public override void Process(CmdTrigger <RealmServerCmdArgs> trigger) { string accName = trigger.Text.NextWord(); if (accName != null) { RealmAccount acc = ServerApp <RealmServer> .Instance.GetOrRequestAccount(accName); if (acc != null) { if (acc.IsActive) { trigger.Reply("Account '" + acc.Name + "' is not banned."); } else { trigger.Reply(acc.StatusUntil.Value.ToLongDateString()); } } else { trigger.Reply("Account '" + accName + "' does not exist."); } } else { trigger.Reply("Please include the account name."); } }
public static void DumpPacket(RealmAccount acc, RealmPacketIn packet, bool copy, PacketSender sender) { if (CanDump(packet.PacketId)) { var writer = GetTextWriter(acc); DumpPacket(packet, sender, copy, writer); } }
/// <summary> /// Checks whether the client is allowed to login and -if so- logs it in /// </summary> /// <remarks>Executed in IO-Context.</remarks> /// <param name="client"></param> /// <param name="charLowId"></param> private static void LoginCharacter(IRealmClient client, uint charLowId) { RealmAccount account = client.Account; if (account == null) { return; } CharacterRecord record = client.Account.GetCharacterRecord(charLowId); if (record == null) { LoginHandler.log.Error(string.Format(WCell_RealmServer.CharacterNotFound, (object)charLowId, (object)account.Name)); LoginHandler.SendCharacterLoginFail((IPacketReceiver)client, LoginErrorCode.CHAR_LOGIN_NO_CHARACTER); } else if (record.CharacterFlags.HasAnyFlag(CharEnumFlags.NeedsRename | CharEnumFlags.LockedForBilling)) { LoginHandler.SendCharacterLoginFail((IPacketReceiver)client, LoginErrorCode.AUTH_BILLING_EXPIRED); } else { if (client.ActiveCharacter != null) { return; } Character character = (Character)null; try { Func <IRealmClient, CharacterRecord, CharacterRecord> beforeLogin = LoginHandler.BeforeLogin; if (beforeLogin != null) { record = beforeLogin(client, record); if (record == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("record", "BeforeLogin returned null"); } } character = record.CreateCharacter(); character.Create(account, record, client); character.LoadAndLogin(); string str = string.Format("Welcome to " + WCell.RealmServer.RealmServer.FormattedTitle); MiscHandler.SendMotd((IPacketReceiver)client, str); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.ErrorException(ex, "Failed to load Character from Record: " + (object)record, new object[0]); if (character == null) { return; } character.Dispose(); client.Disconnect(false); } } }
private static void LoginCharacter(IRealmClient client, uint charLowId, bool isLoginStep) { RealmAccount account = client.Account; if (account == null) { return; } CharacterRecord record = client.Account.GetCharacterRecord(charLowId); if (record == null) { Asda2LoginHandler.log.Error(string.Format(WCell_RealmServer.CharacterNotFound, (object)charLowId, (object)account.Name)); client.Disconnect(false); } else { if (client.ActiveCharacter != null) { return; } Character character = (Character)null; try { Func <IRealmClient, CharacterRecord, CharacterRecord> beforeLogin = Asda2LoginHandler.BeforeLogin; if (beforeLogin != null) { record = beforeLogin(client, record); if (record == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("record", "BeforeLogin returned null"); } } character = record.CreateCharacter(); if (isLoginStep) { character.IsLoginServerStep = true; character.IsFirstGameConnection = true; } character.Create(account, record, client); character.LoadAndLogin(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtil.ErrorException(ex, "Failed to load Character from Record: " + (object)record, new object[0]); if (character == null) { return; } character.Dispose(); client.Disconnect(false); } } }
public FakeRealmClient(RealmAccount acc) : base(RealmServer.Instance, FakePacketMgr.Instance) { Account = acc; //if (!Account.Initialize()) //{ // throw new Exception("Could not initialize Account!"); //} }
/// <summary> /// Use this ctor on authed users only /// </summary> /// <param name="account"></param> public WCellArgs(RealmAccount account) { if (account == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("account"); } Account = account; AcceptExceptionEchos = true; }
public static void DumpPacketOut(RealmAccount acc, RealmPacketOut packetOut, PacketSender sender) { if (CanDump(packetOut.PacketId)) { var writer = GetTextWriter(acc); using (var packet = DisposableRealmPacketIn.CreateFromOutPacket(packetOut)) { DumpPacket(packet, sender, false, writer); } } }
/// <summary> /// Dumps the content of an Update packet to the console /// </summary> //public static void DumpUpdatePacket(RealmPacketOut packet) //{ // try // { // ParsedUpdatePacket.Dump(packet.GetPacketPayload(), false, m_updatePacketWriter); // m_updatePacketWriter.Flush(); // } // catch (Exception e) // { // OnException("Failed to parse Update-Packet.", e, packet.GetPacketPayload()); // } //} public static void DumpPacketOut(RealmAccount acc, byte[] packetOut, int offset, int length, PacketSender sender) { if (Dumps) { var writer = GetTextWriter(acc); using (var packet = DisposableRealmPacketIn.CreateFromOutPacket(packetOut, offset, length)) { if (CanDump(packet.PacketId)) { DumpPacket(packet, sender, false, writer); } } } }
