public List <int> Go() { double d = 2.5 % (1000000000 + 7); /* Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT. Your class should be named Solution */ ReadingTestCases.ReadAllText(); int n = Int32.Parse(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); int m = Int32.Parse(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); int[][] a = new int[n][]; int row = 0; while (row < n) { a[row] = Array.ConvertAll(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine().Split(' '), Int32.Parse); row++; } int[,] map = new int[n, m]; Dictionary <int, int> dict = new Dictionary <int, int>(); int key = 0; check(a, map, 0, 0, n, m, dict, ref key); Console.WriteLine(dict.Values.Max()); return(new List <int>()); }
public List <int> Go() { ReadingTestCases.ReadAllText(); int q = Int32.Parse(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while (q-- > 0) { long[] arr = Array.ConvertAll(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine().Split(' '), long.Parse); long n = arr[0]; long m = arr[1]; LowerBoundSortedSet <long> root = new LowerBoundSortedSet <long>(); arr = Array.ConvertAll(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine().Split(' '), long.Parse); long max = long.MinValue; long prefix = 0; for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) { prefix = (prefix % m + arr[i] % m) % m; long a = root.FindLowerBound(prefix + 1); max = Math.Max((prefix - a + m) % m, max); root.Add(prefix); } Console.WriteLine(max); //sb.AppendLine(max.ToString()); //109391481 } // ReadingTestCases.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); return(new List <int>()); }
// O(N2) public List <int> Go() { ReadingTestCases.ReadAllText(); int t = Int32.Parse(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); while (t > 0) { t--; int m = Int32.Parse(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); int n = Int32.Parse(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); int[] ar = Array.ConvertAll(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine().Split(' '), Int32.Parse); bool isInternalLoopBreak = false; for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < n; j++) { if (ar[i] + ar[j] == m) { Console.WriteLine((i + 1) + " " + (j + 1)); isInternalLoopBreak = true; break; } } if (isInternalLoopBreak) { break; } } } return(new List <int>()); }
public List <long> Go() { ReadingTestCases.ReadAllText(); int n = Int32.Parse(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); long[] arr = Array.ConvertAll(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine().Split(' '), Int64.Parse); Point[] arrp = new Point[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { arrp[i] = new Point(arr[i], i); } long min = long.MaxValue; Array.Sort(arrp); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 1; i--) { for (int j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (arrp[i].index > arrp[j].index) { continue; } long dif = arrp[i].val - arrp[j].val; if (dif < 0) { continue; } min = Math.Min(min, dif); break; } } Console.Write(min); return(new List <long>()); }
public List <long> Go() { ReadingTestCases.ReadAllText(); int n = Int32.Parse(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); int N = 10; int[] a = new int[2 << (2 * N + 1)]; int[] b = new int[4]; int K = 0; int t = 0; int[] values = Array.ConvertAll(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine().Split(' '), Int32.Parse); for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { K |= ((values[i] - 1) << (t * 2)); t++; } a[0] = 1; List <int> Q = new List <int> { 0 }; int ind = 0; while (true) { int x = Q[ind]; ind++; if (x == K) { Console.WriteLine(a[x] - 1); return(new List <long>()); } for (int i = 0; i < b.Length; i++) { b[i] = 1000; } for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) { b[(3 & (x >> (i * 2)))] = i; } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (b[i] < b[j]) { int y = x + ((j - i) << (b[i] * 2)); if (a[y] == 0) { a[y] = a[x] + 1; Q.Add(y); } } } } } return(new List <long>()); }
