public virtual async Task PlaytestFifteenMinuteTask(RconService rconService,
                                                            SrcdsLogService srcdsLogService)
            if (_dataService.RSettings.ProgramSettings.Debug)
                _ = _log.LogMessage("Base class PlaytestFifteenMinuteTask", false, color: LOG_COLOR);


            //Ensure server is awake and RCON connection is established. Run other things while waking server
            _ = rconService.WakeRconServer(ServerLocation);

            //Get rid of the old log file if one exists. Just scrap it.

            //Make a feedback file
            var logResult = srcdsLogService.CreateFeedbackFile(server, GetFeedbackFileName());

            if (logResult)
                await _log.LogMessage($"Log file created: {GetFeedbackFileName()}");

                var fbf = srcdsLogService.GetFeedbackFile(server);
                await fbf.LogFeedback($"Pre-test feedback started at: {DateTime.Now} CT");
        public virtual async Task PlaytestStartingTask(RconService rconService, SrcdsLogService srcdsLogService,
                                                       AnnouncementMessage announcementMessage)
            if (_dataService.RSettings.ProgramSettings.Debug)
                _ = _log.LogMessage("Base class PlaytestStartingTask", false, color: LOG_COLOR);

            _ = rconService.WakeRconServer(ServerLocation);

            var mentionRole = TesterRole;

            //Handle comp or casual
            if (IsCasual)
                await rconService.RconCommand(ServerLocation,
                                              $"sv_password {_dataService.RSettings.General.CasualPassword}");
                mentionRole = _dataService.CompetitiveTesterRole;

            //Skip the alert.
            if (!_dataService.GetStartAlertStatus())

            var unsubInfo = Game.ToString();

            if (!IsCasual)
                unsubInfo = "comp";

            await TesterRole.ModifyAsync(x => { x.Mentionable = true; });

            await TestingChannel.SendMessageAsync($"Heads up {mentionRole.Mention}! " +
                                                  "There is a playtest starting __now__!" +
                                                  $"\nType `>playtester {unsubInfo}` to stop getting {unsubInfo} playtest notifications.",
                                                  embed : announcementMessage.CreatePlaytestEmbed(this, true, AnnouncementMessage.Id));

            await TesterRole.ModifyAsync(x => { x.Mentionable = false; });
        public virtual async Task PlaytestTwentyMinuteTask(RconService rconService,
                                                           SrcdsLogService srcdsLogService)
            if (_dataService.RSettings.ProgramSettings.Debug)
                _ = _log.LogMessage("Base class PlaytestTwentyMinuteTask", false, color: LOG_COLOR);


            //Ensure server is awake and RCON connection is established.
            await rconService.WakeRconServer(ServerLocation);

                await Moderator.SendMessageAsync($"You're running the {CleanedTitle} playtest in 20 minutes!");

            await _log.LogMessage("Running playtesting starting in 20 minutes task...", true, color : LOG_COLOR);
        public virtual async Task PlaytestStartingInTask(RconService rconService, SrcdsLogService srcdsLogService,
                                                         AnnouncementMessage announcementMessage)
            if (_dataService.RSettings.ProgramSettings.Debug)
                _ = _log.LogMessage("Base class PlaytestStartingInTask", false, color: LOG_COLOR);

            //Ensure server is awake and RCON connection is established. Run other things while waking server
            _ = rconService.WakeRconServer(ServerLocation);

            //Start asking the server for player counts.
            //Start asking for player counts
                async() => await rconService.GetPlayCountFromServer(ServerLocation),
                s => s.WithName("[QueryPlayerCount]").ToRunEvery(60).Seconds());

            //Figure out how far away from start we are
            string countdownString = null;
            var    countdown       = StartDateTime.GetValueOrDefault().Subtract(DateTime.Now);

            if (StartDateTime.GetValueOrDefault().CompareTo(DateTime.Now) < 0)
                countdownString = $"Started: {countdown:h\'H \'m\'M\'} ago!";
                countdownString = countdown.ToString("d'D 'h'H 'm'M'").TrimStart(' ', 'D', 'H', '0');

            await rconService.RconCommand(ServerLocation, "sv_cheats 0");

            var mentionRole = TesterRole;

            //Handle comp or casual
            if (IsCasual)
                await rconService.RconCommand(ServerLocation,
                                              $"sv_password {_dataService.RSettings.General.CasualPassword}");
                mentionRole = _dataService.CompetitiveTesterRole;

            //Skip the alert.
            if (!_dataService.GetStartAlertStatus())

            var unsubInfo = Game.ToString();

            if (!IsCasual)
                unsubInfo = "comp";

            await TesterRole.ModifyAsync(x => { x.Mentionable = true; });

            await TestingChannel.SendMessageAsync($"Heads up {mentionRole.Mention}! " +
                                                  $"There is a playtest starting in {countdownString}." +
                                                  $"\nType `>playtester {unsubInfo}` to manage {unsubInfo} playtest notifications.",
                                                  embed : announcementMessage.CreatePlaytestEmbed(this, true, AnnouncementMessage.Id));

            await TesterRole.ModifyAsync(x => { x.Mentionable = false; });

            //DM users about their test
            foreach (var creator in Creators)
                    await creator.SendMessageAsync(
                        $"Don't forget that you have a playtest for __**{CleanedTitle}**__ in __**{countdownString}**__");
                    //Could not DM creator about their test.