public override void Precalculations(IReGoapAgent goapAgent, ReGoapState goalState) { base.Precalculations(goapAgent, goalState); var bankPosition = agent.GetMemory().GetWorldState().Get <Vector3>("nearestBankPosition"); preconditions.Clear(); effects.Clear(); preconditions.Set("isAtPosition", bankPosition); effects.Set("isAtPosition",; foreach (var pair in goalState.GetValues()) { if (pair.Key.StartsWith("collectedResource")) { var resourceName = pair.Key.Substring(17); preconditions.Set("hasResource" + resourceName, true); effects.Set("collectedResource" + resourceName, true); settings = new AddResourceToBankSettings { ResourceName = resourceName }; break; } } }
protected virtual string GetNeededResourceFromGoal(ReGoapState <string, object> goalState) { foreach (var pair in goalState.GetValues()) { if (pair.Key.StartsWith("hasResource")) { return(pair.Key.Substring(11)); } } return(null); }
public override ReGoapState GetEffects(ReGoapState goalState) { effects.Clear(); foreach (var pair in goalState.GetValues()) { if (pair.Key.StartsWith("collectedResource")) { var resourceName = pair.Key.Substring(17); effects.Set("collectedResource" + resourceName, true); break; } } return(effects); }
public override ReGoapState <string, object> GetEffects(ReGoapState <string, object> goalState, IReGoapAction <string, object> next = null) { effects.Clear(); effects.Set("isAtPosition", (Vector3?); foreach (var pair in goalState.GetValues()) { if (pair.Key.StartsWith("collectedResource")) { var resourceName = pair.Key.Substring(17); effects.Set("collectedResource" + resourceName, true); break; } } return(effects); }
public override IReGoapActionSettings <string, object> GetSettings(IReGoapAgent <string, object> goapAgent, ReGoapState <string, object> goalState) { settings = null; foreach (var pair in goalState.GetValues()) { if (pair.Key.StartsWith("collectedResource")) { var resourceName = pair.Key.Substring(17); settings = new AddResourceToBankSettings { ResourceName = resourceName }; break; } } return(settings); }
public override ReGoapState <string, object> GetPreconditions(ReGoapState <string, object> goalState, IReGoapAction <string, object> next = null) { var bankPosition = agent.GetMemory().GetWorldState().Get("nearestBankPosition") as Vector3?; preconditions.Clear(); preconditions.Set("isAtPosition", bankPosition); foreach (var pair in goalState.GetValues()) { if (pair.Key.StartsWith("collectedResource")) { var resourceName = pair.Key.Substring(17); preconditions.Set("hasResource" + resourceName, true); break; } } return(preconditions); }
public override ReGoapState GetPreconditions(ReGoapState goalState) { ReGoapState reGoapState = reGoapAgent.GetWorldState(); Vector3? bankPosition = reGoapState.Get("nearestBankPosition") as Vector3?; preconditions.Clear(); preconditions.Set("isAtPosition", bankPosition); foreach (var pair in goalState.GetValues()) { if (pair.Key.StartsWith("collectedResource")) { var resourceName = pair.Key.Substring(17); preconditions.Set("hasResource" + resourceName, true); break; } } return(preconditions); }
private float _CalculateH() { float h = 0; foreach (var pr in goal.GetValues()) { var pairValue = pr.Value; if ( == StructValue.EValueType.Other) { ++h; } else if ( == StructValue.EValueType.Arithmetic) { float goalValue = Convert.ToSingle(pairValue.v); var defValue = StructValue.CopyCreate(ref pairValue, 0); if (!pairValue.IsFulfilledBy(defValue)) { h += Math.Abs(goalValue); } } } return(h); }
