   floorBase   = plan.GetFacadeFloorHeight(v, volume.points[indexA], volume.points[indexB]);

                int numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors - floorBase;
                if (numberOfFloors < 1)//no facade - adjacent facade is taller and covers this one

                float floorHeight  = data.floorHeight;
                float facadeHeight = (volume.numberOfFloors - floorBase) * floorHeight * PIXELS_PER_METER;
                if (facadeHeight < 0)
                    facadeWidth  = 0;
                    facadeHeight = 0;

                Rect newFacadeRect = new Rect(0, 0, facadeWidth, facadeHeight);


        //Build ROOF
        DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh dynMeshRoof = new DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh();         = "Roof Mesh";
        dynMeshRoof.subMeshCount = textures.Length;
        BuildrRoof.Build(dynMeshRoof, data, true);
        LogTimer("Roof A");

        foreach (BuildrRoofDesign roofDesign in data.roofs)
            foreach (int textureIndex in roofDesign.textureValues)
                if (!roofTextureIndex.Contains(textureIndex))
                    BuildrTexture bTexture = data.textures[textureIndex];
                    Vector2       largestSubmeshPlaneSize = new Vector2(1, 1);
                    Vector2       minWorldUvSize          = dynMeshRoof.MinWorldUvSize(textureIndex);
                    Vector2       maxWorldUvSize          = dynMeshRoof.MaxWorldUvSize(textureIndex);
                    largestSubmeshPlaneSize.x = maxWorldUvSize.x - minWorldUvSize.x;
                    largestSubmeshPlaneSize.y = maxWorldUvSize.y - minWorldUvSize.y;
                    int  roofTextureWidth    = Mathf.RoundToInt(largestSubmeshPlaneSize.x * PIXELS_PER_METER);
                    int  roofTextureHeight   = Mathf.RoundToInt(largestSubmeshPlaneSize.y * PIXELS_PER_METER);
                    Rect newRoofTexutureRect = new Rect(0, 0, roofTextureWidth, roofTextureHeight);

        //run a custom packer to define their postions
        textureWidth = RectanglePack.Pack(packedTexturePositions, ATLAS_PADDING);

        //determine the resize scale and apply that to the rects
        packedScale = 1;
        int numberOfRects = packedTexturePositions.Count;

        if (textureWidth > MAXIMUM_TEXTURESIZE)
            packedScale = MAXIMUM_TEXTURESIZE / (float)textureWidth;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRects; i++)
                Rect thisRect = packedTexturePositions[i];
                thisRect.x               *= packedScale;
                thisRect.y               *= packedScale;
                thisRect.width           *= packedScale;
                thisRect.height          *= packedScale;
                packedTexturePositions[i] = thisRect;
                //Debug.Log("Rects "+roofTextures[i-+packedTexturePositions[i]);
            textureWidth = Mathf.RoundToInt(packedScale * textureWidth);
            textureWidth = (int)Mathf.Pow(2, (Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.Log(textureWidth - 1, 2)) + 1));//find the next power of two
        //Debug.Log("Texture Width "+textureWidth);
        //TODO: maybe restrict the resize to a power of two?
        LogTimer("Packed Rect Generated");

        textureSize = textureWidth * textureWidth;
        colourArray = new Color32[textureSize];
        //TestRectColours();//this test paints all the facades with rainbow colours - real pretty

        LogTimer("texture created");
        Texture2D packedTexture = new Texture2D(textureWidth, textureWidth, TextureFormat.ARGB32, true);

        packedTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;
        packedTexture.Apply(true, false);

        if (data.LODTextureAtlas != null)
        data.LODTextureAtlas      = packedTexture; = "Low Detail Texture";

        //build the model with new uvs

        if (data.drawUnderside)
            for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
                BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[s];
                int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;
                Vector3[]    newEndVerts          = new Vector3[numberOfVolumePoints];
                Vector2[]    newEndUVs            = new Vector2[numberOfVolumePoints];
                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVolumePoints; i++)
                    newEndVerts[i] = plan.points[volume.points[i]].vector3;
                    newEndUVs[i]   =;

                List <int> tris = new List <int>(data.plan.GetTrianglesBySectorBase(s));
                mesh.AddData(newEndVerts, newEndUVs, tris.ToArray(), 0);

