private void FlushPackets(int stylusId, int strokeId)
            using (Synchronizer.Lock(this)) {
                List <int> buffer;
                if (this.PacketBuffers.TryGetValue(stylusId, out buffer) && buffer.Count != 0)
                    int[] packets = buffer.ToArray();


                    if (ViewerStateModel.NonStandardDpi)
                        RealTimeInkSheetModel.ScalePackets(packets, ViewerStateModel.DpiNormalizationSendMatrix);

                    // FIXME: Dispatch to the SendingQueue's thread.
                    Message message = new RealTimeInkSheetPacketsMessage(this.m_Sheet, stylusId, strokeId, packets);
                    message.Tags                = new MessageTags();
                    message.Tags.SlideID        = m_SlideID;
                    message.Tags.Priority       = MessagePriority.RealTime;
                    message.Tags.BridgePriority = MessagePriority.RealTime;
                    this.Sender.Send(message, MessagePriority.RealTime);

                this.PacketFlushTimes[stylusId] = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
Esempio n. 2
 public RealTimeInkSheetMessage(RealTimeInkSheetModel sheet, SheetMessage.SheetCollection collection) : base(sheet, collection)
     using (Synchronizer.Lock(sheet.SyncRoot)) {
         this.CurrentDrawingAttributes = sheet.CurrentDrawingAttributes == null ? null
             : new DrawingAttributesSerializer(sheet.CurrentDrawingAttributes);
Esempio n. 3
        public static Message RemoteForSheet(SheetModel sheet, SheetCollection collection)
            SheetModel newModel = null;

            if (sheet is ImageSheetModel)
                newModel = sheet;
            else if (sheet is RealTimeInkSheetModel)
                using (Synchronizer.Lock(sheet.SyncRoot)) {
                    newModel = new RealTimeInkSheetModel(sheet.Id, sheet.Disposition | SheetDisposition.Remote, sheet.Bounds);
                    using (Synchronizer.Lock(newModel.SyncRoot))
                        ((RealTimeInkSheetModel)newModel).CurrentDrawingAttributes = ((RealTimeInkSheetModel)sheet).CurrentDrawingAttributes;
            else if (sheet is InkSheetModel)
                newModel = sheet;
            else if (sheet is TextSheetModel)
                newModel = sheet;
            else if (sheet is QuickPollSheetModel)
                newModel = sheet;
            else if (sheet is XPSPageSheetModel)
                newModel = sheet;
            return(SheetMessage.ForSheet(newModel, collection));
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs a deep copy of the given SheetModel.
        /// If the given sheetmodel is not an InkSheet, then returns itself.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">The SheetModel to copy</param>
        /// <returns>The given sheetmodel if not an InkSheetModel, otherwise a deep copy of the InkSheetModel</returns>
        protected SheetModel InkSheetDeepCopyHelper(SheetModel s)
            using (Synchronizer.Lock(s.SyncRoot)) {
                InkSheetModel t;
                // Only copy InkSheetModels
                if (s is InkSheetModel)
                    if (s is RealTimeInkSheetModel)
                        // Make a deep copy of the SheetModel
                        t = new RealTimeInkSheetModel(Guid.NewGuid(), s.Disposition | SheetDisposition.Remote, s.Bounds, ((RealTimeInkSheetModel)s).Ink.Clone());
                        using (Synchronizer.Lock(t.SyncRoot)) {
                            ((RealTimeInkSheetModel)t).CurrentDrawingAttributes = ((RealTimeInkSheetModel)s).CurrentDrawingAttributes;
                        // Make a deep copy of the SheetModel
                        t = new InkSheetModel(Guid.NewGuid(), s.Disposition, s.Bounds, ((InkSheetModel)s).Ink.Clone());
                    // This is a new object so add it to the local references
                    Message.AddLocalRef(t.Id, t);

Esempio n. 5
            protected override object SetUpMember(int index, object member)
                SheetModel sheet = ((SheetModel)member);