private void Init(IGoapPlanner <T, W> planner, ReGoapState <T, W> newGoal, ReGoapNode <T, W> parent, IReGoapAction <T, W> action) { expandList.Clear(); tmpKeys.Clear(); this.planner = planner; this.parent = parent; this.action = action; if (action != null) { actionSettings = action.GetSettings(planner.GetCurrentAgent(), newGoal); } if (parent != null) { state = parent.GetState().Clone(); // g(node) g = parent.GetPathCost(); } else { state = planner.GetCurrentAgent().GetMemory().GetWorldState().Clone(); } var nextAction = parent == null ? null : parent.action; if (action != null) { // create a new instance of the goal based on the paren't goal goal = ReGoapState <T, W> .Instantiate(); var tmpGoal = ReGoapState <T, W> .Instantiate(newGoal); var preconditions = action.GetPreconditions(tmpGoal, nextAction); var effects = action.GetEffects(tmpGoal, nextAction); // adding the action's effects to the current node's state state.AddFromState(effects); // addding the action's cost to the node's total cost g += action.GetCost(tmpGoal, nextAction); //// add all preconditions of the current action to the goal //tmpGoal.AddFromState(preconditions); //// removes from goal all the conditions that are now fulfilled in the node's state //tmpGoal.ReplaceWithMissingDifference(state); ////goal.ReplaceWithMissingDifference(effects); // collect all keys from goal & precondition, unique-ed foreach (var pr in tmpGoal.GetValues()) { var k = pr.Key; if (!tmpKeys.Contains(k)) { tmpKeys.Add(k); } } foreach (var pr in preconditions.GetValues()) { var k = pr.Key; if (!tmpKeys.Contains(k)) { tmpKeys.Add(k); } } // process each keys foreach (var k in tmpKeys) { StructValue goalValue, effectValue, precondValue, stateValue, protoValue; tmpGoal.GetValues().TryGetValue(k, out goalValue); effects.GetValues().TryGetValue(k, out effectValue); preconditions.GetValues().TryGetValue(k, out precondValue); state.GetValues().TryGetValue(k, out stateValue); StructValue.EValueType valueType; _GetValueType(ref goalValue, ref effectValue, ref precondValue, ref stateValue, out valueType, out protoValue); if (valueType == StructValue.EValueType.Arithmetic) { //_EnsureArithStructValueInited(ref goalValue, ref protoValue); _EnsureArithStructValueInited(ref effectValue, ref protoValue); _EnsureArithStructValueInited(ref precondValue, ref protoValue); _EnsureArithStructValueInited(ref stateValue, ref protoValue); if (!goalValue.Inited) { goalValue = StructValue.CopyCreate(ref stateValue, -(Convert.ToSingle(stateValue.v) - Convert.ToSingle(effectValue.v))); } float fGoal = Convert.ToSingle(goalValue.v); float fEffect = Convert.ToSingle(effectValue.v); float fPrecond = Convert.ToSingle(precondValue.v); float fState = Convert.ToSingle(stateValue.v); float finalV = Math.Max( fGoal - fEffect, Math.Min(fPrecond, fPrecond - fState) ); var sv = StructValue.CopyCreate(ref protoValue, finalV); goal.SetStructValue(k, sv); } else if (valueType == StructValue.EValueType.Other) { //ReplaceWithMissingDifference if (stateValue.Inited && goalValue.Inited && goalValue.IsFulfilledBy(stateValue)) { goalValue.Invalidate(); } // AddFromPrecond // 1. if the precond is satisfied by the memory start state, then discard // 2. else this newly added goal from precond, should not be removed due to fulfilled by curStateValue if (precondValue.Inited) { bool preCondfulfilledByMem = false; var startMemoryState = planner.GetCurrentAgent().GetMemory().GetWorldState(); StructValue startMemoryValue; if (startMemoryState.GetValues().TryGetValue(k, out startMemoryValue)) { if (startMemoryValue.Inited && precondValue.IsFulfilledBy(startMemoryValue)) { preCondfulfilledByMem = true; } } if (!preCondfulfilledByMem) { if (goalValue.Inited) { goalValue = goalValue.MergeWith(precondValue); } else { goalValue = precondValue; } } } if (goalValue.Inited) { goal.SetStructValue(k, goalValue); } } else { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("Unexpected StructValue type: " + valueType); } }// foreach (var k in tmpKeys) tmpGoal.Recycle(); } else { var diff = ReGoapState <T, W> .Instantiate(); newGoal.MissingDifference(state, ref diff); goal = diff; } h = _CalculateH(); // f(node) = g(node) + h(node) cost = g + h * planner.GetSettings().HeuristicMultiplier; }
private void UpdateGoapNodes(GameObject gameObj) { if (agent == null || !agent.IsActive() || agent.GetMemory() == null) { return; } if (nodes == null) { nodes = new List <ReGoapNodeEditor>(); } nodes.Clear(); var width = 250f; var height = 70f; var nodePosition =; foreach (var goal in gameObj.GetComponents <IReGoapGoal>()) { if (goal.GetGoalState() == null) { continue; } var text = string.Format("<b>GOAL</b> <i>{0}</i>\n", goal); foreach (var keyValue in goal.GetGoalState().GetValues()) { text += string.Format("<b>'{0}'</b> = <i>'{1}'</i>", keyValue.Key, keyValue.Value); } var style = nodeStyle; if (agent.IsActive() && agent.GetCurrentGoal() == goal) { style = activeStyle; } DrawGenericNode(text, width, height, style, ref nodePosition); } nodePosition = new Vector2(0f, nodePosition.y + height + 10); height = 66; var maxHeight = height; var worldState = agent.GetMemory().GetWorldState(); foreach (var action in agent.GetActionsSet()) { var curHeight = height; var text = string.Format("<b>POSS.ACTION</b> <i>{0}</i>\n", action.GetName()); text += "-<b>preconditions</b>-\n"; ReGoapState preconditionsDifferences = new ReGoapState(); var preconditions = action.GetPreconditions(null); if (preconditions == null) { continue; } preconditions.MissingDifference(worldState, ref preconditionsDifferences); foreach (var preconditionPair in preconditions.GetValues()) { curHeight += 13; var color = "#004d00"; if (preconditionsDifferences.GetValues().ContainsKey(preconditionPair.Key)) { color = "#800000"; } text += string.Format("<color={2}>'<b>{0}</b>' = '<i>{1}</i>'</color>\n", preconditionPair.Key, preconditionPair.Value, color); } text += "-<b>effects</b>-\n"; foreach (var effectPair in action.GetEffects(null).GetValues()) { curHeight += 13; text += string.Format("'<b>{0}</b>' = '<i>{1}</i>'\n", effectPair.Key, effectPair.Value); } curHeight += 13; var proceduralCheck = action.CheckProceduralCondition(agent, null); text += string.Format("<color={0}>-<b>proceduralCondition</b>: {1}</color>\n", proceduralCheck ? "#004d00" : "#800000", proceduralCheck); maxHeight = Mathf.Max(maxHeight, curHeight); DrawGenericNode(text, width, curHeight, possibleActionStyle, ref nodePosition); } nodePosition.x = 0; nodePosition.y += maxHeight + 10; height = 40; if (agent.GetCurrentGoal() != null) { foreach (var action in agent.GetStartingPlan().ToArray()) { var style = actionNodeStyle; if (action.Action.IsActive()) { style = activeActionNodeStyle; } var text = string.Format("<b>ACTION</b> <i>{0}</i>\n", action.Action.GetName()); DrawGenericNode(text, width, height, style, ref nodePosition); } } if (agent.GetMemory() != null) { nodePosition = new Vector2(0, nodePosition.y + height + 10); width = 500; height = 40; var nodeText = "<b>WORLD STATE</b>\n"; foreach (var pair in agent.GetMemory().GetWorldState().GetValues()) { nodeText += string.Format("'<b>{0}</b>' = '<i>{1}</i>'\n", pair.Key, pair.Value); height += 13; } DrawGenericNode(nodeText, width, height, worldStateStyle, ref nodePosition); } }