Esempio n. 1
        internal override bool Initialize()
            if (OsuMain.IsWine)

                if (!IsInitialized)
                    realTimeStylus = new RealTimeStylus(GameBase.Instance.Window.Handle, false);
                    SimpleStylus ss = new SimpleStylus(this);
                    realTimeStylus.Enabled = ConfigManager.sTablet.Value;
                    IsInitialized          = true;
            catch (Exception)
                NotificationManager.ShowMessage("Tablet initialisation failed.");

Esempio n. 2
 void IStylusSyncPlugin.RealTimeStylusEnabled(RealTimeStylus sender, RealTimeStylusEnabledData data)
     using (Synchronizer.Lock(this)) {
         this.m_Enabled = true;
Esempio n. 3
        public static void UnhookStylus(Control control)
            lock (hookedControls.SyncRoot)
                List <WeakReference> deleteUs = new List <WeakReference>();

                foreach (WeakReference weakRef in hookedControls.Keys)
                    object target = weakRef.Target;

                    if (target == null)
                        Control control2 = (Control)target;

                        if (object.ReferenceEquals(control, control2))

                foreach (WeakReference weakRef in deleteUs)
                    RealTimeStylus stylus = (RealTimeStylus)hookedControls[weakRef];
                    stylus.Enabled = false;
Esempio n. 4
                public ScribblePanel(PenPropertiesPage owner, Point location, Size size, int tabIndex)
                    this.Owner = owner;
                    owner.DrawingAttributesChanged += new EventHandler(this.OnDrawingAttributesChanged);

                    this.Location    = location;
                    this.Size        = size;
                    this.TabIndex    = tabIndex;
                    this.Name        = "ScribbleArea";
                    this.BackColor   = Color.White;
                    this.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;

                    // Add the controls
                    this.Controls.Add(new ScribbleClearButton(this, new Point(40, 168), new Size(80, 23), 0));

                    this.RealTimeStylus          = new RealTimeStylus(this);
                    this.DynamicRenderer         = new DynamicRenderer(this);
                    this.DynamicRenderer.Enabled = true;
                    //this.DynamicRenderer.EnableDataCache = true;
                    this.RealTimeStylus.Enabled = true;

Esempio n. 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when the current plugin or the ones previous in the list
 /// threw an exception.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">The real time stylus</param>
 /// <param name="data">Error data</param>
 void IStylusAsyncPlugin.Error(RealTimeStylus sender, ErrorData data)
     Debug.Assert(false, null, "An error occurred while collecting ink.  Details:\n"
                  + "DataId=" + data.DataId + "\n"
                  + "Exception=" + data.InnerException + "\n"
                  + "StackTrace=" + data.InnerException.StackTrace);
Esempio n. 6
 public void Packets(RealTimeStylus sender, PacketsData data)
     if (data.Count >= 3)
         mParent.Pressure = data[2];
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when the stylus moves on the digitizer surface.
        /// Add new packet data into the packet array for this stylus.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The real time stylus associated with the notification</param>
        /// <param name="data">The notification data</param>
        void IStylusAsyncPlugin.Packets(RealTimeStylus sender, PacketsData data)
            int        stylusId = data.Stylus.Id;
            List <int> collected;

            if (!this.m_PacketsTable.TryGetValue(stylusId, out collected))
                // If ink collection was disabled on StylusDown or if the user is erasing,
                // then ignore these packets.

            int strokeId = this.m_StrokeIdTable[stylusId];

            int[] packets = data.GetData();

            // Use the stylus id as a key to retrieve the packet array for the
            // stylus.  Insert the new packet data into this array.

            using (Synchronizer.Lock(this)) {
                if (this.RealTimeInkSheetModel != null)
                    // Send the packets to anybody who's listening to the RealTimeInk.
                    this.RealTimeInkSheetModel.OnPackets(stylusId, strokeId, packets);
Esempio n. 8
        public void Start()
                mRTStylus = new RealTimeStylus(mParent);
                mPlugin   = new SimpleStylusPlugin(this);
                Guid[] g = new Guid[] { PacketProperty.X, PacketProperty.Y, PacketProperty.NormalPressure, PacketProperty.XTiltOrientation, PacketProperty.YTiltOrientation };

                Tablets theTablets = new Tablets();
                string  theReport  = Environment.NewLine;
                foreach (Tablet theTablet in theTablets)
                    if (theTablet.IsPacketPropertySupported(PacketProperty.NormalPressure))
                        TabletPropertyMetrics theMetrics = theTablet.GetPropertyMetrics(PacketProperty.NormalPressure);
                        mMaxPressure = theMetrics.Maximum;

                mRTStylus.Enabled = true;
            catch (System.Exception ex)
Esempio n. 9
        // Pen-down notification handler.
        // Sets the color for the newly started stroke and increments finger-down counter.
        //      sender      RTS event sender object
        //      data        event arguments
        public void StylusDown(RealTimeStylus sender, StylusDownData data)
            // Set new stroke color to the DrawingAttributes of the DynamicRenderer
            // If there are no fingers down, this is a primary contact
            dynamicRenderer.DrawingAttributes.Color = touchColor.GetColor(cntContacts == 0);

