public void Start() { MagicColor color = (MagicColor)Random.Range(0, 3); Gem.ColorPart.ChangeColor(color); Health.Color = color; transform.position = EnemySpawner.Instance.HamsterSpawnLocations.GetNext().position; rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); StartCoroutine(startRoutine()); Health.Death.AddListener(() => { Gem.Launch(); currentSpeed = DeathSpeed; if (RandomExtra.Chance(.5f)) { currentSpeed *= -1; } StopAllCoroutines(); GetComponent <Collider2D>().enabled = false; GetComponent <DestroyWhenChildrenInvisible>().ShouldDestroy = true; }); }
IEnumerator moveRoutine() { moving = true; moveDir = RandomExtra.Chance(.5f) ? Vector2.right : Vector2.left; float mainTimer = Random.Range(MoveTimeRange.x, MoveTimeRange.y); float directionTimer = Random.Range(DirectionSwitchTimeRange.x, DirectionSwitchTimeRange.y); while (mainTimer > 0) { if (Mathf.Abs(transform.position.x - PlayerRef.transform.position.x) <= AttackDistance && RandomExtra.ChancePerSecond(AttackChancePerSecond)) { moving = false; yield break; // do a grab, as long as the parent immediately calls grab } mainTimer -= Time.deltaTime; directionTimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (directionTimer <= 0) { directionTimer = Random.Range(DirectionSwitchTimeRange.x, DirectionSwitchTimeRange.y); moveDir *= -1; } transform.position += (Vector3)moveDir * MoveSpeed * Time.deltaTime; yield return(null); } moving = false; }
void moveTiles() { foreach (var cellPosition in Tilemap.cellBounds.allPositionsWithin) { if (Tilemap.GetTile(cellPosition) == null) { continue; } if (!RandomExtra.Chance(ChanceToTwitchPerTile)) { continue; } var matrix = Tilemap.GetTransformMatrix(cellPosition); var position = Random.insideUnitCircle * TileDisplacementRadius; if (RountTilesToNearestPixel) { position = new Vector2 ( Mathf.Round(position.x * 8) / 8, Mathf.Round(position.y * 8) / 8 ); } matrix[0, 3] = position.x; matrix[1, 3] = position.y; Tilemap.SetTransformMatrix(cellPosition, matrix); } }
void spawnGoose() { Mage target; var nonActiveValidTargets = new List <Mage> { MageSquad.Instance.RedMage, MageSquad.Instance.GreenMage, MageSquad.Instance.BlueMage } .Where(m => !m.Active && !currentGooseTargets.Contains(m)) .ToList(); if ((nonActiveValidTargets.Count == 0 || RandomExtra.Chance(GooseTargetsActiveChance)) && !currentGooseTargets.Contains(MageSquad.Instance.ActiveMage)) { target = MageSquad.Instance.ActiveMage; } else if (nonActiveValidTargets.Count > 0) { target = nonActiveValidTargets.PickRandom(); } else { return; } currentGooseTargets.Add(target); var goose = Instantiate(GoosePrefab); goose.Initialize(target.transform); goose.Health.Death.AddListener(() => currentGooseTargets.Remove(target)); }
void Start() { switch (Movement) { case MovementType.Cardinal: bool x = RandomExtra.Chance(.5f), p = RandomExtra.Chance(.5f); desiredVelocity = new Vector2(x ? p ? 1 : -1 : 0, !x ? p ? 1 : -1 : 0) * Speed; break; case MovementType.Diagonal: List <Vector2> directions = new List <Vector2> { new Vector2(1, 1), new Vector2(1, -1), new Vector2(-1, 1), new Vector2(-1, -1) }; desiredVelocity = directions.PickRandom() * Speed; break; case MovementType.Follow: // do nothing break; default: throw new System.InvalidOperationException($"unexpected MovementType {Movement}"); } Rigidbody.velocity = desiredVelocity; }