public static void CharacterInitOnChanelChangeRequest(IRealmClient client, RealmPacketIn packet) { if (client == null || client.ClientAddress == null) { return; } int num = packet.ReadInt32(); Account account = AccountMgr.GetAccount(num); if (account == null || account.LastIPStr != client.ClientAddress.ToString()) { if (account != null) { Log.Create(Log.Types.AccountOperations, LogSourceType.Account, (uint)num) .AddAttribute("operation", 1.0, "login_on_map_change_bad_ip") .AddAttribute("name", 0.0, account.Name) .AddAttribute("ip", 0.0, client.ClientAddress.ToString()) .AddAttribute("old_ip", 0.0, account.LastIPStr).Write(); } client.Disconnect(false); } else { RealmAccount loggedInAccount = ServerApp <RealmServer> .Instance.GetLoggedInAccount(account.Name); if (loggedInAccount == null || loggedInAccount.ActiveCharacter == null) { client.Disconnect(false); } else { client.IsGameServerConnection = true; client.Account = loggedInAccount; LogHelperEntry lgDelete = Log.Create(Log.Types.AccountOperations, LogSourceType.Account, (uint)num) .AddAttribute("operation", 1.0, "login_on_map_change").AddAttribute("name", 0.0, account.Name) .AddAttribute("chr", loggedInAccount.ActiveCharacter.EntryId, loggedInAccount.ActiveCharacter.Name) .AddAttribute("ip", 0.0, client.ClientAddress.ToString()).Write(); Log.Create(Log.Types.AccountOperations, LogSourceType.Character, loggedInAccount.ActiveCharacter.EntityId.Low) .AddAttribute("operation", 1.0, "login_on_map_change") .AddAttribute("ip", 0.0, client.ClientAddress.ToString()).AddAttribute("chr", loggedInAccount.ActiveCharacter.EntryId, loggedInAccount.ActiveCharacter.Name) .AddReference(lgDelete).Write(); PreLoginCharacter(client, loggedInAccount.ActiveCharacter.EntityId.Low, false); } } }
public AccountFullInfo LogoffAccount(string name) { Account account = AccountMgr.GetAccount(name); if (account == null) { return((AccountFullInfo)null); } RealmAccount loggedInAccount = ServerApp <WCell.RealmServer.RealmServer> .Instance.GetLoggedInAccount(name); if (loggedInAccount != null && loggedInAccount.ActiveCharacter != null) { loggedInAccount.ActiveCharacter.Kick("Logging of account by administrator."); } return(this.InitAccount(account)); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the <see cref="T:WCell.Util.Threading.IContextHandler" /> that should handle this incoming packet /// </summary> /// <param name="client"></param> /// <param name="packet"></param> /// <returns></returns> public IContextHandler CheckConstraints(IRealmClient client, PacketHandler <IRealmClient, RealmPacketIn> handlerDesc, RealmPacketIn packet) { if (!client.IsConnected) { return((IContextHandler)null); } Character activeCharacter = client.ActiveCharacter; if (handlerDesc.RequiresLogIn && activeCharacter == null) { RealmPacketMgr.s_log.Warn("Client {0} sent Packet {1} without selected Character.", (object)client, (object)packet); return((IContextHandler)null); } RealmAccount account = client.Account; if (!handlerDesc.IsGamePacket) { if (account == null || !account.IsEnqueued) { return((IContextHandler)ServerApp <WCell.RealmServer.RealmServer> .IOQueue); } RealmPacketMgr.s_log.Warn("Enqueued client {0} sent: {1}", (object)client, (object)packet); return((IContextHandler)null); } if (activeCharacter == null || account == null) { RealmPacketMgr.s_log.Warn("Client {0} sent Packet {1} before login completed.", (object)client, (object)packet); client.Disconnect(false); } else { if (activeCharacter.Map != null) { return((IContextHandler)activeCharacter); } RealmPacketMgr.s_log.Warn("Received packet {0} from Character {1} while not in world.", (object)packet, (object)activeCharacter); client.Disconnect(false); } return((IContextHandler)null); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the characters for the given account. /// </summary> /// <param name="account">the account</param> /// <returns>a collection of character objects of the characters on the given account</returns> public static CharacterRecord[] FindAllOfAccount(RealmAccount account) { CharacterRecord[] chrs; try { chrs = FindAllByProperty("Created", "AccountId", account.AccountId); //var chrs = FindAllByProperty("Created", "AccountId", account.AccountId); //chrs.Reverse(); //return chrs; } catch (Exception ex) { RealmDBMgr.OnDBError(ex); chrs = FindAllByProperty("Created", "AccountId", account.AccountId); } //chrs.Reverse(); return(chrs); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new CharacterRecord row in the database with the given information. /// </summary> /// <param name="account">the account this character is on</param> /// <param name="name">the name of the new character</param> /// <returns>the <seealso cref="T:WCell.RealmServer.Database.CharacterRecord" /> object</returns> public static CharacterRecord CreateNewCharacterRecord(RealmAccount account, string name) { try { return(new CharacterRecord(account.AccountId) { EntityLowId = (uint)CharacterRecord._idGenerator.Next(), Name = name, Created = DateTime.Now }); } catch (Exception ex) { CharacterRecord.s_log.Error( "Character creation error (DBS: " + RealmServerConfiguration.DatabaseType + "): ", (object)ex); return((CharacterRecord)null); } }
public static void ViewCharacterTradeShopRequest(IRealmClient client, RealmPacketIn packet) { RealmAccount loggedInAccount = ServerApp <WCell.RealmServer.RealmServer> .Instance.GetLoggedInAccount(packet.ReadUInt32()); if (loggedInAccount == null || loggedInAccount.ActiveCharacter == null) { Asda2PrivateShopHandler.SendCharacterPrivateShopInfoResponse(client, Asda2ViewTradeShopInfoStatus.TheCapacityHasExided, (Asda2PrivateShop)null); } else { Character activeCharacter = loggedInAccount.ActiveCharacter; if (activeCharacter.PrivateShop == null || !activeCharacter.PrivateShop.Trading) { return; } activeCharacter.PrivateShop.Join(client.ActiveCharacter); } }
