void DockChanged(Base control) { Base inner = (Base)control.UserData; RadioButtonGroup rbg = (RadioButtonGroup)control; Base gb = inner.UserData as Base; Alt.GUI.Temporary.Gwen.Control.Slider w = gb.FindChildByName("Width", true) as Slider; Alt.GUI.Temporary.Gwen.Control.Slider h = gb.FindChildByName("Height", true) as Slider; switch (rbg.SelectedIndex) { case 0: inner.Dock = Alt.GUI.Temporary.Gwen.Pos.Left; break; case 1: inner.Dock = Alt.GUI.Temporary.Gwen.Pos.Top; break; case 2: inner.Dock = Alt.GUI.Temporary.Gwen.Pos.Right; break; case 3: inner.Dock = Alt.GUI.Temporary.Gwen.Pos.Bottom; break; case 4: inner.Dock = Alt.GUI.Temporary.Gwen.Pos.Fill; break; } inner.SetSize((int)w.Value, (int)h.Value); //inner.Invalidate(); outer.Invalidate(); }
public RadioButtonTest(ControlBase parent) : base(parent) { VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(this); GroupBox group = new GroupBox(layout); group.Margin = Margin.Five; group.Text = "Sample radio group"; { RadioButtonGroup rbg = new RadioButtonGroup(group); rbg.AddOption("Option 1"); rbg.AddOption("Option 2"); rbg.AddOption("Option 3"); rbg.AddOption("\u0627\u0644\u0622\u0646 \u0644\u062D\u0636\u0648\u0631"); rbg.SelectionChanged += OnChange; } { EnumRadioButtonGroup <Choices> erbg = new EnumRadioButtonGroup <Choices>(layout); erbg.Margin = Margin.Five; erbg.SelectedValue = Choices.HallC; } }
public ActivityUi(UiBuilder uiBuilder) { FeedTextSource = uiBuilder.CreateSpecificOrUpstreamValueChooser("Chatter Message", nameof(FeedTextSource), requestUpstream: true, availability: AvailabilityType.RunTime); ChatterSelector = new DropDownList { Name = nameof(ChatterSelector), Label = "Get which object?", Required = true, Events = new List <ControlEvent> { ControlEvent.RequestConfig } }; ChatterFilter = new QueryBuilder { Name = nameof(ChatterFilter), Label = "Meeting which conditions?", Required = true, Source = new FieldSourceDTO { Label = QueryFilterCrateLabel, ManifestType = CrateManifestTypes.StandardDesignTimeFields } }; QueryForChatterOption = new RadioButtonOption { Name = nameof(QueryForChatterOption), Value = "Query for chatter objects", Controls = new List <ControlDefinitionDTO> { ChatterSelector, ChatterFilter } }; IncomingChatterIdSelector = new UpstreamFieldChooser { Name = nameof(IncomingChatterIdSelector), Source = new FieldSourceDTO { AvailabilityType = AvailabilityType.RunTime, ManifestType = CrateManifestTypes.StandardDesignTimeFields } }; UseIncomingChatterIdOption = new RadioButtonOption { Name = nameof(UseIncomingChatterIdOption), Value = "Use this incoming value as chatter Id", Controls = new List <ControlDefinitionDTO> { IncomingChatterIdSelector } }; ChatterSelectionGroup = new RadioButtonGroup { Name = nameof(ChatterSelectionGroup), GroupName = nameof(ChatterSelectionGroup), Label = "Which chatter to post to?", Radios = new List <RadioButtonOption> { QueryForChatterOption, UseIncomingChatterIdOption } }; Controls.Add(FeedTextSource); Controls.Add(ChatterSelectionGroup); }
void DockChanged(ControlBase control, EventArgs args) { ControlBase inner = (ControlBase)control.UserData; RadioButtonGroup rbg = (RadioButtonGroup)control; ControlBase gb = inner.UserData as ControlBase; int w = (int)(gb.FindChildByName("Width", true) as Net.Control.Internal.Slider).Value; int h = (int)(gb.FindChildByName("Height", true) as Net.Control.Internal.Slider).Value; inner.Dock = (Dock)rbg.Selected.UserData; switch (inner.Dock) { case Dock.Left: inner.Size = new Size(w, Util.Ignore); break; case Dock.Top: inner.Size = new Size(Util.Ignore, h); break; case Dock.Right: inner.Size = new Size(w, Util.Ignore); break; case Dock.Bottom: inner.Size = new Size(Util.Ignore, h); break; case Dock.Fill: inner.Size = new Size(Util.Ignore, Util.Ignore); break; } }
