Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Recognizes a sketch of a circuit using the Flow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">An unlabeled Sketch and a UserTriggered flag</param>
        /// <returns>A Labeled Sketch and </returns>
        public override RecognitionResult Recognize(RecognitionArgs args)
            RecognitionResult result = new RecognitionResult();

            result.UserTriggered = args.UserTriggered;

            // Only recognize when necessary
            if (!args.UserTriggered)

            // Run recognition and fill result
            Flow.Flow flow;
                // Try to run the flow
                flow = new Flow.Flow(args.Sketch);

                // Grab sketch
                result.Sketch = flow.SketchHolder;
            catch (Exception e)
                // Catch all other exceptions
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("General Exception from sketch recognizer component: \n" + e.Message);

                // Return unrecognized sketch
                result.Sketch = args.Sketch;

Esempio n. 2
        public override RecognitionResult Recognize(RecognitionArgs args)
            Console.WriteLine("Sending sample sketch as recognition result");
            Sketch.Sketch resultSketch = ((new ReadXML(TestSketchFilePath)).Sketch);

            RecognitionResult result = new RecognitionResult();

            result.UserTriggered = true;
            result.Sketch        = resultSketch;

        /// <summary>
        /// Runs CircuitRec on a sketch (optionally a the test sketch located at TestSketchFilePath).
        /// Retrieves a CircuitRec instance that contains the following data:
        ///    * Map of substroke Ids to circuit elements (e.g. symbols, wires, and labels)
        ///    * Endpoints
        ///    * List of Parse error (if any)
        ///    * Text recognition results of recognizing labels
        /// Precondition: args contains a labeled sketch; exceptions will occur (and be caught)
        /// in CircuitRec if the labels are illogical or missing.  This is never called?
        /// </summary>
        public override RecognitionResult Recognize(RecognitionArgs args)
            // Get sketch to recognize
            Sketch.Sketch resultSketch;

            // DEBUG
            if (ReadFromFile)
                resultSketch = ((new ReadXML(TestSketchFilePath)).Sketch);
                resultSketch = args.Sketch;

            // Init CircuitRec
            CircuitRecResult result = new CircuitRecResult();
            Domain           domain = new Domain(FilenameConstants.DefaultCircuitRecDomainFilepath);

            Microsoft.Ink.WordList wordList = TextRecognition.TextRecognition.createLabelWordList();
            CircuitRec.CircuitRec  crec     = new CircuitRec.CircuitRec(domain, wordList);

            // Run CircuitRec
            catch (ParseError e)
                // TEMP deprecated?
                result.ParseError = e;
            catch (ApplicationException e)
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Error (ApplicationException): CircuitRec could not recognize circuit properties: \n" + e.Message);
            catch (Exception e)
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Error (General Exception): \n" + e.Message);

            // Fill in result
            result.UserTriggered      = args.UserTriggered;
            result.Sketch             = resultSketch;
            result.CircuitRecInstance = crec;

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Recognizes the strokes of the sketch using the Ink.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">An unlabeled Sketch and a UserTriggered flag</param>
        /// <returns>A Labeled Sketch and </returns>
        public override RecognitionResult Recognize(RecognitionArgs args)
            RecognitionResult result = new RecognitionResult();

            result.UserTriggered = args.UserTriggered;

            // Only recognize when necessary
            if (!args.UserTriggered)

            // Run recognition and fill result
            Sketcher sketcher = new Sketcher();

            iTool = sketcher.InkPanel.InkTool;
            iTool.Clusterer.ImageRecognizer.RecognitionCompleted += new RecognitionCompletedEventHandler(ImageRecognizer_RecognitionCompleted);
            settingsFilename = sketcher.SettingsFilename;
            dir = sketcher.BaseDirectory;

                iTool.Clusterer.ImageRecognizer.m_RecognitionComplete = false;
                // Try to use InkTool
                bool success = iTool.ClassifySketch(args.Sketch, settingsFilename, dir);
                StrokeClassifier.StrokeClassifierResult clResult = iTool.Clusterer.Classifier.Classify();
                StrokeGrouper.StrokeGrouperResult       grResult = iTool.Clusterer.Grouper.Group(clResult.AllClassifications);
                List <Cluster> initialClusters = new List <Cluster>();//iTool.Clusterer.CreateClusters(grResult);
                ImageRecognizerWrapper.ImageRecognizerResults imgResult = iTool.Clusterer.GetImageResults(initialClusters);
                //while (!iTool.Clusterer.InitialClustersDone);
                rSketch       = iTool.MakeSketch(imgResult.ScoredClusters);
                result.Sketch = rSketch;
            catch (Exception e)
                // Catch all other exceptions
                System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("General Exception from sketch recognizer component: \n" + e.Message);

