public static void WriteI2CExampleAt24C16(string readerName)
                var i2c = new Readers.AViatoR.Components.SynchronusI2C();
                ISmartCardReader smartCardReader = Connect(readerName);

                if (!smartCardReader.IsConnected)

                // Write 1 byte to address 0x0000, AT24C16 card
                ushort address = 0x0000;
                byte   numberOfBytesToWrite = 0x01;
                string data = "01";

                string command  = i2c.GetWriteCommandApdu(SynchronusI2C.MemorySize._2048, address, numberOfBytesToWrite, data);
                string response = smartCardReader.Transmit(command);
                PrintData($"I2C Write {numberOfBytesToWrite} byte to address 0x{address:X6}", command, response, "");

                // Write 10 bytes to address 0x0010, AT24C16 card
                address = 0x0010;
                numberOfBytesToWrite = 0x0A;
                data     = "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF";
                command  = i2c.GetWriteCommandApdu(SynchronusI2C.MemorySize._2048, address, numberOfBytesToWrite, data);
                response = smartCardReader.Transmit(command);
                PrintData($"I2C Write {numberOfBytesToWrite} bytes starting from address 0x{address:X6}", command, response, "");

                // Write 32 bytes to address 0x0400, AT24C16 card
                // AT24C16 card has page size of 16 bytes so write operation need to be done twice
                address = 0x0400;
                numberOfBytesToWrite = 0x10;
                command  = i2c.GetWriteCommandApdu(SynchronusI2C.MemorySize._2048, address, numberOfBytesToWrite, data);
                response = smartCardReader.Transmit(command);
                PrintData($"I2C Write {numberOfBytesToWrite} bytes starting from address 0x{address:X6}", command, response, "");
                // second part of write operation
                address += 16;
                numberOfBytesToWrite = 0x10;
                command  = i2c.GetWriteCommandApdu(SynchronusI2C.MemorySize._2048, address, numberOfBytesToWrite, data);
                response = smartCardReader.Transmit(command);
                PrintData($"I2C Write {numberOfBytesToWrite} bytes starting from address 0x{address:X6}", command, response, "");

            catch (Exception e)
        public static void ReadI2CExampleAt24C128(string readerName)
                var i2c = new Readers.AViatoR.Components.SynchronusI2C();
                ISmartCardReader smartCardReader = Connect(readerName);

                if (!smartCardReader.IsConnected)

                // Read 1 byte from address 0x0000 from AT24C128 card
                ushort address     = 0x0000;
                byte   bytesToRead = 0x01;

                string command  = i2c.GetReadCommandApdu(SynchronusI2C.MemorySize._16384, address, bytesToRead);
                string response = smartCardReader.Transmit(command);
                PrintData($"I2C Read {bytesToRead} byte from address 0x{address:X6}", command, response, "");

                // Read 10 bytes from address 0x0010 from AT24C128 card
                address     = 0x0010;
                bytesToRead = 0x0A;
                command     = i2c.GetReadCommandApdu(SynchronusI2C.MemorySize._16384, address, bytesToRead);
                response    = smartCardReader.Transmit(command);
                PrintData($"I2C Read {bytesToRead} bytes starting from address 0x{address:X6}", command, response, "");

                // Read 32 bytes from address 0x0400 from AT24C128 card
                address     = 0x0400;
                bytesToRead = 0x20;
                command     = i2c.GetReadCommandApdu(SynchronusI2C.MemorySize._16384, address, bytesToRead);
                response    = smartCardReader.Transmit(command);
                PrintData($"I2C Read {bytesToRead} bytes starting from address 0x{address:X6}", command, response, "");

            catch (Exception e)