Esempio n. 1
        public static void ApplyCustom()
            var window   = RainbowFoldersPopup.GetDraggableWindow();
            var position = RainbowFoldersEditorUtility.GetProjectWindow().position.position + new Vector2(10f, 30f);
            var paths    = Selection.assetGUIDs.Select <string, string>(AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath).Where(AssetDatabase.IsValidFolder).ToList();

            window.ShowWithParams(position, paths.ToList(), 0);
Esempio n. 2
        public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
            var originalPosition = position;

            var folderKey       = property.FindPropertyRelative("Key");
            var folderKeyType   = property.FindPropertyRelative("Type");
            var folderRecursive = property.FindPropertyRelative("IsRecursive");
            var smallIcon       = property.FindPropertyRelative("SmallIcon");
            var largeIcon       = property.FindPropertyRelative("LargeIcon");

            // Labels

            position.y     += PADDING;
            position.width  = LABELS_WIDTH - PADDING;
            position.height = LINE_HEIGHT;

            var typeSelected = (KeyType)Enum.GetValues(typeof(KeyType)).GetValue(folderKeyType.enumValueIndex);

            folderKeyType.enumValueIndex = (int)(KeyType)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(position, typeSelected);

            position.y += LINE_HEIGHT + SPACING;
            EditorGUI.LabelField(position, "Recursive");

            position.y += LINE_HEIGHT + SPACING;
            EditorGUI.LabelField(position, "Small Icon");

            position.y += LINE_HEIGHT + SPACING;
            EditorGUI.LabelField(position, "Large Icon");

            // Values

            position.x    += LABELS_WIDTH;
            position.y     = originalPosition.y + PADDING;
            position.width = originalPosition.width - LABELS_WIDTH;
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, folderKey, GUIContent.none);

            position.width = originalPosition.width - LABELS_WIDTH - PREVIEW_SIZE_LARGE - PADDING;
            position.y    += LINE_HEIGHT + (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ?  0f : SPACING);
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, folderRecursive, GUIContent.none);

            position.y += LINE_HEIGHT + SPACING + (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? SPACING : 0f);
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, smallIcon, GUIContent.none);

            position.y += LINE_HEIGHT + SPACING;
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, largeIcon, GUIContent.none);

            // Preview

            position.x    += position.width + PADDING;
            position.y     = originalPosition.y + LINE_HEIGHT + SPACING + 5f;
            position.width = position.height = PREVIEW_SIZE_LARGE;
            GUI.DrawTexture(position, (Texture2D)largeIcon.objectReferenceValue ?? RainbowFoldersEditorUtility.GetDefaultFolderIcon());

            position.y    += PREVIEW_SIZE_LARGE - PREVIEW_SIZE_SMALL - 4f;
            position.width = position.height = PREVIEW_SIZE_SMALL;
            GUI.DrawTexture(position, (Texture2D)smallIcon.objectReferenceValue ?? RainbowFoldersEditorUtility.GetDefaultFolderIcon());
Esempio n. 3
        public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
            Rect originalPosition = position;

            SerializedProperty folderColor = property.FindPropertyRelative("Color");
            SerializedProperty smallIcon   = property.FindPropertyRelative("SmallIcon");
            SerializedProperty largeIcon   = property.FindPropertyRelative("LargeIcon");
            SerializedProperty background  = property.FindPropertyRelative("Background");

            // Labels

            position.y     += PADDING;
            position.width  = LABELS_WIDTH;
            position.height = LINE_HEIGHT;

            EditorGUI.LabelField(position, "Folder Color");
            position.y += LINE_HEIGHT;
            EditorGUI.LabelField(position, "Small Icon");
            position.y += LINE_HEIGHT;
            EditorGUI.LabelField(position, "Large Icon");
            position.y += LINE_HEIGHT;
            EditorGUI.LabelField(position, "Background");

            // Values

            position.x    += LABELS_WIDTH;
            position.y     = originalPosition.y + PADDING;
            position.width = originalPosition.width - LABELS_WIDTH - PREVIEW_SIZE_LARGE - PADDING;

            EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, folderColor, GUIContent.none);
            position.y += LINE_HEIGHT;
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, smallIcon, GUIContent.none);
            position.y += LINE_HEIGHT;
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, largeIcon, GUIContent.none);
            position.y += LINE_HEIGHT;
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, background, GUIContent.none);

            // Preview

            position.x    += position.width + PADDING;
            position.y     = originalPosition.y;
            position.width = position.height = PREVIEW_SIZE_LARGE;
            GUI.DrawTexture(position, (Texture2D)largeIcon.objectReferenceValue ?? RainbowFoldersEditorUtility.GetDefaultFolderIcon());

            position.y    += PREVIEW_SIZE_LARGE - PREVIEW_SIZE_SMALL - 4f;
            position.width = position.height = PREVIEW_SIZE_SMALL;
            GUI.DrawTexture(position, (Texture2D)smallIcon.objectReferenceValue ?? RainbowFoldersEditorUtility.GetDefaultFolderIcon());

            position.y      = originalPosition.y + PREVIEW_SIZE_LARGE;
            position.width  = PREVIEW_SIZE_LARGE;
            position.height = 10f;
            if (background.objectReferenceValue != null)
                GUI.DrawTexture(position, (Texture2D)background.objectReferenceValue);
        public static RainbowFoldersSettings Load()
            var settings = Resources.Load <RainbowFoldersSettings>(RESOURCE_NAME);

            if (settings == null)
                RainbowFoldersEditorUtility.CreateAsset <RainbowFoldersSettings>(RESOURCE_NAME, "Assets/Resources");
                settings = Resources.Load <RainbowFoldersSettings>(RESOURCE_NAME);
Esempio n. 5
        private void ButtonPresets(Rect rect)
            var icon = RainbowFoldersEditorUtility.GetPresetsButtonIcon();

            if (!GUI.Button(rect, new GUIContent(icon, "Presets"), GUIStyle.none))

            RainbowFoldersPresetsMenu.ShowDropDown(rect, _currentFolder);
Esempio n. 6
        // Helpers

        private void ButtonSettings(Rect rect)
            var icon = RainbowFoldersEditorUtility.GetSettingsButtonIcon();

            if (!GUI.Button(rect, new GUIContent(icon, "Settings"), GUIStyle.none))
            Selection.activeObject = _settings;
Esempio n. 7
        private void ButtonDefault(Rect rect)
            var icon = RainbowFoldersEditorUtility.GetDeleteButtonIcon();

            if (!GUI.Button(rect, new GUIContent(icon, "Revert to Default"), GUIStyle.none))
            _currentFolder.IsRecursive = false;
            _currentFolder.SmallIcon   = null;
            _currentFolder.LargeIcon   = null;
        // Messages

        public override void OnGUI()

            // Background

            var borderColor = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? new Color(0.13f, 0.13f, 0.13f) : new Color(0.51f, 0.51f, 0.51f);

            EditorGUI.DrawRect(WINDOW_RECT, borderColor);

            var backgroundColor = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? new Color(0.18f, 0.18f, 0.18f) : new Color(0.83f, 0.83f, 0.83f);

            EditorGUI.DrawRect(BACKGROUND_RECT, backgroundColor);

            // Content

       = true;
                GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent(RainbowFoldersEditorUtility.GetAssetLogo()));

                    GUILayout.Label("Welcome!", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
                    GUILayout.Label("With \"Rainbow Folders\" you can set custom icon for any folder in Unity project browser.");

            GUILayout.Label("• Just hold the Alt key and click on any folder icon.");
            GUILayout.Label("• Configuration dialogue will appear, and you'll be able to assign icons the for the corresponding folder, your own ones or chose from dozens of presets.");
            GUILayout.Label("• To revert the folder icon to the default, just Alt-click on it, then press the red cross button in configuration dialogue and apply changes.");
            GUILayout.Label("• You can also edit multiple folders at once, just select them all and Alt-click at one of their icons.\n");

                if (GUILayout.Button("More Info", GUILayout.Width(100f)))
                if (GUILayout.Button("Close", GUILayout.Width(100f)))
Esempio n. 9
        public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
            var originalPosition = position;

            var folderTag = property.FindPropertyRelative("Tag");
            var smallIcon = property.FindPropertyRelative("SmallIcon");
            var largeIcon = property.FindPropertyRelative("LargeIcon");