public List <int> Go() { ReadingTestCases.ReadAllText(); int N = Convert.ToInt32(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); Stack <int> stack = new Stack <int>(); int curMax = Int32.MinValue; Stack <int> stackMax = new Stack <int>(); while (N-- > 0) { string query = ReadingTestCases.ReadLine().Trim(); if (query.Length > 1) { string[] arr = query.Split(' '); int val = Convert.ToInt32(arr[1]); stack.Push(val); if (val > curMax) { curMax = val; stackMax.Push(curMax); } } else { if (query == "2") { int popVal = stack.Pop(); if (popVal == curMax) { if (stackMax.Count > 0) { stackMax.Pop(); if (stackMax.Count > 0) { curMax = stackMax.Peek(); } else { curMax = Int32.MinValue; } } else { curMax = Int32.MinValue; } } } else { ReadingTestCases.WriteLine(curMax.ToString()); } } } return(new List <int>()); }
public List <int> Go() { ReadingTestCases.ReadAllText(); /* Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT. Your class should be named Solution */ int n = Int32.Parse(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); long[] arr = Array.ConvertAll(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine().Split(' '), long.Parse); long total = arr.Sum(); List <string> nodesStr = new List <string>(); Dictionary <long, List <long> > dataind = new Dictionary <long, List <long> >(); int count = n; while (n > 1) { n--; nodesStr.Add(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); } long min = -1; long prev = 0; List <long> list = new List <long>(); for (int i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) { long[] nodarr = Array.ConvertAll(nodesStr[i].Split(' '), long.Parse); list.Add(nodarr[0]); list.Add(nodarr[1]); if (dataind.ContainsKey(nodarr[0])) { dataind[nodarr[0]].Add(prev++); } else { dataind.Add(nodarr[0], new List <long> { prev++ }); } if (dataind.ContainsKey(nodarr[1])) { dataind[nodarr[1]].Add(prev++); } else { dataind.Add(nodarr[1], new List <long> { prev++ }); } } load(dataind, list, arr, 1, -1, ref min, total); Console.WriteLine(min); return(new List <int>()); }
public BinarySearch() { ReadingTestCases.ReadAllText(); initarr = ReadingTestCases.ReadLine().Split(' ').Select(Int32.Parse).ToArray(); Array.Sort(initarr); /* Random rnd = new Random(); * initarr = initarr.Select(x => rnd.Next()).ToArray(); * int index = rnd.Next(0, 1000); * initarr[index] = target; * initarr= initarr.OrderBy(x => x).ToArray();*/ }
public List <int> main() { /* Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT. Your class should be named Solution. */ ReadingTestCases.ReadAllText(); int n = Int32.Parse(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { String s = ReadingTestCases.ReadLine(); sortNext(s); } return(new List <int>()); }
public List <int> Go() { ReadingTestCases.ReadAllText(); int T = Int32.Parse(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); while (T > 0) { T--; int[] nm = Array.ConvertAll(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine().Split(' '), Int32.Parse); int N = nm[0]; int M = nm[1]; char [][] forest = new char[N][]; Coordinate portkey = new Coordinate(); Coordinate startPosition = new Coordinate(); List <Coordinate> turningCoordinates = new List <Coordinate>(); List <Coordinate> neuboList = new List <Coordinate> { new Coordinate(1, 0), new Coordinate(-1, 0), new Coordinate(0, 1), new Coordinate(0, -1) }; bool [,] visited = new bool[N, M]; // visited[startPosition.N, startPosition.M] = true; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { string s = ReadingTestCases.ReadLine(); for (int j = 0; j < M; j++) { if (s[j] == '*') { portkey.N = i; portkey.M = j; } if (s[j] == 'M') { startPosition.N = i; startPosition.M = j; } } forest[i] = s.ToCharArray(); } int K = Int32.Parse(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); int total = 0; bst(forest, neuboList, startPosition, portkey, visited, N, M, ref total); Console.WriteLine(total == K ? "Impressed" : "Oops!"); } return(new List <int>()); }
