Esempio n. 1
        internal Tuple <object, object> ConvertPointToData(RadPoint coordinates, AxisModel firstAxis, AxisModel secondAxis)
            object firstValue  = null;
            object secondValue = null;

            if (this.view != null)
                RadRect plotArea = this.plotArea.layoutSlot;

                double panOffsetX = this.view.PlotOriginX * plotArea.Width;
                double panOffsetY = this.view.PlotOriginY * plotArea.Height;

                RadRect plotAreaVirtualSize = new RadRect(plotArea.X, plotArea.Y, plotArea.Width * this.view.ZoomWidth, plotArea.Height * this.view.ZoomHeight);

                if (firstAxis != null && this.FirstAxes.Contains(firstAxis) && firstAxis.isUpdated)
                    firstValue = firstAxis.ConvertPhysicalUnitsToData(coordinates.X - panOffsetX, plotAreaVirtualSize);

                if (secondAxis != null && this.SecondAxes.Contains(secondAxis) && secondAxis.isUpdated)
                    secondValue = secondAxis.ConvertPhysicalUnitsToData(coordinates.Y - panOffsetY, plotAreaVirtualSize);

            return(new Tuple <object, object>(firstValue, secondValue));
Esempio n. 2
        internal void ScrollIndexIntoView(ScrollIntoViewOperation <int> operation)
            var index = operation.RequestedItem;
            var frozenContainersLength = Math.Max(0, this.RowPool.FrozenContainersLength);

            var itemLength     = this.rowLayout.RenderInfo.ValueForIndex(index);
            var offsetToScroll = this.rowLayout.RenderInfo.OffsetFromIndex(index) - itemLength;

            if (DoubleArithmetics.IsLessThan(operation.InitialScrollOffset + frozenContainersLength, offsetToScroll))
                if (index > 0)
                    offsetToScroll -= this.View.ViewportHeight;
                    offsetToScroll += itemLength;
            else if (DoubleArithmetics.IsLessThanOrEqual(offsetToScroll, operation.InitialScrollOffset + frozenContainersLength))
                offsetToScroll -= frozenContainersLength;

            var scrollPosition = new RadPoint(this.PhysicalHorizontalOffset, Math.Max(0, offsetToScroll));

            this.GridView.SetScrollPosition(scrollPosition, true, true);
Esempio n. 3
        internal RadPoint ConvertDataToPoint(Tuple <object, object> data, AxisModel firstAxis, AxisModel secondAxis)
            RadPoint coordinates = new RadPoint(double.NaN, double.NaN);

            if (this.view != null)
                RadRect plotArea            = this.plotArea.layoutSlot;
                RadRect plotAreaVirtualSize = new RadRect(plotArea.X, plotArea.Y, plotArea.Width * this.view.ZoomWidth, plotArea.Height * this.view.ZoomHeight);

                if (firstAxis != null && this.FirstAxes.Contains(firstAxis) && firstAxis.isUpdated)
                    AxisPlotInfo plotInfo = firstAxis.CreatePlotInfo(data.Item1);
                    if (plotInfo != null)
                        coordinates.X = plotInfo.CenterX(plotAreaVirtualSize);

                if (secondAxis != null && this.SecondAxes.Contains(secondAxis) && secondAxis.isUpdated)
                    AxisPlotInfo plotInfo = secondAxis.CreatePlotInfo(data.Item2);
                    if (plotInfo != null)
                        coordinates.Y = plotInfo.CenterY(plotAreaVirtualSize);

        protected override RadRect ArrangeCore(RadRect rect)
            double   radius = rect.Width / 2;
            RadPoint center = rect.Center;
            double   normalizedValue1, normalizedValue2;

            var annotationPresenter = this.presenter as PolarAxisPlotBandAnnotation;