public void UpdateCharacters() { this.SaveAndFlush(); RealmAccount loggedInAccount1 = ServerApp <WCell.RealmServer.RealmServer> .Instance.GetLoggedInAccount(this.AccId); RealmAccount loggedInAccount2 = ServerApp <WCell.RealmServer.RealmServer> .Instance.GetLoggedInAccount(this.RelatedAccId); if (loggedInAccount1 != null && loggedInAccount1.ActiveCharacter != null) { if (!this.IsActive) { loggedInAccount1.ActiveCharacter.RemovaAllSoulmateBonuses(); } loggedInAccount1.ActiveCharacter.ProcessSoulmateRelation(false); if (this.IsActive && loggedInAccount2 != null && loggedInAccount2.ActiveCharacter != null) { Asda2SoulmateHandler.SendYouHaveSoulmatedWithResponse(loggedInAccount1.ActiveCharacter.Client, SoulmatingResult.Ok, (uint)this.SoulmateRelationGuid, this.RelatedAccId, loggedInAccount2.ActiveCharacter.Name); } } if (loggedInAccount2 == null || loggedInAccount2.ActiveCharacter == null) { return; } if (!this.IsActive) { loggedInAccount2.ActiveCharacter.RemovaAllSoulmateBonuses(); } loggedInAccount2.ActiveCharacter.ProcessSoulmateRelation(false); if (!this.IsActive || loggedInAccount1 == null || loggedInAccount1.ActiveCharacter == null) { return; } Asda2SoulmateHandler.SendYouHaveSoulmatedWithResponse(loggedInAccount2.ActiveCharacter.Client, SoulmatingResult.Ok, (uint)this.SoulmateRelationGuid, this.AccId, loggedInAccount1.ActiveCharacter.Name); }
public AccountFullInfo UnBanAccount(string name) { Account account = AccountMgr.GetAccount(name); if (account == null) { return((AccountFullInfo)null); } RealmAccount loggedInAccount = ServerApp <WCell.RealmServer.RealmServer> .Instance.GetLoggedInAccount(name); if (loggedInAccount != null) { loggedInAccount.SetAccountActive(true, new DateTime?()); } else { account.IsActive = true; account.SaveLater(); } return(this.InitAccount(account)); }
public static void AuthSessionRequest(IRealmClient client, RealmPacketIn packet) { if (client.ActiveCharacter != null || client.Account != null) { // Already logged in SendAuthSessionErrorReply(client, LoginErrorCode.AUTH_ALREADY_ONLINE); client.Disconnect(); } else if (!client.IsEncrypted) { var builtNumberClient = packet.ReadUInt32(); var new302 = packet.ReadUInt32(); // NEW var accName = packet.ReadCString(); var unk322 = packet.ReadUInt32(); client.ClientSeed = packet.ReadUInt32(); var unk1 = packet.ReadUInt32(); // 3.3.5a var unk2 = packet.ReadUInt32(); // 3.3.5a var unk3 = packet.ReadUInt32(); // 3.3.5a var unk4 = packet.ReadUInt64(); client.ClientDigest = packet.ReadBigInteger(20); #if DEBUG log.Debug("builtNumberClient:{0} new302:{1} accName:{2} unk322:{3} client.ClientSeed:{4} unk4:{5} ClientDigest:{6}", builtNumberClient, new302, accName, unk322, client.ClientSeed, unk4, client.ClientDigest); #endif var decompressedDataLength = packet.ReadInt32(); var compressedData = packet.ReadBytes(packet.RemainingLength); client.Addons = new byte[decompressedDataLength]; Compression.DecompressZLib(compressedData, client.Addons); var acctLoadTask = Message.Obtain(() => RealmAccount.InitializeAccount(client, accName)); RealmServer.IOQueue.AddMessage(acctLoadTask); } }
public override void Process(CmdTrigger <RealmServerCmdArgs> trigger) { if (!trigger.Text.HasNext) { trigger.Reply("You need to specify the name of the Player to be summoned."); } else { string str = trigger.Text.NextModifiers(); bool flag = str.Contains("q"); string name = trigger.Text.NextWord(); Character character; if (str.Contains("a")) { RealmAccount loggedInAccount = ServerApp <RealmServer> .Instance.GetLoggedInAccount(name); character = loggedInAccount == null ? null : loggedInAccount.ActiveCharacter; } else { character = World.GetCharacter(name, false); } if (character == null) { trigger.Reply(RealmLangKey.CmdSummonPlayerNotOnline, (object)name); } else if (flag || character.Role > trigger.Args.Character.Role) { character.StartSummon(trigger.Args.Character); } else { character.TeleportTo(trigger.Args.Target.Map, trigger.Args.Target.Position); } } }
public AccountFullInfo BanAccount(string name, DateTime until) { Account account = AccountMgr.GetAccount(name); if (account == null) { return(null); } RealmAccount loggedInAccount = ServerApp <RealmServer> .Instance.GetLoggedInAccount(name); if (loggedInAccount != null) { loggedInAccount.SetAccountActive(false, until); } else { account.IsActive = false; account.StatusUntil = until; account.SaveLater(); } return(InitAccount(account)); }
/// <summary>Gets the characters for the given account.</summary> /// <param name="account">the account</param> /// <returns>a collection of character objects of the characters on the given account</returns> public static CharacterRecord[] FindAllOfAccount(RealmAccount account) { CharacterRecord[] allByProperty; try { allByProperty = FindAllByProperty("Created", "AccountId", account.AccountId); foreach (CharacterRecord characterRecord in allByProperty) { characterRecord.LoadItems(); } } catch (Exception ex) { RealmDBMgr.OnDBError(ex); allByProperty = FindAllByProperty("Created", "AccountId", account.AccountId); } return(allByProperty); }
public static IndentTextWriter GetTextWriter(RealmAccount account) { IndentTextWriter writer; if (account == null) { writer = DefaultWriter; } else if (!m_packetWriters.TryGetValue(account.Name, out writer)) { lock (m_packetWriters) { // check if the writer was added after the lock was released if (!m_packetWriters.TryGetValue(account.Name, out writer)) { try { var file = Path.Combine(DumpDir.FullName, account.Name + ".txt"); var fileInfo = new FileInfo(file); var append = fileInfo.Exists ? fileInfo.Length < MaxDumpFileSize : false; writer = new IndentTextWriter(new StreamWriter(file, append)) { AutoFlush = true }; m_packetWriters.Add(account.Name, writer); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtil.WarnException("Writing to Default writer - TextWriter for Account {0} could not be created: {1}", account, e); return(DefaultWriter); } } } } return(writer); }