            ++cntContacts;  // Increment finger-down counter
Esempio n. 10
 /// <summary>
 /// Occurs when custom data is inserted into the <see cref="RealTimeStylus"/> queue by other plugins.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="data"></param>
 void IStylusSyncPlugin.CustomStylusDataAdded(RealTimeStylus sender, CustomStylusData data)
     if (data.CustomDataId == StylusInputSelector.StylusData.Id)
         using (Synchronizer.Lock(this)) {
             this.Eraser = (((StylusInputSelector.StylusData)data.Data).Stylus as EraserStylusModel);
Esempio n. 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Occurs when custom data is inserted into the <see cref="RealTimeStylus"/> queue by other plugins.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="data"></param>
 void IStylusSyncPlugin.CustomStylusDataAdded(RealTimeStylus sender, CustomStylusData data)
     if (data.CustomDataId == StylusInputSelector.StylusData.Id)
         // The new DrawingAttributes will take effect after the next StylusDown event.
Esempio n. 12
 public void StylusUp(RealTimeStylus s,
                      StylusUpData data)
     tabletHandler.TabletLeft = ButtonState.Released;
     if (tabletHandler.PendingTabletUpdate)
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when the stylus leaves the digitizer surface.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The real time stylus associated with the notification</param>
        /// <param name="data">The notification data</param>
        void IStylusSyncPlugin.StylusUp(RealTimeStylus sender, StylusUpData data)
            int stylusId = data.Stylus.Id;

            // Handle the final stroke
            if (this.collectedPacketsTable.ContainsKey(stylusId))
Esempio n. 14
        public StylusInputSelector(PresenterModel model, RealTimeStylus rts)
            this.m_Model          = model;
            this.m_RealTimeStylus = rts;

            this.m_Model.Changed["Stylus"].Add(new PropertyEventHandler(this.HandleStylusChanged));

            using (Synchronizer.Lock(this.m_Model)) {
                this.HandleStylusChanged(this.m_Model, null);
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when the stylus leaves the digitizer surface.
        /// Retrieve the packet array for this stylus and use it to create
        /// a new stoke.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The real time stylus associated with the notification</param>
        /// <param name="data">The notification data</param>
        void IStylusAsyncPlugin.StylusUp(RealTimeStylus sender, StylusUpData data)
            // Retrieve the packet array from the hashtable using the cursor id as a key.
            int        stylusId = data.Stylus.Id;
            List <int> collected;

            if (!this.m_PacketsTable.TryGetValue(stylusId, out collected))
                // If ink collection was disabled on StylusDown or if the user is erasing,
                // then ignore these packets.

            int strokeId = this.m_StrokeIdTable[stylusId];

            // Also get the DrawingAttributes which were in effect on StylusDown.
            DrawingAttributes atts = this.m_DrawingAttributesTable[stylusId];

            // Remove this entry from the hash tables since it is no longer needed.

            // Add the newly collected packet data from StylusUp to the array.

            // Assemble the completed information we'll need to create the stroke.
            int[] packets = collected.ToArray();
            TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection tabletProperties =

            // Now that we have the data, we're ready to create the stroke and add it to our Ink object.
            using (Synchronizer.Lock(this)) { // Ensure that this.(RealTime)InkSheetModel aren't changed unexpectedly.
                // If there is no Ink object, then probably the SlideViewer is not looking at a slide,
                // so discard the stroke.  Otherwise, create the stroke from the collected packets.
                // Also discard the stroke if we have no DrawingAttributes.

                if (this.InkSheetModel != null && atts != null)
                    int inkStrokeId;
                    using (Synchronizer.Lock(this.InkSheetModel.Ink.Strokes.SyncRoot)) {
                        Stroke stroke = this.InkSheetModel.Ink.CreateStroke(packets, tabletProperties);
                        stroke.DrawingAttributes = atts.Clone();
                        inkStrokeId = stroke.Id;
                    // Note that this ink stroke's Id is different from the strokeId used by the RealTimeInkSheetModel.
                    this.InkSheetModel.OnInkAdded(new StrokesEventArgs(new int[] { inkStrokeId }));

                if (this.RealTimeInkSheetModel != null)
                    this.RealTimeInkSheetModel.OnStylusUp(stylusId, strokeId, data.GetData());
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when the stylus moves on the digitizer surface.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The real time stylus associated with the notification</param>
        /// <param name="data">The notification data</param>
        void IStylusSyncPlugin.Packets(RealTimeStylus sender, PacketsData data)
            int stylusId = data.Stylus.Id;