                // Add the SheetMatch to the collection of matches
                using (Synchronizer.Lock(sheet.SyncRoot)) {
                    using (Synchronizer.Lock(this.m_Owner.m_DestSlide.SyncRoot)) {
                        if (sheet is RealTimeInkSheetModel)
                            // Add the sheet
                            RealTimeInkSheetModel m = new RealTimeInkSheetModel(Guid.NewGuid(), sheet.Disposition, sheet.Bounds);

                            // Add the sheet match
                            SheetMatch toAdd = SheetMatch.ForSheet(this.m_Owner.m_Sender, sheet, m);
                        else if (sheet is InkSheetModel)
                            // Add the sheet
                            InkSheetModel m = new InkSheetModel(Guid.NewGuid(), sheet.Disposition, sheet.Bounds);

                            // Add the sheet match
                            SheetMatch toAdd = SheetMatch.ForSheet(this.m_Owner.m_Sender, sheet, m);

Esempio n. 6
                /// <summary>
                /// Constructs a new <see cref="RealTimeInkAdapater"/> instance, which will render ink
                /// generated received from the <see cref="RealTimeInkSheetModel"/> onto the graphics device
                /// specified by the <see cref="SlideDisplayModel"/>
                /// </summary>
                public RealTimeInkAdapter(SlideDisplayModel display, RealTimeInkSheetModel rti) : base(display)
                    this.m_RTI = rti;

                    this.m_CurrentDrawingAttributesChangedDispatcher = new EventQueue.PropertyEventDispatcher(this.m_SlideDisplay.EventQueue, new PropertyEventHandler(this.HandleCurrentDrawingAttributesChanged));
                    this.m_RTI.StylusDown += new RealTimeInkSheetModel.StylusDownEventHandler(this.HandleStylusDown);
                    this.m_RTI.StylusUp   += new RealTimeInkSheetModel.StylusUpEventHandler(this.HandleStylusUp);
                    this.m_RTI.Packets    += new RealTimeInkSheetModel.PacketsEventHandler(this.HandlePackets);

                    this.m_CurrentDrawingAttributesChangedDispatcher.Dispatcher(this.m_RTI, null);
Esempio n. 7
        protected override bool UpdateTarget(ReceiveContext context)
            RealTimeInkSheetModel sheet = this.Target as RealTimeInkSheetModel;

            if (sheet != null)
                if (ViewerStateModel.NonStandardDpi)
                    RealTimeInkSheetModel.ScalePackets(this.Packets, ViewerStateModel.DpiNormalizationReceiveMatrix);
                sheet.OnStylusUp(this.StylusId, this.StrokeId, this.Packets);
Esempio n. 8
        protected override bool UpdateTarget(ReceiveContext context)
            RealTimeInkSheetModel sheet = this.Target as RealTimeInkSheetModel;

            if (sheet != null)
                if (ViewerStateModel.NonStandardDpi)
                    RealTimeInkSheetModel.ScalePackets(this.Packets, ViewerStateModel.DpiNormalizationReceiveMatrix);

                sheet.OnStylusDown(this.StylusId, this.StrokeId, this.Packets, this.TabletProperties.CreateTabletPropertyDescriptionCollection());
        private void HandleStylusUpHelper(object sender, int stylusId, int strokeId, int[] packets)
            this.FlushPackets(stylusId, strokeId);

            if (ViewerStateModel.NonStandardDpi)
                RealTimeInkSheetModel.ScalePackets(packets, ViewerStateModel.DpiNormalizationSendMatrix);