        //Build facades
        for (int s = 0; s < numberOfVolumes; s++)
            BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[s];
            int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;

            for (int f = 0; f < numberOfVolumePoints; f++)
                if (!volume.renderFacade[f])
                int     indexA = f;
                int     indexB = (f < numberOfVolumePoints - 1) ? f + 1 : 0;
                Vector3 p0     = plan.points[volume.points[indexA]].vector3;
                Vector3 p1     = plan.points[volume.points[indexB]].vector3;

                int floorBase      = plan.GetFacadeFloorHeight(s, volume.points[indexA], volume.points[indexB]);
                int numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors - floorBase;
                if (numberOfFloors < 1)
                    //no facade - adjacent facade is taller and covers this one
                float floorHeight = data.floorHeight;

                Vector3 floorHeightStart = Vector3.up * (floorBase * floorHeight);
                Vector3 wallHeight       = Vector3.up * (volume.numberOfFloors * floorHeight) - floorHeightStart;

                p0 += floorHeightStart;
                p1 += floorHeightStart;

                Vector3 w0 = p0;
                Vector3 w1 = p1;
                Vector3 w2 = w0 + wallHeight;
                Vector3 w3 = w1 + wallHeight;

                Rect facadeRect = packedTexturePositions[facadeIndex];

                float   imageSize = textureWidth;
                Vector2 uvMin     = new Vector2(facadeRect.xMin / imageSize, facadeRect.yMin / imageSize);
                Vector2 uvMax     = new Vector2(facadeRect.xMax / imageSize, facadeRect.yMax / imageSize);

                mesh.AddPlane(w0, w1, w2, w3, uvMin, uvMax, 0);

        //ROOF Textures
        int         roofRectBase  = numberOfFacades;
        List <Rect> newAtlasRects = new List <Rect>();

        for (int i = roofRectBase; i < packedTexturePositions.Count; i++)
            Rect uvRect = new Rect();//generate a UV based rectangle off the packed one
            uvRect.x      = packedTexturePositions[i].x / textureWidth;
            uvRect.y      = packedTexturePositions[i].y / textureWidth;
            uvRect.width  = packedTexturePositions[i].width / textureWidth;
            uvRect.height = packedTexturePositions[i].height / textureWidth;
        dynMeshRoof.Atlas(roofTextureIndex.ToArray(), newAtlasRects.ToArray(), data.textures.ToArray());
        //Add the atlased mesh data to the main model data at submesh 0
        mesh.AddData(dynMeshRoof.vertices, dynMeshRoof.uv, dynMeshRoof.triangles, 0);

        LogTimer("Roof B");

        data     = null;
        mesh     = null;
        textures = null;
        //atlasRects = null;


Esempio n. 2
    public static void Build(DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh _mesh, BuildrData _data)
        //        timestart = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
        data     = _data;
        mesh     = _mesh;
        textures = data.textures.ToArray();
        BuildrPlan plan = data.plan;

//        int facadeIndex = 0;
        numberOfFacades = 0;
        int numberOfVolumes = data.plan.numberOfVolumes;

        //define rectangles that represent the facades
        for (int v = 0; v < numberOfVolumes; v++)
            BuildrVolume volume = plan.volumes[v];
            int          numberOfVolumePoints = volume.points.Count;

            for (int f = 0; f < numberOfVolumePoints; f++)
                if (!volume.renderFacade[f])
                int      indexA = f;
                int      indexB = (f < numberOfVolumePoints - 1) ? f + 1 : 0;
                Vector2z p0     = plan.points[volume.points[indexA]];
                Vector2z p1     = plan.points[volume.points[indexB]];

                float facadeWidth = Vector2z.Distance(p0, p1) * PIXELS_PER_METER;
                int   floorBase   = plan.GetFacadeFloorHeight(v, volume.points[indexA], volume.points[indexB]);

                int numberOfFloors = volume.numberOfFloors - floorBase;
                if (numberOfFloors < 1)//no facade - adjacent facade is taller and covers this one

                float floorHeight  = data.floorHeight;
                float facadeHeight = (volume.numberOfFloors - floorBase) * floorHeight * PIXELS_PER_METER;
                if (facadeHeight < 0)
                    facadeWidth  = 0;
                    facadeHeight = 0;

                Rect newFacadeRect = new Rect(0, 0, facadeWidth, facadeHeight);


