public static void Load(ReceiveGPacket p) { int id1 = (int)p.readH(); int id2 = (int)p.readH(); byte num1 = p.readC(); byte num2 = p.readC(); byte num3 = p.readC(); int num4 = (int)p.readH(); if (p.getBuffer().Length > 11) { Logger.warning("[Invalid MARKER: " + BitConverter.ToString(p.getBuffer()) + "]"); } Channel channel = ChannelsXML.getChannel(id2); if (channel == null) { return; } Room room = channel.getRoom(id1); if (room == null || room._state != RoomState.Battle) { return; } Account playerBySlot = room.getPlayerBySlot((int)num1); if (playerBySlot == null) { return; } string message = ""; if (num2 == (byte)10) { message = Translation.GetLabel("LifeRestored", (object)num4); } else { switch (num3) { case 0: message = Translation.GetLabel("HitMarker1", (object)num4); break; case 1: message = Translation.GetLabel("HitMarker2", (object)num4); break; case 2: message = Translation.GetLabel("HitMarker3"); break; case 3: message = Translation.GetLabel("HitMarker4"); break; } } playerBySlot.SendPacket((SendPacket) new LOBBY_CHATTING_PAK(Translation.GetLabel("HitMarkerName"), playerBySlot.getSessionId(), 0, true, message)); }
public static void Load(ReceiveGPacket p) { long id = p.readQ(); long num1 = p.readQ(); int num2 = p.readD(); int num3 = (int)p.readC(); int num4 = (int)p.readC(); uint num5 = p.readUD(); Account account = AccountManager.getAccount(id, true); if (account == null) { return; } ItemsModel itemsModel = account._inventory.getItem(num1); if (itemsModel == null) { account._inventory.AddItem(new ItemsModel() { _objId = num1, _id = num2, _equip = num3, _count = num5, _category = num4, _name = "" }); } else { itemsModel._count = num5; } }
public static void Load(ReceiveGPacket p) { int type = p.readC(); int clanId = p.readD(); long ownerId; int date; string name, info; Clan clanCache = ClanManager.getClan(clanId); if (type == 0) { if (clanCache != null) { return; } ownerId = p.readQ(); date = p.readD(); name = p.readS(p.readC()); info = p.readS(p.readC()); Clan clan = new Clan { _id = clanId, _name = name, owner_id = ownerId, _logo = 0, _info = info, creationDate = date }; ClanManager.AddClan(clan); } else { if (clanCache != null) { ClanManager.RemoveClan(clanCache); } } }
public static void LoadShutdown(ReceiveGPacket p) { string str1 = p.readS((int)p.readC()); string str2 = ComDiv.gen5(p.readS((int)p.readC())); Account accountDb = AccountManager.getInstance().getAccountDB((object)str1, (object)str2, 2, 0); if (accountDb == null || !(accountDb.password == str2) || accountDb.access < 4) { return; } int num = 0; foreach (LoginClient loginClient in (IEnumerable <LoginClient>)LoginManager._socketList.Values) { loginClient._client.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); loginClient._client.Close(10000); ++num; } Logger.warning("[SM] Clients downed due a shutdown: " + (object)num + ". (By: " + str1 + ")"); LoginManager.ServerIsClosed = true; LoginManager.mainSocket.Close(5000); Logger.warning("[SM] Server receive code has been shutdowned for 5 seconds!"); Thread.Sleep(5000); Auth_SyncNet.udp.Close(); Logger.warning("[SM] Starting step 2."); foreach (LoginClient loginClient in (IEnumerable <LoginClient>)LoginManager._socketList.Values) { loginClient.Close(0, true); } Logger.warning("[SM] Server has been completely shutdowned."); }