            // Add the packets to the stroke
            if (this.collectedPacketsTable.ContainsKey(stylusId))
                List <int> collected = new List <int>(data.GetData());
        public StylusInputSelector(PresenterModel model, RealTimeStylus rts)
            this.m_Model = model;
            this.m_RealTimeStylus = rts;

            this.m_Model.Changed["Stylus"].Add(new PropertyEventHandler(this.HandleStylusChanged));

            using(Synchronizer.Lock(this.m_Model)) {
                this.HandleStylusChanged(this.m_Model, null);
Esempio n. 18
        private static void AddInputPlugin([NotNull] RealTimeStylus stylusInput, IStylusSyncPlugin plugin)
            if (plugin == null || stylusInput.SyncPluginCollection == null)
                throw new Exception("Input state not correct");
            var rtsEnabled = stylusInput.Enabled;

            stylusInput.Enabled = false;
            stylusInput.Enabled = rtsEnabled;
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when the stylus touches the digitizer surface.
        /// Allocate a new array to store the packet data for this stylus.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The real time stylus associated with the notification</param>
        /// <param name="data">The notification data</param>
        public void StylusDown(RealTimeStylus sender, StylusDownData data)
            // Allocate an empty array to store the packet data that will be
            // collected for this stylus.
            ArrayList collectedPackets = new ArrayList();

            // Add the packet data from StylusDown to the array

            // Insert the array into a hashtable using the stylus id as a key.
            myPackets.Add(data.Stylus.Id, collectedPackets);
Esempio n. 20
        public TouchEventAdapter(UnoGLControl form)
            var graphics = form.CreateGraphics();

            StylusSyncPlugin = new StylusSyncPluginImpl(form, this, graphics.DpiX, graphics.DpiY);

            var stylus = new RealTimeStylus(form);

            stylus.MultiTouchEnabled = true;
            stylus.Enabled = true;
Esempio n. 21
 void IStylusSyncPlugin.Packets(RealTimeStylus sender, PacketsData data)
     if (_touch.TouchMove != null)
         _form.BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>
             foreach (var arg in GetEvents(data))
                 _touch.TouchMove(sender, arg);
Esempio n. 22
 public StylusMouseMux( Form form )
     using ( var fx = form.CreateGraphics() ) {
         FormDpiX = fx.DpiX;
         FormDpiY = fx.DpiY;
     form.MouseDown += OnMouseDown;
     form.MouseMove += OnMouseMove;
     form.MouseUp   += OnMouseUp;
     RTS = new RealTimeStylus(form,true);
     Form = form;
Esempio n. 23
 void IStylusSyncPlugin.StylusUp(RealTimeStylus sender, StylusUpData data)
     if (_touch.TouchUp != null)
         _form.BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>
             foreach (var arg in GetEvents(data))
                 _touch.TouchUp(sender, arg);
Esempio n. 24
        public MainWindow(string[]?args)
            Closing += MainWindow_Closing;

            SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint | ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.UserMouse, true);
            VerticalScroll.Enabled   = false;
            HorizontalScroll.Enabled = false;

            //DefaultLocation = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "Slick");
            _defaultLocation = "C:\\Temp"; // For testing

            //RescaleScreen(); // get a reliable DPI figure (DeviceDpi is nonsense)
            var initialFile = (args?.Length > 0) ? args[0] : Path.Combine(_defaultLocation, "default.slick");

            _canvas = new EndlessCanvas(Width, Height, Dpi, initialFile, CanvasChanged);
            _scale  = 1;
            if (floatingText1 != null)
                floatingText1.CanvasTarget = _canvas; floatingText1.Visible = false;

            if (saveFileDialog != null)
                saveFileDialog.InitialDirectory = _defaultLocation;

            _inkCrosshairLoDpi = CursorImage.MakeCrosshair(1);
            _inkCrosshairHiDpi = CursorImage.MakeCrosshair(2);
            _moveCursorLoDpi   = CursorImage.MakeMove(1);
            _moveCursorHiDpi   = CursorImage.MakeMove(2);


            _stylusInput = new RealTimeStylus(this, true)
                MultiTouchEnabled = true,
                AllTouchEnabled   = true

            // Async calls get triggered on the UI thread, so we use this to trigger updates to WinForms visuals.
            _stylusInput.AsyncPluginCollection?.Add(new DataTriggerStylusPlugin(this));

            AddInputPlugin(_stylusInput, new CanvasDrawingPlugin(this, _canvas, new WinFormsKeyboard()));

            _stylusInput.Enabled = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Event Handler from Form Load Event
        /// Set up the real time stylus for collection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The control that raised the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
        private void InkCollection_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // Create the renderers.  The dynamic renderer is used to render the ink
            // stroke that is currently being collected, whereas the static renderer
            // is used to render strokes that have already been collected.
            myDynamicRenderer = new DynamicRenderer(this);
            myRenderer        = new Renderer();

            // If you do not modify the default drawing attributes, the default
            // drawing attributes will use the following properties and values:
            //      AntiAliased     = true
            //      Color           = black
            //      FitToCurve      = false
            //      Height          = 1
            //      IgnorePressure  = false
            //      PenTip          = ball
            //      RasterOperation = copy pen
            //      Transparency    = 0
            //      Width           = 53 (2 pixels on a 96 dpi screen)
            // For an example of how to modify other drawing attributes, uncomment
            // the following lines of code:
            // myDynamicRenderer.DrawingAttributes.PenTip = PenTip.Rectangle;
            // myDynamicRenderer.DrawingAttributes.Height = (.5F)*MediumInkWidth;
            // myDynamicRenderer.DrawingAttributes.Transparency = 128;

            // Create the real time stylus used to receive stylus notifications
            myRealTimeStylus = new RealTimeStylus(this, true);

            // Add the dynamic renderer to the synchronous plugin notification chain.
            // Synchronous notifications occur on the pen thread.