        //Build ROOF
        DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh dynMeshRoof = new DynamicMeshGenericMultiMaterialMesh();         = "Roof Mesh";
        dynMeshRoof.subMeshCount = textures.Length;
        BuildrRoof.Build(dynMeshRoof, data, true);

        foreach (BuildrRoofDesign roofDesign in data.roofs)
            foreach (int textureIndex in roofDesign.textureValues)
                if (!roofTextureIndex.Contains(textureIndex))
                    BuildrTexture bTexture = data.textures[textureIndex];
                    Vector2       largestSubmeshPlaneSize = new Vector2(1, 1);
                    Vector2       minWorldUvSize          = dynMeshRoof.MinWorldUvSize(textureIndex);
                    Vector2       maxWorldUvSize          = dynMeshRoof.MaxWorldUvSize(textureIndex);
                    largestSubmeshPlaneSize.x = maxWorldUvSize.x - minWorldUvSize.x;
                    largestSubmeshPlaneSize.y = maxWorldUvSize.y - minWorldUvSize.y;
                    int  roofTextureWidth    = Mathf.RoundToInt(largestSubmeshPlaneSize.x * PIXELS_PER_METER);
                    int  roofTextureHeight   = Mathf.RoundToInt(largestSubmeshPlaneSize.y * PIXELS_PER_METER);
                    Rect newRoofTexutureRect = new Rect(0, 0, roofTextureWidth, roofTextureHeight);

        //run a custom packer to define their postions
        textureWidth = RectanglePack.Pack(packedTexturePositions, ATLAS_PADDING);

        //determine the resize scale and apply that to the rects
        packedScale = 1;
        int numberOfRects = packedTexturePositions.Count;

        if (textureWidth > MAXIMUM_TEXTURESIZE)
            packedScale = MAXIMUM_TEXTURESIZE / (float)textureWidth;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRects; i++)
                Rect thisRect = packedTexturePositions[i];
                thisRect.x               *= packedScale;
                thisRect.y               *= packedScale;
                thisRect.width           *= packedScale;
                thisRect.height          *= packedScale;
                packedTexturePositions[i] = thisRect;
                //Debug.Log("Rects "+roofTextures[i-+packedTexturePositions[i]);
            textureWidth = Mathf.RoundToInt(packedScale * textureWidth);
            textureWidth = (int)Mathf.Pow(2, (Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.Log(textureWidth - 1, 2)) + 1));//find the next power of two

        textureSize = textureWidth * textureWidth;
        colourArray = new Color32[textureSize];
        //TestRectColours();//this test paints all the facades with rainbow colours - real pretty

        Texture2D packedTexture = new Texture2D(textureWidth, textureWidth, TextureFormat.ARGB32, true);

        packedTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;
        packedTexture.Apply(true, false);

        if (data.OneDrawCallTexture != null)
        data.OneDrawCallTexture      = packedTexture; = "One Draw Call Texture";

        int         numberOfRoofTextures   = roofTextures.Count - 1;
        List <Rect> facadeTexturePositions = new List <Rect>(packedTexturePositions);

        facadeTexturePositions.RemoveRange(packedTexturePositions.Count - numberOfRoofTextures, numberOfRoofTextures);

        BuildrBuilding.Build(mesh, data, facadeTexturePositions.ToArray());

        data     = null;
        mesh     = null;
        textures = null;

Esempio n. 3
//    private static float timestart;

    /// <summary>
    /// Custom BuildR texture packer. Uses the BuildR Data class to create a single texture used by the generated building, taking into account tiling.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="data">BuildR Building Data</param>
    public static void Pack(BuildrData data)
//        timestart = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        int         numberOfTextures       = data.textures.Count;
        List <Rect> packedTexturePositions = new List <Rect>();
        List <int>  texturePacked          = new List <int>();

        for (int t = 0; t < numberOfTextures; t++)
            BuildrTexture texture = data.textures[t];
            if (texture.tiled)
                int   textureWidth        = texture.texture.width;
                int   textureHeight       = texture.texture.height;
                int   targetTextureWidth  = Mathf.RoundToInt(textureWidth * texture.maxUVTile.x);
                int   targetTextureHeight = Mathf.RoundToInt(textureHeight * texture.maxUVTile.y);
                float resizeToLargest     = Mathf.Min((float)MAX_SOURCE_TEXTURE_SIZE / (float)targetTextureWidth, (float)MAX_SOURCE_TEXTURE_SIZE / (float)targetTextureHeight, 1);//ensure texture fits smallest size
                int   useTextureWidth     = Mathf.RoundToInt(resizeToLargest * targetTextureWidth);
                int   useTextureHeight    = Mathf.RoundToInt(resizeToLargest * targetTextureHeight);

                if (useTextureWidth == 0 || useTextureHeight == 0)//texture no used on model
                packedTexturePositions.Add(new Rect(0, 0, useTextureWidth, useTextureHeight));
                int useTextureWidth  = texture.texture.width;
                int useTextureHeight = texture.texture.height;
                packedTexturePositions.Add(new Rect(0, 0, useTextureWidth, useTextureHeight));

        int atlasedTextureWidth = RectanglePack.Pack(packedTexturePositions, ATLAS_PADDING);