public static void Load(ReceiveGPacket p) { long playerId = p.readQ(); long objId = p.readQ(); int itemid = p.readD(); int equip = p.readC(); int category = p.readC(); uint count = p.readUD(); Account player = AccountManager.getAccount(playerId, true); if (player == null) { return; } ItemsModel item = player._inventory.getItem(objId); if (item == null) { player._inventory.AddItem(new ItemsModel { _objId = objId, _id = itemid, _equip = equip, _count = count, _category = category, _name = "" }); } else { item._count = count; } }
public static void LoadShutdown(ReceiveGPacket p) { string text1 = p.readS((int)p.readC()); string text2 = p.readS((int)p.readC()); Account account = AccountManager.getAccount(text1, 0, 0); if (account == null || !(account.password == ComDiv.gen5(text2)) || account.access < AccessLevel.GameMaster) { return; } int num = 0; foreach (GameClient gameClient in (IEnumerable <GameClient>)GameManager._socketList.Values) { gameClient._client.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); gameClient.Close(5000, false); ++num; } Logger.warning("[SM] Clients downed due a shutdown: " + (object)num + ". (By: " + text1 + ")"); GameManager.ServerIsClosed = true; GameManager.mainSocket.Close(5000); Logger.warning("[SM] Server receive code has been shutdowned for 5 seconds!"); Thread.Sleep(5000); Game_SyncNet.udp.Close(); Logger.warning("[SM] Starting step 2."); foreach (GameClient gameClient in (IEnumerable <GameClient>)GameManager._socketList.Values) { gameClient.Close(0, false); } Logger.warning("[SM] Server has been completely shutdowned."); }
public static void Load(ReceiveGPacket p) { int num1 = (int)p.readC(); int id = p.readD(); Clan clan = ClanManager.getClan(id); if (num1 == 0) { if (clan != null) { return; } long num2 = p.readQ(); int num3 = p.readD(); string str1 = p.readS((int)p.readC()); string str2 = p.readS((int)p.readC()); ClanManager.AddClan(new Clan() { _id = id, _name = str1, owner_id = num2, _logo = 0U, _info = str2, creationDate = num3 }); } else { if (clan == null) { return; } ClanManager.RemoveClan(clan); } }
public static void Load(ReceiveGPacket p) { int roomId = p.readH(); int channelId = p.readH(); byte killerIdx = p.readC(); byte deathtype = p.readC(); byte hitEnum = p.readC(); int damage = p.readH(); if (p.getBuffer().Length > 11) { Printf.warning("Invalid hitMaker"); SaveLog.warning("[Invalid MARKER: " + BitConverter.ToString(p.getBuffer()) + "]"); return; // teste } Channel ch = ChannelsXML.getChannel(channelId); if (ch == null) { return; } Room room = ch.getRoom(roomId); if (room != null && room._state == RoomState.Battle) { Account player = room.getPlayerBySlot(killerIdx); if (player != null) { string warn = ""; if (deathtype == 10) { warn = Translation.GetLabel("LifeRestored", damage); } else if (hitEnum == 0) { warn = Translation.GetLabel("HitMarker1", damage); } else if (hitEnum == 1) { warn = Translation.GetLabel("HitMarker2", damage); } else if (hitEnum == 2) { warn = Translation.GetLabel("HitMarker3"); } else if (hitEnum == 3) { warn = Translation.GetLabel("HitMarker4"); } player.SendPacket(new LOBBY_CHATTING_PAK(Translation.GetLabel("HitMarkerName"), player.getSessionId(), 0, true, warn)); } } }