            // Add the form to the asynchronous plugin notification chain.  This plugin
            // will be used to collect stylus data into an ink object.  Asynchronous
            // notifications occur on the UI thread.

            // Enable the real time stylus and the dynamic renderer
            myRealTimeStylus.Enabled  = true;
            myDynamicRenderer.Enabled = true;

            // Create the ink object used to store ink collected from the real time stylus
            myPackets = new Hashtable();
            myInk     = new Ink();
Esempio n. 26
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when the stylus moves on the digitizer surface.
        /// Use this notification to draw a small circle around each
        /// new packet received.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The real time stylus associated with the notification</param>
        /// <param name="data">The notification data</param>
        public void Packets(RealTimeStylus sender, PacketsData data)
            // For each new packet received, extract the x,y data
            // and draw a small circle around the result.
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i += data.PacketPropertyCount)
                // Packet data always has x followed by y followed by the rest
                Point point = new Point(data[i], data[i + 1]);

                // Since the packet data is in Ink Space coordinates, we need to convert to Pixels...
                point.X = (int)Math.Round((float)point.X * (float)myGraphics.DpiX / 2540.0F);
                point.Y = (int)Math.Round((float)point.Y * (float)myGraphics.DpiY / 2540.0F);

                // Draw a circle corresponding to the packet
                myGraphics.DrawEllipse(Pens.Green, point.X - 2, point.Y - 2, 4, 4);
Esempio n. 27
        // OnLoad window event handler
        // in:
        //      sender      object that has sent the event
        //      e           event arguments
        private void OnLoadHandler(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create RealTimeStylus object and enable it for multi-touch
            realTimeStylus = new RealTimeStylus(this);
            realTimeStylus.MultiTouchEnabled = true;

            // Create DynamicRenderer and event handler, and add them to the RTS object as synchronous plugins
            dynamicRenderer = new DynamicRenderer(this);
            eventHandler    = new EventHandlerPlugIn(this.CreateGraphics(), dynamicRenderer);

            // Enable RTS and DynamicRenderer object, and enable auto-redraw of the DynamicRenderer
            realTimeStylus.Enabled          = true;
            dynamicRenderer.Enabled         = true;
            dynamicRenderer.EnableDataCache = true;
        // OnLoad window event handler
        // in:
        //      sender      object that has sent the event
        //      e           event arguments
        private void OnLoadHandler(Object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Create RealTimeStylus object and enable it for multi-touch
            realTimeStylus = new RealTimeStylus(this);
            realTimeStylus.MultiTouchEnabled = true;

            // Create DynamicRenderer and event handler, and add them to the RTS object as synchronous plugins
            dynamicRenderer = new DynamicRenderer(this);
            eventHandler = new EventHandlerPlugIn(this.CreateGraphics(), dynamicRenderer);

            // Enable RTS and DynamicRenderer object, and enable auto-redraw of the DynamicRenderer
            realTimeStylus.Enabled = true;
            dynamicRenderer.Enabled = true;
            dynamicRenderer.EnableDataCache = true;
Esempio n. 29
 /// <summary>
 /// Informs the implementing object that user data is available.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">The real time stylus associated with the notification</param>
 /// <param name="data">The notification data</param>
 public void CustomStylusDataAdded(RealTimeStylus sender, CustomStylusData data)
     // We can identify the kind of custom data via either the Guid or Type.
     // For the purpose of this demonstration we will validate both just to be safe.
     // For other scenarios either approach is valid.
     if (data.CustomDataId == GestureRecognizer.GestureRecognitionDataGuid)
         GestureRecognitionData grd = data.Data as GestureRecognitionData;
         if (grd != null)
             if (grd.Count > 0)
                 GestureAlternate ga = grd[0];
                 sbGesture.Text = "Gesture=" + ga.Id + ", Confidence=" + ga.Confidence;
Esempio n. 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when the stylus touches the digitizer surface.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The real time stylus associated with the notification</param>
        /// <param name="data">The notification data</param>
        void IStylusSyncPlugin.StylusDown(RealTimeStylus sender, StylusDownData data)
            Tablet currentTablet = sender.GetTabletFromTabletContextId(data.Stylus.TabletContextId);

            if (currentTablet.DeviceKind == TabletDeviceKind.Touch)
                // The stylus id
                int stylusId = data.Stylus.Id;

                // Store the packets in the collected packets
                List <int> collected = new List <int>(data.GetData());
                this.collectedPacketsTable[stylusId] = collected;