            Message message = new RealTimeInkSheetStylusUpMessage(this.m_Sheet, stylusId, strokeId, packets);

            message.Tags                = new MessageTags();
            message.Tags.SlideID        = m_SlideID;
            message.Tags.Priority       = MessagePriority.RealTime;
            message.Tags.BridgePriority = MessagePriority.RealTime;
            this.Sender.Send(message, MessagePriority.RealTime);
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new RealTimeInkSheetRenderer, which will draw ink from the specified
        /// <see cref="RealTimeInkSheetModel"/> on <see cref="Graphics"/> obtained
        /// from the specified <see cref="InkSheetRendererParent"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// By default, rendering of real-time ink is enabled.  It may be disabled by setting the
        /// <see cref="RealTimeInkEnabled"/> property.
        /// <para>
        /// Drawing of "static" ink is always enabled, but it is only drawn when the parent
        /// <see cref="SlideRenderer"/> is invalidated.  It is <em>not</em> drawn when new ink
        /// is added to the <see cref="InkSheetModel"/>, for it is assumed that a "third-party"
        /// <see cref="TransformableDynamicRenderer"/> or other renderer is doing the job.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        public RealTimeInkSheetRenderer(SlideDisplayModel display, RealTimeInkSheetModel sheet) : base(display, sheet)
            this.m_Sheet = sheet;

            // FIXME: When the SlideViewer that created the SlideDisplayModel is invalidated, invoke TransformableDynamicRenderer.Refresh().
            this.m_Renderer = new TransformableDynamicRenderer.Core.RealTimeInkAdapter(display, sheet);

            if ((this.m_Sheet.Disposition & SheetDisposition.Remote) == 0)
                this.SlideDisplay.Changed["RenderLocalRealTimeInk"].Add(new PropertyEventHandler(this.HandleRenderRealTimeInkChanged));
                this.HandleRenderRealTimeInkChanged(this.SlideDisplay, null);
                this.RenderRealTimeInk = true;
        public RealTimeInkSheetNetworkService(SendingQueue sender, PresentationModel presentation, DeckModel deck, SlideModel slide, RealTimeInkSheetModel sheet, SheetMessage.SheetCollection selector) : base(sender, presentation, deck, slide, sheet, selector)
            this.m_Sheet = sheet;

            using (Synchronizer.Lock(slide.SyncRoot)) {
                m_SlideID = slide.Id;

            this.PacketBuffers    = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >();
            this.PacketFlushTimes = new Dictionary <int, long>();

            this.m_CurrentDrawingAttributesChangedDispatcher = new EventQueue.PropertyEventDispatcher(this.Sender, new PropertyEventHandler(this.HandleCurrentDrawingAttributesChanged));
            this.m_Sheet.StylusUp   += new RealTimeInkSheetModel.StylusUpEventHandler(this.HandleStylusUp);
            this.m_Sheet.Packets    += new RealTimeInkSheetModel.PacketsEventHandler(this.HandlePackets);
            this.m_Sheet.StylusDown += new RealTimeInkSheetModel.StylusDownEventHandler(this.HandleStylusDown);
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the matching between two real time ink sheets
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The event queue to invoke async events on</param>
        /// <param name="srcSheet">The source sheet to marshal packets/events from</param>
        /// <param name="dstSheet">The destination sheet to marshal packets/events to</param>
        public RealTimeInkSheetMatch(EventQueue sender, RealTimeInkSheetModel srcSheet, RealTimeInkSheetModel dstSheet) : base(sender, srcSheet, dstSheet)
            // Save the parameters
            this.m_SourceSheet = srcSheet;
            this.m_DestSheet   = dstSheet;

            // Setup event handlers for the source sheet
            this.m_CurrentDrawingAttributesChangedDispatcher = new EventQueue.PropertyEventDispatcher(this.m_Sender, new PropertyEventHandler(this.HandleCurrentDrawingAttributesChanged));
            this.m_SourceSheet.StylusUp   += new RealTimeInkSheetModel.StylusUpEventHandler(this.HandleStylusUp);
            this.m_SourceSheet.Packets    += new RealTimeInkSheetModel.PacketsEventHandler(this.HandlePackets);
            this.m_SourceSheet.StylusDown += new RealTimeInkSheetModel.StylusDownEventHandler(this.HandleStylusDown);

