Vector3 prevPlayer;                               // Previous Player Position

    // Use this for initialization
    private void Awake()
        _time            = NextTimeSpawn() + 6f; // Time Till Next Enemies are Spawned
        _radarNoticeSpan = -1;                   // Want radar sound to play on 1st run
        // Dictionary to Hold Radar info of that Enemy type
        _RadarAnimator           = new Dictionary <string, RadarHandle>();
        _RadarAnimator["Laser"]  = new RadarHandle(Radar.transform.Find("Laser").gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>());
        _RadarAnimator["Missle"] = new RadarHandle(Radar.transform.Find("Missle").gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>());
        _RadarAnimator["Jet"]    = new RadarHandle(Radar.transform.Find("Jet").gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>());
        // Radar Audio Source
        _radarAudio = Radar.GetComponent <AudioSource>();
        // Not enouph spawn locations that SpawnMax requests
        if (SpawnMax > Spawns.Length)
            throw new Exception("ERROR!: Not enouph spawn locations that SpawnMax requests");
    // Activates Radar for Specific Enemy
    // radar: obj of RadarHandle for the specific Enemy
    // timeout: how long the notice should last
    IEnumerator RadarSignal(RadarHandle radar, float timeout)
        // Activates Radar for Specific Enemy
        // Start Radar Anim
        radar._occur++;     // increment the number of sets of the same type of enemy
        radar._Animator.SetBool("Active", true);
        // Wait Desired Radar Signal time
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(timeout));

        radar._occur--;     // decrement the number of sets of the same type of enemy
        // Turn off radar: if there is no more of that enemy existing of the game
        if (radar._occur < 0)
            radar._occur = 0;
        if (radar._occur == 0)
            radar._Animator.SetBool("Active", false);