public static void Load(ReceiveGPacket p) { long id = p.readQ(); int num1 = (int)p.readC(); long num2 = p.readQ(); Friend friend = (Friend)null; if (num1 <= 1) { int num3 = (int)p.readC(); bool flag = p.readC() == (byte)1; friend = new Friend(num2) { state = num3, removed = flag }; } if (friend == null && num1 <= 1) { return; } Account account = AccountManager.getAccount(id, true); if (account == null) { return; } if (num1 <= 1) { friend.player.player_name = account.player_name; friend.player._rank = account._rank; friend.player._isOnline = account._isOnline; friend.player._status = account._status; } if (num1 == 0) { account.FriendSystem.AddFriend(friend); } else if (num1 == 1) { if (account.FriendSystem.GetFriend(num2) == null) { ; } } else { if (num1 != 2) { return; } account.FriendSystem.RemoveFriend(num2); } }
public static void Load(ReceiveGPacket p) { int roomId = p.readH(); int channelId = p.readH(); int type = p.readC(); int slotIdx = p.readC(); int areaId = 0; float x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; if (type == 0) { areaId = p.readC(); x = p.readT(); y = p.readT(); z = p.readT(); if (p.getBuffer().Length > 21) { SaveLog.warning("[Invalid BOMB0: " + BitConverter.ToString(p.getBuffer()) + "]"); } } else if (type == 1) { if (p.getBuffer().Length > 8) { SaveLog.warning("[Invalid BOMB1: " + BitConverter.ToString(p.getBuffer()) + "]"); } } Channel ch = ChannelsXML.getChannel(channelId); if (ch == null) { return; } Room room = ch.getRoom(roomId); if (room != null && room.round.Timer == null && room._state == RoomState.Battle) { SLOT slot = room.getSlot(slotIdx); if (slot == null || slot.state != SLOT_STATE.BATTLE) { return; } if (type == 0) { InstallBomb(room,slot,areaId,x,y,z); } else if (type == 1) { UninstallBomb(room,slot); } } }
public static void Load(ReceiveGPacket p) { long playerId = p.readQ(); int type = p.readC(); long friendId = p.readQ(); int state; Friend friendModel = null; if (type <= 1) { state = p.readC(); friendModel = new Friend(friendId) { state = state }; } if (friendModel == null && type <= 1) { return; } Account player = AccountManager.getInstance().getAccount(playerId, true); if (player != null) { if (type <= 1) { friendModel.player.player_name = player.player_name; friendModel.player._rank = player._rank; friendModel.player._isOnline = player._isOnline; friendModel.player._status = player._status; } if (type == 0) //Adicionar { player.FriendSystem.AddFriend(friendModel); } else if (type == 1) //Atualizar { Friend myFriend = player.FriendSystem.GetFriend(friendId); if (myFriend != null) { myFriend = friendModel; } } else if (type == 2) //Deletar { player.FriendSystem.RemoveFriend(friendId); } } }
public static void Load(ReceiveGPacket p) { long id = p.readQ(); int num1 = (int)p.readC(); Account account = AccountManager.getAccount(id, true); if (account == null || num1 != 3) { return; } int num2 = p.readD(); int num3 = (int)p.readC(); account.clanId = num2; account.clanAccess = num3; }
public Add_Allow_Rule(ReceiveGPacket dados) { // codigo de operação - 1 byte // ipSize - 1 byte // ip int ipSize = dados.readC(); string ip = dados.readS(ipSize); IPAddress ipAddr; if (!IPAddress.TryParse(ip, out ipAddr)) { Printf.danger("[Error] Invalid IP"); return; } if (allowed.Contains(ip)) {"[Permitir] Já esta na liberado " + ip); return; } Netsh.Permit(ip); allowed.Add(ip);"[Permitir] IP: " + ip + " Ports " + Config.gamePort + " UDP " + Config.battlePort); }
public static void LoadServerUpdate(ReceiveGPacket p) { int serverId = (int)p.readC(); ServersXML.UpdateServer(serverId); Logger.warning("[SM] Servidor " + (object)serverId + " atualizado."); }
