static void Main(string[] args) { ////StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("Test.txt"); ////string line = reader.ReadLine(); ////Console.WriteLine(line); ////reader.Close(); //StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("Test.txt"); //while (reader.EndOfStream == false) //{ // string line = reader.ReadLine(); // Console.WriteLine(line); //} //reader.Close(); //Console.ReadKey(); TryCatch invSort = new TryCatch(); Player pl = new Player(); Random rd = new Random(); Read re = new Read(); Inventory[] inv = new Inventory[9]; Inventory[] storage = new Inventory[4]; JobUpgrade bst1 = new JobUpgrade(0, 1, "Bad Stick", "It's a stick, what did you expect?", false); JobUpgrade sh1 = new JobUpgrade(50, 2, "Sharp Stick", "Just a slightly sharpened stick", false); JobUpgrade wo1 = new JobUpgrade(200, 3, "Wooden Sword", "Just a sharp stick shaped like a sword", false); JobUpgrade st1 = new JobUpgrade(500, 4, "Stone Sword", "Used for cutting thicker grass", false); JobUpgrade fw1 = new JobUpgrade(9 ^ 9, 4, "Sold Out", "Currently there are no more upgrades available", true); JobUpgrade[] jobUpgradeArray = new JobUpgrade[] { bst1, sh1, wo1, st1, fw1 }; //v1 price, v2 jobupgrade, v3jobupgradename, v4 jobupgrade description int slotChecker = 0; int jfoodRandomizer = 0; int hfoodRandomizer = 0; int mfoodRandomizer = 0; int currentWeapon = 0; int goalDay = 0; int currentDay = 1; int multiplierRupee = 0; int foundRupees = 0; int use = 0; string saveAsk = ""; string goalDayAsked = ""; string purchaseAsk = ""; string useAsk = ""; bool slotFound = false; bool goHome = false; bool goBack = true; bool gameOn = true; bool startGame = false; string[] invValue = new string[9] { "inv1.txt", "inv2.txt", "inv3.txt", "inv4.txt", "inv5.txt", "inv6.txt", "inv7.txt", "inv8.txt", "inv9.txt" }; pl.hunger = pl.startHunger; = pl.startHealth; //for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) //{ // inv[i] = new Inventory(0, 0, 0, "Blank"); //} for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { inv[i] = new Inventory(0, 0, 0, "Blank", false); } // Assigns the value of v1 price v2 quantity v3 health gain, v4 hunger, v5 string void UI() { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.WriteLine($"Day : {currentDay}"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine($"Rupees : {pl.rupees}"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine($"Health : {}"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow; Console.Write($"Hunger : {pl.hunger}"); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; Console.WriteLine($"\r\n---------------\r\n"); return; } // reprints UI at the top of the screen, it being like this allows for quick edits saveAsk = re.Ask($"Welcome to my game, RPG Grass Cutting Store!\r\nType [load] to load the previous game\r\nType [new] to start a new game and overwrite the save"); saveAsk = saveAsk.ToLower(); while (gameOn == true) { while (startGame == false) { switch (saveAsk) { case "load": StreamReader readerRupees = new StreamReader("pl.rupees.txt"); string RupeesSave = readerRupees.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(RupeesSave, out pl.rupees); readerRupees.Close(); StreamReader readerHealth = new StreamReader(""); string HealthSave = readerHealth.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(HealthSave, out; readerHealth.Close(); StreamReader readerHunger = new StreamReader("pl.hunger.txt"); string HungerSave = readerHunger.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(HungerSave, out pl.hunger); readerHunger.Close(); StreamReader readerCurrentWeapon = new StreamReader("currentWeapon.txt"); string CurrentWeaponSave = readerCurrentWeapon.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(CurrentWeaponSave, out currentWeapon); readerCurrentWeapon.Close(); StreamReader readerSlotChecker = new StreamReader("slotChecker.txt"); string slotCheckerSave = readerSlotChecker.