        //determine the resize scale and apply that to the rects
        float packedScale   = 1;
        int   numberOfRects = packedTexturePositions.Count;

        if (atlasedTextureWidth > MAXIMUM_TEXTURESIZE)
            packedScale = MAXIMUM_TEXTURESIZE / (float)atlasedTextureWidth;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRects; i++)
                Rect thisRect = packedTexturePositions[i];
                thisRect.x               *= packedScale;
                thisRect.y               *= packedScale;
                thisRect.width           *= packedScale;
                thisRect.height          *= packedScale;
                packedTexturePositions[i] = thisRect;
            atlasedTextureWidth = Mathf.RoundToInt(packedScale * atlasedTextureWidth);
            atlasedTextureWidth = (int)Mathf.Pow(2, (Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.Log(atlasedTextureWidth - 1, 2)) + 1));//find the next power of two

        int textureSize = atlasedTextureWidth * atlasedTextureWidth;

        Color32[] colourArray = new Color32[textureSize];

        //Build colour array
        for (int t = 0; t < numberOfTextures; t++)
            BuildrTexture texture             = data.textures[t];
            Rect          packedPosition      = packedTexturePositions[t];
            int           targetTextureWidth  = (int)packedPosition.width;
            int           targetTextureHeight = (int)packedPosition.height;
            int           sourceTextureWidth  = texture.texture.width;
            int           sourceTextureHeight = texture.texture.height;
//            int sourceTextureSize = sourceTextureWidth * sourceTextureHeight;
            int       paintTextureWidth  = Mathf.RoundToInt(targetTextureWidth / (texture.tiled ? texture.maxUVTile.x : texture.tiledX));
            int       paintTextureHeight = Mathf.RoundToInt(targetTextureHeight / (texture.tiled ? texture.maxUVTile.y : texture.tiledY));
            int       paintTextureSize   = paintTextureWidth * paintTextureHeight;
            Color32[] paintColourArray   = TextureScale.NearestNeighbourSample(texture.texture.GetPixels32(), sourceTextureWidth, sourceTextureHeight, paintTextureWidth, paintTextureHeight);

            for (int x = 0; x < targetTextureWidth; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < targetTextureHeight; y++)
                    int drawX       = Mathf.FloorToInt(x + packedPosition.x);
                    int drawY       = Mathf.FloorToInt(y + packedPosition.y);
                    int colourIndex = drawX + drawY * atlasedTextureWidth;

                    int sx         = x % paintTextureWidth;
                    int sy         = y % paintTextureHeight;
                    int paintIndex = sx + sy * paintTextureWidth;
                    if (paintIndex >= paintTextureSize)
                        Debug.Log("Source Index too big " + sx + " " + sy + " " + paintTextureWidth + " " + paintTextureSize + " " + texture.maxUVTile + " " +;
                    Color32 sourceColour = paintColourArray[paintIndex];
                    if (colourIndex >= textureSize)
                        Debug.Log("Output Index Too big " + drawX + " " + drawY + " " + colourIndex + " " + textureSize + " " + packedPosition);
                    colourArray[colourIndex] = sourceColour;

        Texture2D packedTexture = new Texture2D(atlasedTextureWidth, atlasedTextureWidth, TextureFormat.ARGB32, true);

        packedTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;
        packedTexture.Apply(true, false);

        //remove textures from memory
        if (data.textureAtlas != null)

        data.textureAtlas   = packedTexture;
        data.texturesPacked = texturePacked;
        data.atlasCoords    = RectanglePack.ConvertToUVSpace(packedTexturePositions.ToArray(), atlasedTextureWidth);


        //Debug.Log("BuildR Texutre Pack Complete: " + (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - timestart)+" sec");
Esempio n. 4
    /// <summary>
    /// Packs an array of Texture2Ds into a sinlgle Texture2D with a maximum size specified.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="output">The output Texture2D</param>
    /// <param name="data">And array of input Texture2Ds</param>
    /// <param name="maximumSize">The maximum size of the output texture</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static Rect[] Pack(out Texture2D output, Texture2D[] data, int maximumSize)
//        timestart = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

        int         numberOfTextures       = data.Length;
        List <Rect> packedTexturePositions = new List <Rect>();
        List <int>  texturePacked          = new List <int>();

        for (int t = 0; t < numberOfTextures; t++)
            Texture2D texture          = data[t];
            int       useTextureWidth  = texture.width;
            int       useTextureHeight = texture.height;
            packedTexturePositions.Add(new Rect(0, 0, useTextureWidth, useTextureHeight));

        int atlasedTextureWidth = RectanglePack.Pack(packedTexturePositions, ATLAS_PADDING);