            // Labels
            position.y     += PADDING;
            position.width  = LABELS_WIDTH;
            position.height = LINE_HEIGHT;

            EditorGUI.LabelField(position, "Folder Tag");
            position.y += LINE_HEIGHT;
            EditorGUI.LabelField(position, "Small Icon");
            position.y += LINE_HEIGHT;
            EditorGUI.LabelField(position, "Large Icon");

            // Values

            position.x    += LABELS_WIDTH;
            position.y     = originalPosition.y + PADDING;
            position.width = originalPosition.width - LABELS_WIDTH - PREVIEW_SIZE_LARGE - PADDING;

            EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, folderTag, GUIContent.none);
            position.y += LINE_HEIGHT;
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, smallIcon, GUIContent.none);
            position.y += LINE_HEIGHT;
            EditorGUI.PropertyField(position, largeIcon, GUIContent.none);

            // Preview

            position.x    += position.width + PADDING;
            position.y     = originalPosition.y;
            position.width = position.height = PREVIEW_SIZE_LARGE;
            GUI.DrawTexture(position, (Texture2D)largeIcon.objectReferenceValue ?? RainbowFoldersEditorUtility.GetDefaultFolderIcon());

            position.y    += PREVIEW_SIZE_LARGE - PREVIEW_SIZE_SMALL - 4f;
            position.width = position.height = PREVIEW_SIZE_SMALL;
            GUI.DrawTexture(position, (Texture2D)smallIcon.objectReferenceValue ?? RainbowFoldersEditorUtility.GetDefaultFolderIcon());
        private static void DrawEditIcon(string guid, Rect rect)
            if ((Event.current.modifiers & RainbowFoldersPreferences.ModifierKey) == EventModifiers.None)
                _multiSelection = false;

            var isSmall     = IsIconSmall(ref rect);
            var isMouseOver = rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition);

            _multiSelection = (IsSelected(guid)) ? isMouseOver || _multiSelection : !isMouseOver && _multiSelection;

            // if mouse is not over current folder icon or selected group
            if (!isMouseOver && (!IsSelected(guid) || !_multiSelection))

            var path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid);

            if (!AssetDatabase.IsValidFolder(path))

            var editIcon = RainbowFoldersEditorUtility.GetEditFolderIcon(isSmall);

            DrawCustomIcon(guid, rect, editIcon, isSmall);

            if (GUI.Button(rect, GUIContent.none, GUIStyle.none))
                ShowPopupWindow(rect, path);

        private static void DrawCustomIcon(string guid, Rect rect, Texture texture, bool isSmall)
            if (rect.width > LARGE_ICON_SIZE)
                // center the icon if it is zoomed
                var offset = (rect.width - LARGE_ICON_SIZE) / 2f;
                rect = new Rect(rect.x + offset, rect.y + offset, LARGE_ICON_SIZE, LARGE_ICON_SIZE);
                // unity shifted small icons a bit in 5.5
                #if UNITY_5_5
                if (isSmall)
                    rect = new Rect(rect.x + 3, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);

            if (_isCollabEnabled())
                var background = RainbowFoldersEditorUtility.GetCollabBackground(isSmall, EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin);
                GUI.DrawTexture(rect, background);
                GUI.DrawTexture(rect, texture);
                _drawCollabOverlay(guid, rect);
            else if (_isVcsEnabled())
                var iconRect = (!isSmall) ? rect : new Rect(rect.x + 7, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
                GUI.DrawTexture(iconRect, texture);
                _drawVcsOverlay(guid, rect);
                GUI.DrawTexture(rect, texture);
Esempio n. 12
        // Messages

        public override void OnGUI()
            var rect = WINDOW_RECT;