private void InitializeViewElements() { DialogManager = new DialogManager("NUnit Project Editor"); MessageDisplay = new MessageDisplay("NUnit Project Editor"); BrowseProjectBaseCommand = new ButtonElement(projectBaseBrowseButton); EditConfigsCommand = new ButtonElement(editConfigsButton); BrowseConfigBaseCommand = new ButtonElement(configBaseBrowseButton); AddAssemblyCommand = new ButtonElement(addAssemblyButton); RemoveAssemblyCommand = new ButtonElement(removeAssemblyButton); MoveUpAssemblyCommand = new ButtonElement(upAssemblyButton); MoveDownAssemblyCommand = new ButtonElement(downAssemblyButton); BrowseAssemblyPathCommand = new ButtonElement(assemblyPathBrowseButton); ProjectPath = new TextElement(projectPathLabel); ProjectBase = new TextElement(projectBaseTextBox); ProcessModel = new ComboBoxElement(processModelComboBox); DomainUsage = new ComboBoxElement(domainUsageComboBox); Runtime = new ComboBoxElement(runtimeComboBox); RuntimeVersion = new ComboBoxElement(runtimeVersionComboBox); ActiveConfigName = new TextElement(activeConfigLabel); ConfigList = new ComboBoxElement(configComboBox); ApplicationBase = new TextElement(applicationBaseTextBox); ConfigurationFile = new TextElement(configFileTextBox); BinPathType = new RadioButtonGroup("BinPathType", autoBinPathRadioButton, manualBinPathRadioButton, noBinPathRadioButton); PrivateBinPath = new TextElement(privateBinPathTextBox); AssemblyPath = new TextElement(assemblyPathTextBox); AssemblyList = new ListBoxElement(assemblyListBox); }
public CollectionViewTest1() { InitializeComponent(); BindingContext = new TestSourceModel(); var RadioGroup = new RadioButtonGroup(); RadioGroup.Add(ShowBar); RadioGroup.Add(HideBar); ColView.ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate(() => { var item = new RecyclerViewItem() { HeightSpecification = LayoutParamPolicies.MatchParent, WidthSpecification = 200, }; item.SetBinding(View.BackgroundColorProperty, "BgColor"); var label = new TextLabel() { ParentOrigin = Tizen.NUI.ParentOrigin.Center, PivotPoint = Tizen.NUI.PivotPoint.Center, PositionUsesPivotPoint = true, }; label.PixelSize = 30; label.SetBinding(TextLabel.TextProperty, "Index"); item.Add(label); return(item); }); }
internal override void Apply(VisualElement container) { /// <sample> // You can provide the list of choices by code, or by comma separated values in UXML // <DropdownField .... choices="Option 1,Option 2,Option 3" .... /> var choices = new List <string> { "Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3" }; // Get a reference to the radio button group field from UXML and assign it its value. var uxmlField = container.Q <RadioButtonGroup>("the-uxml-field"); uxmlField.choices = choices; uxmlField.value = 0; // Create a new field, disable it, and give it a style class. var csharpField = new RadioButtonGroup("C# Field", choices); csharpField.value = 0; csharpField.SetEnabled(false); csharpField.AddToClassList("some-styled-field"); csharpField.value = uxmlField.value; container.Add(csharpField); // Mirror value of uxml field into the C# field. uxmlField.RegisterCallback <ChangeEvent <int> >((evt) => { csharpField.value = evt.newValue; }); /// </sample> }
public void RadioButtonGroupGetItem() { tlog.Debug(tag, $"RadioButtonGroupGetItem START"); var testingTarget = new RadioButtonGroup(); Assert.IsNotNull(testingTarget, "null handle"); Assert.IsInstanceOf <RadioButtonGroup>(testingTarget, "Should return RadioButtonGroup instance."); RadioButton button = new RadioButton(); testingTarget.Add(button); var result = testingTarget.GetItem(0); tlog.Debug(tag, "GetItem : " + result); button.IsSelected = true; tlog.Debug(tag, "GetSelectedItem : " + testingTarget.GetSelectedItem()); try { testingTarget.Remove(button); } catch (Exception e) { tlog.Debug(tag, e.Message.ToString()); Assert.Fail("Caught Exception : Failed!"); } button.Dispose(); tlog.Debug(tag, $"RadioButtonGroupGetItem END (OK)"); }