public static void SendEnterGameResposeResponse(IRealmClient client) { if (client.Account == null) { return; } using (RealmPacketOut packet = new RealmPacketOut(RealmServerOpCode.EnterGameRespose)) { RealmAccount account = client.Account; Character activeCharacter = account.ActiveCharacter; if (activeCharacter == null) { return; } packet.WriteInt32(account.AccountId); packet.WriteFixedAsciiString(activeCharacter.Name, 20, Locale.Start); packet.WriteInt16(activeCharacter.Record.CharNum); packet.WriteByte(activeCharacter.Record.Zodiac); packet.WriteByte((byte)activeCharacter.Gender); packet.WriteByte(activeCharacter.ProfessionLevel); packet.WriteByte((byte)activeCharacter.Archetype.ClassId); packet.WriteByte(activeCharacter.Level); packet.WriteUInt32(activeCharacter.Experience); packet.WriteInt32(0); packet.WriteInt16(activeCharacter.Spells.AvalibleSkillPoints); packet.WriteInt16(0); packet.WriteByte(0); packet.WriteInt16(15000); packet.WriteInt16(1000); packet.WriteInt64(0L); packet.WriteByte(0); packet.WriteByte(3); packet.WriteInt16((client.ActiveCharacter.Record.PremiumWarehouseBagsCount + 1) * 30); packet.WriteInt16( client.ActiveCharacter.Asda2Inventory.WarehouseItems.Count( i => i != null)); packet.WriteInt16((client.ActiveCharacter.Record.PremiumAvatarWarehouseBagsCount + 1) * 30); packet.WriteInt16( client.ActiveCharacter.Asda2Inventory.AvatarWarehouseItems .Count(i => i != null)); packet.WriteByte(0); packet.WriteByte(1); packet.WriteInt16(-1); packet.WriteInt16(0); packet.WriteByte(activeCharacter.Record.Zodiac); packet.WriteByte(activeCharacter.HairStyle); packet.WriteByte(activeCharacter.HairColor); packet.WriteByte(activeCharacter.Facial); packet.WriteInt32(activeCharacter.Health); packet.WriteInt16(activeCharacter.Power); packet.WriteInt32(activeCharacter.MaxHealth); packet.WriteInt16(activeCharacter.MaxPower); packet.WriteInt16((short)activeCharacter.MinDamage); packet.WriteInt16((short)activeCharacter.MaxDamage); packet.WriteInt16((short)activeCharacter.RangedAttackPower); packet.WriteInt16((short)activeCharacter.RangedAttackPower); packet.WriteInt16(activeCharacter.ArcaneResist); packet.WriteInt16(activeCharacter.Defense); packet.WriteInt16(activeCharacter.Defense); packet.WriteInt32(activeCharacter.BlockValue); packet.WriteInt32(activeCharacter.BlockValue); packet.WriteInt16(15); packet.WriteInt16(7); packet.WriteInt16(4); packet.WriteSkip(unk51); packet.WriteSkip(activeCharacter.SettingsFlags); packet.WriteInt32(activeCharacter.AvatarMask); for (int index = 11; index < 20; ++index) { Asda2Item asda2Item = client.ActiveCharacter.Asda2Inventory.Equipment[index]; Asda2InventoryHandler.WriteItemInfoToPacket(packet, asda2Item, false); } client.Send(packet, false); } }
private static void QueryAccountCallback(IRealmClient client, Account acct) { if (client == null || !client.IsConnected) { return; } var accName = client.AccountName; var realmAcc = RealmServer.Instance.GetLoggedInAccount(accName); if (acct != null && acct.IsLogedOn) { Log.Create(Log.Types.AccountOperations, LogSourceType.Account, (uint)acct.AccountId) .AddAttribute("operation", 1, "account_in_use") .AddAttribute("name", 0, acct.Name) .AddAttribute("ip", 0, client.ClientAddress.ToString()) .Write(); OnLoginError(client, AccountStatus.AccountInUse); return; } if (realmAcc != null && realmAcc.ActiveCharacter != null && realmAcc.Client != null && realmAcc.Client.IsConnected) { Log.Create(Log.Types.AccountOperations, LogSourceType.Account, (uint)acct.AccountId) .AddAttribute("operation", 1, "account_in_use") .AddAttribute("name", 0, acct.Name) .AddAttribute("ip", 0, client.ClientAddress.ToString()) .Write(); OnLoginError(client, AccountStatus.AccountInUse); return; } if (acct == null) { // Account doesn't exist yet -> Check for auto creation if (RealmServerConfiguration.AutocreateAccounts) { if (!AccountMgr.NameValidator(ref accName) || client.Password == null || client.Password.Length > 20) { OnLoginError(client, AccountStatus.WrongLoginOrPass); return; } client.AuthAccount = AccountMgr.Instance.CreateAccount(accName, client.Password, "", RealmServerConfiguration.DefaultRole); client.AuthAccount.Save(); //client.Account = new RealmAccount(accName,new AccountInfo(){ClientId = ClientId.Original,AccountId = client.AuthAccount.AccountId,EmailAddress = "",LastIP = client.ClientAddress.GetAddressBytes(),LastLogin = DateTime.Now,Locale = ClientLocale.English,RoleGroupName = "Player"}); SendAuthChallengeSuccessReply(client); } else { OnLoginError(client, AccountStatus.WrongLoginOrPass); return; } client.AuthAccount.IsLogedOn = true; } else { // check if Account may be used if (acct.CheckActive()) { client.AuthAccount = acct; if (realmAcc == null) { SendAuthChallengeSuccessReply(client); } } else { Log.Create(Log.Types.AccountOperations, LogSourceType.Account, (uint)acct.AccountId) .AddAttribute("operation", 1, "login_banned") .AddAttribute("name", 0, acct.Name) .AddAttribute("ip", 0, client.ClientAddress.ToString()) .Write(); // Account has been deactivated if (client.AuthAccount == null || client.AuthAccount.StatusUntil == null) { // temporarily suspended OnLoginError(client, AccountStatus.WrongLoginOrPass); } else { // deactivated OnLoginError(client, AccountStatus.WrongLoginOrPass); } return; } } if (realmAcc == null) { if (acct != null) { Log.Create(Log.Types.AccountOperations, LogSourceType.Account, (uint)acct.AccountId) .AddAttribute("operation", 1, "login_ok") .AddAttribute("name", 0, acct.Name) .AddAttribute("ip", 0, client.ClientAddress.ToString()) .Write(); } RealmAccount.InitializeAccount(client, client.AuthAccount.Name); } else if (acct != null) { if (realmAcc.Client != null) { if (realmAcc.Client.ActiveCharacter != null) { realmAcc.Client.ActiveCharacter.SendInfoMsg("Some one loggin in to your account. Disconnecting."); } realmAcc.Client.Disconnect(); } if (client.ClientAddress == null) { return; } realmAcc.LastIP = client.ClientAddress.GetAddressBytes(); acct.LastIP = client.ClientAddress.GetAddressBytes(); acct.Save(); client.Account = realmAcc; if (realmAcc.ActiveCharacter != null) { ConnectClientToIngameCharacter(client, acct, realmAcc); } else { Log.Create(Log.Types.AccountOperations, LogSourceType.Account, (uint)acct.AccountId) .AddAttribute("operation", 1, "character_select_menu") .AddAttribute("name", 