public static void LoadShopRestart(ReceiveGPacket p) { int type = (int)p.readC(); ShopManager.Reset(); ShopManager.Load(type); Logger.warning("[SM] Shop reiniciada. (Type: " + (object)type + ")"); }
public static void LoadGMWarning(ReceiveGPacket p) { string text1 = p.readS((int)p.readC()); string text2 = p.readS((int)p.readC()); string msg = p.readS((int)p.readH()); Account account = AccountManager.getAccount(text1, 0, 0); if (account == null || !(account.password == ComDiv.gen5(text2)) || account.access < AccessLevel.GameMaster) { return; } int num = 0; using (SERVER_MESSAGE_ANNOUNCE_PAK messageAnnouncePak = new SERVER_MESSAGE_ANNOUNCE_PAK(msg)) num = GameManager.SendPacketToAllClients((SendPacket)messageAnnouncePak); Logger.warning("[SM] Aviso gerado a " + (object)num + " jogadores: " + msg); }
public static void Load(ReceiveGPacket p) { long id = p.readQ(); int num1 = (int)p.readC(); int num2 = (int)p.readC(); int num3 = p.readD(); int num4 = p.readD(); Account account = AccountManager.getAccount(id, true); if (account == null || num1 != 0) { return; } account._rank = num2; account._gp = num3; account._money = num4; }
public static void LoadGMWarning(ReceiveGPacket p) { string str1 = p.readS((int)p.readC()); string text = p.readS((int)p.readC()); string msg = p.readS((int)p.readH()); string str2 = ComDiv.gen5(text); Account accountDb = AccountManager.getInstance().getAccountDB((object)str1, (object)str2, 2, 0); if (accountDb == null || accountDb.access <= 3) { return; } int num = 0; using (SERVER_MESSAGE_ANNOUNCE_PAK messageAnnouncePak = new SERVER_MESSAGE_ANNOUNCE_PAK(msg)) num = LoginManager.SendPacketToAllClients((SendPacket)messageAnnouncePak); Logger.warning("[SM] Aviso gerado a " + (object)num + " jogadores: " + msg); }
public static void Load(ReceiveGPacket p) { long playerId = p.readQ(), memberId; int type = p.readC(); Account player = AccountManager.getInstance().getAccount(playerId, true); if (player == null) { return; } if (type == 0) { ClanInfo.ClearList(player); } else if (type == 1) { memberId = p.readQ(); string name = p.readS(p.readC()); byte[] status = p.readB(4); byte rank = p.readC(); Account member = new Account { player_id = memberId, player_name = name, _rank = rank }; member._status.SetData(status, memberId); ClanInfo.AddMember(player, member); } else if (type == 2) { memberId = p.readQ(); ClanInfo.RemoveMember(player, memberId); } else if (type == 3) { int clanId = p.readD(); int clanAccess = p.readC(); player.clan_id = clanId; player.clanAccess = clanAccess; } }
public static void Load(ReceiveGPacket p) { long id1 = p.readQ(); int num1 = (int)p.readC(); Account account = AccountManager.getInstance().getAccount(id1, true); if (account == null) { return; } switch (num1) { case 0: ClanInfo.ClearList(account); break; case 1: long pId = p.readQ(); string str = p.readS((int)p.readC()); byte[] buffer = p.readB(4); byte num2 = p.readC(); Account member = new Account() { player_id = pId, player_name = str, _rank = (int)num2 }; member._status.SetData(buffer, pId); ClanInfo.AddMember(account, member); break; case 2: long id2 = p.readQ(); ClanInfo.RemoveMember(account, id2); break; case 3: int num3 = p.readD(); int num4 = (int)p.readC(); account.clan_id = num3; account.clanAccess = num4; break; } }
public static void Load(ReceiveGPacket p) { long playerId = p.readQ(); int type = p.readC(); Account player = AccountManager.getAccount(playerId, true); if (player == null) { return; } if (type == 3) { int clanId = p.readD(); int clanAccess = p.readC(); player.clanId = clanId; player.clanAccess = clanAccess; } }