public InterpolationSearch() { string s = "194729"; bool t = s.Contains("4729"); ReadingTestCases.ReadAllText(); arr = ReadingTestCases.ReadLine().Split(' ').Select(Int32.Parse).ToArray(); Array.Sort(arr); /* Random rnd = new Random(); * values = values.Select(x => rnd.Next()).ToArray(); * int index = rnd.Next(0, 1000); * values[index] = target; * values = values.OrderBy(x => x).ToArray();*/ }
public List <int> start() { ReadingTestCases.ReadAllText(); int n = Int32.Parse(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { String s = ReadingTestCases.ReadLine(); int start = -1; char[] chararr = s.ToCharArray(); for (int j = 0; j < chararr.Length - 1; j++) { if (chararr[j] < chararr[j + 1]) { start = j; } } if (start == -1) { Console.WriteLine("no answer"); break; } int end = -1; for (int j = start + 1; j < chararr.Length; j++) { if (chararr[start] < chararr[j]) { end = j; } } char temp = chararr[start]; chararr[start] = chararr[end]; chararr[end] = temp; char[] chararrcopy = new char[chararr.Length - (start + 1)]; for (int j = start + 1, k = 0; j < chararr.Length; j++, k++) { chararrcopy[k] = chararr[j]; } Array.Sort(chararrcopy); for (int j = start + 1; j < chararr.Length; j++) { chararr[j] = chararrcopy[j - start - 1]; } Console.WriteLine(new string(chararr)); } return(new List <int>()); }
public List <int> Go() { int[] ar = new[] { 1 }; ReadingTestCases.ReadAllText(); int N = Int32.Parse(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); int n = 0; string[] nodesStr = new string[N]; while (n < N) { nodesStr[n] = ReadingTestCases.ReadLine(); n++; } Node root = new Node(); root.Value = 1; root.Height = 1; int H = 1; List <string> l = nodesStr.ToList(); l.Insert(0, "1"); fillNodes(root, 1, l, H); H = GetHeight(root); int Kcount = Int32.Parse(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); while (Kcount > 0) { int k = Int32.Parse(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); int i = 2; int p = k; while (p <= H) { swap(root, p); p = k * i; i++; } traverseInOrder(root); Console.Write("\n"); Kcount--; } return(new List <int>()); }
public List <int> Go() { ReadingTestCases.ReadAllText(); int N = Int32.Parse(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); long[] array = Array.ConvertAll(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine().Split(' '), long.Parse); int Q = Int32.Parse(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); long[] queries = Array.ConvertAll(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine().Split(' '), long.Parse); IEnumerable <long> ar = array; for (int i = 0; i < Q; i++) { var i1 = i; ar = ar.Select(x => x + queries[i1]).AsParallel(); //long res = ar.Su; Console.WriteLine(ar); } return(new List <int>()); }
public List <int> Go() { ReadingTestCases.ReadAllText(); string[] tokens_n = ReadingTestCases.ReadLine().Split(' '); int n = Convert.ToInt32(tokens_n[0]); int k = Convert.ToInt32(tokens_n[1]); string[] x_temp = ReadingTestCases.ReadLine().Split(' '); int[] x = Array.ConvertAll(x_temp, Int32.Parse); Array.Sort(x); int range = k * 2; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < x.Length;) { int h = x[i]; int ind = i + 1; bool isExists = false; while (ind < x.Length && x[ind] - h <= k) { isExists = true; ind++; } count++; if (ind < x.Length && isExists) { h = x[--ind]; ind++; while (ind < x.Length && x[ind] - h <= k) { //isExists=true; ind++; } } i = ind; //Console.WriteLine(ind); } Console.WriteLine(count); return(new List <int>()); }