                // Store the tablet properties
                this.tabletPropertiesTable[stylusId] = sender.GetTabletPropertyDescriptionCollection(data.Stylus.TabletContextId);
Esempio n. 31
        void IStylusAsyncPlugin.CustomStylusDataAdded(RealTimeStylus sender, CustomStylusData data)
            if (data.CustomDataId == StylusInputSelector.StylusData.Id)
                using (Synchronizer.Lock(this)) {
                    // The new DrawingAttributes will take effect after the next StylusDown event.
                    this.m_DrawingAttributes =

                    if (this.RealTimeInkSheetModel != null)
                        using (Synchronizer.Lock(this.RealTimeInkSheetModel.SyncRoot)) {
                            this.RealTimeInkSheetModel.CurrentDrawingAttributes = this.m_DrawingAttributes;
Esempio n. 32
 // Token: 0x06002FC2 RID: 12226
 // RVA: 0x00134624 File Offset: 0x00132824
 internal override bool Initialize()
         if (!this.bool_0)
             this.realTimeStylus_0 = new RealTimeStylus(Class115.class115_0.method_4().vmethod_1(), false);
             Class801 item = new Class801(this);
             this.realTimeStylus_0.Enabled = Class341.class606_62.Value;
             this.bool_0 = true;
             return true;
     catch (Exception)
         Class723.smethod_4("Tablet initialisation failed.");
     return false;
Esempio n. 33
 public static bool InitialiseTablet()
     if ((IsRunningOnTablet() || ConfigManager.sTablet) && !isInitialized)
             RealTimeStylus s  = new RealTimeStylus(GameBase.Instance.Window.Handle, false);
             SimpleStylus   ss = new SimpleStylus();
             s.Enabled     = true;
             isInitialized = true;
         catch (Exception e)
             GameBase.ShowMessage("Tablet initialisation failed.");
Esempio n. 34
        public PaletteWindow()
            _shouldClose = false;

            if (colorBox == null)
                throw new Exception("Components not initialised correctly");

            colorBox.Image = PaintPalette(); // Replace this with a loaded image if you want something custom.
            // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException
            colorBox.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage;

            _colorInput = new RealTimeStylus(colorBox, true)
                AllTouchEnabled = true
            _colorInput.AsyncPluginCollection?.Add(new TouchPointStylusPlugin(this, DeviceDpi));
            _colorInput.Enabled = true;
Esempio n. 35
        public static void HookStylus(IStylusReaderHooks subject, Control control)
            if (hookedControls.Contains(control))
                throw new ApplicationException("control is already hooked");

            RealTimeStylus stylus = new RealTimeStylus(control, true);
            PaintDotNet.StylusAsyncPlugin stylusReader = new PaintDotNet.StylusAsyncPlugin(subject, control);
            stylus.SetDesiredPacketDescription(new Guid[] { PacketProperty.X, 
            stylus.Enabled = true;

            control.Disposed += new EventHandler(control_Disposed);

            WeakReference weakRef = new WeakReference(control);
            hookedControls.Add(weakRef, stylus);
Esempio n. 36
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when the current plugin or the ones previous in the list
 /// threw an exception.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">The real time stylus</param>
 /// <param name="data">Error data</param>
 public void Error(RealTimeStylus sender, ErrorData data)
     Debug.Assert(false, null, "An error occurred.  DataId=" + data.DataId + ", " + "Exception=" + data.InnerException);
Esempio n. 37
 public void InAirPackets(RealTimeStylus sender, InAirPacketsData data)
Esempio n. 38
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when the stylus touches the digitizer surface.
        /// Allocate a new array to store the packet data for this stylus.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The real time stylus associated with the notification</param>
        /// <param name="data">The notification data</param>
        public void StylusDown(RealTimeStylus sender, StylusDownData data)
            // Allocate an empty array to store the packet data that will be
            // collected for this stylus.
            ArrayList collectedPackets = new ArrayList();

            // Add the packet data from StylusDown to the array

            // Insert the array into a hashtable using the stylus id as a key.
            myPackets.Add(data.Stylus.Id, collectedPackets);
Esempio n. 39
 public void CustomStylusDataAdded(RealTimeStylus sender, CustomStylusData data)
        // Pen-down notification handler.
        // Sets the color for the newly started stroke and increments finger-down counter.
        //      sender      RTS event sender object
        //      data        event arguments
        public void StylusDown(RealTimeStylus sender, StylusDownData data)
            // Set new stroke color to the DrawingAttributes of the DynamicRenderer
            // If there are no fingers down, this is a primary contact
            dynamicRenderer.DrawingAttributes.Color = touchColor.GetColor(cntContacts == 0);

            ++cntContacts;  // Increment finger-down counter
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when the stylus moves on the digitizer surface. 
        /// Use this notification to draw a small circle around each
        /// new packet received.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The real time stylus associated with the notification</param>
        /// <param name="data">The notification data</param>
        public void Packets(RealTimeStylus sender,  PacketsData data)
            // For each new packet received, extract the x,y data
            // and draw a small circle around the result.
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i += data.PacketPropertyCount)
                // Packet data always has x followed by y followed by the rest
                Point point = new Point(data[i], data[i+1]);

