Esempio n. 1
        private static Vertex AddVertex(WeVertex vtx, RayedMesh mesh)
            // ReSharper disable once ConvertIfStatementToNullCoalescingExpression
            if (vtx.HalfEdgeVertex == null)
                vtx.HalfEdgeVertex = vtx.FAtInfinity ? mesh.AddRayedVertex(vtx.Pt) : mesh.AddVertex(vtx.Pt);

Esempio n. 2
        private static void ProcessPolygonEdges(FortunePoly poly, RayedMesh mesh)
            var      edges = AddEdgeAtInfinity(poly);
            WeVertex vtxNext;

            // If this poly is a rayed polygon then we need an extra spot in the vertex array for the
            // edge at infinity which HalfEdge needs but isn't present in the FortunePolygon.
            var polyVertices = new Vertex[edges.Count];

            // We have to prime the pump here
            if (edges[0].VtxStart == edges[1].VtxStart ||
                edges[0].VtxStart == edges[1].VtxEnd)
                vtxNext         = edges[0].VtxStart;
                polyVertices[0] = AddVertex(edges[0].VtxEnd, mesh);
                vtxNext         = edges[0].VtxEnd;
                polyVertices[0] = AddVertex(edges[0].VtxStart, mesh);

            // We skip the first edge since it's already been added in the pump priming above
            for (var ivtx = 1; ivtx < edges.Count; ivtx++)
                var edge = edges[ivtx];

                // Add in the leading vertex for this edge
                polyVertices[ivtx] = AddVertex(vtxNext, mesh);
                if (!edge.FZeroLength())
                    // What about when we traverse this edge from the other direction?
                    // We don't want to add one vertex going CW and another going CCW.
                    // I think maybe we have to check if the end or start has already
                    // been inserted and use that vertex if so.  Still - won't that fail
                    // if there are more than one zero length edge converging?
                    // TODO: think about this
                    vtxNext = edge.VtxStart == vtxNext ? edge.VtxEnd : edge.VtxStart;

            // Now add the Polygon
            var newFace = mesh.AddFace(polyVertices);

            // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException
            // ReSharper disable once SuspiciousTypeConversion.Global
            (newFace as IVoronoi).VoronoiPoint = poly.VoronoiPoint;