Esempio n. 1
		internal VariableSchema(int changeSetId, int id, Type dataType, ReadOnlyDimensionList dimensions, string[] cs, MetadataDictionary metadata)
			if (dimensions == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("dimensions");
			if (metadata == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("metadata");
			this.changeSetId = changeSetId; = id;
			this.dimensions = dimensions;
			this.cs = cs;
			this.metadata = metadata;
			this.dataType = dataType;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets specified version of the schema for the variable describing its structure.
        /// </summary>
        public override VariableSchema GetSchema(SchemaVersion version)
            if (HasChanges)
                if (version == SchemaVersion.Committed)

                // Making a schema for proposed version of the variable

                string name = changes.Name == null ? : changes.Name;
                ReadOnlyDimensionList roDims   = new ReadOnlyDimensionList(changes.Dimensions == null ? dims : changes.Dimensions);
                VariableMetadata      metadata = this.metadata.Clone();

                CoordinateSystemCollection cs        = changes.Cs == null ? csystems : changes.Cs;
                CoordinateSystemSchema[]   csSchemas = new CoordinateSystemSchema[cs.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < csSchemas.Length; i++)
                    csSchemas[i] = cs[i].GetSchema();

                VariableSchema schema = new VariableSchema(name,
                if (version == SchemaVersion.Proposed)
                    throw new Exception("Variable is commited and has no changes.");

                CoordinateSystemSchema[] csSchemas = new CoordinateSystemSchema[csystems.Count];
                for (int i = 0; i < csSchemas.Length; i++)
                    csSchemas[i] = csystems[i].GetSchema();

                VariableSchema schema = new VariableSchema(
                    name, TypeOfData,
                    new ReadOnlyDimensionList(dimensions),

Esempio n. 3
        //Extract data from NetCDF files
        public List <Dictionary <string, string> > ExtractNetCDF(Extract Datasetinfo)
            logger.Log(LogLevel.Info, "Entered AVISTED ExtractNetCDF()");

            //Get selected parameters
            string[] paramlist = Datasetinfo.parameters.Split(',');

            //Get latitude and longitude
            int latmin = 0, latmax = 10, lonmin = 0, lonmax = 10;

            //Get start and end date
            DateTime start = Convert.ToDateTime(Datasetinfo.startDate);
            DateTime end   = Convert.ToDateTime(Datasetinfo.endDate);

            //Get statistics
            string stat = Datasetinfo.stat;

            //initialize variables
            Dictionary <string, string>         dict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            List <Dictionary <string, string> > list = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >();
            float value = 0;

                //Get the Dataset Path
                String        logDirectory  = Datasetinfo.path;
                DirectoryInfo dir1          = new DirectoryInfo(logDirectory);
                FileInfo[]    DispatchFiles = dir1.GetFiles();

                //finding the closest point to the user selection
                string  filePathlatlong         = Path.Combine(dir1.FullName, "");
                DataSet ds2                     = DataSet.Open(filePathlatlong);
                ReadOnlyDimensionList dimension = ds2.Dimensions;
                float[,] latitude  = new float[dimension[0].Length, dimension[1].Length];
                float[,] longitude = new float[dimension[0].Length, dimension[1].Length];
                foreach (Variable v in ds2.Variables)
                    if (v.Name.Equals("latitude"))
                        latitude = (float[, ])v.GetData();
                    if (v.Name.Equals("longitude"))
                        longitude = (float[, ])v.GetData();

                //getting the latitude longitude into the array
                GeoCoordinate[] coord = new GeoCoordinate[dimension[0].Length * dimension[1].Length];
                int             n     = 0;
                for (int l = 0; l < dimension[0].Length; l++)
                    for (int m = 0; m < dimension[1].Length; m++)
                        coord[n] = new GeoCoordinate(latitude[l, m], longitude[l, m]);

                //closest point to the user selection
                var coords  = new GeoCoordinate(Datasetinfo.latmin, Datasetinfo.lonmin);
                var nearest = coord.Select(x => new GeoCoordinate(x.Latitude, x.Longitude))
                              .OrderBy(x => x.GetDistanceTo(coords))
                int found = 0;
                for (int l = 0; l < dimension[0].Length; l++)
                    for (int m = 0; m < dimension[1].Length; m++)
                        if (latitude[l, m] == nearest.Latitude && longitude[l, m] == nearest.Longitude)
                            found  = 1;
                            latmin = l;
                            lonmin = m;
                    if (found == 1)

                //get Data from NetCDF files
                if (DispatchFiles.Length > 0)
                    foreach (FileInfo aFile in DispatchFiles)
                        //Getting date from file name
                        string   dtime    = aFile.Name.Substring(18, 10);
                        DateTime datetime = DateTime.Now;

                        if (DateTime.TryParseExact(dtime, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out datetime))
                            int begin = DateTime.Compare(start.Date, datetime);
                            int last  = DateTime.Compare(end.Date, datetime);

                            //check if the date is within the user requested range
                            if (begin <= 0 && last >= 0)
                                string filePath = Path.Combine(dir1.FullName, aFile.Name);
                                dict.Add("date", dtime.ToString());

                                //open dataset
                                using (DataSet ds1 = DataSet.Open(filePath))
                                    //for each variable if selected by the user get the values
                                    foreach (Variable v in ds1.Variables)
                                        if (Datasetinfo.parameters.Contains(v.Name))
                                            float[,] subset = (float[, ])v.GetData(new int[] { latmin, lonmin }, new int[] { latmax, lonmax });
                                            List <float>  lst        = subset.Cast <float>().ToList();
                                            List <double> doubleList = lst.ConvertAll(x => (double)x);

                                            //Apply the selected statistics to the list of values
                                            var statistics = new DescriptiveStatistics(doubleList);
                                            // Order Statistics
                                            if (string.Compare(stat, "max") == 0)
                                                var largestElement = statistics.Maximum;
                                                value = System.Convert.ToSingle(largestElement);
                                            else if (string.Compare(stat, "min") == 0)
                                                var smallestElement = statistics.Minimum;
                                                value = System.Convert.ToSingle(smallestElement);
                                            else if (string.Compare(stat, "med") == 0)
                                                var median = statistics.Mean;
                                                value = System.Convert.ToSingle(median);
                                            else if (string.Compare(stat, "mean") == 0)
                                            {//Central Tendency
                                                var mean = statistics.Mean;
                                                value = System.Convert.ToSingle(mean);
                                            else if (string.Compare(stat, "var") == 0)
                                            {// Dispersion
                                                var variance = statistics.Variance;
                                                value = System.Convert.ToSingle(variance);
                                            else if (string.Compare(stat, "stD") == 0)
                                                var stdDev = statistics.StandardDeviation;
                                                value = System.Convert.ToSingle(stdDev);

                                            dict.Add(v.Name, value.ToString());

                                    list.Add(new Dictionary <string, string>(dict));

            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error("ExtractNetCDF:Failed with exception {0}", ex.Message);