public static void Load(ReceiveGPacket p) { int id1 = (int)p.readH(); int id2 = (int)p.readH(); int slotIdx = (int)p.readC(); int num = (int)p.readC(); Channel channel = ChannelsXML.getChannel(id2); if (channel == null) { return; } Room room = channel.getRoom(id1); if (room != null && room.round.Timer == null && (room._state == RoomState.Battle && room.room_type == (byte)7)) { SLOT slot = room.getSlot(slotIdx); if (slot != null && slot.state == SLOT_STATE.BATTLE) { ++slot.passSequence; if (slot._team == 0) { room.red_dino += 5; } else { room.blue_dino += 5; } Net_Room_Pass_Portal.CompleteMission(room,slot); using (BATTLE_MISSION_ESCAPE_PAK missionEscapePak = new BATTLE_MISSION_ESCAPE_PAK(room,slot)) { using (BATTLE_DINO_PLACAR_PAK battleDinoPlacarPak = new BATTLE_DINO_PLACAR_PAK(room)) room.SendPacketToPlayers((SendPacket)missionEscapePak,(SendPacket)battleDinoPlacarPak,SLOT_STATE.BATTLE,0); } } } if (p.getBuffer().Length <= 8) { return; } Logger.warning("[Invalid PORTAL: " + BitConverter.ToString(p.getBuffer()) + "]"); }
public static void Load(ReceiveGPacket p) { long playerId = p.readQ(); int type = p.readC(); int rank = p.readC(); int gold = p.readD(); int cash = p.readD(); Account player = AccountManager.getAccount(playerId, true); if (player == null) { return; } if (type == 0) { player._rank = rank; player._gp = gold; player._money = cash; } }
public static void Load(ReceiveGPacket p) { int roomId = p.readH(); int channelId = p.readH(); int slotId = p.readC(); //player int portalId = p.readC(); //portal Channel ch = ChannelsXML.getChannel(channelId); if (ch == null) { return; } Room room = ch.getRoom(roomId); if (room != null && room.round.Timer == null && room._state == RoomState.Battle && room.room_type == 7) { SLOT slot = room.getSlot(slotId); if (slot != null && slot.state == SLOT_STATE.BATTLE) { ++slot.passSequence; if (slot._team == 0) { room.red_dino += 5; } else { room.blue_dino += 5; } CompleteMission(room,slot); using (BATTLE_MISSION_ESCAPE_PAK packet = new BATTLE_MISSION_ESCAPE_PAK(room,slot)) using (BATTLE_DINO_PLACAR_PAK packet2 = new BATTLE_DINO_PLACAR_PAK(room)) room.SendPacketToPlayers(packet,packet2,SLOT_STATE.BATTLE,0); } } if (p.getBuffer().Length > 8) { SaveLog.warning("[Invalid PORTAL] Slot:" + slotId + " " + BitConverter.ToString(p.getBuffer()) + "]"); Printf.warning("Invalid Portal Slot:" + slotId); } }
private static void LoadPacket(byte[] buffer) { ReceiveGPacket p = new ReceiveGPacket(buffer); short opcode = p.readC(); try { switch (opcode) { case 0: // BLOCK Geral new Add_Drop_Rule(p); break; case 20: // Allow TCP Auth break; case 21: // Allow TCP Game break; case 22: // Allow UDP Battle break; case 23: // Allow UDP Battle, TCP Game new Add_Allow_Rule(p); break; default: Printf.warning("[x] opcode not found! " + opcode); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Printf.b_danger("[FwSyncNet.LoadPacket] " + ex.ToString()); } }
