private void HandleSpawning(SpawnHouse building) { string nameOfNextSpawn = building.GetActions()[RandomUtils.Choose(building.GetProbabilityArray())]; if (nameOfNextSpawn != null && nameOfNextSpawn != "") { // TODO: change hardcoded center shift to the one derived from a variable var newSpawnPoint = WorkManager.GetRandomDestinationPoint(building.transform.position, 30); if (newSpawnPoint.HasValue) { building.SetSpawnPoint(newSpawnPoint.Value); building.PerformAction(nameOfNextSpawn); } } }
public override void Load() { var background = RandomUtils.Choose(Ressources.ParalaxeForest, Ressources.ParalaxeMontain); Rise.Scene.SetBackground(background); var title = new Label { Text = Game.Name, Anchor = Anchor.Center, Origine = Anchor.Center, UnitOffset = new Point(0, -72), Font = Ressources.FontAlagard, TextSize = 3f, }; var subTitle = new Label { Text = "\"Tales of the unknow\"", Anchor = Anchor.Center, Origine = Anchor.Center, UnitOffset = new Point(0, -16), Font = Ressources.FontRomulus, TextSize = 1f, }; var continueButton = new Button("Continue") { Anchor = Anchor.Center, Origine = Anchor.Center, UnitOffset = new Point(0, 72), }.RegisterMouseClickEvent((sender) => Game.Play(Game.GetLastGame())); var newGameButton = new Button { Text = "New", Anchor = Anchor.Center, Origine = Anchor.Center, UnitOffset = new Point(0, 72 * 2), UnitBound = new Rectangle(0, 0, 256, 64), }.RegisterMouseClickEvent((sender) => Game.New("world", Rise.Rnd.Next(), GENERATOR.DEFAULT)); Container = new Container(title, subTitle, newGameButton, Game.GetLastGame() != null ? continueButton : null); }
protected virtual AudioClip ChooseClip(AudioClip[] clips) { switch (_clipSelection) { case ClipSelectionMode.Random: return(RandomUtils.Choose(clips)); case ClipSelectionMode.Shuffle: if (_shuffleBag == null) { _shuffleBag = new ShuffleBag <AudioClip>(clips); } return(_shuffleBag.GetNext()); case ClipSelectionMode.ClampedSequence: return(clips[Mathf.Min(_clipIndex++, clips.Length - 1)]); case ClipSelectionMode.LoopingSequence: return(clips[MathUtils.WrapIndex(_clipIndex++, clips.Length)]); } return(null); }
public override void Load() { var background = RandomUtils.Choose(Ressources.ParalaxeForest, Ressources.ParalaxeMontain); Rise.Scene.SetBackground(background); var title = new Label { Text = Game.Name, Anchor = Anchor.Center, Origine = Anchor.Center, UnitOffset = new Point(0, -72), Font = Ressources.FontAlagard, TextSize = 3f, }; var subTitle = new Label { Text = "\"Tales of the unknow\"", Anchor = Anchor.Center, Origine = Anchor.Center, UnitOffset = new Point(0, -16), Font = Ressources.FontRomulus, TextSize = 1f, }; var copyright = new Label { Text = "© 2017-2018 MAKER", Anchor = Anchor.Bottom, Origine = Anchor.Bottom, Font = Ressources.FontRomulus, TextSize = 1f }; var continueButton = new Button { Text = "Continue", Anchor = Anchor.Center, Origine = Anchor.Center, UnitOffset = new Point(0, 72), UnitBound = new Rectangle(0, 0, 256, 64), } .RegisterMouseClickEvent((sender) => Game.Play(Game.GetLastGame())); var menu = new WidgetTabContainer { Anchor = Anchor.Center, Origine = Anchor.Center, UnitBound = new Rectangle(0, 0, 600, 720), TabAnchore = Rise.Platform.Family == PlatformFamily.Mobile ? TabAnchore.Bottom : TabAnchore.Left, Tabs = { new Tab { Icon = new Sprite(Ressources.TileIcons, new Point(0, 4)), Content = new Container(title, subTitle, copyright, Game.GetLastGame() != null ? continueButton : null) }, new TabNewWorld(), new TabLoadWorld(), new TabMultiplayerConnect(), new TabOption(), } }; Container = new Container(menu); }