protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { base.OnNavigatedTo(e); int index = -1; if (e.Parameter == null) { recipes =; int numRecipes = recipes.getRecipeList().Count; if (numRecipes > 0) { index = 0; } } else { recipes = (RecipeList)e.Parameter; index = recipes.getSelectedIndex(); } this.recipeListView.ItemsSource = recipes.Recipes; if (index < 0) { detailFrame.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } recipeListView.SelectedIndex = index; updateLayoutFromState(AdaptiveStates.CurrentState, null); Debug.WriteLine(index); showDetailView(index); }
private void showDetailView(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) { Recipe r = (Recipe)e.ClickedItem; int itemIndex = 0; if (r != null) { itemIndex = recipes.getRecipeList().IndexOf(r); } showDetailView(itemIndex); }
private async void tryDeleteRecipe(Recipe recipeToDelete) { ContentDialog deleteConfirmationDialog = new ContentDialog { Title = "Permenantly delete recipe?", Content = "If you delete this recipe, you won't be" + " able to recover it. Are you Sure you want to delete" + " it?", PrimaryButtonText = "Delete", CloseButtonText = "Cancel" }; ContentDialogResult result = await deleteConfirmationDialog.ShowAsync(); if (result == ContentDialogResult.Primary) { int deleteIndex = recipes.getRecipeList().IndexOf(recipeToDelete); if (deleteIndex > 0) { // deleting recipe somewhere other than beginning // select the recipe before it recipes.SelectedIndex = deleteIndex - 1; } else if (deleteIndex == 0) { // deleting recipe at the beginning // select the same index recipes.SelectedIndex = 0; } recipes.removeRecipe(recipeToDelete); if (isNarrow()) { Frame.GoBack(); } else { if (recipes.Recipes.Count == 0) { // hide this column detailSectionGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } selectedRecipe = recipes.getSelected(); detailSection.SelectedItem = detailSection.MenuItems[0]; contentFrame.Navigate(typeof(DetailPage), selectedRecipe); } } }