bool trySpawnObject(T spawn) { var w = CameraCache.Main.pixelWidth; var h = CameraCache.Main.pixelHeight; bool xIsStuck = RandomExtra.Chance(.5f); bool stuckOnUpper = RandomExtra.Chance(.5f); Vector2 edgeLocScreen = new Vector2 ( xIsStuck ? (stuckOnUpper ? w : 0) : Random.Range(0, w), !xIsStuck ? (stuckOnUpper ? h : 0) : Random.Range(0, h) ); Vector2 edgeLocWorld = CameraCache.Main.ScreenToWorldPoint(edgeLocScreen); Vector2 cardinal = new Vector2 ( xIsStuck ? (stuckOnUpper ? 1 : -1) : 0, !xIsStuck ? (stuckOnUpper ? 1 : -1) : 0 ); var rad = spawn.GetComponent <CircleCollider2D>().radius; Vector2 meteorPos = edgeLocWorld + cardinal * rad * 2; if (Physics2D.CircleCast(meteorPos, rad, { return(false); } Instantiate(spawn, meteorPos, Quaternion.identity); return(true); }
void Start() { SpawnScaleTransition.AttachMonoBehaviour(this); SpawnScaleTransition.FlashFromTo(0, 1); DeathScaleTransition.AttachMonoBehaviour(this); spriteIsOn = RandomExtra.Chance(.5f); flipSprite(); initialPosition = transform.position; }
protected virtual void Awake() { TotalEnemies++; Health.Death.AddListener(() => { TotalEnemies--; if (RandomExtra.Chance(EnemySpawner.Instance.ItemDropRate)) { Instantiate(EnemySpawner.Instance.ItemDropDistribution.GetNext(), transform.position, Quaternion.identity); } }); }
MagicColor getColor() { colorStreak++; var chance = ChanceToSwitchColorsByColorStreak.Evaluate(colorStreak); if (RandomExtra.Chance(chance)) { currentColor = colors.GetNext(); colorStreak = 0; } return(currentColor); }
public void Launch() { transform.parent = null; launched = true; rb.simulated = true; rb.velocity = LaunchSpeed; // half the time, flip x: if (RandomExtra.Chance(.5f)) { rb.velocity *= Vector2.left; } GetComponent <DestroyWhenChildrenInvisible>().ShouldDestroy = true; }
void setScale(float dt) { scaleDelta += (RandomExtra.Chance(.5f) ? -ScaleAccelMax : ScaleAccelMax) * dt; scaleDelta = Mathf.Clamp(scaleDelta, ScaleDeltaBounds.x, ScaleDeltaBounds.y); var next = transform.localScale * scaleDelta; transform.localScale += (next - transform.localScale) * dt; transform.localScale = new Vector3 ( Mathf.Clamp(transform.localScale.x, ScaleBounds.x, ScaleBounds.y), Mathf.Clamp(transform.localScale.y, ScaleBounds.x, ScaleBounds.y), Mathf.Clamp(transform.localScale.z, ScaleBounds.x, ScaleBounds.y) ); }
void redistributeSpinWith(Top otherTop) { collisionLock = true; otherTop.collisionLock = true; bool thisSpunFaster = CurrentSpin == otherTop.CurrentSpin ? RandomExtra.Chance(.5f) // ties are broken randomly : CurrentSpin > otherTop.CurrentSpin; Top fasterSpinningTop = thisSpunFaster ? this : otherTop; Top slowerSpinningTop = thisSpunFaster ? otherTop : this; Spin differential = Mathf.Min(fasterSpinningTop.CurrentSpin, Spin.MAX - slowerSpinningTop.CurrentSpin); fasterSpinningTop.CurrentSpin -= differential; slowerSpinningTop.CurrentSpin += differential; }
// returns the piece that is hit from cover fire, if there is one, otherwise null public BoardPiece TryHit() { // check middle first since we like it more if (RandomExtra.Chance(middleChance)) { return(MiddleCover); } if (RandomExtra.Chance(leftChance)) { return(LeftCover); } if (RandomExtra.Chance(rightChance)) { return(RightCover); } return(null); }
public void Initialize(HamsterFart parent, Vector2 velocity, MagicColor color) { this.parent = parent; ColorPart.ChangeColor(color); bool use1 = RandomExtra.Chance(.5f); Outline.sprite = use1 ? Outline1 : Outline2; Cloud.sprite = use1 ? Cloud1 : Cloud2; Outline.SetAlpha(Alpha); Cloud.SetAlpha(Alpha); GetComponent <Collider2D>().isTrigger = true; // just in case GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity = velocity; Destroy(gameObject, RandomExtra.Range(LifeTimeRange)); }
