Esempio n. 1
        internal async Task MessageReceivedAsync(SocketMessage s)
            if (!(s is SocketUserMessage msg))
                return;                                // If this is not a message (could be a TTS, Image, File, etc)
            if (msg.Author.IsBot || msg.Author.IsWebhook)
                return;                                           // Ignore messages from bot users, which includes the bot itself.
            int argPos = 0;
            ShardedCommandContext context = new ShardedCommandContext(discord, msg);

            // If DM Channel, ignore all database based things.
            if (msg.Channel is IDMChannel || msg.Channel is IGroupChannel)
                if (msg.HasStringPrefix(GlobalConfig.Prefix, ref argPos))
                    var result = await commandService.ExecuteAsync(context, argPos, service);

                    if (!result.IsSuccess)     // If not successful, reply with the error.
                        await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(result.ToString());

            // Get the active database information for the current guild, or create it if it doesn't exist (for some reason)
            var guild = RavenDb.GetGuild(context.Guild.Id) ?? RavenDb.CreateNewGuild(context.Guild.Id, context.Guild.Name);

            if (!context.Guild.CurrentUser.GuildPermissions.Administrator && msg.HasStringPrefix(guild.GuildSettings.Prefix, ref argPos))
                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("The bot is not currently set as an administrator." +
                                                       "Commands will be ignored until the bot is granted the Administrator permission.");


            if (msg.Content.Contains("") && !((SocketGuildUser)context.User).GuildPermissions.ManageGuild &&
                await msg.DeleteAsync();

                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("This server does not allow the posting of Discord server invites by non-moderators.");


            // If the level settings are not disabled, we want to do our level processing.
            if (guild.GuildSettings.LevelConfig.LevelSettings != LevelSettings.Disabled)
                // Get the global database entry for the user, or create it if it doesn't exist.
                var user = RavenDb.GetUser(context.User.Id) ?? RavenDb.CreateNewUser(context.User.Id,
                                                                                     context.User.Username, context.User.DiscriminatorValue);

                // Is the user ready for extra XP?
                if (user.XpLastUpdated.AddSeconds(RavenDb.GlobalLevelConfig.SecondsBetweenXpGiven) < DateTime.UtcNow)
                    user.XpLastUpdated = DateTime.UtcNow;                                                                             // We are giving them XP so let's update the time stamp
                    user.Xp            = Convert.ToUInt64(new Random().Next(RavenDb.GlobalLevelConfig.MinXpGenerated,
                                                                            RavenDb.GlobalLevelConfig.MaxXpGenerated + 1)) + user.Xp; // Generate a value between our two clamps, a little RNG.
                    if (user.Xp > user.RequiredXp)                                                                                    // Are they ready for a level up?
                        user = PostLevelProcessing(user, out Embed embed);                                                            // Level them up
                        // Don't send the global message, maybe a setting in the future?
                    user.Save(); // Save the global user

                // Are they allowing guild leveling?
                if (guild.GuildSettings.LevelConfig.LevelSettings == LevelSettings.GuildLeveling)
                    // Get the user or create them if they don't exist.
                    RavenUser guildUser = guild.GetUser(context.User.Id) ?? guild.CreateNewUser(context.User.Id,
                                                                                                context.User.Username, context.User.DiscriminatorValue);

                    if (guildUser.UserId == 0)
                        // This is weird unintentional behaviour, but sometimes it happens
                        // Need to investigate further
                        await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Your user ID was 0 for some reason. Please try again.");


                    // Check if they area ready for XP on a guild level
                    if (guildUser.XpLastUpdated.AddSeconds(guild.GuildSettings.LevelConfig.SecondsBetweenXpGiven) < DateTime.UtcNow)
                        guildUser.XpLastUpdated = DateTime.UtcNow;                                                                                        // They are so we update the timestamp
                        guildUser.Xp            = Convert.ToUInt64(new Random().Next(guild.GuildSettings.LevelConfig.MinXpGenerated,
                                                                                     guild.GuildSettings.LevelConfig.MaxXpGenerated + 1)) + guildUser.Xp; // Generate a value between our two clamps
                        if (guildUser.Xp > guildUser.RequiredXp)                                                                                          // If they are ready to level up
                            // Get the first role they are assigned that has a non-default colour
                            SocketRole role  = ((SocketGuildUser)msg.Author).Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Color.ToString() != "#0");
                            Color?     color = role?.Color;                                     // Get the colour from the role, or null if we didn't find a colour.
                            guildUser = PostLevelProcessing(guildUser, out Embed embed, color); // Pass it in to get the result
                            await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed);           // Post it

