private void Read() { while (true) { _packet = _peer.Receive(); while (_packet != null) { _peer.DeallocatePacket(_packet); _packet = _peer.Receive(); } Thread.Sleep(10); } }
public void Read(RakNet.BitStream stream, RakNet.Packet packet, Client client) { byte wt = 0, starthour = 0, startminute = 0, endhour = 0, endminute; stream.Read(out wt); stream.Read(out starthour); stream.Read(out startminute); stream.Read(out endhour); stream.Read(out endminute); sWorld.WeatherType = wt; sWorld.StartRainHour = starthour; sWorld.StartRainMinute = startminute; sWorld.EndRainHour = endhour; sWorld.EndRainMinute = endminute; if (!(Program._state is GUC.States.GameState)) { return; } Process process = Process.ThisProcess(); if (sWorld.WeatherType != 2) { oCGame.Game(process).World.SkyControlerOutdoor.SetWeatherType(sWorld.WeatherType); } oCGame.Game(process).World.SkyControlerOutdoor.setRainTime(sWorld.StartRainHour, sWorld.StartRainMinute, sWorld.EndRainHour, sWorld.EndRainMinute); if (sWorld.WeatherType != 2) { oCGame.Game(process).World.SkyControlerOutdoor.SetWeatherType(wt); } //oCGame.Game(process).WorldTimer.SetTime(hour, minute); }
public void Read(RakNet.BitStream stream, RakNet.Packet packet, Client client) { int vobID = 0; stream.Read(out vobID); if (vobID == 0 || !sWorld.VobDict.ContainsKey(vobID)) { throw new Exception("Vob not found!"); } Vob vob = sWorld.VobDict[vobID]; if (vob.Address == 0) { return; } Process process = Process.ThisProcess(); oCGame.Game(process).AICamera.SetTarget(new zCVob(process, vob.Address)); CamToPlayerFront.destroyPlayerVob(); }
public void Read(RakNet.BitStream stream, RakNet.Packet packet, Client client) { int playerID = 0; Vob playerVob = null; NPCProto player = null; stream.Read(out playerID); sWorld.VobDict.TryGetValue(playerID, out playerVob); if (playerVob == null) { throw new Exception("Vob was not found: " + playerID); } if (!(playerVob is NPCProto)) { throw new Exception("Vob was not a NPCProto: " + playerID + " " + playerVob); } player = (NPCProto)playerVob; if (player.Address == 0) { return; } Process process = Process.ThisProcess(); oCNpc npc = new oCNpc(process, player.Address); if (player.FocusVob != null && player.FocusVob.Address != 0) { npc.MagBook.Spell_Setup(npc, new zCVob(process, player.FocusVob.Address), 0); } npc.MagBook.Spell_Invest(); zERROR.GetZErr(process).Report(2, 'G', "Invest Spell! ", 0, "Program.cs", 0); }
public void Read(RakNet.BitStream stream, RakNet.Packet packet, Server server) { int plID = 0; stream.Read(out plID); byte keyCounts = 0; stream.Read(out keyCounts); Dictionary <byte, byte> keys = new Dictionary <byte, byte>(); for (int i = 0; i < keyCounts; i++) { byte key = 0; byte value = 0; stream.Read(out key); stream.Read(out value); keys.Add(key, value); } if (plID == 0 || !sWorld.VobDict.ContainsKey(plID)) { throw new Exception("Vob not found!"); } Vob vob = sWorld.VobDict[plID]; if (!(vob is Player)) { throw new Exception("Vob is not a Player!"); } Player proto = (Player)vob; Scripting.Objects.Character.Player.sOnPlayerKey((Scripting.Objects.Character.Player)proto.ScriptingNPC, keys); }
public void Read(RakNet.BitStream stream, RakNet.Packet packet, Client client) { String name = ""; int plID = 0; stream.Read(out plID); stream.Read(out name); if (plID == 0 || !sWorld.VobDict.ContainsKey(plID)) { throw new Exception("Vob not found!"); } Vob vob = sWorld.VobDict[plID]; if (!(vob is NPCProto)) { throw new Exception("Vob is not an NPC!"); } ((NPCProto)vob).Name = name; if (vob.Address == 0) { return; } Process process = Process.ThisProcess(); oCNpc pl = new oCNpc(process, vob.Address); if (((NPCProto)vob).hideName) { pl.Name.Set(""); } else { pl.Name.Set(name); } }