        //determine the resize scale and apply that to the rects
        int numberOfRects = packedTexturePositions.Count;

        if (atlasedTextureWidth > maximumSize)
            float packedScale = maximumSize / (float)atlasedTextureWidth;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRects; i++)
                Rect thisRect = packedTexturePositions[i];
                thisRect.x               *= packedScale;
                thisRect.y               *= packedScale;
                thisRect.width           *= packedScale;
                thisRect.height          *= packedScale;
                packedTexturePositions[i] = thisRect;
            atlasedTextureWidth = Mathf.RoundToInt(packedScale * atlasedTextureWidth);
            atlasedTextureWidth = (int)Mathf.Pow(2, (Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.Log(atlasedTextureWidth - 1, 2)) + 1));//find the next power of two

        int textureSize = atlasedTextureWidth * atlasedTextureWidth;

        Color32[] colourArray = new Color32[textureSize];

        //Build colour array
        for (int t = 0; t < numberOfTextures; t++)
            Texture2D texture             = data[t];
            Rect      packedPosition      = packedTexturePositions[t];
            int       targetTextureWidth  = (int)packedPosition.width;
            int       targetTextureHeight = (int)packedPosition.height;
            int       sourceTextureWidth  = texture.width;
            int       sourceTextureHeight = texture.height;
            Color32[] paintColourArray    = TextureScale.NearestNeighbourSample(texture.GetPixels32(), sourceTextureWidth, sourceTextureHeight, targetTextureWidth, targetTextureHeight);

            for (int x = 0; x < targetTextureWidth; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < targetTextureHeight; y++)
                    int     drawX        = Mathf.FloorToInt(x + packedPosition.x);
                    int     drawY        = Mathf.FloorToInt(y + packedPosition.y);
                    int     colourIndex  = drawX + drawY * atlasedTextureWidth;
                    int     paintIndex   = x + y * targetTextureWidth;
                    Color32 sourceColour = paintColourArray[paintIndex];
                    colourArray[colourIndex] = sourceColour;

        output            = new Texture2D(atlasedTextureWidth, atlasedTextureWidth, TextureFormat.ARGB32, true);
        output.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;
        output.Apply(true, false);

        //Debug.Log("BuildR Texutre Pack Complete: " + (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - timestart) + " sec");

        return(RectanglePack.ConvertToUVSpace(packedTexturePositions.ToArray(), atlasedTextureWidth));
Esempio n. 5
        /*bool IsMonospace(Graphics Gfx, Font F) {
         *      return Gfx.MeasureString("iiiii", F).Width == Gfx.MeasureString("MMMMM", F).Width;
         * }*/

        public bool Update()
            if (!Dirty)
            Dirty = false;

            Bitmap Bmp = new Bitmap(1, 1);

            using (Graphics Gfx = Graphics.FromImage(Bmp)) {
                RectPack = new RectanglePack();

                //bool Monospace = IsMonospace(Gfx, DrawingFont);
                SizeF Sz = Gfx.MeasureString("X", DrawingFont);

                foreach (var Chr in Characters)
                    if (char.IsWhiteSpace(Chr))
                        Sz = Gfx.MeasureString("_", DrawingFont);
                        Sz = Gfx.MeasureString(Chr.ToString(), DrawingFont);

                    RectPack.Add(Chr, new NVector2(Sz.Width + HalfPadding * 2, Sz.Height + HalfPadding * 2));

                CharLocations = RectPack.Pack();

            Bmp = new Bitmap((int)RectPack.Size.X, (int)RectPack.Size.Y);
            using (Graphics Gfx = Graphics.FromImage(Bmp)) {
                Gfx.SmoothingMode     = SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                Gfx.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;
                Gfx.PixelOffsetMode   = PixelOffsetMode.HighQuality;
                Gfx.TextRenderingHint = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;

                Random Rnd = new Random(42);

                foreach (var Chr in Characters)
                    Rect R = CharLocations[Chr];

                    // TODO: Convar to colorize

                    /*Gfx.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(Rnd.Next(256), Rnd.Next(256), Rnd.Next(256))),
                     *      new Rectangle((int)R.X, (int)R.Y, (int)R.W, (int)R.H));*/

