/// <summary> /// 读取摄像头信息,并创建对应的摄像机图标以及摄像头列表 /// </summary> void Start() { Instance = this; StartCoroutine("LoadMonitorRecord"); StartCoroutine("LoadVideoPatrolPlanRecord"); ShiPinSheBeiPanel.GetComponent <UIPanel>().alpha = 0; }
private void HandleTargetConnectionStateChanged(object sender, TargetConnectionStateChangedEventArgs args) { if (TargetConnection.IsTargetConnected == false) { RealTimeMonitor.ApplicationState.ResetApplicationState(); SimulationState.ResetSimulationProperties(); RealTimeMonitor.StopPropertyUpdatesTimer(); } bool isSimulationStartToggleButtonEnabled = TargetConnection.IsTargetConnected && SimulationState.IsModelLoadedOnTarget; MainScreen.ChangeSimulationStartToggleButtonState(!SimulationState.IsSimulationRunning, isSimulationStartToggleButtonEnabled); MainScreen.ChangeRebootButtonState(TargetConnection.IsTargetConnected); }
private void HandleStartSimulationToggleButtonClicked(object sender, MouseEventArgs args) { if(SimulationState.IsSimulationRunning) { SimulationState.StopTargetApplication(); } else { SimulationState.StartTargetApplication(); RealTimeMonitor.StartPropertyUpdatesTimer(); } bool isSimulationStartToggleButtonEnabled = TargetConnection.IsTargetConnected && SimulationState.IsModelLoadedOnTarget; MainScreen.ChangeSimulationStartToggleButtonState(!SimulationState.IsSimulationRunning, isSimulationStartToggleButtonEnabled); // Update this at the start of every simulation in case the user removed it MainScreen.UpdateStopTimeValue(SimulationState.StopTime); }
static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); MainScreen mainScreen = new MainScreen(); TargetCommunication targetConnection = new TargetCommunication(); RealTimeModel realTimeModelProperties = new RealTimeModel(); RealTimeMonitor realTimeMonitor = new RealTimeMonitor(); SimulationEnvironment simulationState = new SimulationEnvironment(); TargetFileSystem targetFileSystem = new TargetFileSystem(); RealTimeLogging realTimeLogger = new RealTimeLogging(); CommunicationController communicationController = new CommunicationController(mainScreen, targetConnection); RealTimeModelController realTimeModelController = new RealTimeModelController(mainScreen, targetConnection, realTimeModelProperties, simulationState); ApplicationController applicationController = new ApplicationController(mainScreen, targetConnection, realTimeModelProperties, realTimeMonitor, simulationState); FileSystemController fileSystemController = new FileSystemController(mainScreen, targetConnection, targetFileSystem, realTimeLogger, simulationState); Application.Run(mainScreen); }
private void HandleLoadModelToggleButtonClicked(object sender, MouseEventArgs args) { if (SimulationState.IsModelLoadedOnTarget) { // If the model is already loaded, unload the model and clear the corresponding application data SimulationState.UnloadRealTimeModel(TargetConnection); RealTimeMonitor.ApplicationState.ResetApplicationState(); RealTimeMonitor.StopPropertyUpdatesTimer(); } else { // Otherwise, load the model and create a new application state SimulationState.LoadRealTimeModel(TargetConnection, RealTimeModelProperties.RealTimeModelFilePath); RealTimeMonitor.ApplicationState = new LoadedApplicationState(SimulationState.LoadedApplication); } bool clearDataWhenDisabled = true; bool isLoadApplicationToggleButtonEnabled = TargetConnection.IsTargetConnected && RealTimeModelProperties.IsModelLocationLoaded; bool isApplicationControlsEnabled = TargetConnection.IsTargetConnected && SimulationState.IsModelLoadedOnTarget; MainScreen.ChangeLoadApplicationToggleButtonState(SimulationState.IsModelLoadedOnTarget, isLoadApplicationToggleButtonEnabled); MainScreen.ChangeLoadedModelRichTextBoxState(isApplicationControlsEnabled, clearDataWhenDisabled); MainScreen.ChangeStopTimeRichTextBoxState(isApplicationControlsEnabled, clearDataWhenDisabled); MainScreen.ChangeSimulationStartToggleButtonState(!SimulationState.IsSimulationRunning, isApplicationControlsEnabled); }
private void msc_Auto_OnComm(object sender, EventArgs e) { object objIn; objIn = msc_Auto.Input; poundValue = poundValue + objIn.ToString(); if (poundValue.IndexOf('=') > -1 && (poundValue.IndexOf('.') > -1)) { if (poundValue.Length >= 8) { if (poundValue.IndexOf('=') == 7) { poundValue = poundValue.Remove(poundValue.IndexOf("=")); if (poundValue.IndexOf('-') > -1) { poundValue = ""; } else { char[] arr = poundValue.ToCharArray(); Array.Reverse(arr); poundValue = new string(arr); lblDigital.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", Convert.ToDecimal(poundValue)); poundValue = ""; } //��������ж� this.isCG(Convert.ToDouble(lblDigital.Text)); if (strCurrentMenu != "Person") { txtHandDigital.Text = lblDigital.Text; } CountNetWeight(); RealTimeMonitor monitor = new RealTimeMonitor(); monitor.SendBangChengMessage(lblDigital.Text); } } else { poundValue = ""; } } }
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { strCollCode = this.cmbCollName.SelectedValue.ToString(); strCoalKindCode = this.cmbCoalKind.SelectedValue.ToString(); #region //------------�жϺ���-����-2010-3-12----- if (1 == CMainForm.IsHaveRed) { if (!CMainForm.IsRightPosition) { alarmSound.Alarm("���������λ��"); return; } } //---------------------------------------- #endregion CoalTraffic.Model.TT_LoadWeight model = new CoalTraffic.Model.TT_LoadWeight(); if (strCurrentMenu != "Person") { model.LoadWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(lblDigital.Text); model.NetWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(lblDigital.Text) - Convert.ToDecimal(txtEmptyWeight.Text.Trim()); } else { #region ��֤���ݵ���ȷ�� if (txtHandDigital.Text.Trim() != "" && CommonMethod.IsDecimal(CommonMethod.ToDBC(txtHandDigital.Text.Trim()))) { if (Convert.ToDecimal(CommonMethod.ToDBC(txtHandDigital.Text.Trim())) < Convert.ToDecimal(lblDigital.Text.Trim())) { alarmSound.Alarm("��������س���������С�ڰ�������"); txtHandDigital.Text = ""; return; } else { model.LoadWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(CommonMethod.ToDBC(this.txtHandDigital.Text.Trim())); model.NetWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(CommonMethod.ToDBC(this.txtHandDigital.Text.Trim())) - Convert.ToDecimal(txtEmptyWeight.Text.Trim()); } } else { alarmSound.Alarm("��������س�������ʽ����"); txtHandDigital.Text = ""; return; } #endregion } if (model.NetWeight > 0.00m) { #region ��ȡ����ҵ��ص���Ϣ SqlParameter[] parameter = { new SqlParameter("@CollCode", SqlDbType.VarChar,10), new SqlParameter("@CoalKindCode", SqlDbType.VarChar,4) }; parameter[0].Value = strCollCode; parameter[1].Value = strCoalKindCode; DataSet dstColieryAccount = DbHelperSQL.RunProcedure("PT_ColieryAccountJudge", parameter, "ColieryAccount"); #endregion string strLeastValue = dstColieryAccount.Tables["ColieryAccount"].Rows[0]["ReturnValue"].ToString(); if (strLeastValue == "0") //0���������ɹ��� { #region ��Ƶץͼ if (StaticParameter.IsVideo == "1") { if (byteFrontImage == null && byteBackImage == null && byteUpImage == null && byteRoomImage == null) { //strFrontImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); //strBackImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); //strUpImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); //strRoomImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); byteFrontImage = this.videoFrontImage.CapturePic(); byteBackImage = this.videoBackImage.CapturePic(); byteUpImage = this.videoUpImage.CapturePic(); byteRoomImage = this.videoRoomImage.CapturePic(); } } #endregion #region ʵ�����س� string strWeightCode = strRoomCode + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); model.WeightCode = strWeightCode; model.TrafficCode = cementName;//strWeightCode; model.NavicertCode = strNavicertCode; model.MarkedCardCode = strMardedCardCode; model.RemoteCardCode = strRemoteCode; model.CollCode = strCollCode; model.CollName = this.cmbCollName.Text; model.CoalKindCode = this.strCoalKindCode; //���� 2010-05-19 ѡ���Ʒ�ij������� model.CoalKindName = this.cmbCoalKind.Text; //model.CoalKindName = this.txtKindName.Text.Trim(); model.CarOwnerName = strCarOwnerName; model.CarNo = txtCarNo.Text; model.CarType = txtCarType.Text; model.EmptyWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(txtEmptyWeight.Text); model.OverWeight = 0; model.RoomCode = strRoomCode; model.RoomName = strRoomName; model.BangType = strBangType; model.Operator = StaticParameter.UserName; model.WeightTime = DateTime.Now; model.RandomCode = CommonMethod.getRandom(4); model.CustomerName = "ˮ��ȥ��"; model.IsFirstSite = "1"; model.TaxType = "�س�������˰"; model.FrontImage = strFrontImage; model.BackImage = strBackImage; model.UpImage = strUpImage; model.RoomImage = strRoomImage; model.FrontImageContent = byteFrontImage; model.BackImageContent = byteBackImage; model.UpImageContent = byteUpImage; model.RoomImageContent = byteRoomImage; model.TaxObject = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TaxObject"].ToString(); model.EmptyCode = strEmptyCode; #endregion if (bll.Add(model) != "") { if (bll.Add(model) != "-1") { #region ��ӳɹ���������ͬ�� try { string strSql = "PT_LoadWeight '" + model.WeightCode + "','" + model.TrafficCode + "','" + model.NavicertCode + "','" + model.MarkedCardCode + "','" + model.RemoteCardCode + "'," + "'" + model.CollCode + "','" + model.CollName + "','" + model.CoalKindCode + "','" + model.CoalKindName + "','" + model.CarOwnerName + "'," + "'" + model.CarNo + "','" + model.CarType + "','" + model.LoadWeight + "','" + model.EmptyWeight + "','" + model.NetWeight + "'," + "'" + model.OverWeight + "','" + model.RoomCode + "','" + model.RoomName + "','" + model.BangType + "','" + model.Operator + "'," + "'" + model.WeightTime + "','" + model.RandomCode + "','" + model.CustomerName + "','" + model.TaxType + "','" + model.TaxObject + "'," + "'" + model.IsFirstSite + "','" + model.FrontImage + "','" + model.BackImage + "','" + model.UpImage + "','" + model.RoomImage + "'," + "null,null,null,null,'" + model.EmptyCode + "'"; mq.AddNewSqlText(mq.CheckStation + mq.Prefix + "TT_LoadWeight" + mq.Prefix + mq.AddFlg + mq.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + mq.Prefix + strSql); //����ͼƬ try { //����ͼƬ ����ashx���ϴ�ͼƬ System.Net.WebClient webclient = new System.Net.WebClient(); if (byteFrontImage != null) { webclient.UploadData(ini.IniReadValue("PicterRoute", "PRoute")+ model.WeightCode + "&filename=1", byteFrontImage); } if (byteBackImage != null) { webclient.UploadData(ini.IniReadValue("PicterRoute", "PRoute") + model.WeightCode + "&filename=2", byteBackImage); } if (byteUpImage != null) { webclient.UploadData(ini.IniReadValue("PicterRoute", "PRoute") + model.WeightCode + "&filename=3", byteUpImage); } if (byteRoomImage != null) { webclient.UploadData(ini.IniReadValue("PicterRoute", "PRoute") + model.WeightCode + "&filename=4", byteRoomImage); } } catch { } /********************************************************/ //Add By ����ӭ ��BSʵʱ��ط�������Ϣ���з����س�������Ϣ /********************************************************/ string loadMessage = model.EmptyWeight.ToString() + "," + model.LoadWeight.ToString() + "," + model.NetWeight.ToString() + "," + model.OverWeight.ToString() + "," + model.TaxAmount.ToString() + "," + model.FundAmount.ToString() + "," + model.Operator.ToString() + "," + model.WeightTime.ToString() + "," + model.CarNo.ToString() + "," + model.CarOwnerName.ToString() + "," + model.RoomName.ToString() + "," + model.CollName.ToString() + "," + model.CoalKindName.ToString() + "," + model.NavicertCode.ToString() + "," + model.MarkedCardCode.ToString() + "," + model.RemoteCardCode.ToString() + "," + model.WeightCode.ToString();//������Ϣ��ʽ���ճ�����,�س�����,����,����,˰��,����,������,����ʱ��,���ƺ�,��������,��������,ú������,ú������,�˿���,��ʶ����,Զ�̿���,�������� RealTimeMonitor monitor = new RealTimeMonitor();//������Ϣ monitor.SendLoadWeightMessage(loadMessage); /********************************************************/ } catch { } #endregion string strErro = ""; if (StaticParameter.IsHaveMarkedCard == "1") { strErro = "�����ձ�ʶ��"; } if (StaticParameter.FormType == "2") //��Ʊվ��ӡ�� �����ӡ { alarmSound.Alarm("�����ɹ�"); CommonMethod.MessageBox("�����ɹ�", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } else { alarmSound.Alarm("�����ɹ�,���ȷ����ӡ�س�������" + strErro + ""); CommonMethod.MessageBox("�����ɹ�,���ȷ����ӡ�س�������" + strErro + "!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); //�������ó�ر�־λ this.isks = true; Assembly assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); string strFileName = ""; strFileName = StaticParameter.ReportFile; Type type = assembly.GetType("CoalTraffic.Report." + strFileName + "LoadWeightPrint"); object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type, strWeightCode, true); Form formToShow = (Form)obj; formToShow.ShowDialog(); } } else { alarmSound.Alarm("�˻�����Ѳ��㱾���Ŀۿ��֪ͨ" + this.cmbCollName.Text.Trim() + "��������"); } } else { this.alarmSound.Alarm("��վ�����ݿ��쳣"); InsertState = 0; InsertBadReCordInfo("�쳣", txtCarNo.Text.Trim(), strRoomName + "�����ݿ��쳣"); } } else if (strLeastValue == "1") { alarmSound.Alarm("��ҵ����������,���ܼ�������"); } else if (strLeastValue == "2") { alarmSound.Alarm("����ҵ�������ò�Ʒ,���ܼ�������"); InsertState = 0; InsertBadReCordInfo("�쳣", txtCarNo.Text.Trim(), strCollName + "������" + strCoalKindName); } else if (strLeastValue == "-1") { alarmSound.Alarm("����ҵ������,���ܼ�������"); InsertState = 0; InsertBadReCordInfo("�쳣", txtCarNo.Text.Trim(), "���Ϊ��" + strCollCode + "����ҵ������"); } btnOK.Enabled = false; ClearAll(); if (StaticParameter.CardType == "IC") icCard.FactoryCodeInitValue = ""; } else { alarmSound.Alarm("ˮ�ྻ���쳣"); InsertState = 0; InsertBadReCordInfo("�쳣", txtCarNo.Text.Trim(), "���ƺ�Ϊ��" + txtCarNo.Text.Trim() + "������ˮ�ྻ���쳣"); } }
/// <summary> /// �����÷���--��ȡ���ӿؼ���ֵ��������ֵ��ֵ���ؼ� /// </summary> void SetUIPoundValue() { if (string.Compare(this.lblDigital.Text, string.Format("{0:F2}", appearance.Weight)) != 0)//�ж��ı�����ʾ������ֵ�Ͱ��ӿؼ���ȡ����ֵ�Dz���ȣ�����0.00�� { this.lblDigital.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", appearance.Weight);//���ؼ���õ�������ת��Ϊָ����ʽ����ֵ����ʾ�����Ŀؼ� ValidateData();//��֤�����Ƿ��ȡ #region �˷����Ѿ���ע���ˣ�ͨ����Ϣ���н�������Ϣ���� RealTimeMonitor monitor = new RealTimeMonitor();//ʵ����������Ϣ������ //monitor.SendBangChengMessage(appearance.Weight.ToString()); #endregion } }
protected void SetMsComValue() { if (string.Compare(this.lblDigital.Text, string.Format("{0:F2}", appearance.Weight)) != 0) { if (appearance.Weight.ToString().Equals("0") || appearance.Weight.ToString().Equals("0.00")) { lblDigital.Text = "0.00"; } else { if (CommonMethod.IsNumber(appearance.Weight.ToString())) { lblDigital.Text = appearance.Weight.ToString() + ".00"; } else { lblDigital.Text = appearance.Weight.ToString(); } } if (strCurrentMenu == "Auto") { txtHandDigital.Text = lblDigital.Text.Trim(); } RealTimeMonitor monitor = new RealTimeMonitor(); monitor.SendBangChengMessage(lblDigital.Text); } }
private void lblDigital_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { string IsNorBang = ini.IniReadValue("BcComSetting", "IsNorBang"); if (IsNorBang == "1") { RealTimeMonitor monitor = new RealTimeMonitor(); monitor.SendBangChengMessage(lblDigital.Text); } }
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Model.TT_BadRecord MBR = new CoalTraffic.Model.TT_BadRecord(); BLL.TT_BadRecord BBR = new CoalTraffic.BLL.TT_BadRecord(); Model.TT_LoadWeight MLW = new CoalTraffic.Model.TT_LoadWeight(); BLL.TT_LoadWeight BLW = new CoalTraffic.BLL.TT_LoadWeight(); decimal DNetWeight = 0.00m;//根据当前磅秤数据和车皮获得到临时净重---变量 #region 计算煤炭净重 if (strCurrentMenu != "Person") { decimal dDigital, dEmptyWeight; if (decimal.TryParse(lblDigital.Text.Trim(), out dDigital) && decimal.TryParse(strEmptyWeight, out dEmptyWeight))//将磅秤的数据(字符串)转为decmal,将空车重量(字符串)转为decmal { DNetWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(dDigital - dEmptyWeight);//获得到净重 } else { aSound.Alarm("重量数据格式不正确"); return; } } else//如果是人工错做,则进行数据校验 { #region 验证数据的正确性 if (txtHandDigital.Text.Trim() != "" && CommonMethod.IsDecimal(CommonMethod.ToDBC(txtHandDigital.Text.Trim()))) { if (Convert.ToDecimal(CommonMethod.ToDBC(txtHandDigital.Text.Trim())) < Convert.ToDecimal(lblDigital.Text.Trim())) { aSound.Alarm("你输入的重重车量不能小于磅秤重量"); txtHandDigital.Text = ""; return; } else { DNetWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(CommonMethod.ToDBC(txtHandDigital.Text.Trim())) - Convert.ToDecimal(strEmptyWeight); } } else { aSound.Alarm("你输入的重车重量格式不对"); txtHandDigital.Text = ""; return; } #endregion } #endregion if (DNetWeight > 0.00m)//如果净重大于0,那么就进行视频抓图,重车验票 { #region 视频抓图 if (StaticParameter.IsVideo == "1") { if (byteFrontImage == null && byteBackImage == null && byteUpImage == null && byteRoomImage == null) { strFrontImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); strBackImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); strUpImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); strRoomImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); byteFrontImage = this.videoFrontImage.CapturePic(); byteBackImage = this.videoBackImage.CapturePic(); byteUpImage = this.videoUpImage.CapturePic(); byteRoomImage = this.videoRoomImage.CapturePic(); } } #endregion if (rbCheck.Checked)//重车验票 { #region 重车验票 CoalTraffic.BLL.TT_CheckBang bllCheckBang = new CoalTraffic.BLL.TT_CheckBang(); CoalTraffic.Model.TT_CheckBang modelCheckBang = new CoalTraffic.Model.TT_CheckBang(); modelCheckBang.RoomCode = strRoomCode;//磅房编号 modelCheckBang.NetWeight = DNetWeight;//净重 #region 监察该重车是否已经验票 bool bolChecked = bllCheckBang.IsChecked(strTrafficCode, modelCheckBang.RoomCode); #endregion decimal dOverWeight = 0.0m;//超重 decimal DLimitWeight = 0.0m;//限定重量 /*验票站的:通过为1,不通过为0*/ if (bolChecked) { modelCheckBang.CheckResult = "重车验票不通过,该过磅单在本磅房中已检验过"; modelCheckBang.IsPassed = "0"; } else//是第一次验票 { #region 验证验证码是否正确 if (CommonMethod.ToDBC(this.txtRandCode.Text.Trim()) != strRandomCode && iCount < iTryAgainTime) { //总共是三次机会来输入验证码 CommonMethod.MessageBox("您输入的验证码不正确,请重新输入,您还有" + (iTryAgainTime - iCount) + "次输入机会", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); //aSound.Alarm("您输入的验证码不正确,请重新输入,您还有" + (iTryAgainTime - iCount) + "次输入机会"); txtRandCode.Text = ""; btnOK.Enabled = false; iCount++; return; }//验证码错误并且已经输入3次都是错误,就验票不通过。 