public void Read(RakNet.BitStream stream, RakNet.Packet packet, Client client) { String animation = ""; byte start = 0; int plID = 0; stream.Read(out plID); stream.Read(out animation); stream.Read(out start); if (plID == 0 || !sWorld.VobDict.ContainsKey(plID)) { throw new Exception("Vob not found!"); } Vob vob = sWorld.VobDict[plID]; if (!(vob is NPCProto)) { throw new Exception("Vob is not a NPC!"); } NPCProto npcProto = (NPCProto)vob; if (start == 1 && !npcProto.AnimationList.Contains(animation)) { npcProto.AnimationList.Add(animation); } else if (start == 0 && npcProto.AnimationList.Contains(animation)) { npcProto.AnimationList.Remove(animation); } else if (start == 2) { npcProto.Overlays.Add(animation); } else if (start == 3) { npcProto.Overlays.Remove(animation); } else if (start == 4) { npcProto.Overlays.Clear(); } else if (start == 5 && vob.Address == 0) { npcProto.AnimationList.Clear(); } if (vob.Address == 0) { return; } Process process = Process.ThisProcess(); oCNpc npc = new oCNpc(process, vob.Address); zString str = zString.Create(process, animation); if (start == 1) { npc.GetModel().StartAnimation(str); } else if (start == 0) { npc.GetModel().StopAnimation(str); } else if (start == 2) { npc.ApplyOverlay(str); } else if (start == 3) { npc.RemoveOverlay(str); } else if (start == 4) { zCArray <zString> overlays = npc.ActiveOverlays; int size = overlays.Size; for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) { npc.RemoveOverlay(overlays.get(i)); } } else if (start == 5) { foreach (String iAnim in npcProto.AnimationList) { zString iStr = zString.Create(process, iAnim); npc.GetModel().StopAnimation(iStr); iStr.Dispose(); } npcProto.AnimationList.Clear(); } str.Dispose(); }
public void Read(RakNet.BitStream stream, RakNet.Packet packet, Client client) { String visual = "", BodyMesh = "", HeadMesh = ""; int plID = 0, bodyTex = 0, skinColor = 0, headTex = 0, teethTex = 0; stream.Read(out plID); if (plID == 0 || !sWorld.VobDict.ContainsKey(plID)) { throw new Exception("Vob not found!"); } Vob vob = sWorld.VobDict[plID]; if (vob is NPCProto) { NPCProto npcP = (NPCProto)vob; stream.Read(out visual); stream.Read(out BodyMesh); stream.Read(out bodyTex); stream.Read(out skinColor); stream.Read(out HeadMesh); stream.Read(out headTex); stream.Read(out teethTex); npcP.SetVisual(visual, BodyMesh, HeadMesh, bodyTex, skinColor, headTex, teethTex); //bool visualSame = false; //if (vob.Visual.ToUpper().Trim() == visual.ToUpper().Trim()) // visualSame = true; //vob.Visual = visual; //npcP.BodyMesh = BodyMesh; //npcP.BodyTex = bodyTex; //npcP.SkinColor = skinColor; //npcP.HeadMesh = HeadMesh; //npcP.HeadTex = headTex; //npcP.TeethTex = teethTex; //if (!visualSame && visual.ToUpper().Trim() != "HUMANS.MDS") // npcP.setWeaponMode(1); //if (vob.Address == 0) // return; //if (!visualSame) //{ // int oldAdress = npcP.Address; // npcP.Despawn(); // npcP.Spawn(npcP.Map, npcP.Position, npcP.Direction); // if (Player.Hero == npcP) // { // new oCNpc(Process.ThisProcess(), npcP.Address).SetAsPlayer(); // if (oldAdress != 0) // { // new oCNpc(Process.ThisProcess(), oldAdress).Disable(); // } // } // npcP.Enable(npcP.Position); // return; //} //Process process = Process.ThisProcess(); //zCVob zVob = new zCVob(Process.ThisProcess(), vob.Address); //oCNpc npc = new oCNpc(process, vob.Address); //npc.SetAdditionalVisuals(BodyMesh, bodyTex, skinColor, HeadMesh, headTex, teethTex, -1); } }
public void Read(RakNet.BitStream stream, RakNet.Packet packet, Client client) { int vobID = 0, playerID = 0; byte mobInterTypeInt = 0; char mobInterKey = '0'; short startChangeState0 = 0, startChangeState1 = 1; stream.Read(out mobInterTypeInt); stream.Read(out playerID); stream.Read(out vobID); MobInterNetwork mobInterFlags = (MobInterNetwork)mobInterTypeInt; if (mobInterFlags.HasFlag(MobInterNetwork.PickLock)) { stream.Read(out mobInterKey); } if (mobInterFlags.HasFlag(MobInterNetwork.StartStateChange)) { stream.Read(out startChangeState0); stream.Read(out startChangeState1); } if (playerID == 0 || !sWorld.VobDict.ContainsKey(playerID)) { throw new Exception("Player not found!"); } Vob plVob = sWorld.VobDict[playerID]; if (!