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(slotCheckerSave, out slotChecker); readerSlotChecker.Close(); StreamReader readerCurrentDay = new StreamReader("currentDay.txt"); string currentDaySave = readerCurrentDay.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(currentDaySave, out currentDay); readerCurrentDay.Close(); StreamReader readerInv1 = new StreamReader("../../TextFiles/inv1.txt"); inv[0].foodString = readerInv1.ReadLine(); string invHealth1Save = readerInv1.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(invHealth1Save, out inv[0].healthGain); string invHunger1Save = readerInv1.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(invHunger1Save, out inv[0].hungerGain); readerInv1.Close(); StreamReader readerInv2 = new StreamReader("../../TextFiles/inv2.txt"); inv[1].foodString = readerInv2.ReadLine(); string invHealth2Save = readerInv2.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(invHealth2Save, out inv[1].healthGain); string invHunger2Save = readerInv2.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(invHunger2Save, out inv[1].hungerGain); readerInv2.Close(); StreamReader readerInv3 = new StreamReader("../../TextFiles/inv3.txt"); inv[2].foodString = readerInv3.ReadLine(); string invHealth3Save = readerInv3.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(invHealth3Save, out inv[2].healthGain); string invHunger3Save = readerInv3.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(invHunger3Save, out inv[2].hungerGain); readerInv3.Close(); StreamReader readerInv4 = new StreamReader("../../TextFiles/inv4.txt"); inv[3].foodString = readerInv4.ReadLine(); string invHealth4Save = readerInv4.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(invHealth4Save, out inv[3].healthGain); string invHunger4Save = readerInv4.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(invHunger4Save, out inv[3].hungerGain); readerInv4.Close(); StreamReader readerInv5 = new StreamReader("../../TextFiles/inv5.txt"); inv[4].foodString = readerInv5.ReadLine(); string invHealth5Save = readerInv5.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(invHealth5Save, out inv[4].healthGain); string invHunger5Save = readerInv5.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(invHunger5Save, out inv[4].hungerGain); readerInv5.Close(); StreamReader readerInv6 = new StreamReader("../../TextFiles/inv6.txt"); inv[5].foodString = readerInv6.ReadLine(); string invHealth6Save = readerInv6.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(invHealth6Save, out inv[5].healthGain); string invHunger6Save = readerInv6.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(invHunger6Save, out inv[5].hungerGain); readerInv6.Close(); StreamReader readerInv7 = new StreamReader("../../TextFiles/inv7.txt"); inv[6].foodString = readerInv7.ReadLine(); string invHealth7Save = readerInv7.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(invHealth7Save, out inv[6].healthGain); string invHunger7Save = readerInv7.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(invHunger7Save, out inv[6].hungerGain); readerInv7.Close(); StreamReader readerInv8 = new StreamReader("../../TextFiles/inv8.txt"); inv[7].foodString = readerInv8.ReadLine(); string invHealth8Save = readerInv8.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(invHealth8Save, out inv[7].healthGain); string invHunger8Save = readerInv8.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(invHunger8Save, out inv[7].hungerGain); readerInv8.Close(); StreamReader readerInv9 = new StreamReader("../../TextFiles/inv9.txt"); inv[8].foodString = readerInv9.ReadLine(); string invHealth9Save = readerInv9.