protected WallType GetNewWallType(Autodesk.Revit.UI.UIApplication app) { RibbonPanel myPanel = app.GetRibbonPanels()[0]; RadioButtonGroup radioGroupTypeSelector = GetRibbonItemByName(myPanel, "WallTypeSelector") as RadioButtonGroup; if (null == radioGroupTypeSelector) { throw new InvalidCastException("Cannot get Wall Type selector!"); } String wallTypeName = radioGroupTypeSelector.Current.ItemText; WallType newWallType = null; FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(app.ActiveUIDocument.Document); ICollection <Element> founds = collector.OfClass(typeof(WallType)).ToElements(); foreach (Element elem in founds) { WallType wallType = elem as WallType; if (wallType.Name.StartsWith(wallTypeName)) { newWallType = wallType; break; } } return(newWallType); }
void OnChange(ControlBase control, EventArgs args) { RadioButtonGroup rbc = control as RadioButtonGroup; LabeledRadioButton rb = rbc.Selected; UnitPrint(String.Format("RadioButton: SelectionChanged: {0}", rb.Text)); }
public Result OnStartup(UIControlledApplication application) { PublicVariables.UpperValue = 10000; PublicVariables.LowerValue = 0; application.CreateRibbonTab("Updater Tool"); string appData = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData); string dllPath = Path.Combine(appData, @"Autodesk\REVIT\Addins\2020\UpdaterTool.dll"); string appFolderPath = Path.Combine(appData, @"Autodesk\REVIT\Addins\2020"); RibbonPanel ribbonPanel = application.CreateRibbonPanel("Updater Tool", "Updater"); TextBoxData textBoxData1 = new TextBoxData("textBox1"); TextBox textBox1 = ribbonPanel.AddItem(textBoxData1) as TextBox; textBox1.PromptText = "Enter a Reference Value"; textBox1.EnterPressed += TextBoxEnterClicked; ribbonPanel.AddSeparator(); RadioButtonGroupData radioButtonGroupData1 = new RadioButtonGroupData("radioButtonGroup1"); RadioButtonGroup radioButtonGroup1 = ribbonPanel.AddItem(radioButtonGroupData1) as RadioButtonGroup; ToggleButtonData toggleButton1 = new ToggleButtonData("toggleButton1", "Deactivate", dllPath, "UpdaterTool.Deactivated"); BitmapImage img1 = new BitmapImage(new Uri(Path.Combine(appFolderPath, "Stop.png"))); toggleButton1.LargeImage = img1; ToggleButtonData toggleButton2 = new ToggleButtonData("toggleButton2", "Activate", dllPath, "UpdaterTool.Activated"); BitmapImage img2 = new BitmapImage(new Uri(Path.Combine(appFolderPath, "Check.png"))); toggleButton2.LargeImage = img2; radioButtonGroup1.AddItem(toggleButton1); radioButtonGroup1.AddItem(toggleButton2); return(Result.Succeeded); }
/// <summary> /// Radio/toggle button for "Command Data", "DB Element" and "Element Filtering" /// </summary> public void AddRadioButton(RibbonPanel panel) { // Create three toggle buttons for radio button group // #1 ToggleButtonData toggleButtonData1 = new ToggleButtonData("RadioCommandData", "Command" + "\n Data", _introLabPath, _introLabName + ".CommandData"); toggleButtonData1.LargeImage = NewBitmapImage("Basics.ico"); // #2 ToggleButtonData toggleButtonData2 = new ToggleButtonData("RadioDbElement", "DB" + "\n Element", _introLabPath, _introLabName + ".DBElement"); toggleButtonData2.LargeImage = NewBitmapImage("Basics.ico"); // #3 ToggleButtonData toggleButtonData3 = new ToggleButtonData("RadioElementFiltering", "Filtering", _introLabPath, _introLabName + ".ElementFiltering"); toggleButtonData3.LargeImage = NewBitmapImage("Basics.ico"); // Make a radio button group now RadioButtonGroupData radioBtnGroupData = new RadioButtonGroupData("RadioButton"); RadioButtonGroup radioBtnGroup = panel.AddItem(radioBtnGroupData) as RadioButtonGroup; radioBtnGroup.AddItem(toggleButtonData1); radioBtnGroup.AddItem(toggleButtonData2); radioBtnGroup.AddItem(toggleButtonData3); }