(plVob is NPCProto)) { throw new Exception("PlayerVob was not from type Player: " + plVob); } NPCProto player = (NPCProto)plVob; if (vobID == 0 || !sWorld.VobDict.ContainsKey(vobID)) { throw new Exception("Vob not found!"); } Vob vob = sWorld.VobDict[vobID]; if (!(vob is MobInter)) { throw new Exception("Vob was not from type MobInter: " + vob); } MobInter mob = (MobInter)vob; Process process = Process.ThisProcess(); if (mobInterFlags == MobInterNetwork.PickLock) { if (!(vob is MobLockable)) { throw new Exception("Vob was not from type MobLockable: " + vob); } } else if (mobInterFlags == MobInterNetwork.OnTrigger) { mob.State = 1; if (mob.Address != 0) { oCMobInter mI = new oCMobInter(process, mob.Address); //mI.GetModel().StartAnimation("T_S0_2_S1"); mI.OnTrigger(new zCVob(process, mI.Address), new zCVob(process, player.Address)); //mI.State = 1; //mI.StateAniID = mI.GetModel().GetAniIDFromAniName("S_S1"); } } else if (mobInterFlags == MobInterNetwork.OnUnTrigger) { mob.State = 0; if (mob.Address != 0) { oCMobInter mI = new oCMobInter(process, mob.Address); //mI.GetModel().StartAnimation("T_S1_2_S0"); mI.OnUnTrigger(new zCVob(process, mI.Address), new zCVob(process, player.Address)); //mI.State = 0; //mI.StateAniID = mI.GetModel().GetAniIDFromAniName("S_S0"); //mI.StateAniID = mI.GetModel(). } } else if (mobInterFlags == MobInterNetwork.StartInteraction) { if (mob.Address != 0) { new oCMobInter(process, mob.Address).StartInteraction(new oCNpc(process, player.Address)); } } else if (mobInterFlags == MobInterNetwork.StopInteraction) { if (mob.Address != 0) { new oCMobInter(process, mob.Address).StopInteraction(new oCNpc(process, player.Address)); } } else if (mobInterFlags == MobInterNetwork.StartStateChange) { if (mob.Address != 0) { oCMobInter mI = new oCMobInter(process, mob.Address); mI.StartStateChange(new oCNpc(process, player.Address), startChangeState0, startChangeState1); } } }
public void Read(RakNet.BitStream stream, RakNet.Packet packet, Client client) { byte type = 0; stream.Read(out type); GuiMessageType gmT = (GuiMessageType)type; int viewID = 0; if (gmT == GuiMessageType.Show) { stream.Read(out viewID); View v = getViewFromList(viewID);; } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.Hide) { stream.Read(out viewID); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); v.hide(); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.SetPosition) { Vec2i position; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out position); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); v.setPosition(position); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.Destroy) { stream.Read(out viewID); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); v.Destroy(); }//Creation: else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateTexture) { Vec2i position, size; string texture; int parentID = 0; int guiEvents = 0; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out position); stream.Read(out size); stream.Read(out texture); stream.Read(out parentID); stream.Read(out guiEvents); Texture tex = new Texture(viewID, texture, position, size, getTextureParentFromList(parentID), (GUIEvents)guiEvents); viewList.Add(viewID, tex); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateText) { Vec2i position; string text, font; ColorRGBA color; int parentID = 0; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out position); stream.Read(out text); stream.Read(out font); stream.Read(out color); stream.Read(out parentID); Text textView = new Text(viewID, text, font, position, getTextureParentFromList(parentID), color); viewList.Add(viewID, textView); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateTextBox) { Vec2i position; string text, font; ColorRGBA color; int parentID = 0, sendKey, startWriteKey, resetKey; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out