                // Since the packet data is in Ink Space coordinates, we need to convert to Pixels...
                point.X = (int)Math.Round((float)point.X * (float)myGraphics.DpiX/2540.0F);
                point.Y = (int)Math.Round((float)point.Y * (float)myGraphics.DpiY/2540.0F);

                // Draw a circle corresponding to the packet
                myGraphics.DrawEllipse(Pens.Green, point.X - 2, point.Y - 2, 4, 4);
Esempio n. 42
 public void TabletRemoved(RealTimeStylus sender, TabletRemovedData data)
Esempio n. 43
 public void StylusButtonDown(RealTimeStylus sender, StylusButtonDownData data)
Esempio n. 44
 void IStylusSyncPlugin.TabletRemoved(RealTimeStylus sender, TabletRemovedData data)
Esempio n. 45
 void IStylusSyncPlugin.SystemGesture(RealTimeStylus sender, SystemGestureData data)
 public void Error(RealTimeStylus sender, ErrorData data) { }
 // Pen-up notification handler.
 // Decrements finger-down counter.
 //      sender      RTS event sender object
 //      data        event arguments
 public void StylusUp(RealTimeStylus sender, StylusUpData data)
     --cntContacts;  // Decrement finger-down counter
 // Pen-move notification handler
 // In this case, does nothing, but likely to be used in a more complex application.
 // RTS framework does stroke collection and rendering for us.
 //      sender      RTS event sender object
 //      data        event arguments
 public void Packets(RealTimeStylus sender, PacketsData data)
Esempio n. 49
 /// <summary>
 /// Occurs when the stylus moves on the digitizer surface.
 /// Add new packet data into the packet array for this stylus.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">The real time stylus associated with the notification</param>
 /// <param name="data">The notification data</param>
 public void Packets(RealTimeStylus sender, PacketsData data)
     // Use the stylus id as a key to retrieve the packet array for the
     // stylus.  Insert the new packet data into this array.
Esempio n. 50
        /// <summary>
        /// Occurs when the stylus leaves the digitizer surface.
        /// Retrieve the packet array for this stylus and use it to create
        /// a new stoke.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The real time stylus associated with the notification</param>
        /// <param name="data">The notification data</param>
        public void StylusUp(RealTimeStylus sender, StylusUpData data)
            // Retrieve the packet array from the hashtable using the cursor id
            // as a key.  Then, clean this entry from the hash since it is no
            // longer needed.
            ArrayList collectedPackets = (ArrayList)myPackets[data.Stylus.Id];

            // Add the packet data from StylusUp to the array

            // Create the stroke using the specified drawing attributes.
            int[] packets = (int[])(collectedPackets.ToArray(typeof(int)));
            TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection tabletProperties = myRealTimeStylus.GetTabletPropertyDescriptionCollection(data.Stylus.TabletContextId);

            Stroke stroke = myInk.CreateStroke(packets, tabletProperties);
            if (stroke != null)
                stroke.DrawingAttributes.Color = myDynamicRenderer.DrawingAttributes.Color;
                stroke.DrawingAttributes.Width = myDynamicRenderer.DrawingAttributes.Width;
Esempio n. 51
 public void RealTimeStylusEnabled(RealTimeStylus sender, RealTimeStylusEnabledData data)
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="ViewerPresentationLayout"/> instance and instantiates all of the child controls.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The model whose <see cref="WorkspaceModel.CurrentDeckTraversal"/> property will
        /// be used to display the current slide and deck.</param>
        public ViewerPresentationLayout(PresenterModel model)
            this.Name = "ViewerPresentationLayout";
            this.m_Model = model;

            this.m_EventQueue = new ControlEventQueue(this);

            m_Model.Workspace.CurrentDeckTraversal.ListenAndInitialize(m_EventQueue, new Property<DeckTraversalModel>.EventHandler(this.HandleTraversalChanged));

            // Create the film strip, docked to the right side of the container.
            this.m_DeckStrip = new DeckStrip(this.m_Model);
            /// Filmstrip docking
            this.m_DeckStrip.Dock = DockStyle.Right;

            // Make the deck strip resizable with a LinkedSplitter.
            // The splitter automatically sets its dock to be the same as the FilmStrip.
            this.m_DeckStripSplitter = new LinkedSplitter(this.m_DeckStrip);

            // Create the MainSlideViewer, which occupies the remaining space in the container.
            this.m_MainSlideViewer = new MainSlideViewer(this.m_Model, true);
            this.m_MainSlideViewer.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

            #region RealTimeStylus Initialization
            // Create a new RealTimeStylus, which will process ink drawn on the MainSlideViewer.
            this.m_RealTimeStylus = new RealTimeStylus(this.m_MainSlideViewer, true);

            // Make sure the TransformableDynamicRenderer and InkAnnotationCollector
            // find out whenever the current StylusModel changes.
            this.m_StylusInputSelector = new StylusInputSelector(this.m_Model, this.m_RealTimeStylus);