                        int index = guild.Users.FindIndex(x => x.UserId == context.User.Id);
                        if (index != -1)                    // I don't think this should ever happend, but better safe than sorry
                            guild.Users[index] = guildUser; // Update it
                        guild.Save();                       // Save the db entry

            // If the mention the bot directly, tell them the prefix. If they type just the word prefix, tell them.
            if ((msg.MentionedUsers.All(x => discord.Shards.Any(y => y.CurrentUser.Id == x.Id)) && msg.MentionedUsers.Count > 0) || msg.Content == "prefix")
                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("This guild's prefix is: " + guild.GuildSettings.Prefix);


            // Ignore string prefixes if the person was currently in a menu
            else if (msg.HasStringPrefix(guild.GuildSettings.Prefix, ref argPos))
                if (!guild.UserConfiguration.ContainsKey(context.User.Id))
                    var result = await commandService.ExecuteAsync(context, argPos, service);

                    if (!result.IsSuccess)
                        await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(result.ToString());

                    await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("You are currently in a menu. Respond to it or type 'exit' to leave it.");

            // Are they currently in a menu
            if (guild.UserConfiguration.ContainsKey(context.User.Id))
                string[] args = msg.Content.Split(' ');
                // They want off this wild ride
                if (msg.Content == "exit" || msg.Content.StartsWith("exit"))
                    guild.UserConfiguration.Remove(context.User.Id);               // Remove their menu entry
                    guild.Save();                                                  // Save
                    await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Exited out of menu."); // Goodbye user


                else if (msg.Content == "back" || msg.Content.StartsWith("back"))
                    switch (guild.UserConfiguration[context.User.Id])
                    case MessageBox.BaseMenu:
                        guild.UserConfiguration.Remove(context.User.Id);               // Remove their menu entry
                        guild.Save();                                                  // Save
                        await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Exited out of menu."); // Goodbye user


                    case MessageBox.LsSettingSubmenu:
                        guild.UserConfiguration[context.User.Id] = MessageBox.LevelSettings;

                    // By default we assume they are one menu deep
                        guild.UserConfiguration[context.User.Id] = MessageBox.BaseMenu;
                    await ConfigHandler.SelectSubMenu(guild, context.User.Id, context.Guild.GetTextChannel(context.Channel.Id), guild.UserConfiguration[context.User.Id]);


                // Otherwise we see if they specified a valid option
                else if (int.TryParse(args[0], out int option))
                    // Handle it a bit differently if it's a different route
                    if (guild.UserConfiguration[context.User.Id] is MessageBox.BaseMenu)
                        // Normally we wouldn't use IsDefined due to it's lack of scalability,
                        // But for the root menu it actually scales rather well. Just need to watch out for the 2000 character limit.
                        if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(MessageBox), option))
                            // Literally makes no difference in preformance, just trying to keep this file clean.
                            // Using this method, they can technically, if they know the submenu values,
                            // skip the parent menus and go straight to the sub menus. I don't really see this as an issue, to be honest.
                            await ConfigHandler.SelectSubMenu(guild, context.User.Id, context.Guild.GetTextChannel(context.Channel.Id), (MessageBox)option);


                        else // They didn't so lets give them another chance
                            await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("The option you specified doesn't exist. The option should be"
                                                                   + " just the number of the option you are trying to pick. Try again.");


                        await ConfigHandler.SelectOption(guild, context.User.Id, context.Guild.GetTextChannel(context.Channel.Id), args);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>Called when a user joins the server. </summary>
        internal async Task GuildUserJoinAsync(SocketGuildUser user)
            foreach (PluginInfo plugin in GlobalConfig.PluginInfo)
                if (plugin.MessageReceivedAsync != null)
                    if (GlobalConfig.RunPluginFunctionsAsynchronously)
                        #pragma warning disable 4014
                        #pragma warning restore 4014
                        await plugin.GuildUserLeave(user);