                    Gfx.DrawString(Chr.ToString(), DrawingFont, new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255)),
                                   R.X + HalfPadding, R.Y + HalfPadding);

            // TODO: Make a convar to control dumping the atlas
        public static void Generate(IBuilding building)
            int numberOfVolumes = building.numberOfPlans;

            for (int v = 0; v < numberOfVolumes; v++)
                IVolume volume = building[v];
                if (!volume.isLegal)
                int     numberOfPoints  = volume.numberOfPoints;
                float   totalPlanHeight = volume.planHeight;
                Vector3 planUp          = totalPlanHeight * Vector3.up;
//                List<Surface> usedFloorplanSurfaces = volume.CalculateSurfaceArray();
                //                VerticalOpening[] volumeOpenings = BuildrUtils.GetOpeningsQuick(building, volume);

                IVisualPart           visual       = volume.visualPart;
                BuildRMesh            dMesh        = visual.dynamicMesh;
                BuildRCollider        cMesh        = visual.colliderMesh;
                BuildingMeshTypes     meshType     = building.meshType;
                BuildingColliderTypes colliderType = building.colliderType;
                dMesh.ignoreSubmeshAssignment = true;
                cMesh.TogglePrimitives(colliderType == BuildingColliderTypes.Primitive);
                cMesh.thickness = volume.wallThickness;

                if (meshType == BuildingMeshTypes.None && colliderType == BuildingColliderTypes.None)

                Dictionary <int, List <Vector2Int> > anchorPoints = volume.facadeWallAnchors;
                Texture2D facadeTexture   = null;
                Rect[]    faciaRectangles = null;
                Rect[]    faciaUVs        = null;
                Rect      roofRect        = new Rect();
                Rect      roofPixelRect   = new Rect();

                #region Exteriors

                if (building.generateExteriors)
                    //                    List<Rect> faciaRectangles = null;
                    faciaRectangles = new Rect[numberOfPoints + 1];                                  //one additional for the roof
                    float foundation = building.IsBaseVolume(volume) ? building.foundationDepth : 0; //set suspended volumes foundation to 0

                    //                    faciaRectangles = new List<Rect>();
                    for (int p = 0; p < numberOfPoints; p++)
                        if (!volume[p].render)
                        int        indexA = p;
                        int        indexB = (p < numberOfPoints - 1) ? p + 1 : 0;
                        Vector2Int p0     = volume[indexA].position;
                        Vector2Int p1     = volume[indexB].position;

                        float facadeWidth = Vector2Int.DistanceWorld(p0, p1) * PIXELS_PER_METER;
                        int   floorBase   = BuildRFacadeUtil.MinimumFloor(building, volume, indexA);

                        int numberOfFloors = volume.floors - floorBase;
                        if (numberOfFloors < 1)//no facade - adjacent facade is taller and covers this one

                        float floorHeight  = volume.floorHeight;
                        float facadeHeight = ((volume.floors - floorBase) * floorHeight) * PIXELS_PER_METER;
                        if (facadeHeight < 0)//??
                            facadeWidth  = 0;
                            facadeHeight = 0;

                        Rect newFacadeRect = new Rect(0, 0, facadeWidth, facadeHeight);
                        faciaRectangles[p] = newFacadeRect;
                        //                        Debug.Log(newFacadeRect);
                        //                        faciaRectangles.Add(newFacadeRect);

                    roofRect      = new Rect(0, 0, volume.bounds.size.x, volume.bounds.size.z);
                    roofPixelRect = new Rect(0, 0, volume.bounds.size.x * PIXELS_PER_METER, volume.bounds.size.z * PIXELS_PER_METER);
                    faciaRectangles[numberOfPoints] = roofPixelRect;
                    //                    Debug.Log(roofRect);

                    int currentWidth = RectanglePack.Pack(faciaRectangles, ATLAS_PADDING);
                    currentWidth  = RectanglePack.CheckMaxScale(faciaRectangles, currentWidth, MAXIMUM_TEXTURESIZE);
                    faciaUVs      = RectanglePack.ConvertToUVSpace(faciaRectangles, currentWidth);
                    facadeTexture = new Texture2D(currentWidth, currentWidth);

                    //                    float uvOffsetX = 0;
                    int rectIndex = 0;
                    for (int p = 0; p < numberOfPoints; p++)
                        if (!volume[p].render)