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(invHealth9Save, out inv[8].healthGain); string invHunger9Save = readerInv9.ReadLine(); Int32.TryParse(invHunger9Save, out inv[8].hungerGain); readerInv9.Close(); //writer = new StreamWriter($"inv{i}.txt"); //writer.WriteLine(inv[i].foodString); //writer.WriteLine(inv[i].healthGain); //writer.WriteLine(inv[i].hungerGain); //writer.Close(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Loading....\r\nDone, Press any key to continue >"); Console.ReadKey(); startGame = true; break; case "new": pl.rupees = 0; = pl.startHealth; pl.hunger = pl.startHunger; currentWeapon = 0; slotChecker = 0; currentDay = 1; startGame = true; break; default: saveAsk = re.Ask("Wrong input, please pick load or new"); break; } } // 1 2 or 3 for each case JFood pz1 = new JFood(3, 8, 0, 2, ($"Pizza Slice"), true); JFood dt1 = new JFood(2, 12, 0, 1, ("Donut"), true); JFood bs1 = new JFood(6, 2, 1, 6, ("BLT Sammy"), true); // Banana Apple Orange HFood ba1 = new HFood(10, 3, 1, 3, ("Banana"), true); HFood ap1 = new HFood(10, 1, 3, 1, ("Apple"), true); HFood or1 = new HFood(8, 1, 2, 2, ("Orange"), true); // OctoPopRocs, SugarSkullTulas, DekuPeanuts MFood oc1 = new MFood(4, 10, -1, 1, ("OctoPopRocs"), true); MFood su1 = new MFood(5, 5, -1, 0, ("SugarSkullTulas"), true); MFood de1 = new MFood(9, 3, -2, 3, ("DekuPeanuts"), true); JFood[] jfoodArray = new JFood[3] { pz1, dt1, bs1 }; HFood[] hfoodArray = new HFood[3] { ba1, ap1, or1 }; MFood[] mfoodArray = new MFood[3] { oc1, su1, de1 }; jfoodRandomizer = rd.Next(0, 3); hfoodRandomizer = rd.Next(0, 3); mfoodRandomizer = rd.Next(0, 3); while (goHome == false) { goBack = true; Console.Clear(); UI(); string buysellrentask = re.Ask("Welcome to my shop mighty traveler \r\n\r\nWould you like to Buy[1], Sell[2], Check inventory[i], go Home[g], or quit and save? [q] >"); buysellrentask = buysellrentask.ToLower(); int buysellrent = 0; Int32.TryParse(buysellrentask, out buysellrent); switch (buysellrentask) { case "i": while (goBack == true) { Console.Clear(); UI(); Console.WriteLine("Which item would you like to select between 1-9? Or type [b] to go back >\r\n"); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { Console.WriteLine($"\r\nItem Slot {i+1}"); Console.WriteLine($"Item : {inv[i].foodString}"); } useAsk = Console.ReadLine(); useAsk = useAsk.ToLower(); if (useAsk == "b" || useAsk == "b") { goBack = false; goHome = false; break; } Int32.TryParse(useAsk, out use); // if there is an item ask the player if they want to use it. if ((use < 10 && use > 0) && (inv[use - 1].slotFilled == true)) { use -= 1; Console.Clear(); UI(); useAsk = re.Ask($"You have selected Item : {inv[use].foodString}\r\nHealth Gain : {inv[use].healthGain}\r\nHunger Gain : {inv[use].hungerGain}\r\n\r\nWould you like to use this? [y]es or [n]o >"); useAsk = useAsk.ToLower(); if (useAsk == "y" || useAsk == "yes") { Console.WriteLine($"You eat the {inv[use].foodString}"); Console.ReadKey(); += inv[use].healthGain; pl.hunger += inv[use].hungerGain; if (pl.hunger > pl.startHunger) { pl.hunger = pl.startHunger; } if ( > pl.startHealth) { = pl.startHealth; } for (int i = use; i < 8; i++) { inv[i] = inv[i + 1]; } inv[8] = new Inventory(0, 0, 0, "Blank", false); slotFound = true; slotChecker--; if (slotChecker < 0) { slotChecker = 0; } } goBack = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("Incorrect input"); Console.ReadKey(); } } continue; case "g": goHome = true; break; case "q": gameOn = false; break; default: while (goBack == true) { switch (buysellrent) { //Case for buying case 1: Console.Clear(); UI(); Console.WriteLine("Here is what I have available for today!