            // Add it to the global database if they don't exist
            if (RavenDb.GetUser(user.Id) is null)
                RavenDb.CreateNewUser(user.Id, user.Username, user.DiscriminatorValue, user.GetAvatarUrl() ?? user.GetDefaultAvatarUrl());

            // Get the guild this user is in
            RavenGuild guild = RavenDb.GetGuild(user.Guild.Id) ?? RavenDb.CreateNewGuild(user.Guild.Id, user.Guild.Name);

            // Update the total amount of users
            guild.TotalUsers = (uint)user.Guild.Users.Count;

            // If they rejoined, we'll store their old name to log
            bool   rejoined = false;
            string username = string.Empty;

            // Get the user from that guild
            RavenUser guildUser = guild.GetUser(user.Id);
            if (guildUser is null) // if they don't exist, we'll need to create them
                guild.CreateNewUser(user.Id, user.Username, user.DiscriminatorValue, user.GetAvatarUrl() ?? user.GetDefaultAvatarUrl());

                // They rejoined, update their name in case/discrim in case it changed
                rejoined                = true;
                username                = guildUser.Username + "#" + guildUser.Discriminator;
                guildUser.Username      = user.Username;
                guildUser.Discriminator = user.DiscriminatorValue;
                guild.Save(); // Save the updated information, while storing the old one for logging purposes

            // Process welcome message if one is set
            if (guild.GuildSettings.WelcomeMessage.Enabled)
                // If the targeted channel is null or no longer exists or the message itself is undefined
                if (guild.GuildSettings.WelcomeMessage.ChannelId is null || user.Guild.GetTextChannel(guild.GuildSettings.WelcomeMessage.ChannelId.GetValueOrDefault()) is null ||
                    // If the logging channel is setup, exists, and is enabled
                    if (!(guild.LoggingSettings.ChannelId is null) && !(user.Guild.GetTextChannel(guild.LoggingSettings.ChannelId.GetValueOrDefault()) is null) &&
                        // Log to the logging channel if it has been set
                        await user.Guild.GetTextChannel(guild.LoggingSettings.ChannelId.Value).SendMessageAsync(null, false, new EmbedBuilder()
                            Title       = "Warning!",
                            Color       = new Color(255, 128, 0), // Orange
                            Description = "Unable to send welcome message. Channel or message are currently null. Please reconfigure it.",
                            Footer      = new EmbedFooterBuilder()
                                Text = $"{DateTime.UtcNow:ddd MMM d yyyy HH mm}"

                    // Send the welcome message and repalce the server or user tags if they are present
                    await user.Guild.GetTextChannel(guild.GuildSettings.WelcomeMessage.ChannelId.Value)
                                      .Replace("%SERVER%", user.Guild.Name)
                                      .Replace("%USER%", user.Username));
Esempio n. 3
        internal async Task MessageReceivedAsync(SocketMessage s)
            foreach (PluginInfo plugin in GlobalConfig.PluginInfo)
                if (plugin.MessageReceivedAsync != null)
                    if (GlobalConfig.RunPluginFunctionsAsynchronously)
                        #pragma warning disable 4014
                        #pragma warning restore 4014
                        await plugin.MessageReceivedAsync(s);

            if (!(s is SocketUserMessage msg))
                return;                                // If this is not a message (could be a TTS, Image, File, etc)
            if (msg.Author.IsBot || msg.Author.IsWebhook)
                return;                                           // Ignore messages from bot users, which includes the bot itself.
            int argPos = 0;
            ShardedCommandContext context = new ShardedCommandContext(discord, msg);

            // If DM Channel, ignore all database based things.
            if (msg.Channel is IDMChannel || msg.Channel is IGroupChannel)
                if (msg.HasStringPrefix(GlobalConfig.Prefix, ref argPos))
                    var result = await commandService.ExecuteAsync(context, argPos, service);

                    if (!result.IsSuccess)     // If not successful, reply with the error.
                        await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(result.ToString());

            // Get the active database information for the current guild, or create it if it doesn't exist (for some reason)
            var guild = RavenDb.GetGuild(context.Guild.Id) ?? RavenDb.CreateNewGuild(context.Guild.Id, context.Guild.Name);
            if (msg.Attachments.Count > 0)
                foreach (var x in msg.Attachments)
                    if (x.Height != null)

            if (!context.Guild.CurrentUser.GuildPermissions.Administrator && msg.HasStringPrefix(guild.GuildSettings.Prefix, ref argPos))
                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("The bot is not currently set as an administrator." +
                                                       "Commands will be ignored until the bot is granted the Administrator permission.");


            if (msg.Content.Contains("") && !((SocketGuildUser)context.User).GuildPermissions.ManageGuild &&
                await msg.DeleteAsync();