0, acct.Name) .AddAttribute("ip", 0, client.ClientAddress.ToString()) .Write(); SendAuthChallengeSuccessReply(client); } } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new CharacterRecord row in the database with the given information. /// </summary> /// <param name="account">the account this character is on</param> /// <param name="name">the name of the new character</param> /// <returns>the <seealso cref="CharacterRecord"/> object</returns> public static CharacterRecord CreateNewCharacterRecord(RealmAccount account, string name) { CharacterRecord record; try { record = new CharacterRecord(account.AccountId) { EntityLowId = (uint)NextId(), Name = name, Created = DateTime.Now }; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Character creation error (DBS: " + RealmServerConfiguration.DBType + "): ", ex); record = null; } return record; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new character and loads all required character data from the database /// </summary> /// <param name="acc">The account the character is associated with</param> /// <param name="record">The name of the character to load</param> /// <param name="client">The client to associate with this character</param> internal protected void Create(RealmAccount acc, CharacterRecord record, IRealmClient client) { client.ActiveCharacter = this; acc.ActiveCharacter = this; Type |= ObjectTypes.Player; ChatChannels = new List <ChatChannel>(5); m_logoutTimer = new TimerEntry(0, DefaultLogoutDelayMillis, totalTime => FinishLogout()); Account = acc; m_client = client; m_record = record; EntityId = EntityId.GetPlayerId(m_record.EntityLowId); m_name = m_record.Name; Archetype = ArchetypeMgr.GetArchetype(record.Race, record.Class); MainWeapon = GenericWeapon.Fists; PowerType = m_archetype.Class.DefaultPowerType; StandState = StandState.Sit; Money = (uint)m_record.Money; Outfit = m_record.Outfit; //ScaleX = m_archetype.Race.Scale; ScaleX = 1; Gender = m_record.Gender; Skin = m_record.Skin; Facial = m_record.Face; HairStyle = m_record.HairStyle; HairColor = m_record.HairColor; FacialHair = m_record.FacialHair; UnitFlags = UnitFlags.PlayerControlled; Experience = m_record.Xp; RestXp = m_record.RestXp; SetInt32(UnitFields.LEVEL, m_record.Level); // cannot use Level property, since it will trigger certain events that we don't want triggered NextLevelXP = XpGenerator.GetXpForlevel(m_record.Level + 1); MaxLevel = RealmServerConfiguration.MaxCharacterLevel; RestState = RestState.Normal; Orientation = m_record.Orientation; m_bindLocation = new WorldZoneLocation( m_record.BindMap, new Vector3(m_record.BindX, m_record.BindY, m_record.BindZ), m_record.BindZone); PvPRank = 1; YieldsXpOrHonor = true; foreach (var school in SpellConstants.AllDamageSchools) { SetFloat(PlayerFields.MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_PCT + (int)school, 1); } SetFloat(PlayerFields.DODGE_PERCENTAGE, 1.0f); // Auras m_auras = new PlayerAuraCollection(this); // spells m_spells = PlayerSpellCollection.Obtain(this); // factions WatchedFaction = m_record.WatchedFaction; Faction = FactionMgr.ByRace[(uint)record.Race]; m_reputations = new ReputationCollection(this); // skills m_skills = new SkillCollection(this); // talents m_talents = new PlayerTalentCollection(this); // achievements m_achievements = new AchievementCollection(this); // Items m_inventory = new PlayerInventory(this); m_mailAccount = new MailAccount(this); m_questLog = new QuestLog(this); // tutorial flags TutorialFlags = new TutorialFlags(m_record.TutorialFlags); // Make sure client and internal state is updated with combat base values UnitUpdates.UpdateSpellCritChance(this); // Mask of activated TaxiNodes m_taxiNodeMask = new TaxiNodeMask(); PowerCostMultiplier = 1f; m_lastPlayTimeUpdate = DateTime.Now; MoveControl.Mover = this; MoveControl.CanControl = true; IncMeleePermissionCounter(); SpeedFactor = DefaultSpeedFactor; // basic setup if (record.JustCreated) { ModStatsForLevel(m_record.Level); BasePower = RegenerationFormulas.GetPowerForLevel(this); } else { BaseHealth = m_record.BaseHealth; SetBasePowerDontUpdate(m_record.BasePower); SetBaseStat(StatType.Strength, m_record.BaseStrength); SetBaseStat(StatType.Stamina, m_record.BaseStamina); SetBaseStat(StatType.Spirit, m_record.BaseSpirit); SetBaseStat(StatType.Intellect, m_record.BaseIntellect); SetBaseStat(StatType.Agility, m_record.BaseAgility); Power = m_record.Power; SetInt32(UnitFields.HEALTH, m_record.Health); } }
/// <summary> /// Sets the Character of this trigger, according to the -a or -c switch, followed by the account- or character-name /// </summary> /// <param name="mod"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Character GetCharacter(this CmdTrigger <RealmServerCmdArgs> trigger, string mod) { RealmServerCmdArgs args = trigger.Args; Character character = null; RoleGroup role = args.Role; bool flag1 = mod.Contains("a"); bool flag2 = mod.Contains("c"); if (flag1 || flag2) { if (flag1 && flag2) { trigger.Reply("Invalid command-switch, cannot use -a and -c switch at the same time."); } else { if (role != null && !role.CanUseCommandsOnOthers) { trigger.Reply("You may not use the -c or -a command-switch!"); } string name = trigger.Text.NextWord(); if (flag1) { RealmAccount loggedInAccount = ServerApp <RealmServer> .Instance.GetLoggedInAccount(name); if (loggedInAccount == null || (character = loggedInAccount.ActiveCharacter) == null) { trigger.Reply("Account {0} is not online.", (object)name); } } else { character = World.GetCharacter(name, false); if (character == null) { trigger.Reply("Character {0} is not online.", (object)name); } } if (character != null) { if (role == null || !(character.Account.Role > role)) { return(character); } if (flag1) { trigger.Reply("Account {0} is not online.", (object)name); } else if (character.Stealthed == 0) { trigger.Reply("Cannot use this Command on {0}.", (object)character.Name); } else { trigger.Reply("Character {0} is not online.", (object)name); } } } } else { trigger.Reply("Invalid Command-Switch: " + mod); } return(null); }
