private void AddVideoButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //insert the record to the table after filling the record in the table if (!RatingBox.Text.ToString().Equals("") && !TitleBox.Text.ToString().Equals("") && !YearBox.Text.ToString().Equals("") && YearBox.Text.ToString().All(Char.IsNumber) && CostBox.Text.ToString().All(Char.IsNumber) && CopiesBox.Text.ToString().All(Char.IsNumber) && !PlotBox.Text.ToString().Equals("") && !GenreBox.Text.ToString().Equals("")) { //insert query to insert the record for in the video table String sql = "insert into VideoTbl(Ratting,Title,Year,Cost,Copies,Plot,Genre) values('" + RatingBox.Text.ToString() + "','" + TitleBox.Text.ToString() + "','" + YearBox.Text.ToString() + "'," + Convert.ToInt32(CostBox.Text.ToString()) + "," + Convert.ToInt32(CopiesBox.Text.ToString()) + ",'" + PlotBox.Text.ToString() + "','" + GenreBox.Text.ToString() + "')"; //calling the mehtod of the video class using the polymorphism concept if (videoObj.AddVideo(sql) != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Video Record is Saved "); RatingBox.Text = ""; TitleBox.Text = ""; YearBox.Text = ""; CostBox.Text = ""; CopiesBox.Text = ""; PlotBox.Text = ""; GenreBox.Text = ""; delUpdtVideoBox.Text = ""; DataTable tbl = videoObj.AllVideo(); RecordBox.Refresh(); RecordBox.DataSource = tbl; } else { //display the error message MessageBox.Show("Video Record is not Saved Verify First"); } } else { //display the error message MessageBox.Show("Check the Whole Record First and then Insert"); } }
private void DeleteCustomerButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // check the Customer Id is NUmeric or not if (delUpdtCustomerBox.Text.ToString().All(Char.IsNumber)) { // query to delete the Record from the Customer Table String sql = "delete from CustomerTbl where CustomerID=" + Convert.ToInt32(delUpdtCustomerBox.Text.ToString()) + ""; if (CustomerObj.DelCustomer(sql) != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Customer Record Is Deleted"); NameBox.Text = ""; PhoneBox.Text = ""; AdressBox.Text = ""; delUpdtCustomerBox.Text = ""; DataTable tbl = CustomerObj.AllCustomer(); RecordBox.Refresh(); RecordBox.DataSource = tbl; } else { MessageBox.Show("Customer Record Verify"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error " + ex.Message); } }
private void AddCustomerButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //verify the contact Number is Numeric or Not and also check textbox are not empty if (PhoneBox.Text.ToString().All(char.IsNumber) && !NameBox.Text.ToString().Equals("") && !PhoneBox.Text.ToString().Equals("") && !AdressBox.Text.ToString().Equals("")) { String sql = "insert into CustomerTbl(CustomerName,CustomerPh,CustomerAddress) values('" + NameBox.Text.ToString() + "','" + PhoneBox.Text.ToString() + "','" + AdressBox.Text.ToString() + "') "; if (CustomerObj.AddCustomer(sql) != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Customer Record is Saved"); NameBox.Text = ""; PhoneBox.Text = ""; AdressBox.Text = ""; delUpdtCustomerBox.Text = ""; DataTable tbl = CustomerObj.AllCustomer(); RecordBox.Refresh(); RecordBox.DataSource = tbl; } else { MessageBox.Show("Customer Record is not Saved please Verify "); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error Message " + ex.Message); } }
private void ReturnedButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!MovieIDBox.Text.ToString().Equals("") && !CustomerIDBox.Text.ToString().Equals("")) { // get the Current Date DateTime Current_date = DateTime.Now; //Get the Date of Issued Video DateTime Old_date = Convert.ToDateTime(DateOfIssueDTP.Value.ToString()); //Calculate the Difference between the both days String diff = (Current_date - Old_date).TotalDays.ToString(); //Convert the date in the Roundoff and interger also for calculation Double dif = Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(diff)); //query to get the cost from the video table for finding the cost String qry = "select * from VideoTbl where VideoID=" + Convert.ToInt32(MovieIDBox.Text.ToString()) + ""; //get the records from the class using polymorphism concept DataTable tbl = videoObj.AllRecords(qry); int cost = 0, bill = 0; if (tbl.Rows.Count > 0) { //pass the value to local variable of the cost of rental video cost = Convert.ToInt32(tbl.Rows[tbl.Rows.Count - 1]["Cost"].ToString()); } //calculate the bill of the video to display bill = cost * Convert.ToInt32(dif); // insert query to save the record in the table String sql = "update RentalTbl set MovieId=" + Convert.ToInt32(MovieIDBox.Text.ToString()) + ",CustomerID=" + Convert.ToInt32(CustomerIDBox.Text.ToString()) + ",IssuedDate='" + DateOfIssueDTP.Text.ToString() + "',ReturnDate='" + ReturnDateDTP.Text.ToString() + "' where RentalID=" + Convert.ToInt32(RentalIDBox.Text.ToString()) + ""; // calling the method using polymorphism concept call the method of AddRentalVideo if (rentalObj.UpdtRentalVideo(sql) != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Your Total Cost is ==$" + bill + " of the Rental Video"); MovieIDBox.Text = ""; CustomerIDBox.Text = ""; RentalIDBox.Text = ""; tbl = rentalObj.AllRentalVideo(); RecordBox.Refresh(); RecordBox.DataSource = tbl; } else { // display error message MessageBox.Show("Check the Record before Returning"); } } }
private void DeleteRentalButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // firstly verify the Rental id is Numeric or not then delete the record if (RentalIDBox.Text.ToString().All(Char.IsNumber)) { String sql = "select * from RentalTbl where RentalID=" + Convert.ToInt32(RentalIDBox.Text.ToString()) + ""; DataTable tbl = rentalObj.AllRecords(sql); if (tbl.Rows.Count > 0) { if (!tbl.Rows[tbl.Rows.Count - 1]["ReturnDate"].ToString().Equals("Issued on Rent")) { //call the method of the rental class using the concept of polymorphism sql = "delete from RentalTbl where RentalID=" + Convert.ToInt32(RentalIDBox.Text.ToString()) + ""; if (rentalObj.DelRentalVideo(sql) != 0) { MessageBox.Show(" Rental Record Is deleted"); MovieIDBox.Text = ""; CustomerIDBox.Text = ""; RentalIDBox.Text = ""; tbl = rentalObj.AllRentalVideo(); RecordBox.Refresh(); RecordBox.DataSource = tbl; } else { //display the Error Message MessageBox.Show("Rental Record is Not Deleted"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Movie is Already Issued on Rent first return and then u can delete it"); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("miyyi"); } }
private void UpdateCustomerButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //verify the contact Number is Numeric or Not and also check textbox are not empty if (PhoneBox.Text.ToString().All(char.IsNumber) && !NameBox.Text.ToString().Equals("") && !PhoneBox.Text.ToString().Equals("") && !AdressBox.Text.ToString().Equals("") && delUpdtCustomerBox.Text.ToString().All(Char.IsNumber)) { String sql = "update CustomerTbl set CustomerName='" + NameBox.Text.ToString() + "',CustomerPh='" + PhoneBox.Text.ToString() + "',CustomerAddress='" + AdressBox.Text.ToString() + "' where CustomerID=" + Convert.ToInt32(delUpdtCustomerBox.Text.ToString()) + ""; //calling the update method of Customer if (CustomerObj.UpdtCustomer(sql) != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Customer Record is Updated "); NameBox.Text = ""; PhoneBox.Text = ""; AdressBox.Text = ""; delUpdtCustomerBox.Text = ""; DataTable tbl = CustomerObj.AllCustomer(); RecordBox.Refresh(); RecordBox.DataSource = tbl; } else { //display the error message MessageBox.Show("Customer Record is not Updated please Verify "); } } else { //display the error message MessageBox.Show("Fill all the Values"); } } catch (Exception ex) { //display the error message MessageBox.Show("Error Message " + ex.Message); } }