            NumericalAxisPlotInfo polarPlot1 = this.firstPlotInfo as NumericalAxisPlotInfo;
            NumericalAxisPlotInfo polarPlot2 = this.secondPlotInfo as NumericalAxisPlotInfo;

            normalizedValue1 = polarPlot1.NormalizedValue;
            normalizedValue2 = polarPlot2.NormalizedValue;

            if (annotationPresenter != null && annotationPresenter.ClipToPlotArea)
                if (normalizedValue1 > 1 && normalizedValue2 > 1)
                    // annotation should not be visualized
                    this.circle1 = new RadCircle();
                    this.circle2 = new RadCircle();
                    return(new RadRect());
                    normalizedValue1 = Math.Min(1, polarPlot1.NormalizedValue);
                    normalizedValue2 = Math.Min(1, polarPlot2.NormalizedValue);

            this.circle1 = new RadCircle(center, normalizedValue1 * radius);
            this.circle2 = new RadCircle(center, normalizedValue2 * radius);

        protected override RadRect ArrangeCore(RadRect rect)
            double       radius    = rect.Width / 2;
            RadPoint     center    = rect.Center;
            AxisPlotInfo anglePlot = this.plotInfo;
            double       angle     = 0d;

            NumericalAxisPlotInfo numericalAnglePlot = anglePlot as NumericalAxisPlotInfo;

            if (numericalAnglePlot != null)
                angle = numericalAnglePlot.ConvertToAngle();
                CategoricalAxisPlotInfo categoricalAnglePlot = anglePlot as CategoricalAxisPlotInfo;
                if (categoricalAnglePlot != null)
                    angle = categoricalAnglePlot.ConvertToAngle(this.GetChartArea <PolarChartAreaModel>());

            RadPoint arcPoint = RadMath.GetArcPoint(angle, center, radius);

            this.radialLine = new RadPolarVector()
                Point = arcPoint, Angle = angle, Center = center

            return(new RadRect(center, arcPoint));
Esempio n. 6
        protected override RadRect ArrangeCore(RadRect rect)
            double   radius = rect.Width / 2;
            RadPoint center = rect.Center;
            NumericalAxisPlotInfo polarPlot = this.firstPlotInfo as NumericalAxisPlotInfo;
            double       pointRadius        = polarPlot.NormalizedValue * radius;
            AxisPlotInfo anglePlot          = this.secondPlotInfo;

            this.angle = 0d;

            NumericalAxisPlotInfo numericalAnglePlot = anglePlot as NumericalAxisPlotInfo;

            if (numericalAnglePlot != null)
                this.angle = numericalAnglePlot.ConvertToAngle();
                CategoricalAxisPlotInfo categoricalAnglePlot = anglePlot as CategoricalAxisPlotInfo;
                if (categoricalAnglePlot != null)
                    this.angle = categoricalAnglePlot.ConvertToAngle(this.GetChartArea <PolarChartAreaModel>());

            RadPoint arcPosition = RadMath.GetArcPoint(this.angle, center, pointRadius);
            RadSize  desiredSize = this.Measure();

            return(new RadRect(arcPosition.X, arcPosition.Y, desiredSize.Width, desiredSize.Height));
Esempio n. 7
        internal GridCellModel GetCellFromPoint(RadPoint point)
            if (!this.IsOperational || this.IsOverEditor(point))

            var row = this.GetRowFromPoint(point);

            if (row == null)

            var frozenPoint = new RadPoint(point.X - this.Owner.ScrollViewer.HorizontalOffset, point.Y);

            foreach (var cell in this.Owner.Model.ForEachFrozenRowCell(row))
                if (cell.layoutSlot.Contains(frozenPoint.X, frozenPoint.Y))

            foreach (var cell in this.Owner.Model.ForEachRowCell(row))
                if (cell.layoutSlot.Contains(point.X, point.Y))

        private void UpdateLabels(RadSize availableSize)
            RadRect availableRect = new RadRect(availableSize.Width, availableSize.Height);
            RadRect ellipseRect   = RadRect.ToSquare(availableRect, false);

            ellipseRect = RadRect.CenterRect(ellipseRect, availableRect);
            double   radius = ellipseRect.Width / 2;
            RadPoint center = ellipseRect.Center;
            RadPoint arcPosition;

            foreach (AxisLabelModel label in this.owner.labels)
                if (!label.isVisible)

                double angle = this.owner.IsInverse ? 360 - (double)label.normalizedPosition * 360 : (double)label.normalizedPosition * 360;
                arcPosition = RadMath.GetArcPoint(angle, center, radius);

