Esempio n. 1
        //When a new entry is selected in the combobox.
        private void comboBox_ListOfDomains_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //depending on what is in the combobox, program tells what the UI should be.
            if (comboBox_ListOfDomains.Text == "(Create a new domain)")
                label_EnterAName.Visible            = true;
                textBox_EnterAName.Visible          = true;
                button_RemoveSelectedDomain.Visible = false;
                button_SaveChangesToDomain.Text     = "Save New Domain";
                label_EnterAName.Visible            = false;
                textBox_EnterAName.Visible          = false;
                button_RemoveSelectedDomain.Visible = true;
                button_SaveChangesToDomain.Text     = "Save Changes to Current Domain";

                //I did it this way to avoid keeping track of a global indexer variable. Combobox index will always be the same as the generic list's.
                textBox_EnterAName.Text = ReadConfig.ReadDomainSetting()[comboBox_ListOfDomains.SelectedIndex - 1].UserAssignedName;
                textBox_Username.Text   = ReadConfig.ReadDomainSetting()[comboBox_ListOfDomains.SelectedIndex - 1].Username;
                textBox_Password.Text   = ReadConfig.ReadDomainSetting()[comboBox_ListOfDomains.SelectedIndex - 1].Password;
                textBox_Domain.Text     = ReadConfig.ReadDomainSetting()[comboBox_ListOfDomains.SelectedIndex - 1].Domain;
                if (ReadConfig.ReadDomainSetting()[comboBox_ListOfDomains.SelectedIndex - 1].Enabled == "1")
                    checkBox1.Checked = true;
                    checkBox1.Checked = false;
Esempio n. 2

        /// <summary>
        /// Clears and adds new data into the list of domains combobox.
        /// </summary>
        private void ComboBoxRefresh()
            comboBox_ListOfDomains.Items.Clear();                      //Clear combox completely.
            comboBox_ListOfDomains.Items.Add("(Create a new domain)"); //Add back the default value at position 0;
            //Loop through list and at all entries available to the combobox.
            for (int i = 0; i < ReadConfig.ReadDomainSetting().Count; i++)
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Method for testing whether the IP resolve worked or not.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="forceRefresh"></param>
        private void TestIp(bool forceRefresh = false)
            string ip = Get_Client_IP();                                                                                                                                                                               //grabs user's current ip.

            if ((ip != label_UserIP.Text) || (forceRefresh == true))                                                                                                                                                   //should be good now. If there are issues, it is here!
                label_UserIP.Text = ip;                                                                                                                                                                                //whatever the user's ip is now shows in label.
                for (int i = 0; i < listBox_ListOfUsersDomains.Items.Count; i++)                                                                                                                                       //Loop though listbox console.
                    if (ReadConfig.ReadDomainSetting()[i].Enabled == "1")                                                                                                                                              //Only submit domain if it is enabled.
                        label_UpdateResponse.Text           = Update_GoogleDDNS(ReadConfig.ReadDomainSetting()[i].Username, ReadConfig.ReadDomainSetting()[i].Password, ReadConfig.ReadDomainSetting()[i].Domain, ip); //Submit domain info.
                        listBox_ListOfUsersDomains.Items[i] = listBox_ListOfUsersDomains.Items[i].ToString() + " --> Last Check: " + label_UpdateResponse.Text;                                                        //Display info for each domain in the listbox console.

                this.label_UpdateResponse.Text = "All Succeeded.";                                                                                               //default if there are no issues with any domains. STATUS BAR TEXT.
                label_UpdateResponse.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.MediumSpringGreen;                                                                         //default if there are no issues with any domains. STATUS BAR COLOR.
                this.Icon         = Resources.iconGreenNew;                                                                                                      //default if there are no issues with any domains. FORM ICON COLOR.
                mynotifyicon.Icon = Resources.iconGreenNew;                                                                                                      //default if there are no issues with any domains. SYSTEM TRAY ICON COLOR.

                for (int i = 0; i < listBox_ListOfUsersDomains.Items.Count; i++)                                                                                 //Loop through each item in listbox.
                    if ((listBox_ListOfUsersDomains.Items[i].ToString().Contains("nochg")) || (listBox_ListOfUsersDomains.Items[i].ToString().Contains("good"))) //If the entries ! contain the succeed codes.
                        //Do nothing for now.
                        label_UpdateResponse.Text      = "At least one update failed. Check the console."; //Show that there was an error
                        label_UpdateResponse.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
                        mynotifyicon.Icon = Resources.iconRedNew;
                        mynotifyicon.Text = "Update Failed - Flatline DDNS";
                        this.Icon         = Resources.iconRedNew;

                        break; //Exit loop.
                label_LastDNSSync.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString(); //update the last sync time.
            label_LastIPCheck.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString();     //update the last ip check time.
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Method for refreshing the listbox of current domains. Does not run a DDNS update.
        /// </summary>
        private void ListBoxRefresh()
            //Clear out any prior data from the listbox.

            //Loop through all domain settings within the configfile.xml.
            for (int i = 0; i < ReadConfig.ReadDomainSetting().Count; i++)
                //If the setting is enabled, display it as such --- and vice versa.
                if (ReadConfig.ReadDomainSetting()[i].Enabled == "1")
                    listBox_ListOfUsersDomains.Items.Add(" (On*) " + ReadConfig.ReadDomainSetting()[i].UserAssignedName);
                    listBox_ListOfUsersDomains.Items.Add(" (Off) " + ReadConfig.ReadDomainSetting()[i].UserAssignedName);