private void UpdateVideoButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //insert the record to the table after filling the record in the table if (!RatingBox.Text.ToString().Equals("") && !TitleBox.Text.ToString().Equals("") && !YearBox.Text.ToString().Equals("") && YearBox.Text.ToString().All(Char.IsNumber) && CostBox.Text.ToString().All(Char.IsNumber) && CopiesBox.Text.ToString().All(Char.IsNumber) && !PlotBox.Text.ToString().Equals("") && !GenreBox.Text.ToString().Equals("")) { // update query is used to update the video record after verifying it properly String sql = "update VideoTbl set Ratting='" + RatingBox.Text.ToString() + "',Title='" + TitleBox.Text.ToString() + "',Year='" + YearBox.Text.ToString() + "',Cost=" + Convert.ToInt32(CostBox.Text.ToString()) + ",Copies=" + Convert.ToInt32(CopiesBox.Text.ToString()) + ",Plot='" + PlotBox.Text.ToString() + "',Genre='" + GenreBox.Text.ToString() + "' where VideoID=" + Convert.ToInt32(delUpdtVideoBox.Text.ToString()) + ""; //calling the update method using the polymorphism if (videoObj.UpdtVideo(sql) != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Video Record is Saved "); RatingBox.Text = ""; TitleBox.Text = ""; YearBox.Text = ""; CostBox.Text = ""; CopiesBox.Text = ""; PlotBox.Text = ""; GenreBox.Text = ""; delUpdtVideoBox.Text = ""; DataTable tbl = videoObj.AllVideo(); RecordBox.Refresh(); RecordBox.DataSource = tbl; } else { //display the error message MessageBox.Show("Video Record is not Saved Verify First"); } } else { //display the error message MessageBox.Show("Check the Whole Record First and then Insert"); } }
private void DeleteVideoButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // delete the video record after double clicking on the Video Grid if (delUpdtVideoBox.Text.ToString().All(Char.IsNumber)) { // delete query to delete the record from the video table String sql = "delete from VideoTbl where VideoID=" + Convert.ToInt32(delUpdtVideoBox.Text.ToString()) + ""; //calling the method of the del video to delete the record from the table if (videoObj.DelVideo(sql) != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Video Record is Deleted"); RatingBox.Text = ""; TitleBox.Text = ""; YearBox.Text = ""; CostBox.Text = ""; CopiesBox.Text = ""; PlotBox.Text = ""; GenreBox.Text = ""; delUpdtVideoBox.Text = ""; DataTable tbl = videoObj.AllVideo(); RecordBox.Refresh(); RecordBox.DataSource = tbl; } else { //display the error message MessageBox.Show("Video Record is Not Deleted"); } } else { //display the error message MessageBox.Show("Please check the Record"); } }
private void IssuedButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //verify the record before saving the data in the Rental Video if (MovieIDBox.Text.ToString().All(Char.IsNumber) && CustomerIDBox.Text.ToString().All(Char.IsNumber)) { int count = 1; String qry = "select * from MovieCount where MovieID=" + Convert.ToInt32(MovieIDBox.Text.ToString()) + ""; DataTable tbl = rentalObj.AllRecords(qry); if (tbl.Rows.Count > 0) { count = Convert.ToInt32(tbl.Rows[tbl.Rows.Count - 1]["c**t"].ToString()); count++; qry = "update MovieCount set C**t=" + count + " where MovieID=" + Convert.ToInt32(MovieIDBox.Text.ToString()) + ""; rentalObj.UpdtRentalVideo(qry); } else { qry = "insert into MovieCount(MovieID,C**t)values(" + Convert.ToInt32(MovieIDBox.Text.ToString()) + "," + count + ")"; rentalObj.AddRentalVideo(qry); } qry = "select * from CustomerCount where CustomerID=" + Convert.ToInt32(CustomerIDBox.Text.ToString()) + ""; tbl = rentalObj.AllRecords(qry); count = 1; if (tbl.Rows.Count > 0) { count = Convert.ToInt32(tbl.Rows[tbl.Rows.Count - 1]["c**t"].ToString()); count++; qry = "update CustomerCount set C**t=" + count + " where CustomerID=" + Convert.ToInt32(CustomerIDBox.Text.ToString()) + ""; rentalObj.UpdtRentalVideo(qry); } else { qry = "insert into CustomerCount (CustomerID,C**t) values(" + Convert.ToInt32(CustomerIDBox.Text.ToString()) + "," + count + ")"; rentalObj.AddRentalVideo(qry); } // insert query to save the record in the table String sql = "insert into RentalTbl(MovieId,CustomerID,IssuedDate,ReturnDate) values(" + Convert.ToInt32(MovieIDBox.Text.ToString()) + "," + Convert.ToInt32(CustomerIDBox.Text.ToString()) + ",'" + DateOfIssueDTP.Text.ToString() + "','Issued on Rent')"; // calling the method using polymorphism concept call the method of AddRentalVideo if (rentalObj.AddRentalVideo(sql) != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Movie is Issued on Rental"); MovieIDBox.Text = ""; CustomerIDBox.Text = ""; RentalIDBox.Text = ""; tbl = rentalObj.AllRentalVideo(); RecordBox.Refresh(); RecordBox.DataSource = tbl; } else { // display error message MessageBox.Show("Check the Record "); } } }