                this.UpdateMargins(ellipseRect, label.desiredSize, arcPosition);

            double offset = this.owner.LineThickness + this.owner.MajorTickLength;

            this.margins.Left   += offset;
            this.margins.Top    += offset;
            this.margins.Right  += offset;
            this.margins.Bottom += offset;
Esempio n. 9
        private static RadRect CalculatePlotAreaRect(RadRect availableRect, AxisStack leftStack, AxisStack topStack, AxisStack rightStack, AxisStack bottomStack)
            RadPoint topLeft = new RadPoint();

            double finalLeftRectWidth = leftStack.desiredWidth + leftStack.desiredMargin.Left + leftStack.desiredMargin.Right;
            double maxLeftMargin      = Math.Max(topStack.desiredMargin.Left, bottomStack.desiredMargin.Left);

            topLeft.X = Math.Max(finalLeftRectWidth, maxLeftMargin);

            double finalTopRectHeight = topStack.desiredHeight + topStack.desiredMargin.Top + topStack.desiredMargin.Bottom;
            double maxTopMargin       = Math.Max(leftStack.desiredMargin.Top, rightStack.desiredMargin.Top);

            topLeft.Y = Math.Max(finalTopRectHeight, maxTopMargin);

            RadPoint bottomRight = new RadPoint();

            double finalRightRectWidth = rightStack.desiredWidth + rightStack.desiredMargin.Left + rightStack.desiredMargin.Right;
            double maxRightMargin      = Math.Max(topStack.desiredMargin.Right, bottomStack.desiredMargin.Right);

            bottomRight.X = availableRect.Width - Math.Max(finalRightRectWidth, maxRightMargin);

            double finalBottomRectHeight = bottomStack.desiredHeight + bottomStack.desiredMargin.Top + bottomStack.desiredMargin.Bottom;
            double maxBottomMargin       = Math.Max(leftStack.desiredMargin.Bottom, rightStack.desiredMargin.Bottom);

            bottomRight.Y = availableRect.Height - Math.Max(finalBottomRectHeight, maxBottomMargin);

            RadRect plotAreaRect = new RadRect(topLeft, bottomRight);

Esempio n. 10
        public ChartAnnotationLabelUpdateContext(RadRect layoutSlot)
            this.LayoutSlot = layoutSlot;
            this.Location   = layoutSlot.Location;

            this.Definition = null;
        private void UpdateMargins(RadRect availableRect, RadSize labelSize, RadPoint arcPosition)
            double left = arcPosition.X - labelSize.Width;

            if (left < availableRect.X)
                this.margins.Left = Math.Max(this.margins.Left, availableRect.X - left);

            double top = arcPosition.Y - labelSize.Height;

            if (top < availableRect.Y)
                this.margins.Top = Math.Max(this.margins.Top, availableRect.Y - top);

            double right = arcPosition.X + labelSize.Width;

            if (right > availableRect.Right)
                this.margins.Right = Math.Max(this.margins.Right, right - availableRect.Right);

            double bottom = arcPosition.Y + labelSize.Height;

            if (bottom > availableRect.Bottom)
                this.margins.Bottom = Math.Max(this.margins.Bottom, bottom - availableRect.Bottom);
Esempio n. 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RadLine" /> struct.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="point1">The point1.</param>
 /// <param name="point2">The point2.</param>
 public RadLine(RadPoint point1, RadPoint point2)
     this.X1 = point1.X;
     this.Y1 = point1.Y;
     this.X2 = point2.X;
     this.Y2 = point2.Y;
        protected override RadRect ArrangeCore(RadRect rect)
            IChartView view = this.GetChartArea().view;
            RadRect    plotAreaVirtualSize = new RadRect(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width * view.ZoomWidth, rect.Height * view.ZoomHeight);
            RadPoint   point1, point2;

            double panOffsetX = view.PlotOriginX * rect.Width;
            double panOffsetY = view.PlotOriginY * rect.Height;

