Esempio n. 1
        //Used to add functionality for when a company name is selected in market by order
        private void MarketByOrderHandler(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //item that will hold configurations
            ToolStripMenuItem clickedItem = (ToolStripMenuItem)sender;
            //Create MDI window
            MarketByOrder newMDIChild = new MarketByOrder(clickedItem.Name);

            //Register the observer
            // Set the parent form of the child window.
            newMDIChild.MdiParent = this;
            //Change name of the window
            newMDIChild.Text = "Market Depth By Order (" + clickedItem.Name + ")";
            // Display the new form.
Esempio n. 2
 private void submitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //Validation is handled for any inputs that cannot be parsed into what they should be, excpetion is thrown
         //Submit button is clicked
         //get number of shares input and parse
         float numShares = (float)Convert.ToDouble(this.numSharesInput.Text);
         //get purchase price from form and parse
         float purchasePrice = (float)Convert.ToDouble(this.purchasePriceInput.Text);
         //make sure purchase price is a positive value
         if (purchasePrice < 0)
             throw new System.ArgumentException("Share Price must be positive", "Place Bid Order Form");
         //get company name from the dropdown
         String  name    = comboBox1.Text;
         int     numSold = 0;     //reset tranasction number
         Boolean sale    = false; //has a transaction occured
         foreach (Company company in data.companies)
             if (company.companyName.Equals(name))
                 //Insert logic here to compress orders together
                 //if there are orders in the sell list that are the same price or greater as an order in the buy list,
                 //make the sell, record dumber of shares sold and the sell price.
                 //Update the buy list and sell list
                 foreach (BuyOrder buyOrder in company.buyOrders)
                     //Check and see if the sale price is less than or equal to the current bid price
                     if (buyOrder.orderPrice >= purchasePrice)
                         //if the buy order has the same number of shares as the sell order
                         if (buyOrder.orderSize == numShares)
                             sale               = true;
                             numSold           += (int)numShares;
                             numShares         -= buyOrder.orderSize;
                             buyOrder.orderSize = 0;
                         //If there are more shares in the buy order then in the sell
                         else if (buyOrder.orderSize > numShares)
                             sale = true;
                             buyOrder.orderSize -= numShares;
                             numSold            += (int)numShares;
                         //There are more shares being sold than there are in the current offer to buy
                         else if (buyOrder.orderSize < numShares)
                             sale     = true;
                             numSold += (int)buyOrder.orderSize;
                             //subtract the number of bid shares from the total being sold
                             numShares -= buyOrder.orderSize;
                             //Remove the buy order from the list because all have been sold
                             buyOrder.orderSize = 0;
                             //Allow continuation of the loop and look for another list with a usable price
                 //If there are still shares left to sell after checking all lists for offers, add to sell list
                 if (numShares > 0)
                     //add a new sell order with current time/date, number of shares from input, price form input
                     company.sellOrders.Add(new SellOrder(DateTime.Now, numShares, purchasePrice));
                     company.sellOrders.Sort(); //sort list with new items present
                 //if a transaction has been completed
                 if (sale)
                     company.setLastPrice(purchasePrice); //set last transaction price
                     company.setVolume((int)(numSold));   //add volume of shares sold to total by calling setVolume()
                 numSharesInput.Clear();                  //clear shares input text box
                 purchasePriceInput.Clear();              //clear purchase price input box
                 data.notify();                           //notify the subject to update adn reflect changes
         //show user that input validation was unsuccessful
         MessageBox.Show("Some fields contain improper values", "Stock Market Application");
     //At this point the the boxes should be cleared even if inputs were invalid
Esempio n. 3
 private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         //Submit button is clicked
         float numShares     = (float)Convert.ToDouble(this.numSharesInput.Text);
         float purchasePrice = (float)Convert.ToDouble(this.purchasePriceInput.Text);
         if (purchasePrice < 0)
             throw new System.ArgumentException("Share PRice must be positive", "original");
         String  name    = comboBox1.Text;
         int     numSold = 0;
         Boolean sale    = false;
         foreach (Company company in data.companies)
             if (company.companyName.Equals(name))
                 //Check all sell orders to see if a buy can occur
                 foreach (SellOrder sellOrder in company.sellOrders)
                     //Check to see if the sale price is less than or equal to the buy price
                     if (sellOrder.orderPrice <= purchasePrice)
                         //If the sale has the same number of shares as the buy request
                         if (sellOrder.orderSize == numShares)
                             sale                = true;
                             numSold            += (int)numShares;
                             numShares          -= sellOrder.orderSize;
                             sellOrder.orderSize = 0;
                         //If there are more shares for sale then the purchase request
                         else if (sellOrder.orderSize > numShares)
                             sellOrder.orderSize -= numShares;
                             sale     = true;
                             numSold += (int)numShares;
                         //There are more shares being bought then there are in the current sell offer
                         else if (sellOrder.orderSize < numShares)
                             sale     = true;
                             numSold += (int)sellOrder.orderSize;
                             //subtract the number of bid shares from the total being sold
                             numShares -= sellOrder.orderSize;
                             //Remove the buy order from the list because all have been sold
                             sellOrder.orderSize = 0;
                             //Allow continuation of the loop and look for another list with a usable price
                 //If there are still shares left to buy after checking all the current sales
                 if (numShares > 0)
                     company.buyOrders.Add(new BuyOrder(DateTime.Now, numShares, purchasePrice));
                 //if a transaction has occured
                 if (sale)
                 //Do this even though no transaction has occured, items have been added to lists
         MessageBox.Show("Some fields contain improper values", "Stock Market Application");