public override void Process(CmdTrigger <RealmServerCmdArgs> trigger) { Character chr = trigger.Args.Target as Character; IUser banner = trigger.Args.User; if (chr != null && object.ReferenceEquals((object)chr, (object)banner)) { chr = chr.Target as Character; } if (chr == null || object.ReferenceEquals((object)chr, (object)banner)) { trigger.Reply("Invalid Target."); } else if (banner != null && chr.Role >= banner.Role) { trigger.Reply("Cannot ban Users of higher or equal Rank."); } else { TimeSpan?nullable1 = trigger.Text.NextTimeSpan(); DateTime?until; if (nullable1.HasValue) { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan?nullable2 = nullable1; until = nullable2.HasValue ? new DateTime?(now + nullable2.GetValueOrDefault()) : new DateTime?(); } else { until = new DateTime?(); } string timeStr = until.HasValue ? "until " + (object)until : "(indefinitely)"; trigger.Reply("Banning Account {0} ({1}) {2}...", (object)chr.Account.Name, (object)chr.Name, (object)timeStr); ServerApp <WCell.RealmServer.RealmServer> .IOQueue.AddMessage((IMessage) new Message((Action)(() => { IContextHandler contextHandler = chr.ContextHandler; RealmAccount account = chr.Account; if (account == null || contextHandler == null) { trigger.Reply("Character logged off."); } else if (account.SetAccountActive(false, until)) { contextHandler.AddMessage((Action)(() => { if (chr.IsInWorld) { chr.Kick((INamed)banner, "Banned " + timeStr, 5); } trigger.Reply("Done."); })); } else { trigger.Reply("Could not ban Account."); } }))); } }
public WCellUser(RealmAccount acc, IrcUser user) { IrcUser = user; m_Acc = acc; EntityId = EntityId.GetPlayerId(CharacterRecord.NextId()); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new character and loads all required character data from the database /// </summary> /// <param name="acc">The account the character is associated with</param> /// <param name="record">The name of the character to load</param> /// <param name="client">The client to associate with this character</param> internal protected void Create(RealmAccount acc, CharacterRecord record, IRealmClient client) { client.ActiveCharacter = this; acc.ActiveCharacter = this; Type |= ObjectTypes.Player; ChatChannels = new List<ChatChannel>(5); m_logoutTimer = new TimerEntry(0, DefaultLogoutDelayMillis, totalTime => FinishLogout()); Account = acc; m_client = client; m_record = record; EntityId = EntityId.GetPlayerId(m_record.EntityLowId); m_name = m_record.Name; Archetype = ArchetypeMgr.GetArchetype(record.Race, record.Class); MainWeapon = GenericWeapon.Fists; PowerType = m_archetype.Class.DefaultPowerType; StandState = StandState.Sit; Money = (uint) m_record.Money; Outfit = m_record.Outfit; //ScaleX = m_archetype.Race.Scale; ScaleX = 1; Gender = m_record.Gender; Skin = m_record.Skin; Facial = m_record.Face; HairStyle = m_record.HairStyle; HairColor = m_record.HairColor; FacialHair = m_record.FacialHair; UnitFlags = UnitFlags.PlayerControlled; Experience = m_record.Xp; RestXp = m_record.RestXp; SetInt32(UnitFields.LEVEL, m_record.Level); // cannot use Level property, since it will trigger certain events that we don't want triggered NextLevelXP = XpGenerator.GetXpForlevel(m_record.Level + 1); MaxLevel = RealmServerConfiguration.MaxCharacterLevel; RestState = RestState.Normal; Orientation = m_record.Orientation; m_bindLocation = new WorldZoneLocation( m_record.BindMap, new Vector3(m_record.BindX, m_record.BindY, m_record.BindZ), m_record.BindZone); PvPRank = 1; YieldsXpOrHonor = true; foreach (var school in WCellDef.AllDamageSchools) { SetFloat(PlayerFields.MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_PCT + (int) school, 1); } SetFloat(PlayerFields.DODGE_PERCENTAGE, 1.0f); // Auras m_auras = new PlayerAuraCollection(this); // spells m_spells = PlayerSpellCollection.Obtain(this); // factions WatchedFaction = m_record.WatchedFaction; Faction = FactionMgr.ByRace[(uint) record.Race]; m_reputations = new ReputationCollection(this); // skills m_skills = new SkillCollection(this); // talents m_talents = new PlayerTalentCollection(this); // achievements m_achievements = new AchievementCollection(this); // Items m_inventory = new PlayerInventory(this); m_mailAccount = new MailAccount(this); m_questLog = new QuestLog(this); // tutorial flags TutorialFlags = new TutorialFlags(m_record.TutorialFlags); // Make sure client and internal state is updated with combat base values UnitUpdates.UpdateSpellCritChance(this); // Mask of activated TaxiNodes m_taxiNodeMask = new TaxiNodeMask(); PowerCostMultiplier = 1f; m_lastPlayTimeUpdate = DateTime.Now; MoveControl.Mover = this; MoveControl.CanControl = true; CanMelee = true; SpeedFactor = DefaultSpeedFactor; // basic setup if (record.JustCreated) { ModStatsForLevel(m_record.Level); BasePower = RegenerationFormulas.GetPowerForLevel(this); } else { BaseHealth = m_record.BaseHealth; SetBasePowerDontUpdate(m_record.BasePower); SetBaseStat(StatType.Strength, m_record.BaseStrength); SetBaseStat(StatType.Stamina, m_record.BaseStamina); SetBaseStat(StatType.Spirit, m_record.BaseSpirit); SetBaseStat(StatType.Intellect, m_record.BaseIntellect); SetBaseStat(StatType.Agility, m_record.BaseAgility); Power = m_record.Power; SetInt32(UnitFields.HEALTH, m_record.Health); } }
