// Retrieves metadata from Z39.50 server
        private static IList <Metadata> RetrieveMetadataByZ39(IdentifierType identifierType, string value, bool isUnion)
            string z39Server   = Settings.Z39ServerUrl;
            int    z39Port     = Settings.Z39Port;
            string z39Base     = Settings.Z39Base;
            string z39UserName = Settings.Z39UserName;
            string z39Password = Settings.Z39Password;
            Record_Character_Encoding z39Encoding = Settings.Z39Encoding;

            //Set union Z39.50
            if (isUnion)
                z39Server   = Settings.Z39UnionServerUrl;
                z39Port     = Settings.Z39UnionPort;
                z39Base     = Settings.Z39UnionBase;
                z39Encoding = Settings.Z39UnionEncoding;
                z39UserName = null;
                z39Password = null;

            int identifierFieldNumber;

            switch (identifierType)
            case IdentifierType.BARCODE:
                identifierFieldNumber = Settings.Z39BarcodeField;

            case IdentifierType.CNB:
                if (isUnion)
                    identifierFieldNumber = Settings.DEFAULT_NKP_CNB_FIELD;
                    identifierFieldNumber = Settings.Z39CnbField;

            case IdentifierType.EAN:
                identifierFieldNumber = Settings.Z39EanField;

            case IdentifierType.ISBN:
                identifierFieldNumber = Settings.Z39IsbnField;

            case IdentifierType.ISSN:
                identifierFieldNumber = Settings.Z39IssnField;

            case IdentifierType.ISMN:
                identifierFieldNumber = Settings.Z39IsmnField;

            case IdentifierType.OCLC:
                identifierFieldNumber = Settings.Z39OclcField;

                identifierFieldNumber = Settings.DEFAULT_FIELD;

            string errorText = "";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(z39Server))
                errorText += "Z39.50 Server URL; ";
            if (z39Port <= 0)
                errorText += "Z39.50 Sever Port; ";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(z39Base))
                errorText += "Z39.50 Databáze; ";
            if (identifierFieldNumber <= 0)
                errorText += "Vyhledávací atribut";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorText))
                throw new ArgumentException("V nastaveních chybí následující údaje: " + errorText);

            List <Metadata> metadataList = new List <Metadata>();
            string          errorMessage = "";

                Z3950_Endpoint endpoint;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(z39UserName))
                    endpoint = new Z3950_Endpoint("Z39.50",
                                                  z39Server, (uint)z39Port, z39Base);
                    endpoint = new Z3950_Endpoint("Z39.50",
                                                  z39Server, (uint)z39Port, z39Base, z39UserName);
                    endpoint.Password = z39Password ?? "";

                // Retrieve the record by primary identifier
                IEnumerable <MARC_Record> recordsFromZ3950 = MARC_Record_Z3950_Retriever.Get_Record(
                    identifierFieldNumber, '"' + value + '"', endpoint, out errorMessage, z39Encoding);

                MARCXML_Writer marcXmlWriter = new MARCXML_Writer(System.IO.Path.Combine(Settings.TemporaryFolder, "marcxml.xml"));

                if (recordsFromZ3950 != null)
                    foreach (MARC_Record record in recordsFromZ3950)
                        Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
                        // Sysno
                        metadata.Sysno          = record.Control_Number;
                        metadata.FixedFields    = MarcGetFixedFields(record);
                        metadata.VariableFields = MarcGetVariableFields(record);

                        // Get identifiers list (ISBNs + 902a yearbooks)
                        List <MetadataIdentifier> Identifiers = getIdentifiersList(metadata);
                        metadata.Identifiers = Identifiers;

                        // Add to list

                        // Write to MARC XML file

                    // Finish MARC XML file
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Z39Exception("Nastala chyba během stahování MARC záznamu pomocí Z39.50, nebo zápisu výsledného MARC záznamu na disk. Detailnější popis problému: " + e.Message);

            // Display any error message encountered
            if (metadataList.Count == 0)
                if (errorMessage.Length > 0)
                    if (errorMessage.Contains("No matching record found in Z39.50 endpoint"))
                        errorMessage = "Nenalezen vhodný záznam.";

                    else if (errorMessage.Contains("Connection could not be made to"))
                        errorMessage = "Nebylo možné navázat spojení s " +
                                       errorMessage.Substring(errorMessage.LastIndexOf(' '));

                    throw new Z39Exception(errorMessage);
                    throw new Z39Exception("Nastala neznámá chyba během Z39.50 dotazu");
        public static MARC_Record Get_Record_By_Primary_Identifier(string Primary_Identifier, Z3950_Endpoint Z3950_Server, out string Message, Record_Character_Encoding encoding)
            // Initially set the message to empty
            Message = String.Empty;