position); stream.Read(out text); stream.Read(out font); stream.Read(out color); stream.Read(out sendKey); stream.Read(out startWriteKey); stream.Read(out resetKey); stream.Read(out parentID); TextBox textView = new TextBox(viewID, text, font, position, getTextureParentFromList(parentID), color, resetKey, startWriteKey, sendKey); viewList.Add(viewID, textView); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateTextArea) { Vec2i position, size; string text, font; ColorRGBA color; int parentID = 0, sendKey, startWriteKey, resetKey; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out position); stream.Read(out size); stream.Read(out text); stream.Read(out font); stream.Read(out color); stream.Read(out sendKey); stream.Read(out startWriteKey); stream.Read(out resetKey); stream.Read(out parentID); TextArea textView = new TextArea(viewID, text, font, position, size, getTextureParentFromList(parentID), color, resetKey, startWriteKey, sendKey); viewList.Add(viewID, textView); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateMessageBox) { Vec2i position; int parentID = 0; String font; byte lines; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out position); stream.Read(out parentID); stream.Read(out font); stream.Read(out lines); MessageBox messageBox = new MessageBox(viewID, lines, font, position, getTextureParentFromList(parentID)); viewList.Add(viewID, messageBox); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateCursor) { Vec2i position, size; string texture; int parentID = 0; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out position); stream.Read(out size); stream.Read(out texture); stream.Read(out parentID); Cursor tex = new Cursor(viewID, texture, position, size); viewList.Add(viewID, tex); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateButton) { Vec2i position, size; string texture, text, font; int parentID = 0; ColorRGBA color; int guiEvents = 0; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out position); stream.Read(out size); stream.Read(out text); stream.Read(out texture); stream.Read(out font); stream.Read(out color); stream.Read(out parentID); stream.Read(out guiEvents); Button tex = new Button(viewID, text, texture, font, color, position, size, getTextureParentFromList(parentID), (GUIEvents)guiEvents); viewList.Add(viewID, tex); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateList) { Vec2i position, size; string texture, font; int parentID = 0; int guiEvents = 0; byte lines = 0; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out position); stream.Read(out size); stream.Read(out texture); stream.Read(out parentID); //stream.Read(out guiEvents); stream.Read(out lines); stream.Read(out font); GUI.GuiList.List tex = new GUI.GuiList.List(viewID, lines, font, position, size, texture, getTextureParentFromList(parentID), (GUIEvents)guiEvents); viewList.Add(viewID, tex); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateListText) { String text = ""; int parentID = 0; ColorRGBA activeColor, inactiveColor; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out text); stream.Read(out parentID); stream.Read(out activeColor); stream.Read(out inactiveColor); GUI.GuiList.List list = getListParentFromList(parentID); GUI.GuiList.ListText listelement = new GUI.GuiList.ListText(viewID, text, list, activeColor, inactiveColor); list.addRow(listelement); viewList.Add(viewID, listelement); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateListButton) { String text = ""; int parentID = 0; ColorRGBA activeColor, inactiveColor; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out text); stream.Read(out parentID); stream.Read(out activeColor); stream.Read(out inactiveColor); GUI.GuiList.List list = getListParentFromList(parentID); GUI.GuiList.ListButton listelement = new