            if (this.axis.type == AxisType.First)
                point1 = new RadPoint(panOffsetX + this.firstPlotInfo.CenterX(plotAreaVirtualSize), plotAreaVirtualSize.Y + panOffsetY);
                point2 = new RadPoint(panOffsetX + this.secondPlotInfo.CenterX(plotAreaVirtualSize), plotAreaVirtualSize.Bottom + panOffsetY);
                point1 = new RadPoint(plotAreaVirtualSize.X + panOffsetX, panOffsetY + this.firstPlotInfo.CenterY(plotAreaVirtualSize));
                point2 = new RadPoint(plotAreaVirtualSize.Right + panOffsetX, panOffsetY + this.secondPlotInfo.CenterY(plotAreaVirtualSize));

            var arrangeRect = new RadRect(point1, point2);

            this.originalLayoutSlot = arrangeRect;
            return(AnnotationHelper.ClipRectangle(arrangeRect, rect, this.StrokeThickness * 2, this.DashPatternLength * this.StrokeThickness));
        protected override RadRect ArrangeCore(RadRect rect)
            IChartView view = this.GetChartArea().view;

            RadRect  plotAreaVirtualSize = new RadRect(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width * view.ZoomWidth, rect.Height * view.ZoomHeight);
            RadPoint point1, point2;

            double panOffsetX = view.PlotOriginX * rect.Width;
            double panOffsetY = view.PlotOriginY * rect.Height;

            if (this.axis.type == AxisType.First)
                point1 = new RadPoint(panOffsetX + this.plotInfo.CenterX(plotAreaVirtualSize), plotAreaVirtualSize.Y + panOffsetY);
                point2 = new RadPoint(point1.X, plotAreaVirtualSize.Bottom + panOffsetY);
                point1 = new RadPoint(plotAreaVirtualSize.X + panOffsetX, panOffsetY + this.plotInfo.CenterY(plotAreaVirtualSize));
                point2 = new RadPoint(plotAreaVirtualSize.Right + panOffsetX, point1.Y);

            this.line = new RadLine(point1, point2);
            this.originalLayoutSlot = new RadRect(new RadPoint(this.line.X1, this.line.Y1), new RadPoint(this.line.X2, this.line.Y2));
            this.line = AnnotationHelper.ClipGridLine(this.line, rect, this.StrokeThickness * 2, this.DashPatternLength * this.StrokeThickness);
            this.line = RadLine.Round(this.line);

            return(new RadRect(new RadPoint(this.line.X1, this.line.Y1), new RadPoint(this.line.X2, this.line.Y2)));
Esempio n. 15
        public override void ArrangeContent(RadSize adjustedfinalSize, double topOffset)
            bool initialized           = false;
            var  topLeft               = new RadPoint(0, 0);
            int  elementSequenceNumber = 0;

            foreach (var pair in this.GetDisplayedElements())
                var     decorators  = pair.Value;
                RadRect arrangeRect = new RadRect();
                double  length      = this.IsHorizontal ? adjustedfinalSize.Height : adjustedfinalSize.Width;
                double  itemEnd     = 0;
                foreach (var decorator in decorators)
                    if (!initialized || elementSequenceNumber != decorator.ItemInfo.Slot)
                        initialized = true;
                        var offset = decorator.ItemInfo.Slot != 0 ? this.layout.PhysicalOffsetFromSlot(decorator.ItemInfo.Slot - 1) : 0;
                        elementSequenceNumber = decorator.ItemInfo.Slot;

                        if (this.IsHorizontal)
                            topLeft.X = offset;
                            topLeft.Y = offset + topOffset;

                    itemEnd = this.layout.PhysicalOffsetFromSlot(decorator.ItemInfo.Slot);

                    if (this.IsHorizontal)
                        arrangeRect = new RadRect(topLeft.X, topLeft.Y, itemEnd - topLeft.X, length);
                        arrangeRect = new RadRect(topLeft.X, topLeft.Y, length, itemEnd - topLeft.Y + topOffset);

                    decorator.LayoutSlot = arrangeRect;

                if (this.IsHorizontal)
                    topLeft.X += arrangeRect.Width;
                    topLeft.Y += arrangeRect.Height;

Esempio n. 16
        protected override RadRect ArrangeCore(RadRect rect)
            this.radius = rect.Width / 2;
            RadPoint center = rect.Center;

            AxisPlotInfo anglePlot1 = this.firstPlotInfo;
            double       angle1     = 0d;