else if (CommonMethod.ToDBC(this.txtRandCode.Text.Trim()) != strRandomCode && iCount == iTryAgainTime) { modelCheckBang.CheckResult = "重车验票不通过,验票单可能造假"; //验票结果:通过 or 不通过 modelCheckBang.IsPassed = "0"; }//验证码输入正确 else if (CommonMethod.ToDBC(this.txtRandCode.Text.Trim()) == strRandomCode) { modelCheckBang.CheckResult = "重车验票通过"; modelCheckBang.IsPassed = "1"; } #endregion } #region 实例化检票 modelCheckBang.CheckCode = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); modelCheckBang.CheckTime = DateTime.Now; modelCheckBang.Operator = StaticParameter.UserName; modelCheckBang.MarkedCardCode = strMardedCardCode; modelCheckBang.NavicertCode = strNavicertCode; modelCheckBang.WeightCode = this.strTrafficCode; modelCheckBang.FrontImage = strFrontImage; modelCheckBang.BackImage = strBackImage; modelCheckBang.UpImage = strUpImage; modelCheckBang.RoomImage = strRoomImage; modelCheckBang.FrontImageContent = byteFrontImage; modelCheckBang.BackImageContent = byteBackImage; modelCheckBang.UpImageContent = byteUpImage; modelCheckBang.RoomImageContent = byteRoomImage; #endregion if (modelCheckBang.IsPassed == "0")//验票不通过,将不通过的信息,插入报警信息 { InsertState = 0; InsertBadReCordInfo("不通过", modelCheckBang.CheckResult);//添加验票失败的报警信息,并同步到机房 } else//验票通过(验证码等信息通过) { #region 获取最大重车重量 //根据运输编号找到该车的过磅重量(最新的) string strsql = "select max(LoadWeight) from TT_LoadWeight where TrafficCode ='" + strTrafficCode + "'"; object OMLoadWeight = DbHelperSQL.GetSingle(strsql); if (strCurrentMenu != "Person")//不是人工过磅,获取该车的超重信息 { dOverWeight = decimal.Parse(lblDigital.Text.Trim()) - decimal.Parse(OMLoadWeight.ToString()); } else//人工过磅,获取该车的超重信息 { dOverWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(CommonMethod.ToDBC(txtHandDigital.Text.Trim())) - Convert.ToDecimal(OMLoadWeight.ToString()); } DLimitWeight = StaticParameter.WeightThreshold;//获取配置文件中限定重量 #endregion if (dOverWeight >= DLimitWeight)//超重的重量大于限定的重量,再次扣除超重的税费(MLW) { #region 实例化重车过磅(由于超重) string strWeightCode = strRoomCode + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); MLW.WeightCode = strWeightCode; MLW.TrafficCode = strTrafficCode; MLW.NavicertCode = strNavicertCode; MLW.MarkedCardCode = strMardedCardCode; MLW.RemoteCardCode = strRemoteCode; MLW.CollCode = strCollCode; MLW.CollName = this.cmbCollName.Text.Trim(); MLW.CoalKindCode = this.cmbCoalKind.SelectedValue.ToString(); MLW.CoalKindName = this.cmbCoalKind.Text.Trim(); MLW.CarOwnerName = txtCarOwner.Text.Trim(); MLW.CarNo = txtCarNo.Text.Trim(); MLW.CarType = txtCarType.Text.Trim(); if (strCurrentMenu != "Person") { MLW.LoadWeight = decimal.Parse(lblDigital.Text.Trim()); } else { MLW.LoadWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(CommonMethod.ToDBC(txtHandDigital.Text.Trim())); } //MLW.EmptyWeight = decimal.Parse(lblEmptyWeight.Text.Trim()); MLW.EmptyWeight = decimal.Parse(txtEmptyWeight.Text.Replace("吨", "").Trim()); MLW.NetWeight = 0.0m; MLW.OverWeight = decimal.Parse(dOverWeight.ToString()); MLW.RoomCode = strRoomCode; MLW.RoomName = strRoomName; MLW.BangType = "重车" + strBangType + "验票"; MLW.Operator = StaticParameter.UserName; MLW.WeightTime = DateTime.Now; MLW.RandomCode = CommonMethod.getRandom(4); MLW.CustomerName = "运煤去向"; MLW.TaxType = "重车补扣税费"; MLW.IsFirstSite = "0"; MLW.FrontImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); MLW.BackImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); MLW.UpImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); MLW.RoomImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); MLW.FrontImageContent = byteFrontImage; MLW.BackImageContent = byteBackImage; MLW.UpImageContent = byteUpImage; MLW.RoomImageContent = byteRoomImage; MLW.TaxObject = ini.IniReadValue("GFSet", "TaxObject");//扣费标准:1以磅房来算,2以煤矿来算,3以片区来算——————ypf20130519 MLW.EmptyCode = strEmptyCode; #endregion } } bool ISSound = false; bool IsLoadWeight = true; #region 超重扣税功能---此处将其注释。(王双峰要求) //if ((dOverWeight >= DLimitWeight) && (dOverWeight != 0.0m))//超重的重量大于限定的重量 //{ // #region 添加重车(由于超重)过磅记录 // if (BLW.Add(MLW) != "")//添加超重的信息到重车过磅表中,将数据添加到本地数据库 // { // ISSound = true; // if (BLW.Add(MLW) != "-1") // { // #region 数据上传,更新到服务器,并有服务器进行各个磅房更新 // string strSql = "PT_LoadWeight '" + MLW.WeightCode + "','" + MLW.TrafficCode + "','" + MLW.NavicertCode + "','" + MLW.MarkedCardCode + "','" + MLW.RemoteCardCode + "'," // + "'" + MLW.CollCode + "','" + MLW.CollName + "','" + MLW.CoalKindCode + "','" + MLW.CoalKindName + "','" + MLW.CarOwnerName + "'," // + "'" + MLW.CarNo + "','" + MLW.CarType + "','" + MLW.LoadWeight + "','" + MLW.EmptyWeight + "','" + MLW.NetWeight + "'," // + "'" + MLW.OverWeight + "','" + MLW.RoomCode + "','" + MLW.RoomName + "','" + MLW.BangType + "','" + MLW.Operator + "'," // + "'" + MLW.WeightTime + "','" + MLW.RandomCode + "','" + MLW.CustomerName + "','" + MLW.TaxType + "','" + MLW.TaxObject + "'," // + "'" + MLW.IsFirstSite + "','" + MLW.FrontImage + "','" + MLW.BackImage + "','" + MLW.UpImage + "','" + MLW.RoomImage + "',null,null,null,null,'" + MLW.EmptyCode + "'"; // MC.AddNewSqlText(MC.AllStation + MC.Prefix + "TT_LoadWeight" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + strSql); // //发送图片 // string strIsSendPicToRoom = StaticParameter.IsSendPicToRoom; // int iSend = MC.ServerStation; // //是否发送磅房 // if (strIsSendPicToRoom == "1") // iSend = MC.CheckStation; // string strPic = ""; // if (MLW.FrontImageContent != null) // { // strPic = iSend + MC.Prefix + "Sys_FileSave" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix // + MLW.FrontImage + ",jpg," + Convert.ToBase64String(MLW.FrontImageContent, 0, MLW.FrontImageContent.Length); // MC.AddNewSqlText(strPic); // } // if (MLW.BackImageContent != null) // { // strPic = iSend + MC.Prefix + "Sys_FileSave" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix // + MLW.BackImage + ",jpg," + Convert.ToBase64String(MLW.BackImageContent, 0, MLW.BackImageContent.Length); // MC.AddNewSqlText(strPic); // } // if (MLW.UpImageContent != null) // { // strPic = iSend + MC.Prefix + "Sys_FileSave" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix // + MLW.UpImage + ",jpg," + Convert.ToBase64String(MLW.UpImageContent, 0, MLW.UpImageContent.Length); // MC.AddNewSqlText(strPic); // } // if (MLW.RoomImageContent != null) // { // strPic = iSend + MC.Prefix + "Sys_FileSave" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix // + MLW.RoomImage + ",jpg," + Convert.ToBase64String(MLW.RoomImageContent, 0, MLW.RoomImageContent.Length); // MC.AddNewSqlText(strPic); // } // /********************************************************/ // //Add By 鲍永迎 向BS实时监控服务器消息队列发送重车过磅消息 // /********************************************************/ // //string loadMessage = MLW.RoomName + "," + MLW.LoadWeight + "," + MLW.CoalKindName + "," + MLW.NavicertCode + "," + MLW.NetWeight.ToString() + "," + MLW.WeightTime.ToString();//定义消息格式:磅房名称,车主姓名,煤种名称,准运卡号,煤炭净重,过磅时间 // //RealTimeMonitor monitor = new RealTimeMonitor();//发送消息 // //monitor.SendLoadWeightMessage(loadMessage); // //冯磊 2010-05-18 修改向BS实时监控服务器消息队列发送重车过磅消息 // string loadMessage = MLW.EmptyWeight.ToString() + "," + MLW.LoadWeight.ToString() + "," + MLW.NetWeight.ToString() + "," + MLW.OverWeight.ToString() + "," + MLW.TaxAmount.ToString() + "," + MLW.FundAmount.ToString() + "," + MLW.Operator.ToString() + "," + MLW.WeightTime.ToString() // + "," + MLW.CarNo.ToString() + "," + MLW.CarOwnerName.ToString() + "," + MLW.RoomName.ToString() + "," + MLW.CollName.ToString() + "," + MLW.CoalKindName.ToString() + "," + // MLW.NavicertCode.ToString() + "," + MLW.MarkedCardCode.ToString() + "," + MLW.RemoteCardCode.ToString() + "," + MLW.WeightCode.ToString();//定义消息格式:空车重量,重车重量,净重,超重,税费,基金,操作人,过磅时间,车牌号,车主姓名,磅房名称,煤矿名称,煤种名称,准运卡号,标识卡号,远程卡号,过磅单号 // RealTimeMonitor monitor = new RealTimeMonitor();//发送消息 // monitor.SendLoadWeightMessage(loadMessage); // /********************************************************/ // #endregion// // if (strMardedCardCode != "" && ini.IniReadValue("RoomSetting", "IsHaveMarkedCard") == "1") // { // aSound.Alarm("重车验票过磅通过,点击确定打印重车验票过磅单 并且回收标识卡"); // CommonMethod.MessageBox("重车过磅验票通过,点击确定打印重车验票过磅单并且回收标识卡!