private static void LoadPacket(byte[] buffer) { ReceiveGPacket p = new ReceiveGPacket(buffer); short opcode = p.readH(); try { switch (opcode) { case 11: //Request to sync a specific friend or clan info int type = p.readC(); int isConnect = p.readC(); long pid = p.readQ(); Account player = AccountManager.getInstance().getAccount(pid, true); if (player != null) { Account friend = AccountManager.getInstance().getAccount(p.readQ(), true); if (friend != null) { FriendState state = isConnect == 1 ? FriendState.Online : FriendState.Offline; if (type == 0) { int idx = -1; Friend frP = friend.FriendSystem.GetFriend(player.player_id, out idx); if (idx != -1 && frP != null) { friend.SendPacket(new FRIEND_UPDATE_PAK(FriendChangeState.Update, frP, state, idx)); } } else { friend.SendPacket(new CLAN_MEMBER_INFO_CHANGE_PAK(player, state)); } } } break; case 13: long playerId = p.readQ(); byte typee = p.readC(); byte[] data = p.readB(p.readUH()); Account playerr = AccountManager.getInstance().getAccount(playerId, true); if (playerr != null) { if (typee == 0) { playerr.SendPacket(data); } else { playerr.SendCompletePacket(data); } } break; case 15: short serverId = p.readH(); short count = p.readH(); GameServerModel gs = ServersXML.getServer(serverId); if (gs != null) { gs._LastCount = count; } break; case 16: Net_Clan_Sync.Load(p); break; case 17: Net_Friend_Sync.Load(p); break; case 19: Net_Player_Sync.Load(p); break; default: Printf.warning("[Auth_SyncNet] Tipo de conexão não encontrada: " + opcode); SaveLog.warning("[Auth_SyncNet] Tipo de conexão não encontrada: " + opcode); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { SaveLog.fatal("[Crash/Auth_SyncNet] opcode: " + opcode + "\r\n" + ex.ToString()); Printf.b_danger("[Auth_SyncNet.LoadPacket] Erro fatal!"); } }
public static void Load(ReceiveGPacket p) { int id1 = (int)p.readH(); int id2 = (int)p.readH(); byte num1 = p.readC(); ushort num2 = p.readUH(); ushort num3 = p.readUH(); int num4 = (int)p.readC(); ushort num5 = p.readUH(); if (p.getBuffer().Length > 14) { Logger.warning("[Invalid SABOTAGE: " + BitConverter.ToString(p.getBuffer()) + "]"); } Channel channel = ChannelsXML.getChannel(id2); if (channel == null) { return; } Room room = channel.getRoom(id1); SLOT slot; if (room == null || room.round.Timer != null || (room._state != RoomState.Battle || room.swapRound) || !room.getSlot((int)num1,out slot)) { return; } room.Bar1 = (int)num2; room.Bar2 = (int)num3; RoomType roomType = (RoomType)room.room_type; int num6 = 0; switch (num4) { case 1: slot.damageBar1 += num5; num6 += (int)slot.damageBar1 / 600; break; case 2: slot.damageBar2 += num5; num6 += (int)slot.damageBar2 / 600; break; } slot.earnedXP = num6; switch (roomType) { case RoomType.Destroy: using (BATTLE_MISSION_GENERATOR_INFO_PAK generatorInfoPak = new BATTLE_MISSION_GENERATOR_INFO_PAK(room)) room.SendPacketToPlayers((SendPacket)generatorInfoPak,SLOT_STATE.BATTLE,0); if (room.Bar1 == 0) { Net_Room_Sabotage_Sync.EndRound(room,(byte)1); break; } if (room.Bar2 != 0) { break; } Net_Room_Sabotage_Sync.EndRound(room,(byte)0); break; case RoomType.Defense: using (BATTLE_MISSION_DEFENCE_INFO_PAK missionDefenceInfoPak = new BATTLE_MISSION_DEFENCE_INFO_PAK(room)) room.SendPacketToPlayers((SendPacket)missionDefenceInfoPak,SLOT_STATE.BATTLE,0); if (room.Bar1 != 0 || room.Bar2 != 0) { break; } Net_Room_Sabotage_Sync.EndRound(room,(byte)0); break; } }