GUI.GuiList.ListButton(viewID, text, list, activeColor, inactiveColor); list.addRow(listelement); viewList.Add(viewID, listelement); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateListTextBox) { String text = ""; String hardText = ""; int parentID = 0; ColorRGBA activeColor, inactiveColor; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out hardText); stream.Read(out text); stream.Read(out parentID); stream.Read(out activeColor); stream.Read(out inactiveColor); GUI.GuiList.List list = getListParentFromList(parentID); GUI.GuiList.ListTextBox listelement = new GUI.GuiList.ListTextBox(viewID, hardText, text, list, activeColor, inactiveColor); list.addRow(listelement); viewList.Add(viewID, listelement); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateText3D) { Vec3f position; float maxDistance; int parentID = 0; String world = ""; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out position); stream.Read(out world); stream.Read(out maxDistance); stream.Read(out parentID); int rowCount = 0; stream.Read(out rowCount); Text3D textView = new Text3D(viewID, world, maxDistance, position); for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { String text = ""; ColorRGBA color = ColorRGBA.White; long time = 0, blendTime; stream.Read(out text); stream.Read(out color); stream.Read(out time); stream.Read(out blendTime); textView.addRow(new Text3D.Text3DRow() { Text = text, Color = color, Time = time, BlendTime = blendTime }); } viewList.Add(viewID, textView); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.CreateTextPlayer) { int playerID = 0; float maxDistance; int parentID = 0; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out playerID); stream.Read(out maxDistance); stream.Read(out parentID); int rowCount = 0; stream.Read(out rowCount); Vob vob = null; if (!sWorld.VobDict.TryGetValue(playerID, out vob)) { throw new Exception("Player id:" + playerID + " was not found!"); } if (!(vob is Player)) { throw new Exception("Vob is not a Player: " + playerID + " " + vob); } PlayerText textView = new PlayerText(viewID, (Player)vob, maxDistance); for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { String text = ""; ColorRGBA color = ColorRGBA.White; long time = 0, blendTime; stream.Read(out text); stream.Read(out color); stream.Read(out time); stream.Read(out blendTime); textView.addRow(new Text3D.Text3DRow() { Text = text, Color = color, Time = time, BlendTime = blendTime }); } viewList.Add(viewID, textView); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.Text3DAddRow) { String text = ""; ColorRGBA color = ColorRGBA.White; long time = 0, blendTime = 0; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out text); stream.Read(out color); stream.Read(out time); stream.Read(out blendTime); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is Text3D)) { throw new Exception("Text3DAddRow works only with a Text3D!: " + v); } Text3D t3d = (Text3D)v; t3d.addRow(new Text3D.Text3DRow() { Text = text, Color = color, Time = time, BlendTime = blendTime }); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.Text3DClear) { stream.Read(out viewID); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is Text3D)) { throw new Exception("Text3DAddRow works only with a Text3D!: " + v); } Text3D t3d = (Text3D)v; t3d.Clear(); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.Text3DPosition) { Vec3f position = new Vec3f(); stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out position); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is Text3D)) { throw new Exception("Text3DAddRow works only with a Text3D!: " + v); } Text3D t3d = (Text3D)v; t3d.setPosition(position); } //Texture: else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.SetTexture) { String texture = ""; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out texture); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is Texture) && !