            NumericalAxisPlotInfo numericalAnglePlot1 = anglePlot1 as NumericalAxisPlotInfo;

            if (numericalAnglePlot1 != null)
                angle1 = numericalAnglePlot1.ConvertToAngle();
                CategoricalAxisPlotInfo categoricalAnglePlot1 = anglePlot1 as CategoricalAxisPlotInfo;
                if (categoricalAnglePlot1 != null)
                    angle1 = categoricalAnglePlot1.ConvertToAngle(this.GetChartArea <PolarChartAreaModel>());

            RadPoint arcPoint1 = RadMath.GetArcPoint(angle1, center, this.radius);

            this.polarVector1 = new RadPolarVector()
                Point = arcPoint1, Angle = angle1, Center = center

            AxisPlotInfo anglePlot2 = this.secondPlotInfo;
            double       angle2     = 0d;

            NumericalAxisPlotInfo numericalAnglePlot2 = anglePlot2 as NumericalAxisPlotInfo;

            if (numericalAnglePlot2 != null)
                angle2 = numericalAnglePlot2.ConvertToAngle();
                CategoricalAxisPlotInfo categoricalAnglePlot2 = anglePlot2 as CategoricalAxisPlotInfo;
                if (categoricalAnglePlot2 != null)
                    angle2 = categoricalAnglePlot2.ConvertToAngle(this.GetChartArea <PolarChartAreaModel>());

            RadPoint arcPoint2 = RadMath.GetArcPoint(angle2, center, this.radius);

            this.polarVector2 = new RadPolarVector()
                Point = arcPoint2, Angle = angle2, Center = center

Esempio n. 17
        internal static RadPoint GetArcPoint(double angle, RadPoint center, double radius)
            double angleInRad = angle * RadMath.DegToRadFactor;

            double x = center.X + (Math.Cos(angleInRad) * radius);
            double y = center.Y - (Math.Sin(angleInRad) * radius);

            return(new RadPoint(x, y));
Esempio n. 18
        internal void UpdateEditRow(ItemInfo info, RadPoint startPosition, bool hasFrozenColumns)
            this.renderInfo.Update(0, startPosition.Y);

            if (!this.initialized)
                this.initialized = true;

                var editRow = this.GetDecorator(new RowGenerationContext(info, false));

                editRow.ItemInfo = new ItemInfo {
                    Item = info.Item, Slot = 1
                editRow.ReadOnlyRowInfo = info;

                this.EditRow = editRow;

                var frozenEditRow = this.GetFrozenDecorator(new RowGenerationContext(info, true));

                frozenEditRow.ItemInfo = new ItemInfo {
                    Item = info.Item, Slot = 1
                frozenEditRow.ReadOnlyRowInfo = info;

                this.FrozenEditRow = frozenEditRow;

            var size   = this.table.Measure(this.EditRow);
            var height = this.table.GenerateCellsForRow(1, size.Height, this.EditRow);

            // var frozenHeight = this.table.GenerateCellsForRow(1, frozenSize.Height, this.FrozenEditRow);
            // var updatedHeight = Math.Max(height, frozenHeight);
            var updatedHeight = height;

            this.renderInfo.Update(1, updatedHeight);

            this.EditRow.DesiredSize = new RadSize(size.Width, updatedHeight);
            this.EditRow.layoutSlot  = new RadRect(startPosition.X, startPosition.Y, this.EditRow.DesiredSize.Width, this.EditRow.DesiredSize.Height);

            var frozenSize = this.table.Measure(this.FrozenEditRow);

            this.FrozenEditRow.DesiredSize = new RadSize(size.Width, updatedHeight);
            this.FrozenEditRow.layoutSlot  = new RadRect(startPosition.X, startPosition.Y, this.FrozenEditRow.DesiredSize.Width, this.FrozenEditRow.DesiredSize.Height);

            if (!hasFrozenColumns)

            this.displayedElement = new KeyValuePair <int, List <GridRowModel> >(1, new List <GridRowModel> {
                this.EditRow, this.FrozenEditRow
        protected override RadRect ArrangeCore(RadRect rect)
            double   radius = rect.Width / 2;
            RadPoint center = rect.Center;
            NumericalAxisPlotInfo polarPlot = this.plotInfo as NumericalAxisPlotInfo;
            double pointRadius = polarPlot.NormalizedValue * radius;

            this.polarLine = new RadCircle(center, pointRadius);

Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the specified data point coordinates to physical coordinates (in pixels) using the specified chart axes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The data point coordinates according to the specified chart axes.</param>
        /// <param name="horizontalAxis">The horizontal axis.</param>
        /// <param name="verticalAxis">The vertical axis.</param>
        public Point ConvertDataToPoint(Tuple <object, object> data, Axis horizontalAxis, Axis verticalAxis)
            if (data == null || horizontalAxis == null || verticalAxis == null)
                return(new Point(double.NaN, double.NaN));

            RadPoint coordinates = (this.chartArea as CartesianChartAreaModel).ConvertDataToPoint(data, horizontalAxis.model, verticalAxis.model);

Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the specified data point coordinates to physical coordinates (in pixels) using the primary chart axes (if any).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The data point coordinates according to the primary chart axes (if any).</param>
        public Point ConvertDataToPoint(Tuple <object, object> data)
            if (data == null)
                return(new Point(double.NaN, double.NaN));

            RadPoint coordinates = (this.chartArea as CartesianChartAreaModel).ConvertDataToPoint(data);

Esempio n. 22
        internal RadSize OnArrange(RadSize finalSize)
            if (!this.isHorizontal)
                // The CellsController will handle rows and cells arrange
                //  this.ArrangeFrozenDecorators();

            bool initialized           = false;
            var  topLeft               = new RadPoint(0, 0);
            int  elementSequenceNumber = 0;

            foreach (var pair in this.GetDisplayedElements())
                var     decorators  = pair.Value;
                RadRect arrangeRect = new RadRect();
                double  length      = this.GetElementArrangeLength(pair.Key);

                foreach (var decorator in decorators)
                    if (!initialized || elementSequenceNumber != decorator.ItemInfo.Slot)
                        initialized           = true;
                        topLeft.X             = decorator.ItemInfo.Slot != 0 ? this.RenderInfo.OffsetFromIndex(decorator.ItemInfo.Slot - 1) : 0;
                        elementSequenceNumber = decorator.ItemInfo.Slot;

                    int level  = decorator.ItemInfo.LayoutInfo.Level;
                    int indent = 0;

                    double indentOffset = indent * 20;

                    double offset = 0;
                    int    temp   = level;
                    while (temp > 0)
                        offset += this.columnWidth[--temp];

                    // the code is executed for Horizontal pool
                    arrangeRect = new RadRect(topLeft.X, topLeft.Y + offset + indentOffset, length, this.columnWidth[level] - indentOffset);

                    decorator.layoutSlot = arrangeRect;

                topLeft.X += arrangeRect.Width;

Esempio n. 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the specified physical coordinates in pixels to data using the specified chart axes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="coordinates">The physical coordinates.</param>
        /// <param name="horizontalAxis">The horizontal axis.</param>
        /// <param name="verticalAxis">The vertical axis.</param>
        public Tuple <object, object> ConvertPointToData(Point coordinates, Axis horizontalAxis, Axis verticalAxis)
            if (horizontalAxis == null || verticalAxis == null || this.chartArea == null)
                return(new Tuple <object, object>(null, null));

            RadPoint point     = new RadPoint(coordinates.X, coordinates.Y);
            var      chartArea = this.chartArea as CartesianChartAreaModel;

            return(chartArea.ConvertPointToData(point, horizontalAxis.model, verticalAxis.model));
Esempio n. 24
        protected override RadRect ArrangeCore(RadRect rect)
            IChartView view = this.GetChartArea().view;
            RadRect    plotAreaVirtualSize = new RadRect(rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width * view.ZoomWidth, rect.Height * view.ZoomHeight);

            double panOffsetX = view.PlotOriginX * rect.Width;
            double panOffsetY = view.PlotOriginY * rect.Height;