            // Setup the initial values for the Drawing Attributes
            this.m_Sender.Post(delegate() {
                this.m_CurrentDrawingAttributesChangedDispatcher.Dispatcher(this, null);
Esempio n. 13
        protected override bool UpdateTarget(ReceiveContext context)
            RealTimeInkSheetModel sheet = this.Target as RealTimeInkSheetModel;

            if (sheet == null)
                this.Target = sheet = new RealTimeInkSheetModel(((Guid)this.TargetId), this.Disposition | SheetDisposition.Remote, this.Bounds);

                using (Synchronizer.Lock(sheet.SyncRoot)) {
                    if (this.CurrentDrawingAttributes != null)
                        sheet.CurrentDrawingAttributes = this.CurrentDrawingAttributes.CreateDrawingAttributes();
                using (Synchronizer.Lock(sheet.SyncRoot)) {
                    if (this.CurrentDrawingAttributes != null)
                        DrawingAttributes changed = sheet.CurrentDrawingAttributes;
                        if (changed == null || this.CurrentDrawingAttributes.NeedsUpdate(changed))
                            changed = this.CurrentDrawingAttributes.CreateDrawingAttributes();
                            sheet.CurrentDrawingAttributes = changed;
                        sheet.CurrentDrawingAttributes = null;


Esempio n. 14
        private void HandleSlideChanged(object sender, PropertyEventArgs args)
            using (Synchronizer.Lock(this)) {
                SlideModel slide;
                using (Synchronizer.Lock(this.m_SlideDisplay.SyncRoot)) {
                    slide = this.m_SlideDisplay.Slide;
                    // Release the reader lock immediately, because it is not possible (or at least easy)
                    // to guarantee consistent locking order between the SlideDisplayModel and the SlideModel.
                    // Most of the SheetRenderer classes will obtain a lock on the SlideModel *first*
                    // and the SlideDisplayModel *second* because they react to changes in the slide;
                    // but that order is not possible here.

                if (slide == null)
                    this.m_Adaptee.InkSheetModel         = null;
                    this.m_Adaptee.RealTimeInkSheetModel = null;

                    using (Synchronizer.Lock(slide.SyncRoot)) {
                        try {
                            InkSheetModel         inks = null;
                            RealTimeInkSheetModel rti  = null;

                            // TODO: This code is duplicated in SlideToolBarButtons.ClearInkSheetToolBarButton.  Extract to a "ActiveInkAnnotationSheet" property of the SlideModel.
                            // Find the *top-most* InkSheetModel and RealTimeInkSheetModel in the annotation layer.
                            foreach (SheetModel sheet in slide.AnnotationSheets)
                                // Only consider local sheets.
                                if ((sheet.Disposition & SheetDisposition.Remote) != 0)

                                    // RealTimeInkSheetModels get priority.
                                else if (sheet is RealTimeInkSheetModel)
                                    inks = rti = ((RealTimeInkSheetModel)sheet);

                                    // Regular InkSheetModels are our second choice.
                                else if (sheet is InkSheetModel)
                                    inks = ((InkSheetModel)sheet);
                                    rti  = null;

                                    // Only consider the *top-most* non-remote sheet (the last one in the collection).

                            if (inks == null && rti == null)
                                // If the slide does not have an ink annotation sheet, create one.
                                inks = rti = new RealTimeInkSheetModel(Guid.NewGuid(), SheetDisposition.All, Rectangle.Empty);

                                // Add it to the slide.

                            // Start collecting ink into the InkSheetModel's Ink object
                            // (after the sheet is added to the slide, so renderers don't get out of sync).
                            // Also start sending events to InkSheetModel.RealTimeInk.
                            this.m_Adaptee.InkSheetModel         = rti == null ? inks : rti;
                            this.m_Adaptee.RealTimeInkSheetModel = rti;