\r\n"); Console.WriteLine($"{jfoodArray[jfoodRandomizer].foodString}[1]\r\n{hfoodArray[hfoodRandomizer].foodString}[2]\r\n{mfoodArray[mfoodRandomizer].foodString}[3]\r\n{jobUpgradeArray[currentWeapon+1].jobUpgradeName}[4]\r\nor back to store front[b]\r\n"); string foodAsk = re.Ask("What would you like to do? >"); foodAsk = foodAsk.ToLower(); if (foodAsk == "b") { goBack = false; break; } int foodSure = 0; Int32.TryParse(foodAsk, out foodSure); switch (foodSure) { //Junk Food case 1: //Note to self make void and when calling it here fill the parameter with j h or m Console.Clear(); UI(); purchaseAsk = re.Ask($"You have selected the {jfoodArray[jfoodRandomizer].foodString}\r\n\r\n{jfoodArray[jfoodRandomizer].foodString}\r\n" + $"Price : {jfoodArray[jfoodRandomizer].price} \r\n" + $"Quantity : {jfoodArray[jfoodRandomizer].quantity} \r\n" + $"Health Gain : {jfoodArray[jfoodRandomizer].healthGain} \r\n" + $"Hunger Gain : {jfoodArray[jfoodRandomizer].hungerGain}\r\n\r\n" + $"Are you sure you would like to purchase this? [y] [n]? >"); purchaseAsk = purchaseAsk.ToLower(); if (((purchaseAsk == "y" || purchaseAsk == "yes")) && ((jfoodArray[jfoodRandomizer].quantity > 0) && (pl.rupees >= jfoodArray[jfoodRandomizer].price))) { slotFound = false; while (slotFound == false) { if (slotChecker > 8) { Console.WriteLine("You can't do that your inventory is full!"); Console.ReadKey(); break; } if (inv[slotChecker].slotFilled == false) { invSort.JInventorySorter(inv, slotChecker, jfoodArray, jfoodRandomizer); if (invSort.runInvSort == true) { jfoodArray[jfoodRandomizer].quantity -= 1; pl.rupees -= jfoodArray[jfoodRandomizer].price; slotChecker++; //I honestly think it's annoying you have to hit another button here, but I had to add it //if the player purchases items too fast, the array bugs out and assigns everything to the same item Console.WriteLine("You stow the item into your inventory"); Console.ReadKey(); slotFound = true; break; } } slotChecker++; } Console.WriteLine($"Rupees = {pl.rupees}\r\nHunger : {pl.hunger}"); } else if (((purchaseAsk == "y" || purchaseAsk == "yes")) && !((jfoodArray[jfoodRandomizer].quantity > 0) && (pl.rupees >= jfoodArray[jfoodRandomizer].price))) { Console.Clear(); UI(); Console.WriteLine($"You have selected the {jfoodArray[jfoodRandomizer].foodString}\r\n\r\n{jfoodArray[jfoodRandomizer].foodString}\r\n" + $"Price : {jfoodArray[jfoodRandomizer].price} \r\n" + $"Quantity : {jfoodArray[jfoodRandomizer].quantity} \r\n" + $"Health Gain : {jfoodArray[jfoodRandomizer].healthGain}\r\n" + $"Hunger Gain : {jfoodArray[jfoodRandomizer].hungerGain}\r\n\r\nEither you can't afford this, or there are none left in stock\r\nPress any key to go back >"); Console.ReadKey(); } break; //Healthy Food case 2: Console.Clear(); UI(); purchaseAsk = re.Ask($"You have selected the {hfoodArray[hfoodRandomizer].foodString}\r\n\r\n{hfoodArray[hfoodRandomizer].foodString}\r\n" + $"Price : {hfoodArray[hfoodRandomizer].price} \r\n" + $"Quantity : {hfoodArray[hfoodRandomizer].quantity} \r\n" + $"Health Gain : {hfoodArray[hfoodRandomizer].healthGain} \r\n" + $"Hunger Gain : {hfoodArray[hfoodRandomizer].hungerGain}\r\n\r\n" + $"Are you sure you would like to purchase this? [y] [n]? >"); purchaseAsk = purchaseAsk.ToLower(); if (((purchaseAsk == "y" || purchaseAsk == "yes")) && ((hfoodArray[hfoodRandomizer].quantity > 0) && (pl.rupees >= hfoodArray[hfoodRandomizer].price))) { invSort.HInventorySorter(inv, slotChecker, hfoodArray, hfoodRandomizer); if (invSort.runInvSort == true) { hfoodArray[hfoodRandomizer].quantity -= 1; pl.rupees -= hfoodArray[hfoodRandomizer].price; slotChecker++; //I honestly think it's annoying you have to hit another button here, but I had to add it //if the player purchases items too fast, the array bugs out and assigns everything to the same item Console.WriteLine("You stow the item into your inventory"); Console.ReadKey(); break; } Console.WriteLine($"Rupees = {pl.rupees}\r\nHunger : {pl.hunger}"); } else if (((purchaseAsk == "y" || purchaseAsk == "yes")) && !