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); // } // else // { // aSound.Alarm("重车验票过磅通过,点击确定打印重车验票过磅单"); // CommonMethod.MessageBox("重车过磅验票通过,点击确定打印重车验票过磅单!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); // } // //设置扣税标志位 // this.isks = true; // #region 打印相关 // Assembly assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); // string strFileName = ""; // if (StaticParameter.ReportFile == "FuYuan.") // { // strFileName = "ZiChang."; // } // else // { // strFileName = StaticParameter.ReportFile; // } // Type type = assembly.GetType("CoalTraffic.Report." + strFileName + "CheckLoadWeightPrint"); // object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type, MLW.WeightCode, true); // Form formToShow = (Form)obj; // formToShow.ShowDialog(); // #endregion // } // else // { // aSound.Alarm("账户余额已不足本车的扣款,请通知" + cmbCollName.Text.Trim() + "速来交费"); // IsLoadWeight = false; // } // } // else // { // this.aSound.Alarm("该站的数据库异常"); // InsertState = 0; // InsertBadReCordInfo("异常", strRoomName + "的数据库异常"); // } // #endregion //} #endregion #region 添加验票信息 string isConnection = ini.IniReadValue("Connection", "isConnection"); if (IsLoadWeight) { if (bllCheckBang.Add(modelCheckBang) != "") { #region 数据上传 try { StringBuilder sbInsertCheckBang = new StringBuilder(); sbInsertCheckBang.Append("PT_CheckBang '" + modelCheckBang.CheckCode + "','" + modelCheckBang.WeightCode + "','" + modelCheckBang.NavicertCode + "',"); sbInsertCheckBang.Append("'" + modelCheckBang.MarkedCardCode + "','" + modelCheckBang.NetWeight + "','" + modelCheckBang.RoomCode + "',"); sbInsertCheckBang.Append("'" + modelCheckBang.IsPassed + "','" + modelCheckBang.CheckResult + "','" + modelCheckBang.CheckTime + "',"); sbInsertCheckBang.Append("'" + modelCheckBang.Operator + "','" + modelCheckBang.FrontImage + "',null,"); sbInsertCheckBang.Append("'" + modelCheckBang.BackImage + "',null,'" + modelCheckBang.UpImage + "',"); sbInsertCheckBang.Append("null,'" + modelCheckBang.RoomImage + "',null"); if (isConnection == "0") { mqServer.AddMsmq(MC.AllStation + MC.Prefix + "TT_CheckBang" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + sbInsertCheckBang.ToString()); } else { MC.AddNewSqlText(MC.AllStation + MC.Prefix + "TT_CheckBang" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + sbInsertCheckBang.ToString()); } //发送图片 string strIsSendPicToRoom = StaticParameter.IsSendPicToRoom; int iSend = MC.ServerStation; //是否发送磅房 if (strIsSendPicToRoom == "1") iSend = MC.CheckStation; string strPic = ""; if (modelCheckBang.FrontImageContent != null) { strPic = iSend + MC.Prefix + "Sys_FileSave" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + modelCheckBang.FrontImage + ",jpg," + Convert.ToBase64String(modelCheckBang.FrontImageContent, 0, modelCheckBang.FrontImageContent.Length); if (isConnection == "0") { mqServer.AddMsmq(strPic); } else { MC.AddNewSqlText(strPic); } } if (modelCheckBang.BackImageContent != null) { strPic = iSend + MC.Prefix + "Sys_FileSave" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + modelCheckBang.BackImage + ",jpg," + Convert.ToBase64String(modelCheckBang.BackImageContent, 0, modelCheckBang.BackImageContent.Length); if (isConnection == "0") { mqServer.AddMsmq(strPic); } else { MC.AddNewSqlText(strPic); } } if (modelCheckBang.UpImageContent != null) { strPic = iSend + MC.Prefix + "Sys_FileSave" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + modelCheckBang.UpImage + ",jpg," + Convert.ToBase64String(modelCheckBang.UpImageContent, 0, modelCheckBang.UpImageContent.Length); if (isConnection == "0") { mqServer.AddMsmq(strPic); } else { MC.AddNewSqlText(strPic); } } if (modelCheckBang.RoomImageContent != null) { strPic = iSend + MC.Prefix + "Sys_FileSave" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + modelCheckBang.RoomImage + ",jpg," + Convert.ToBase64String(modelCheckBang.RoomImageContent, 0, modelCheckBang.RoomImageContent.Length); if (isConnection == "0") { mqServer.AddMsmq(strPic); } else { MC.AddNewSqlText(strPic); } } //CoalTraffic.MessagingService.LocalWeightServiceClient localService = new CoalTraffic.MessagingService.LocalWeightServiceClient(); //localService.AddCheckBang(modelCheckBang); } catch { } #endregion if (!ISSound) { aSound.Alarm(modelCheckBang.CheckResult); } spRemote.CardCode = ""; } else { if (isConnection == "0") { //ini.IniWriteValue("RoomSetting", "IsHaveMarkedCard", CommonMethod.ToDBC("1")); MessageBox.Show("系统与服务器断开连接,请联系中心机房!"); Application.ExitThread(); Application.Exit(); } else { aSound.Alarm("该站的数据库异常"); InsertState = 0; InsertBadReCordInfo("异常", strRoomName + "的数据库异常"); } } } #endregion #endregion } else//重车过磅选项 { #region 重车过磅 #region 读取与煤矿相关的信息 SqlParameter[] parameter = { new SqlParameter("@CollCode", SqlDbType.VarChar,10), new SqlParameter("@CoalKindCode", SqlDbType.VarChar,4) }; parameter[0].Value = strCollCode; parameter[1].Value = strCoalKindCode; DataSet dstColieryAccount = DbHelperSQL.RunProcedure("PT_ColieryAccountJudge", parameter, "ColieryAccount"); #endregion string strLeastValue = dstColieryAccount.Tables["ColieryAccount"].Rows[0]["ReturnValue"].ToString(); if (strLeastValue == "0") //0:正常,可过磅 { if (strCurrentMenu != "Person") { MLW.LoadWeight = decimal.Parse(lblDigital.Text.Trim()); } else { MLW.LoadWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(CommonMethod.ToDBC(txtHandDigital.Text.Trim())); } #region 实例化重车过磅 string strWeightCode = strRoomCode + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); MLW.WeightCode = strWeightCode; MLW.TrafficCode = strWeightCode; MLW.NavicertCode = strNavicertCode; MLW.MarkedCardCode = strMardedCardCode; MLW.RemoteCardCode = strRemoteCode; MLW.CollCode = strCollCode; MLW.CollName = cmbCollName.Text; MLW.CoalKindCode = cmbCoalKind.SelectedValue.ToString(); MLW.CoalKindName = cmbCoalKind.Text; MLW.CarOwnerName = txtCarOwner.Text.Trim(); MLW.CarNo = txtCarNo.Text.Trim(); MLW.CarType = txtCarType.Text.Trim(); MLW.EmptyWeight = decimal.Parse(strEmptyWeight); MLW.NetWeight = MLW.LoadWeight - MLW.EmptyWeight; MLW.OverWeight = 0.00m; MLW.RoomCode = strRoomCode; MLW.RoomName = strRoomName; MLW.BangType = "重车" + strBangType + "过磅"; MLW.Operator = StaticParameter.UserName; MLW.WeightTime = DateTime.Now; MLW.RandomCode = CommonMethod.getRandom(4); MLW.CustomerName = "运煤去向"; MLW.TaxType = "重车正常扣税"; MLW.IsFirstSite = "1"; MLW.FrontImage = strFrontImage; MLW.BackImage = strBackImage; MLW.UpImage = strUpImage; MLW.RoomImage = strRoomImage; MLW.FrontImageContent = byteFrontImage; MLW.BackImageContent = byteBackImage; MLW.UpImageContent = byteUpImage; MLW.RoomImageContent = byteRoomImage; MLW.TaxObject = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TaxObject"].ToString(); MLW.EmptyCode = strEmptyCode; #endregion #region 添加重车过磅记录 string isConnection = ini.IniReadValue("Connection", "isConnection"); if (BLW.Add(MLW) != "") { if (BLW.Add(MLW) != "-1") { //MSMQClient MC = new MSMQClient(); #region 数据上传 string strSql = "PT_LoadWeight '" + MLW.WeightCode + "','" + MLW.TrafficCode + "','" + MLW.NavicertCode + "','" + MLW.MarkedCardCode + "','" + MLW.RemoteCardCode + "'," + "'" + MLW.CollCode + "','" + MLW.CollName + "','" + MLW.CoalKindCode + "','" + MLW.CoalKindName + "','" + MLW.CarOwnerName + "'," + "'" + MLW.CarNo + "','" + MLW.CarType + "','" + MLW.LoadWeight + "','" + MLW.EmptyWeight + "','" + MLW.NetWeight + "'," + "'" + MLW.OverWeight + "','" + MLW.RoomCode + "','" + MLW.RoomName + "','" + MLW.BangType + "','" + MLW.Operator + "'," + "'" + MLW.WeightTime + "','" + MLW.RandomCode + "','" + MLW.CustomerName + "','" + MLW.TaxType + "','" + MLW.TaxObject + "'," + "'" + MLW.IsFirstSite + "','" + MLW.FrontImage + "','" + MLW.BackImage + "','" + MLW.UpImage + "','" + MLW.RoomImage + "',null,null,null,null,'" + MLW.EmptyCode + "'"; if (isConnection == "0") { mqServer.AddMsmq(MC.AllStation + MC.Prefix + "TT_LoadWeight" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + strSql); } else { MC.AddNewSqlText(MC.AllStation + MC.Prefix + "TT_LoadWeight" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + strSql); } //发送图片 string strIsSendPicToRoom = StaticParameter.IsSendPicToRoom; int iSend = MC.ServerStation; //是否发送磅房 if (strIsSendPicToRoom == "1") iSend = MC.AllStation; string strPic = ""; if (MLW.FrontImageContent != null) { strPic = iSend + MC.Prefix + "Sys_FileSave" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + MLW.FrontImage + ",jpg," + Convert.ToBase64String(MLW.FrontImageContent, 0, MLW.FrontImageContent.Length); if (isConnection == "0") { mqServer.AddMsmq(strPic); } else { MC.AddNewSqlText(strPic); } } if (MLW.BackImageContent != null) { strPic = iSend + MC.Prefix + "Sys_FileSave" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + MLW.BackImage + ",jpg," + Convert.ToBase64String(MLW.BackImageContent, 0, MLW.BackImageContent.Length); if (isConnection == "0") { mqServer.AddMsmq(strPic); } else { MC.AddNewSqlText(strPic); } } if (MLW.UpImageContent != null) { strPic = iSend + MC.Prefix + "Sys_FileSave" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + MLW.UpImage + ",jpg," + Convert.ToBase64String(MLW.UpImageContent, 0, MLW.UpImageContent.Length); if (isConnection == "0") { mqServer.AddMsmq(strPic); } else { MC.AddNewSqlText(strPic); } } if (MLW.RoomImageContent != null) { strPic = iSend + MC.Prefix + "Sys_FileSave" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + MLW.RoomImage + ",jpg," + Convert.ToBase64String(MLW.RoomImageContent, 0, MLW.RoomImageContent.Length); if (isConnection == "0") { mqServer.AddMsmq(strPic); } else { MC.AddNewSqlText(strPic); } } /********************************************************/ //Add By 鲍永迎 向BS实时监控服务器消息队列发送重车过磅消息 /********************************************************/ //string loadMessage = MLW.RoomName + "," + MLW.LoadWeight + "," + MLW.CoalKindName + "," + MLW.NavicertCode + "," + MLW.NetWeight.ToString() + "," + MLW.WeightTime.ToString();//定义消息格式:磅房名称,车主姓名,煤种名称,准运卡号,煤炭净重,过磅时间 //RealTimeMonitor monitor = new RealTimeMonitor();//发送消息 //monitor.SendLoadWeightMessage(loadMessage); string loadMessage = MLW.EmptyWeight.ToString() + "," + MLW.LoadWeight.ToString() + "," + MLW.NetWeight.ToString() + "," + MLW.OverWeight.ToString() + "," + MLW.TaxAmount.ToString() + "," + MLW.FundAmount.ToString() + "," + MLW.Operator.ToString() + "," + MLW.WeightTime.ToString() + "," + MLW.CarNo.ToString() + "," + MLW.CarOwnerName.ToString() + "," + MLW.RoomName.ToString() + "," + MLW.CollName.ToString() + "," + MLW.CoalKindName.ToString() + "," + MLW.NavicertCode.ToString() + "," + MLW.MarkedCardCode.ToString() + "," + MLW.RemoteCardCode.ToString() + "," + MLW.WeightCode.ToString();//定义消息格式:空车重量,重车重量,净重,超重,税费,基金,操作人,过磅时间,车牌号,车主姓名,磅房名称,煤矿名称,煤种名称,准运卡号,标识卡号,远程卡号,过磅单号 RealTimeMonitor monitor = new RealTimeMonitor();//发送消息 monitor.SendLoadWeightMessage(loadMessage); /********************************************************/ //try //{ // CoalTraffic.MessagingService.LocalWeightServiceClient Loalclient = new CoalTraffic.MessagingService.LocalWeightServiceClient(); // Loalclient.AddLoadWeight(MLW); //} //catch //{ } #endregion aSound.Alarm("重车过磅通过,点击确定打印重车过磅单"); CommonMethod.MessageBox("重车过磅通过,点击确定打印重车过磅单!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); //设置扣税标志位 this.isks = true; Assembly assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); string strFileName = ""; if (StaticParameter.ReportFile == "FuYuan.") { strFileName = "ZiChang."; } else { strFileName = StaticParameter.ReportFile; } Type type = assembly.GetType("CoalTraffic.Report." + strFileName + "LoadWeightPrint"); object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type, MLW.WeightCode, true); Form formToShow = (Form)obj; formToShow.ShowDialog(); } else { aSound.Alarm("账户余额已不足本车的扣款,请通知" + cmbCollName.Text.Trim() + "速来交费"); } } else { if (isConnection == "0") { //ini.IniWriteValue("RoomSetting", "IsHaveMarkedCard", CommonMethod.ToDBC("1")); MessageBox.Show("系统与服务器断开连接,请联系中心机房!"); Application.ExitThread(); Application.Exit(); } else { this.aSound.Alarm("该站的数据库异常"); InsertState = 0; InsertBadReCordInfo("异常", strRoomName + "的数据库异常"); } } #endregion } else if (strLeastValue == "1") { aSound.Alarm("煤矿余额低于下限,不能继续过磅"); } else if (strLeastValue == "2") { aSound.Alarm("该煤矿不生产该煤种,不能继续过磅"); InsertState = 0; InsertBadReCordInfo("异常", strCollName + "不生产" + strCoalKindName); } else if (strLeastValue == "-1") { aSound.Alarm("该煤矿不存在,不能继续过磅"); InsertState = 0; InsertBadReCordInfo("异常", "编号为:" + strCollCode + "的煤矿不存在"); } #endregion } ClearAllUIControlEmpty(); this.ClearOwnerValue(); } else { aSound.Alarm("煤炭净重异常"); InsertState = 0; InsertBadReCordInfo("异常", "车牌号为:" + txtCarNo.Text.Trim() + "车辆的煤炭净重异常"); } this.lblRemoteCode.Text = ""; }
void SetUIPoundValue() { string strWeight = appearance.Weight.ToString(); if (appearance.Weight.ToString().Equals("0") || appearance.Weight.ToString().Equals("0.00")) { strWeight = "0.00"; } else { if (CommonMethod.IsNumber(appearance.Weight.ToString())) { strWeight = appearance.Weight.ToString() + ".00"; } else { strWeight = appearance.Weight.ToString(); } } lblDigital.Text = strWeight; if (strCurrentMenu == "Auto") { txtHandDigital.Text = strWeight; } RealTimeMonitor monitor = new RealTimeMonitor(); monitor.SendBangChengMessage(strWeight); }
void SetUIPoundValue() { string strWeight = null; if (string.Compare(this.lblDigital.Text, string.Format("{0:F2}", appearance.Weight)) != 0) { strWeight = appearance.Weight.ToString(); if (appearance.Weight.ToString().Equals("0") || appearance.Weight.ToString().Equals("0.00")) { lblDigital.Text = "0.00"; } else { lblDigital.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", appearance.Weight); } if (strCurrentMenu != "Person") { txtManDigital.Text = appearance.Weight.ToString(); } ValidateData(); } if ((string.Compare(this.lblDigital.Text, string.Format("{0:F2}", appearance.Weight)) != 0) && (appearance.Weight > Convert.ToDecimal(dValveWeight))) { //发送磅秤实时数据 RealTimeMonitor monitor = new RealTimeMonitor(); monitor.SendBangChengMessage(strWeight); } }
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CoalTraffic.Model.TT_EmptyWeight model = new CoalTraffic.Model.TT_EmptyWeight(); if (txtCarNo.Text.Trim() != "" && txtCarOwnerName.Text.Trim() != "" && txtCarOwnerPhone.Text.Trim() != "" && txtCarOwnerIDCard.Text.Trim() != "" && lblDigital.Text.Trim() != "0.00") { if (txtCarOwnerIDCard.Text.Trim().Length == 15 || txtCarOwnerIDCard.Text.Trim().Length == 18) { if (CommonMethod.isValidICCard(CommonMethod.ToDBC(txtCarOwnerIDCard.Text.Trim()))) { if (RbLoadWeight.Checked) { decimal DLimitWeight = decimal.Parse(ini.IniReadValue("RoomSetting", "WeightThreshold")); decimal DOverWeight = 0.00m; if (strCurrentMenu != "Person") { DOverWeight = Math.Abs(Convert.ToDecimal(lblDigital.Text.Trim()) - Convert.ToDecimal(txtEmptyWeight.Text.Trim())); } else { #region 验证数据的正确性 if (txtManDigital.Text.Trim() != "" && CommonMethod.IsDecimal(CommonMethod.ToDBC(txtManDigital.Text.Trim()))) { if (Convert.ToDecimal(CommonMethod.ToDBC(txtManDigital.Text.Trim())) >= Convert.ToDecimal(lblDigital.Text.Trim())) { DOverWeight = Math.Abs(Convert.ToDecimal(CommonMethod.ToDBC(txtManDigital.Text.Trim())) - Convert.ToDecimal(txtEmptyWeight.Text.Trim())); } else { alarmSound.Alarm("你输入的重车重量不能小于磅秤重量"); txtManDigital.Text = ""; return; } } else { alarmSound.Alarm("你输入的重车重量格式不对"); txtManDigital.Text = ""; return; } #endregion } if (DOverWeight > DLimitWeight) { alarmSound.Alarm("空车重量异常,该车辆可能改装"); InsertState = 0; InsertBadReCordInfo("异常", txtCarNo.Text.Trim(), "车牌号为:" + txtCarNo.Text.Trim() + "车辆的空车重量异常,该车辆登记时重量为:" + txtEmptyWeight.Text.Trim() + "现在重量为:" + txtManDigital.Text.Trim() + ""); return; } } #region 空车过磅实体 model.BangTime = DateTime.Now; model.BangType = strBangType; model.CarCode = strCarCode; model.EmptyCode = strRoomCode + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); if (strBangType == "自动") { model.EmptyWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(this.lblDigital.Text); } else { model.EmptyWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(CommonMethod.ToDBC(this.txtManDigital.Text.Trim())); } if (StaticParameter.IsVideo == "1") { if (byteFrontImage == null) { strFrontImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); byteFrontImage = this.dHVideo.CapturePic(); } model.FrontImage = strFrontImage; model.FrontImageContent = byteFrontImage; } else { model.FrontImage = ""; model.FrontImageContent = null; } model.NavicertCode = strNavicertCode; model.Operator = StaticParameter.UserName; model.RemoteCardCode = strReadRemoteCode; model.RoomCode = strRoomCode; model.Carno = CommonMethod.ToDBC(txtCarNo.Text.Trim()); model.Caronername = CommonMethod.ToDBC(txtCarOwnerName.Text.Trim()); model.CarowneridCard = CommonMethod.ToDBC(txtCarOwnerIDCard.Text.Trim()); model.Carownerphone = CommonMethod.ToDBC(txtCarOwnerPhone.Text.Trim()); model.Randomcode = CommonMethod.getRandom(4); #endregion string strEmptyCode = bll.Add(model); if (strEmptyCode != "") { alarmSound.Alarm("空车过磅成功"); CommonMethod.MessageBox("空车过磅成功!