            // Scale the ink to the inverse of the MainSlideViewer's transform.
            // This keeps the ink's coordinates correct when the MainSlideViewer's transform
            // is applied again later by the TransformableDynamicRenderer and InkAnnotationCollector.
            this.m_InkTransformFilter = new InkTransformFilter(this.m_MainSlideViewer.SlideDisplay);

            // Create a *synchronous* TransformableDynamicRenderer, which will render ink received directly
            // from the RealTimeStylus on a high-priority thread.
            this.m_TransformableDynamicRenderer = new TransformableDynamicRendererLinkedToDisplay(this.m_MainSlideViewer, this.m_MainSlideViewer.SlideDisplay);
            this.m_TransformableDynamicRenderer.Enabled = true;

            // Don't dynamically render ink on the main slide viewer twice.  The MainSlideViewer's RealTimeInkSheetRenderer's
            // own TransformableDynamicRenderer would render the ink on a low-priority asynchronous thread, which is
            // fine for secondary slide viewers and the FilmStrip, but not fine for the MainSlideViewer.
            using (Synchronizer.Lock(this.m_MainSlideViewer.SlideDisplay.SyncRoot)) {
                this.m_MainSlideViewer.SlideDisplay.RenderLocalRealTimeInk = false;

            // Create an InkAnnotationCollector and wrap it in an InkSheetAdapter,
            // which sends ink from the RealTimeStylus to the RealTimeInkSheetModel
            // of the MainSlideViewer's current slide.
            this.m_InkAnnotationCollector = new InkAnnotationCollector();
            this.m_InkAnnotationCollector_InkSheetAdapter = new InkSheetAdapter(this.m_MainSlideViewer.SlideDisplay, this.m_InkAnnotationCollector);

            this.m_LassoPlugin = new LassoPlugin(this.m_MainSlideViewer, this.m_MainSlideViewer.SlideDisplay);
            this.m_LassoPlugin_InkSheetAdapter = new InkSheetAdapter(this.m_MainSlideViewer.SlideDisplay, this.m_LassoPlugin);

            this.m_EraserPlugin = new EraserPlugin(this.m_MainSlideViewer.SlideDisplay);
            this.m_EraserPlugin_InkSheetAdapter = new InkSheetAdapter(this.m_MainSlideViewer.SlideDisplay, this.m_EraserPlugin);

            // Now that all the plugins have been added, enable the RealTimeStylus.
            this.m_RealTimeStylus.Enabled = true;
            #endregion RealTimeStylus Initialization

            // Create a DeckTraversalModelAdapter, which causes the MainSlideViewer to always display the
            // current slide of the current deck of the PresenterModel's current DeckTraversalModel.
            this.m_WorkspaceModelAdapter = new WorkspaceModelAdapter(this.m_MainSlideViewer.SlideDisplay.EventQueue, this.m_MainSlideViewer, this.m_Model);

            // Create the Slide Preview control
            this.m_SlidePreview = new SlidePreview(this.m_Model, this.m_DeckStripSplitter);
                = new PreviewTraversalModelAdapter(this.m_SlidePreview.m_EventQueue, this.m_SlidePreview.m_PreviewSlideViewer, this.m_Model);

            // Create the Second Monitor Form, this displays the slide on the secondary display
            this.m_SecondMonitorForm = new SecondMonitorForm(this.m_Model);
            this.ParentChanged += new EventHandler(OnParentChanged);

            // Create the Role Synchronizer for the MainSlideViewer
            this.m_RoleSync = new RoleSynchronizer(this.m_MainSlideViewer, this.m_Model.Participant);

            #region Add Controls
            // Add the SlidePreview Control

            // Now, add the controls in reverse order of their docking priority.
            // The MainSlideViewer gets added first so its Fill dock-style will be effective.

            // Next, dock the FilmStripSplitter and the FilmStrip in reverse order,
            // so that the FilmStripSplitter will be farther away from the edge of the container.

            #endregion Add Controls
Esempio n. 53
 public void StylusButtonUp(RealTimeStylus sender, StylusButtonUpData data)
Esempio n. 54
        /// <summary>
        /// Erases strokes that overlap the cursor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The real time stylus associated with the notification</param>
        /// <param name="data">The notification data</param>
        /// <seealso cref="EraserPlugin.StylusDown"/>
        /// <seealso cref="EraserPlugin.Packets"/>
        /// <seealso cref="EraserPlugin.StylusUp"/>
        private void HandlePackets(RealTimeStylus sender, StylusDataBase data)
            using (Synchronizer.Lock(this)) {
                // Ignore the strokes if the eraser stylus is not selected,
                // and if the stylus is not inverted.
                if (this.Eraser == null && !data.Stylus.Inverted)

                // Ignore if a touch input
                if (m_TouchSupported) {
                    try {
                        if (sender.GetTabletFromTabletContextId(data.Stylus.TabletContextId).DeviceKind == TabletDeviceKind.Touch)
                    catch {
                        m_TouchSupported = false;

                // Ignore the strokes if no ink sheet is selected.
                InkSheetModel sheet = this.InkSheetModel;
                if (sheet == null)