                        Vector3 p0 = volume.BuildingPoint(p);
                        Vector3 p1 = volume.BuildingPoint((p + 1) % numberOfPoints);

                        Vector3 p0u        = p0 + planUp;
                        Vector3 p1u        = p1 + planUp;
                        Vector3 cw0        = volume.BuildingControlPointA(p);
                        Vector3 cw1        = volume.BuildingControlPointB(p);
                        Facade  facade     = volume.GetFacade(p);
                        bool    isStraight = volume.IsWallStraight(p);

                        Vector3 facadeVector    = p1 - p0;
                        Vector3 facadeDirection = facadeVector.normalized;

                        FacadeGenerator.FacadeData fData = new FacadeGenerator.FacadeData();
                        fData.baseA        = p0;
                        fData.baseB        = p1;
                        fData.controlA     = cw0;
                        fData.controlB     = cw1;
                        fData.anchors      = anchorPoints[p];
                        fData.isStraight   = isStraight;
                        fData.curveStyle   = volume[p].curveStyle;
                        fData.floorCount   = volume.floors;
                        fData.facadeDesign = facade;

                        fData.wallThickness         = volume.wallThickness;
                        fData.minimumWallUnitLength = volume.minimumWallUnitLength;
                        fData.floorHeight           = volume.floorHeight;
                        fData.floors       = volume.floors;
                        fData.meshType     = building.meshType;
                        fData.colliderType = building.colliderType;
                        fData.cullDoors    = building.cullDoors;
                        fData.prefabs      = volume.prefabs;
                        //                        fData.submeshList = usedFloorplanSurfaces;
                        fData.startFloor = BuildRFacadeUtil.MinimumFloor(building, volume, p);

                        if (isStraight)
                            Vector3 normal  = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, facadeDirection);
                            Vector4 tangent = BuildRMesh.CalculateTangent(facadeDirection);

                            Vector3 fp2 = p0;
                            Vector3 fp3 = p1;
                            Vector3 fp0 = fp2 + Vector3.down * foundation;
                            Vector3 fp1 = fp3 + Vector3.down * foundation;

                            if (meshType == BuildingMeshTypes.Simple)
                                //                                if(facade != null)
                                //                                {
                                if (facade != null)
                                    SimpleTextureGenerator.GenerateFacade(fData, facadeTexture, faciaRectangles[rectIndex]);
                                Vector3[] verts  = { p0, p1, p0u, p1u };
                                Vector2[] uvs    = new Vector2[4];
                                Rect      uvRect = faciaUVs[rectIndex];
                                uvs[0] = new Vector2(uvRect.xMin, uvRect.yMin);
                                uvs[1] = new Vector2(uvRect.xMax, uvRect.yMin);
                                uvs[2] = new Vector2(uvRect.xMin, uvRect.yMax);
                                uvs[3] = new Vector2(uvRect.xMax, uvRect.yMax);
                                int[]     tris     = { 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3 };
                                Vector3[] norms    = { normal, normal, normal, normal };
                                Vector4[] tangents = { tangent, tangent, tangent, tangent };
                                dMesh.AddData(verts, uvs, tris, norms, tangents, 0);

                                if (foundation > Mathf.Epsilon)
                                    dMesh.AddPlane(fp0, fp1, fp2, fp3, uvs[0], uvs[0], normal, tangent, 0, null);
                                dMesh.AddPlane(p0, p1, p0u, p1u, normal, tangent, 0);

                                if (foundation > Mathf.Epsilon)
                                    dMesh.AddPlane(fp0, fp1, fp2, fp3, normal, tangent, 0);

                            if (colliderType != BuildingColliderTypes.None)
                                cMesh.AddPlane(p0, p1, p0u, p1u);
                                if (foundation > Mathf.Epsilon)
                                    cMesh.mesh.AddPlane(fp0, fp1, fp2, fp3, 0);
                            List <Vector2Int> facadeAnchorPoints = anchorPoints[p];
                            int anchorCount = facadeAnchorPoints.Count;
                            for (int i = 0; i < anchorCount - 1; i++)
                                Vector3 c0 = facadeAnchorPoints[i].vector3XZ;
                                c0.y = p0.y;
                                Vector3 c1 = facadeAnchorPoints[i + 1].vector3XZ;
                                c1.y = p0.y;
                                Vector3 c2 = c0 + planUp;
                                Vector3 c3 = c1 + planUp;
                                Vector3 sectionDirection = (c1 - c0).normalized;
                                Vector3 normal           = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.up, sectionDirection);
                                Vector4 tangent          = BuildRMesh.CalculateTangent(sectionDirection);