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); //冯磊 2010-05-13 屏蔽了空车过磅打印功能 //alarmSound.Alarm("空车过磅成功,点击确定打印空车过磅单"); //CommonMethod.MessageBox("空车过磅成功,点击确定打印空车过磅单!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); //Assembly assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); //string strFileName = ""; //if (StaticParameter.ReportFile == "FuYuan.") //{ // strFileName = "ZiChang."; //} //else //{ // strFileName = StaticParameter.ReportFile; //} //Type type = assembly.GetType("CoalTraffic.Report." + strFileName + "EmptyWeightPrintByEmpty"); //object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type, strEmptyCode, true); Form formToShow = (Form)obj; formToShow.ShowDialog(); #region 将数据上传到服务器 try { //CoalTraffic.DBUtility.MSMQClient mq = new MSMQClient(); string strSql = "PT_EmptyWeight '" + model.EmptyCode + "','" + model.CarCode + "','" + model.RemoteCardCode + "','" + model.NavicertCode + "','" + model.EmptyWeight + "','" + model.BangType + "','" + model.RoomCode + "','" + model.FrontImage + "','" + model.Operator + "','" + model.BangTime + "',null,'" + model.Carno + "','" + model.Caronername + "','" + model.CarowneridCard + "','" + model.Carownerphone + "','" + model.Randomcode + "'"; MC.AddNewSqlText(MC.AllStation + MC.Prefix + "TT_EmptyWeight" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + strSql); //发送图片 string strIsSendPicToRoom = StaticParameter.IsSendPicToRoom; int iSend = MC.ServerStation; //是否发送磅房 if (strIsSendPicToRoom == "1") iSend = MC.AllStation; string strPic = ""; if (model.FrontImageContent != null) { strPic = iSend + MC.Prefix + "Sys_FileSave" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + model.FrontImage + ",jpg," + Convert.ToBase64String(model.FrontImageContent, 0, model.FrontImageContent.Length); MC.AddNewSqlText(strPic); } /********************************************************/ //Add By 鲍永迎 向BS实时监控服务器消息队列发送空车过磅消息 /********************************************************/ string strRoomName = ini.IniReadValue("RoomSetting", "RoomName"); string emptyMessage = strRoomName + "," + model.CarCode + "," + model.NavicertCode + "," + model.EmptyWeight.ToString() + "," + model.BangTime.ToString();//定义消息格式:磅房名称,车辆信息编号,准运卡号,空车重量,过磅时间 RealTimeMonitor monitor = new RealTimeMonitor();//发送消息 monitor.SendEmptyWeightMessage(emptyMessage); /********************************************************/ } catch { } #endregion ClearAllControls(); ClearUserControl(); } else { alarmSound.Alarm("该站的数据库异常"); InsertState = 0; InsertBadReCordInfo("异常", txtCarNo.Text.Trim(), ini.IniReadValue("RoomSetting", "RoomName") + "的数据库异常"); } } else { alarmSound.Alarm("你输入的车主身份证号格式不正确"); } } else { alarmSound.Alarm("你输入的车主身份证号长度不正确"); } } else { alarmSound.Alarm("请确保信息的完整性"); } }
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CoalTraffic.Model.TT_LoadWeight model = new CoalTraffic.Model.TT_LoadWeight(); if (cmbCustomers.SelectedValue.ToString() != "-1") { if (strCurrentMenu == "Auto") { model.LoadWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(lblDigital.Text); model.NetWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(lblDigital.Text) - Convert.ToDecimal(txtEmptyWeight.Text.Trim()); } else { #region ��֤���ݵ���ȷ�� if (txtHandDigital.Text.Trim() != "" && CommonMethod.IsDecimal(CommonMethod.ToDBC(txtHandDigital.Text.Trim()))) { if (Convert.ToDecimal(CommonMethod.ToDBC(txtHandDigital.Text.Trim())) < Convert.ToDecimal(lblDigital.Text.Trim())) { alarmSound.Alarm("��������س���������С�ڰ�������"); txtHandDigital.Text = ""; return; } else { model.LoadWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(CommonMethod.ToDBC(this.txtHandDigital.Text.Trim())); model.NetWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(CommonMethod.ToDBC(this.txtHandDigital.Text.Trim())) - Convert.ToDecimal(txtEmptyWeight.Text.Trim()); } } else { alarmSound.Alarm("��������س�������ʽ����"); txtHandDigital.Text = ""; return; } #endregion } if (model.NetWeight > 0.00m) { #region ��ȡ��ú����ص���Ϣ SqlParameter[] parameter = { new SqlParameter("@CollCode", SqlDbType.VarChar,10), new SqlParameter("@CoalKindCode", SqlDbType.VarChar,4) }; parameter[0].Value = strCollCode; parameter[1].Value = strCoalKindCode; DataSet dstColieryAccount = DbHelperSQL.RunProcedure("PT_ColieryAccountJudge", parameter, "ColieryAccount"); #endregion string strLeastValue = dstColieryAccount.Tables["ColieryAccount"].Rows[0]["ReturnValue"].ToString(); if (strLeastValue == "0") //0���������ɹ��� { #region ��Ƶץͼ //ץͼ��Ϣ byte[] byteFrontImage = null; byte[] byteBackImage = null; byte[] byteUpImage = null; byte[] byteRoomImage = null; //ͼƬ�洢��SYS_FileSave������ string strFrontImage = ""; string strBackImage = ""; string strUpImage = ""; string strRoomImage = ""; if (strIsVideo == "1") { strFrontImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); strBackImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); strUpImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); strRoomImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); byteFrontImage = ((DHVideo)Form1.PF.Controls["videoFrontImage"]).CapturePic(); byteBackImage = ((DHVideo)Form1.PF.Controls["videoBackImage"]).CapturePic(); byteUpImage = ((DHVideo)Form1.PF.Controls["videoUpImage"]).CapturePic(); byteRoomImage = ((DHVideo)Form1.PF.Controls["videoRoomImage"]).CapturePic(); } #endregion #region ʵ�����س� string strWeightCode = strRoomCode + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); model.WeightCode = strWeightCode; model.TrafficCode = strWeightCode; model.NavicertCode = strNavicertCode; model.MarkedCardCode = strMardedCardCode; model.RemoteCardCode = strRemoteCode; model.CollCode = strCollCode; model.CollName = this.txtCollName.Text.Trim(); model.CoalKindCode = strCoalKindCode; model.CoalKindName = this.txtKindName.Text; model.CarOwnerName = strCarOwnerName; model.CarNo = txtCarNo.Text; model.CarType = txtCarType.Text; model.EmptyWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(txtEmptyWeight.Text); model.OverWeight = 0; model.RoomCode = strRoomCode; model.RoomName = strRoomName; model.BangType = strBangType; model.Operator = StaticParameter.UserName; model.WeightTime = DateTime.Now; model.RandomCode = CommonMethod.getRandom(4); model.CustomerName = cmbCustomers.SelectedValue.ToString(); model.IsFirstSite = "1"; model.TaxType = "�س�������˰"; model.FrontImage = strFrontImage; model.BackImage = strBackImage; model.UpImage = strUpImage; model.RoomImage = strRoomImage; model.FrontImageContent = byteFrontImage; model.BackImageContent = byteBackImage; model.UpImageContent = byteUpImage; model.RoomImageContent = byteRoomImage; model.TaxObject = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TaxObject"].ToString(); model.EmptyCode = strEmptyCode; #endregion if (bll.Add(model) != "") { #region ��ӳɹ���������ͬ�� try { string strSql = "PT_LoadWeight '" + model.WeightCode + "','" + model.TrafficCode + "','" + model.NavicertCode + "','" + model.MarkedCardCode + "','" + model.RemoteCardCode + "'," + "'" + model.CollCode + "','" + model.CollName + "','" + model.CoalKindCode + "','" + model.CoalKindName + "','" + model.CarOwnerName + "'," + "'" + model.CarNo + "','" + model.CarType + "','" + model.LoadWeight + "','" + model.EmptyWeight + "','" + model.NetWeight + "'," + "'" + model.OverWeight + "','" + model.RoomCode + "','" + model.RoomName + "','" + model.BangType + "','" + model.Operator + "'," + "'" + model.WeightTime + "','" + model.RandomCode + "','" + model.CustomerName + "','" + model.TaxType + "','" + model.TaxObject + "'," + "'" + model.IsFirstSite + "','" + model.FrontImage + "','" + model.BackImage + "','" + model.UpImage + "','" + model.RoomImage + "'," + "'" + model.FrontImageContent + "','" + model.BackImageContent + "','" + model.UpImageContent + "','" + model.RoomImageContent + "','" + model.EmptyCode + "'"; MC.AddNewSqlText(MC.CheckStation + MC.Prefix + "TT_LoadWeight" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + strSql); /********************************************************/ //Add By ����ӭ ��BSʵʱ��ط�������Ϣ���з����س�������Ϣ /********************************************************/ string loadMessage = model.RoomName + "," + model.CarOwnerName + "," + model.CoalKindName + "," + model.NavicertCode + "," + model.NetWeight.ToString() + "," + model.WeightTime.ToString();//������Ϣ��ʽ����������,����������ú������,�˿��ţ�ú̿���أ�����ʱ�� RealTimeMonitor monitor = new RealTimeMonitor();//������Ϣ monitor.SendEmptyWeightMessage(loadMessage); /********************************************************/ } catch { } #endregion string strErro = ""; if (strIsHaveMarkedCard == "1") { strErro = "�����ձ�ʶ��"; } alarmSound.Alarm("�����ɹ�,���ȷ����ӡ�س�������" + strErro + ""); CommonMethod.MessageBox("�����ɹ�,���ȷ����ӡ�س�������" + strErro + "!