// O(N) public List <int> GoON() { ReadingTestCases.ReadAllText(); Dictionary <int, int> d = new Dictionary <int, int>(); for (int i = 0; i < d.Count; i++) { } int t = Int32.Parse(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); while (t > 0) { t--; int m = Int32.Parse(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); int n = Int32.Parse(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); int[] ar = Array.ConvertAll(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine().Split(' '), Int32.Parse); IceCream [] icearr = new IceCream[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { icearr[i] = new IceCream(ar[i], i); } Array.Sort(icearr); for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) { int search = m - icearr[i].Cost; if (search >= icearr[i].Cost) { int res = binarySearch(icearr, i + 1, n - 1, search); if (res != -1) { Console.WriteLine(Math.Min(icearr[i].Index + 1, res + 1) + " " + Math.Max(icearr[i].Index + 1, res + 1)); break; } } } } return(new List <int>()); }
public static List <int> Go() { ReadingTestCases.ReadAllText(); /* Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT. Your class should be named Solution */ long[] ar = Array.ConvertAll(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine().Split(' '), long.Parse); long n = ar[0]; long m = ar[1]; long k = ar[2]; long totalTrainArea = 0; Dictionary <long, ColRange> dict = new Dictionary <long, ColRange>(); while (k > 0) { k--; ar = Array.ConvertAll(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine().Split(' '), long.Parse); long r = ar[0]; long start = ar[1]; long end = ar[2]; if (dict.ContainsKey(r)) { dict[r].updateRange(start, end); } else { dict.Add(r, new ColRange(start, end)); } } foreach (var kvp in dict) { totalTrainArea += kvp.Value.getTotalArea(); } long totalAreaCity = m * n; //Console.WriteLine(totalTrainArea); Console.WriteLine(totalAreaCity - totalTrainArea); return(new List <int>()); }
public List <string> Go() { ReadingTestCases.ReadAllText(); int T = Int32.Parse(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); while (T > 0) { T--; string s = ReadingTestCases.ReadLine(); int totalCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < s.Length - 1; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < s.Length; j++) { int[] first = new int[26]; int[] second = new int[26]; int bindleft = i; int bindright = j; while (bindright < s.Length) { first[s[bindleft] - 97]++; second[s[bindright] - 97]++; bindleft++; bindright++; if (compare(first, second)) { totalCount++; } } } } Console.WriteLine(totalCount); } return(new List <string>()); }
public List <long> Go() { ReadingTestCases.ReadAllText(); string s = ReadingTestCases.ReadLine(); Dictionary <char, List <long> > dict = new Dictionary <char, List <long> >(); for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) { if (dict.ContainsKey(s[i])) { dict[s[i]].Add(i); } else { dict.Add(s[i], new List <long> { i }); } } BigInteger total = 0; int p = 4; int mod = 1000000007; foreach (var kvp in dict) { int n = kvp.Value.Count; if (n <= 1) { continue; } BigInteger res = 0; if (n >= p) { res = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= p; i++) { res = res * (n - p + i) / i; } } //total = (total%mod+ res%mod) % mod; var externalList = kvp.Value; foreach (var kvpIn in dict) { if (kvpIn.Value.Count <= 1) { continue; } //if (kvp.Key == kvpIn.Key) continue; var internalList = kvpIn.Value; Point[] arr = new Point[internalList.Count]; long firstExt = externalList[0]; long lastExt = externalList[externalList.Count - 1]; int start = 0; int end = 0; int prevInt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < externalList.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { // Determine start index for the second part of the palindrome for (int j = 0; j < internalList.Count; j++) { if (firstExt > internalList[j]) { continue; } start = j + 1; break; } // Determine end index for the second part of the palindrome for (int j = internalList.Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (lastExt < internalList[j]) { continue; } end = j; break; } int lastIndexExt = externalList.Count - 1; int prev = -1; while (start <= end) { Point point = new Point(); while (lastIndexExt >= 0 && internalList[end] < externalList[lastIndexExt]) { point.cur++; lastIndexExt--; } if (prev > 0) { point.cur = point.cur + arr[prev].cur; = point.cur + arr[prev].total; point.tottot = + arr[prev].tottot; } else { = point.cur; point.tottot = point.cur; } prev = end; arr[end] = point; end--; } prevInt = start == 0 ? 