void DockChanged(Base control) { Base inner = control.UserData.Get <Base>("test"); RadioButtonGroup rbg = (RadioButtonGroup)control; Base gb = inner.UserData.Get <Base>("test"); Control.Slider w = gb.FindChildByName("Width", true) as Control.Slider; Control.Slider h = gb.FindChildByName("Height", true) as Control.Slider; switch (rbg.SelectedIndex) { case 0: inner.Dock = Pos.Left; break; case 1: inner.Dock = Pos.Top; break; case 2: inner.Dock = Pos.Right; break; case 3: inner.Dock = Pos.Bottom; break; case 4: inner.Dock = Pos.Fill; break; } inner.SetSize((int)w.Value, (int)h.Value); //inner.Invalidate(); outer.Invalidate(); }
private void OpenWindow(ControlBase control, EventArgs args) { Window window = new Window(this); window.Title = String.Format("Window ({0})", ++m_WindowCount); window.Size = new Size(m_Rand.Next(200, 400), m_Rand.Next(200, 400)); window.Left = m_Rand.Next(700); window.Top = m_Rand.Next(400); window.Padding = new Padding(6, 3, 6, 6); RadioButtonGroup rbg = new RadioButtonGroup(window); rbg.Dock = Dock.Top; rbg.AddOption("Resize disabled", "None").Checked += (c, a) => window.Resizing = Resizing.None; rbg.AddOption("Resize width", "Width").Checked += (c, a) => window.Resizing = Resizing.Width; rbg.AddOption("Resize height", "Height").Checked += (c, a) => window.Resizing = Resizing.Height; rbg.AddOption("Resize both", "Both").Checked += (c, a) => window.Resizing = Resizing.Both; rbg.SetSelectionByName("Both"); LabeledCheckBox dragging = new LabeledCheckBox(window); dragging.Dock = Dock.Top; dragging.Text = "Dragging"; dragging.IsChecked = true; dragging.CheckChanged += (c, a) => window.IsDraggingEnabled = dragging.IsChecked; }
private void PopulateCamera(ControlBase parent) { var camtype = GwenHelper.CreateHeaderPanel(parent, "Camera Type"); var camprops = GwenHelper.CreateHeaderPanel(parent, "Camera Properties"); RadioButtonGroup rbcamera = new RadioButtonGroup(camtype) { Dock = Dock.Top, ShouldDrawBackground = false, }; var soft = rbcamera.AddOption("Soft Camera"); var predictive = rbcamera.AddOption("Predictive Camera"); var legacy = rbcamera.AddOption("Legacy Camera"); var round = GwenHelper.AddCheckbox(camprops, "Round Legacy Camera", Settings.RoundLegacyCamera, (o, e) => { Settings.RoundLegacyCamera = ((Checkbox)o).IsChecked; Settings.Save(); }); if (Settings.SmoothCamera) { if (Settings.PredictiveCamera) { predictive.Select(); } else { soft.Select(); } } else { legacy.Select(); } soft.Checked += (o, e) => { Settings.SmoothCamera = true; Settings.PredictiveCamera = false; Settings.Save(); round.IsDisabled = Settings.SmoothCamera; _editor.InitCamera(); }; predictive.Checked += (o, e) => { Settings.SmoothCamera = true; Settings.PredictiveCamera = true; Settings.Save(); round.IsDisabled = Settings.SmoothCamera; _editor.InitCamera(); }; legacy.Checked += (o, e) => { Settings.SmoothCamera = false; Settings.PredictiveCamera = false; Settings.Save(); round.IsDisabled = Settings.SmoothCamera; _editor.InitCamera(); }; predictive.Tooltip = "This is the camera that was added in 1.03\nIt moves relative to the future of the track"; }
public void buttonPressedTest() { RadioButtonGroup target = new RadioButtonGroup(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value RadioButton b = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value target.buttonPressed(b); Assert.Inconclusive("A method that does not return a value cannot be verified."); }
public void Given_a_drop_down_exists() { _componentFactory = SubstituteFor<IComponentFactory>(); _radioButtonGroup = Substitute.For<RadioButtonGroup>(); _componentFactory .HtmlControlFor<RadioButtonGroup>(_radioButtonGroupPropertySelector) .Returns(_radioButtonGroup); }
