Esempio n. 1
        public async Task OnPageHandlerExecutionAsync(PageHandlerExecutingContext context, PageHandlerExecutionDelegate next)
            RateLimitCacheEntry cacheRec = null;

            string path   = context.ActionDescriptor.ViewEnginePath;
            string method = context.HttpContext.Request.Method;
            // string method = context.HandlerMethod.HttpMethod;
            string key = RateLimitRule.MakeRuleKey(path, method);

            if (rateLimits.RateLimitRuleMatches(key))
                logger?.LogDebug($"Limit rule for page: {path} and method: {method} matched");
                string filterKey     = rateLimits.FilterKey.BuildKey(context);
                string filterKeyName = rateLimits.FilterKey.GetFilterKeyName();
                if (rateLimits.IsWhitelisted(filterKey))
                    logger?.LogDebug($"Rate ignored for whitelisted {filterKeyName}: {filterKey}");
                    var      rule       = rateLimits.GetRateLimitByKey(key);
                    var      ruleLimits = rule.RequestLimits;
                    var      cacheKeys  = GetTimeUnitCacheKeys(path, method, filterKey, filterKeyName).ToArray();
                    DateTime now        = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    // limit for this page and method is in effect, check cache entries for each time unit (minute, hour, day)
                    for (int z = 0; z < 3; z++)
                        if (ruleLimits[z] == 0)
                            // zero means don't do limiting for this time unit
                            logger?.LogDebug($"Rate-limiting disabled for per-{rule.GetTimeUnitName(z)}");
                            bool exists = memoryCache.TryGetValue <RateLimitCacheEntry>(cacheKeys[z], out cacheRec);
                            if (exists)
                                if (cacheRec.IsExpired(now))
                                    // there's no guarantee the system will auto-expire entries on time, so we have to manually check them
                                    logger?.LogDebug($"Manual delete of expired cache key for {rule.GetRuleDesc(z)} for {filterKeyName} {filterKey}");
                                    memoryCache.Remove(cacheKeys[z]); // dump the old cache entry
                                    // create a new cache entry
                                    cacheRec = new RateLimitCacheEntry(spans[z]);
                                    CreateOrUpdateCacheEntry(cacheKeys[z], cacheRec, spans[z]);
                                    TimeSpan timeRemaining    = cacheRec.CalcRemainingTime(now);
                                    int      totSecs          = Convert.ToInt32(timeRemaining.TotalSeconds) + 1;
                                    string   timeRemainingStr = cacheRec.BuildTimeCountdownStringFromSpan(timeRemaining);
                                    if (cacheRec.ReqCnt + 1 > ruleLimits[z])
                                        // cache limit has been exceeded - return 429
                                        logger?.LogDebug($"Rule limit ({cacheRec.ReqCnt}) exceeded for {rule.GetRuleDesc(z)} for Filter: {filterKeyName}, Key: {filterKey}");
                                        context.HttpContext.Response.Headers.Add("Retry-After", totSecs.ToString());
                                        context.Result = new ContentResult {
                                            // StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests,
                                            StatusCode  = 429,
                                            ContentType = "text/html",
                                            Content     = $"Request quota ({rule.GetRuleDesc(z)}) exceeded. Try again in {timeRemainingStr}."
                                        logger?.LogDebug($"Time remaining on cache entry per {rule.GetTimeUnitName(z)}: {timeRemainingStr} for Filter: {filterKeyName}, Key: {filterKey}");
                                        logger?.LogDebug($"Adding 1 to count ({cacheRec.ReqCnt}) per {rule.GetTimeUnitName(z)} for Filter: {filterKeyName}, Key: {filterKey}");
                                        cacheRec.ReqCnt += 1;
                                        // pass in new time left based on original starting time and span
                                        CreateOrUpdateCacheEntry(cacheKeys[z], cacheRec, cacheRec.CalcRemainingTime(now));
                                // doesn't exist in cache, so we'll create it fresh
                                cacheRec = new RateLimitCacheEntry(spans[z]);
                                CreateOrUpdateCacheEntry(cacheKeys[z], cacheRec, spans[z]);
                logger?.LogDebug($"No limit rule for page: {path} and method: {method}");

            await next.Invoke();