Esempio n. 1
        public static Ram GetLayoutAnnotated()
            var ram = new Ram();
            // I think this is map layout (when to read a block of sea or something or when to read map data)
            // see debug log: trying to find water 02
            // code start: c04923
            // code end: c04a43
            // code never hits: c049b3 (does hit when loading cave map)
            // $ed8a00 - $ed9be2
            var layoutSource = Rom.ByteArray(0xed8a00);
            var output       = ram.WordArray(0x7f0000);
            var outputf3c6   = ram.ByteArray(0x7ff3c6);

            //c04923 php
            //c04924 %setAXYto16bit()
            //c04926 pha
            //c04927 phx
            //c04928 phy
            //c04929 sta $1c
            //c0492b stx $20
            //c0492d stz $18
            //c0492f stz $1a
            //c04931 lda #$03be
            //c04934 sta $1e
            //c04936 stz $22
            //c04938 ldx #$0000
            //c0493b stz $f3c6,x
            //c0493e inx
            //c0493f inx
            //c04940 cpx #$0400
            //c04943 bcc $493b
            //c04945 ldy #$0000
            //c04948 tya
            //c04949 %setAto8bit()

            // c04929
            ushort x18x19 = 0;
            int    x1c    = 0x1000;         // comes from outside (A)
            int    x1e    = 0x03BE;
            byte   x1a    = 0;
            byte   x1b    = 0;
            int    x20    = 0;          // comes from outside (X)
            byte   x22    = 0;

            // don't have initial values?
            byte x24 = 0;
            byte x25 = 0;

            // $c04945
            var y = 0;

            // A => 8bit
            // .Branch_c0494b -- top
            while (true)
                //c0494b lsr $19
                //c0494d ror $18
                x18x19 = (ushort)(x18x19 >> 1);

                //c0494f lda $19
                //c04951 lsr
                //c04952 bcs .Branch_c0495b
                if ((x18x19 & 0x0100) == 0)
                    //c04954 lda [$00],y
                    //c04956 iny
                    //c04957 sta $18
                    //c04959 dec $19
                    x18x19 = (ushort)((x18x19 - 0x0100 & 0xff00) + layoutSource[y]);

                //c0495b lda $18
                //c0495d lsr
                //c0495e bcc .Branch_c049b4
                if ((x18x19 & 0x0001) != 0)
                    //c04960 lda $22
                    //c04962 lsr
                    //c04963 bcs .Branch_c0497e
                    if ((x22 & 0x01) == 0)
                        //c04965 lda [$00],y
                        //c04967 iny
                        //c04968 sta $24
                        //c0496a ldx $1e
                        //c0496c sta $f3c6,x
                        x24             = layoutSource[y];
                        outputf3c6[x1e] = layoutSource[y];

                        //c0496f inc $1e
                        //c04971 bne .Branch_c0497a
                        //c04973 lda $1f
                        //c04975 inc
                        //c04976 and #$03
                        //c04978 sta $1f
                        x1e &= 0x03ff;

                        //c0497a inc $22
                        //c0497c bra .Branch_c0494b	// back to top

                    //c0497e lda [$00],y
                    //c04980 iny
                    //c04981 sta $25
                    //c04983 ldx $1e
                    //c04985 sta $f3c6,x
                    x25             = layoutSource[y];
                    outputf3c6[x1e] = layoutSource[y];

                    //c04988 inc $1e
                    //c0498a bne .Branch_c04993
                    //c0498c lda $1f
                    //c0498e inc
                    //c0498f and #$03
                    //c04991 sta $1f
                    //c04993 inc $22
                    x1e &= 0x03ff;

                    //c04995 rep #$20
                    // ---------------------------------A => 16bit
                    //c04997 ldx $20
                    //c04999 lda $24
                    //c0499b sta $0000,x
                    //c0499e inx
                    //c0499f inx
                    //c049a0 stx $20
                    output[x20] = (ushort)(x24 + (x25 << 8));
                    x20        += 2;

                    //c049a2 dec $1c
                    //c049a4 beq .Branch_c049ad
                    if (x1c != 0)
                        //c049a6 lda #$0000
                        //c049a9 sep #$20
                        // ---------------------------------A => 8bit
                        //c049ab bra .Branch_c0494b	// back to top
                        //c049ad %setAXYto16bit()
                        //c049af ply
                        //c049b0 plx
                        //c049b1 pla
                        //c049b2 plp
                        //c049b3 rtl
                        return(ram);                         // EXIT

                //.Branch_c049b4			// carry will be clear
                //c049b4 lda [$00],y
                //c049b6 iny
                //c049b7 sta $1a
                x1a = layoutSource[y];