private Func <string, FormItem> getRadioGroup( string label, RadioButtonSetup setup, bool noSelection = false, bool singleButton = false, FormAction selectionChangedAction = null, PageModificationValue <bool> pageModificationValue = null) => id => { var group = new RadioButtonGroup(noSelection, disableSingleButtonDetection: singleButton, selectionChangedAction: selectionChangedAction); return(new StackList( group .CreateRadioButton( !noSelection, "First".ToComponents(), setup: setup, validationMethod: (postBackValue, validator) => AddStatusMessage( StatusMessageType.Info, "{0}-1: {1}".FormatWith(id, postBackValue.Value.ToString()))) .ToFormItem() .ToListItem() .ToCollection() .Concat( singleButton ? Enumerable.Empty <ComponentListItem>() : group.CreateFlowRadioButton( false, "Second".ToComponents(), setup: FlowRadioButtonSetup.Create( nestedContentGetter: () => "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sit.".ToComponents()), validationMethod: (postBackValue, validator) => AddStatusMessage( StatusMessageType.Info, "{0}-2: {1}".FormatWith(id, postBackValue.Value.ToString()))) .ToFormItem() .ToListItem() .ToCollection() .Append( group.CreateRadioButton( false, "Third".ToComponents(), setup: RadioButtonSetup.Create(), validationMethod: (postBackValue, validator) => AddStatusMessage( StatusMessageType.Info, "{0}-3: {1}".FormatWith(id, postBackValue.Value.ToString()))) .ToFormItem() .ToListItem()))).ToFormItem( label: "{0}. {1}".FormatWith(id, label) .ToComponents() .Concat( pageModificationValue != null ? new LineBreak().ToCollection <PhrasingComponent>() .Append( new SideComments( "First button value: ".ToComponents() .Concat( pageModificationValue.ToGenericPhrasingContainer( v => v.ToString(), valueExpression => "{0} ? 'True' : 'False'".FormatWith(valueExpression))) .Materialize())) : Enumerable.Empty <PhrasingComponent>()) .Materialize())); };
public LayoutTypeView() { InitializeComponent(); layoutTypeGroup = new RadioButtonGroup(); layoutTypeGroup.Add(layoutTypeLinear); layoutTypeGroup.EnableMultiSelection = false; layoutTypeLinear.IsSelected = true; }
public void Given_a_drop_down_exists() { _componentFactory = SubstituteFor <IComponentFactory>(); _radioButtonGroup = Substitute.For <RadioButtonGroup>(); _componentFactory .HtmlControlFor <RadioButtonGroup>(_radioButtonGroupPropertySelector) .Returns(_radioButtonGroup); }
public blur() { m_rbuf2 = new ImageBuffer(); m_shape_bounds = new RectangleDouble(); m_method = new RadioButtonGroup(new Vector2(10.0, 10.0), new Vector2(130.0, 60.0)); m_radius = new Slider(new Vector2(130 + 10.0, 10.0 + 4.0), new Vector2(290, 8.0)); m_shadow_ctrl = new PolygonEditWidget(4); m_channel_r = new CheckBox(10.0, 80.0, "Red"); m_channel_g = new CheckBox(10.0, 95.0, "Green"); m_channel_b = new CheckBox(10.0, 110.0, "Blue"); m_FlattenCurves = new CheckBox(10, 315, "Convert And Flatten Curves"); m_FlattenCurves.Checked = true; AddChild(m_method); m_method.AddRadioButton("Stack Blur"); m_method.AddRadioButton("Recursive Blur"); m_method.AddRadioButton("Channels"); m_method.SelectedIndex = 1; AddChild(m_radius); m_radius.SetRange(0.0, 40.0); m_radius.Value = 15.0; m_radius.Text = "Blur Radius={0:F2}"; AddChild(m_shadow_ctrl); AddChild(m_channel_r); AddChild(m_channel_g); AddChild(m_channel_b); AddChild(m_FlattenCurves); m_channel_g.Checked = true; m_sl = new ScanlineCachePacked8(); StyledTypeFace typeFaceForLargeA = new StyledTypeFace(LiberationSansFont.Instance, 300, flatenCurves: false); m_path = typeFaceForLargeA.GetGlyphForCharacter('a'); Affine shape_mtx = Affine.NewIdentity(); shape_mtx *= Affine.NewTranslation(150, 100); m_path = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(m_path, shape_mtx); m_shape = new FlattenCurves(m_path); bounding_rect.bounding_rect_single(m_shape, 0, ref m_shape_bounds); m_shadow_ctrl.SetXN(0, m_shape_bounds.Left); m_shadow_ctrl.SetYN(0, m_shape_bounds.Bottom); m_shadow_ctrl.SetXN(1, m_shape_bounds.Right); m_shadow_ctrl.SetYN(1, m_shape_bounds.Bottom); m_shadow_ctrl.SetXN(2, m_shape_bounds.Right); m_shadow_ctrl.SetYN(2, m_shape_bounds.Top); m_shadow_ctrl.SetXN(3, m_shape_bounds.Left); m_shadow_ctrl.SetYN(3, m_shape_bounds.Top); m_shadow_ctrl.line_color(new ColorF(0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.3)); }
