private void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataSet list = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetListDT(this.GetWhere(), " b.CheckDate DESC,b.IDCardNo"); if (list.Tables.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("统计结果为空!!"); } else if (list.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("统计结果为空!!"); } else { this.TransDs(list); Dictionary <string, string> fgt = new Dictionary <string, string>(); fgt.Add("CustomerName", "姓名"); fgt.Add("IDCardNo", "身份证"); fgt.Add("Sex", "性别"); fgt.Add("Birthday", "生日"); fgt.Add("Phone", "电话"); fgt.Add("HouseHoldAddress", "住址"); fgt.Add("CreateDate", "建档日期"); fgt.Add("CheckDate", "体检日期"); this.DatatableToCSVFile(fgt, list.Tables[0], @"d:\" + string.Format(@"\人员列表{0}.csv", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"))); } }
private void ChackDate() { string where = this.GetWhere(); this.btnQuery.Enabled = false; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(where)) { MessageBox.Show("请选择查询条件!", "查询条件", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); this.btnQuery.Enabled = true; } else { RecordsBaseInfoBLL archive_baseinfo = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL(); this.totalCount = archive_baseinfo.GetRecordCount(where); this.totalPages = (this.totalCount <= this.pageCount) ? 1 : ((this.totalCount / this.pageCount) + (((this.totalCount % this.pageCount) > 0) ? 1 : 0)); this.lbTotalCount.Text = string.Format("共计{0}条", this.totalCount.ToString()); if (this.currentPage > totalPages - 1) { this.currentPage--; } DataSet ds = archive_baseinfo.GetListByPage(where, "", this.currentPage * this.pageCount, this.pageCount); this.lbPages.Text = string.Format("{0}/{1}页", this.currentPage + 1, this.totalPages); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { this.TransDs(ds); this.bds.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; this.dgvData.DataSource = this.bds; } this.groupBox1.Enabled = false; this.btnQuery.Enabled = true; this.btnQuery.Text = "重置条件"; } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //保存功能 { RecordsBaseInfoModel model = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(this.IDCardNo); if (this.pictureBox1.Image != null) { string path = @"D:\QCSoft\photos\" + this.IDCardNo + ".jpg"; if (File.Exists(this.SavePath)) { if (MessageBox.Show(this.SavePath + "\r\n已经存在,是否覆盖?", "覆盖照片", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) == DialogResult.Yes) { File.Delete(this.SavePath); this.pictureBox1.Image.Save(this.SavePath); MessageBox.Show("照片保存至:" + this.SavePath); } } else { this.pictureBox1.Image.Save(this.SavePath); MessageBox.Show("照片保存至:" + this.SavePath); } // 更新基本信息中的照片路径 new CommonClassBLL().Update(this.IDCardNo, SavePath); } }
private void btnQuery_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.btnQuery.Text == "重置条件") { this.groupBox1.Enabled = true; this.btnQuery.Text = "查询"; txtIdNum.Text = ""; tbAddr.Text = ""; dtpSt.Text = ""; dtpEd.Text = ""; dtpCreatedDateSt.Text = ""; dtpCreatedDateEd.Text = ""; } else if (this.ckBirthday.Checked && (this.dtpSt.Value.Date > this.dtpEd.Value.Date)) { MessageBox.Show(" 出生日期:开始日期大于结束日期!", "日期错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); } else if (this.ckxCreatedDate.Checked && (this.dtpCreatedDateSt.Value.Date > this.dtpCreatedDateEd.Value.Date)) { MessageBox.Show(" 建档日期:开始日期大于结束日期!", "日期错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); } else { string where = this.GetWhere(); RecordsBaseInfoBLL archive_baseinfo = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL(); DataSet ds = archive_baseinfo.GetListDT(where, ""); DataTable dtF = new DataTable(); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { this.TransDs(ds); dtF = ds.Tables[0]; dtTmp = SetDate(dtF); //this.bds.DataSource = dtTmp; //this.dgvData.DataSource = this.bds; } this.totalCount = dtTmp.Rows.Count; this.totalPages = (this.totalCount <= this.pageCount) ? 1 : ((this.totalCount / this.pageCount) + (((this.totalCount % this.pageCount) > 0) ? 1 : 0)); this.currentPage = 0; this.lbTotalCount.Text = string.Format("共计{0}条", this.totalCount.ToString()); this.lbPages.Text = string.Format("{0}/{1}页", this.currentPage + 1, this.totalPages); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { DataTable dtTemp = dtTmp.Clone(); int nextV = (this.currentPage + 1) * this.pageCount; if (nextV > this.totalCount) { nextV = this.totalCount; } for (int i = (this.currentPage) * this.pageCount; i < nextV; i++) { dtTemp.ImportRow(dtTmp.Rows[i]); } this.bds.DataSource = dtTemp; this.dgvData.DataSource = this.bds; } this.groupBox1.Enabled = false; this.btnQuery.Text = "重置条件"; } }
public FixedDocumentSequence getReport() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CardID)) { RecordsBaseInfoModel model = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(this.CardID); List <ListValue> list = new List <ListValue> { new ListValue { strMark = "$archiveid", strVal = model.RecordID }, new ListValue { strMark = "$name", strVal = model.CustomerName } }; for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { List <ListValue> list2 = this.getList(i.ToString()); if (list2 != null) { list.AddRange(list2); } } return(DrawItems.setPage("printXps\\13一到二岁儿童健康检查记录表.xps", list)); } return(null); }
public DiaParentForm(string idcard) : base(idcard) { RecordBaseInfo = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(this.Model.IDCardNo); if (RecordBaseInfo == null) { RecordBaseInfo = new RecordsBaseInfoModel { IDCardNo = this.Model.IDCardNo }; } lklbRequired = new LinkLabel(); this.lklbRequired.BackColor = Color.Transparent; this.lklbRequired.ForeColor = Color.Red; this.lklbRequired.Font = new Font("宋体", 15f, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Point, 0x86); this.lklbRequired.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; this.lklbRequired.ImageAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; this.lklbRequired.Location = new Point(0xd6, 3); this.lklbRequired.Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(0, 20, 0, 0); this.lklbRequired.Name = "lklbRequired"; this.lklbRequired.AutoSize = true; this.lklbRequired.TabIndex = 80; this.lklbRequired.Text = "必填项设置"; this.lklbRequired.Click += new EventHandler(this.btnBtx_Click); base.flowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(this.lklbRequired); }
private void btnExportReport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataSet list = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetListDT(this.GetWhere(), ""); if (list.Tables.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("统计结果为空!!"); } else if (list.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("统计结果为空!!"); } else { this.TransReportDs(list); Dictionary <string, string> fgt = new Dictionary <string, string>(); fgt.Add("No", "序号"); fgt.Add("CustomerName", "姓名"); fgt.Add("HouseHoldAddress", "住址"); fgt.Add("isFloatPop", "是否流动人口"); fgt.Add("isHousePop", "是否为户籍人口"); fgt.Add("CheckDate", "签约时间"); fgt.Add("Phone", "电话号码"); this.DatatableToCSVFile(fgt, list.Tables[0], @"d:\" + string.Format(@"\人群周报表{0}.csv", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"))); } }
private void btnQuery_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.btnQuery.Text == "重置条件") { this.groupBox1.Enabled = true; this.btnQuery.Text = "查询"; txtIdNum.Text = ""; tbAddr.Text = ""; dtpSt.Text = ""; dtpEd.Text = ""; dtpCreatedDateSt.Text = ""; dtpCreatedDateEd.Text = ""; } else if (this.ckCheckDate.Checked && (this.dtpSt.Value.Date > this.dtpEd.Value.Date)) { MessageBox.Show(" 体检日期:开始日期大于结束日期!", "日期错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); } else if (this.ckxCreatedDate.Checked && (this.dtpCreatedDateSt.Value.Date > this.dtpCreatedDateEd.Value.Date)) { MessageBox.Show(" 建档日期:开始日期大于结束日期!", "日期错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); } else { this.btnQuery.Enabled = false; string where = this.GetWhere(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(where)) { MessageBox.Show("请选择查询条件!", "查询条件", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); this.btnQuery.Enabled = true; } else { RecordsBaseInfoBLL archive_baseinfo = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL(); this.totalCount = archive_baseinfo.GetRecordCount(where); this.totalPages = (this.totalCount <= this.pageCount) ? 1 : ((this.totalCount / this.pageCount) + (((this.totalCount % this.pageCount) > 0) ? 1 : 0)); this.currentPage = 0; this.lbTotalCount.Text = string.Format("共计{0}条", this.totalCount.ToString()); DataSet ds = archive_baseinfo.GetListByPage(where, "B.CheckDate DESC,B.ID ASC", 0, this.pageCount); this.lbPages.Text = string.Format("{0}/{1}页", this.currentPage + 1, this.totalPages); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { this.TransDs(ds); this.bds.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; this.dgvData.DataSource = this.bds; } else { this.dgvData.DataSource = null; } this.groupBox1.Enabled = false; this.btnQuery.Enabled = true; this.btnQuery.Text = "重置条件"; } } }