public static void CharacterInitOnLoginRequest(IRealmClient client, RealmPacketIn packet) { int num1 = packet.ReadInt32(); packet.Position += 2; short num2 = packet.ReadInt16(); if (num2 < 10 || num2 > 12) { client.TcpSocket.Close(); } else { packet.Position += 4; uint num3 = (uint)(num1 + num2 * 1000000); string str = client.ClientAddress.ToString(); Account account = AccountMgr.GetAccount(num1); if (account == null || account.LastIPStr != str) { if (account != null) { Log.Create(Log.Types.AccountOperations, LogSourceType.Account, (uint)num1) .AddAttribute("operation", 1.0, "login_game_server_bad_ip") .AddAttribute("name", 0.0, account.Name) .AddAttribute("ip", 0.0, client.ClientAddress.ToString()) .AddAttribute("old_ip", 0.0, account.LastIPStr).Write(); } client.Disconnect(false); } else { RealmAccount loggedInAccount = ServerApp <RealmServer> .Instance.GetLoggedInAccount(account.Name); if (loggedInAccount == null || loggedInAccount.ActiveCharacter == null) { Log.Create(Log.Types.AccountOperations, LogSourceType.Account, (uint)num1) .AddAttribute("operation", 1.0, "login_game_server_no_character_selected") .AddAttribute("name", 0.0, account.Name) .AddAttribute("ip", 0.0, client.ClientAddress.ToString()) .AddAttribute("old_ip", 0.0, account.LastIPStr).Write(); client.Disconnect(false); } else { client.IsGameServerConnection = true; client.Account = loggedInAccount; Log.Create(Log.Types.AccountOperations, LogSourceType.Account, (uint)num1) .AddAttribute("operation", 1.0, "login_game_server").AddAttribute("name", 0.0, account.Name) .AddAttribute("ip", 0.0, client.ClientAddress.ToString()) .AddAttribute("character", client.Account.ActiveCharacter.EntryId, client.Account.ActiveCharacter.Name).AddAttribute("chrLowId", num3, "") .Write(); Log.Create(Log.Types.AccountOperations, LogSourceType.Character, num3) .AddAttribute("operation", 1.0, "login_game_server") .AddAttribute("ip", 0.0, client.ClientAddress.ToString()).Write(); PreLoginCharacter(client, num3, false); } } } }
private static void QueryAccountCallback(IRealmClient client, Account acct) { if (client == null || !client.IsConnected) { return; } if (acct != null) { Character characterByAccId = World.GetCharacterByAccId((uint)acct.AccountId); if (characterByAccId != null) { characterByAccId.Logout(true, 0); AuthenticationHandler.OnLoginError(client, AccountStatus.WrongLoginOrPass | AccountStatus.AccountInUse); return; } } string accountName = client.AccountName; RealmAccount loggedInAccount = ServerApp <WCell.RealmServer.RealmServer> .Instance.GetLoggedInAccount(accountName); if (acct != null && acct.IsLogedOn) { Log.Create(Log.Types.AccountOperations, LogSourceType.Account, (uint)acct.AccountId) .AddAttribute("operation", 1.0, "account_in_use").AddAttribute("name", 0.0, acct.Name) .AddAttribute("ip", 0.0, client.ClientAddress.ToString()).Write(); AuthenticationHandler.OnLoginError(client, AccountStatus.AccountInUse); } else if (loggedInAccount != null && loggedInAccount.ActiveCharacter != null && (loggedInAccount.Client != null && loggedInAccount.Client.IsConnected)) { Log.Create(Log.Types.AccountOperations, LogSourceType.Account, (uint)acct.AccountId) .AddAttribute("operation", 1.0, "account_in_use").AddAttribute("name", 0.0, acct.Name) .AddAttribute("ip", 0.0, client.ClientAddress.ToString()).Write(); AuthenticationHandler.OnLoginError(client, AccountStatus.AccountInUse); } else { if (acct == null) { if (RealmServerConfiguration.AutocreateAccounts) { if (!AccountMgr.NameValidator(ref accountName) || client.Password == null || client.Password.Length > 20) { AuthenticationHandler.OnLoginError(client, AccountStatus.WrongLoginOrPass); return; } client.AuthAccount = AccountMgr.Instance.CreateAccount(accountName, client.Password, "", RealmServerConfiguration.DefaultRole); client.AuthAccount.Save(); AuthenticationHandler.SendAuthChallengeSuccessReply(client); client.AuthAccount.IsLogedOn = true; } else { AuthenticationHandler.OnLoginError(client, AccountStatus.WrongLoginOrPass); return; } } else if (acct.CheckActive()) { client.AuthAccount = acct; if (loggedInAccount == null) { AuthenticationHandler.SendAuthChallengeSuccessReply(client); } } else { Log.Create(Log.Types.AccountOperations, LogSourceType.Account, (uint)acct.AccountId) .AddAttribute("operation", 1.0, "login_banned").AddAttribute("name", 0.0, acct.Name) .AddAttribute("ip", 0.0, client.ClientAddress.ToString()).Write(); if (client.AuthAccount == null || !client.AuthAccount.StatusUntil.HasValue) { AuthenticationHandler.OnLoginError(client, AccountStatus.WrongLoginOrPass); return; } AuthenticationHandler.OnLoginError(client, AccountStatus.WrongLoginOrPass); return; } if (loggedInAccount == null) { if (acct != null) { Log.Create(Log.Types.AccountOperations, LogSourceType.Account, (uint)acct.AccountId) .AddAttribute("operation", 1.0, "login_ok").AddAttribute("name", 0.0, acct.Name) .AddAttribute("ip", 0.0, client.ClientAddress.ToString()).Write(); } RealmAccount.InitializeAccount(client, client.AuthAccount.Name); } else { if (acct == null) { return; } if (loggedInAccount.Client != null) { if (loggedInAccount.Client.ActiveCharacter != null) { loggedInAccount.Client.ActiveCharacter.SendInfoMsg( "Some one loggin in to your account. Disconnecting."); } loggedInAccount.Client.Disconnect(false); } if (client.ClientAddress == null) { return; } loggedInAccount.LastIP = client.ClientAddress.GetAddressBytes(); acct.LastIP = client.ClientAddress.GetAddressBytes(); acct.Save(); client.Account = loggedInAccount; if (loggedInAccount.ActiveCharacter != null) { AuthenticationHandler.ConnectClientToIngameCharacter(client, acct, loggedInAccount); } else { Log.Create(Log.Types.AccountOperations, LogSourceType.Account, (uint)acct.AccountId) .AddAttribute("operation", 1.0, "character_select_menu") .AddAttribute("name", 0.0, acct.Name) .AddAttribute("ip", 0.0, client.ClientAddress.ToString()).Write(); AuthenticationHandler.SendAuthChallengeSuccessReply(client); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Writes a line into the debug log of the given Account. /// </summary> public static void Log(RealmAccount acc, string msg, params object[] args) { GetTextWriter(acc).WriteLine(string.Format(msg, args)); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the characters for the given account. /// </summary> /// <param name="account">the account</param> /// <returns>a collection of character objects of the characters on the given account</returns> public static IEnumerable<CharacterRecord> FindAllOfAccount(RealmAccount account) { IEnumerable<CharacterRecord> chrs; try { chrs = RealmWorldDBMgr.DatabaseProvider.FindAll<CharacterRecord>(x => x.AccountId == account.AccountId); //var chrs = FindAllByProperty("Created", "AccountId", account.AccountId); //chrs.Reverse(); //return chrs; } catch (Exception ex) { RealmWorldDBMgr.OnDBError(ex); chrs = RealmWorldDBMgr.DatabaseProvider.FindAll<CharacterRecord>(x => x.AccountId == account.AccountId); } //chrs.Reverse(); return chrs; }