                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("This server does not allow the posting of Discord server invites by non-moderators.");


            // If the level settings are not disabled, we want to do our level processing.
            if (guild.GuildSettings.LevelConfig.LevelSettings != LevelSettings.Disabled)
                // Get the global database entry for the user, or create it if it doesn't exist.
                var user = RavenDb.GetUser(context.User.Id) ?? RavenDb.CreateNewUser(context.User.Id,
                                                                                     context.User.Username, context.User.DiscriminatorValue, context.User.GetAvatarUrl() ?? context.User.GetDefaultAvatarUrl());

                // Is the user ready for extra XP?
                if (user.XpLastUpdated.AddSeconds(RavenDb.GlobalLevelConfig.SecondsBetweenXpGiven) < DateTime.UtcNow)
                    user.XpLastUpdated = DateTime.UtcNow;                                                                             // We are giving them XP so let's update the time stamp
                    user.Xp            = Convert.ToUInt64(new Random().Next(RavenDb.GlobalLevelConfig.MinXpGenerated,
                                                                            RavenDb.GlobalLevelConfig.MaxXpGenerated + 1)) + user.Xp; // Generate a value between our two clamps, a little RNG.
                    if (user.Xp > user.RequiredXp)                                                                                    // Are they ready for a level up?
                        user = PostLevelProcessing(user, out Embed embed);                                                            // Level them up
                        // Don't send the global message, maybe a setting in the future?
                    user.Save(); // Save the global user

                // Are they allowing guild leveling?
                if (guild.GuildSettings.LevelConfig.LevelSettings == LevelSettings.GuildLeveling)
                    // Get the user or create them if they don't exist.
                    RavenUser guildUser = guild.GetUser(context.User.Id) ?? guild.CreateNewUser(context.User.Id,
                                                                                                context.User.Username, context.User.DiscriminatorValue, context.User.GetAvatarUrl() ?? context.User.GetDefaultAvatarUrl());

                    if (guildUser.UserId == 0)
                        // This is weird unintentional behaviour, but sometimes it happens
                        // Need to investigate further
                        await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("Your user ID was 0 for some reason. Please try again.");


                    // Check if they area ready for XP on a guild level
                    if (guildUser.XpLastUpdated.AddSeconds(guild.GuildSettings.LevelConfig.SecondsBetweenXpGiven) < DateTime.UtcNow)
                        guildUser.XpLastUpdated = DateTime.UtcNow;                                                                                        // They are so we update the timestamp
                        guildUser.Xp            = Convert.ToUInt64(new Random().Next(guild.GuildSettings.LevelConfig.MinXpGenerated,
                                                                                     guild.GuildSettings.LevelConfig.MaxXpGenerated + 1)) + guildUser.Xp; // Generate a value between our two clamps
                        if (guildUser.Xp >= guildUser.RequiredXp)                                                                                         // If they are ready to level up
                            // Get the first role they are assigned that has a non-default colour
                            SocketRole role  = ((SocketGuildUser)msg.Author).Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Color.ToString() != "#0");
                            Color?     color = role?.Color;                                            // Get the colour from the role, or null if we didn't find a colour.
                            guildUser = PostLevelProcessing(guildUser, out Embed embed, color, guild); // Pass it in to get the result
                            await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed);                  // Post it

                        int index = guild.Users.FindIndex(x => x.UserId == context.User.Id);
                        if (index != -1)                    // I don't think this should ever happend, but better safe than sorry
                            guild.Users[index] = guildUser; // Update it
                        guild.Save();                       // Save the db entry

            // If the mention the bot directly, tell them the prefix. If they type just the word prefix, tell them.
            if ((msg.MentionedUsers.All(x => discord.Shards.Any(y => y.CurrentUser.Id == x.Id)) &&
                 MentionUtils.TryParseUser(msg.Content, out ulong a)) || msg.Content.ToLower() == "prefix")
                await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("This guild's prefix is: " + guild.GuildSettings.Prefix);