                        catch {
                            // We were unable to get an Ink annotation sheet, so disable inking.
                            this.m_Adaptee.InkSheetModel         = null;
                            this.m_Adaptee.RealTimeInkSheetModel = null;
Esempio n. 15
 public RealTimeInkSheetStylusDownMessage(RealTimeInkSheetModel sheet, int stylusId, int strokeId, int[] packets, TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection tabletProperties) : base(sheet, stylusId, strokeId, packets)
     this.TabletProperties = new TabletPropertyDescriptionCollectionInformation(tabletProperties);
Esempio n. 16
 public RealTimeInkSheetStylusUpMessage(RealTimeInkSheetModel sheet, int stylusId, int strokeId, int[] packets) : base(sheet, stylusId, strokeId, packets)
Esempio n. 17
 public RealTimeInkSheetDataMessage(RealTimeInkSheetModel sheet, int stylusId, int strokeId, int[] packets) : base(sheet.Id)
     this.StylusId = stylusId;
     this.StrokeId = strokeId;
     this.Packets  = packets;
Esempio n. 18
 public RealTimeInkSheetInformationMessage(RealTimeInkSheetModel sheet, SheetMessage.SheetCollection collection) : base(sheet, collection)
Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="server"></param>
        /// <param name="deckIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="slideIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="strokes">SimpleWebInk objects that make up the strokes.</param>
        public void HandleStudentSubmission(object server, int deckIndex, int slideIndex, ArrayList strokes)
            SlideModel slide = null;
            DeckModel  deck  = null;

            using (Synchronizer.Lock(this.m_Presentation.SyncRoot))
                using (Synchronizer.Lock(this.m_Presentation.DeckTraversals[deckIndex].SyncRoot))
                    using (Synchronizer.Lock(this.m_Presentation.DeckTraversals[deckIndex].Current.SyncRoot)) {
                        // Get the slide model
                        slide = this.m_Presentation.DeckTraversals[deckIndex].Current.Slide;

                    deck = this.m_Presentation.DeckTraversals[deckIndex].Deck;

            // Get the student submissions deck or create it if it doesn't exist
            DeckModel ssDeck = this.m_Presentation.GetStudentSubmissionDeck();

            if (ssDeck == null)
                // Create the student submissions deck
                Guid ssGuid          = new Guid("{78696D29-AA11-4c5b-BCF8-8E6406077FD4}");
                Guid ssTraversalGuid = new Guid("{4884044B-DAE1-4249-AEF2-3A2304F52E97}");
                ssDeck              = new DeckModel(ssGuid, DeckDisposition.StudentSubmission, "Student Submissions");
                ssDeck.Group        = Group.Submissions;
                ssDeck.current_subs = true;
//                AddLocalRef(ssGuid, ssDeck);
                DeckTraversalModel traversal = new SlideDeckTraversalModel(ssTraversalGuid, ssDeck);
//                AddLocalRef(ssTraversalGuid, traversal);

                // Add the new student submission deck to the presentation
                using (Synchronizer.Lock(this.m_Presentation.SyncRoot)) {

            // Create the new slide to add
            SlideModel newSlide = new SlideModel(new Guid(), new LocalId(), SlideDisposition.Remote | SlideDisposition.StudentSubmission);

            // Make a list of image content sheets that need to be added to the deck.
            List <ImageSheetModel> images = new List <ImageSheetModel>();

            // Update the fields of the slide
            using (Synchronizer.Lock(newSlide.SyncRoot))
                using (Synchronizer.Lock(slide.SyncRoot))
                    newSlide.Title               = slide.Title;
                    newSlide.Bounds              = slide.Bounds;
                    newSlide.Zoom                = slide.Zoom;
                    newSlide.BackgroundColor     = slide.BackgroundColor;
                    newSlide.BackgroundTemplate  = slide.BackgroundTemplate;
                    newSlide.SubmissionSlideGuid = slide.SubmissionSlideGuid;
                    newSlide.SubmissionStyle     = slide.SubmissionStyle;

                    //If the slide background is null, then update the slide background with deck setting
                    using (Synchronizer.Lock(deck.SyncRoot))
                        if (slide.BackgroundColor == System.Drawing.Color.Empty)
                            newSlide.BackgroundColor = deck.DeckBackgroundColor;
                        if (slide.BackgroundTemplate == null)
                            newSlide.BackgroundTemplate = deck.DeckBackgroundTemplate;