((hfoodArray[hfoodRandomizer].quantity > 0) && (pl.rupees >= hfoodArray[hfoodRandomizer].price))) { Console.Clear(); UI(); Console.WriteLine($"You have selected the {hfoodArray[hfoodRandomizer].foodString}\r\n\r\n{hfoodArray[hfoodRandomizer].foodString}\r\n" + $"Price : {hfoodArray[hfoodRandomizer].price} \r\n" + $"Quantity : {hfoodArray[hfoodRandomizer].quantity} \r\n" + $"Health Gain : {hfoodArray[hfoodRandomizer].healthGain}\r\n" + $"Hunger Gain : {hfoodArray[hfoodRandomizer].hungerGain}\r\n\r\nEither you can't afford this, or there are none left in stock\r\nPress and key to go back >"); Console.ReadKey(); } break; //Mystery food case 3: Console.Clear(); UI(); purchaseAsk = re.Ask($"You have selected the {mfoodArray[mfoodRandomizer].foodString}\r\n\r\n{mfoodArray[mfoodRandomizer].foodString}\r\n" + $"Price : {mfoodArray[mfoodRandomizer].price} \r\n" + $"Quantity : {mfoodArray[mfoodRandomizer].quantity} \r\n" + $"Health Gain : ?\r\n" + $"Hunger Gain : ?\r\n\r\n" + $"Are you sure you would like to purchase this? [y] [n]? >"); purchaseAsk = purchaseAsk.ToLower(); if (((purchaseAsk == "y" || purchaseAsk == "yes")) && ((mfoodArray[mfoodRandomizer].quantity > 0) && (pl.rupees >= mfoodArray[mfoodRandomizer].price))) { invSort.MInventorySorter(inv, slotChecker, mfoodArray, mfoodRandomizer); if (invSort.runInvSort == true) { mfoodArray[mfoodRandomizer].quantity -= 1; pl.rupees -= mfoodArray[mfoodRandomizer].price; slotChecker++; //I honestly think it's annoying you have to hit another button here, but I had to add it //if the player purchases items too fast, the array bugs out and assigns everything to the same item Console.WriteLine("You stow the item into your inventory"); Console.ReadKey(); break; } Console.WriteLine($"Rupees = {pl.rupees}\r\nHunger : {pl.hunger}"); } else if (((purchaseAsk == "y" || purchaseAsk == "yes")) && !((mfoodArray[mfoodRandomizer].quantity > 0) && (pl.rupees >= mfoodArray[mfoodRandomizer].price))) { Console.Clear(); UI(); Console.WriteLine($"You have selected the {mfoodArray[mfoodRandomizer].foodString}\r\n\r\n{mfoodArray[mfoodRandomizer].foodString}\r\n" + $"Price : {mfoodArray[mfoodRandomizer].price} \r\n" + $"Quantity : {mfoodArray[mfoodRandomizer].quantity} \r\n" + $"Health Gain : ?\r\n" + $"Hunger Gain : ?\r\n\r\nEither you can't afford this, or there are none left in stock\r\nPress and key to go back >"); Console.ReadKey(); } break; //Next available weapon case 4: Console.Clear(); if (jobUpgradeArray[currentWeapon + 1].finalWeapon == false) { UI(); purchaseAsk = re.Ask($"You have selected the {jobUpgradeArray[currentWeapon+1].jobUpgradeName}\r\n\r\n{jobUpgradeArray[currentWeapon+1].jobUpgradeName}\r\n" + $"Price : {jobUpgradeArray[currentWeapon+1].price} \r\n" + $"Preformance : {jobUpgradeArray[currentWeapon+1].jobUpgrade} \r\n" + $"Description : {jobUpgradeArray[currentWeapon+1].upgradeDescription}\r\n\r\n" + $"Are you sure you would like to purchase this? [y] [n]? >"); purchaseAsk = purchaseAsk.ToLower(); if (((purchaseAsk == "y") || (purchaseAsk == "yes")) && (pl.rupees >= jobUpgradeArray[currentWeapon + 1].price)) { pl.rupees -= jobUpgradeArray[currentWeapon + 1].price; currentWeapon += 1; //mfoodArray[foodRandomizer1].quantity -= 1; //pl.rupees -= mfoodArray[foodRandomizer1].price; } else if (((purchaseAsk == "y" || purchaseAsk == "yes")) && !(pl.rupees >= jobUpgradeArray[currentWeapon + 1].price)) { Console.Clear(); UI(); Console.WriteLine($"You have selected the {jobUpgradeArray[currentWeapon + 1].jobUpgradeName}\r\n\r\n{jobUpgradeArray[currentWeapon + 1].jobUpgradeName}\r\n" + $"Price : {jobUpgradeArray[currentWeapon + 1].price} \r\n" + $"Preformance : {jobUpgradeArray[currentWeapon + 1].jobUpgrade} \r\n" + $"Description : {jobUpgradeArray[currentWeapon + 1].upgradeDescription}\r\n\r\n" + $"You can't afford this\r\nPress and key to go back >"); Console.ReadKey(); } } else { UI(); purchaseAsk = re.Ask($"{jobUpgradeArray[currentWeapon + 1].jobUpgradeName}\r\n" + $"Description : {jobUpgradeArray[currentWeapon + 1].upgradeDescription}\r\n\r\n" + $"Press and key to go back >"); } break; } break; //Case for selling case 2: Console.Clear(); UI(); Console.WriteLine("What Items would you like to sell? press [b] to go back >"); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { Console.WriteLine($"\r\nItem Slot {i + 1}"); Console.WriteLine($"Item : {inv[i].foodString}"); } useAsk = Console.ReadLine(); useAsk = useAsk.ToLower(); if (useAsk == "b" || useAsk == "b") { goBack = false; goHome = false; break; } Int32.TryParse(useAsk, out use); if (use < 10 && use > 0) { use -= 1; Console.Clear(); UI(); useAsk = re.Ask($"You have selected Item : {inv[use].foodString}\r\nHealth Gain : {inv[use].healthGain}\r\nHunger Gain : {inv[use].hungerGain}\r\nSell Price : {(inv[use].price/2)}\r\n\r\nWould you like to sell this? [y]es or [n]o >"); useAsk = useAsk.ToLower(); if (useAsk == "y" || useAsk == "yes") { Console.WriteLine($"You sell the {inv[use].foodString} for ${(inv[use].price/2)}"); pl.rupees += (inv[use].price / 2); Console.ReadKey(); inv[use] = new Inventory(0, 0, 0, "Blank", false); for (int i = use; i < 8; i++) { inv[use] = inv[use + 1]; use++; } slotChecker--; if (slotChecker < 0) { slotChecker = 0; } } break; } else { Console.WriteLine("Incorrect input"); Console.ReadKey(); } goBack = false; Console.ReadKey(); break; //Case for renting case 3: goBack = false; Console.WriteLine("work in progress, press any key to continue >"); Console.ReadKey(); break; default: goBack = false; Console.WriteLine("Incorrect input, press any key to continue >"); Console.ReadKey(); break; } } continue; } break; } Console.Clear(); if (gameOn == false) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Saving...\r\nNow Exiting."); StreamWriter writer; //Makes new text file with the name writer = new StreamWriter("pl.rupees.txt"); //fills text file writer.WriteLine(pl.rupees); //closes so the reader can read writer.Close(); writer = new StreamWriter(""); writer.WriteLine(; writer.Close(); writer = new StreamWriter("pl.hunger.txt"); writer.WriteLine(pl.hunger); writer.Close(); writer = new StreamWriter("currentWeapon.txt"); writer.WriteLine(currentWeapon); writer.Close(); writer = new StreamWriter("currentDay.txt"); writer.WriteLine(currentDay); writer.Close(); writer = new StreamWriter("pl.hunger.txt"); writer.WriteLine(pl.hunger); writer.Close(); writer = new StreamWriter("slotChecker.txt"); writer.WriteLine(slotChecker); writer.Close(); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { writer = new StreamWriter($"../../TextFiles/inv{i+1}.txt"); writer.WriteLine(inv[i].foodString); writer.WriteLine(inv[i].healthGain); writer.WriteLine(inv[i].hungerGain); writer.Close(); } break; } Console.Clear(); UI(); useAsk = re.Ask($"Would you like to [w]ork/sleep or check your [s]torage? >"); switch (useAsk) { case "w": Console.Clear(); UI(); goalDay = 0; multiplierRupee = 0; goalDayAsked = ""; goalDayAsked += re.Ask($"How many days would you like to sleep and work before returning to the shop? >"); Int32.TryParse(goalDayAsked, out goalDay); for (int i = 0; i < goalDay; i++) { pl.hunger -= rd.Next(0, 3); if ( <= 0) { break; } if (pl.hunger < 1) { pl.hunger = 0; -= (rd.Next(1, 3)); } multiplierRupee = (rd.Next(3, 7) * jobUpgradeArray[currentWeapon].jobUpgrade); pl.rupees += multiplierRupee; foundRupees += multiplierRupee; currentDay++; } break; case "s": break; default: break; } if ( <= 0) { Console.Clear(); UI(); Console.WriteLine("You starved to death, nice job"); gameOn = false; Console.ReadKey(); break; } Console.Clear(); UI(); Console.WriteLine($"You work and sleep for {goalDay} days\r\nWith your {jobUpgradeArray[currentWeapon].jobUpgradeName} you mananged to get {foundRupees} Rupees\r\n\r\nPress Any Key To Continue >"); multiplierRupee = 0; foundRupees = 0; goHome = false; Console.ReadKey(); } Console.ReadKey(); }