Esempio n. 1
            private SortedDictionary <RadioTapType, RadioTapField> ReadRadioTapFields()
                var bitmasks = this.Present;

                var retval = new SortedDictionary <RadioTapType, RadioTapField>();

                var bitIndex = 0;

                // create a binary reader that points to the memory immediately after the bitmasks
                var offset = this.header.Offset + RadioFields.PresentPosition + (bitmasks.Length) * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(UInt32));
                var br     = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(this.header.Bytes, offset, this.Length - offset));

                // now go through each of the bitmask fields looking at the least significant
                // bit first to retrieve each field
                foreach (var bmask in bitmasks)
                    var bmaskArray = new int[1];
                    bmaskArray[0] = (int)bmask;
                    var ba = new BitArray(bmaskArray);

                    var unhandledFieldFound = false;

                    // look at all of the bits, note we don't want to consider the
                    // highest bit since that indicates another bitfield that follows
                    for (var x = 0; x < 31; x++)
                        if (ba[x])
                            var field = RadioTapField.Parse(bitIndex, br);
                            if (field != null)
                                retval[field.FieldType] = field;
                                //We have found a field that we dont handle. As we dont know how big
                                //it is we can't handle any fields after it. We will just copy
                                //the rest of the data around as a lump
                                unhandledFieldFound = true;

                    if (unhandledFieldFound)

                //this will read the rest of the bytes. We pass in max value because we dont know how
                //much there is but this will ensure we get up to the end of the buffer
                this.UnhandledFieldBytes = br.ReadBytes(UInt16.MaxValue);

Esempio n. 2
            /// <summary>
            /// Add the specified field to the packet.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name='field'>
            /// Field to be added
            /// </param>
            public void Add(RadioTapField field)
                RadioTapFields[field.FieldType] = field;
                Length += field.Length;
                var presenceBit   = (int)field.FieldType;
                var presenceField = (presenceBit / 32);

                if (Present.Length <= presenceField)
                    var newPresentFields = new UInt32[presenceField];
                    Array.Copy(Present, newPresentFields, Present.Length);
                    //set bit 31 to true for every present field except the last one
                    for (int i = 0; i < newPresentFields.Length - 1; i++)
                        newPresentFields[i] |= 0x80000000;
                    Present = newPresentFields;
                Present[presenceField] |= (UInt32)(1 << presenceBit);