                    // Copy all of the content sheets.
                    // Because ContentSheets do not change, there is no
                    // need to do a deep copy (special case for ImageSheetModels).
                    foreach (SheetModel s in slide.ContentSheets)

                        // Queue up any image content to be added the deck below.
                        ImageSheetModel ism = s as ImageSheetModel;
                        if (ism != null)

                    // Make a deep copy of all the ink sheets
                    foreach (SheetModel s in slide.AnnotationSheets)
                        SheetModel newSheet = UW.ClassroomPresenter.Model.Presentation.SheetModel.SheetDeepRemoteCopyHelper(s);

                        // Queue up any image content to be added the deck below.
                        ImageSheetModel ism = s as ImageSheetModel;
                        if (ism != null)

            // Add the slide content to the deck.
            using (Synchronizer.Lock(ssDeck.SyncRoot)) {
                foreach (ImageSheetModel ism in images)
                    System.Drawing.Image image = ism.Image;
                    if (image == null)
                        using (Synchronizer.Lock(ism.Deck.SyncRoot))
                            using (Synchronizer.Lock(ism.SyncRoot))
                                image = ism.Deck.GetSlideContent(ism.MD5);
                    if (image != null)
                        ssDeck.AddSlideContent(ism.MD5, image);

                // Add the slide to the deck.

            // Add an entry to the deck traversal so that we can navigate to the slide
            using (Synchronizer.Lock(ssDeck.TableOfContents.SyncRoot)) {
                TableOfContentsModel.Entry e = new TableOfContentsModel.Entry(new Guid(), ssDeck.TableOfContents, newSlide);

            // Add the ink to the slide now
            using (Synchronizer.Lock(newSlide.SyncRoot))
                RealTimeInkSheetModel sheet = new RealTimeInkSheetModel(new Guid(), SheetDisposition.All | SheetDisposition.Remote, newSlide.Bounds);

                // Add the sheet

                // Now add the ink
                using (Synchronizer.Lock(sheet.Ink.Strokes.SyncRoot))
                    foreach (SimpleWebInk stroke in strokes)
                        Microsoft.Ink.Stroke s = sheet.Ink.CreateStroke(stroke.Pts);
                        s.DrawingAttributes.Color =
                            System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(stroke.R, stroke.G, stroke.B);
                        s.DrawingAttributes.RasterOperation =
                            (stroke.Opacity < 255) ?
                            Microsoft.Ink.RasterOperation.MaskPen :
                        s.DrawingAttributes.Width = stroke.Width * 30.00f;
Esempio n. 20
        protected Guid SendStudentSubmission()
            Guid newSlideGuid = Guid.Empty;

            UW.ClassroomPresenter.Network.Messages.Message pres, deck, slide, sheet;
            // Add the presentation
            if (this.Presentation == null)
            pres       = new PresentationInformationMessage(this.Presentation);
            pres.Group = Groups.Group.Submissions;

            //Add the current deck model that corresponds to this slide deck at the remote location
            deck       = new DeckInformationMessage(this.Deck);
            deck.Group = Groups.Group.Submissions;

            // Add the Slide Message
            newSlideGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
            slide        = new StudentSubmissionSlideInformationMessage(this.Slide, newSlideGuid, Guid.NewGuid());
            slide.Group  = Groups.Group.Submissions;

            // Find the correct user ink layer to send
            RealTimeInkSheetModel m_Sheet = null;

            using (Synchronizer.Lock(this.Slide.SyncRoot)) {
                foreach (SheetModel s in this.Slide.AnnotationSheets)
                    if (s is RealTimeInkSheetModel && (s.Disposition & SheetDisposition.Remote) == 0)
                        m_Sheet = (RealTimeInkSheetModel)s;