            RadPoint centerPoint = new RadPoint(panOffsetX + this.firstPlotInfo.CenterX(plotAreaVirtualSize), panOffsetY + this.secondPlotInfo.CenterY(plotAreaVirtualSize));
            RadSize  desiredSize = this.Measure();

            return(new RadRect(centerPoint.X, centerPoint.Y, desiredSize.Width, desiredSize.Height));
Esempio n. 25
        public static Geometry RenderArc(DoughnutSegmentData context)
            PathFigure figure = new PathFigure();

            figure.IsClosed = true;
            figure.IsFilled = true;

            RadPoint startPoint = RadMath.GetArcPoint(context.StartAngle, context.Center, context.Radius1);

            figure.StartPoint = startPoint.ToPoint();

            ArcSegment firstArc = new ArcSegment();

            firstArc.Size       = new Size(context.Radius1, context.Radius1);
            firstArc.IsLargeArc = context.SweepAngle > 180 || context.SweepAngle < -180;

            var angle = context.StartAngle;

            if (context.SweepDirection == SweepDirection.Clockwise)
                angle += context.SweepAngle;
                angle -= context.SweepAngle;

            firstArc.SweepDirection = context.SweepAngle > 0 ? context.SweepDirection : context.SweepDirection ^ SweepDirection.Clockwise;

            firstArc.Point = RadMath.GetArcPoint(angle, context.Center, context.Radius1).ToPoint();

            LineSegment firstLine = new LineSegment();

            firstLine.Point = RadMath.GetArcPoint(angle, context.Center, context.Radius2).ToPoint();

            ArcSegment secondArc = new ArcSegment();

            secondArc.Size           = new Size(context.Radius2, context.Radius2);
            secondArc.IsLargeArc     = context.SweepAngle > 180 || context.SweepAngle < -180;
            secondArc.SweepDirection = context.SweepAngle > 0 ? context.SweepDirection ^ SweepDirection.Clockwise : context.SweepDirection;
            secondArc.Point          = RadMath.GetArcPoint(context.StartAngle, context.Center, context.Radius2).ToPoint();

            PathGeometry geometry = new PathGeometry();


Esempio n. 26
        private static PathGeometry RenderArc(RadialSegment segment)
            var layoutSlot = segment.LayoutSlot;

            var centerPoint = new RadPoint(layoutSlot.OuterRadius, layoutSlot.OuterRadius);

            PathFigure figure = new PathFigure();

            figure.IsClosed = true;
            figure.IsFilled = true;

            // Change the geometry if selected
            double outerRadius = layoutSlot.OuterRadius;

            RadPoint startPoint = GetArcPoint(layoutSlot.StartAngle, centerPoint, outerRadius);

            figure.StartPoint = new Point(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y);

            ArcSegment firstArc = new ArcSegment();

            firstArc.Size           = new Size(outerRadius, outerRadius);
            firstArc.IsLargeArc     = layoutSlot.SweepAngle > 180;
            firstArc.SweepDirection = SweepDirection.Counterclockwise;
            var firstArcPoint = GetArcPoint(layoutSlot.StartAngle + layoutSlot.SweepAngle, centerPoint, outerRadius);

            firstArc.Point = new Point(firstArcPoint.X, firstArcPoint.Y);

            LineSegment firstLine      = new LineSegment();
            var         firstLinePoint = GetArcPoint(layoutSlot.StartAngle + layoutSlot.SweepAngle, centerPoint, layoutSlot.InnerRadius);

            firstLine.Point = new Point(firstLinePoint.X, firstLinePoint.Y);

            ArcSegment secondArc = new ArcSegment();

            secondArc.Size           = new Size(layoutSlot.InnerRadius, layoutSlot.InnerRadius);
            secondArc.IsLargeArc     = layoutSlot.SweepAngle > 180;
            secondArc.SweepDirection = SweepDirection.Clockwise;
            var secondArcPoint = GetArcPoint(layoutSlot.StartAngle, centerPoint, layoutSlot.InnerRadius);

            secondArc.Point = new Point(secondArcPoint.X, secondArcPoint.Y);

