Esempio n. 1
        public async Task Examples()
            using (var store = new DocumentStore())
                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    #region projections_1
                    // request Name, City and Country for all entities from 'Companies' collection
                    var results = session
                                  .Query <Company>()
                                  .Select(x => new
                        Name    = x.Name,
                        City    = x.Address.City,
                        Country = x.Address.Country

                using (var asyncSession = store.OpenAsyncSession())
                    #region projections_1_async
                    // request Name, City and Country for all entities from 'Companies' collection
                    var results = await asyncSession
                                  .Query <Company>()
                                  .Select(x => new
                        Name    = x.Name,
                        City    = x.Address.City,
                        Country = x.Address.Country


                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    #region projections_2
                    var results = session
                                  .Query <Order>()
                                  .Select(x => new
                        ShipTo   = x.ShipTo,
                        Products = x.Lines.Select(y => y.ProductName),

                using (var asyncSession = store.OpenAsyncSession())
                    #region projections_2_async
                    var results = await asyncSession
                                  .Query <Order>()
                                  .Select(x => new
                        ShipTo   = x.ShipTo,
                        Products = x.Lines.Select(y => y.ProductName),


                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    #region projections_3
                    var results = (from e in session.Query <Employee>()
                                   select new
                        FullName = e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName,

                using (var asyncSession = store.OpenAsyncSession())
                    #region projections_3_async
                    var results = await(from e in asyncSession.Query <Employee>()
                                        select new
                        FullName = e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName,

                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    #region projections_4
                    var results = session
                                  .Query <Order>()
                                  .Select(x => new
                        Total = x.Lines.Sum(l => l.PricePerUnit * l.Quantity),

                using (var asyncSession = store.OpenAsyncSession())
                    #region projections_4_async
                    var results = await asyncSession
                                  .Query <Order>()
                                  .Select(x => new
                        Total = x.Lines.Sum(l => l.PricePerUnit * l.Quantity),


                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    #region projections_count_in_projection
                    var results = (from o in session.Query <Order>()
                                   let c = RavenQuery.Load <Company>(o.Company)
                                           select new
                        CompanyName = c.Name,
                        ShippedAt = o.ShippedAt,
                        TotalProducts = o.Lines.Count(),     //both empty syntax and with a predicate is supported
                        TotalDiscountedProducts = o.Lines.Count(x => x.Discount > 0)

                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    #region projections_5
                    var results = (from o in session.Query <Order>()
                                   let c = RavenQuery.Load <Company>(o.Company)
                                           select new
                        CompanyName = c.Name,
                        ShippedAt = o.ShippedAt

                using (var asyncSession = store.OpenAsyncSession())
                    #region projections_5_async
                    var results = (from o in asyncSession.Query <Order>()
                                   let c = RavenQuery.Load <Company>(o.Company)
                                           select new
                        CompanyName = c.Name,
                        ShippedAt = o.ShippedAt

                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    #region projections_6
                    var results = session
                                  .Query <Employee>()
                                  .Select(e => new
                        DayOfBirth   = e.Birthday.Day,
                        MonthOfBirth = e.Birthday.Month,
                        Age          = DateTime.Today.Year - e.Birthday.Year

                using (var asyncSession = store.OpenAsyncSession())
                    #region projections_6_async
                    var results = await asyncSession
                                  .Query <Employee>()
                                  .Select(e => new
                        DayOfBirth   = e.Birthday.Day,
                        MonthOfBirth = e.Birthday.Month,
                        Age          = DateTime.Today.Year - e.Birthday.Year


                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    #region projections_7
                    var results = from e in session.Query <Employee>()
                                  select new
                        Date = RavenQuery.Raw <DateTime>("new Date(Date.parse(e.Birthday))"),
                        Name = RavenQuery.Raw(e.FirstName, "substr(0,3)"),

                using (var asyncSession = store.OpenAsyncSession())
                    #region projections_7_async
                    var results = await(from e in asyncSession.Query <Employee>()
                                        select new
                        Date = RavenQuery.Raw <DateTime>("new Date(Date.parse(e.Birthday))"),
                        Name = RavenQuery.Raw(e.FirstName, "substr(0,3)"),

                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    #region projections_8
                    var results = session.Query <Company, Companies_ByContact>()
                                  .ProjectInto <ContactDetails>()

                using (var asyncSession = store.OpenAsyncSession())
                    #region projections_8_async
                    var results = await asyncSession.Query <Company, Companies_ByContact>()
                                  .ProjectInto <ContactDetails>()