            // Background

            var borderColor = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? new Color(0.13f, 0.13f, 0.13f) : new Color(0.51f, 0.51f, 0.51f);

            EditorGUI.DrawRect(WINDOW_RECT, borderColor);

            var backgroundColor = EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? new Color(0.18f, 0.18f, 0.18f) : new Color(0.83f, 0.83f, 0.83f);

            EditorGUI.DrawRect(BACKGROUND_RECT, backgroundColor);

            // Labels

            rect.x     += 0.5f * PADDING;
            rect.y     += PADDING;
            rect.width  = LABELS_WIDTH - PADDING;
            rect.height = LINE_HEIGHT;

            _currentFolder.Type = (KeyType)EditorGUI.EnumPopup(rect, _currentFolder.Type);

            rect.y += LINE_HEIGHT + SPACING;
            EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, "Recursive");
            rect.y += LINE_HEIGHT + SPACING;
            EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, "Small Icon");
            rect.y += LINE_HEIGHT + SPACING;
            EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, "Large Icon");

            // Values

            rect.x    += LABELS_WIDTH;
            rect.y     = WINDOW_RECT.y + PADDING;
            rect.width = WINDOW_RECT.width - LABELS_WIDTH - PADDING;

            GUI.enabled = false;
            if (_paths.Count == 1)
                _currentFolder.Key = (_currentFolder.Type == KeyType.Path) ? _paths[0] : Path.GetFileName(_paths[0]);
                _currentFolder.Key = "---";
            EditorGUI.TextField(rect, GUIContent.none, _currentFolder.Key);
            GUI.enabled = true;

            rect.y     += LINE_HEIGHT + SPACING - (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? SPACING : 0f);
            rect.width -= PREVIEW_SIZE_LARGE + PADDING;
            _currentFolder.IsRecursive = EditorGUI.Toggle(rect, _currentFolder.IsRecursive);

            rect.y += LINE_HEIGHT + SPACING + (EditorGUIUtility.isProSkin ? SPACING : 0f);
            _currentFolder.SmallIcon = (Texture2D)EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, _currentFolder.SmallIcon, typeof(Texture2D), false);

            rect.y += LINE_HEIGHT + SPACING;
            _currentFolder.LargeIcon = (Texture2D)EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, _currentFolder.LargeIcon, typeof(Texture2D), false);

            // Preview

            rect.x    += rect.width + PADDING;
            rect.y     = WINDOW_RECT.y + LINE_HEIGHT + 6f;
            rect.width = rect.height = PREVIEW_SIZE_LARGE;
            GUI.DrawTexture(rect, RainbowFoldersEditorUtility.GetDefaultFolderIcon());
            if (_currentFolder.LargeIcon)
                GUI.DrawTexture(rect, _currentFolder.LargeIcon);

            rect.y    += PREVIEW_SIZE_LARGE - PREVIEW_SIZE_SMALL - 4f;
            rect.width = rect.height = PREVIEW_SIZE_SMALL;
            GUI.DrawTexture(rect, RainbowFoldersEditorUtility.GetDefaultFolderIcon());
            if (_currentFolder.SmallIcon)
                GUI.DrawTexture(rect, _currentFolder.SmallIcon);

            // Buttons

            rect.x     = PADDING;
            rect.y     = WINDOW_HEIGHT - LINE_HEIGHT - 0.75f * PADDING;
            rect.width = BUTTON_WIDTH_SMALL;

            rect.x += BUTTON_WIDTH_SMALL + 0.75f * PADDING;

            rect.x += BUTTON_WIDTH_SMALL + 0.75f * PADDING;

            rect.x     = WINDOW_WIDTH - 2f * (BUTTON_WIDTH + PADDING);
            rect.width = BUTTON_WIDTH;

            rect.x = WINDOW_WIDTH - BUTTON_WIDTH - PADDING;
        // Helpers

        private static Vector2 CalcWindowPosition()
            return(RainbowFoldersEditorUtility.GetProjectWindow().position.position + new Vector2(10f, 30f));