(v is Button)) { throw new Exception("SetTexture works only with a texture or buttons!: " + v); } Texture tex = (Texture)v; tex.setTexture(texture); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.SetSize) { Vec2i position; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out position); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is Texture) && !(v is Button)) { throw new Exception("SetSize works only with a texture or buttons!: " + v); } Texture tex = (Texture)v; tex.setSize(position); }//Text&TextBox: else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.SetText) { String text = ""; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out text); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is Text) && !(v is TextBox) && !(v is TextArea) && !(v is Button)) { throw new Exception("SetText works only with a text and textbox!: " + v); } if (v is Text) { Text tex = (Text)v; tex.setText(text); } else if (v is TextBox) { TextBox tex = (TextBox)v; tex.setText(text); } else if (v is TextArea) { TextArea tex = (TextArea)v; tex.setText(text); } else if (v is Button) { Button button = (Button)v; button.setText(text); } } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.SetTextFont) { String font = ""; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out font); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is Text) && !(v is TextBox)) { throw new Exception("SetFont works only with a text and textbox!: " + v); } if (v is Text) { Text tex = (Text)v; tex.setFont(font); } else if (v is TextBox) { TextBox tex = (TextBox)v; tex.setFont(font); } } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.SetTextColor) { ColorRGBA color; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out color); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is Text) && !(v is TextBox) && !(v is TextArea)) { throw new Exception("SetColor works only with a text and textbox!: " + v); } if (v is Text) { Text tex = (Text)v; tex.setColor(color); } else if (v is TextBox) { TextBox tex = (TextBox)v; tex.setColor(color); } else if (v is TextArea) { TextArea tex = (TextArea)v; tex.setColor(color); } }//TextBox! else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.TextBoxStartWriting) { stream.Read(out viewID); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is TextBox) && !(v is TextArea)) { throw new Exception("TextBoxStartWriting works only with a textbox!: " + v); } if (v is TextBox) { TextBox tex = (TextBox)v; tex.startWriting(); } else if (v is TextArea) { TextArea tex = (TextArea)v; tex.startWriting(); } } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.TextBoxStopWriting) { stream.Read(out viewID); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is TextBox) && !(v is TextArea)) { throw new Exception("TextBoxStartWriting works only with a textbox!: " + v); } if (v is TextBox) { TextBox tex = (TextBox)v; tex.stopWriting(); } else if (v is TextArea) { TextArea tex = (TextArea)v; tex.stopWriting(); } } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.TextBoxCallSend) { stream.Read(out viewID); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is TextBox) && !(v is TextArea)) { throw new Exception("TextBoxStartWriting works only with a textbox!: " + v); } if (v is TextBox) { TextBox tex = (TextBox)v; tex.callSendText(); } else if (v is TextArea) { TextArea tex = (TextArea)v; tex.callSendText(); } } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.TextBoxSetStartWritingKey) { int key = 0; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out key); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is TextBox) && !(v is TextArea)) { throw new Exception("TextBoxStartWriting works only with a textbox!: " + v); } if (v is TextBox) { TextBox tex = (TextBox)v; tex.setEnableKey(key); } else if (v is TextArea) { TextArea tex = (TextArea)v; tex.setEnableKey(key); } } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.TextBoxSetSendKey) { int key = 0; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out key); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is TextBox) && !