                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    #region projections_10
                    // query index 'Products_BySupplierName'
                    // return documents from collection 'Products' that have a supplier 'Norske Meierier'
                    // project them to 'Products'
                    List <Product> results = session
                                             .Query <Products_BySupplierName.Result, Products_BySupplierName>()
                                             .Where(x => x.Name == "Norske Meierier")
                                             .OfType <Product>()

                using (var asyncSession = store.OpenAsyncSession())
                    #region projections_10_async
                    // query index 'Products_BySupplierName'
                    // return documents from collection 'Products' that have a supplier 'Norske Meierier'
                    // project them to 'Products'
                    List <Product> results = await asyncSession
                                             .Query <Products_BySupplierName.Result, Products_BySupplierName>()
                                             .Where(x => x.Name == "Norske Meierier")
                                             .OfType <Product>()


                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    #region projections_12
                    var results = (from e in session.Query <Employee>()
                                   let format = (Func <Employee, string>)(p => p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName)
                                                select new
                        FullName = format(e)

                using (var asyncSession = store.OpenAsyncSession())
                    #region projections_12_async
                    var results = await(from e in asyncSession.Query <Employee>()
                                        let format = (Func <Employee, string>)(p => p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName)
                                                     select new
                        FullName = format(e)

                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    #region projections_13
                    var results = (from e in session.Query <Employee>()
                                   select new
                        Name = e.FirstName,
                        Metadata = RavenQuery.Metadata(e),

                using (var asyncSession = store.OpenAsyncSession())
                    #region projections_13_async
                    var results = await(from e in asyncSession.Query <Employee>()
                                        select new
                        Name     = e.FirstName,
                        Metadata = RavenQuery.Metadata(e),
Esempio n. 2
        public void Sample()
            using (var store = new DocumentStore())
                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    #region projections_1
                    var results = session
                                  .Query <Employee, Employees_ByFirstAndLastName>()
                                  .Select(x => new
                        FirstName = x.FirstName,
                        LastName  = x.LastName
                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    #region projections_1_stored
                    var results = session
                                  .Query <Employee, Employees_ByFirstAndLastNameWithStoredFields>()
                                  .Select(x => new
                        FirstName = x.FirstName,
                        LastName  = x.LastName
                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    #region projections_2
                    var results = session
                                  .Query <Order, Orders_ByShipToAndLines>()
                                  .Select(x => new
                        ShipTo   = x.ShipTo,
                        Products = x.Lines.Select(y => y.ProductName),

                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    #region projections_3
                    var results = session
                                  .Query <Employee, Employees_ByFirstAndLastName>()
                                  .Select(x => new
                        FullName = x.FirstName + " " + x.LastName

                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    #region projections_4
                    var results = (from e in session.Query <Employee, Employees_ByFirstAndLastName>()
                                   let format = (Func <Employee, string>)(p => p.FirstName + " " + p.LastName)
                                                select new
                        FullName = format(e)
                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    #region projections_5
                    var results = (from o in session.Query <Order, Orders_ByShippedAtAndCompany>()
                                   let c = RavenQuery.Load <Company>(o.Company)
                                           select new
                        CompanyName = c.Name,
                        ShippedAt = o.ShippedAt
                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    #region projections_6
                    var results = session
                                  .Query <Employee, Employees_ByFirstNameAndBirthday>()
                                  .Select(e => new
                        DayOfBirth   = e.Birthday.Day,
                        MonthOfBirth = e.Birthday.Month,
                        Age          = DateTime.Today.Year - e.Birthday.Year

                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    #region projections_7
                    var results = session
                                  .Query <Employee, Employees_ByFirstNameAndBirthday>()
                                  .Select(e => new
                        Date = RavenQuery.Raw <DateTime>("new Date(Date.parse(e.Birthday))"),
                        Name = RavenQuery.Raw(e.FirstName, "substr(0,3)")

                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    #region projections_8
                    var results = session
                                  .Query <Employee, Employees_ByFirstAndLastName>()
                                  .Select(e => new
                        Name     = e.FirstName,
                        Metadata = RavenQuery.Metadata(e),

                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    #region projections_9
                    var results = session
                                  .Query <Order, Orders_ByShipToAndLines>()
                                  .Select(x => new
                        Total = x.Lines.Sum(l => l.PricePerUnit * l.Quantity)

                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    #region selectfields_1
                    var fields = new string[] {

                    var results = session
                                  .DocumentQuery <Company, Companies_ByContact>()
                                  .SelectFields <ContactDetails>(fields)

                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    #region selectfields_2
                    var results = session
                                  .DocumentQuery <Company, Companies_ByContact>()
                                  .SelectFields <ContactDetails>()

                using (var session = store.OpenSession())
                    #region projections_10
                    var results = session.Query <Company, Companies_ByContact>()
                                  .ProjectInto <ContactDetails>()