private static void LoadPacket(byte[] buffer) { ReceiveGPacket p = new ReceiveGPacket(buffer); short num1 = p.readH(); try { switch (num1) { case 1: Net_Room_Pass_Portal.Load(p); break; case 2: Net_Room_C4.Load(p); break; case 3: Net_Room_Death.Load(p); break; case 4: Net_Room_HitMarker.Load(p); break; case 5: Net_Room_Sabotage_Sync.Load(p); break; case 10: Account account1 = AccountManager.getAccount(p.readQ(), true); if (account1 == null) { break; } account1.SendPacket((SendPacket) new AUTH_ACCOUNT_KICK_PAK(1)); account1.SendPacket((SendPacket) new SERVER_MESSAGE_ERROR_PAK(2147487744U)); account1.Close(1000, false); break; case 11: int num2 = (int)p.readC(); int num3 = (int)p.readC(); Account account2 = AccountManager.getAccount(p.readQ(), 0); if (account2 == null) { break; } Account account3 = AccountManager.getAccount(p.readQ(), true); if (account3 == null) { break; } FriendState friendState = num3 == 1 ? FriendState.Online : FriendState.Offline; if (num2 == 0) { int index = -1; Friend friend = account3.FriendSystem.GetFriend(account2.player_id, out index); if (index == -1 || friend == null || friend.state != 0) { break; } account3.SendPacket((SendPacket) new FRIEND_UPDATE_PAK(FriendChangeState.Update, friend, friendState, index)); break; } account3.SendPacket((SendPacket) new CLAN_MEMBER_INFO_CHANGE_PAK(account2, friendState)); break; case 13: long id1 = p.readQ(); byte num4 = p.readC(); byte[] data = p.readB((int)p.readUH()); Account account4 = AccountManager.getAccount(id1, true); if (account4 == null) { break; } if (num4 == (byte)0) { account4.SendPacket(data); break; } account4.SendCompletePacket(data); break; case 15: int id2 = p.readD(); int num5 = p.readD(); GameServerModel server = ServersXML.getServer(id2); if (server == null) { break; } server._LastCount = num5; break; case 16: Net_Clan_Sync.Load(p); break; case 17: Net_Friend_Sync.Load(p); break; case 18: Net_Inventory_Sync.Load(p); break; case 19: Net_Player_Sync.Load(p); break; case 20: Net_Server_Warning.LoadGMWarning(p); break; case 21: Net_Clan_Servers_Sync.Load(p); break; case 22: Net_Server_Warning.LoadShopRestart(p); break; case 23: Net_Server_Warning.LoadServerUpdate(p); break; case 24: Net_Server_Warning.LoadShutdown(p); break; case 31: EventLoader.ReloadEvent((int)p.readC()); Logger.warning("[Game_SyncNet] Evento re-carregado."); break; case 32: ServerConfigSyncer.GenerateConfig((int)p.readC()); Logger.warning("[Game_SyncNet] Configurações (DB) resetadas."); break; default: Logger.warning("[Game_SyncNet] Tipo de conexão não encontrada: " + (object)num1); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.error("[Crash/Game_SyncNet] Tipo: " + (object)num1 + "\r\n" + ex.ToString()); if (p == null) { return; } Logger.error("COMP: " + BitConverter.ToString(p.getBuffer())); } }
private static void LoadPacket(byte[] buffer) { ReceiveGPacket p = new ReceiveGPacket(buffer); short num1 = p.readH(); switch (num1) { case 11: int num2 = (int)p.readC(); int num3 = (int)p.readC(); Account account1 = AccountManager.getInstance().getAccount(p.readQ(), true); if (account1 == null) { break; } Account account2 = AccountManager.getInstance().getAccount(p.readQ(), true); if (account2 == null) { break; } FriendState friendState = num3 == 1 ? FriendState.Online : FriendState.Offline; if (num2 == 0) { int index = -1; Friend friend = account2.FriendSystem.GetFriend(account1.player_id, out index); if (index == -1 || friend == null) { break; } account2.SendPacket((SendPacket) new FRIEND_UPDATE_PAK(FriendChangeState.Update, friend, friendState, index)); break; } account2.SendPacket((SendPacket) new CLAN_MEMBER_INFO_CHANGE_PAK(account1, friendState)); break; case 13: long id1 = p.readQ(); byte num4 = p.readC(); byte[] data = p.readB((int)p.readUH()); Account