public PopupList(Font font, String[] names, int minWidth) { RectView back = new RectView(0, 0, 100, 100, Color.Gray, Color.Black); AddView(back); View contentView = new View(100, 100); int w = minWidth; items = new ListItem[names.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; ++i) { ListItem item = new ListItem(font, names[i], w, font.FontHeight()); = i; item.buttonDelegate = OnItemSelected; contentView.AddView(item); items[i] = item; } contentView.LayoutVer(2); contentView.ResizeToFitViewsVer(); AddView(contentView); back.width = contentView.width; back.height = contentView.height; width = contentView.width; height = contentView.height; }
private void AddBackground() { Color color = Color.Black; RectView rect = new RectView(0, 0, width, height, color, color); AddView(rect); }
public BlockingScreen(View messageView, ButtonDelegate buttonDelegate = null) { AllowsDrawPrevious = true; AllowsUpdatePrevious = true; m_delegate = buttonDelegate; View contentView = new RectView(0, 0, 366, 182, Color.Black, Color.White); contentView.x = 0.5f * width; contentView.y = 0.5f * height; contentView.alignX = contentView.alignY = View.ALIGN_CENTER; messageView.x = 0.5f * contentView.width; messageView.y = 0.5f * contentView.height; messageView.alignX = messageView.alignY = View.ALIGN_CENTER; contentView.AddView(messageView); Button cancelButton = new TempButton("Cancel"); cancelButton.x = 0.5f * contentView.width; cancelButton.y = contentView.height - 12; cancelButton.alignX = View.ALIGN_CENTER; cancelButton.alignY = View.ALIGN_MAX; cancelButton.buttonDelegate = CancelButtonDelegate; SetCancelButton(cancelButton); contentView.AddView(cancelButton); AddView(contentView); }
/// <summary> /// Prepares an UI, like button, dialog, etc. /// </summary> private void createUI() { mPictureButton = (Button)findViewById(; mPictureButton.OnClickListener = new OnClickListenerAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this); mTextureView = (AutoFitTextureView)findViewById(; mTextureView.SurfaceTextureListener = new SurfaceTextureListenerAnonymousInnerClassHelper(this); mPanoramaPreview = (ImageView)findViewById(; mPanoramaRectView = (RectView)findViewById(; }
public ListItem(Font font, String text, int width, int height) : base(width, height) { this.text = text; backView = new RectView(0, 0, width, height, Color.Black, Color.Black); backView.visible = false; AddView(backView); textView = new TextView(font, text); textView.alignX = View.ALIGN_CENTER; textView.x = 0.5f * width; AddView(textView); }
public DialogPopup(DialogPopupDelegate popupDelegate, String title, String message, PopupButton cancelButton, params PopupButton[] buttons) { this.popupDelegate = popupDelegate; AddView(new RectView(0, 0, width, height, new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.25f), Color.Black)); RectView frameView = new RectView(0, 0, 0.75f * width, 0, new Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.75f), Color.Black); View content = new View(); content.width = frameView.width - 2 * 50; content.alignX = content.alignY = View.ALIGN_CENTER; Font font = Helper.fontSystem; // title TextView titleView = new TextView(font, title); titleView.alignX = titleView.parentAlignX = View.ALIGN_CENTER; content.AddView(titleView); // message TextView messageView = new TextView(font, message, (int)content.width); messageView.alignX = messageView.parentAlignX = View.ALIGN_CENTER; content.AddView(messageView); // buttons Button button = new TempButton(cancelButton.title); = (int); button.buttonDelegate = OnButtonPress; button.alignX = View.ALIGN_CENTER; button.parentAlignX = View.ALIGN_CENTER; SetCancelButton(button); content.AddView(button); content.LayoutVer(10); content.ResizeToFitViewsVer(); frameView.AddView(content); frameView.ResizeToFitViewsVer(20, 20); frameView.alignX = frameView.alignY = frameView.parentAlignX = frameView.parentAlignY = View.ALIGN_CENTER; AddView(frameView); content.x = 0.5f * frameView.width; content.y = 0.5f * frameView.height; }
public PowerupView(TextureImage tex, int count) : base(tex.GetWidth(), tex.GetHeight()) { ImageView view = new ImageView(tex); AddView(view); m_countTextView = new TextView(Helper.fontSystem, ""); m_countTextView.backColor = Color.Black; AddView(m_countTextView); m_dimmingView = new RectView(0, 0, width, height, new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5f), Color.Black); AddView(m_dimmingView); SetCount(count); }