0 : start - 1; } long aftotal = 0; if (externalList[i] > internalList[internalList.Count - 1]) { continue; } for (int j = prevInt; j < internalList.Count - 1; j++) { if (externalList[i] > internalList[j]) { continue; } prevInt = j; aftotal = (aftotal + arr[j + 1].tottot) % mod; break; } total = (total + aftotal) % mod; } } } Console.WriteLine(total % mod); return(new List <long>()); }
public List <string> Go() { ReadingTestCases.ReadAllText(); string s = ReadingTestCases.ReadLine(); Dictionary <char, int> dict = new Dictionary <char, int>(); char prev = s[0]; Point prevPoint = new Point(s[0] - 96, s[0]); List <Point> lp = new List <Point>(); if (s.Length == 1) { lp.Add(prevPoint); } else { for (int i = 1; i < s.Length; i++) { if (prev == s[i]) { prevPoint.Sum += s[i] - 96; } else { lp.Add(prevPoint); prevPoint = new Point(s[i] - 96, s[i]); prev = s[i]; if (i == s.Length - 1) { lp.Add(prevPoint); } } } } int n = Convert.ToInt32(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); for (int a0 = 0; a0 < n; a0++) { int x = Convert.ToInt32(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); bool isYes = false; foreach (var p in lp) { int dif = p.Sum - x; if (dif < 0) { continue; } if (dif == 0 || dif % ((int)p.Charp - 96) == 0) { ReadingTestCases.WriteLine("Yes"); isYes = true; break; } // Console.WriteLine(p.Charp+ " "+ p.Sum); } if (isYes) { continue; } ReadingTestCases.WriteLine("No"); // your code goes here } return(new List <string>()); }
public List <string> Go() { int l = (int)'l'; ReadingTestCases.ReadAllText(); int n = Convert.ToInt32(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine()); for (int a0 = 0; a0 < n; a0++) { string s = ReadingTestCases.ReadLine(); int count = 0; string p = ""; for (int i = 0; i < s.Length;) { int lenfin = 0; int len = 0; int lastindfin = 0; int inc = 0; for (int j = 0; j < p.Length; j++) { if (i + inc < s.Length) { if (p[j] == s[i + inc]) { len++; inc++; } } if (p[j] != s[i] || j == p.Length - 1 || i == s.Length - 1 || i + inc < s.Length) { if (lenfin < len) { lenfin = len; lastindfin = inc + i; // Console.WriteLine(i + " " + inc + " "+ lastindfin); len = 0; inc = 0; } } } //Console.WriteLine(i); string part = ""; if (lenfin > 0) { i = lastindfin; part = s.Substring(lastindfin - lenfin, lenfin); //Console.WriteLine(lastindfin + " " + lenfin); // Console.WriteLine(part); } else { part = s[i].ToString(); i++; count++; } // Console.WriteLine(i); p += part; // Console.WriteLine(p); } Console.WriteLine(count); } return(new List <string>()); }
public List <int> Go() { ReadingTestCases.ReadAllText(); int[] arr = Array.ConvertAll(ReadingTestCases.ReadLine().Split(' '), Int32.Parse); long total = 0; long[] totarr = new long[3010]; Array.Sort(arr); int A = arr[0]; int B = arr[1]; int C = arr[2]; int D = arr[3]; int[,] cnt = new int[3010, 4200]; int xor = 0; //Count number of different pair {a,b} such that, a <= b and within limit for (int f = 1; f <= A; f++) { for (int s = f; s <= B; s++) { totarr[s]++; } } //Create cumulative sum, such that, total[B] gives number of pair {a,b}, where b <= B for (int i = 1; i <= 3000; i++) { totarr[i] += totarr[i - 1]; } //Count number of pairs {a,b} whose xor value, a^b is x. Store it in cnt[b][x] for (int f = 1; f <= A; f++) { for (int s = f; s <= B; s++) { int x = f ^ s; cnt[s, x]++; } } for (int f = 1; f <= 3000; f++) { for (int s = 0; s <= 4100; s++) { cnt[f, s] += cnt[f - 1, s]; } } long res = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= C; i++) { for (int j = i; j <= D; j++) { int y = i ^ j; res += totarr[i] - cnt[i, y]; } } //Create cumulative array, so that, cnt[B][x] gives all pairs {a,b}, where b <= B and a^b = x. Console.WriteLine(res); return(new List <int>()); }