(v is TextArea)) { throw new Exception("TextBoxStartWriting works only with a textbox!: " + v); } if (v is TextBox) { TextBox tex = (TextBox)v; tex.setSendKey(key); } else if (v is TextArea) { TextArea tex = (TextArea)v; tex.setSendKey(key); } } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.TextBoxSetResetKey) { int key = 0; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out key); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is TextBox) && !(v is TextArea)) { throw new Exception("TextBoxStartWriting works only with a textbox!: " + v); } if (v is TextBox) { TextBox tex = (TextBox)v; tex.setResetKey(key); } else if (v is TextArea) { TextArea tex = (TextArea)v; tex.setResetKey(key); } }//MessageBox: else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.MessageBoxAddLine) { String message; ColorRGBA color; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out color); stream.Read(out message); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is MessageBox)) { throw new Exception("TextBoxStartWriting works only with a textbox!: " + v); } MessageBox tex = (MessageBox)v; tex.addMessage(message, color); } }
public void Read(RakNet.BitStream stream, RakNet.Packet packet, Server server) { }
public void Read(RakNet.BitStream stream, RakNet.Packet packet, Server server) { byte type = 0; int itemID = 0, playerID = 0, mobContainerID, amount = 0; stream.Read(out type); stream.Read(out playerID); stream.Read(out mobContainerID); stream.Read(out itemID); if (!sWorld.VobDict.ContainsKey(playerID)) { throw new Exception("Player ID was not found: " + playerID); } NPCProto npc = (NPCProto)sWorld.VobDict[playerID]; if (!sWorld.VobDict.ContainsKey(mobContainerID)) { throw new Exception("MobContainer ID was not found: " + mobContainerID); } IContainer mobContainer = (IContainer)sWorld.VobDict[mobContainerID]; ContainerItemChanged cic = (ContainerItemChanged)type; if (cic == ContainerItemChanged.itemRemoved) { stream.Read(out amount); if (!sWorld.VobDict.ContainsKey(itemID)) { throw new Exception("Item ID was not found: " + itemID); } Item item = (Item)sWorld.VobDict[itemID]; if (item.ItemInstance.Flags.HasFlag(Flags.ITEM_MULTI)) { if (item.Amount - amount <= 0) { Item itemInInventory = npc.getItemByInstance(item.ItemInstance); if (itemInInventory == null) { itemInInventory = item; item.ScriptingProto.toContainer(npc.ScriptingNPC); } else { itemInInventory.ScriptingProto.Amount += amount; item.ScriptingProto.Amount = 0; } UpdateMobContainer(amount, npc, mobContainer, itemInInventory); } else { Item itemInInventory = npc.HasItem(item.ItemInstance.ID); if (itemInInventory == null) { itemInInventory = npc.ScriptingNPC.addItem(item.ItemInstance.ScriptingProto, amount).ProtoItem; item.ScriptingProto.Amount -= amount; } else { itemInInventory.ScriptingProto.Amount += amount; item.ScriptingProto.Amount -= amount; } UpdateMobContainer(amount, npc, mobContainer, itemInInventory); } } else { item.ScriptingProto.toContainer(npc.ScriptingNPC); UpdateMobContainer(item.Amount, npc, mobContainer, item); } } else if (cic == ContainerItemChanged.itemInsertedOld) { if (!sWorld.VobDict.ContainsKey(itemID)) { throw new Exception("Item ID was not found: " + itemID); } Item item = (Item)sWorld.VobDict[itemID]; if (item.ItemInstance.Flags.HasFlag(Flags.ITEM_MULTI)) { Item gI = null; List <Item> imList = null; if (mobContainer is MobContainer) { imList = ((MobContainer)mobContainer).itemList; } else { imList = ((NPCProto)mobContainer).ItemList; } foreach (Item i in imList) { if (i.ItemInstance == item.ItemInstance) { gI = i; break; } } if (gI == null) { if (mobContainer is MobContainer) { item.ScriptingProto.toContainer((Scripting.Objects.Mob.MobContainer)((MobContainer)mobContainer).ScriptingVob); } else if (mobContainer is