public static IndentTextWriter GetTextWriter(RealmAccount account) { IndentTextWriter writer; if (account == null) { writer = DefaultWriter; } else if (!m_packetWriters.TryGetValue(account.Name, out writer)) { lock (m_packetWriters) { // check if the writer was added after the lock was released if (!m_packetWriters.TryGetValue(account.Name, out writer)) { try { var file = Path.Combine(DumpDir.FullName, account.Name + ".txt"); writer = new IndentTextWriter(new StreamWriter(file)) { AutoFlush = true }; m_packetWriters.Add(account.Name, writer); } catch (Exception e) { LogUtil.WarnException("Writing to Default writer - TextWriter for Account {0} could not be created: {1}", account, e); return DefaultWriter; } } } } return writer; }
private static void ConnectClientToIngameCharacter(IRealmClient client, Account acct, RealmAccount realmAcc) { Log.Create(Log.Types.AccountOperations, LogSourceType.Account, (uint)acct.AccountId) .AddAttribute("operation", 1, "connecting_to_already_connected_character") .AddAttribute("name", 0, acct.Name) .AddAttribute("ip", 0, client.ClientAddress.ToString()) .Write(); realmAcc.ActiveCharacter.AddMessage(() => { //realmAcc.ActiveCharacter.Logout(false); Asda2LoginHandler.PreLoginCharacter(client, realmAcc.ActiveCharacter.UniqId, true); }); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new character and loads all required character data from the database /// </summary> /// <param name="acc">The account the character is associated with</param> /// <param name="record">The name of the character to load</param> /// <param name="client">The client to associate with this character</param> internal protected void Create(RealmAccount acc, CharacterRecord record, IRealmClient client) { client.ActiveCharacter = this; acc.ActiveCharacter = this; Type |= ObjectTypes.Player; ChatChannels = new List<ChatChannel>(); m_logoutTimer = new TimerEntry(0.0f, DefaultLogoutDelay, totalTime => FinishLogout()); Account = acc; m_client = client; m_record = record; EntityId = EntityId.GetPlayerId(m_record.EntityLowId); m_name = m_record.Name; Archetype = ArchetypeMgr.GetArchetype(record.Race, record.Class); MainWeapon = GenericWeapon.Fists; PowerType = m_archetype.Class.PowerType; StandState = StandState.Sit; Money = (uint)m_record.Money; Outfit = m_record.Outfit; //ScaleX = m_archetype.Race.Scale; ScaleX = 1; Gender = m_record.Gender; Skin = m_record.Skin; Facial = m_record.Face; HairStyle = m_record.HairStyle; HairColor = m_record.HairColor; FacialHair = m_record.FacialHair; UnitFlags = UnitFlags.PlayerControlled; XP = m_record.Xp; RestXp = m_record.RestXp; Level = m_record.Level; NextLevelXP = XpGenerator.GetXpForlevel(m_record.Level + 1); MaxLevel = RealmServerConfiguration.MaxCharacterLevel; RestState = RestState.Normal; Orientation = m_record.Orientation; m_bindLocation = new ZoneWorldLocation( m_record.BindRegion, new Vector3(m_record.BindX, m_record.BindY, m_record.BindZ), m_record.BindZone); PvPRank = 1; YieldsXpOrHonor = true; foreach (var school in WCellDef.AllDamageSchools) { SetInt32(PlayerFields.MOD_DAMAGE_DONE_PCT + (int)school, 1); } SetFloat(PlayerFields.DODGE_PERCENTAGE, 1.0f); // Auras m_auras = new PlayerAuraCollection(this); // spells PlayerSpellCollection spells; if (!record.JustCreated && SpellHandler.PlayerSpellCollections.TryGetValue(EntityId.Low, out spells)) { SpellHandler.PlayerSpellCollections.Remove(EntityId.Low); m_spells = spells; ((PlayerSpellCollection)m_spells).OnReconnectOwner(this); } else { m_spells = new PlayerSpellCollection(this); } // factions WatchedFaction = m_record.WatchedFaction; Faction = FactionMgr.ByRace[(uint)record.Race]; m_reputations = new ReputationCollection(this); // skills m_skills = new SkillCollection(this); // talents m_talents = new TalentCollection(this); // Items m_inventory = new PlayerInventory(this); m_mailAccount = new MailAccount(this); m_questLog = new QuestLog(this); // Talents m_record.SpecProfile = SpecProfile.NewSpecProfile(this); FreeTalentPoints = m_record.FreeTalentPoints; // tutorial flags TutorialFlags = new TutorialFlags(m_record.TutorialFlags); // Make sure client and internal state is updated with combat base values UnitUpdates.UpdateSpellCritChance(this); // Mask of activated TaxiNodes m_taxiNodeMask = new TaxiNodeMask(); PowerCostMultiplier = 1f; m_lastPlayTimeUpdate = DateTime.Now; MoveControl.Mover = this; MoveControl.CanControl = true; BaseHealth = m_record.BaseHealth; SetBasePowerDontUpdate(m_record.BasePower); SetBaseStat(StatType.Strength, m_record.BaseStrength); SetBaseStat(StatType.Stamina, m_record.BaseStamina); SetBaseStat(StatType.Spirit, m_record.BaseSpirit); SetBaseStat(StatType.Intellect, m_record.BaseIntellect); SetBaseStat(StatType.Agility, m_record.BaseAgility); CanMelee = true; // basic setup if (record.JustCreated) { Power = PowerType == PowerType.Rage ? 0 : MaxPower; SetInt32(UnitFields.HEALTH, MaxHealth); } else { Power = m_record.Power; SetInt32(UnitFields.HEALTH, m_record.Health); } }