            // Find the existing ink on the slide
            Microsoft.Ink.Ink extracted;
            using (Synchronizer.Lock(m_Sheet.Ink.Strokes.SyncRoot)) {
                // Ensure that each stroke has a Guid which will uniquely identify it on the remote side
                foreach (Microsoft.Ink.Stroke stroke in m_Sheet.Ink.Strokes)
                    if (!stroke.ExtendedProperties.DoesPropertyExist(InkSheetMessage.StrokeIdExtendedProperty))
                        stroke.ExtendedProperties.Add(InkSheetMessage.StrokeIdExtendedProperty, Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
                // Extract all of the strokes
                extracted = m_Sheet.Ink.ExtractStrokes(m_Sheet.Ink.Strokes, Microsoft.Ink.ExtractFlags.CopyFromOriginal);

            // Find the Realtime ink on the slide
            RealTimeInkSheetModel newSheet = null;

            using (Synchronizer.Lock(m_Sheet.SyncRoot)) {
                newSheet = new RealTimeInkSheetModel(Guid.NewGuid(), m_Sheet.Disposition | SheetDisposition.Remote, m_Sheet.Bounds);
                using (Synchronizer.Lock(newSheet.SyncRoot)) {
                    newSheet.CurrentDrawingAttributes = m_Sheet.CurrentDrawingAttributes;

            // Add the Sheet Message for the existing
            sheet       = new InkSheetStrokesAddedMessage(newSheet, (Guid)slide.TargetId, SheetMessage.SheetCollection.AnnotationSheets, extracted);
            sheet.Group = Groups.Group.Submissions;

            // Add the Sheet Message for the real-time ink
            sheet       = SheetMessage.ForSheet(newSheet, SheetMessage.SheetCollection.AnnotationSheets);
            sheet.Group = Groups.Group.Submissions;

            // Send the message

Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Send the current ink as a student submission slide
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The object which sent this event, i.e. this class</param>
        /// <param name="args">The parameters for the property</param>
        private void HandleSendSubmission(object sender, PropertyEventArgs args)
            if (this.m_SendingLock)

            using (Synchronizer.Lock(SubmissionStatusModel.GetInstance().SyncRoot)) {
                SubmissionStatusModel.GetInstance().SubmissionStatus = SubmissionStatusModel.Status.NotReceived;

            ///declare variables we will be using
            UW.ClassroomPresenter.Network.Messages.Message pres, deck, slide, sheet;
            // Construct the message to send
            using (this.m_Model.Workspace.Lock()) {
                // Add the presentation
                if (this.m_Model.Workspace.CurrentPresentation == null)
                ///the presentation message we will be sending
                pres       = new PresentationInformationMessage(this.m_Model.Workspace.CurrentPresentation);
                pres.Group = Groups.Group.Submissions;

                //Add the current deck model that corresponds to this slide deck at the remote location
                if ((~this.m_Model.Workspace.CurrentDeckTraversal) == null)
                using (Synchronizer.Lock((~this.m_Model.Workspace.CurrentDeckTraversal).SyncRoot)) {
                    DeckModel dModel = (~this.m_Model.Workspace.CurrentDeckTraversal).Deck;
                    foreach (DeckPairModel match in this.m_Model.Workspace.DeckMatches)
                        ///check to see if the decks are the same
                        if (match.LocalDeckTraversal.Deck == (~this.m_Model.Workspace.CurrentDeckTraversal).Deck)
                            dModel = match.RemoteDeckTraversal.Deck;
                    ///create the deck message from this matched deck
                    deck = new DeckInformationMessage(dModel);
                    ///make the deck a submission type deck.
                    deck.Group = Groups.Group.Submissions;
                    ///tack this message onto the end.