                //c049b9 lda [$00],y
                //c049bb rol
                //c049bc rol
                //c049bd rol
                //c049be and #$03
                //c049c0 sta $1b
                x1b = (byte)(layoutSource[y] >> 6 & 0x03);

                //c049c2 lda [$00],y
                //c049c4 iny
                //c049c5 and #$3f
                //c049c7 clc
                //c049c8 adc #$03
                //c049ca phy
                //c049cb tay
                byte counter = (byte)((layoutSource[y] & 0x3f) + 3);

                while (true)
                    //c049cc dey
                    //c049cd bmi .Branch_c04a3a
                    if (SNES.IsNegative16(counter))

                    //c049cf lda $22
                    //c049d1 lsr
                    //c049d2 bcs .Branch_c049fc
                    if ((x22 & 0x01) == 0)
                        //c049d4 ldx $1a
                        //c049d6 lda $f3c6,x
                        //c049d9 sta $24
                        //c049db inc $1a
                        x24 = outputf3c6[x1a];                          // TODO: Wrong, needs to be 16bit x1a

                        //c049dd bne .Branch_c049e8
                        if (x1a == 0)
                            //c049df lda $1b
                            //c049e1 inc
                            //c049e2 and #$03
                            //c049e4 sta $1b
                            x1b &= 0x03;

                            //c049e6 lda $24

                        //c049e8 ldx $1e
                        //c049ea sta $f3c6,x
                        outputf3c6[x1e] = x24;

                        //c049ed inc $1e
                        //c049ef bne .Branch_c049f8
                        //c049f1 lda $1f
                        //c049f3 inc
                        //c049f4 and #$03
                        //c049f6 sta $1f
                        x1e &= 0x03ff;

                        //c049f8 inc $22
                        //c049fa bra .Branch_c049cc
                        //c049fc ldx $1a
                        //c049fe lda $f3c6,x
                        //c04a01 sta $25
                        x25 = outputf3c6[x1a];                          // TODO: Wrong, needs to be 16bit x1a

                        //c04a03 inc $1a
                        //c04a05 bne .Branch_c04a10

                        if (x1a == 0)
                            //c04a07 lda $1b
                            //c04a09 inc
                            //c04a0a and #$03
                            //c04a0c sta $1b
                            x1b &= 0x03;

                            //c04a0e lda $25

                        //c04a10 ldx $1e
                        //c04a12 sta $f3c6,x
                        outputf3c6[x1e] = x25;

                        //c04a15 inc $1e
                        //c04a17 bne .Branch_c04a20
                        //c04a19 lda $1f
                        //c04a1b inc
                        //c04a1c and #$03
                        //c04a1e sta $1f
                        x1e &= 0x03ff;

                        //c04a20 inc $22

                        //c04a22 rep #$20
                        //---------------------------------- A=> 16bit
                        //c04a24 ldx $20
                        //c04a26 lda $24
                        //c04a28 sta $0000,x
                        //c04a2b inx
                        //c04a2c inx
                        //c04a2d stx $20
                        output[x20] = (ushort)(x24 + (x25 << 8));
                        x20        += 2;

                        //c04a2f dec $1c
                        //c04a31 beq .Branch_c04a3e
                        if (x1c == 0)
                            return(ram);                            // EXIT

                        //c04a33 lda #$0000
                        //c04a36 sep #$20
                        // ---------------------------------A => 8bit
                        //c04a38 bra .Branch_c049cc

                //c04a3a ply
                //c04a3b jmp Jump_c0494b	// back to top
            }             // end of while

            //.Branch_c04a3e	-- EXIT
            //c04a3e ply
            //c04a3f ply
            //c04a40 plx
            //c04a41 pla
            //c04a42 plp
            //c04a43 rtl
Esempio n. 2
         * Work area is ring buffer of $400 bytes, starts as zeros, destination starts at $3be
         * Reads from source data in order, writes to output and ring buffer in order
         * Command byte is 8 command bits:
         *      1 => read one byte (and write to output and ring buffer)
         *      0 => read two bytes
         *              10 bits are start address in ring buffer
         *              6 bits are number of bytes to copy (plus 3, so counter can be 3 to 66)
         *              copy bytes from ring buffer starting at source address,
         *              while writing to ring buffer destination address and output at same time)
         * So each command byte is followed by 8 to 16 bytes of data
        // Output is ram $7f0000 - $7f1fff ($2000 bytes)
        // A => exitCounter
        // X => destinationAddress
        public static RamWordArray GetLayout()
            // TODO: this can be greater simplified and won't require Ram class usage
            //(int A, int X) {
            // I think this is map layout (when to read a block of sea or something or when to read map data)
            // see debug log: trying to find water 02
            // code start: c04923
            // code end: c04a43
            // code never hits: c049b3 (does hit when loading cave map)
            // $ed8a00 - $ed9be2
            var ram          = new Ram();
            var layoutSource = Rom.ByteArray(0xed8a00);
            var output       = ram.WordArray(0x7f0000);
            var work         = ram.ByteArray(0x7ff3c6);

             * Output at $7f0000 should be $2000 bytes
             * Each word represents 4 columns by 4 rows of tilemap data  --- this might not be right
             * So 256 x 256 is reduced to pointers for 64 x 64
             * This allows for easy repeat/reuse of blocks of sea etc.