public FieldDataView(FieldData data, Style style) : base(style.width, style.height) { AddView(new RectView(0, 0, width, height, Color.Gray, Color.Black)); float iw = style.iw; float ih = style.ih; RectView rect = new RectView(0.5f * (width - iw), 0.5f * (height - ih), iw, ih, Color.Green, Color.Green); AddView(rect); float cw = iw / data.GetWidth(); float ch = ih / data.GetHeight(); for (int y = 0; y < data.GetHeight(); ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < data.GetWidth(); ++x) { FieldBlocks block = data.Get(x, y); Color color; switch (block) { case FieldBlocks.Brick: color = COLOR_BRICK; break; case FieldBlocks.Solid: color = COLOR_SOLID; break; default: continue; } float cx = x * cw; float cy = y * ch; rect.AddView(new RectView(cx, cy, cw, ch, color, color)); } } }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { RequestWindowFeature(WindowFeatures.NoTitle); //设置无标题 Window.SetFlags(WindowManagerFlags.Fullscreen, WindowManagerFlags.Fullscreen); //设置全屏 this.RequestedOrientation = Android.Content.PM.ScreenOrientation.Landscape; //横屏 base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); // Set our view from the "main" layout resource SetContentView(Resource.Layout.activity_main); btn_line = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btn_line); btn_rect = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btn_rect); btn_img = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btn_img); btn_reform = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btn_reform); btn_modify = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btn_modify); btn_cancel = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btn_cancel); btn_rose = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btn_rose); btn_statistic = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.btn_statistic); rl = FindViewById <RelativeLayout>(Resource.Id.relativeLayout1); imageView = FindViewById <ImageView>(Resource.Id.imageView1); rectView = new RectView(this, null); planeView = new StructPlaneView(this, null); picturView = new PicturView(this, null); roseView = new RoseView(this, null); //statisticView = new StatisticView(this, null); CreateDirectoryForPictures(); btn_rect.Click += Btn_rect_Click; btn_img.Click += Btn_img_Click; btn_reform.Click += Btn_reform_Click; btn_modify.Click += Btn_modify_Click; btn_line.Click += Btn_line_Click; btn_cancel.Click += Btn_cancel_Click; btn_rose.Click += Btn_rose_Click; btn_statistic.Click += Btn_statistic_Click; }
private void SelfChanges(object sender, EventArgs e) { doubleAnimation.From = lastValue; doubleAnimation.To = Value; RectView.BeginAnimation(WidthProperty, doubleAnimation); }
public override void Run(ElmSharp.Box parent) { var scrollView = new ScrollView(parent) { WeightX = 1, WeightY = 1, AlignmentY = -1, AlignmentX = -1, VerticalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Always, }; scrollView.Show(); var content = new ElmSharp.Box(parent) { WeightX = 1, WeightY = 1, AlignmentY = -1, AlignmentX = -1, }; scrollView.SetScrollCanvas(content); parent.PackEnd(scrollView); var rectText1 = new ElmSharp.Label(parent) { WeightX = 1, WeightY = 1, Text = "RectView with SolidBrush" }; rectText1.Show(); var rect1 = new RectView(parent) { WeightX = 1, WeightY = 1, AlignmentY = -1, AlignmentX = -1, Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Color.Maroon), StrokeThickness = 5, Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.Lavender), Aspect = Stretch.Uniform, }; rect1.Show(); content.PackEnd(rectText1); content.PackEnd(rect1); var rectText2 = new ElmSharp.Label(parent) { WeightX = 1, WeightY = 1, Text = "RectView with GradientBrush" }; rectText2.Show(); var rect2 = new RectView(parent) { WeightX = 1, WeightY = 1, AlignmentY = -1, AlignmentX = -1, Stroke = new LinearGradientBrush(new System.Collections.Generic.List <GradientStop>() { new GradientStop(Color.Lavender, 0.2f), new GradientStop(Color.LightSkyBlue, 0.4f), new GradientStop(Color.LightCyan, 0.6f), new GradientStop(Color.LightPink, 0.8f), new GradientStop(Color.YellowGreen, 1.0f), }), Fill = new RadialGradientBrush(new System.Collections.Generic.List <GradientStop>() { new GradientStop(Color.YellowGreen, 0.2f), new GradientStop(Color.LightPink, 0.4f), new GradientStop(Color.LightCyan, 0.6f), new GradientStop(Color.LightSkyBlue, 0.8f), new GradientStop(Color.Lavender, 1.0f), }), StrokeThickness = 15, Aspect = Stretch.Fill, }; rect2.Show(); content.PackEnd(rectText2); content.PackEnd(rect2); var rectText3 = new ElmSharp.Label(parent) { WeightX = 1, WeightY = 1, Text = "RectView Aspect Test" }; rectText3.Show(); var rect3 = new RectView(parent) { WeightX = 1, WeightY = 1, AlignmentY = -1, AlignmentX = -1, Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Color.PaleGoldenrod), StrokeThickness = 5, Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Color.MediumPurple), Aspect = Stretch.Fill, RadiusX = 120, RadiusY = 120 }; rect3.Show(); content.PackEnd(rectText3); content.PackEnd(rect3); }