                    ///add the particular slide we're on the to message.
                    if ((~this.m_Model.Workspace.CurrentDeckTraversal).Current == null)
                    using (Synchronizer.Lock((~this.m_Model.Workspace.CurrentDeckTraversal).Current.Slide.SyncRoot)) {
                        // Add the Slide Message
                        slide       = new StudentSubmissionSlideInformationMessage((~this.m_Model.Workspace.CurrentDeckTraversal).Current.Slide, Guid.NewGuid(), Guid.NewGuid());
                        slide.Group = Groups.Group.Submissions;

                        // Find the correct user ink layer to send
                        RealTimeInkSheetModel m_Sheet = null;
                        int count = 0;
                        foreach (SheetModel s in (~this.m_Model.Workspace.CurrentDeckTraversal).Current.Slide.AnnotationSheets)
                            if (s is RealTimeInkSheetModel && (s.Disposition & SheetDisposition.Remote) == 0)
                                m_Sheet = (RealTimeInkSheetModel)s;

                        // DEBUGGING
                        if (count > 1)
                            Debug.Assert(true, "Bad Count", "Bad");

                        // Find the existing ink on the slide
                        Ink extracted;
                        using (Synchronizer.Lock(m_Sheet.Ink.Strokes.SyncRoot)) {
                            // Ensure that each stroke has a Guid which will uniquely identify it on the remote side
                            foreach (Stroke stroke in m_Sheet.Ink.Strokes)
                                if (!stroke.ExtendedProperties.DoesPropertyExist(InkSheetMessage.StrokeIdExtendedProperty))
                                    stroke.ExtendedProperties.Add(InkSheetMessage.StrokeIdExtendedProperty, Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
                            // Extract all of the strokes
                            extracted = m_Sheet.Ink.ExtractStrokes(m_Sheet.Ink.Strokes, ExtractFlags.CopyFromOriginal);

                        // Find the Realtime ink on the slide
                        RealTimeInkSheetModel newSheet = null;
                        using (Synchronizer.Lock(m_Sheet.SyncRoot)) {
                            newSheet = new RealTimeInkSheetModel(Guid.NewGuid(), m_Sheet.Disposition | SheetDisposition.Remote, m_Sheet.Bounds);
                            using (Synchronizer.Lock(newSheet.SyncRoot)) {
                                newSheet.CurrentDrawingAttributes = m_Sheet.CurrentDrawingAttributes;

                        // Add a message to *create* the student's RealTimeInkSheetModel on the instructor client (without any ink).
                        sheet       = SheetMessage.ForSheet(newSheet, SheetMessage.SheetCollection.AnnotationSheets);
                        sheet.Group = Groups.Group.Submissions;

                        //Scale the ink if necessary
                        if (ViewerStateModel.NonStandardDpi)

                        // Add a message to copy the ink from the student's RealTimeInkSheetModel to the just-created sheet on the instructor.
                        sheet       = new InkSheetStrokesAddedMessage(newSheet, (Guid)slide.TargetId, SheetMessage.SheetCollection.AnnotationSheets, extracted);
                        sheet.Group = Groups.Group.Submissions;

                        ///Add each text and image sheet into the message as children of the ink sheet if it is public
                        foreach (SheetModel s in (~this.m_Model.Workspace.CurrentDeckTraversal).Current.Slide.AnnotationSheets)
                            if (s is TextSheetModel && !(s is StatusLabel) && (s.Disposition & SheetDisposition.Remote) == 0)
                                TextSheetModel text_sheet = (TextSheetModel)s;
                                text_sheet = (TextSheetModel)text_sheet.Clone();
                                ///some ugly code here due to synchronization
                                bool sheet_is_public;
                                using (Synchronizer.Lock(text_sheet.SyncRoot)) {
                                    sheet_is_public = text_sheet.IsPublic;
                                if (sheet_is_public)
                                    TextSheetMessage t_message = new TextSheetMessage(text_sheet, SheetMessage.SheetCollection.AnnotationSheets);
                                    t_message.Group = Groups.Group.Submissions;
                            if (s is ImageSheetModel && !(s is StatusLabel) && (s.Disposition & SheetDisposition.Remote) == 0)
                                ImageSheetModel image_sheet = (ImageSheetModel)s;
                                image_sheet = (ImageSheetModel)image_sheet.Clone();
                                ImageSheetMessage i_message = new ImageSheetMessage(image_sheet, SheetMessage.SheetCollection.AnnotationSheets);
                                i_message.Group = Groups.Group.Submissions;
                        //Lock the current sending.

                        // Send the message