public void UseOn(IHackable target) { MethodInfo hackMethod = target.GetType().GetMethod(HackMethodName); hackMethod.Invoke(target, PassParam ? new object[] { HackMethodParam } : null); bool caught = RandomExtra.Chance(RevealChance); bool patched = RandomExtra.Chance(PatchChance); if (caught) { SecurityManager.Instance.Alert = true; } if (patched) { InventoryManager.Instance.HacksToBePatched.Add(this); Debug.Log("you got patched son"); } }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) { bool effect = false; if (!appliedExtraEffect && RandomExtra.Chance(ExtraEffectChance)) { appliedExtraEffect = false; effect = true; } if (other.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Player")) { if (effect && Color == MagicColor.Green) { other.GetComponent <Mage>().Health.Heal(HealAmount); } return; } BaseEnemy enemy = other.gameObject.GetComponent <BaseEnemy>(); if (enemy != null) { enemy.Health.ColorDamage(Damage, Color); if (effect) { if (Color == MagicColor.Red) { enemy.ApplyFire(Random.Range(FireTimeMin, FireTimMax)); } if (Color == MagicColor.Blue) { enemy.ApplyIce(Random.Range(IceTimeMin, IceTimeMax)); } } } Destroy(gameObject); }
// for spooky effects protected string randomAscii(int length, bool includeSpace = true) { Vector2Int printableCharacterRange = new Vector2Int ( 32 + (includeSpace ? 0 : 1), 127 // don't include delete (random is exclusive) ); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); bool colorAdded = false; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (!colorAdded && RandomExtra.Chance(.02f)) { var color = MagicColorRamp.GetValue(Random.value); sb.Append($"<#{ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(color)}>"); colorAdded = true; } sb.Append((char)RandomExtra.Range(printableCharacterRange)); if (colorAdded && RandomExtra.Chance(.07f)) { sb.Append("</color>"); colorAdded = false; } } if (colorAdded) { sb.Append("</color>"); colorAdded = false; } return(sb.ToString()); }
IEnumerator Start() { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(Cooldown)); bool order = false; while (true) { bool coinChance = RandomExtra.Chance(CoinGameProbability.Evaluate(ScoreManager.Instance.CoinCount)); bool washChance = RandomExtra.Chance(WashGameProbability.Evaluate(ScoreManager.Instance.Dirtiness)); // might be unnecessary, but we'll switch which game we check first every time so we don't favor one over the other if (order = !order) { if (coinChance) { SceneManager.LoadScene("Coin"); } else if (washChance) { SceneManager.LoadScene("Bath"); } } else { if (washChance) { SceneManager.LoadScene("Bath"); } else if (coinChance) { SceneManager.LoadScene("Coin"); } } yield return(new WaitForSeconds(SecondsPerRoll)); } }
IEnumerator deathRoutine() { Collider.enabled = false; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(DeathAnimationWaitTimeBeforeShrinking)); float explosionChance = ChanceForDeathToBeExplosionDeathByDeathsSinceLastExplosionDeath.Evaluate(deathsSinceLastExplosionDeath); bool exploding = RandomExtra.Chance(explosionChance); float targetScale = exploding ? ExplosionDeathScaleTarget : NormalDeathScaleTarget; DeathScaleTransition.StartTransitionTo(targetScale); yield return(new WaitWhile(() => DeathScaleTransition.Transitioning)); deathsSinceLastExplosionDeath = exploding ? 0 : deathsSinceLastExplosionDeath + 1; BallDied.Raise(); Destroy(gameObject); }
void switchTarget() { if (RandomExtra.Chance(PlayerGuaranteedTargetChance)) { target = FindObjectOfType(typeof(Player)) as FlockLeader; return; } var potentialTargets = (FindObjectsOfType(typeof(FlockLeader)) as FlockLeader[]).ToList(); potentialTargets.Remove(this); Func <FlockLeader, bool> inRange = fl => Vector3.Distance(fl.transform.position, transform.position) <= DesiredMaximumDistance; if (!potentialTargets.Where(fl => fl != target).Any(inRange)) { target = potentialTargets.PickRandom(); } else { target = potentialTargets.Where(fl => fl != target).Where(inRange).ToList().PickRandom(); } }