Esempio n. 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Raise the Head count for MRF
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="e"></param>
    protected void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string mrfIdGroup = string.Empty;
            //Get the Recruitment Manager Id
            string recruitmentManagerId = ddlRecruitmentManager.SelectedValue;
            //Aarohi : Issue 30885 : 14/12/2011 : Start
            if ((Session[SessionNames.PURPOSE] != null) && (ddlPurpose.SelectedValue == Convert.ToString((int)Common.MasterEnum.MRFPurpose.Replacement)) || (ddlPurpose.SelectedValue == Convert.ToString((int)Common.MasterEnum.MRFPurpose.SubstituteForMaternityLeave)))
                //Issue Id : 34331 START : Mahendra
                //commented following and added new code to map Arraylist elements
                //txtPurpose.Text = Session[SessionNames.PURPOSE].ToString();
                System.Collections.ArrayList name = (System.Collections.ArrayList)Session[SessionNames.PURPOSE];
                foreach (var item in name)
                    txtPurpose.Text = item.ToString();
                //Issue Id : 34331 END
            //Aarohi : Issue 30885 : 14/12/2011 : End

            //On Click, Change the status of respetive MRF
            if (recruitmentManagerId != CommonConstants.SELECT)
                BusinessEntities.MRFDetail          mrfDetail = new BusinessEntities.MRFDetail();
                Rave.HR.BusinessLayer.MRF.MRFDetail objMrf    = new Rave.HR.BusinessLayer.MRF.MRFDetail();

                //Check if wheather any need of approval of head count.means approver id for this deprtment is 0.
                string mailTo = GetEmailIdForDeptWiseHeadCountApprovalMailTo(hidDepartment.Value);

                //if no approver id found then directly goes for pending external allocation.
                //For Rave consultant department no approval is required.mail is directly sent to Recruiment.
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mailTo))
                    mrfDetail.Status = CommonConstants.MRFStatus_PendingExternalAllocation;
                    //Sent For Finance to approve the head count.
                    mrfDetail.Status = CommonConstants.MRFStatus_PendingHeadCountApprovalOfFinance;

                    //Goes for head count approval & make status Peding Approval Of HeadCount.
                    // mrfDetail.Status = CommonConstants.MRFStatus_PedingApprovalOfHeadCount;
                mrfDetail.EmployeeId          = int.Parse(recruitmentManagerId);
                mrfDetail.ExpectedClosureDate = txtTargetDate.Text;
                mrfDetail.RecruitmentManager  = ddlRecruitmentManager.SelectedItem.Text;
                mrfDetail.MRFCode             = hidMrfCode.Value;
                mrfDetail.ProjectName         = txtProjectName.Text;
                mrfDetail.DepartmentName      = hidDepartment.Value;
                mrfDetail.Role = txtRole.Text;
                mrfDetail.ExpectedClosureDate = txtTargetDate.Text;
                mrfDetail.RecruitersId        = ddlRecruitmentManager.SelectedValue;
                // 57877-Venkatesh-  29042016 : Start
                // Add sai email if while raising headcount for nis projects
                if (HfldProjectId.Value != "SELECT")
                    mrfDetail.ProjectId = Convert.ToInt32(HfldProjectId.Value);
                // 57877-Venkatesh-  29042016 : End
                //Adding Purpose and PurposeDescription fileds

                if (ddlPurpose.SelectedItem.Text != Common.CommonConstants.SELECT)
                    mrfDetail.MRFPurposeId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlPurpose.SelectedValue);
                    mrfDetail.MRFPurposeId = CommonConstants.ZERO;

                if (mrfDetail.MRFPurposeId == Convert.ToInt32(MasterEnum.MRFPurpose.MarketResearchfeasibility))
                    mrfDetail.Status = CommonConstants.MRFStatus_PendingExternalAllocation;

                if (txtPurpose.Visible == true && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtPurpose.Text))
                    mrfDetail.MRFPurposeDescription = txtPurpose.Text.Trim();
                if (ddlDepartment.Visible == true && ddlDepartment.SelectedIndex > 0)
                    mrfDetail.MRFPurposeDescription = ddlDepartment.SelectedItem.Text;