            // http://jai-on-asp.blogspot.com/2010/01/z3950-client-in-cnet-using-zoomnet-and.html
            // http://www.indexdata.com/yaz/doc/tools.html#PQF
            // http://www.loc.gov/z3950/agency/defns/bib1.html
            // http://www.assembla.com/code/wasolic/subversion/nodes/ZOOM.NET
            // http://lists.indexdata.dk/pipermail/yazlist/2007-June/002080.html
            // http://fclaweb.fcla.edu/content/z3950-access-aleph

            const string prefix = "@attrset Bib-1 @attr 1=12 ";

                IConnection  connection; //	zoom db connector
                IPrefixQuery query;      //	zoom query
                IRecord      record;     //	one zoom record
                IResultSet   records;    //	collection of records

                //	allocate MARC tools
                MARC21_Exchange_Format_Parser parser = new MARC21_Exchange_Format_Parser();

                //	establish connection
                connection = new Connection(Z3950_Server.URI, Convert.ToInt32(Z3950_Server.Port));
                connection.DatabaseName = Z3950_Server.Database_Name;

                // Any authentication here?
                if (Z3950_Server.Username.Length > 0)
                    connection.Username = Z3950_Server.Username;
                if (Z3950_Server.Password.Length > 0)
                    connection.Password = Z3950_Server.Password;

                // Set to USMARC
                connection.Syntax = RecordSyntax.USMARC;

                //	call the Z39.50 server
                query   = new PrefixQuery(prefix + Primary_Identifier);
                records = connection.Search(query);

                // If the record count is not one, return a message
                if (records.Count != 1)
                    if (records.Count == 0)
                        Message = "ERROR: No matching record found in Z39.50 endpoint";
                        Message = "ERROR: More than one matching record found in Z39.50 endpoint by primary identifier";

                //	capture the byte stream
                record = records[0];
                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(record.Content);

                //	display while debugging

                    //	feed the record to the parser and add the 955
                    MARC_Record marcrec = parser.Parse(ms, encoding);
                catch (Exception error)
                    Message = "ERROR: Unable to parse resulting record into the MARC Record structure!\n\n" + error.Message;
                    //MessageBox.Show("Could not convert item " + Primary_Identifier + " to MARCXML.");
                    //Trace.WriteLine("Could not convert item " + Primary_Identifier   + " to MARCXML.");
                    //Trace.WriteLine("Error details: " + error.Message);
            catch (Exception error)
                if (error.Message.IndexOf("The type initializer for 'Zoom.Net.Yaz") >= 0)
                    Message = "ERROR: The Z39.50 libraries did not correctly initialize.\n\nThese libraries do not currently work in 64-bit environments.";
                    Message = "ERROR: Unable to connect and search provided Z39.50 endpoint.\n\n" + error.Message;

                //MessageBox.Show("Could not convert item " + Primary_Identifier + " to MARCXML.");
                //Trace.WriteLine("Could not convert item " + Primary_Identifier   + " to MARCXML.");
                //Trace.WriteLine("Error details: " + error.Message);
        // Retrieves metadata from Z39.50 server
        private void RetrieveMetadataByBarcodeZ39()
            string z39Server   = Settings.Z39ServerUrl;
            int    z39Port     = Settings.Z39Port;
            string z39Base     = Settings.Z39Base;
            string z39UserName = Settings.Z39UserName;
            string z39Password = Settings.Z39Password;
            Record_Character_Encoding z39Encoding = Settings.Z39Encoding;
            int z39BarcodeField = Settings.Z39BarcodeField;

            string errorText = "";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(z39Server))
                errorText += "Z39.50 Server URL; ";
            if (z39Port <= 0)
                errorText += "Z39.50 Sever Port; ";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(z39Base))
                errorText += "Z39.50 Databáze; ";
            if (z39BarcodeField <= 0)
                errorText += "Vyhledávací atribut";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorText))
                throw new ArgumentException("V nastaveních chybí následující údaje: " + errorText);

            string errorMessage = "";

                Z3950_Endpoint endpoint;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(z39UserName))
                    endpoint = new Z3950_Endpoint("Z39.50",
                                                  z39Server, (uint)z39Port, z39Base);
                    endpoint = new Z3950_Endpoint("Z39.50",
                                                  z39Server, (uint)z39Port, z39Base, z39UserName);
                    endpoint.Password = z39Password ?? "";