                // Convert the X and Y coordinates of the data,
                // which are defined to be at offsets [i] and [i+1],
                // to an array of Points.
                Debug.Assert(data.Count % data.PacketPropertyCount == 0);
                Point[] points = new Point[data.Count / data.PacketPropertyCount];
                for (int i = 0, j = 0, il = data.Count, inc = data.PacketPropertyCount; i < il; i += inc, j++)
                    points[j] = new Point(data[i], data[i + 1]);

                // Convert the ink points to pixels so we can
                // ignore the ones that are outside the slide view area.
                // This is done all at once to conserve resources used by the Graphics object.
                Point[] pixels = points;
                using (Synchronizer.Lock(this.m_Display.SyncRoot))
                    using (Graphics g = this.m_Display.CreateGraphics())
                        this.m_Renderer.InkSpaceToPixel(g, ref pixels);

                // Prevent anyone else from accessing the ink concurrently.
                using (Synchronizer.Lock(this.InkSheetModel.Ink.Strokes.SyncRoot)) {
                    // Iterate through each point through which the cursor has passed.
                    for(int i = 0, il = points.Length; i < il; i++) {
                        // Don't erase anything when the cursor is outside of the
                        // slide viewing area.  This prevents users from accidentally
                        // erasing strokes they can't see, especially when using the
                        // slide zoom feature.
                        if (!this.m_DisplayBounds.Contains(pixels[i]))

                        // Find all strokes within some radius from the cursor.
                        Strokes erased = sheet.Ink.HitTest(points[i], ERASER_RADIUS);

                        // If any strokes were found, erase them.
                        if (erased.Count > 0) {
                            // Get the list of stroke IDs in order to send an event
                            int[] ids = new int[erased.Count];
                            for (int j = 0; j < ids.Length; j++)
                                ids[j] = erased[j].Id;

                            // We must first warn listeners that the strokes are about to
                            // be deleted, because after they're deleted, no information
                            // about them can be recovered.  This is used to send
                            // network events and to store undo information.
                            sheet.OnInkDeleting(new StrokesEventArgs(ids));

                            // Delete the erased strokes.

                            // Inform listeners that the strokes have actually been deleted.
                            // This causes slide displays to refresh.
                            sheet.OnInkDeleted(new StrokesEventArgs(ids));
Esempio n. 55
 public void StylusOutOfRange(RealTimeStylus sender, StylusOutOfRangeData data)
Esempio n. 56
 void IStylusSyncPlugin.StylusButtonUp(RealTimeStylus sender, StylusButtonUpData data)
Esempio n. 57
 public void SystemGesture(RealTimeStylus sender, SystemGestureData data)
Esempio n. 58
 void IStylusSyncPlugin.StylusOutOfRange(RealTimeStylus sender, StylusOutOfRangeData data)
Esempio n. 59
        /// <summary>
        /// Event Handler from Form Load Event
        /// Set up the real time stylus for collection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The control that raised the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
        private void InkCollection_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // Create the renderers.  The dynamic renderer is used to render the ink
            // stroke that is currently being collected, whereas the static renderer
            // is used to render strokes that have already been collected.
            myDynamicRenderer = new DynamicRenderer(this);
            myRenderer = new Renderer();

            // If you do not modify the default drawing attributes, the default
            // drawing attributes will use the following properties and values:
            //      AntiAliased     = true
            //      Color           = black
            //      FitToCurve      = false
            //      Height          = 1
            //      IgnorePressure  = false
            //      PenTip          = ball
            //      RasterOperation = copy pen
            //      Transparency    = 0
            //      Width           = 53 (2 pixels on a 96 dpi screen)
            // For an example of how to modify other drawing attributes, uncomment
            // the following lines of code:
            // myDynamicRenderer.DrawingAttributes.PenTip = PenTip.Rectangle;
            // myDynamicRenderer.DrawingAttributes.Height = (.5F)*MediumInkWidth;
            // myDynamicRenderer.DrawingAttributes.Transparency = 128;

            // Create the real time stylus used to receive stylus notifications
            myRealTimeStylus = new RealTimeStylus(this, true);

            // Add the dynamic renderer to the synchronous plugin notification chain.
            // Synchronous notifications occur on the pen thread.

            // Add the form to the asynchronous plugin notification chain.  This plugin
            // will be used to collect stylus data into an ink object.  Asynchronous
            // notifications occur on the UI thread.

            // Enable the real time stylus and the dynamic renderer
            myRealTimeStylus.Enabled = true;
            myDynamicRenderer.Enabled = true;

            // Create the ink object used to store ink collected from the real time stylus
            myPackets = new Hashtable();
            myInk = new Ink();
Esempio n. 60
 /// <summary>
 /// Occurs when the stylus leaves the digitizer surface.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">The real time stylus associated with the notification</param>
 /// <param name="data">The notification data</param>
 void IStylusSyncPlugin.StylusUp(RealTimeStylus sender, StylusUpData data)
     this.HandlePackets(sender, data);