public LinearOrientationView() { InitializeComponent(); linearOrientGroup = new RadioButtonGroup(); linearOrientGroup.Add(linearOrientH); linearOrientGroup.Add(linearOrientV); linearOrientGroup.EnableMultiSelection = false; linearOrientH.IsSelected = true; }
public HorizontalAlignmentView() { InitializeComponent(); hAlignGroup = new RadioButtonGroup(); hAlignGroup.Add(hAlignBegin); hAlignGroup.Add(hAlignCenter); hAlignGroup.Add(hAlignEnd); hAlignGroup.EnableMultiSelection = false; hAlignBegin.IsSelected = true; }
public VerticalAlignmentView() { InitializeComponent(); vAlignGroup = new RadioButtonGroup(); vAlignGroup.Add(vAlignTop); vAlignGroup.Add(vAlignCenter); vAlignGroup.Add(vAlignBottom); vAlignGroup.EnableMultiSelection = false; vAlignTop.IsSelected = true; }
void HAlignChanged(ControlBase control, EventArgs args) { ControlBase inner = control.UserData as ControlBase; RadioButtonGroup rbg = (RadioButtonGroup)control; inner.HorizontalAlignment = (HorizontalAlignment)rbg.Selected.UserData; if (inner.HorizontalAlignment == HorizontalAlignment.Stretch) { inner.Width = Util.Ignore; } }
void VAlignChanged(ControlBase control, EventArgs args) { ControlBase inner = control.UserData as ControlBase; RadioButtonGroup rbg = (RadioButtonGroup)control; inner.VerticalAlignment = (VerticalAlignment)rbg.Selected.UserData; if (inner.VerticalAlignment == VerticalAlignment.Stretch) { inner.Height = Util.Ignore; } }
public void Given_a_radio_group_has_a_selected_radio_button() { _componentFactory = SubstituteFor <IComponentFactory>(); _radioButtonGroup = Substitute.For <RadioButtonGroup>(); _componentFactory .HtmlControlFor <RadioButtonGroup>(_radioGroupPropertySelector) .Returns(_radioButtonGroup); _radioButtonGroup.SelectedElementAs <ChoiceType>().Returns(ChoiceType.Another); }
public CollectionViewTest4Page() { InitializeComponent(); BindingContext = new TestSourceModel(); var RadioGroup = new RadioButtonGroup(); RadioGroup.Add(Linear); RadioGroup.Add(Grid); ColView.ItemTemplate = LinearTemplate; }
private void CreateCheckables() { var row = _layout.CreateRow(); var box = new Checkbox(row.GetCell(0)); row = _layout.CreateRow(); box = new Checkbox(row.GetCell(0)) { Text = "Checked", IsChecked = true }; row = _layout.CreateRow(); box = new Checkbox(row.GetCell(0)) { Text = "Checkbox", IsChecked = false }; row = _layout.CreateRow(); box = new Checkbox(row.GetCell(0)) { Text = "Disabled", IsChecked = false, IsDisabled = true, }; box = new Checkbox(row.GetCell(1)) { Text = "Disabled", IsChecked = true, IsDisabled = true, }; row = _layout.CreateRow(); var radiogroup = new RadioButtonGroup(row.GetCell(0)); radiogroup.AddOption("Radio 1").Tooltip = "tooltip 1"; radiogroup.AddOption("Radio 2").Tooltip = "tooltip 2"; var dc = radiogroup.AddOption("disabledChecked"); dc.IsChecked = true; dc.Disable(); radiogroup.AddOption("disabled").Disable(); row = _layout.CreateRow(); var radio = new RadioButton(row.GetCell(0)) { Text = "ungrouped 1", Dock = Dock.Top }; radio = new RadioButton(row.GetCell(0)) { Text = "ungrouped 2", Dock = Dock.Top }; }
public static void CreateUI(RadioButtonGroup radioButtonGroup) { var buttonData = NewToggleButtonData <CommandGrasshopperPreviewOff, Availability>("Off"); if (radioButtonGroup.AddItem(buttonData) is ToggleButton pushButton) { pushButton.ToolTip = "Don't draw any preview geometry"; pushButton.Image = ImageBuilder.LoadBitmapImage("RhinoInside.Resources.GH.Toolbar.Preview_Off_24x24.png", true); pushButton.LargeImage = ImageBuilder.LoadBitmapImage("RhinoInside.Resources.GH.Toolbar.Preview_Off_24x24.png"); pushButton.Visible = PlugIn.PlugInExists(PluginId, out bool loaded, out bool loadProtected); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { JsonData jd = Winter.Utils.Str2Json("skin3.txt"); WinterComponent wc = new WinterComponent(); wc.m_Entity = GameObject.Find("wPanel"); wc.skin = jd; Container c = wc.children["RadioButtonGroup"] as Container; RadioButtonGroup r = c.children["tabs"] as RadioButtonGroup; r.RadioButtonGroupDispatch += DoSomething; }