private void dgvData_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if ((this.bds.Position >= 0) && (e.RowIndex >= 0)) { DataRowView view = (DataRowView)this.bds.List[this.bds.Position]; if (((this.dgvData.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText == "修改") && (this.bds.Position >= 0)) && (e.RowIndex >= 0)) { using (PBControler controler = new PBControler(new PersonForm(view.Row["IDCardNo"].ToString()), new PersonInfoFactory())) { controler.IParentFrm.IShowDialog(); ChackDate(); } GC.Collect(); } else if (((this.dgvData.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText == "删除") && (this.bds.Position >= 0)) && (e.RowIndex >= 0)) { if (view != null) { DataRow row = view.Row; if (row["HouseRelation"].ToString() == "1") { string str = "?当前人员为户主且有相应的家庭档案信息,是否删除现家庭档案和所有家庭成员的关联关系?"; if (MessageBox.Show("确定删除:" + row["CustomerName"].ToString() + str + "删除之后的信息将无法恢复!", "删除", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.Yes) { RecordsBaseInfoBLL archive_baseinfo = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL(); foreach (RecordsBaseInfoModel archive_baseinfo2 in archive_baseinfo.GetModelList(string.Format(" and FamilyIDCardNo = '{0}' ", this.Model.RecordID))) { archive_baseinfo2.RecordID = null; archive_baseinfo2.HouseRelation = null; archive_baseinfo2.HouseRealOther = null; archive_baseinfo.Update(archive_baseinfo2); } RecordsFamilyInfoBLL archive_family_info = new RecordsFamilyInfoBLL(); RecordsFamilyInfoModel model = archive_family_info.GetModel(this.Model.IDCardNo); if (model != null) { archive_family_info.Delete(model.ID); } new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().DelTheMan(row["IDCardNo"].ToString()); // row.Delete(); // row.Table.AcceptChanges(); ChackDate(); } } else if (MessageBox.Show("确定删除:" + row["CustomerName"].ToString() + "?删除之后的信息将无法恢复!", "删除", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.Yes) { new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().DelTheMan(row["IDCardNo"].ToString()); row.Delete(); row.Table.AcceptChanges(); ChackDate(); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// 检核栏位输入 /// </summary> private void ChackDate() { string where = this.GetWhere(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(where)) { MessageBox.Show("请选择查询条件!", "查询条件", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); } else { this.btnQuery.Enabled = false; RecordsBaseInfoBLL archive_baseinfo = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL(); DataSet ds = archive_baseinfo.GetListDT(where, ""); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { dtTmp = this.TransDs(ds); } this.totalCount = dtTmp.Rows.Count; this.totalPages = (this.totalCount <= this.pageCount) ? 1 : ((this.totalCount / this.pageCount) + (((this.totalCount % this.pageCount) > 0) ? 1 : 0)); if (this.currentPage > totalPages - 1) { this.currentPage--; } this.lbTotalCount.Text = string.Format("共计{0}条", this.totalCount.ToString()); this.lbPages.Text = string.Format("{0}/{1}页", this.currentPage + 1, this.totalPages); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { DataTable dtTemp = dtTmp.Clone(); int nextV = (this.currentPage + 1) * this.pageCount; if (nextV > this.totalCount) { nextV = this.totalCount; } for (int i = (this.currentPage) * this.pageCount; i < nextV; i++) { dtTemp.ImportRow(dtTmp.Rows[i]); } this.bds.DataSource = dtTemp; this.dgvData.DataSource = this.bds; } this.groupBox1.Enabled = false; this.btnQuery.Enabled = true; this.btnQuery.Text = "重置条件"; } }
public bool hasData() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CardID)) { DataSet list = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetList(" and IDCardNo='" + this.CardID + "'"); if (list != null && list.Tables.Count > 0 && list.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { return(true); } } return(false); }
private void btnFront_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.currentPage > 0) { this.lbPages.Text = string.Format("{0}/{1}页", --this.currentPage + 1, this.totalPages); DataSet ds = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetListByPage(this.GetWhere(), "", this.currentPage * this.pageCount, this.pageCount); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { this.bds.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; this.dgvData.DataSource = this.bds; } } }
private void listView1_ItemActivate(object sender, EventArgs e) { Predicate <RecordsFamilyInfoModel> match = null; this.FamilyArcID = this.listView1.FocusedItem.SubItems[0].Text; if (this.FamilyArcID != "无") { if (match == null) { match = c => c.RecordID.ToString() == this.FamilyArcID; } RecordsFamilyInfoModel recordsFamilyInfoModel = this.familys.Find(match); if (recordsFamilyInfoModel != null) { this.Model.FamilyIDCardNo = recordsFamilyInfoModel.IDCardNo; this.Model.HouseID = recordsFamilyInfoModel.IDCardNo; this.Model.HouseName = recordsFamilyInfoModel.CustomerName; } base.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } else if (this.Model.HouseRelation == "1") { if (MessageBox.Show("当前人员为户主且有相应的家庭档案信息,此操作将会将人员的家庭关系删除,是否继续?\r\n(注意:这样将会删除现家庭档案的所有信息和家庭中所有对应的人员关系!)", "家庭档案", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) == DialogResult.OK) { RecordsBaseInfoBLL recordsBaseInfoBLL = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL(); foreach (RecordsBaseInfoModel recordsBaseInfoModel in recordsBaseInfoBLL.GetModelList(string.Format(" and FY_ARCHIVEID = '{0}' ", this.Model.FamilyIDCardNo))) { recordsBaseInfoModel.FamilyIDCardNo = null; recordsBaseInfoModel.HouseRelation = null; recordsBaseInfoModel.HouseRealOther = null; recordsBaseInfoBLL.Update(recordsBaseInfoModel); } new RecordsFamilyInfoBLL(); this.Model.FamilyIDCardNo = null; this.Model.HouseID = null; this.Model.HouseName = null; this.Model.HouseRelation = null; this.Model.HouseRealOther = null; base.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } } else if (MessageBox.Show("此操作将会将人员的家庭关系删除,是否继续?", "家庭档案", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) == DialogResult.OK) { this.Model.FamilyIDCardNo = null; this.Model.HouseID = null; this.Model.HouseName = null; this.Model.HouseRelation = null; this.Model.HouseRealOther = null; base.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } }
private void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.currentPage < (this.totalPages - 1)) { this.lbPages.Text = string.Format("{0}/{1}页", ++this.currentPage + 1, this.totalPages); DataSet ds = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetListByPage(this.GetWhere(), "B.CheckDate DESC,B.ID ASC", this.currentPage * this.pageCount, this.pageCount); if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { this.TransDs(ds); this.bds.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; this.dgvData.DataSource = this.bds; } } }
private void btnDel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.bds.Position >= 0) { DataRowView view = this.bds.List[this.bds.Position] as DataRowView; if (view != null) { DataRow row = view.Row; if (row["HouseRelation"].ToString() == "1") { string str = "?当前人员为户主且有相应的家庭档案信息,是否删除现家庭档案和所有家庭成员的关联关系?"; if (MessageBox.Show("确定删除:" + row["CustomerName"].ToString() + str + "删除之后的信息将无法恢复!", "删除", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.Yes) { RecordsBaseInfoBLL archive_baseinfo = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL(); foreach (RecordsBaseInfoModel archive_baseinfo2 in archive_baseinfo.GetModelList(string.Format(" and FamilyIDCardNo = '{0}' ", row["IDCardNo"].ToString()))) { archive_baseinfo2.RecordID = null; archive_baseinfo2.HouseRelation = null; archive_baseinfo2.HouseRealOther = null; archive_baseinfo.Update(archive_baseinfo2); } RecordsFamilyInfoBLL archive_family_info = new RecordsFamilyInfoBLL(); RecordsFamilyInfoModel model = archive_family_info.GetModel(row["IDCardNo"].ToString()); if (model != null) { archive_family_info.Delete(model.ID); } //删除签名 DeteSign(SignPath, row["IDCardNo"].ToString()); new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().DelTheMan(row["IDCardNo"].ToString()); row.Delete(); row.Table.AcceptChanges(); } } else if (MessageBox.Show("确定删除:" + row["CustomerName"].ToString() + "?删除之后的信息将无法恢复!", "删除", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.Yes) { //删除签名 DeteSign(SignPath, row["IDCardNo"].ToString()); new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().DelTheMan(row["IDCardNo"].ToString()); row.Delete(); row.Table.AcceptChanges(); } } } }
private void listView1_ItemActivate(object sender, EventArgs e) { Predicate <RecordsBaseInfoModel> match = null; this.FamilyArcID = this.listView1.FocusedItem.SubItems[2].Text; if (this.FamilyArcID != "") { if (match == null) { match = c => c.IDCardNo.ToString() == this.FamilyArcID; } RecordsBaseInfoModel HouseModel = new RecordsBaseInfoModel(); HouseModel = this.ModelList.Find(match); RecordsFamilyInfoModel FamilyModel = new RecordsFamilyInfoBLL().GetModel(HouseModel.IDCardNo); if (FamilyModel == null) { RecordsFamilyInfoModel archive_family_info = new RecordsFamilyInfoModel { RecordID = HouseModel.RecordID, IDCardNo = HouseModel.IDCardNo, ToiletType = "1", HouseType = "1", LiveStatus = "1", CreatedDate = new DateTime?(DateTime.Today) }; FamilyModel = archive_family_info; FamilyModel.FamilyRecordID = HouseModel.IDCardNo; FamilyModel.CreatedDate = new DateTime?(DateTime.Today); FamilyModel.CreateBy = ConfigHelper.GetNode("doctor"); FamilyModel.CreateUnit = ConfigHelper.GetNode("orgCode"); FamilyModel.CustomerName = HouseModel.CustomerName; //增加户主信息 new RecordsFamilyInfoBLL().Add(archive_family_info); RecordsBaseInfoBLL recordsBaseInfoBLL = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL(); HouseModel.FamilyIDCardNo = FamilyModel.IDCardNo; HouseModel.HouseID = FamilyModel.IDCardNo; HouseModel.HouseName = FamilyModel.CustomerName; HouseModel.HouseRelation = "1"; HouseModel.HouseRealOther = "本人"; recordsBaseInfoBLL.Update(HouseModel); } this.Model.FamilyIDCardNo = FamilyModel.IDCardNo; this.Model.HouseID = FamilyModel.IDCardNo; this.Model.HouseName = FamilyModel.CustomerName; base.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } }
private void btnQuery_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.btnQuery.Text == "重置条件") { this.groupBox1.Enabled = true; this.btnQuery.Text = "查询"; } else { string where = this.GetWhere(); this.btnQuery.Enabled = false; DataSet ds = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetVisitPercentDt(where); this.dgvData.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; this.btnQuery.Enabled = true; } }
private void mtbIdCard_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { //if (!CheckIDCard(mtbIdCard.Text.Trim())) //{ // MessageBox.Show("身份证格式不正确,请重新输入!"); // mtbIdCard.Focus(); // return; //} if (this.mtbIdCard.MaskCompleted) { DateTime time; this.mtbIdCard.Text = this.mtbIdCard.Text; // string str = this.mtbIdCard.Text.Substring(6, 8); //if (this.rd15.Checked) //{ // string str2 = this.mtbIdCard.Text.Substring(6, 6); // int num = DateTime.Now.Year - 0x7d0; // str = (int.Parse(str2.Substring(0, 2)) <= num) ? ("20" + str2) : ("19" + str2); //} //if (this.rd18.Checked) //{ // str = this.mtbIdCard.Text.Substring(6, 8); //} RecordsBaseInfoBLL archive_baseinfo = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.mtbIdCard.Text)) { RecordsBaseInfoModel model = archive_baseinfo.GetModel(this.mtbIdCard.Text); if (model != null) { this.inputIdCardInfo = model; this.tbName.Text = this.inputIdCardInfo.CustomerName; this.tbAddress.Text = this.inputIdCardInfo.HouseHoldAddress; //this.hadFoundIt(true); } else { this.hadFoundIt(false); } } } }
public void ConbinData(string idcardno) { RecordsBaseInfoModel BaseModel = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(idcardno); if (BaseModel != null) { DataRow dr2 = this.dtData.NewRow(); dr2[0] = BaseModel.CustomerName; dr2[1] = BaseModel.IDCardNo; this.dtData.Rows.Add(dr2); } else { DataRow dr2 = this.dtData.NewRow(); dr2[0] = ""; dr2[1] = idcardno; this.dtData.Rows.Add(dr2); } }
private void pbxSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { RecordsBaseInfoBLL archive_baseinfo = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.mtbIdCard.Text)) { RecordsBaseInfoModel model = archive_baseinfo.GetModel(this.mtbIdCard.Text); if (model != null) { int num2; this.inputIdCardInfo = model; this.tbName.Text = this.inputIdCardInfo.CustomerName; this.tbAddress.Text = this.inputIdCardInfo.HouseHoldAddress; this.hadFoundIt(true); } else { this.hadFoundIt(false); } } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) // 保存功能 { RecordsBaseInfoModel model = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(this.IDCardNo); if (this.pictureBox1.Image != null) { if (!Directory.Exists(SavePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(SavePath); } string path = SavePath + this.IDCardNo + "_" + model.CustomerName + ".bmp"; if (File.Exists(path)) { if (MessageBox.Show(path + "\r\n已经存在,是否覆盖?", "覆盖照片", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) == DialogResult.Yes) { File.Delete(path); this.pictureBox1.Image.Save(path); MessageBox.Show("照片保存至:" + path); } else { return; } } else { this.pictureBox1.Image.Save(path); MessageBox.Show("照片保存至:" + path); } // 更新基本信息中的照片路径 new CommonClassBLL().Update(this.IDCardNo, path); base.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } }
private void FrmInputIDCard_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(IDCardNo)) { this.mtbIdCard.Text = IDCardNo; RecordsBaseInfoBLL archive_baseinfo = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.mtbIdCard.Text)) { RecordsBaseInfoModel model = archive_baseinfo.GetModel(this.mtbIdCard.Text); if (model != null) { this.inputIdCardInfo = model; this.tbName.Text = this.inputIdCardInfo.CustomerName; this.tbAddress.Text = this.inputIdCardInfo.HouseHoldAddress; } else { this.hadFoundIt(false); } } } }
private void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.currentPage < (this.totalPages - 1)) { this.lbPages.Text = string.Format("{0}/{1}页", ++this.currentPage + 1, this.totalPages); DataSet ds = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetListByPage(this.GetWhere(), "", this.currentPage * this.pageCount, this.pageCount); DataTable dtTemp = dtTmp.Clone(); int nextV = (this.currentPage + 1) * this.pageCount; if (nextV > this.totalCount) { nextV = this.totalCount; } for (int i = this.currentPage * this.pageCount; i < nextV; i++) { dtTemp.ImportRow(dtTmp.Rows[i]); } this.bds.DataSource = dtTemp; this.dgvData.DataSource = this.bds; } }
public FixedDocumentSequence getReport() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CardID)) { List <ListValue> list = new List <ListValue>(); BaseModel = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(this.CardID); if (BaseModel != null) { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$name", strVal = BaseModel.CustomerName }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$archiveid", strVal = BaseModel.RecordID }); } #region 健康问询 HealthAssessExamModel model1 = new HealthAssessExamBLL().GetMaxModel(this.CardID); if (model1 != null) { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#jzjb", strVal = model1.FamilyHistory }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#jb", strVal = model1.MedicalHistory }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#yscs", strVal = model1.DietaryHabit }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#ysglx", strVal = model1.DietaryLaw }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ysqt", strVal = model1.DietaryOther }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#dlpl", strVal = model1.ExerciseRate }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$dlsj", strVal = model1.ExerciseTimes.ToString() }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#zys", strVal = model1.HospitalHistory }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#fy", strVal = model1.TakingMedicine }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#zlnl", strVal = model1.OldSelfCareability }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zldf", strVal = model1.GloomyScore.ToString() }); string strtyfs = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model1.ExerciseExistense)) { foreach (char c in model1.ExerciseExistense) { switch (c) { case '1': strtyfs = strtyfs + "散步;"; break; case '2': strtyfs = strtyfs + "跑步;"; break; case '3': strtyfs = strtyfs + "广场舞;"; break; default: break; } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model1.ExerciseExistenseOther)) { strtyfs = strtyfs + model1.ExerciseExistenseOther + ";"; } list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$dlfs", strVal = strtyfs }); #region 体检评估 HealthHouseModel model2 = new HealthHouseBLL().GetDataByID(model1.PID); if (model2 != null) { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$tjsj", strVal = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.CheckDate) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$bmi", strVal = model2.BMI.ToString() }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$gy", strVal = model2.LeftHeight.ToString() }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$dy", strVal = model2.LeftPre.ToString() }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ml", strVal = model2.PulseRate.ToString() }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xy", strVal = model2.BloodOxygen }); HealthHouseBCHAOModel BchaoModel = new HealthHouseBCHAOBLL().GetModel(model2.ID);//B超表 if (BchaoModel != null) { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#bc", strVal = BchaoModel.BCHAO }); } HealthHouseEcgModel EcgModel = new HealthHouseEcgBLL().GetModel(model2.ID);//心电 if (EcgModel != null) { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#xd", strVal = EcgModel.ECG }); } HHCardiovascularModel VascularModel = new HHCardiovascularBLL().GetData(this.CardID, model2.ID);//心血管 if (VascularModel != null) { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#xx", strVal = VascularModel.Result }); } HHBoneModel BoneModel = new HHBoneBLL().GetData(this.CardID, model2.ID);//骨密度 if (BoneModel != null) { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#gm", strVal = BoneModel.Result }); } HHLungModel LungModel = new HHLungBLL().GetData(this.CardID, model2.ID);//肺功能 if (LungModel != null) { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#fg", strVal = LungModel.Result }); } HealthHousePhysicalAssistCheckModel HHAssistCheck = new HealthHousePhysicalAssistCheckBLL().GetModel(model2.ID);//辅助检查表 if (HHAssistCheck != null) { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#xb", strVal = HHAssistCheck.CHESTX }); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HHAssistCheck.PRO) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(HHAssistCheck.GLU) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(HHAssistCheck.KET) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(HHAssistCheck.BLD)) { if (HHAssistCheck.PRO.Contains("+") || HHAssistCheck.GLU.Contains("+") || HHAssistCheck.KET.Contains("+") || HHAssistCheck.BLD.Contains("+")) { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#nc", strVal = "2" }); } else { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#nc", strVal = "1" }); } } } HealthHouseMediPhyModel MedModel = new HealthHouseMediPhyBLL().GetModel(model2.ID);//中医体质类型 if (MedModel != null) { string strMed = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MedModel.Mild)) { strMed += "平和质,"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MedModel.Faint)) { strMed += "气虚质,"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MedModel.Yang)) { strMed += "阳虚质,"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MedModel.Yin)) { strMed += "阴虚质,"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MedModel.PhlegmDamp)) { strMed += "痰湿质,"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MedModel.Muggy)) { strMed += "湿热质,"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MedModel.BloodStasis)) { strMed += "血瘀质,"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MedModel.QiConstraint)) { strMed += "气郁质,"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MedModel.Characteristic)) { strMed += "特兼质,"; } if (strMed != "") { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zytz", strVal = strMed.Remove(strMed.Length - 1, 1) }); } } } #endregion #region 范围值 List <HealthOverviewSetModel> SetList = new List <HealthOverviewSetModel>(); SetList = new HealthOverviewSetBLL().GetList(" and Type in (1,2,3,4) "); string strBMI = "", strxueya = "", strxinlv = "", strxueyang = ""; if (SetList != null) { foreach (HealthOverviewSetModel setmodel in SetList) { if (setmodel.Type == "1")//体质指数 { strBMI = setmodel.minValues + "~" + setmodel.maxValues; } else if (setmodel.Type == "2")//血压 { strxueya = setmodel.minValues + "~" + setmodel.maxValues; } else if (setmodel.Type == "3")//心率 { strxinlv = setmodel.minValues + "~" + setmodel.maxValues; } else if (setmodel.Type == "4")//血氧 { strxueyang = setmodel.minValues + "~" + setmodel.maxValues; } } } list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$bmifw", strVal = strBMI }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xzfw", strVal = strxueya }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xlfw", strVal = strxinlv }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xyfw", strVal = strxueyang }); #endregion } #endregion return(DrawItems.setPage("printXps\\" + PrintName, list)); } return(null); }
public FixedDocumentSequence getReport() { List <ListValue> list = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CardID)) { RecordsBaseInfoModel model = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(this.CardID); list = new List <ListValue> { new ListValue { strMark = "$archiveid", strVal = model.RecordID }, new ListValue { strMark = "$name", strVal = model.CustomerName } }; ChronicStrokeVisitModel model2 = new ChronicStrokeVisitBLL().GetModel(this.CardID); if (model2 != null) { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xyzy", strVal = model2.SmokeDrinkAttention }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$tzqt", strVal = model2.SignOther }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xdy", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.Hypotension, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xgy", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.Hypertension, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "%zzqt", strVal = model2.SymptomOther }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#zz", strVal = model2.Symptom }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xcsfsj", strVal = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.NextFollowupDate) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$sfys", strVal = model2.FollowUpDoctor }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$sfrq", strVal = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.FollowupDate) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "%fyhzyw", strVal = model2.EatingDrug }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#sffs", strVal = model2.FollowupWay }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zzjg", strVal = model2.ReferralOrg }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zzyy", strVal = model2.ReferralReason }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#sffl", strVal = model2.FollowupType }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ywbly", strVal = model2.AdrEx }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#ywbl", strVal = model2.Adr }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#fyyc", strVal = model2.MedicationCompliance }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "%fzjc", strVal = model2.AssistantExam }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#zyxw", strVal = model2.ObeyDoctorBehavio }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#xltz", strVal = model2.PsychicAdjust }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$syzy", strVal = model2.EatSaltAttention }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ydzy", strVal = model2.SportAttention }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$tz", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.Weight) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "&qm", strVal = string.Format("{0}{1}_{2}.png", SignPath, model2.IDCardNo, Convert.ToDateTime(model2.FollowupDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd")) }); List <ChronicDrugConditionModel> modelList = new ChronicDrugConditionBLL().GetModelList(string.Format(" IDCardNo = '{0}' and TYPE = '{1}' and OUTKey ='" + model2.ID + "' ", this.CardID, "5")); if (modelList != null && modelList.Count > 0) { list.AddRange(this.getDrug(modelList).ToArray()); } } } return(DrawItems.setPage("printXps\\" + this.PrintName, list)); }
public FixedDocumentSequence getReport() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CardID)) { RecordsBaseInfoModel model = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(this.CardID); List <ListValue> list = new List <ListValue> { new ListValue { strMark = "$archiveid", strVal = model.RecordID }, new ListValue { strMark = "$name", strVal = model.CustomerName } }; WomenGravidaFirstVisitModel model2 = new WomenGravidaFirstVisitDAL().GetModel(this.CardID); if (model2 != null) { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ylc", strVal = model2.AbortionInfo }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ylcr", strVal = model2.ArtificialAbortion }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$yst", strVal = model2.Deadfetus }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ysc", strVal = model2.StillBirthInfo }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ysw", strVal = model2.NewBornDead }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$yqx", strVal = model2.NewBornDefect }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$sg", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.Height, 2) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$tz", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.Weight) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$tzzs", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.Bmi) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xgy", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.HBloodpressure) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xdy", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.LBloodpressure) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#t", strVal = model2.Heart }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$tzxz", strVal = model2.Heartex }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#f", strVal = model2.Lung }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$tzfb", strVal = model2.Lungex }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#w", strVal = model2.Vulva }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$wy", strVal = model2.VulvaEx }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#y", strVal = model2.V****a }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$fkyd", strVal = model2.VaginaEx }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#g", strVal = model2.CervixuTeri }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$gj", strVal = model2.CervixuTeriex }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#z", strVal = model2.Corpus }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$fkzg", strVal = model2.CorpusEx }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#j", strVal = model2.Attach }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$fj", strVal = model2.AttachEx }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#ztpg", strVal = model2.OverAlassessMent }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ztpjyc", strVal = model2.OverAlassessmentEx }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#bjzd", strVal = model2.HealthZhiDao }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zdqt", strVal = model2.HealthZhiDaoOthers }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#zz", strVal = model2.Referral }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zzyy", strVal = model2.ReferralReason }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zzjg", strVal = model2.ReferralOrg }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zzlxr", strVal = model2.ReferralContacts }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zzlxfs", strVal = model2.ReferralContactsTel }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#zzjg", strVal = model2.ReferralResult }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xcsfrq", strVal = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.NextfollowupDate) }); //list.Add(new ListValue //{ // strMark = "$sfys", // strVal = model2.FollowUpDoctor //}); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$fksqt", strVal = model2.GynecologyHistoryEx }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$tbrq", strVal = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.RecordDate) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$tbyz", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.PregancyWeeks, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$yfnl", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.CustomerAge, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zfxm", strVal = model2.HusbandName }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$tzfnl", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.HusbandAge, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zfdh", strVal = model2.HusbandPhone }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$yc", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.PregancyCount, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ydcc", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.NatrualChildBirthCount, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$pgcc", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.CaeSareanCount, 0) }); if (model2.LastMenStruation == "0") { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$mcyj", strVal = "不详" }); } else { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$mcyj", strVal = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.LastMenStruationDate) }); } list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ycc", strVal = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.ExpectedDueDate) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#jws", strVal = model2.CustomerHistory }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$jwsqt", strVal = model2.CustomerHistoryEx }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#jzs", strVal = model2.FamilyHistory }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$jzsqt", strVal = model2.FamilyHistoryEx }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#grs", strVal = model2.PersonalHistory }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$grsqt", strVal = model2.PersonalHistoryEx }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#fks", strVal = model2.GyNecoloGyHistory }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$jcjg", strVal = model2.BooksInstitution }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#jcqk", strVal = model2.BooksInfo }); } WomenGravidaPreAssistCheckModel model3 = new WomenGravidaPreAssistCheckDAL().GetModel(this.CardID); if (model3 != null) { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xhdb", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.HB) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xbxb", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.WBC) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xxb", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.PlT) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xcqt", strVal = model3.BloodOther }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ndb", strVal = model3.PRO }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$nt", strVal = model3.GLU }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ntt", strVal = model3.KET }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$nqx", strVal = model3.BLD }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$nqt", strVal = model3.UrineOthers }); string bLOODTYPE; string strVal; if ((bLOODTYPE = model3.BloodType) != null) { if (bLOODTYPE == "1") { strVal = "A型"; goto IL_BBF; } if (bLOODTYPE == "2") { strVal = "B型"; goto IL_BBF; } if (bLOODTYPE == "3") { strVal = "O型"; goto IL_BBF; } if (bLOODTYPE == "4") { strVal = "AB型"; goto IL_BBF; } if (bLOODTYPE == "5") { strVal = "不详"; goto IL_BBF; } } strVal = ""; IL_BBF: list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$abo", strVal = strVal }); if (model3.RH == "1") { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$rh", strVal = "阴性" }); } else { if (model3.RH == "2") { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$rh", strVal = "阳性" }); } else { if (model3.RH == "3") { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$rh", strVal = "不详" }); } } } list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xt", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.FPGL) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ggb", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.SGPT) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ggc", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.GOT) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$gdb", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.BP) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$gdh", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.TBIL) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$gjh", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.CB) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$sxq", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.SCR) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$sxn", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model3.BUN) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#ydfm", strVal = model3.VaginalSecretions }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ydqt", strVal = model3.VaginalSecretionSothers }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#ydqj", strVal = model3.VaginalCleaess }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ygby", strVal = model3.HBSAG }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xtt", strVal = model3.HBSAB }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ygey", strVal = model3.HBEAG }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xet", strVal = model3.HBEAB }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$yght", strVal = model3.HBCAB }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#mdxq", strVal = model3.LUES }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#hiv", strVal = model3.HIV }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$bc", strVal = model3.BCHAO }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$fzqt", strVal = model3.AssistOther }); } list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "&qm", strVal = string.Format("{0}{1}_{2}.png", SignPath, model.IDCardNo, "PrenatalS_1") }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "&sfys", strVal = string.Format("{0}{1}_{2}_Doc.png", SignPath, model.IDCardNo, "PrenatalS_1") }); return(DrawItems.setPage("printXps\\15第一次产前随访服务记录表.xps", list)); } return(null); }
public FixedDocumentSequence getReport() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CardID)) { RecordsBaseInfoModel model = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(this.CardID); List <ListValue> list = new List <ListValue> { new ListValue { strMark = "$idcard", strVal = model.IDCardNo }, new ListValue { strMark = "$name", strVal = model.CustomerName }, new ListValue { strMark = "$adress", strVal = model.Address } }; string strsex = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Sex)) { if (DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.Sex, 0) == "1") { strsex = "男"; } if (DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.Sex, 0) == "2") { strsex = "女"; } if (DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.Sex, 0) == "0") { strsex = "未知"; } if (DrawItems.objToNumStr(model.Sex, 0) == "9") { strsex = "未说明"; } } list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$sex", strVal = strsex }); ReceiveTreatBaseInfoModel receivemodel = new ReceiveTreatBaseInfoBLL().GetMaxModel(this.CardID); if (receivemodel != null) { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "%zgzl", strVal = receivemodel.SubjectiveData }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "%pinggu", strVal = receivemodel.Assessment }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "%kgzl", strVal = receivemodel.ObjectiveData }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "%czjh", strVal = receivemodel.ManagePlane }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$Doctname", strVal = receivemodel.Doctor }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$jiezhenDate", strVal = DrawItems.strToDate(receivemodel.ReceiveDate, 1) }); } return(DrawItems.setPage("printXps\\30接诊记录表.xps", list)); } return(null); }