                // Rakesh -  Issue : 57942  to Set Dropdown Value to Object
                if (ddlPurpose.SelectedItem != null)
                    mrfDetail.MRFPurpose = ddlPurpose.SelectedItem.Text;

                if (Session[SessionNames.MRFRaiseHeadCOuntGroup] != null)
                    mrfIdGroup = Session[SessionNames.MRFRaiseHeadCOuntGroup].ToString();
                string[] newMrfId = mrfIdGroup.Split(',');

                // Rajan Kumar : Issue 46252: 10/02/2014 : Starts
                // Desc : In MRF history need to implemented in all cases in RMS.
                //Pass Email to know who is going to modified the data
                AuthorizationManager authoriseduser = new AuthorizationManager();
                mrfDetail.LoggedInUserEmail = authoriseduser.getLoggedInUserEmailId();
                // Rajan Kumar : Issue 46252: 10/02/2014 : END

                //Rakesh : Actual vs Budget 06/06/2016 Begin
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlCostCode.SelectedValue) && ddlCostCode.SelectedValue != CommonConstants.SELECT)
                    mrfDetail.CostCodeId = ddlCostCode.SelectedValue.CastToInt32();

                //If Session is not null Means multiple values selected from pending allocation page.
                if (Session[SessionNames.MRFRaiseHeadCOuntGroup] != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < newMrfId.Length; i++)
                        bool isMailInGroup = false;
                        if (newMrfId.Length == 1)
                            isMailInGroup = true;

                        mrfDetail.MRFId = Convert.ToInt32(newMrfId[i]);

                        BusinessEntities.RaveHRCollection raveHRCollection = new RaveHRCollection();
                        raveHRCollection = objMrf.CopyMRFBL(Convert.ToInt32(newMrfId[i]));
                        foreach (BusinessEntities.MRFDetail currentMrfDetails in raveHRCollection)
                            mrfDetail.MRFCode = currentMrfDetails.MRFCode;

                        //update MRF Status
                        //Last parameter set to mail should not send for group. it would be in shot.
                        //for that code is written below.
                        objMrf.UpdateMrfStatus(mrfDetail, mailTo, newMrfId, isMailInGroup);

                    //For rave consultant send mail in one shot for all selected MRF.
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mailTo) && newMrfId.Length > 1)
                        objMrf.SendMailForRaiseHeadCountWithouApprovalInGroup(mrfDetail, newMrfId);
                    mrfDetail.MRFId = int.Parse(hidMrfId.Value);
                    objMrf.UpdateMrfStatus(mrfDetail, mailTo, newMrfId, true);

                Session[SessionNames.CONFIRMATION_MESSAGE] = "Request for head count is raised successfully, email notification is sent for approval.";
                Session[SessionNames.RAISE_HEAD_COUNT]     = "True";

                if (Session[SessionNames.MRFRaiseHeadCOuntGroup] != null)
                    //Close the window
                    //Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "close", " window.opener.location.href='MrfPendingAllocation.aspx'; window.close();", true);
                    //Umesh: Issue 'Modal Popup issue in chrome' Starts
                    ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(Page), "CloseJS", "jQuery.modalDialog.getCurrent().close();", true);
                    //Umesh: Issue 'Modal Popup issue in chrome' Ends
                    //Umesh: Issue 'Modal Popup issue in chrome' Starts
                    ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(Page), "CloseJS", "jQuery.modalDialog.getCurrent().close();", true);
                    //Umesh: Issue 'Modal Popup issue in chrome' Ends
        //catches RaveHRException exception
        catch (RaveHRException ex)
        catch (Exception ex)
            RaveHRException objEx = new RaveHRException(ex.Message, ex, Sources.PresentationLayer, CLASS_NAME_MRFRAISEHEADCOUNT, "btnOK_Click", EventIDConstants.RAVE_HR_MRF_PRESENTATION_LAYER);