            PathGeometry geometry = new PathGeometry();


        private PathGeometry RenderArrow()
            if (this.LayoutSlot == null)

            this.LayoutSlot.StartAngle  = this.Segment.LayoutSlot.StartAngle;
            this.LayoutSlot.SweepAngle  = this.Segment.LayoutSlot.SweepAngle;
            this.LayoutSlot.InnerRadius = this.Segment.LayoutSlot.OuterRadius;

            var centerPoint = new RadPoint(this.layoutSlot.InnerRadius, this.layoutSlot.InnerRadius);

            PathFigure figure = new PathFigure();

            figure.IsClosed = true;
            figure.IsFilled = true;

            double arrowSize   = this.layoutSlot.SweepAngle * (this.arrowThicknessFactorCache / 3.0);
            double outerRadius = this.layoutSlot.InnerRadius + 1;
            double startAngle  = this.layoutSlot.StartAngle + (this.layoutSlot.SweepAngle / 2) - arrowSize;
            double endAngle    = (this.layoutSlot.StartAngle + this.layoutSlot.SweepAngle) - (this.layoutSlot.SweepAngle / 2) + arrowSize;

            RadPoint startPoint = GetArcPoint(startAngle, centerPoint, outerRadius);

            figure.StartPoint = new Point(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y);

            ArcSegment firstArc = new ArcSegment();

            firstArc.Size           = new Size(outerRadius, outerRadius);
            firstArc.IsLargeArc     = this.layoutSlot.SweepAngle > 180;
            firstArc.SweepDirection = SweepDirection.Counterclockwise;
            var firstArcPoint = GetArcPoint(endAngle, centerPoint, outerRadius);

            firstArc.Point = new Point(firstArcPoint.X, firstArcPoint.Y);

            LineSegment firstLine      = new LineSegment();
            var         firstLinePoint = GetArcPoint((startAngle + endAngle) / 2, centerPoint, this.layoutSlot.InnerRadius - arrowSize * 2);

            firstLine.Point = new Point(firstLinePoint.X, firstLinePoint.Y);

            PathGeometry geometry = new PathGeometry();


Esempio n. 28
        private void ArrangeArrowGlyph()
            this.arrowGlyph.Measure(new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity));

            var centerPoint = new RadPoint(this.Model.LayoutSlot.OuterRadius - 1, this.Model.LayoutSlot.OuterRadius - 1);

            var middleRadius = (this.Model.LayoutSlot.OuterRadius - this.Model.LayoutSlot.InnerRadius) / 2 + this.Model.LayoutSlot.InnerRadius + this.arrowGlyph.ActualHeight / 2;

            var atangAngle      = Math.Atan(this.arrowGlyph.ActualWidth / middleRadius) * 180 / Math.PI;
            var itemCenterAngle = (this.Model.LayoutSlot.SweepAngle / 2 + this.model.LayoutSlot.StartAngle) + atangAngle / 2;

            RadPoint startPoint = GetArcPoint(itemCenterAngle, centerPoint, middleRadius);

            this.arrowGlyph.Margin = new Thickness(startPoint.X, startPoint.Y, 0, 0);
Esempio n. 29
        private static void UpdateDataPointsInSelectionRectangle(RadCartesianChart chart)
            Point fromPosition = GetFromPosition(chart);
            Point toPosition   = GetToPosition(chart);
            Rect  rect         = new Rect(fromPosition, toPosition);

            foreach (CategoricalSeries series in chart.Series)
                foreach (CategoricalDataPoint dp in series.DataPoints)
                    RadPoint point = dp.LayoutSlot.Center;
                    dp.IsSelected = rect.Contains(new Point(point.X, point.Y));
Esempio n. 30
        internal override void UpdateAxisLine(ChartLayoutContext context)
            PolarChartAreaModel chartArea = this.chart.chartArea as PolarChartAreaModel;
            double   angle  = chartArea.NormalizeAngle(0);
            RadPoint center = chartArea.plotArea.layoutSlot.Center;
            RadPoint point  = RadMath.GetArcPoint(angle, center, chartArea.plotArea.layoutSlot.Width / 2);

            double antiAliasOffset = this.model.LineThickness % 2 == 1 ? 0.5 : 0;

            this.line.X1 = center.X;
            this.line.Y1 = center.Y - antiAliasOffset;
            this.line.X2 = point.X;
            this.line.Y2 = point.Y - antiAliasOffset;
