protected void InitialDataBind() { rddlOffice.DataSource = db.Offices .Where(p => p.wsc_id == WSCID) .Select(p => new { office_id = p.office_id, office_nm = p.office_nm }) .OrderBy(p => p.office_nm).ToList(); rddlOffice.DataBind(); rddlOffice.Items.Insert(0, ""); rddlRecords.DataSource = db.Records .Where(p => p.Site.Office.wsc_id == WSCID) .Select(p => new { rms_record_id = p.rms_record_id, SiteRecord = p.Site.site_no + " " + p.Site.station_full_nm + " (" + p.RecordType.type_cd + ")" }) .OrderBy(p => p.SiteRecord).ToList(); rddlRecords.DataBind(); rddlRecords.Items.Insert(0, ""); if (RecordID > 0) { rddlRecords.SelectedValue = RecordID.ToString(); } rdpBeginDt.SelectedDate = Convert.ToDateTime("10/1/" + (DateTime.Now.Year - 1).ToString()); rdpEndDt.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; ltlNotice1.Visible = true; ltlNotice2.Visible = true; ltlNotice3.Visible = true; ltlError.Visible = false; }
public string this[string columnName] { get { Error = string.Empty; if (columnName == "Till") { if (Till == null) { Error = "Please select the Till."; } } if (columnName == "Name") { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Name)) { Error = "Group Name can't be empty"; } } if (columnName == "RecordID") { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RecordID.ToString())) { Error = "Record Id can't be empty"; } else if (RecordID < 1 || RecordID > 256) { Error = "Record Id must be between 1 and 256"; } } return(Error); } }
protected void SetupAuditForm(string type) { if (type == "single") { if (rlbRecordPeriods.CheckedItems.Count == 0) { ltlAuditDateRange.Text = String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy} - {1:MM/dd/yyyy}", rdpBeginDt1.SelectedDate, rdpEndDt1.SelectedDate); } else { ltlAuditDateRange.Text = String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy} - {1:MM/dd/yyyy}", PeriodDate("begin"), PeriodDate("end")); bool consecutive = false; bool theend = false; foreach (RadListBoxItem item in rlbRecordPeriods.Items) { if (item.Checked && !consecutive) //will enter this part of the statement upon reaching the first checked item { consecutive = true; } else if (!item.Checked && consecutive) //will enter this part of the statement upon reaching the first unchecked item after a checked item { theend = true; } else if (item.Checked && consecutive && theend) //will enter this part of the statement if another checked period is found after a series of checked and unchecked - non-consecutive periods were selected!! { consecutive = false; break; } } if (!consecutive) { pnlNotice.Visible = true; ltlNotice.Text = "<b>You did not select consecutive periods.</b> The audit date range is determined by the earliest selected period begin date and " + "latest selected period end date, and this audit includes all periods within the audit date range."; } } List <RecordItem> rec = new List <RecordItem>(); rec.Add(new RecordItem() { rms_record_id = RecordID.ToString(), record_nm = currRecord.Site.site_no + " - " + currRecord.RecordType.type_ds }); rlbViewRecords.DataSource = rec; rlbViewRecords.DataBind(); } else { ltlAuditDateRange.Text = String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy} - {1:MM/dd/yyyy}", rdpBeginDt2.SelectedDate, rdpEndDt2.SelectedDate); rlbViewRecords.DataSource = rlbRecords.CheckedItems.Select(p => new { rms_record_id = p.Value, record_nm = p.Text }); rlbViewRecords.DataBind(); } rddlAuditType.DataSource = db.AuditTypes.Select(p => new { audit_type_id = p.audit_type_id, description = p.type + ": " + p.description }).ToList(); rddlAuditType.DataBind(); rddlAuditType.Items.Insert(0, new DropDownListItem { Value = "", Text = "" }); rddlAuditResults.DataSource = db.AuditResults.Select(p => new { audit_results_id = p.audit_results_id, description = p.result + p.description }).ToList(); rddlAuditResults.DataBind(); rddlAuditResults.Items.Insert(0, new DropDownListItem { Value = "", Text = "" }); if (currAudit != null) { ltlAuditBy.Text = currAudit.audit_by; rddlAuditResults.SelectedValue = currAudit.audit_results_id.ToString(); rddlAuditType.SelectedValue = currAudit.audit_type_id.ToString(); rbCreateEditAudit.Text = "Edit Audit Period"; rbCreateEditAudit.CommandArgument = "Edit"; } else { ltlAuditBy.Text = user.ID; rddlAuditType.SelectedIndex = 0; rddlAuditResults.SelectedIndex = 0; rbCreateEditAudit.Text = "Create Audit"; rbCreateEditAudit.CommandArgument = "Add"; } }
protected void LoadRecordList() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rddlOffice.SelectedValue)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rddlFieldTrip.SelectedValue)) { rlbRecords.DataSource = db.Records .Where(p => p.Site.TripSites.Select(t => t.trip_id).Contains(Convert.ToInt32(rddlFieldTrip.SelectedValue))) .Select(p => new { rms_record_id = p.rms_record_id, record_nm = p.Site.site_no + " - " + p.RecordType.type_ds }).ToList(); } else { rlbRecords.DataSource = db.Records .Where(p => p.RecordAltOffice.alt_office_id == Convert.ToInt32(rddlOffice.SelectedValue) || p.Site.office_id == Convert.ToInt32(rddlOffice.SelectedValue)) .Select(p => new { rms_record_id = p.rms_record_id, record_nm = p.Site.site_no + " - " + p.RecordType.type_ds }).ToList(); } } else { rlbRecords.DataSource = db.Records .Where(p => p.Site.Office.wsc_id == WSCID) .Select(p => new { rms_record_id = p.rms_record_id, record_nm = p.Site.site_no + " - " + p.RecordType.type_ds }).ToList(); } rlbRecords.DataBind(); if (RecordID > 0) { RadListBoxItem item1 = rlbRecords.Items.Where(p => p.Value == RecordID.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); if (item1 != null) { item1.Checked = true; rlbRecords.Items.Remove(item1); rlbRecords.Items.Insert(0, item1); } else { RadListBoxItem item2 = new RadListBoxItem() { Value = RecordID.ToString(), Text = currRecord.Site.site_no + " - " + currRecord.RecordType.type_ds }; item2.Checked = true; rlbRecords.Items.Insert(0, item2); } rlbRecords.SelectedIndex = 0; } if (currAudit != null) { int x = 0; foreach (var rec in currAudit.AuditRecords) { RadListBoxItem item3 = rlbRecords.Items.Where(p => p.Value == rec.rms_record_id.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(); if (item3 != null) { item3.Checked = true; rlbRecords.Items.Remove(item3); rlbRecords.Items.Insert(x, item3); } else { var record = db.Records.FirstOrDefault(p => p.rms_record_id == rec.rms_record_id); RadListBoxItem item4 = new RadListBoxItem() { Value = rec.rms_record_id.ToString(), Text = record.Site.site_no + " - " + record.RecordType.type_ds }; item4.Checked = true; rlbRecords.Items.Insert(x, item4); } x += 1; } } }