                // Retrieve the record by primary identifier
                MARC_Record record_from_z3950 = MARC_Record_Z3950_Retriever.Get_Record(
                    z39BarcodeField, this.barcode, endpoint, out errorMessage, z39Encoding);

                if (record_from_z3950 != null)
                    Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
                    // Sysno
                    metadata.Sysno = record_from_z3950.Control_Number;
                    // Custom identifier
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(metadata.Sysno))
                        metadata.Custom = Settings.Base + metadata.Sysno;
                    // Title
                    foreach (var field in Settings.MetadataTitleFields)
                        if (!record_from_z3950.has_Field(field.Key))
                        foreach (var subfield in field.Value)
                            metadata.Title += record_from_z3950.Get_Data_Subfield(field.Key, subfield).TrimEnd('/', ' ') + " ";
                    // Authors
                    string authors = "";
                    foreach (var field in Settings.MetadataAuthorFields)
                        if (!record_from_z3950.has_Field(field.Key))
                        List <MARC_Field> authorFields = record_from_z3950.Fields[field.Key];
                        foreach (var authorField in authorFields)
                            foreach (var subfield in field.Value)
                                MARC_Subfield authorSubfield = authorField.Subfields_By_Code(subfield).FirstOrDefault();
                                authors += authorSubfield == null ? "" : authorSubfield.Data;
                                authors += "@";
                            authors = authors.Trim() + "|";
                    metadata.Authors = ParseAuthors(authors, '@');
                    // Publish year
                    metadata.Year = GetZ39Subfields(record_from_z3950, Settings.MetadataPublishYearField.Item1,
                    // ISBN
                    metadata.ISBN = GetNormalizedISBN(GetZ39Subfields(record_from_z3950, Settings.MetadataIsbnField.Item1,
                    if (metadata.ISBN.Contains('|'))
                        Warnings.Add("Záznam obsahuje více než 1 ISBN, vyberte správné, jsou oddělena zvislou čárou.");
                    // ISSN
                    metadata.ISSN = GetNormalizedISSN(GetZ39Subfields(record_from_z3950, Settings.MetadataIssnField.Item1,
                    if (metadata.ISSN.Contains('|'))
                        Warnings.Add("Záznam obsahuje více než 1 ISSN, vyberte správné, jsou oddělena zvislou čárou.");
                    // CNB
                    metadata.CNB = GetZ39Subfields(record_from_z3950, Settings.MetadataCnbField.Item1, Settings.MetadataCnbField.Item2);
                    if (metadata.CNB.Contains('|'))
                        Warnings.Add("Záznam obsahuje více než 1 ČNB, vyberte správné, jsou oddělena zvislou čárou.");
                    // OCLC
                    metadata.OCLC = GetZ39Subfields(record_from_z3950, Settings.MetadataOclcField.Item1, Settings.MetadataOclcField.Item2);
                    if (metadata.OCLC.Contains('|'))
                        Warnings.Add("Záznam obsahuje více než 1 OCLC, vyberte správné, jsou oddělena zvislou čárou.");
                    // EAN
                    string ean = "";
                    if (record_from_z3950.has_Field(Settings.MetadataEanField.Item1))
                        List <MARC_Field> eanFields = record_from_z3950.Fields[Settings.MetadataEanField.Item1];
                        foreach (var eanField in eanFields)
                            if (eanField.Indicator1 != Settings.MetadataEanField.Item3)
                            if (eanField.has_Subfield(Settings.MetadataEanField.Item2))
                                foreach (var eanSubfield in eanField.Subfields_By_Code(Settings.MetadataEanField.Item2))
                                    ean += eanSubfield.Data + "|";
                    ean = ean.TrimEnd('|');
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ean))
                        metadata.EAN = ean;
                        if (metadata.EAN.Contains('|'))
                            this.Warnings.Add("Záznam obsahuje více než 1 EAN, vyberte správné, jsou oddělena zvislou čárou");

                    metadata.FixedFields    = MarcGetFixedFields(record_from_z3950);
                    metadata.VariableFields = MarcGetVariableFields(record_from_z3950);

                    this.Metadata = metadata;
            catch (Exception)
                throw new Z39Exception("Nastala neočekávaná chyba během Z39.50 dotazu.");
            // Display any error message encountered
            if (this.Metadata == null)
                if (errorMessage.Length > 0)
                    if (errorMessage.Contains("No matching record found in Z39.50 endpoint"))
                        errorMessage = "Nenalezen vhodný záznam.";

                    else if (errorMessage.Contains("Connection could not be made to"))
                        errorMessage = "Nebylo možné navázat spojení s " +
                                       errorMessage.Substring(errorMessage.LastIndexOf(' '));

                    throw new Z39Exception(errorMessage);
                    throw new Z39Exception("Nastala neznámá chyba během Z39.50 dotazu");