                // Return unrecognized sketch
                result.Sketch = args.Sketch;

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// When the user manually triggers recognition, label everything
        /// in the sketch as a wire, and label a fixed percentage of a
        /// random selection of substrokes as erroneous.
        /// </summary>
        public override RecognitionResult Recognize(RecognitionArgs args)
            RecognitionResult result = new RecognitionResult();

            // Only operate on user triggered recognition events
            if (!args.UserTriggered)

            if (args.Sketch == null)

            Sketch.Sketch sketch = args.Sketch;

            // Label the substrokes
            foreach (Substroke sub in sketch.Substrokes)
                if (randObj.NextDouble() < ErrorRate)
                    sketch.AddLabel(sub, ErrorLabel, 1.0);
                    sketch.AddLabel(sub, WireLabel, 1.0);

            // Create result
            result.UserTriggered = args.UserTriggered;
            result.Sketch        = sketch;

        public override RecognitionResult Recognize(RecognitionArgs args)
            TruthTableRecognitionResult result = new TruthTableRecognitionResult();

            // Only recognizer on user triggered event
            if (!args.UserTriggered)

            // Extract number of columns, if available
            // TEMP Removed because TruthTable.assign(int) is no longer available
            //int numCols = -1;
            //if (args is TruthTableRecognitionArgs)
            //    numCols = ((TruthTableRecognitionArgs)args).NumCols;

            // Run recognition and create result
            result.Sketch = args.Sketch;
            TruthTable ttRecognizer = new TruthTable(result.Sketch);

            //if (numCols == -1)
            result.DataMatrix = ttRecognizer.assign();
            //    result.DataMatrix = ttRecognizer.assign(numCols);

            result.DataPins      = ttRecognizer.createPins(result.DataMatrix);
            result.LabelPins     = ttRecognizer.outputLabels();
            result.NumCols       = ttRecognizer.NumCols;
            result.NumRows       = ttRecognizer.NumRows;
            result.DividerIndex  = ttRecognizer.DivIndex;
            result.UserTriggered = args.UserTriggered;
            //result.Sketch = ttRecognizer.LabeledSketch;

            #region DEBUG

            /*Console.WriteLine("printing labels " + args.Sketch.LabelStrings.ToString());
             * foreach (Sketch.Shape sh in result.Sketch.Shapes)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("sketch shape " + sh.XmlAttrs.Type);
             *  if (sh.XmlAttrs.Type.Equals("Divider"))
             *  {
             *      foreach (Sketch.Substroke sub in sh.Substrokes)
             *      {
             *          sub.XmlAttrs.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red.ToArgb();
             *          Console.WriteLine("divider has substroke with props: " + sub.XmlAttrs.Id + "\n" + sub.Points[0]);
             *      }
             *  }
             * }
             * foreach (Sketch.Substroke sub in result.Sketch.Substrokes)
             * {
             *  if (sub.ParentShapes.Count == 0)
             *  {
             *      Console.WriteLine("no parent shapes: " + sub.XmlAttrs.Id + "\n " + sub.Points[0]);
             *  }
             *  else if (sub.ParentShapes[0].XmlAttrs.Type.Equals("Divider"))
             *  {
             *      Console.WriteLine("has a parent as divider: " + sub.XmlAttrs.Id + "\n " + sub.Points[0]);
             *  }
             * }*/

            // TEMP START Debug code from TruthTables/Debugging.cs

            /*int cols = result.NumCols;
             * Console.WriteLine("cols: " + cols);
             * int rows = result.NumRows;
             * Console.WriteLine("rows: " + rows);
             * // print out the labels
             * ttRecognizer.outputLabels();
             * // put the data values into the matrix,
             * // including the underscore between inputs and outputs
             * if (rows == -1)
             *  return result;
             * string[] list = new string[rows];
             * int d = result.DividerIndex;
             * Console.WriteLine("divider index: " + d);
             * for (int j = 0; j < rows; j++)
             * {
             *  for (int k = 0; k < cols; k++)
             *  {
             *      if (k == d)
             *      {
             *          list[j] += "_"; // separate inputs from outputs
             *      }
             *      if (result.DataMatrix[j, k] == -1)
             *      {
             *          list[j] += "X";
             *      }
             *      else
             *      {
             *          list[j] += result.DataMatrix[j, k];
             *      }
             *  }
             * }
             * // print out the matrix
             * for (int u = 0; u < list.Length; u++)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine(list[u]);
             * }
             * //
             * // TEMP END Debug code from TruthTables/Debugging.cs
             * //