account3 = AccountManager.getInstance().getAccount(id1, true); if (account3 == null) { break; } if (num4 == (byte)0) { account3.SendPacket(data); break; } account3.SendCompletePacket(data); break; case 15: int id2 = p.readD(); int num5 = p.readD(); GameServerModel server = ServersXML.getServer(id2); if (server == null) { break; } server._LastCount = num5; break; case 16: Net_Clan_Sync.Load(p); break; case 17: Net_Friend_Sync.Load(p); break; case 19: Net_Player_Sync.Load(p); break; case 20: Net_Server_Warning.LoadGMWarning(p); break; case 22: Net_Server_Warning.LoadShopRestart(p); break; case 23: Net_Server_Warning.LoadServerUpdate(p); break; case 24: Net_Server_Warning.LoadShutdown(p); break; case 31: EventLoader.ReloadEvent((int)p.readC()); Logger.warning("[Auth_SyncNet] Evento re-carregado."); break; case 32: ServerConfigSyncer.GenerateConfig((int)p.readC()); Logger.warning("[Auth_SyncNet] Configurações (DB) resetadas."); break; default: Logger.warning("[Auth_SyncNet] Tipo de conexão não encontrada: " + (object)num1); break; } }
private static void LoadPacket(byte[] buffer) { ReceiveGPacket p = new ReceiveGPacket(buffer); short opcode = p.readH(); //Printf.warnDark("Receive SYNC - " + opcode.ToString()); try { switch (opcode) { case 1: Net_Room_Pass_Portal.Load(p); break; case 2: // Bomba Net_Room_C4.Load(p); break; case 3: //Death Net_Room_Death.Load(p); break; case 4: Net_Room_HitMarker.Load(p); break; case 5: Net_Room_Sabotage_Sync.Load(p); break; case 10: Account player = AccountManager.getAccount(p.readQ(), true); if (player != null) { player.SendPacket(new AUTH_ACCOUNT_KICK_PAK(1)); player.SendPacket(new SERVER_MESSAGE_ERROR_PAK(0x80001000)); player.Close(1000); } break; case 11: //Request to sync a specific friend or clan info int type = p.readC(); int isConnect = p.readC(); Account player11 = AccountManager.getAccount(p.readQ(), 0); if (player11 != null) { Account friendAcc = AccountManager.getAccount(p.readQ(), true); if (friendAcc != null) { FriendState state = isConnect == 1 ? FriendState.Online : FriendState.Offline; if (type == 0) { int idx = -1; Friend friend = friendAcc.FriendSystem.GetFriend(player11.player_id, out idx); if (idx != -1 && friend != null && friend.state == 0) { friendAcc.SendPacket(new FRIEND_UPDATE_PAK(FriendChangeState.Update, friend, state, idx)); } } else { friendAcc.SendPacket(new CLAN_MEMBER_INFO_CHANGE_PAK(player11, state)); } } } break; case 13: long playerId = p.readQ(); byte type13 = p.readC(); byte[] data = p.readB(p.readUH()); Account player13 = AccountManager.getAccount(playerId, true); if (player13 != null) { if (type13 == 0) { player13.SendPacket(data); } else { player13.SendCompletePacket(data); } } break; case 15: short serverId = p.readH(); short count = p.readH(); GameServerModel gs = ServersXML.getServer(serverId); if (gs != null) { gs._LastCount = count; } break; case 16: Net_Clan_Sync.Load(p); break; case 17: Net_Friend_Sync.Load(p); break; case 18: Net_Inventory_Sync.Load(p); break; case 19: Net_Player_Sync.Load(p); break; case 21: Net_Clan_Servers_Sync.Load(p); break; case 100: ReadAPI_Cash.Load(p); break; default: Printf.warning("[Game_SyncNet] Tipo de conexão não encontrada: " + opcode); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { SaveLog.fatal("[Game_SyncNet.LoadPacket] Tipo: " + opcode + "\r\n" + ex.ToString()); Printf.b_danger("[GameSyncNet.LoadPacket] Erro fatal!"); } }