            // $18-$19, initialized to 0
            // TODO: should resplit these
            // $19 is $00 (-1 so $ff, read $18 from source)
            //		$ff, $7f, $3f, $1f, $0f, $07, $03, $01, $00 = restart
            //		basically a counter to 8
            // regex @"ROR \$18 \[000018\] = \$.{62}C" shows all but first >> puts a 1 in $18 high bit (carry set because bit from $19 is 1)
            ushort command = 0;

            // $1c -- 16bit -- comes from outside (A)
            // each decrement is 2 bytes of output, so $2000 bytes
            // TODO: could be replaced with destination address offset? might be more than one setup (dest might not be zero in caves or something)
            int exitCounter = 0x1000;

            // $1e -- 16bit
            // masked with 0x03ff so $400 bytes of ring memory
            int workDestination = 0x03be;

            // $1a -- 16bit
            // masked with 0x03ff so $400 bytes of ring memory
            int workSource;

            // $20 -- 16bit -- comes from outside (X)
            // $0000 to $1ffe by +=2 ($2000 bytes)
            int destinationAddress = 0;

            // $22 -- 8bit
            // overflows from $ff to $00
            // is really just high byte/low byte indicator
            byte columnIndex = 0;

            // don't need initial values
            // don't need to be differentiated, could just write byte by byte
            // $24
            byte lowValue = 0;
            // $25
            byte highValue = 0;

            // Y -- 16bit
            var sourceAddress = 0;

            while (true)
                // decrement $19 basically, and rotate a one into the high bit of $18 (except first time in which $18 is thrown out anyways)
                command = (ushort)(command >> 1);

                // is $19 zero (happens at beginning of every cycle of 8)
                // Gets new command byte $18 (each bit says how next bytes are interpreted)
                if ((command & 0x0100) == 0)
                    //set $19 to $ff and read $18 from source
                    command = (ushort)((command - 0x0100 & 0xff00) + layoutSource[sourceAddress]);

                // is $18 odd (bit 0 == 1)   --- command bit is 1
                if ((command & 0x0001) != 0)
                    // loads one byte directly

                    if ((columnIndex & 0x01) == 0)
                        // load low byte direct

                        lowValue = layoutSource[sourceAddress];
                        work[workDestination] = layoutSource[sourceAddress];

                        workDestination &= 0x03ff;

                        // load high byte direct and write output

                        highValue             = layoutSource[sourceAddress];
                        work[workDestination] = layoutSource[sourceAddress];

                        workDestination &= 0x03ff;

                        output[destinationAddress] = (ushort)(lowValue + (highValue << 8));
                        destinationAddress        += 2;

                        if (exitCounter == 0)
                            return(output);                             // EXIT
                    // is $18 even (bit 0 == 0)   --- command bit is 0
                    // copy part of work into output
                    // next two source bytes are source address and number of bytes to copy
                    // destination work buffer continues to fill

                    // 10 bit number: low byte = ls[sa], high byte lower 2 bits = ls[sa+1] highest 2 bits
                    // source address is absolute in buffer, not relative
                    workSource = layoutSource[sourceAddress] + (layoutSource[sourceAddress + 1] << 2 & 0x0300);

                    // counter is lower 6 bits + 3
                    // smallest value is (0 + 3) copy 3 bytes
                    int counter = (layoutSource[sourceAddress + 1] & 0x3f) + 3;
                    sourceAddress += 2;

                    while (counter > 0)

                        if ((columnIndex & 0x01) == 0)
                            // copy low byte from work buffer

                            lowValue = work[workSource];
                            work[workDestination] = lowValue;

                            workSource &= 0x03ff;
                            workDestination &= 0x03ff;

                            // copy high byte from work buffer and write to output

                            highValue             = work[workSource];
                            work[workDestination] = highValue;

                            workSource &= 0x03ff;
                            workDestination &= 0x03ff;

                            var val = (ushort)(lowValue + (highValue << 8));
                            output[destinationAddress] = val;
                            destinationAddress        += 2;

                            if (exitCounter == 0)
                                return(output);                                // EXIT