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); new CoalTraffic.Report.LoadWeightPrint(strWeightCode, true).ShowDialog(); } else { this.alarmSound.Alarm("��վ�����ݿ��쳣"); InsertState = 0; InsertBadReCordInfo("�쳣", txtCarNo.Text.Trim(), ini.IniReadValue("RoomSetting", "RoomName") + "�����ݿ��쳣"); } } else if (strLeastValue == "1") { alarmSound.Alarm("ú������������,���ܼ�������"); } else if (strLeastValue == "2") { alarmSound.Alarm("��ú��������ú��,���ܼ�������"); InsertState = 0; InsertBadReCordInfo("�쳣", txtCarNo.Text.Trim(), strCollName + "������" + strCoalKindName); } else if (strLeastValue == "-1") { alarmSound.Alarm("��ú����,���ܼ�������"); InsertState = 0; InsertBadReCordInfo("�쳣", txtCarNo.Text.Trim(), "���Ϊ��" + strCollCode + "��ú����"); } btnOK.Enabled = false; ClearAll(); if (strCard == "IC") icCard.FactoryCodeInitValue = ""; } else { alarmSound.Alarm("ú̿�����쳣"); InsertState = 0; InsertBadReCordInfo("�쳣", txtCarNo.Text.Trim(), "���ƺ�Ϊ��" + txtCarNo.Text.Trim() + "������ú̿�����쳣"); } } else { alarmSound.Alarm("��ѡ���ջ���λ"); } }
void SetUIPoundValue() { if (string.Compare(this.lblDigital.Text, string.Format("{0:F2}", appearance.Weight)) != 0) { this.lblDigital.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", appearance.Weight); ValidateData(); RealTimeMonitor monitor = new RealTimeMonitor(); monitor.SendBangChengMessage(appearance.Weight.ToString()); } }
protected void SetMsComValue() { if (string.Compare(this.lblDigital.Text, string.Format("{0:F2}", appearance.Weight)) != 0) { if (appearance.Weight.ToString().Equals("0") || appearance.Weight.ToString().Equals("0.00")) { lblDigital.Text = "0.00"; } else { lblDigital.Text = string.Format("{0:F2}", appearance.Weight); } if (strCurrentMenu != "Person") { txtHandDigital.Text = appearance.Weight.ToString(); } RealTimeMonitor monitor = new RealTimeMonitor(); monitor.SendBangChengMessage(lblDigital.Text); } }
/// <summary> /// 验证码 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> #region 验证码 private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Model.TT_BadRecord MBR = new CoalTraffic.Model.TT_BadRecord(); BLL.TT_BadRecord BBR = new CoalTraffic.BLL.TT_BadRecord(); Model.TT_LoadWeight MLW = new CoalTraffic.Model.TT_LoadWeight(); BLL.TT_LoadWeight BLW = new CoalTraffic.BLL.TT_LoadWeight(); decimal DNetWeight = 0.00m; #region 计算水泥净重 if (strCurrentMenu != "Person") { decimal dDigital, dEmptyWeight; if (decimal.TryParse(lblDigital.Text.Trim(), out dDigital) && decimal.TryParse(strEmptyWeight, out dEmptyWeight)) { DNetWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(dDigital - dEmptyWeight); } else { aSound.Alarm("重量数据格式不正确"); return; } } else { #region 验证数据的正确性 if (txtHandDigital.Text.Trim() != "" && CommonMethod.IsDecimal(CommonMethod.ToDBC(txtHandDigital.Text.Trim()))) { if (Convert.ToDecimal(CommonMethod.ToDBC(txtHandDigital.Text.Trim())) < Convert.ToDecimal(lblDigital.Text.Trim())) { aSound.Alarm("你输入的重车重量不能小于磅秤重量"); txtHandDigital.Text = ""; return; } else { DNetWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(CommonMethod.ToDBC(txtHandDigital.Text.Trim())) - Convert.ToDecimal(strEmptyWeight); } } else { aSound.Alarm("你输入的重车重量格式不对"); txtHandDigital.Text = ""; return; } #endregion } #endregion if (DNetWeight > 0.00m) { #region 视频抓图 if (StaticParameter.IsVideo == "1") { if (byteFrontImage == null && byteBackImage == null && byteUpImage == null && byteRoomImage == null) { strFrontImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); strBackImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); strUpImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); strRoomImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); byteFrontImage = this.videoFrontImage.CapturePic(); byteBackImage = this.videoBackImage.CapturePic(); byteUpImage = this.videoUpImage.CapturePic(); byteRoomImage = this.videoRoomImage.CapturePic(); } } #endregion #region 重车验票 CoalTraffic.BLL.TT_CheckBang bllCheckBang = new CoalTraffic.BLL.TT_CheckBang(); CoalTraffic.Model.TT_CheckBang modelCheckBang = new CoalTraffic.Model.TT_CheckBang(); modelCheckBang.RoomCode = strRoomCode; modelCheckBang.NetWeight = DNetWeight; #region 监察该重车是否已经验票 bool bolChecked = bllCheckBang.IsChecked(strTrafficCode, modelCheckBang.RoomCode); #endregion decimal dOverWeight = 0.0m; decimal DLimitWeight = 0.0m; if (bolChecked) { modelCheckBang.CheckResult = "重车验票不通过,该过磅单在本磅房中已检验过"; modelCheckBang.IsPassed = "0"; } else { #region 验证验证码是否正确 if (CommonMethod.ToDBC(this.txtRandCode.Text.Trim()) != strRandomCode && iCount < iTryAgainTime) { CommonMethod.MessageBox("您输入的验证码不正确,请重新输入,您还有" + (iTryAgainTime - iCount) + "次输入机会", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); //aSound.Alarm("您输入的验证码不正确,请重新输入,您还有" + (iTryAgainTime - iCount) + "次输入机会"); txtRandCode.Text = ""; btnOK.Enabled = false; iCount++; return; } else if (CommonMethod.ToDBC(this.txtRandCode.Text.Trim()) != strRandomCode && iCount == iTryAgainTime) { modelCheckBang.CheckResult = "重车验票不通过,验票单可能造假"; //验票结果:通过 or 不通过 modelCheckBang.IsPassed = "0"; } else if (CommonMethod.ToDBC(this.txtRandCode.Text.Trim()) == strRandomCode) { modelCheckBang.CheckResult = "重车验票通过"; modelCheckBang.IsPassed = "1"; } #endregion } #region 实例化检票 modelCheckBang.CheckCode = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); modelCheckBang.CheckTime = DateTime.Now; modelCheckBang.Operator = StaticParameter.UserName; modelCheckBang.MarkedCardCode = strMardedCardCode; modelCheckBang.NavicertCode = strNavicertCode; modelCheckBang.WeightCode = this.strTrafficCode; modelCheckBang.FrontImage = strFrontImage; modelCheckBang.BackImage = strBackImage; modelCheckBang.UpImage = strUpImage; modelCheckBang.RoomImage = strRoomImage; modelCheckBang.FrontImageContent = byteFrontImage; modelCheckBang.BackImageContent = byteBackImage; modelCheckBang.UpImageContent = byteUpImage; modelCheckBang.RoomImageContent = byteRoomImage; #endregion if (modelCheckBang.IsPassed == "0") { InsertState = 0; InsertBadReCordInfo("不通过", modelCheckBang.CheckResult); } else { #region 获取最大重车重量 string strsql = "select max(LoadWeight) from TT_LoadWeight where TrafficCode ='" + strTrafficCode + "'"; object OMLoadWeight = DbHelperSQL.GetSingle(strsql); if (strCurrentMenu != "Person") { dOverWeight = decimal.Parse(lblDigital.Text.Trim()) - decimal.Parse(OMLoadWeight.ToString()); } else { dOverWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(CommonMethod.ToDBC(txtHandDigital.Text.Trim())) - Convert.ToDecimal(OMLoadWeight.ToString()); } DLimitWeight = StaticParameter.WeightThreshold; #endregion if (dOverWeight >= DLimitWeight) { #region 实例化重车过磅 string strWeightCode = strRoomCode + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); MLW.WeightCode = strWeightCode; MLW.TrafficCode = strTrafficCode; MLW.NavicertCode = strNavicertCode; MLW.MarkedCardCode = strMardedCardCode; MLW.RemoteCardCode = strRemoteCode; MLW.CollCode = strCollCode; //冯磊 2010-05-19 选择产品改成下拉框 //MLW.CollName = strCollName; //MLW.CoalKindCode = strCoalKindCode; //MLW.CoalKindName = strCoalKindName; MLW.CollName = this.txtCompany.Text.Trim(); MLW.CoalKindCode = strCoalKindCode; MLW.CoalKindName = this.txtProduce.Text.Trim(); MLW.CarOwnerName = txtCarOwner.Text.Trim(); MLW.CarNo = txtCarNo.Text.Trim(); MLW.CarType = txtCarType.Text.Trim(); if (strCurrentMenu != "Person") { MLW.LoadWeight = decimal.Parse(lblDigital.Text.Trim()); } else { MLW.LoadWeight = Convert.ToDecimal(CommonMethod.ToDBC(txtHandDigital.Text.Trim())); } //MLW.EmptyWeight = decimal.Parse(lblEmptyWeight.Text.Trim()); MLW.EmptyWeight = decimal.Parse(txtEmptyWeight.Text.Replace("吨", "").Trim()); MLW.NetWeight = 0.0m; MLW.OverWeight = decimal.Parse(dOverWeight.ToString()); MLW.RoomCode = strRoomCode; MLW.RoomName = strRoomName; MLW.BangType = "重车" + strBangType + "验票"; MLW.Operator = StaticParameter.UserName; MLW.WeightTime = DateTime.Now; MLW.RandomCode = CommonMethod.getRandom(4); MLW.CustomerName = "水泥去向"; MLW.TaxType = "重车补扣税费"; MLW.IsFirstSite = "0"; MLW.FrontImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); MLW.BackImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); MLW.UpImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); MLW.RoomImage = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", ""); MLW.FrontImageContent = byteFrontImage; MLW.BackImageContent = byteBackImage; MLW.UpImageContent = byteUpImage; MLW.RoomImageContent = byteRoomImage; MLW.TaxObject = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TaxObject"].ToString(); MLW.EmptyCode = strEmptyCode; #endregion } } bool ISSound = false; bool IsLoadWeight = true; if ((dOverWeight >= DLimitWeight) && (dOverWeight != 0.0m)) { #region 添加重车过磅记录 if (BLW.Add(MLW) != "") { ISSound = true; if (BLW.Add(MLW) != "-1") { #region 数据上传 string strSql = "PT_LoadWeight '" + MLW.WeightCode + "','" + MLW.TrafficCode + "','" + MLW.NavicertCode + "','" + MLW.MarkedCardCode + "','" + MLW.RemoteCardCode + "'," + "'" + MLW.CollCode + "','" + MLW.CollName + "','" + MLW.CoalKindCode + "','" + MLW.CoalKindName + "','" + MLW.CarOwnerName + "'," + "'" + MLW.CarNo + "','" + MLW.CarType + "','" + MLW.LoadWeight + "','" + MLW.EmptyWeight + "','" + MLW.NetWeight + "'," + "'" + MLW.OverWeight + "','" + MLW.RoomCode + "','" + MLW.RoomName + "','" + MLW.BangType + "','" + MLW.Operator + "'," + "'" + MLW.WeightTime + "','" + MLW.RandomCode + "','" + MLW.CustomerName + "','" + MLW.TaxType + "','" + MLW.TaxObject + "'," + "'" + MLW.IsFirstSite + "','" + MLW.FrontImage + "','" + MLW.BackImage + "','" + MLW.UpImage + "','" + MLW.RoomImage + "',null,null,null,null,'" + MLW.EmptyCode + "'"; MC.AddNewSqlText(MC.CheckStation + MC.Prefix + "TT_LoadWeight" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + strSql); //发送图片 string strIsSendPicToRoom = StaticParameter.IsSendPicToRoom; int iSend = MC.ServerStation; //是否发送磅房 if (strIsSendPicToRoom == "1") iSend = MC.CheckStation; string strPic = ""; if (MLW.FrontImageContent != null) { strPic = iSend + MC.Prefix + "Sys_FileSave" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + MLW.FrontImage + ",jpg," + Convert.ToBase64String(MLW.FrontImageContent, 0, MLW.FrontImageContent.Length); MC.AddNewSqlText(strPic); } if (MLW.BackImageContent != null) { strPic = iSend + MC.Prefix + "Sys_FileSave" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + MLW.BackImage + ",jpg," + Convert.ToBase64String(MLW.BackImageContent, 0, MLW.BackImageContent.Length); MC.AddNewSqlText(strPic); } if (MLW.UpImageContent != null) { strPic = iSend + MC.Prefix + "Sys_FileSave" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + MLW.UpImage + ",jpg," + Convert.ToBase64String(MLW.UpImageContent, 0, MLW.UpImageContent.Length); MC.AddNewSqlText(strPic); } if (MLW.RoomImageContent != null) { strPic = iSend + MC.Prefix + "Sys_FileSave" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + MLW.RoomImage + ",jpg," + Convert.ToBase64String(MLW.RoomImageContent, 0, MLW.RoomImageContent.Length); MC.AddNewSqlText(strPic); } /********************************************************/ //Add By 鲍永迎 向BS实时监控服务器消息队列发送重车过磅消息 /********************************************************/ //string loadMessage = MLW.RoomName + "," + MLW.LoadWeight + "," + MLW.CoalKindName + "," + MLW.NavicertCode + "," + MLW.NetWeight.ToString() + "," + MLW.WeightTime.ToString();//定义消息格式:磅房名称,车主姓名,煤种名称,准运卡号,煤炭净重,过磅时间 //RealTimeMonitor monitor = new RealTimeMonitor();//发送消息 //monitor.SendLoadWeightMessage(loadMessage); //冯磊 2010-05-18 修改向BS实时监控服务器消息队列发送重车过磅消息 string loadMessage = MLW.EmptyWeight.ToString() + "," + MLW.LoadWeight.ToString() + "," + MLW.NetWeight.ToString() + "," + MLW.OverWeight.ToString() + "," + MLW.TaxAmount.ToString() + "," + MLW.FundAmount.ToString() + "," + MLW.Operator.ToString() + "," + MLW.WeightTime.ToString() + "," + MLW.CarNo.ToString() + "," + MLW.CarOwnerName.ToString() + "," + MLW.RoomName.ToString() + "," + MLW.CollName.ToString() + "," + MLW.CoalKindName.ToString() + "," + MLW.NavicertCode.ToString() + "," + MLW.MarkedCardCode.ToString() + "," + MLW.RemoteCardCode.ToString() + "," + MLW.WeightCode.ToString();//定义消息格式:空车重量,重车重量,净重,超重,税费,基金,操作人,过磅时间,车牌号,车主姓名,磅房名称,煤矿名称,煤种名称,准运卡号,标识卡号,远程卡号,过磅单号 RealTimeMonitor monitor = new RealTimeMonitor();//发送消息 monitor.SendLoadWeightMessage(loadMessage); /********************************************************/ #endregion aSound.Alarm("重车验票过磅通过,点击确定打印重车验票过磅单"); CommonMethod.MessageBox("重车过磅验票通过,点击确定打印重车验票过磅单!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); //设置扣税标志位 this.isks = true; Assembly assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); string strFileName = ""; if (StaticParameter.ReportFile == "FuYuan.") { strFileName = "ZiChang."; } else { strFileName = StaticParameter.ReportFile; } Type type = assembly.GetType("CoalTraffic.Report." + strFileName + "CheckLoadWeightPrint"); object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(type, MLW.WeightCode, true); Form formToShow = (Form)obj; formToShow.ShowDialog(); } else { aSound.Alarm("账户余额已不足本车的扣款,请通知" + this.txtCompany.Text.Trim() + "速来交费"); IsLoadWeight = false; } } else { this.aSound.Alarm("该站的数据库异常"); InsertState = 0; InsertBadReCordInfo("异常", strRoomName + "的数据库异常"); } #endregion } #region 添加验票信息 if (IsLoadWeight) { if (bllCheckBang.Add(modelCheckBang) != "") { #region 数据上传 try { StringBuilder sbInsertCheckBang = new StringBuilder(); sbInsertCheckBang.Append("PT_CheckBang '" + modelCheckBang.CheckCode + "','" + modelCheckBang.WeightCode + "','" + modelCheckBang.NavicertCode + "',"); sbInsertCheckBang.Append("'" + modelCheckBang.MarkedCardCode + "','" + modelCheckBang.NetWeight + "','" + modelCheckBang.RoomCode + "',"); sbInsertCheckBang.Append("'" + modelCheckBang.IsPassed + "','" + modelCheckBang.CheckResult + "','" + modelCheckBang.CheckTime + "',"); sbInsertCheckBang.Append("'" + modelCheckBang.Operator + "','" + modelCheckBang.FrontImage + "',null,"); sbInsertCheckBang.Append("'" + modelCheckBang.BackImage + "',null,'" + modelCheckBang.UpImage + "',"); sbInsertCheckBang.Append("null,'" + modelCheckBang.RoomImage + "',null"); MC.AddNewSqlText(MC.CheckStation + MC.Prefix + "TT_CheckBang" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + sbInsertCheckBang.ToString()); //发送图片 string strIsSendPicToRoom = StaticParameter.IsSendPicToRoom; int iSend = MC.ServerStation; //是否发送磅房 if (strIsSendPicToRoom == "1") iSend = MC.CheckStation; string strPic = ""; if (modelCheckBang.FrontImageContent != null) { strPic = iSend + MC.Prefix + "Sys_FileSave" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + modelCheckBang.FrontImage + ",jpg," + Convert.ToBase64String(modelCheckBang.FrontImageContent, 0, modelCheckBang.FrontImageContent.Length); MC.AddNewSqlText(strPic); } if (modelCheckBang.BackImageContent != null) { strPic = iSend + MC.Prefix + "Sys_FileSave" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + modelCheckBang.BackImage + ",jpg," + Convert.ToBase64String(modelCheckBang.BackImageContent, 0, modelCheckBang.BackImageContent.Length); MC.AddNewSqlText(strPic); } if (modelCheckBang.UpImageContent != null) { strPic = iSend + MC.Prefix + "Sys_FileSave" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + modelCheckBang.UpImage + ",jpg," + Convert.ToBase64String(modelCheckBang.UpImageContent, 0, modelCheckBang.UpImageContent.Length); MC.AddNewSqlText(strPic); } if (modelCheckBang.RoomImageContent != null) { strPic = iSend + MC.Prefix + "Sys_FileSave" + MC.Prefix + MC.AddFlg + MC.Prefix + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm;ss") + MC.Prefix + modelCheckBang.RoomImage + ",jpg," + Convert.ToBase64String(modelCheckBang.RoomImageContent, 0, modelCheckBang.RoomImageContent.Length); MC.AddNewSqlText(strPic); } } catch { } #endregion if (!ISSound) { aSound.Alarm(modelCheckBang.CheckResult); CommonMethod.MessageBox(modelCheckBang.CheckResult, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk); } spRemote.CardCode = ""; } else { aSound.Alarm("该站的数据库异常"); InsertState = 0; InsertBadReCordInfo("异常", strRoomName + "的数据库异常"); } } #endregion #endregion ClearAllUIControlEmpty(); this.ClearOwnerValue(); } else { aSound.Alarm("水泥净重异常"); InsertState = 0; InsertBadReCordInfo("异常", "车牌号为:" + txtCarNo.Text.Trim() + "车辆的水泥净重异常"); } this.lblRemoteCode.Text = ""; }