NPCProto) { item.ScriptingProto.toContainer(((NPCProto)mobContainer).ScriptingNPC); } UpdateMobContainer(item.Amount, npc, mobContainer, item); } else { int _amount = item.Amount; gI.ScriptingProto.Amount += item.Amount; item.ScriptingProto.Amount = 0; UpdateMobContainer(_amount, npc, mobContainer, gI); } } else { if (mobContainer is MobContainer) { item.ScriptingProto.toContainer((Scripting.Objects.Mob.MobContainer)((MobContainer)mobContainer).ScriptingVob); } else if (mobContainer is NPCProto) { item.ScriptingProto.toContainer(((NPCProto)mobContainer).ScriptingNPC); } UpdateMobContainer(item.Amount, npc, mobContainer, item); } } else if (cic == ContainerItemChanged.itemInsertedNew) { if (!ItemInstance.ItemInstanceDict.ContainsKey(itemID)) { throw new Exception("Iteminstance ID was not found: " + itemID); } ItemInstance item = (ItemInstance)ItemInstance.ItemInstanceDict[itemID]; Item newItem = null; if (mobContainer is MobContainer) { newItem = ((Scripting.Objects.Mob.MobContainer)((MobContainer)mobContainer).ScriptingVob).addItem(item.ScriptingProto, 1).ProtoItem; } else if (mobContainer is NPCProto) { newItem = (((NPCProto)mobContainer).ScriptingNPC).addItem(item.ScriptingProto, 1).ProtoItem; } Item i = npc.getItemByInstance(item); if (i == null) { throw new Exception("NPC has not the item: " + item.ID); } i.ScriptingProto.Amount -= 1; UpdateMobContainer(1, npc, mobContainer, newItem); } }
public void Read(RakNet.BitStream stream, RakNet.Packet packet, Server server) { int playerID = 0; byte type = 0; stream.Read(out type); stream.Read(out playerID); Player pl = (Player)sWorld.VobDict[playerID]; GuiMessageType gmT = (GuiMessageType)type; int viewID = 0; if (gmT == GuiMessageType.TextBoxCallSend) { String message; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out message); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is TextBox)) { throw new Exception("TextBoxCallSend needs a TextBox " + v); } TextBox tex = (TextBox)v; TextBox.OnTextSends(tex, (Scripting.Objects.Character.Player)pl.ScriptingNPC, message); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.ButtonPressed) { stream.Read(out viewID); View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (!(v is Button)) { throw new Exception("ButtonPressed needs a Button " + v); } Button button = (Button)v; Button.OnButtonPress(button, (Scripting.Objects.Character.Player)pl.ScriptingNPC); } else if (gmT == GuiMessageType.GuiEvent) { int guiEvent = 0; stream.Read(out viewID); stream.Read(out guiEvent); GUIEvents evt = (GUIEvents)guiEvent; View v = getViewFromList(viewID); if (evt.HasFlag(GUIEvents.LeftClicked)) { if ((v is Button)) { Button button = (Button)v; Button.OnButtonPress(button, (Scripting.Objects.Character.Player)pl.ScriptingNPC); } Texture tex = (Texture)v; Texture.isOnLeftClick(tex, (Scripting.Objects.Character.Player)pl.ScriptingNPC); } else if (evt.HasFlag(GUIEvents.RightClicked)) { Texture.isOnRightClick((Texture)v, (Scripting.Objects.Character.Player)pl.ScriptingNPC); } else if (evt.HasFlag(GUIEvents.Hover)) { bool hover = false; stream.Read(out hover); Texture.isOnHover((Texture)v, (Scripting.Objects.Character.Player)pl.ScriptingNPC, hover); } else if (evt.HasFlag(GUIEvents.ListButtonClicked)) { Scripting.GUI.GuiList.ListButton.isOnClick((Scripting.GUI.GuiList.ListButton)v, (Scripting.Objects.Character.Player)pl.ScriptingNPC); //Texture.isOnHover((Texture)v, (Scripting.Objects.Character.Player)pl.ScriptingNPC, hover); } else if (evt.HasFlag(GUIEvents.ListTextBoxSend)) { String text = ""; stream.Read(out text); Scripting.GUI.GuiList.ListTextBox.isOnTextSend((Scripting.GUI.GuiList.ListTextBox)v, (Scripting.Objects.Character.Player)pl.ScriptingNPC, text); //Texture.isOnHover((Texture)v, (Scripting.Objects.Character.Player)pl.ScriptingNPC, hover); } } }
public void Read(RakNet.BitStream stream, RakNet.Packet packet, Client client) { CGameManager.ExitGameFunc(Process.ThisProcess()); }