                                Vector3 fp2 = c0;
                                Vector3 fp3 = c1;
                                Vector3 fp0 = fp2 + Vector3.down * foundation;
                                Vector3 fp1 = fp3 + Vector3.down * foundation;

                                if (meshType == BuildingMeshTypes.Simple)
                                    if (facade != null)
                                        SimpleTextureGenerator.GenerateFacade(fData, facadeTexture, faciaRectangles[rectIndex]);
                                    Rect      uvRect         = faciaUVs[rectIndex];
                                    float     facadePercentA = i / (float)(anchorCount - 1);
                                    float     facadePercentB = (i + 1) / (float)(anchorCount - 1);
                                    float     uvxa           = uvRect.xMin + uvRect.width * facadePercentA;
                                    float     uvxb           = uvRect.xMin + uvRect.width * facadePercentB;
                                    Vector3[] verts          = { c0, c1, c2, c3 };
                                    Vector2[] uvs            = new Vector2[4];
                                    uvs[0] = new Vector2(uvxa, uvRect.yMin);
                                    uvs[1] = new Vector2(uvxb, uvRect.yMin);
                                    uvs[2] = new Vector2(uvxa, uvRect.yMax);
                                    uvs[3] = new Vector2(uvxb, uvRect.yMax);
                                    int[]     tris     = { 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3 };
                                    Vector3[] norms    = { normal, normal, normal, normal };
                                    Vector4[] tangents = { tangent, tangent, tangent, tangent };
                                    //                                        Vector2 uvMin = new Vector2(uvOffsetX, 0);
                                    //                                        Vector2 uvMax = new Vector2(uvOffsetX + facadeLength, totalPlanHeight);

                                    dMesh.AddData(verts, uvs, tris, norms, tangents, 0);
                                    //                                    dMesh.AddPlane(p0, p1, p0u, p1u, uvMin, uvMax, normal, tangent, 0);
                                    //todo simple mesh with textured facade
                                    //                                    rectIndex++;

                                    if (foundation > Mathf.Epsilon)
                                        dMesh.AddPlane(fp0, fp1, fp2, fp3, uvs[0], uvs[0], normal, tangent, 0, null);
                                    dMesh.AddPlane(p0, p1, p0u, p1u, normal, tangent, 0);

                                    if (foundation > Mathf.Epsilon)
                                        dMesh.AddPlane(fp0, fp1, fp2, fp3, normal, tangent, 0);

                                if (colliderType != BuildingColliderTypes.None)
                                    cMesh.AddPlane(c0, c1, c2, c3);

                                    if (foundation > Mathf.Epsilon)
                                        cMesh.mesh.AddPlane(fp0, fp1, fp2, fp3, 0);


                #region Interiors

                IFloorplan[] floorplans = volume.InteriorFloorplans();
                int          floors     = volume.floors;
                for (int fl = 0; fl < floors; fl++)


                #region Volume Underside Generation

                BuildRVolumeUtil.VolumeShape[] underShapes = BuildRVolumeUtil.GetBottomShape(building, volume);
                int underShapeCount = underShapes.Length;
                //                Debug.Log(underShapeCount);
                float volumeBaseHeight = volume.baseHeight;
                for (int u = 0; u < underShapeCount; u++)
                    //                    Debug.Log(underShapes[u].outer);
                    if (underShapes[u].outer == null)
                        continue;                              //no underside shape
                    //                    Debug.Log(underShapes[u].outer.Length);

                    Poly2TriWrapper.BMesh(dMesh, volumeBaseHeight, null, 0, underShapes[u].outer, new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0), false, underShapes[u].holes);


                if (building.generateExteriors)
                    Surface roofSurface = volume.roof.mainSurface;
                    if (roofSurface != null)
                        SimpleTextureGenerator.GenerateTexture(facadeTexture, roofSurface, faciaRectangles[faciaRectangles.Length - 1], roofRect);
                    RoofGenerator.Generate(building, volume, dMesh, cMesh, faciaUVs[faciaUVs.Length - 1]);

                switch (meshType)
                case BuildingMeshTypes.Box:
                    visual.materials = new[] { new Material(Shader.Find("Standard")) };

                case BuildingMeshTypes.Simple:
                    facadeTexture.filterMode = FilterMode.Bilinear;
                    facadeTexture.Apply(true, false);
                    Material simpleMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find("Standard"));
                    simpleMaterial.mainTexture = facadeTexture;
                    visual.materials           = new[] { simpleMaterial };