public void Given_a_radio_group_has_a_selected_radio_button() { _componentFactory = SubstituteFor<IComponentFactory>(); _radioButtonGroup = Substitute.For<RadioButtonGroup>(); _componentFactory .HtmlControlFor<RadioButtonGroup>(_radioGroupPropertySelector) .Returns(_radioButtonGroup); _radioButtonGroup.SelectedElementAs<ChoiceType>().Returns(ChoiceType.Another); }
public override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); SetBackground(Color.White); lbl = new Label("Select one"); AddComponent(lbl, 50, 50); lblBlue = new Label("Blue Pill"); rbBlue = new RadioButton(); AddComponent(rbBlue, 50, 100); AddComponent(lblBlue, 90, 100); lblRed = new Label("Red Pill"); rbRed = new RadioButton(); AddComponent(rbRed, 50, 150); AddComponent(lblRed, 90, 150); group = new RadioButtonGroup(); group.Add(rbBlue); group.Add(rbRed); check = new CheckBox(); lblmessage = new Label("Remember: all I'm offering is the truth,\n nothing more"); lblWhiteRabbit = new Label(ResourceManager.CreateImage("whiteRabbit")); AddComponent(check, 10, 300); AddComponent(lblmessage, 10, 350); AddComponent(lblWhiteRabbit, 10, 500); lblWhiteRabbit.Visible = lblmessage.Visible = check.Visible = false; //Events rbRed.Released += rbRed_Released; rbBlue.Released += rbBlue_Released; check.Released += check_Released; }
/// <summary> /// Call this during LoadData. /// </summary> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <param name="vl"></param> /// <param name="availableRoles">Pass a restricted list of <see cref="Role"/>s the user may select. Otherwise, Roles available /// in the System Provider are used.</param> /// <param name="validationPredicate">If the function returns true, validation continues.</param> public void LoadData( int? userId, ValidationList vl, List<Role> availableRoles = null, Func<bool> validationPredicate = null ) { availableRoles = ( availableRoles != null ? availableRoles.OrderBy( r => r.Name ) : UserManagementStatics.SystemProvider.GetRoles() ).ToList(); user = userId.HasValue ? UserManagementStatics.GetUser( userId.Value, true ) : null; if( includePasswordControls() && user != null ) facUser = FormsAuthStatics.GetUser( user.UserId, true ); Func<bool> validationShouldRun = () => validationPredicate == null || validationPredicate(); var b = FormItemBlock.CreateFormItemTable( heading: "Security Information" ); b.AddFormItems( FormItem.Create( "Email address", new EwfTextBox( user != null ? user.Email : "" ), validationGetter: control => new EwfValidation( ( pbv, validator ) => { if( validationShouldRun() ) Email = validator.GetEmailAddress( new ValidationErrorHandler( "email address" ), control.GetPostBackValue( pbv ), false ); }, vl ) ) ); if( includePasswordControls() ) { var group = new RadioButtonGroup( false ); var keepPassword = FormItem.Create( "", group.CreateInlineRadioButton( true, label: userId.HasValue ? "Keep the current password" : "Do not create a password" ), validationGetter: control => new EwfValidation( ( pbv, validator ) => { if( !validationShouldRun() || !control.IsCheckedInPostBack( pbv ) ) return; if( user != null ) { Salt = facUser.Salt; SaltedPassword = facUser.SaltedPassword; MustChangePassword = facUser.MustChangePassword; } else genPassword( false ); }, vl ) ); var generatePassword = FormItem.Create( "", group.CreateInlineRadioButton( false, label: "Generate a " + ( userId.HasValue ? "new, " : "" ) + "random password and email it to the user" ), validationGetter: control => new EwfValidation( ( pbv, validator ) => { if( validationShouldRun() && control.IsCheckedInPostBack( pbv ) ) genPassword( true ); }, vl ) ); var newPassword = new DataValue<string>(); var confirmPassword = new DataValue<string>(); var newPasswordTable = EwfTable.Create( style: EwfTableStyle.StandardExceptLayout ); newPasswordTable.AddItem( new EwfTableItem( "Password", FormItem.Create( "", new EwfTextBox( "", masksCharacters: true, disableBrowserAutoComplete: true ) { Width = Unit.Pixel( 200 ) }, validationGetter: control => new EwfValidation( ( pbv, v ) => newPassword.Value = control.GetPostBackValue( pbv ), vl ) ).ToControl() ) ); newPasswordTable.AddItem( new EwfTableItem( "Password again", FormItem.Create( "", new EwfTextBox( "", masksCharacters: true, disableBrowserAutoComplete: true ) { Width = Unit.Pixel( 200 ) }, validationGetter: control => new EwfValidation( ( pbv, v ) => confirmPassword.Value = control.GetPostBackValue( pbv ), vl ) ).ToControl() ) ); var providePasswordRadio = group.CreateBlockRadioButton( false, label: "Provide a " + ( userId.HasValue ? "new " : "" ) + "password" ); providePasswordRadio.NestedControls.Add( newPasswordTable ); var providePassword = FormItem.Create( "", providePasswordRadio, validationGetter: control => new EwfValidation( ( pbv, validator ) => { if( !validationShouldRun() || !control.IsCheckedInPostBack( pbv ) ) return; FormsAuthStatics.ValidatePassword( validator, newPassword, confirmPassword ); var p = new Password( newPassword.Value ); Salt = p.Salt; SaltedPassword = p.ComputeSaltedHash(); MustChangePassword = false; }, vl ) ); b.AddFormItems( FormItem.Create( "Password", ControlStack.CreateWithControls( true, keepPassword.ToControl(), generatePassword.ToControl(), providePassword.ToControl() ) ) ); } b.AddFormItems( FormItem.Create( "Role", SelectList.CreateDropDown( from i in availableRoles select SelectListItem.Create( i.RoleId as int?, i.Name ), user != null ? user.Role.RoleId as int? : null ), validationGetter: control => new EwfValidation( ( pbv, validator ) => { if( validationShouldRun() ) RoleId = control.ValidateAndGetSelectedItemIdInPostBack( pbv, validator ) ?? default ( int ); }, vl ) ) ); Controls.Add( b ); }
public override void Initialize() { base.Initialize(); SetBackground(ResourceManager.CreateImage("metalBG"), Adjustment.FILL); Button button = new Button("Button"); ToggleButton toggleButton = new ToggleButton("Toggle"); toggleButton.Scalable = true; toggleButton.Rotable = true; toggleButton.Draggable = true; Label label = new Label("Label"); CheckBox checkbox1 = new CheckBox(); CheckBox checkbox2 = new CheckBox(); CheckBox checkbox3 = new CheckBox(); RadioButton radioButton1 = new RadioButton(); RadioButton radioButton2 = new RadioButton(); RadioButton radioButton3 = new RadioButton(); RadioButtonGroup group = new RadioButtonGroup(); group.Add(radioButton1); group.Add(radioButton2); group.Add(radioButton3); ProgressBar progressBar = new ProgressBar(); progressBar.Value = 50; Slider slider = new Slider(); string[] array = new string[] { "Listbox1", "Listbox2", "Listbox3", "Listbox4", "Listbox5", "Listbox6", "Listbox7", "Listbox8", "Listbox9", "Listbox10" }; ListBox listbox = new ListBox(array, 460, 200, ListBox.Orientation.VERTICAL); TextArea text = new TextArea("Text", 1, 10); ////Buttons & Toggle AddComponent(button, 10, 10); AddComponent(toggleButton, 100, 10); ////Label AddComponent(label, 10, 80); ////Checkbox AddComponent(checkbox1, 300, 10); AddComponent(checkbox2, 300, 50); AddComponent(checkbox3, 300, 90); ////RadioButton AddComponent(radioButton1, 350, 10); AddComponent(radioButton2, 350, 50); AddComponent(radioButton3, 350, 90); //ProgressBar AddComponent(progressBar, 10, 150); //Slider AddComponent(slider, 10, 200); //ListBox AddComponent(listbox, 10, 250); AddComponent(text, 10, 500); }