public FixedDocumentSequence getReport() { List <ListValue> list = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CardID)) { RecordsBaseInfoModel model = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(this.CardID); list = new List <ListValue> { new ListValue { strMark = "$archiveid", strVal = model.RecordID }, new ListValue { strMark = "$name", strVal = model.CustomerName } }; ChronicLungerFirstVisitModel model2 = new ChronicLungerFirstVisitBLL().GetModel(this.CardID); if (model2 != null) { ChronicLungerVisitModel model1 = new ChronicLungerVisitBLL().GetModelByOutKey(model2.ID, "1"); if (model1 != null) { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$sfrq1", strVal = DrawItems.strToDate(model1.FollowupDate) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$m1", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.CureMonth, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#ddryxz1", strVal = model1.Supervisor }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#sffs1", strVal = model1.FollowupWay }); string strSymptom1 = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model1.Symptom)) { foreach (string str in model1.Symptom.Split(new char[] { ',' })) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { strSymptom1 += (int.Parse(str) - 1).ToString() + ","; } } strSymptom1 = strSymptom1.Remove(strSymptom1.Length - 1); } list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#zz1", strVal = strSymptom1 }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "%zzqt1", strVal = model1.SymptomEx }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$y1", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.SmokeDayNum, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ny1", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.NextSmokeDayNum, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$j1", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.DayDrinkVolume, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$nj1", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.NextDayDrinkVolume, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "%hlfa1", strVal = model1.ChemotherapyScheme }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#yf1", strVal = model1.MedicationCompliance }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#ypjx1", strVal = model1.DrugType }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$lfycs1", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.OmissiveTimes, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#ywfy1", strVal = model1.Adr }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$fy1", strVal = model1.AdrEx }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#bfz1", strVal = model1.Complication }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$hbz1", strVal = model1.ComplicationEx }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zzkb1", strVal = model1.ReferralOrg }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zzyy1", strVal = model1.ReferralReason }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zzjg1", strVal = model1.ReferralResult }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$clyj1", strVal = model1.HandleView }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xcsfsj1", strVal = DrawItems.strToDate(model1.NextVisitDate) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$sfys1", strVal = model1.VisitDoctor }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "&qm1", strVal = string.Format("{0}{1}_1_{2}.png", SignPath, model2.IDCardNo, Convert.ToDateTime(model1.FollowupDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd")) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "&sfys1", strVal = string.Format("{0}{1}_1_{2}_Doc.png", SignPath, model2.IDCardNo, Convert.ToDateTime(model1.FollowupDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd")) }); //滕州无签字版 list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$qm1", strVal = model.CustomerName }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$sfys1", strVal = model2.VisitDoctor }); } model1 = new ChronicLungerVisitBLL().GetModelByOutKey(model2.ID, "2"); if (model1 != null) { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$sfrq2", strVal = DrawItems.strToDate(model1.FollowupDate) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$m2", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.CureMonth, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#ddryxz2", strVal = model1.Supervisor }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#sffs2", strVal = model1.FollowupWay }); string strSymptom2 = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model1.Symptom)) { foreach (string str in model1.Symptom.Split(new char[] { ',' })) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { strSymptom2 += (int.Parse(str) - 1).ToString() + ","; } } strSymptom2 = strSymptom2.Remove(strSymptom2.Length - 1); } list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#zz2", strVal = strSymptom2 }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "%zzqt2", strVal = model1.SymptomEx }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$y2", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.SmokeDayNum, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ny2", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.NextSmokeDayNum, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$j2", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.DayDrinkVolume, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$nj2", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.NextDayDrinkVolume, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "%hlfa2", strVal = model1.ChemotherapyScheme }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#yf2", strVal = model1.MedicationCompliance }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#ypjx2", strVal = model1.DrugType }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$lfycs2", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.OmissiveTimes, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#ywfy2", strVal = model1.Adr }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$fy2", strVal = model1.AdrEx }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#bfz2", strVal = model1.Complication }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$hbz2", strVal = model1.ComplicationEx }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zzkb2", strVal = model1.ReferralOrg }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zzyy2", strVal = model1.ReferralReason }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zzjg2", strVal = model1.ReferralResult }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$clyj2", strVal = model1.HandleView }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xcsfsj2", strVal = DrawItems.strToDate(model1.NextVisitDate) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$sfys2", strVal = model1.VisitDoctor }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "&qm2", strVal = string.Format("{0}{1}_2_{2}.png", SignPath, model2.IDCardNo, Convert.ToDateTime(model1.FollowupDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd")) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "&sfys2", strVal = string.Format("{0}{1}_2_{2}_Doc.png", SignPath, model2.IDCardNo, Convert.ToDateTime(model1.FollowupDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd")) }); //滕州无签字版 list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$qm2", strVal = model.CustomerName }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$sfys2", strVal = model2.VisitDoctor }); } model1 = new ChronicLungerVisitBLL().GetModelByOutKey(model2.ID, "3"); if (model1 != null) { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$sfrq3", strVal = DrawItems.strToDate(model1.FollowupDate) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$m3", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.CureMonth, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#ddryxz3", strVal = model1.Supervisor }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#sffs3", strVal = model1.FollowupWay }); string strSymptom3 = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model1.Symptom)) { foreach (string str in model1.Symptom.Split(new char[] { ',' })) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { strSymptom3 += (int.Parse(str) - 1).ToString() + ","; } } strSymptom3 = strSymptom3.Remove(strSymptom3.Length - 1); } list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#zz3", strVal = strSymptom3 }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "%zzqt3", strVal = model1.SymptomEx }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$y3", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.SmokeDayNum, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ny3", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.NextSmokeDayNum, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$j3", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.DayDrinkVolume, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$nj3", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.NextDayDrinkVolume, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "%hlfa3", strVal = model1.ChemotherapyScheme }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#yf3", strVal = model1.MedicationCompliance }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#ypjx3", strVal = model1.DrugType }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$lfycs3", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.OmissiveTimes, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#ywfy3", strVal = model1.Adr }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$fy3", strVal = model1.AdrEx }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#bfz3", strVal = model1.Complication }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$hbz3", strVal = model1.ComplicationEx }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zzkb3", strVal = model1.ReferralOrg }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zzyy3", strVal = model1.ReferralReason }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zzjg3", strVal = model1.ReferralResult }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$clyj3", strVal = model1.HandleView }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xcsfsj3", strVal = DrawItems.strToDate(model1.NextVisitDate) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$sfys3", strVal = model1.VisitDoctor }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "&qm3", strVal = string.Format("{0}{1}_3_{2}.png", SignPath, model2.IDCardNo, Convert.ToDateTime(model1.FollowupDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd")) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "&sfys3", strVal = string.Format("{0}{1}_3_{2}_Doc.png", SignPath, model2.IDCardNo, Convert.ToDateTime(model1.FollowupDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd")) }); //滕州无签字版 list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$qm3", strVal = model.CustomerName }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$sfys3", strVal = model2.VisitDoctor }); } model1 = new ChronicLungerVisitBLL().GetModelByOutKey(model2.ID, "4"); if (model1 != null) { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$sfrq4", strVal = DrawItems.strToDate(model1.FollowupDate) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$m4", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.CureMonth, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#ddryxz4", strVal = model1.Supervisor }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#sffs4", strVal = model1.FollowupWay }); string strSymptom4 = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model1.Symptom)) { foreach (string str in model1.Symptom.Split(new char[] { ',' })) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { strSymptom4 += (int.Parse(str) - 1).ToString() + ","; } } strSymptom4 = strSymptom4.Remove(strSymptom4.Length - 1); } list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#zz4", strVal = strSymptom4 }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "%zzqt4", strVal = model1.SymptomEx }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$y4", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.SmokeDayNum, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ny4", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.NextSmokeDayNum, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$j4", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.DayDrinkVolume, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$nj4", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.NextDayDrinkVolume, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "%hlfa4", strVal = model1.ChemotherapyScheme }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#yf4", strVal = model1.MedicationCompliance }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#ypjx4", strVal = model1.DrugType }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$lfycs4", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.OmissiveTimes, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#ywfy4", strVal = model1.Adr }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$fy4", strVal = model1.AdrEx }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#bfz4", strVal = model1.Complication }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$hbz4", strVal = model1.ComplicationEx }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zzkb4", strVal = model1.ReferralOrg }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zzyy4", strVal = model1.ReferralReason }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zzjg4", strVal = model1.ReferralResult }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$clyj4", strVal = model1.HandleView }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xcsfsj4", strVal = DrawItems.strToDate(model1.NextVisitDate) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$sfys4", strVal = model1.VisitDoctor }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$cxtzsj", strVal = DrawItems.strToDate(model1.StopCureDate) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#tzyi", strVal = model1.StopCureReason }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$yfscs", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.ShouldVisitTimes, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$sjfscs", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.VisitTimes, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$yfcs", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.ShouldPharmacyTimes, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$sfcs", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.PharmacyTimes, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$fyl", strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model1.PharmacyRate, 2) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$pgys1", strVal = model1.EstimateDoctor }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "&qm4", strVal = string.Format("{0}{1}_4_{2}.png", SignPath, model2.IDCardNo, Convert.ToDateTime(model1.FollowupDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd")) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "&sfys4", strVal = string.Format("{0}{1}_4_{2}_Doc.png", SignPath, model2.IDCardNo, Convert.ToDateTime(model1.FollowupDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd")) }); //滕州无签字版 list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$qm4", strVal = model.CustomerName }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$sfys4", strVal = model2.VisitDoctor }); } } } return(DrawItems.setPage("printXps\\26肺结核患者随访服务记录表.xps", list)); }
public FixedDocumentSequence getReport() { List <ListValue> list = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CardID)) { RecordsBaseInfoModel model = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(this.CardID); list = new List <ListValue> { new ListValue { strMark = "$archiveid", strVal = model.RecordID }, new ListValue { strMark = "$name", strVal = model.CustomerName } }; int Year = DateTime.Now.Year; string strWhere = string.Format("IDCardNo='{0}'order by VisitDate desc limit 0,4 ", this.CardID); List <ChronicDiadetesVisitModel> model1 = new ChronicDiadetesVisitBLL().GetModelList(strWhere); int count = model1.Count; foreach (ChronicDiadetesVisitModel model2 in model1) { list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zsx" + count.ToString(), strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.StapleFooddailygTarget) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$sfrq" + count.ToString(), strVal = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.VisitDate) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xcsfsj" + count.ToString(), strVal = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.NextVisitDate) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#zz" + count.ToString(), strVal = model2.Symptom }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "%zzqt" + count.ToString(), strVal = model2.SymptomOther }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xgy" + count.ToString(), strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.Hypertension) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xdy" + count.ToString(), strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.Hypotension) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$tz" + count.ToString(), strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.Weight) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$tzzs" + count.ToString(), strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.BMI) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#tzzs" + count.ToString(), strVal = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(model2.DorsalisPedispulse)) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$tzqt" + count.ToString(), strVal = model2.PhysicalSymptomMother }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$rxy" + count.ToString(), strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.DailySmokeNum, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ryj" + count.ToString(), strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.DailyDrinkNum, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ydz" + count.ToString(), strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.SportTimePerWeek, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ydc" + count.ToString(), strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.SportPerMinuteTime, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zs" + count.ToString(), strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.StapleFooddailyg) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#xltz" + count.ToString(), strVal = model2.PsychoAdjustment }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#zyxw" + count.ToString(), strVal = model2.ObeyDoctorBehavior }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$kfxt" + count.ToString(), strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.FPG) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$xh" + count.ToString(), strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.HbAlc) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$fzrq" + count.ToString(), strVal = DrawItems.strToDate(model2.ExamDate) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "%fzjcqt" + count.ToString(), strVal = model2.AssistantExam }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#fyyc" + count.ToString(), strVal = model2.MedicationCompliance }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#blfy" + count.ToString(), strVal = model2.Adr }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$fyqt" + count.ToString(), strVal = model2.AdrEx }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#dxtfy" + count.ToString(), strVal = model2.HypoglyceMiarreAction }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#sffl" + count.ToString(), strVal = model2.VisitType }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ydzl" + count.ToString(), strVal = model2.InsulinType }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ydyf" + count.ToString(), strVal = model2.InsulinUsage }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#sffs" + count.ToString(), strVal = model2.VisitWay }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zzyy" + count.ToString(), strVal = model2.ReferralReason }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zzjg" + count.ToString(), strVal = model2.ReferralOrg }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$tzx" + count.ToString(), strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.TargetWeight) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$tzzsx" + count.ToString(), strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.BMITarget) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$rxyx" + count.ToString(), strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.DailySmokeNumTarget, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ryjx" + count.ToString(), strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.DailyDrinkNumTarget, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ydzx" + count.ToString(), strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.SportTimePerWeekTarget, 0) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ydcx" + count.ToString(), strVal = DrawItems.objToNumStr(model2.SportPerMinuteTimeTarget, 0) }); if ((int)model2.DorsalisPedispulse.Value == 2) { list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.DorsalisPedispulseType), "jr" + count.ToString(), 3)); } else if ((int)model2.DorsalisPedispulse.Value == 3) { list.AddRange(DrawItems.lsCheck(DrawItems.objToStr(model2.DorsalisPedispulseType), "xs" + count.ToString(), 3)); } list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#xbcs" + count.ToString(), strVal = model2.NextMeasures }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$zzlx" + count.ToString(), strVal = model2.ReferralContacts }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "#zzjg" + count.ToString(), strVal = model2.ReferralResult }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$bz" + count.ToString(), strVal = model2.Remarks }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ydtzzl" + count.ToString(), strVal = model2.InsulinAdjustType }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$ydtzyf" + count.ToString(), strVal = model2.InsulinAdjustUsage }); //滕州无签字版 list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$qm" + count.ToString(), strVal = model.CustomerName }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "$sfys" + count.ToString(), strVal = model2.VisitDoctor }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "&qm" + count.ToString(), strVal = string.Format("{0}{1}_{2}.png", SignPath, model2.IDCardNo, Convert.ToDateTime(model2.VisitDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd")) }); list.Add(new ListValue { strMark = "&sfys" + count.ToString(), strVal = string.Format("{0}{1}_{2}_Doc.png", SignPath, model2.IDCardNo, Convert.ToDateTime(model2.VisitDate).ToString("yyyyMMdd")) }); List <ChronicDrugConditionModel> modelList = new ChronicDrugConditionBLL().GetModelList(string.Format(" IDCardNo = '{0}' and TYPE = '{1}' and OUTKey = '" + model2.ID + "' ", this.CardID, "2")); if (modelList != null && modelList.Count > 0) { list.AddRange(this.getDrug(modelList, count, 0).ToArray()); } List <ChronicDrugConditionModel> modelListTZ = new ChronicDrugConditionBLL().GetModelList(string.Format(" IDCardNo = '{0}' and TYPE = '{1}' and OUTKey ='" + model2.ID + "' ", this.CardID, "8"));//用药调整类型为8 if (modelListTZ != null && modelListTZ.Count > 0) { list.AddRange(this.getDrug(modelListTZ, count, 3).ToArray()); } count--; } } return(DrawItems.setPage("printXps\\" + this.PrintName, list)); }
private void btndataupload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strwhere = ""; if (this.ckbcheckdate.Checked) { strwhere = string.Format(" CheckDate BETWEEN '{0}' and '{1}' ", this.dtpstart.Value.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), this.dtpend.Value.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); } DataSet customds = new RecordsCustomerBaseInfoBLL().GetList(strwhere); int amount = 0; progressBar1.Visible = true; progressBar1.Minimum = 0; progressBar1.Maximum = customds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; progressBar1.BackColor = Color.Green; labCountnum.Text = customds.Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString(); foreach (DataRow row in customds.Tables[0].Rows) { int OutKey = Convert.ToInt32(row["ID"].ToString()); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["IDCardNo"].ToString())) { continue; } // 基本信息 RecordsBaseInfoModel Model = new RecordsBaseInfoBLL().GetModel(row["IDCardNo"].ToString()); if (Model == null) { Model = new RecordsBaseInfoModel(); } // 一般状况 RecordsGeneralConditionModel generalConditionModel = new RecordsGeneralConditionBLL().GetModelByOutKey(OutKey); if (generalConditionModel == null) { generalConditionModel = new RecordsGeneralConditionModel(); } ChronicDiadetesVisitModel diabetesModel = new ChronicDiadetesVisitModel(); diabetesModel.IDCardNo = row["IDCardNo"].ToString(); diabetesModel.Hypertension = generalConditionModel.RightHeight; diabetesModel.Hypotension = generalConditionModel.RightPre; diabetesModel.BMI = generalConditionModel.BMI; diabetesModel.Weight = generalConditionModel.Weight; diabetesModel.Hight = generalConditionModel.Height; if (diabetesModel.BMI != null) { if (diabetesModel.BMI >= 24) { diabetesModel.TargetWeight = diabetesModel.Weight - 5; } } // 生活方式 RecordsLifeStyleModel lifeModel = new RecordsLifeStyleBLL().GetModelByOutKey(OutKey); if (lifeModel == null) { lifeModel = new RecordsLifeStyleModel(); } if (lifeModel.SmokeCondition == "3") { diabetesModel.DailySmokeNum = lifeModel.SmokeDayNum; } else { diabetesModel.DailySmokeNum = 0; } if (lifeModel.DrinkRate == "2" || lifeModel.DrinkRate == "3" || lifeModel.DrinkRate == "4") { diabetesModel.DailyDrinkNum = lifeModel.DayDrinkVolume; } else { diabetesModel.DailyDrinkNum = 0; } diabetesModel.DailySmokeNumTarget = 0; diabetesModel.DailyDrinkNumTarget = 0; diabetesModel.SportTimePerWeekTarget = 7; diabetesModel.SportPerMinuteTimeTarget = 60; // 辅助检查 RecordsAssistCheckModel AssistCheck = new RecordsAssistCheckBLL().GetModelByOutKey(OutKey); if (AssistCheck == null) { AssistCheck = new RecordsAssistCheckModel(); } diabetesModel.FPG = AssistCheck.FPGL; diabetesModel.HbAlc = AssistCheck.HBALC; new ChronicDiadetesVisitBLL().UpdateDate(diabetesModel); ChronicHypertensionVisitModel hypertensionModel = new ChronicHypertensionVisitModel(); hypertensionModel.Hypertension = generalConditionModel.RightHeight; hypertensionModel.Hypotension = generalConditionModel.RightPre; hypertensionModel.BMI = generalConditionModel.BMI; hypertensionModel.Weight = generalConditionModel.Weight; hypertensionModel.Hight = generalConditionModel.Height; if (hypertensionModel.BMI != null) { if (hypertensionModel.BMI >= 24) { hypertensionModel.WeightTarGet = hypertensionModel.Weight - 5; } } if (AssistCheck.FPGL != null) { hypertensionModel.AssistantExam = $"空腹血糖:{AssistCheck.FPGL}mmol/L"; } // 查体 RecordsPhysicalExamModel physicalModel = new RecordsPhysicalExamBLL().GetModelByOutKey(OutKey); if (physicalModel == null) { physicalModel = new RecordsPhysicalExamModel(); } decimal dd = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(physicalModel.HeartRate)) { if (decimal.TryParse(physicalModel.HeartRate, out dd)) { hypertensionModel.HeartRate = dd; } } if (lifeModel.SmokeCondition == "3") { hypertensionModel.DailySmokeNum = lifeModel.SmokeDayNum; } else { hypertensionModel.DailySmokeNum = 0; } if (lifeModel.DrinkRate == "2" || lifeModel.DrinkRate == "3" || lifeModel.DrinkRate == "4") { hypertensionModel.DailyDrinkNum = lifeModel.DayDrinkVolume; } else { hypertensionModel.DailyDrinkNum = 0; } hypertensionModel.DailySmokeNumTarget = 0; hypertensionModel.DailyDrinkNumTarget = 0; hypertensionModel.SportTimeSperWeekTarget = 7; hypertensionModel.SportPerMinutesTimeTarget = 60; hypertensionModel.IDCardNo = row["IDCardNo"].ToString(); new ChronicHypertensionVisitBLL().UpdateDate(hypertensionModel); amount++; labUploadnum.Text = amount.ToString(); progressBar1.Value = amount; } MessageBox.Show("成功匹配:" + amount + "条数据!", "提示"); progressBar1.Visible = false; }